Copyright (c) 1992-1996 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
This file contains the code to implement the functionality of Multicast Address Resolution Server (MARS), and a minimal MultiCast Server (MCS).
Reference: RFC 2022
Jameel Hyder (jameelh@microsoft.com) January 1997
Kernel mode
Revision History:
#include <precomp.h>
ULONG ArpSMarsControlFreeCount = 0;
#define MARS_CO_SEND_PACKETS(_Vc, _PktArray, _PktCount) \
{ \ ULONG _Count; \ NDIS_HANDLE _NdisVcHandle = (_Vc)->NdisVcHandle; \ \ if (_NdisVcHandle != NULL) \ { \ NdisCoSendPackets(_NdisVcHandle, _PktArray, _PktCount); \ } \ else \ { \ for (_Count = 0; _Count < _PktCount; _Count++) \ { \ ArpSCoSendComplete(NDIS_STATUS_FAILURE, _Vc, _PktArray[_Count]); \ } \ } \ }
VOID MarsReqThread( IN PVOID Context ) /*++
Routine Description:
Handle all MARS requests here.
Return Value:
MARSDBGPRINT(DBG_LEVEL_INFO, ("MarsReqThread: Came to life\n"));
do { List = KeRemoveQueue(&MarsReqQueue, KernelMode, NULL); if (List == &ArpSEntryOfDeath) { //
// Asked to terminate, do so.
break; }
Resd = CONTAINING_RECORD(List, PROTOCOL_RESD, ReqList); if (Resd->Flags & RESD_FLAG_KILL_CCVC) { pIntF = (PINTF)Resd->Vc; MARSDBGPRINT(DBG_LEVEL_NOTICE, ("MARS Thread: will kill CCVC on pIntF %x\n", pIntF)); FREE_MEM(Resd); MarsAbortAllMembers(pIntF); continue; }
Pkt = CONTAINING_RECORD(Resd, NDIS_PACKET, ProtocolReserved); Vc = Resd->Vc; pIntF = Vc->IntF;
if (pIntF->Flags & INTF_STOPPING) { MARSDBGPRINT(DBG_LEVEL_WARN, ("MARS Thread: pIntF %x is stopping, dropping pkt %x\n", pIntF, Pkt));
pIntF->MarsStats.DiscardedRecvPkts++; ArpSDereferenceVc(Vc, FALSE, TRUE); Resd->Vc = NULL; ExInterlockedPushEntrySList(&ArpSPktList, &Resd->FreeList, &ArpSPktListLock); continue; } NdisQueryBuffer(Pkt->Private.Head, &Header, &PktLen);
MARSDBGPRINT(DBG_LEVEL_LOUD, ("MARS Thread: Resd %x, Pkt %x, PktLen %x, Header %x, Op %x, Vc %x, IntF %x\n", Resd, Pkt, PktLen, Header, Header->Opcode, Vc, pIntF));
switch(Header->Opcode) { case OP_MARS_REQUEST: MarsHandleRequest(pIntF, Vc, Header, Pkt); break;
case OP_MARS_JOIN: MarsHandleJoin(pIntF, Vc, Header, Pkt); break;
case OP_MARS_LEAVE: MarsHandleLeave(pIntF, Vc, Header, Pkt); break; default: MARSDBGPRINT(DBG_LEVEL_FATAL, ("MarsReqThread: Opcode %x unknown\n", Header->Opcode)); pIntF->MarsStats.DiscardedRecvPkts++;
ArpSDereferenceVc(Vc, FALSE, TRUE); Resd->Vc = NULL; ExInterlockedPushEntrySList(&ArpSPktList, &Resd->FreeList, &ArpSPktListLock);
break; }
} while (TRUE);
KeSetEvent(&ArpSReqThreadEvent, 0, FALSE);
MARSDBGPRINT(DBG_LEVEL_WARN, ("MarsReqThread: Terminating\n")); }
VOID MarsHandleRequest( IN PINTF pIntF, IN PARP_VC Vc, IN PMARS_HEADER Header, IN PNDIS_PACKET Packet ) /*++
Routine Description:
Handle MARS_REQUEST. If the sender is a valid registered Cluster member, lookup the desired target group address in the MARS cache. If found, send a sequence of one or more MARS MULTIs. Include the addresses of members who are monitoring the entire class-D address space.
pIntF - The interface on which the MARS_REQUEST arrived Vc - The VC on which the packet arrived Header - Points to the request packet Packet - Packet where the incoming information is copied
Return Value:
--*/ { HW_ADDR SrcAddr; HW_ADDR ** pPromisHWAddrArray; HW_ADDR ** ppPromisHWAddr; ATM_ADDRESS SrcSubAddr; IPADDR GrpAddr; PCLUSTER_MEMBER pMember; PGROUP_MEMBER pGroup; PMARS_ENTRY pMarsEntry; NDIS_STATUS Status; PMARS_REQUEST RHdr; PUCHAR p; PPROTOCOL_RESD Resd, MultiResd; ULONG SeqY; ULONG Length; ULONG CopyLength; ULONG PacketLength;
PNDIS_PACKET MultiPacket; PNDIS_PACKET HeadMultiList; PNDIS_PACKET * pTailMultiList; ULONG AddrCountThisPacket; ULONG AddrPerPacket; INT AddrRem; INT NumUniquePromisEntries; PMARS_MULTI MHdr;
KIRQL OldIrql; BOOLEAN LockAcquired; BOOLEAN SendNak; BOOLEAN Discarded=TRUE;
RHdr = (PMARS_REQUEST)Header; Resd = RESD_FROM_PKT(Packet); LockAcquired = FALSE; SendNak = FALSE;
do { pIntF->MarsStats.TotalRequests++; //
// Check if we have enough to even parse this.
