** Copyright 1994, Silicon Graphics, Inc. ** All Rights Reserved. ** ** This is UNPUBLISHED PROPRIETARY SOURCE CODE of Silicon Graphics, Inc.; ** the contents of this file may not be disclosed to third parties, copied or ** duplicated in any form, in whole or in part, without the prior written ** permission of Silicon Graphics, Inc. ** ** RESTRICTED RIGHTS LEGEND: ** Use, duplication or disclosure by the Government is subject to restrictions ** as set forth in subdivision (c)(1)(ii) of the Rights in Technical Data ** and Computer Software clause at DFARS 252.227-7013, and/or in similar or ** successor clauses in the FAR, DOD or NASA FAR Supplement. Unpublished - ** rights reserved under the Copyright Laws of the United States. ** ** Author: Eric Veach, July 1994. */
#include <assert.h>
#include "memalloc.h"
#include "tess.h"
#include "mesh.h"
#include "normal.h"
#include "sweep.h"
#include "tessmono.h"
#include "render.h"
#ifndef NT
#define GLU_TESS_MESH 100112 /* void (*)(GLUmesh *mesh) */
#define TRUE 1
#define FALSE 0
/*ARGSUSED*/ static void noBegin( GLenum type ) {} /*ARGSUSED*/ static void noEdgeFlag( GLboolean boundaryEdge ) {} /*ARGSUSED*/ static void noVertex( void *data ) {} /*ARGSUSED*/ static void noEnd( void ) {} /*ARGSUSED*/ static void noError( GLenum errno ) {} /*ARGSUSED*/ static void noCombine( GLdouble coords[3], void *data[4], GLfloat weight[4], void **dataOut ) {} /*ARGSUSED*/ static void noMesh( GLUmesh *mesh ) {}
/*ARGSUSED*/ void __gl_noBeginData( GLenum type, void *polygonData ) {} /*ARGSUSED*/ void __gl_noEdgeFlagData( GLboolean boundaryEdge, void *polygonData ) {} /*ARGSUSED*/ void __gl_noVertexData( void *data, void *polygonData ) {} /*ARGSUSED*/ void __gl_noEndData( void *polygonData ) {} /*ARGSUSED*/ void __gl_noErrorData( GLenum errno, void *polygonData ) {} /*ARGSUSED*/ void __gl_noCombineData( GLdouble coords[3], void *data[4], GLfloat weight[4], void **outData, void *polygonData ) {}
/* Half-edges are allocated in pairs (see mesh.c) */ typedef struct { GLUhalfEdge e, eSym; } EdgePair;
#define MAX(a,b) ((a) > (b) ? (a) : (b))
#define MAX_FAST_ALLOC (MAX(sizeof(EdgePair), \
#ifdef NT
GLUtesselator* APIENTRY gluNewTess( void ) #else
GLUtesselator *gluNewTess( void ) #endif
{ GLUtesselator *tess;
/* Only initialize fields which can be changed by the api. Other fields
* are initialized where they are used. */
if (memInit( MAX_FAST_ALLOC ) == 0) { return 0; /* out of memory */ } tess = (GLUtesselator *)memAlloc( sizeof( GLUtesselator )); if (tess == NULL) { return 0; /* out of memory */ }
tess->state = T_DORMANT;
tess->normal[0] = 0; tess->normal[1] = 0; tess->normal[2] = 0;
tess->relTolerance = GLU_TESS_DEFAULT_TOLERANCE; tess->windingRule = GLU_TESS_WINDING_ODD; tess->flagBoundary = FALSE; tess->boundaryOnly = FALSE;
tess->callBegin = &noBegin; tess->callEdgeFlag = &noEdgeFlag; tess->callVertex = &noVertex; tess->callEnd = &noEnd;
tess->callError = &noError; tess->callCombine = &noCombine; tess->callMesh = &noMesh;
tess->callBeginData= &__gl_noBeginData; tess->callEdgeFlagData= &__gl_noEdgeFlagData; tess->callVertexData= &__gl_noVertexData; tess->callEndData= &__gl_noEndData; tess->callErrorData= &__gl_noErrorData; tess->callCombineData= &__gl_noCombineData;
tess->polygonData= NULL;
return tess; }
static void MakeDormant( GLUtesselator *tess ) { /* Return the tesselator to its original dormant state. */
if( tess->mesh != NULL ) { __gl_meshDeleteMesh( tess->mesh ); } tess->state = T_DORMANT; tess->lastEdge = NULL; tess->mesh = NULL; }
#define RequireState( tess, s ) if( tess->state != s ) GotoState(tess,s)
static void GotoState( GLUtesselator *tess, enum TessState newState ) { #ifdef NT
while( tess->state != (GLenum) newState ) { #else
