Copyright (c) 1985-1998 Microsoft Corporation
Title: mmwnd.c - contains the window procedure for the WINMM 'global' window
the global window is used by sndPlaySound and MCI for reciving notification messages.
Version: 1.00
Date: 04-Sep-1990
Author: ToddLa
Changes: SteveDav Jan 92 Ported to NT
#include "winmmi.h"
#include "mci.h"
// WINMMI.H includes WINDOWS.H which will eventually include WINMM.H
//#ifdef DBG
// #include "netname.h"
//#endif // DBG
#define CLASS_NAME MAKEINTATOM(43) // 42 clashes with 16-bit mmsystem
DWORD mciWindowThreadId;
typedef struct SentMsg { LRESULT Result; MMMESSAGE msg; WPARAM wParam; LPARAM lParam; UINT SendingThread; } SENTMSG, * PSENTMSG;
** Client notification stuff */
HWND hwndNotify = NULL;
** Server notification stuff */
STATICDT BOOL classcreated = FALSE;
if (classcreated) { return(TRUE); }
ZeroMemory(&cls, sizeof(WNDCLASS));
cls.hCursor = NULL; cls.hIcon = LoadIcon(ghInst, MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDI_MCIHWND)); cls.lpszMenuName = NULL; cls.lpszClassName = CLASS_NAME; cls.hbrBackground = (HBRUSH)(COLOR_WINDOW + 1); cls.hInstance = ghInst; cls.style = CS_GLOBALCLASS; cls.lpfnWndProc = mmWndProc; cls.cbWndExtra = 0; cls.cbClsExtra = 0;
classcreated = RegisterClass(&cls); return classcreated; }
STATICDT CHAR mciWndName[] = "MCI command handling window";
BOOL mciGlobalInit( void) { return TRUE; }
#if _MSC_FULL_VER >= 13008827
#pragma warning(push)
#pragma warning(disable:4715) // Not all control paths return (due to infinite loop)
STATICFN DWORD mciwnd2(LPVOID lpParams) { UINT msg; LPCWSTR lszSound; DWORD wFlags; DWORD n; WCHAR soundname[MAX_PATH];
while (TRUE) {
LockMCIGlobal; if (!base->msg) {
#ifdef LATER
This still needs to be tidied up. The intention is to have a list of sounds that should be played. This will also make it easier to STOP all sound playing by clearing out the list. #endif
// We have no work to do; reset the event and wait for
// more work to be posted. By setting the event within
// the lock we are safe from timing windows.
ResetMCIEvent(hEvent); UnlockMCIGlobal; dprintf2(("MCIWND2 thread waiting for next event...")); n = WaitForSingleObject(hEvent, WAIT_FOREVER);
#if DBG
if ((DWORD)-1 == n) { n = GetLastError(); dprintf2(("Error %d waiting on event in worker thread", n)); } #endif
LockMCIGlobal; }
msg = base->msg; wFlags = base->dwFlags; lszSound = base->lszSound;
base->msg=0; if (wFlags & SND_FILENAME) { // Have to copy the file name
wcscpy(soundname, base->szSound); lszSound = soundname; dprintf3(("Copying the soundfile name to a local variable: %ls", lszSound)); } else { dprintf3(("Playing a system sound")); }
PlaySoundW(lszSound, NULL, (wFlags & ~SND_ASYNC)); // Play sync
#if DBG
dprintf(("MCIWND2 thread ending...!!")); #endif
return(0); }
#if _MSC_FULL_VER >= 13008827
#pragma warning(pop)
* * @doc INTERNAL WINMM * * @api void | WndTerminate | called when WINMM is terminating * ***************************************************************************/
STATICFN void NEAR PASCAL WndTerminate( void) { dprintf1(("hwndNotify terminating")); if (hwndNotify) { dprintf1(("sending Close\n")); SendMessage(hwndNotify, WM_CLOSE, 0, 0L); UnregisterClass(CLASS_NAME, ghInst); } }
* * @doc INTERNAL WINMM * * @api LRESULT | mmWndProc | The Window procedure for the WINMM window * * @comm mmWndProc calls DefWindowProc for all messages except: * * MM_MCINOTIFY: calls MciNotify() in MCI.C * MM_WOM_DONE: calls WaveOutNotify() in PLAYWAV.C * * @xref sndPlaySound * ***************************************************************************/
#if DBG
dprintf4(("MMWNDPROC: Msg %5x Hwnd=%8x\r\n wParam=%8x lParam=%8x", msg, hwnd, wParam, lParam)); #endif
switch (msg) { case WM_CREATE: hwndNotify = hwnd; break;
case MM_MCINOTIFY: MciNotify((DWORD)wParam, (LONG)lParam); break;
#define NODELAY
#ifdef NODELAY
The sound started with sndPlaySound has completed so we should call the cleanup routine. On NT we do NOT delay as the wave really has finished playing. */
dprintf2(("Received MM_WOM_DONE, calling WaveOutNotify")); WaveOutNotify(0,0);
break; #else
SOUND_DELAY is the number of ms to delay before closing the wave device after the buffer is done. */
#define SOUND_DELAY 300
case WM_TIMER: KillTimer(hwnd, (UINT)wParam); WaveOutNotify(0,0); break;
The sound started with sndPlaySound has completed so we should call the cleanup routine. We delay this call for several hundred milliseconds because some sound drivers have a nasty characteristic - they will notify before the final DMA transfer is complete because the app. supplied buffer is no longer required. This means that they may have to spin inside a close request until the dma transfer completes. This hangs the system for hundreds of milliseconds.