if (Resd->PktLen < sizeof(MARS_REQUEST)) { MARSDBGPRINT(DBG_LEVEL_ERROR, ("MarsHandleRequest: Packet Length too small: %x\n", Resd->PktLen)); break; }
Length = sizeof(MARS_REQUEST) + RHdr->SrcProtoAddrLen + TL_LEN(RHdr->SrcAddressTL) + TL_LEN(RHdr->SrcSubAddrTL) + RHdr->TgtGroupAddrLen; //
// Validate length of packet - it should have what it purports to have
if (Length > Resd->PktLen) { MARSDBGPRINT(DBG_LEVEL_ERROR, ("MarsHandleRequest: Invalid packet length %x < %x\n", Resd->PktLen, Length)); break; }
// Expect NULL target ATM address/subaddress
if ((RHdr->TgtAddressTL != 0) || (RHdr->TgtSubAddrTL != 0)) { MARSDBGPRINT(DBG_LEVEL_ERROR, ("MarsHandleRequest: Non-null target HW address %x or %x\n", RHdr->TgtAddressTL, RHdr->TgtSubAddrTL)); break; }
// Go to the variable length part, consisting of:
// Source ATM Number (mandatory)
// Source ATM Subaddress (optional)
// Source protocol address (optional)
// Target group address (mandatory)
p = (PUCHAR)(RHdr + 1);
SrcAddr.Address.NumberOfDigits = TL_LEN(Header->SrcAddressTL); if (SrcAddr.Address.NumberOfDigits > 0) { SrcAddr.Address.AddressType = TL_TYPE(Header->SrcAddressTL); COPY_MEM(SrcAddr.Address.Address, p, SrcAddr.Address.NumberOfDigits); p += SrcAddr.Address.NumberOfDigits; }
SrcAddr.SubAddress = NULL; if (TL_LEN(Header->SrcSubAddrTL) > 0) { SrcAddr.SubAddress = &SrcSubAddr; SrcSubAddr.NumberOfDigits = TL_LEN(Header->SrcSubAddrTL); SrcSubAddr.AddressType = TL_TYPE(Header->SrcSubAddrTL); COPY_MEM(&SrcSubAddr.Address, p, SrcSubAddr.NumberOfDigits); p += SrcSubAddr.NumberOfDigits; }
// NOTE:
// We only support full length Source ATM Number,
// and zero-length Source ATM Subaddress.
if ((SrcAddr.Address.NumberOfDigits != ATM_ADDRESS_LENGTH) || (SrcAddr.SubAddress != NULL)) { MARSDBGPRINT(DBG_LEVEL_ERROR, ("MarsHandleReq: unsupported ATM Number len %x or non-zero subaddr\n", SrcAddr.Address.NumberOfDigits)); break; }
if ((RHdr->SrcProtoAddrLen != 0) && (RHdr->SrcProtoAddrLen != IP_ADDR_LEN)) { MARSDBGPRINT(DBG_LEVEL_ERROR, ("MarsHandleReq: bad src proto addr len %x\n", RHdr->SrcProtoAddrLen)); break; }
p += RHdr->SrcProtoAddrLen;
ACQUIRE_SPIN_LOCK(&pIntF->Lock, &OldIrql); LockAcquired = TRUE; //
// We honor this REQUEST only if it has come from a legitimate
// Cluster Member.
pMember = MarsLookupClusterMember(pIntF, &SrcAddr); if ((pMember == NULL_PCLUSTER_MEMBER) || (MARS_GET_CM_CONN_STATE(pMember) != CM_CONN_ACTIVE)) { MARSDBGPRINT(DBG_LEVEL_ERROR, ("MarsHandleReq: from unconnected cluster member: ")); MARSDUMPATMADDR(DBG_LEVEL_ERROR, &SrcAddr.Address, ""); break; } Discarded = FALSE; // For stats.
// Target Group address being resolved.
MARSDBGPRINT(DBG_LEVEL_LOUD, ("MarsHandleReq: Request from pMember %x for Addr ", pMember)); MARSDUMPIPADDR(DBG_LEVEL_LOUD, *(UNALIGNED IPADDR *)p, "\n");
// Fill in our Seq number just in case we decide to send a NAK
// using this packet
PUTULONG2ULONG(&(RHdr->SequenceNumber), pIntF->CSN);
// Check if we are the MCS serving the desired group address.
if (MarsIsAddressMcsServed(pIntF, GrpAddr)) { PATM_ADDRESS pAtmAddr = &(pIntF->ConfiguredAddress);
// Prepare a MARS MULTI with our address and return it.
PacketLength = Length + pAtmAddr->NumberOfDigits + sizeof(MARS_TLV_MULTI_IS_MCS) + sizeof(MARS_TLV_NULL);
MultiPacket = MarsAllocControlPacket(pIntF, PacketLength, (PUCHAR *)&MHdr); if (MultiPacket != (PNDIS_PACKET)NULL) { ULONG ExtOff;
COPY_MEM(MHdr, RHdr, Length);
MHdr->Opcode = OP_MARS_MULTI; MHdr->TgtAddressTL = TL(pAtmAddr->AddressType, pAtmAddr->NumberOfDigits);
PUTULONG2ULONG(&(MHdr->SequenceNumber), pIntF->CSN); PUTSHORT2SHORT(&(MHdr->NumTgtGroupAddr), 1); SeqY = LAST_MULTI_FLAG | 1; PUTSHORT2SHORT(&(MHdr->FlagSeq), SeqY);
p = (PUCHAR)MHdr + Length; COPY_MEM(p, pAtmAddr->Address, pAtmAddr->NumberOfDigits); p += pAtmAddr->NumberOfDigits;
// Calculate and fill in the extensions offset. This is the
// offset, calculated from the HwType (afn) field, where
// we put in the "MULTI is MCS" TLV.
ExtOff = (ULONG) (p - (PUCHAR)MHdr - sizeof(LLC_SNAP_HDR)); PUTSHORT2SHORT(&MHdr->ExtensionOffset, ExtOff);
// Fill in the MULTI is MCS TLV
COPY_MEM(p, &MultiIsMcsTLV, sizeof(MultiIsMcsTLV)); p += sizeof(MultiIsMcsTLV);
// Fill in a NULL (terminating) TLV
COPY_MEM(p, &NullTLV, sizeof(NullTLV));
RELEASE_SPIN_LOCK(&pIntF->Lock, OldIrql); LockAcquired = FALSE;
MARS_CO_SEND_PACKETS(Vc, &MultiPacket, 1);
break; }
pMarsEntry = MarsLookupMarsEntry(pIntF, GrpAddr, FALSE); if (pMarsEntry!=NULL && pMarsEntry->NumMembers==0) { pMarsEntry=NULL; // just to simplify tests later on.
// Pick up the h/w address of all members that are members
// of the entire class-D address space (promiscuous members),
// but which are not monitoring
// the specific group address requested here. Pointers to these h/w addresses
// are saved in ALLOC_NP_MEM allocated array pPromisHWAddrArray.
// NumUniquePromisEntries is the count of these addresses.
{ PMARS_ENTRY pPromisMarsEntry; INT TotPromisEntries; PGROUP_MEMBER pPromisGroup;
NumUniquePromisEntries = 0;
// Get total count of promiscuous members.
