* * * Copyright (C) 1992, Silicon Graphics, Inc. * * * * These coded instructions, statements, and computer programs contain * * unpublished proprietary information of Silicon Graphics, Inc., and * * are protected by Federal copyright law. They may not be disclosed * * to third parties or copied or duplicated in any form, in whole or * * in part, without the prior written consent of Silicon Graphics, Inc. * * * **************************************************************************/
* slicer.c++ - $Revision: 1.4 $ * Derrick Burns - 1991 */ #include "glimport.h"
#include "mystdio.h"
#include "myassert.h"
#include "bufpool.h"
#include "slicer.h"
#include "backend.h"
#include "arc.h"
#include "gridtrim.h"
#include "trimvert.h"
#include "varray.h"
Slicer::Slicer( Backend &b ) : CoveAndTiler( b ), Mesher( b ), backend( b ) { }
Slicer::~Slicer() { }
void Slicer::setisolines( int x ) { isolines = x; }
void Slicer::setstriptessellation( REAL x, REAL y ) { assert(x > 0 && y > 0); du = x; dv = y; setDu( du ); }
void Slicer::slice( Arc_ptr loop ) { loop->markverts();
Arc_ptr extrema[4]; loop->getextrema( extrema );
unsigned int npts = loop->numpts(); TrimRegion::init( npts, extrema[0] );
Mesher::init( npts );
long ulines = uarray.init( du, extrema[1], extrema[3] );
Varray varray; long vlines = varray.init( dv, extrema[0], extrema[2] );
long botv = 0; long topv; TrimRegion::init( varray.varray[botv] ); getGridExtent( &extrema[0]->pwlArc->pts[0], &extrema[0]->pwlArc->pts[0] );
for( long quad=0; quad<varray.numquads; quad++ ) { backend.surfgrid( uarray.uarray[0], uarray.uarray[ulines-1], ulines-1, varray.vval[quad], varray.vval[quad+1], varray.voffset[quad+1] - varray.voffset[quad] );
for( long i=varray.voffset[quad]+1; i <= varray.voffset[quad+1]; i++ ) { topv = botv++; advance( topv - varray.voffset[quad], botv - varray.voffset[quad], varray.varray[botv] ); if( i == vlines ) getPts( extrema[2] ); else getPts( backend ); getGridExtent(); if( isolines ) { outline(); } else { if( canTile() ) coveAndTile(); else mesh(); } } } }
void Slicer::outline( void ) { GridTrimVertex upper, lower; Hull::init( );
backend.bgnoutline(); while( (nextupper( &upper )) ) { if( upper.isGridVert() ) backend.linevert( upper.g ); else backend.linevert( upper.t ); } backend.endoutline();
backend.bgnoutline(); while( (nextlower( &lower )) ) { if( lower.isGridVert() ) backend.linevert( lower.g ); else backend.linevert( lower.t ); } backend.endoutline(); }
void Slicer::outline( Arc_ptr jarc ) { jarc->markverts();
if( jarc->pwlArc->npts >= 2 ) { backend.bgnoutline(); for( int j = jarc->pwlArc->npts-1; j >= 0; j-- ) backend.linevert( &(jarc->pwlArc->pts[j]) ); backend.endoutline(); } }