// Microsoft Windows Media Technologies
// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1999 - 2001. All rights reserved.
// MSHDSP.DLL is a sample WMDM Service Provider(SP) that enumerates fixed drives.
// This sample shows you how to implement an SP according to the WMDM documentation.
// This sample uses fixed drives on your PC to emulate portable media, and
// shows the relationship between different interfaces and objects. Each hard disk
// volume is enumerated as a device and directories and files are enumerated as
// Storage objects under respective devices. You can copy non-SDMI compliant content
// to any device that this SP enumerates. To copy an SDMI compliant content to a
// device, the device must be able to report a hardware embedded serial number.
// Hard disks do not have such serial numbers.
// To build this SP, you are recommended to use the MSHDSP.DSP file under Microsoft
// Visual C++ 6.0 and run REGSVR32.EXE to register the resulting MSHDSP.DLL. You can
// then build the sample application from the WMDMAPP directory to see how it gets
// loaded by the application. However, you need to obtain a certificate from
// Microsoft to actually run this SP. This certificate would be in the KEY.C file
// under the INCLUDE directory for one level up.
// MDSPStorageGlobals.cpp : Implementation of CMDSPStorageGlobals
#include "hdspPCH.h"
#include "strsafe.h"
// CMDSPStorageGlobals
CMDSPStorageGlobals::~CMDSPStorageGlobals() { if( m_pMDSPDevice != NULL ) { m_pMDSPDevice->Release(); }
for(int i=0; i<MDSP_MAX_DEVICE_OBJ;i++) { if( !wcscmp(g_GlobalDeviceInfo[i].wcsDevName, m_wcsName) ) { g_GlobalDeviceInfo[i].pIMDSPStorageGlobals = NULL; } } }
STDMETHODIMP CMDSPStorageGlobals::GetCapabilities(DWORD * pdwCapabilities) { HRESULT hr = S_OK;
CFRg(g_pAppSCServer); if ( !(g_pAppSCServer->fIsAuthenticated()) ) { CORg(WMDM_E_NOTCERTIFIED); } CARg(pdwCapabilities);
hrLogDWORD("IMDSPStorageGlobals::GetCapabilities returned 0x%08lx", hr, hr);
return hr; }
STDMETHODIMP CMDSPStorageGlobals::GetSerialNumber( PWMDMID pSerialNum, BYTE abMac[WMDM_MAC_LENGTH]) { HRESULT hr;
CFRg(g_pAppSCServer); if ( !(g_pAppSCServer->fIsAuthenticated()) ) { CORg(WMDM_E_NOTCERTIFIED); } CARg(pSerialNum);
IMDSPDevice *pDev; // For PM SP, device is the same as StorageGlobals
hr = UtilGetSerialNumber(m_wcsName, pSerialNum, FALSE);
if( hr == S_OK ) { // MAC the parameters
HMAC hMAC; CORg(g_pAppSCServer->MACInit(&hMAC)); CORg(g_pAppSCServer->MACUpdate(hMAC, (BYTE*)(pSerialNum), sizeof(WMDMID))); CORg(g_pAppSCServer->MACFinal(hMAC, abMac)); }
hrLogDWORD("IMDSPStorageGlobals::GetSerialNumber returned 0x%08lx", hr, hr); return hr; }
STDMETHODIMP CMDSPStorageGlobals::GetTotalSize(DWORD * pdwTotalSizeLow, DWORD * pdwTotalSizeHigh) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; char pszDrive[32]; DWORD dwSectPerClust; DWORD dwBytesPerSect; DWORD dwFreeClusters; DWORD dwTotalClusters;
CFRg(g_pAppSCServer); if ( !(g_pAppSCServer->fIsAuthenticated()) ) { CORg(WMDM_E_NOTCERTIFIED); } CARg(pdwTotalSizeLow); CARg(pdwTotalSizeHigh);
WideCharToMultiByte(CP_ACP, NULL, m_wcsName, -1, pszDrive, 32, NULL, NULL);
if( GetDiskFreeSpace( pszDrive, &dwSectPerClust, &dwBytesPerSect, &dwFreeClusters, &dwTotalClusters)) { ULARGE_INTEGER i64TotalBytes;
i64TotalBytes.QuadPart = UInt32x32To64(dwBytesPerSect, dwSectPerClust*dwTotalClusters);
*pdwTotalSizeLow = i64TotalBytes.LowPart; *pdwTotalSizeHigh = i64TotalBytes.HighPart; } else { ULARGE_INTEGER uliFree; ULARGE_INTEGER uliTotal;
CFRg( GetDiskFreeSpaceEx( pszDrive, &uliFree, &uliTotal, NULL) ); *pdwTotalSizeLow = uliTotal.LowPart; *pdwTotalSizeHigh = uliTotal.HighPart; }
hrLogDWORD("IMDSPStorageGlobals::GetTotalFree returned 0x%08lx", hr, hr); return hr; }