TotPromisEntries = 0; pPromisMarsEntry = MarsLookupMarsEntry(pIntF, IPADDR_FULL_RANGE, FALSE); if (pPromisMarsEntry != NULL_PMARS_ENTRY) { TotPromisEntries = pPromisMarsEntry->NumMembers; } //
// Allocate space to hold the hw addresses of all of them.
pPromisHWAddrArray = NULL; if (TotPromisEntries != 0) { pPromisHWAddrArray = (HW_ADDR **) ALLOC_NP_MEM( TotPromisEntries*sizeof(HW_ADDR *), POOL_TAG_MARS ); if (pPromisHWAddrArray == NULL) { //
// On alloc failure, simply ignore promiscuous members.
TotPromisEntries = 0; } }
// Now only pick up the hw addresses of those members who
// are not also members of the specific group requested.
if (TotPromisEntries!=0) { PGROUP_MEMBER pGroupStart = NULL; if (pMarsEntry!=NULL) { pGroupStart = pMarsEntry->pMembers; }
for( pPromisGroup = pPromisMarsEntry->pMembers; TotPromisEntries!=0 && pPromisGroup!=NULL; TotPromisEntries--, pPromisGroup = pPromisGroup->Next) { for (pGroup = pGroupStart; pGroup!=NULL; pGroup = pGroup->Next) { if (pPromisGroup->pClusterMember == pGroup->pClusterMember) { break; } } if (pGroup == NULL) { //
// pPromisGroup->pClusterMember is a promiscuous member
// who is not also a member of the specific group
// GrpAddr, so we save a pointer to its hw address
// in our array.
pPromisHWAddrArray[NumUniquePromisEntries++] = &(pPromisGroup->pClusterMember->HwAddr); } } }
if (NumUniquePromisEntries == 0 && TotPromisEntries != 0) { FREE_MEM(pPromisHWAddrArray); pPromisHWAddrArray = NULL; TotPromisEntries = 0; } }
// Total addresses equals number of members of the specific group (if any)
// plus NumUniquePromisEntries
AddrRem = NumUniquePromisEntries; if (pMarsEntry != NULL_PMARS_ENTRY) { AddrRem += pMarsEntry->NumMembers; }
if (AddrRem == 0) { RHdr->Opcode = OP_MARS_NAK; SendNak = TRUE; pIntF->MarsStats.Naks++;
break; }
// We've computed the total number of hw address we're going to
// send: AddrRem. This consistes of the addresses of all the
// members of the specific group GrpAddr, as well as any
// members of the entire class D space which are not members of
// the specific group.
// We'll now create MARS_MULTI send pkts for
// all these hw addresses, starting with the
// the addresses of the specific group, and then tacking on
// the class-D members.
// Each MARS_MULTI will begin with a copy of the MARS_REQUEST.
CopyLength = Length;
AddrPerPacket = (Vc->MaxSendSize - CopyLength)/ATM_ADDRESS_LENGTH;
HeadMultiList = NULL; pTailMultiList = &HeadMultiList; SeqY = 1;
if (pMarsEntry != NULL) { pGroup = pMarsEntry->pMembers; } else { pGroup = NULL; } ppPromisHWAddr = pPromisHWAddrArray;
for (; AddrRem != 0; SeqY++) { AddrCountThisPacket = MIN(AddrRem, (INT)AddrPerPacket); AddrRem -= AddrCountThisPacket;
PacketLength = CopyLength + (AddrCountThisPacket * ATM_ADDRESS_LENGTH); MultiPacket = MarsAllocControlPacket(pIntF, PacketLength, (PUCHAR *)&MHdr); if (MultiPacket != (PNDIS_PACKET)NULL) { COPY_MEM(MHdr, RHdr, Length);
MHdr->Opcode = OP_MARS_MULTI; MHdr->TgtAddressTL = ATM_ADDRESS_LENGTH; MHdr->TgtSubAddrTL = 0;
PUTULONG2ULONG(&(MHdr->SequenceNumber), pIntF->CSN); PUTSHORT2SHORT(&(MHdr->NumTgtGroupAddr), AddrCountThisPacket);
#if 0
p = (PUCHAR)(MHdr + 1); #else
p = (PUCHAR)MHdr + CopyLength; #endif
while (AddrCountThisPacket-- != 0) { HW_ADDR *pHWAddr;
if (pGroup != NULL) { pHWAddr = &(pGroup->pClusterMember->HwAddr); pGroup = pGroup->Next; } else { ARPS_ASSERT( ppPromisHWAddr < (pPromisHWAddrArray + NumUniquePromisEntries)); pHWAddr = *(ppPromisHWAddr++); }
COPY_MEM( p, pHWAddr->Address.Address, pHWAddr->Address.NumberOfDigits);
p += pHWAddr->Address.NumberOfDigits;
if (AddrRem == 0) { SeqY |= LAST_MULTI_FLAG; }
PUTSHORT2SHORT(&(MHdr->FlagSeq), SeqY);
// Link to tail of list of MULTIs.
*pTailMultiList = MultiPacket; MultiResd = RESD_FROM_PKT(MultiPacket); pTailMultiList = (PNDIS_PACKET *)&(MultiResd->ReqList.Flink); MultiResd->ReqList.Flink = NULL; } else { //
// Failed to allocate MULTI: free all packets allocated so far
RELEASE_SPIN_LOCK(&pIntF->Lock, OldIrql); LockAcquired = FALSE;
while (HeadMultiList != NULL) { MultiPacket = HeadMultiList; MultiResd = RESD_FROM_PKT(MultiPacket); HeadMultiList = (PNDIS_PACKET)MultiResd->ReqList.Flink;
MarsFreePacket(MultiPacket); }
break; } }
// Unless there was an allocation failure (HeadMultiList == NULL),
// we had better have gone through all the hw addresses...
ARPS_ASSERT( HeadMultiList == NULL || (pGroup == NULL && (ppPromisHWAddr == (pPromisHWAddrArray+NumUniquePromisEntries))));
// We're done with the temporary array of pointers to unique
// promiscuous hw members.
if (pPromisHWAddrArray != NULL) { FREE_MEM(pPromisHWAddrArray); }
if (HeadMultiList != NULL) { pIntF->MarsStats.VCMeshAcks++; } RELEASE_SPIN_LOCK(&pIntF->Lock, OldIrql); LockAcquired = FALSE;
if (HeadMultiList != NULL) { //
// Send all MULTIs.
do { MultiPacket = HeadMultiList; MultiResd = RESD_FROM_PKT(MultiPacket); HeadMultiList = (PNDIS_PACKET)MultiResd->ReqList.Flink; MARS_CO_SEND_PACKETS(Vc, &MultiPacket, 1); } while (HeadMultiList != NULL); }
break; } while (FALSE);
// Update stats (we may not have the IF lock, but we don't care)...
if (Discarded) { pIntF->MarsStats.DiscardedRecvPkts++; }
if (LockAcquired) { RELEASE_SPIN_LOCK(&pIntF->Lock, OldIrql); }
// Free the MARS_REQUEST copy if we didn't reuse it.