while( tess->state != newState ) { #endif
/* We change the current state one level at a time, to get to
* the desired state. */ #ifdef NT
if( tess->state < (GLenum) newState ) { #else
if( tess->state < newState ) { #endif
switch( tess->state ) { case T_DORMANT: CALL_ERROR_OR_ERROR_DATA( GLU_TESS_MISSING_BEGIN_POLYGON ); gluTessBeginPolygon( tess, NULL ); break; case T_IN_POLYGON: CALL_ERROR_OR_ERROR_DATA( GLU_TESS_MISSING_BEGIN_CONTOUR ); gluTessBeginContour( tess ); break; } } else { switch( tess->state ) { case T_IN_CONTOUR: CALL_ERROR_OR_ERROR_DATA( GLU_TESS_MISSING_END_CONTOUR ); gluTessEndContour( tess ); break; case T_IN_POLYGON: CALL_ERROR_OR_ERROR_DATA( GLU_TESS_MISSING_END_POLYGON ); /* gluTessEndPolygon( tess ) is too much work! */ MakeDormant( tess ); break; } } } }
#ifdef NT
void APIENTRY gluDeleteTess( GLUtesselator *tess ) #else
void gluDeleteTess( GLUtesselator *tess ) #endif
{ RequireState( tess, T_DORMANT ); memFree( tess ); }
#ifdef NT
void APIENTRY gluTessProperty( GLUtesselator *tess, GLenum which, GLdouble value ) #else
void gluTessProperty( GLUtesselator *tess, GLenum which, GLdouble value ) #endif
{ GLenum windingRule;
switch( which ) { case GLU_TESS_TOLERANCE: if( value < 0.0 || value > 1.0 ) break; tess->relTolerance = value; return;
case GLU_TESS_WINDING_RULE: windingRule = (GLenum) value; if( windingRule != value ) break; /* not an integer */
switch( windingRule ) { case GLU_TESS_WINDING_ODD: case GLU_TESS_WINDING_NONZERO: case GLU_TESS_WINDING_POSITIVE: case GLU_TESS_WINDING_NEGATIVE: case GLU_TESS_WINDING_ABS_GEQ_TWO: tess->windingRule = windingRule; return; default: break; }
case GLU_TESS_BOUNDARY_ONLY: tess->boundaryOnly = (value != 0); return;
/* Returns tesselator property */ #ifdef NT
void APIENTRY gluGetTessProperty( GLUtesselator *tess, GLenum which, GLdouble *value ) #else
void gluGetTessProperty( GLUtesselator *tess, GLenum which, GLdouble *value ) #endif
{ switch (which) { case GLU_TESS_TOLERANCE: /* tolerance should be in range [0..1] */ assert(0.0 <= tess->relTolerance && tess->relTolerance <= 1.0); *value= tess->relTolerance; break; case GLU_TESS_WINDING_RULE: assert(tess->windingRule == GLU_TESS_WINDING_ODD || tess->windingRule == GLU_TESS_WINDING_NONZERO || tess->windingRule == GLU_TESS_WINDING_POSITIVE || tess->windingRule == GLU_TESS_WINDING_NEGATIVE || tess->windingRule == GLU_TESS_WINDING_ABS_GEQ_TWO); *value= tess->windingRule; break; case GLU_TESS_BOUNDARY_ONLY: assert(tess->boundaryOnly == TRUE || tess->boundaryOnly == FALSE); *value= tess->boundaryOnly; break; default: *value= 0.0; CALL_ERROR_OR_ERROR_DATA( GLU_INVALID_ENUM ); break; } } /* gluGetTessProperty() */
#ifdef NT
void APIENTRY gluTessNormal( GLUtesselator *tess, GLdouble x, GLdouble y, GLdouble z ) #else
void gluTessNormal( GLUtesselator *tess, GLdouble x, GLdouble y, GLdouble z ) #endif
{ tess->normal[0] = x; tess->normal[1] = y; tess->normal[2] = z; }
#ifdef NT
void APIENTRY gluTessCallback( GLUtesselator *tess, GLenum which, void (*fn)()) #else
void gluTessCallback( GLUtesselator *tess, GLenum which, void (*fn)()) #endif
{ switch( which ) { case GLU_TESS_BEGIN: tess->callBegin = (fn == NULL) ? &noBegin : (void (*)(GLenum)) fn; return; case GLU_TESS_BEGIN_DATA: tess->callBeginData = (fn == NULL) ? &__gl_noBeginData : (void (*)(GLenum, void *)) fn; return; case GLU_TESS_EDGE_FLAG: tess->callEdgeFlag = (fn == NULL) ? &noEdgeFlag : (void (*)(GLboolean)) fn; /* If the client wants boundary edges to be flagged,
* we render everything as separate triangles (no strips or fans). */ tess->flagBoundary = (fn != NULL); return; case GLU_TESS_EDGE_FLAG_DATA: tess->callEdgeFlagData= (fn == NULL) ? &__gl_noEdgeFlagData : (void (*)(GLboolean, void *)) fn; /* If the client wants boundary edges to be flagged,