dprintf2(("Received MM_WOM_DONE, setting timer delay"));
SetTimer(hwndNotify, 1, SOUND_DELAY, NULL); break; #endif
case MM_SND_ABORT: /* Do not need to do anything */ break;
case MM_SND_PLAY: { // There is a critical section problem as we have one global, and
// sounds being played on separate threads.
MSG abortmsg; if (SND_ALIAS_ID == (wParam & SND_ALIAS_ID)) { return((LRESULT)PlaySound((LPCSTR)lParam, NULL, (DWORD)wParam & ~SND_ASYNC)); } if (!PeekMessage(&abortmsg, hwnd, MM_SND_ABORT, MM_SND_ABORT, PM_NOREMOVE)) { // There is no pending synchronous sound
return (LRESULT)(LONG)sndMessage((LPWSTR)lParam, (UINT)wParam); } // We must free the sound definition. Note that this does not close
// the critical section as we may be past this check point when the
// synchronous sound causes the abort message to be posted. But it
// will prevent spurious code being run. It is perfectly valid for
// an asynchronous sound to be after the abort message, which is
// why the message is not removed at this point.
dprintf3(("Aborting sound...")); if (!(wParam & SND_MEMORY)) { LocalFree((HANDLE)lParam); } break; }
case MM_SND_SEND: ((PSENTMSG)wParam)->Result = mmWndProc(NULL, ((PSENTMSG)wParam)->msg, ((PSENTMSG)wParam)->wParam, ((PSENTMSG)wParam)->lParam); PostThreadMessage(((PSENTMSG)wParam)->SendingThread, MCIWAITMSG, 0, 0); break;
case MM_POLYMSGBUFRDONE: --(((PMIDIEMU)wParam)->cPostedBuffers); midiOutNukePMBuffer((PMIDIEMU)wParam, (LPMIDIHDR)lParam); return (0L);
return (LRESULT)mciRelaySystemString ((LPMCI_SYSTEM_MESSAGE)lParam);
default: return DefWindowProc(hwnd, msg, wParam,lParam); }
return (LRESULT)0L; }
void mciwindow(HANDLE hEvent);
** Initialize all the bits for creating sound. For non-server apps this ** means initializing our hwnd. For the server we set up a thread et */ BOOL InitAsyncSound(VOID) { if (!WinmmRunningInServer) { return CreatehwndNotify(); } else {
if (base == NULL) { HANDLE hThread; PGLOBALMCI pBase;
** We need a thread, an event (we already have the crit sec) and ** some memory */
pBase = mciAlloc(sizeof(GLOBALMCI));
if (pBase == NULL) { UnlockMCIGlobal; return FALSE; }
hEvent = CreateEvent(NULL, TRUE, FALSE, NULL); if (hEvent == NULL) { mciFree((PVOID)pBase); UnlockMCIGlobal; return FALSE; }
** We have to create a thread by a special method inside the ** server and register it with CSR */
if (!CreateServerPlayingThread((PVOID)mciwnd2)) { mciFree((PVOID)pBase); CloseHandle(hEvent); hEvent = NULL; UnlockMCIGlobal; return FALSE; }
base = pBase;
return base != NULL; } }
BOOL CreatehwndNotify(VOID) { HANDLE hWindowThread; BOOL ReturnCode; HANDLE hEventForCreate;
if (hwndNotify != NULL) { mciLeave("CreatehwndNotify"); return TRUE; }
if (!CreateMMClass()) { dprintf1(("Failed to create the MCI global window class, rc=%d", GetLastError())); mciLeave("CreatehwndNotify"); return FALSE; } else { dprintf4(("Created global window class")); }
// We create our new thread then suspend ourselves until the new
// thread has called CreateWindow. We are then triggered to run
// and passed the results of the CreateWindow call. NOTE: Any
// messages that arrive for this thread that are not destined for
// a specific window will be DISCARDED until the one message we
// are waiting for arrives. We could create an event and wait
// for that event to be triggered. This was slightly quicker to
// code and involves less creation/destruction of resources.