if (SendNak) { //
// Send MARS_NAK back
NDIS_SET_PACKET_STATUS(Packet, NDIS_STATUS_SUCCESS); MARS_CO_SEND_PACKETS(Vc, &Packet, 1); } else { ArpSDereferenceVc(Vc, FALSE, TRUE); Resd->Vc = NULL; ExInterlockedPushEntrySList(&ArpSPktList, &Resd->FreeList, &ArpSPktListLock); }
Routine Description:
This is issued as part of register (Flags register bit is set and no group addresses are specified) or to join a group address range.
pIntF - The interface on which the MARS_JOIN arrived Vc - The VC on which the packet arrived Header - Points to the request packet Packet - Packet where the incoming information is copied
Return Value:
None --*/ { NDIS_STATUS Status; PMARS_JOIN_LEAVE JHdr; PPROTOCOL_RESD Resd; HW_ADDR SrcAddr; ATM_ADDRESS SrcSubAddr; MCAST_ADDR_PAIR GrpAddrRange; UINT Length; USHORT Flags, AddrPairs, CMI; PUCHAR p; BOOLEAN bSendReply = FALSE, NewMember = FALSE; PCLUSTER_MEMBER pMember; PNDIS_PACKET ClusterPacket; // Reply packet to be sent on ClusterControlVc
KIRQL OldIrql; BOOLEAN LockAcquired; BOOLEAN Discarded=TRUE, JoinFailed=FALSE, RegistrationFailed=FALSE;
JHdr = (PMARS_JOIN_LEAVE)Header; Resd = RESD_FROM_PKT(Packet); ClusterPacket = (PNDIS_PACKET)NULL; LockAcquired = FALSE;
do { //
// Check if we have enough to even parse this.
if (Resd->PktLen < sizeof(MARS_JOIN_LEAVE)) { MARSDBGPRINT(DBG_LEVEL_ERROR, ("MarsHandleJoin: Packet Length too small: %x\n", Resd->PktLen)); break; }
GETSHORT2SHORT(&Flags, &JHdr->Flags); GETSHORT2SHORT(&AddrPairs, &JHdr->NumGrpAddrPairs); GETSHORT2SHORT(&CMI, &JHdr->ClusterMemberId);
MARSDBGPRINT(DBG_LEVEL_LOUD, ("MarsHandleJoin: Pkt %x, Flags %x, AddrPairs %x, CMI %x\n", Packet, Flags, AddrPairs, CMI));
if (Flags & JL_FLAGS_REGISTER) { RegistrationFailed = TRUE; // For stats. Assume failure.
pIntF->MarsStats.RegistrationRequests++; } else { JoinFailed = TRUE; // For stats. Assume failure.
pIntF->MarsStats.TotalJoins++; } Length = sizeof(MARS_JOIN_LEAVE) + JHdr->SrcProtoAddrLen + TL_LEN(Header->SrcAddressTL) + 2*AddrPairs*(JHdr->GrpProtoAddrLen);
// Validate length of packet - it should have what it purports to have
if (Length > Resd->PktLen) { MARSDBGPRINT(DBG_LEVEL_ERROR, ("MarsHandleJoin: Invalid packet length %x < %x\n", Resd->PktLen, Length)); break; }
if (Flags & JL_FLAGS_COPY) { MARSDBGPRINT(DBG_LEVEL_WARN, ("MarsHandleJoin: dropping pkt %x with COPY set\n", Packet)); break; }
if (((Flags & JL_FLAGS_REGISTER) == 0) && (JHdr->GrpProtoAddrLen != IP_ADDR_LEN)) { MARSDBGPRINT(DBG_LEVEL_ERROR, ("MarsHandleJoin: Invalid Grp address length %x\n", JHdr->GrpProtoAddrLen)); break; } if (((AddrPairs == 0) && ((Flags & JL_FLAGS_REGISTER) == 0)) || ((Flags & JL_FLAGS_REGISTER) && (AddrPairs != 0))) { MARSDBGPRINT(DBG_LEVEL_ERROR, ("MarsHandleJoin: Invalid flags/addr pair combination - %x.%x\n", Flags, AddrPairs)); break; }
p = (PUCHAR)(JHdr + 1); SrcAddr.Address.NumberOfDigits = TL_LEN(Header->SrcAddressTL); if (SrcAddr.Address.NumberOfDigits > 0) { SrcAddr.Address.AddressType = TL_TYPE(Header->SrcAddressTL); COPY_MEM(SrcAddr.Address.Address, p, SrcAddr.Address.NumberOfDigits); p += SrcAddr.Address.NumberOfDigits; } SrcAddr.SubAddress = NULL; if (TL_LEN(Header->SrcSubAddrTL) > 0) { SrcAddr.SubAddress = &SrcSubAddr; SrcSubAddr.NumberOfDigits = TL_LEN(Header->SrcSubAddrTL); SrcSubAddr.AddressType = TL_TYPE(Header->SrcSubAddrTL); COPY_MEM(&SrcSubAddr.Address, p, SrcSubAddr.NumberOfDigits); p += SrcSubAddr.NumberOfDigits; }
// We only support full length Source ATM Number,
// and zero-length Source ATM Subaddress.
// This is because it is not easy to prepare MARS_MULTI
// messages when you have an arbitrary mix of ATM Number and
// ATM Subaddress lengths in the member list for a group.
if ((SrcAddr.Address.NumberOfDigits != ATM_ADDRESS_LENGTH) || (SrcAddr.SubAddress != NULL)) { MARSDBGPRINT(DBG_LEVEL_ERROR, ("MarsHandleJoin: unsupported ATM Number len %x or non-zero subaddr\n", SrcAddr.Address.NumberOfDigits)); break; }
// We do not care about the Src Ip Addr
p += JHdr->SrcProtoAddrLen;
// Atmost one Address Pair can be present in a JOIN
if (AddrPairs > 1) { MARSDBGPRINT(DBG_LEVEL_ERROR, ("MarsHandleJoin: Too many address pairs: %x\n", AddrPairs)); break; }
// Get the group addr pair, if present
if (AddrPairs != 0) { MARSDBGPRINT(DBG_LEVEL_LOUD, ("MarsHandleJoin: Group Min: ")); MARSDUMPIPADDR(DBG_LEVEL_LOUD, *(UNALIGNED IPADDR *)p, ", Group Max "); GETULONG2ULONG(&GrpAddrRange.MinAddr, p); p += IP_ADDR_LEN;
// We only support two kinds of JOIN: single group JOIN, or
// JOIN for the entire Class D space. If this is any other
// kind, dump it.
if ((GrpAddrRange.MinAddr != GrpAddrRange.MaxAddr) && ((GrpAddrRange.MinAddr != MIN_CLASSD_IPADDR_VALUE) || (GrpAddrRange.MaxAddr != MAX_CLASSD_IPADDR_VALUE))) { MARSDBGPRINT(DBG_LEVEL_ERROR, ("MarsHandleJoin: invalid pair %x - %x\n", GrpAddrRange.MinAddr, GrpAddrRange.MaxAddr)); break; } }
// Set the COPY bit right here in case we send this packet
// back. Also fill in the MARS Seq Number.