* we render everything as separate triangles (no strips or fans). */ tess->flagBoundary = (fn != NULL); return; case GLU_TESS_VERTEX: tess->callVertex = (fn == NULL) ? &noVertex : (void (*)(void *)) fn; return; case GLU_TESS_VERTEX_DATA: tess->callVertexData = (fn == NULL) ? &__gl_noVertexData : (void (*)(void *, void *)) fn; return; case GLU_TESS_END: tess->callEnd = (fn == NULL) ? &noEnd : (void (*)(void)) fn; return; case GLU_TESS_END_DATA: tess->callEndData = (fn == NULL) ? &__gl_noEndData : (void (*)(void *)) fn; return; case GLU_TESS_ERROR: tess->callError = (fn == NULL) ? &noError : (void (*)(GLenum)) fn; return; case GLU_TESS_ERROR_DATA: tess->callErrorData = (fn == NULL) ? &__gl_noErrorData : (void (*)(GLenum, void *)) fn; return; case GLU_TESS_COMBINE: tess->callCombine = (fn == NULL) ? &noCombine : (void (*)(GLdouble [3],void *[4], GLfloat [4], void ** )) fn; return; case GLU_TESS_COMBINE_DATA: tess->callCombineData = (fn == NULL) ? &__gl_noCombineData : (void (*)(GLdouble [3], void *[4], GLfloat [4], void **, void *)) fn; return; #ifndef NT
case GLU_TESS_MESH: tess->callMesh = (fn == NULL) ? &noMesh : (void (*)(GLUmesh *)) fn; return; #endif
static void AddVertex( GLUtesselator *tess, GLdouble coords[3], void *data ) { GLUhalfEdge *e;
e = tess->lastEdge; if( e == NULL ) { /* Make a self-loop (one vertex, one edge). */
e = __gl_meshMakeEdge( tess->mesh ); __gl_meshSplice( e, e->Sym ); } else { /* Create a new vertex and edge which immediately follow e
* in the ordering around the left face. */ (void) __gl_meshSplitEdge( e ); e = e->Lnext; }
/* The new vertex is now e->Org. */ e->Org->data = data; e->Org->coords[0] = coords[0]; e->Org->coords[1] = coords[1]; e->Org->coords[2] = coords[2]; /* The winding of an edge says how the winding number changes as we
* cross from the edge''s right face to its left face. We add the * vertices in such an order that a CCW contour will add +1 to * the winding number of the region inside the contour. */ e->winding = 1; e->Sym->winding = -1;
tess->lastEdge = e; }
static void CacheVertex( GLUtesselator *tess, GLdouble coords[3], void *data ) { CachedVertex *v = &tess->cache[tess->cacheCount];
v->data = data; v->coords[0] = coords[0]; v->coords[1] = coords[1]; v->coords[2] = coords[2]; ++tess->cacheCount; }
static void EmptyCache( GLUtesselator *tess ) { CachedVertex *v = tess->cache; CachedVertex *vLast;
tess->mesh = __gl_meshNewMesh();
for( vLast = v + tess->cacheCount; v < vLast; ++v ) { AddVertex( tess, v->coords, v->data ); } tess->cacheCount = 0; tess->emptyCache = FALSE; }
#ifdef NT
void APIENTRY gluTessVertex( GLUtesselator *tess, GLdouble coords[3], void *data ) #else
void gluTessVertex( GLUtesselator *tess, GLdouble coords[3], void *data ) #endif
{ int i, tooLarge = FALSE; GLdouble x, clamped[3];
RequireState( tess, T_IN_CONTOUR );
if( tess->emptyCache ) { EmptyCache( tess ); tess->lastEdge = NULL; } for( i = 0; i < 3; ++i ) { x = coords[i]; if( x < - GLU_TESS_MAX_COORD ) { x = - GLU_TESS_MAX_COORD; tooLarge = TRUE; } if( x > GLU_TESS_MAX_COORD ) { x = GLU_TESS_MAX_COORD; tooLarge = TRUE; } clamped[i] = x; } if( tooLarge ) { CALL_ERROR_OR_ERROR_DATA( GLU_TESS_COORD_TOO_LARGE ); }
if( tess->mesh == NULL ) { if( tess->cacheCount < TESS_MAX_CACHE ) { CacheVertex( tess, clamped, data ); return; } EmptyCache( tess ); } AddVertex( tess, clamped, data ); }
#ifdef NT
void APIENTRY gluTessBeginPolygon( GLUtesselator *tess, void *data ) #else
void gluTessBeginPolygon( GLUtesselator *tess, void *data ) #endif
{ RequireState( tess, T_DORMANT );
tess->state = T_IN_POLYGON; tess->cacheCount = 0; tess->emptyCache = FALSE; tess->mesh = NULL;
tess->polygonData= data; }
#ifdef NT
void APIENTRY gluTessBeginContour( GLUtesselator *tess ) #else