STDMETHODIMP CMDSPStorageGlobals::GetTotalFree(DWORD * pdwFreeLow, DWORD * pdwFreeHigh) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; char pszDrive[32]; DWORD dwSectPerClust; DWORD dwBytesPerSect; DWORD dwFreeClusters; DWORD dwTotalClusters;
CFRg(g_pAppSCServer); if ( !(g_pAppSCServer->fIsAuthenticated()) ) { CORg(WMDM_E_NOTCERTIFIED); } CARg(pdwFreeLow); CARg(pdwFreeHigh);
WideCharToMultiByte(CP_ACP, NULL, m_wcsName, -1, pszDrive, 32, NULL, NULL);
if( GetDiskFreeSpace( pszDrive, &dwSectPerClust, &dwBytesPerSect, &dwFreeClusters, &dwTotalClusters)) { ULARGE_INTEGER i64FreeBytesToCaller;
i64FreeBytesToCaller.QuadPart = UInt32x32To64(dwBytesPerSect, dwSectPerClust*dwFreeClusters);
*pdwFreeLow = i64FreeBytesToCaller.LowPart; *pdwFreeHigh = i64FreeBytesToCaller.HighPart; } else { ULARGE_INTEGER uliFree; ULARGE_INTEGER uliTotal;
CFRg( GetDiskFreeSpaceEx( pszDrive, &uliFree, &uliTotal, NULL) ); *pdwFreeLow = uliFree.LowPart; *pdwFreeHigh = uliFree.HighPart; }
Error: hrLogDWORD("IMDSPStorageGlobals::GetTotalFree returned 0x%08lx", hr, hr); return hr; }
STDMETHODIMP CMDSPStorageGlobals::GetTotalBad(DWORD * pdwBadLow, DWORD * pdwBadHigh) { HRESULT hr;
CFRg(g_pAppSCServer); if ( !(g_pAppSCServer->fIsAuthenticated()) ) { CORg(WMDM_E_NOTCERTIFIED); } CORg(WMDM_E_NOTSUPPORTED);
hrLogDWORD("IMDSPStorageGlobals::GetTotalBad returned 0x%08lx", hr, hr); return hr; }
STDMETHODIMP CMDSPStorageGlobals::GetStatus(DWORD * pdwStatus) { HRESULT hr; IMDSPDevice *pDev;
CFRg(g_pAppSCServer); if ( !(g_pAppSCServer->fIsAuthenticated()) ) { CORg(WMDM_E_NOTCERTIFIED); }
hr = pDev->GetStatus(pdwStatus);
hrLogDWORD("IMDSPStorageGlobals::GetStatus returned 0x%08lx", hr, hr); return hr; }
STDMETHODIMP CMDSPStorageGlobals::Initialize(UINT fuMode, IWMDMProgress * pProgress) { HRESULT hr=S_OK;
CFRg(g_pAppSCServer); if ( !(g_pAppSCServer->fIsAuthenticated()) ) { CORg(WMDM_E_NOTCERTIFIED); } CORg(WMDM_E_NOTSUPPORTED);
hrLogDWORD("IMDSPStorageGlobals::Initialize returned 0x%08lx", hr, hr); return hr; }
STDMETHODIMP CMDSPStorageGlobals::GetDevice(IMDSPDevice * * ppDevice) { HRESULT hr; CComObject<CMDSPDevice> *pObj;
CFRg(g_pAppSCServer); if ( !(g_pAppSCServer->fIsAuthenticated()) ) { CORg(WMDM_E_NOTCERTIFIED); } CARg(ppDevice);
if( m_pMDSPDevice ) { *ppDevice = m_pMDSPDevice; (*ppDevice)->AddRef(); return S_OK; }
hr = pObj->QueryInterface( IID_IMDSPDevice, reinterpret_cast<void**>(ppDevice) ); if( FAILED(hr) ) { delete pObj; goto Error; } else { // wcscpy(pObj->m_wcsName, m_wcsName);
hr = StringCbCopyW(pObj->m_wcsName, sizeof(pObj->m_wcsName), m_wcsName); if( FAILED(hr) ) { (*ppDevice)->Release(); *ppDevice = NULL; goto Error; } pObj->InitGlobalDeviceInfo();
m_pMDSPDevice = *ppDevice; m_pMDSPDevice->AddRef(); }
hr = S_OK;
hrLogDWORD("IMDSPStorageGlobals::GetDevice returned 0x%08lx", hr, hr); return hr; }
STDMETHODIMP CMDSPStorageGlobals::GetRootStorage(IMDSPStorage * * ppRoot) { HRESULT hr; CComObject<CMDSPStorage> *pObj;
CFRg(g_pAppSCServer); if ( !(g_pAppSCServer->fIsAuthenticated()) ) { CORg(WMDM_E_NOTCERTIFIED); } CARg(ppRoot);
hr = pObj->QueryInterface( IID_IMDSPStorage, reinterpret_cast<void**>(ppRoot) ); if( FAILED(hr) ) { delete pObj; goto Error; } else { // wcscpy(pObj->m_wcsName, m_wcsName);
hr = StringCbCopyW(pObj->m_wcsName, sizeof(pObj->m_wcsName), m_wcsName); if( FAILED(hr) ) { (*ppRoot)->Release(); *ppRoot = NULL; goto Error; }
DWORD dwLen = wcslen(m_wcsName);
if (dwLen == 0) { hr = E_FAIL; (*ppRoot)->Release(); *ppRoot = NULL; goto Error; } if( m_wcsName[wcslen(m_wcsName)-1] != 0x5c ) { // wcscat(pObj->m_wcsName, g_wcsBackslash);
hr = StringCbCatW(pObj->m_wcsName, sizeof(pObj->m_wcsName),g_wcsBackslash); if( FAILED(hr) ) { (*ppRoot)->Release(); *ppRoot = NULL; goto Error; } } }
hr = S_OK;
hrLogDWORD("IMDSPStorageGlobals::GetRootStorage returned 0x%08lx", hr, hr); return hr; }