Flags |= JL_FLAGS_COPY; PUTSHORT2SHORT(&JHdr->Flags, Flags); PUTULONG2ULONG(&(JHdr->MarsSequenceNumber), pIntF->CSN); Discarded = FALSE; // for stats.
ACQUIRE_SPIN_LOCK(&pIntF->Lock, &OldIrql); LockAcquired = TRUE;
// Search for this (potential) cluster member in our database.
pMember = MarsLookupClusterMember(pIntF, &SrcAddr);
if (Flags & JL_FLAGS_REGISTER) { //
// A cluster member attempting to register.
// No groups expected in Registration Join.
if (AddrPairs != 0) {
break; // discard
// Create a new entry if we need to.
if (pMember == NULL_PCLUSTER_MEMBER) { //
// If the ClusterControlVc is closing, discard this: we
// are in no shape to handle this now.
if ((pIntF->ClusterControlVc != NULL_PMARS_VC) && MARS_GET_VC_CONN_STATE(pIntF->ClusterControlVc) == MVC_CONN_CLOSING) { break; }
pMember = MarsCreateClusterMember(pIntF, &SrcAddr); if (pMember != NULL_PCLUSTER_MEMBER) { NewMember = TRUE; } }
if (pMember != NULL_PCLUSTER_MEMBER) { //
// Successfully registered this Cluster member. Reflect the
// JOIN message back to it with COPY bit set and PUNCHED bit
// reset.
Flags &= ~JL_FLAGS_PUNCHED; PUTSHORT2SHORT(&JHdr->Flags, Flags); PUTSHORT2SHORT(&JHdr->ClusterMemberId, pMember->CMI); PUTULONG2ULONG(&JHdr->MarsSequenceNumber, pIntF->CSN); bSendReply = TRUE; RegistrationFailed = FALSE; } } else { //
// A cluster member Joining one or more multicast groups.
// Allow this only if the cluster member has been
// successfully added to ClusterControlVc AND it is in a position to add groups to it.
if ((pMember != NULL_PCLUSTER_MEMBER) && (MARS_GET_CM_CONN_STATE(pMember) == CM_CONN_ACTIVE) && (MARS_GET_CM_GROUP_STATE(pMember) == CM_GROUP_ACTIVE)) { if (AddrPairs != 0) { if (MarsAddClusterMemberToGroups( pIntF, pMember, &GrpAddrRange, Packet, JHdr, Length, &ClusterPacket )) { JoinFailed = FALSE; // For stats.
bSendReply = TRUE; } else if (ClusterPacket!=NULL) { JoinFailed = FALSE; // For stats.
} } //
// else discard: no groups specified.
} //
// else discard: unknown member or member not added to ClusterControlVc
} while (FALSE);
// Update stats (we may not have the IF lock, but we don't care)...
if (RegistrationFailed) { pIntF->MarsStats.FailedRegistrations++; // this includes failures due to bad pkts.
} if (JoinFailed) { pIntF->MarsStats.FailedJoins++; // this include failures due to bad pkts.
} if (Discarded) { pIntF->MarsStats.DiscardedRecvPkts++; } if (LockAcquired) { RELEASE_SPIN_LOCK(&pIntF->Lock, OldIrql); }
// Follow up actions:
// - We may send a reply on the VC this packet came on
// - We may initiate AddParty to add a new member to ClusterControlVc
// - We may send a reply packet on ClusterControlVc
if (bSendReply) { //
// Send this back on the VC we received the JOIN from
NDIS_SET_PACKET_STATUS(Packet, NDIS_STATUS_SUCCESS); MARS_CO_SEND_PACKETS(Vc, &Packet, 1); } else { if (ClusterPacket != Packet) { ArpSDereferenceVc(Vc, FALSE, TRUE); Resd->Vc = NULL; ExInterlockedPushEntrySList(&ArpSPktList, &Resd->FreeList, &ArpSPktListLock); } //
// else we're sending Packet on CC VC
if (NewMember) { MarsAddMemberToClusterControlVc(pIntF, pMember); }
if (ClusterPacket != (PNDIS_PACKET)NULL) { //
// Send this packet on ClusterControlVc.
MarsSendOnClusterControlVc(pIntF, ClusterPacket); } }
VOID MarsHandleLeave( IN PINTF pIntF, IN PARP_VC Vc, IN PMARS_HEADER Header, IN PNDIS_PACKET Packet ) /*++
Routine Description:
pIntF - The interface on which the MARS_LEAVE arrived Vc - The VC on which the packet arrived Header - Points to the request packet Packet - Packet where the incoming information is copied
Return Value:
None --*/ { NDIS_STATUS Status; PMARS_JOIN_LEAVE LHdr; PPROTOCOL_RESD Resd; HW_ADDR SrcAddr; ATM_ADDRESS SrcSubAddr; MCAST_ADDR_PAIR GrpAddrRange; UINT Length; USHORT Flags, AddrPairs, CMI; PUCHAR p; BOOLEAN bSendReply = FALSE, Deregistered = FALSE; PCLUSTER_MEMBER pMember; PNDIS_PACKET ClusterPacket; // Reply packet to be sent on ClusterControlVc
KIRQL OldIrql; BOOLEAN LockAcquired; BOOLEAN Discarded=TRUE, LeaveFailed=FALSE;
LHdr = (PMARS_JOIN_LEAVE)Header; Resd = RESD_FROM_PKT(Packet); ClusterPacket = (PNDIS_PACKET)NULL; LockAcquired = FALSE;
do { //
// Check if we have enough to even parse this.
if (Resd->PktLen < sizeof(MARS_JOIN_LEAVE)) { MARSDBGPRINT(DBG_LEVEL_ERROR, ("MarsHandleLeave: Packet Length too small: %x\n", Resd->PktLen)); break; }
GETSHORT2SHORT(&Flags, &LHdr->Flags); GETSHORT2SHORT(&AddrPairs, &LHdr->NumGrpAddrPairs); GETSHORT2SHORT(&CMI, &LHdr->ClusterMemberId); MARSDBGPRINT(DBG_LEVEL_LOUD, ("MarsHandleLeave: Pkt %x, Flags %x, AddrPairs %x, CMI %x\n", Packet, Flags, AddrPairs, CMI));
Length = sizeof(MARS_JOIN_LEAVE) + LHdr->SrcProtoAddrLen + TL_LEN(Header->SrcAddressTL) + 2*AddrPairs*(LHdr->GrpProtoAddrLen);
if (Flags & JL_FLAGS_REGISTER) { // We don't track de-registrations.
