Leaked source code of windows server 2003
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// Audio server
EXTERN_C LONG AudioSrvBinding(void); EXTERN_C void AudioSrvBindingFree(void); EXTERN_C BOOL winmmWaitForService(void); EXTERN_C LONG winmmRegisterSessionNotificationEvent(HANDLE hEvent, PHANDLE phNotify); EXTERN_C LONG winmmUnregisterSessionNotification(HANDLE hNotify); EXTERN_C LONG winmmSessionConnectState(PINT ConnectState); EXTERN_C LONG wdmDriverOpenDrvRegKey(IN PCTSTR DeviceInterface, IN REGSAM samDesired, OUT HKEY *phkey); EXTERN_C void winmmAdvisePreferredDeviceChange(void); EXTERN_C LONG winmmGetPnpInfo(OUT LONG *pcbPnpInfo, OUT PMMPNPINFO *ppPnpInfo);