hEventForCreate = CreateEvent(NULL, FALSE, FALSE, NULL);
if (hEventForCreate != NULL) { hWindowThread = CreateThread(NULL, // attributes
0, // same stack size as thread 1
(LPTHREAD_START_ROUTINE)mciwindow, (LPVOID) hEventForCreate, 0, // Thread runs immediately
&mciWindowThreadId ); CloseHandle(hWindowThread);
if (!hWindowThread) { dprintf1(("Failed to create window thread. Error: %XH", GetLastError()));
} else { dprintf3(("Window thread is %x", mciWindowThreadId));
WaitForSingleObject(hEventForCreate, INFINITE);
dprintf3(("hwndNotify now %x", hwndNotify)); } CloseHandle(hEventForCreate); } ReturnCode = hwndNotify != NULL; mciLeave("CreatehwndNotify");
return ReturnCode; }
void mciwindow( HANDLE hEvent)
{ BOOL fResult = TRUE;
// Higher priority so we hear the sound at once!
// This seems to work better than calling SetThreadPriority
// on the handle just after creation (?).
SetThreadPriority(GetCurrentThread(), THREAD_PRIORITY_HIGHEST);
if (!(hwndNotify = CreateWindowEx(0, CLASS_NAME, mciWndName, WS_OVERLAPPED, 0, 0, 0, 0, NULL, NULL, ghInst, NULL))) { dprintf1(("Failed to create the MCI global window, rc=%d", GetLastError())); UnregisterClass(CLASS_NAME, ghInst); fResult = FALSE; }
// Let our creator thread know we are up and running
if (fResult) { MSG msg; HWND hwndTemp;
while (GetMessage(&msg, NULL, 0, 0)) {
* If the message is for a window dispatch it */ dprintf3(("mciwindow - Msg %5x hwnd %8x (%8x %8x)", msg.message, msg.hwnd, msg.wParam, msg.lParam)); if (msg.hwnd != NULL) { DispatchMessage(&msg); } }
hwndTemp = hwndNotify; hwndNotify = NULL; // Clear the global before destroying the window
DestroyWindow(hwndTemp); }
ExitThread(0); }
#if 0 //LATER - not currently used
// Routine to SEND (synchronous) a message to another thread. Currently
// the standard API allows you to send a message to a window, or post to
// a thread. There are circumstances when it would be helpful to send
// to a thread.
STATICFN LRESULT SendThreadMessage( UINT tid, MMMESSAGE msg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) {
SENTMSG smsg; smsg.msg = msg; smsg.wParam = wParam; smsg.lParam = lParam; smsg.SendingThread = GetCurrentThreadId(); PostThreadMessage(tid, MM_SND_SEND, (WPARAM)&smsg, 0); WaitForWaitMsg(); return(smsg.Result); } #endif
* WaitForWaitMsg: * * * * This routine waits until a specific message is returned to this * * thread. While waiting NO posted messages are processed, but sent * * messages will be handled within GetMessage. The routine is used * * to synchronise two threads of execution, and to implement a * * synchronous PostMessage operation between threads. * * * \*********************************************************************/
STATICFN BOOL WaitForWaitMsg() { for (;;) { MSG msg; /*
* Retrieve our particular message */ GetMessage(&msg, NULL, MCIWAITMSG, MCIWAITMSG);
* If the message is for a window dispatch it */ WinAssert(msg.hwnd == NULL); #if 0
if (msg.hwnd != NULL) { // This should not be executed.
DispatchMessage(&msg); // MCIWAITMSG is not sent to a window
} else #endif
* MCIWAITMSG is the signal message */ if (msg.message == MCIWAITMSG) { break; } } return(TRUE); }