} else { LeaveFailed = TRUE; // For stats. Assume failure.
pIntF->MarsStats.TotalLeaves++; } //
// Validate length of packet - it should have what it purports to have
if (Length > Resd->PktLen) { MARSDBGPRINT(DBG_LEVEL_ERROR, ("MarsHandleLeave: Invalid packet length %x < %x\n", Resd->PktLen, Length)); break; }
if (Flags & JL_FLAGS_COPY) { MARSDBGPRINT(DBG_LEVEL_INFO, ("MarsHandleLeave: dropping pkt %x with COPY set\n", Packet)); break; }
if (((Flags & JL_FLAGS_REGISTER) == 0) && (LHdr->GrpProtoAddrLen != IP_ADDR_LEN)) { MARSDBGPRINT(DBG_LEVEL_ERROR, ("MarsHandleLeave: Invalid Grp address length %x\n", LHdr->GrpProtoAddrLen)); break; } if (((AddrPairs == 0) && ((Flags & JL_FLAGS_REGISTER) == 0)) || ((Flags & JL_FLAGS_REGISTER) && (AddrPairs != 0))) { MARSDBGPRINT(DBG_LEVEL_ERROR, ("MarsHandleLeave: Invalid flags/addr pair combination - %x.%x\n", Flags, AddrPairs)); break; }
p = (PUCHAR)(LHdr + 1); SrcAddr.Address.NumberOfDigits = TL_LEN(Header->SrcAddressTL); if (SrcAddr.Address.NumberOfDigits > 0) { SrcAddr.Address.AddressType = TL_TYPE(Header->SrcAddressTL); COPY_MEM(SrcAddr.Address.Address, p, SrcAddr.Address.NumberOfDigits); p += SrcAddr.Address.NumberOfDigits; } SrcAddr.SubAddress = NULL; if (TL_LEN(Header->SrcSubAddrTL) > 0) { SrcAddr.SubAddress = &SrcSubAddr; SrcSubAddr.NumberOfDigits = TL_LEN(Header->SrcSubAddrTL); SrcSubAddr.AddressType = TL_TYPE(Header->SrcSubAddrTL); COPY_MEM(&SrcSubAddr.Address, p, SrcSubAddr.NumberOfDigits); p += SrcSubAddr.NumberOfDigits; }
// We do not care about the Src Ip Addr
p += LHdr->SrcProtoAddrLen;
// Atmost one Address Pair can be present in a LEAVE
if (AddrPairs > 1) { break; }
// Get the group addr pair, if present
if (AddrPairs != 0) { MARSDBGPRINT(DBG_LEVEL_LOUD, ("HandleLeave: Group Min: ")); MARSDUMPIPADDR(DBG_LEVEL_LOUD, *(UNALIGNED IPADDR *)p, ", Group Max "); GETULONG2ULONG(&GrpAddrRange.MinAddr, p); p += IP_ADDR_LEN;
// We only support two kinds of non-deregistration LEAVE:
// single group LEAVE, or LEAVE for the entire Class D space.
// If this is any other kind, dump it.
if ((GrpAddrRange.MinAddr != GrpAddrRange.MaxAddr) && ((GrpAddrRange.MinAddr != MIN_CLASSD_IPADDR_VALUE) || (GrpAddrRange.MaxAddr != MAX_CLASSD_IPADDR_VALUE))) { break; } }
// Set the COPY bit right here in case we send this packet
// back. Also fill in the MARS Seq Number.
Flags |= JL_FLAGS_COPY; PUTSHORT2SHORT(&LHdr->Flags, Flags); PUTULONG2ULONG(&(LHdr->MarsSequenceNumber), pIntF->CSN);
ACQUIRE_SPIN_LOCK(&pIntF->Lock, &OldIrql); LockAcquired = TRUE; Discarded = FALSE; // For stats.
// Search for this (potential) cluster member in our database.
pMember = MarsLookupClusterMember(pIntF, &SrcAddr);
if (Flags & JL_FLAGS_REGISTER) { //
// A cluster member attempting to de-register.
if (AddrPairs == 0) { if (pMember != NULL_PCLUSTER_MEMBER) { //
// Unlink all Group structures from the Cluster member,
// AND disable further groups from being added.
MarsUnlinkAllGroupsOnClusterMember(pIntF, pMember); Deregistered = TRUE; //
// Successfully de-registered this Cluster member. Reflect the
// LEAVE message back to it with COPY bit set and PUNCHED bit
// reset.
Flags &= ~JL_FLAGS_PUNCHED; PUTSHORT2SHORT(&LHdr->Flags, Flags); PUTULONG2ULONG(&LHdr->MarsSequenceNumber, pIntF->CSN); bSendReply = TRUE; } } //
// else discard: no groups expected in DeRegistration Leave
} else { //
// A cluster member Leaving one or more multicast groups.
if (AddrPairs != 0) { if (MarsDelClusterMemberFromGroups( pIntF, pMember, &GrpAddrRange, Packet, LHdr, Length, &ClusterPacket )) { bSendReply = TRUE; LeaveFailed = FALSE; } } //
// else discard: no groups specified.
} while (FALSE);
// Update stats (we may not have the IF lock, but we don't care)...
if (LeaveFailed) { pIntF->MarsStats.FailedLeaves++; // this includes failures due to bad pkts.
} if (Discarded) { pIntF->MarsStats.DiscardedRecvPkts++; } if (LockAcquired) { RELEASE_SPIN_LOCK(&pIntF->Lock, OldIrql); }
// Follow up actions:
// - We may send a reply on the VC this packet came on
// - We may initiate DropParty to delete a member from ClusterControlVc
// - We may send a reply packet on ClusterControlVc
if (bSendReply) { //
// Send this back on the VC we received the JOIN from
NDIS_SET_PACKET_STATUS(Packet, NDIS_STATUS_SUCCESS); MARS_CO_SEND_PACKETS(Vc, &Packet, 1); } else { if (ClusterPacket != Packet) { ArpSDereferenceVc(Vc, FALSE, TRUE); Resd->Vc = NULL; ExInterlockedPushEntrySList(&ArpSPktList, &Resd->FreeList, &ArpSPktListLock); } //
// else we're sending this packet on CC VC
if (Deregistered) { BOOLEAN fLocked = MarsDelMemberFromClusterControlVc(pIntF, pMember, FALSE, 0); ASSERT(!fLocked); }
if (ClusterPacket != NULL) { //
// Send this packet on ClusterControlVc.