void gluTessBeginContour( GLUtesselator *tess ) #endif
{ RequireState( tess, T_IN_POLYGON );
tess->state = T_IN_CONTOUR; tess->lastEdge = NULL; if( tess->cacheCount > 0 ) { /* Just set a flag so we don't get confused by empty contours
* -- these can be generated accidentally with the obsolete * NextContour() interface. */ tess->emptyCache = TRUE; } }
#ifdef NT
void APIENTRY gluTessEndContour( GLUtesselator *tess ) #else
void gluTessEndContour( GLUtesselator *tess ) #endif
{ RequireState( tess, T_IN_CONTOUR ); tess->state = T_IN_POLYGON; }
#ifdef NT
void APIENTRY gluTessEndPolygon( GLUtesselator *tess ) #else
void gluTessEndPolygon( GLUtesselator *tess ) #endif
{ GLUmesh *mesh;
RequireState( tess, T_IN_POLYGON ); tess->state = T_DORMANT;
if( tess->mesh == NULL ) { if( ! tess->flagBoundary && tess->callMesh == &noMesh ) {
/* Try some special code to make the easy cases go quickly
* (eg. convex polygons). This code does NOT handle multiple contours, * intersections, edge flags, and of course it does not generate * an explicit mesh either. */ if( __gl_renderCache( tess )) { tess->polygonData= NULL; return; } } EmptyCache( tess ); }
/* Determine the polygon normal and project vertices onto the plane
* of the polygon. */ __gl_projectPolygon( tess );
/* __gl_computeInterior( tess ) computes the planar arrangement specified
* by the given contours, and further subdivides this arrangement * into regions. Each region is marked "inside" if it belongs * to the polygon, according to the rule given by tess->windingRule. * Each interior region is guaranteed be monotone. */ __gl_computeInterior( tess );
mesh = tess->mesh; if( ! tess->fatalError ) { /* If the user wants only the boundary contours, we throw away all edges
* except those which separate the interior from the exterior. * Otherwise we tesselate all the regions marked "inside". */ if( tess->boundaryOnly ) { __gl_meshSetWindingNumber( mesh, 1, TRUE ); } else { __gl_meshTesselateInterior( mesh ); } __gl_meshCheckMesh( mesh );
if( tess->callBegin != &noBegin || tess->callEnd != &noEnd || tess->callVertex != &noVertex || tess->callEdgeFlag != &noEdgeFlag || tess->callBeginData != &__gl_noBeginData || tess->callEndData != &__gl_noEndData || tess->callVertexData != &__gl_noVertexData || tess->callEdgeFlagData != &__gl_noEdgeFlagData ) { if( tess->boundaryOnly ) { __gl_renderBoundary( tess, mesh ); /* output boundary contours */ } else { __gl_renderMesh( tess, mesh ); /* output strips and fans */ } } if( tess->callMesh != &noMesh ) {
/* Throw away the exterior faces, so that all faces are interior.
* This way the user doesn't have to check the "inside" flag, * and we don't need to even reveal its existence. It also leaves * the freedom for an implementation to not generate the exterior * faces in the first place. */ __gl_meshDiscardExterior( mesh ); (*tess->callMesh)( mesh ); /* user wants the mesh itself */ tess->mesh = NULL; tess->polygonData= NULL; return; } } __gl_meshDeleteMesh( mesh ); tess->polygonData= NULL; tess->mesh = NULL; }
#ifndef NT
void gluDeleteMesh( GLUmesh *mesh ) { __gl_meshDeleteMesh( mesh ); } #endif
/* Obsolete calls -- for backward compatibility */
#ifdef NT
void APIENTRY gluBeginPolygon( GLUtesselator *tess ) #else
void gluBeginPolygon( GLUtesselator *tess ) #endif
{ gluTessBeginPolygon( tess, NULL ); gluTessBeginContour( tess ); }
/*ARGSUSED*/ #ifdef NT
void APIENTRY gluNextContour( GLUtesselator *tess, GLenum type ) #else
void gluNextContour( GLUtesselator *tess, GLenum type ) #endif
{ gluTessEndContour( tess ); gluTessBeginContour( tess ); }
#ifdef NT
void APIENTRY gluEndPolygon( GLUtesselator *tess ) #else
void gluEndPolygon( GLUtesselator *tess ) #endif
{ gluTessEndContour( tess ); gluTessEndPolygon( tess ); }