MarsSendOnClusterControlVc(pIntF, ClusterPacket); } }
PCLUSTER_MEMBER MarsLookupClusterMember( IN PINTF pIntF, IN PHW_ADDR pHwAddr ) /*++
Routine Description:
Given the Hardware address of a cluster member, search our list of cluster members for an entry that matches this.
It is assumed that the caller has acquired the IntF lock.
pIntF - Ptr to Interface to search in pHwAddr - Ptr to ATM address and subaddress
Return Value:
Pointer to Cluster member structure if found, else NULL.
--*/ { PCLUSTER_MEMBER pMember;
for (pMember = pIntF->ClusterMembers; pMember != NULL; pMember = pMember->Next) { if (COMP_HW_ADDR(pHwAddr, &pMember->HwAddr)) { break; } }
return (pMember); }
PCLUSTER_MEMBER MarsCreateClusterMember( IN PINTF pIntF, IN PHW_ADDR pHwAddr ) /*++
Routine Description:
Allocate and initialize a Cluster Member structure, and link it to the list of members on the specified Interface.
It is assumed that the caller has acquired the IntF spin lock.
pIntF - Ptr to Interface on which this member has joined pHwAddr - ATM address and subaddress for this new member
Return Value:
Pointer to Cluster member structure if successful, else NULL.
--*/ { PCLUSTER_MEMBER pMember; ENTRY_TYPE EntryType; ULONG Length;
Length = sizeof(CLUSTER_MEMBER) + ((pHwAddr->SubAddress != NULL) ? sizeof(ATM_ADDRESS) : 0); pMember = ALLOC_NP_MEM(Length, POOL_TAG_MARS);
if (pMember == NULL) { LOG_ERROR(NDIS_STATUS_RESOURCES); } else {
if (++(pIntF->MarsStats.CurrentClusterMembers) > pIntF->MarsStats.MaxClusterMembers) { pIntF->MarsStats.MaxClusterMembers = pIntF->MarsStats.CurrentClusterMembers; } ZERO_MEM(pMember, Length);
COPY_ATM_ADDR(&pMember->HwAddr.Address, &pHwAddr->Address); if (pHwAddr->SubAddress != NULL) { pMember->HwAddr.SubAddress = (PATM_ADDRESS)(pMember + 1); COPY_ATM_ADDR(pMember->HwAddr.SubAddress, pHwAddr->SubAddress); }
pMember->pIntF = pIntF;
// Link it to the list of Cluster Members on this Interface.
#if 0
for (pPrev= &(pIntF->ClusterMembers); *pPrev != NULL; pPrev = &(PCLUSTER_MEMBER)((*pPrev)->Next) ) { // Nothing
} pMember->Next = NULL; pMember->Prev = pPrev; *pPrev = (PCLUSTER_MEMBER)pMember; } #else
pMember->Next = pIntF->ClusterMembers; pMember->Prev = &(pIntF->ClusterMembers); if (pIntF->ClusterMembers != NULL_PCLUSTER_MEMBER) { pIntF->ClusterMembers->Prev = &(pMember->Next); } pIntF->ClusterMembers = pMember; #endif
// Assign it a CMI
pMember->CMI = pIntF->CMI++;
MARSDBGPRINT(DBG_LEVEL_INFO, ("New Cluster Member 0x%x, pIntF %x, CMI %x, Prev %x, Next %x, ATM Addr:", pMember, pIntF, pMember->CMI, pMember->Prev, pMember->Next)); MARSDUMPATMADDR(DBG_LEVEL_INFO, &pHwAddr->Address, "");
return (pMember); }
VOID MarsDeleteClusterMember( IN PINTF pIntF, IN PCLUSTER_MEMBER pMember ) /*++
Routine Description:
Remove Cluster member from the list of Cluster members, and free it.
pIntF - Ptr to Interface pMember - Cluster member to be freed
Return Value:
--*/ { ARPS_ASSERT(pMember->pGroupList == NULL_PGROUP_MEMBER); MARSDBGPRINT(DBG_LEVEL_INFO, ("MarsDeleteClusterMember: pIntF %x, pMember %x, Next %x, Prev %x\n", pIntF, pMember, pMember->Next, pMember->Prev)); pIntF->MarsStats.CurrentClusterMembers--; //
// De-link this Cluster Member from the list on IntF.
*(pMember->Prev) = pMember->Next; if (pMember->Next != NULL) { ((PENTRY_HDR)pMember->Next)->Prev = pMember->Prev; } pIntF->NumClusterMembers--;
PMARS_ENTRY MarsLookupMarsEntry( IN PINTF pIntF, IN IPADDR GrpAddr, IN BOOLEAN bCreateNew ) /*++
Routine Description:
Look up the MARS_ENTRY for the given Group Address on the specified Interface. Optionally create a new one if not found.
The caller is assumed to hold the IntF lock.
pIntF - Ptr to Interface GrpAddr - The address to look for bCreateNew - Should we create a new entry if one isn't present?
Return Value:
Pointer to MARS entry if found/created, else NULL.
--*/ { PMARS_ENTRY * ppMarsEntry; PMARS_ENTRY pMarsEntry = NULL_PMARS_ENTRY; UINT Hash = MARS_HASH(GrpAddr);
MARSDBGPRINT(DBG_LEVEL_LOUD, ("MarsLookupMarsEntry: for IP Addr: "));
for (ppMarsEntry = &pIntF->MarsCache[Hash]; *ppMarsEntry != NULL; ppMarsEntry = (PMARS_ENTRY *)(&(*ppMarsEntry)->Next)) { if ((*ppMarsEntry)->IPAddress == GrpAddr) { pMarsEntry = *ppMarsEntry; break; }
if ((*ppMarsEntry)->IPAddress > GrpAddr) { //
// No chance of finding this.
break; } }
MARSDBGPRINT(DBG_LEVEL_LOUD+DBG_NO_HDR, ("%sFound\n", ((pMarsEntry != NULL_PMARS_ENTRY)? "" : "Not ")));
if ((pMarsEntry == NULL_PMARS_ENTRY) && bCreateNew) { pMarsEntry = (PMARS_ENTRY)ArpSAllocBlock(pIntF, MARS_BLOCK_ENTRY); if (pMarsEntry == NULL_PMARS_ENTRY) { LOG_ERROR(NDIS_STATUS_RESOURCES); } else { //
// Fill in the new entry.
pMarsEntry->IPAddress = GrpAddr; pMarsEntry->pIntF = pIntF;
// ppMarsEntry points to the Next field of the predecessor of this new entry
pMarsEntry->Next = *ppMarsEntry; pMarsEntry->Prev = ppMarsEntry; if (*ppMarsEntry != NULL_PMARS_ENTRY) { (*ppMarsEntry)->Prev = &(pMarsEntry->Next); } *ppMarsEntry = pMarsEntry;
MARSDBGPRINT(DBG_LEVEL_INFO, ("MarsLookupMarsEntry: new entry %x for IP Addr:", pMarsEntry)); MARSDUMPIPADDR(DBG_LEVEL_INFO, GrpAddr, "\n"); if (++(pIntF->MarsStats.CurrentGroups) > pIntF->MarsStats.MaxGroups) { pIntF->MarsStats.MaxGroups = pIntF->MarsStats.CurrentGroups; } } }
return (pMarsEntry); }
BOOLEAN MarsIsAddressMcsServed( IN PINTF pIntF, IN IPADDR IPAddress ) /*++
Routine Description:
Check if the given IP Address is one that is served by MCS.
pIntF - Ptr to Interface IPAddress - Address to check
Return Value:
TRUE if we are the MCS serving IPAddress, else FALSE.
--*/ { PMCS_ENTRY pMcsEntry;
for (pMcsEntry = pIntF->pMcsList; pMcsEntry != NULL_PMCS_ENTRY; pMcsEntry = (PMCS_ENTRY)pMcsEntry->Next) { if ((IPAddress >= pMcsEntry->GrpAddrPair.MinAddr) && (IPAddress <= pMcsEntry->GrpAddrPair.MaxAddr)) { return TRUE; } }
return FALSE; }
Routine Description:
Punch holes in the given IP Address range, according to RFC 2022. These holes correspond to: 1. IP Addresses that are MCS-supported 2. IP Addresses that are present in the given Group Member list
Optionally, fill in an output buffer (reflected JOIN/LEAVE) with the resulting <min, max> list.
This routine gets called twice when processing any JOIN or LEAVE message, once to get the MinMaxCount and AnyHolesPunched info, and then again, after space has been allocated for MinMaxCount pairs, to fill in a retransmitted JOIN or LEAVE.
pGrpAddrRange - The range to punch holes in pGroupList - #2 in Routine Description above pIntF - Ptr to Interface pOutBuf - If not NULL, place to write <min, max> pairs to. pMinMaxCount - The number of discrete, non-contiguous IP address ranges remaining after hole-punching. pAnyHolesPunched- Where we return TRUE iff we punched atleast one hole.
Return Value:
None. See OUT parameters above.
--*/ { PGROUP_MEMBER pGroup; PMCS_ENTRY pMcsEntry; IPADDR StartOfThisRange; IPADDR IPAddress; UNALIGNED IPADDR * pIPAddress; BOOLEAN InHole; // are we in a hole now?
BOOLEAN HolePunched; // any holes punched so far?
*pMinMaxCount = 0;
StartOfThisRange = pGrpAddrRange->MinAddr; pGroup = pGroupList; pMcsEntry = pIntF->pMcsList;
InHole = FALSE; HolePunched = FALSE; pIPAddress = (UNALIGNED IPADDR *)pOutBuf;
for (IPAddress = pGrpAddrRange->MinAddr; IPAddress <= pGrpAddrRange->MaxAddr; IPAddress++) { //
// Check if IPAddress is covered by the Group Member list.
while ((pGroup != NULL) && (pGroup->pMarsEntry->IPAddress < IPAddress)) { pGroup = (PGROUP_MEMBER)pGroup->pNextGroup; }
if ((pGroup != NULL) && (pGroup->pMarsEntry->IPAddress == IPAddress)) { InGroupList = TRUE; } else { InGroupList = FALSE; }
// Check if IPAddress is served by MCS.
while ((pMcsEntry != NULL) && (pMcsEntry->GrpAddrPair.MaxAddr < IPAddress)) { pMcsEntry = (PMCS_ENTRY)pMcsEntry->Next; }
if ((pMcsEntry != NULL) && ((pMcsEntry->GrpAddrPair.MinAddr <= IPAddress) && (pMcsEntry->GrpAddrPair.MaxAddr >= IPAddress))) { InMcsList = TRUE; } else { InMcsList = FALSE; }
if (InHole) { if (!InGroupList && !InMcsList) { //
// Out of the hole with this IPAddress
InHole = FALSE; StartOfThisRange = IPAddress; } else { //
// A hole right next to the one we were previously in..
// Jump to the end of this hole...
// (If we're not in an mcs-served range then we're already
// at the end of the single-address hole and so don't do anything).
if (InMcsList) { IPAddress = pMcsEntry->GrpAddrPair.MaxAddr; if (IPAddress > pGrpAddrRange->MaxAddr) { IPAddress = pGrpAddrRange->MaxAddr; } } } } else { if (InGroupList || InMcsList) { //
// Entering a hole that includes IPAddress
InHole = TRUE; HolePunched = TRUE; if (IPAddress > StartOfThisRange) { (*pMinMaxCount)++;
if (pIPAddress) { //
// Write out a pair: <StartOfThisRange to IPAddress-1>
PUTULONG2ULONG(pIPAddress, StartOfThisRange); pIPAddress++; IPAddress--; PUTULONG2ULONG(pIPAddress, IPAddress); pIPAddress++; IPAddress++; } }
// Jump to the end of this hole...
// (If we're not in an mcs-served range then we're already
// at the end of the single-address hole and so don't do anything).
if (InMcsList) { IPAddress = pMcsEntry->GrpAddrPair.MaxAddr; if (IPAddress > pGrpAddrRange->MaxAddr) { IPAddress = pGrpAddrRange->MaxAddr; } } } else { //
// We're not in a hole -- skip to just before the next hole...
// Since we're not in a hole, the following 2 assertions hold.
ARPS_ASSERT(pGroup==NULL || pGroup->pMarsEntry->IPAddress > IPAddress); ARPS_ASSERT(pMcsEntry==NULL || pMcsEntry->GrpAddrPair.MinAddr > IPAddress);
// We now pick the skip to just before the next hole which is either
// a group address or a mcs-served range, whichever comes first.
// Note that either entry could be NULL.
if (pGroup != NULL) { IPAddress = pGroup->pMarsEntry->IPAddress-1; }
if ( (pMcsEntry != NULL) && ( (pGroup == NULL) || (pMcsEntry->GrpAddrPair.MinAddr <= IPAddress))) { IPAddress = pMcsEntry->GrpAddrPair.MinAddr-1; }
// Truncate back to the end of the GrpAddrRange
if (IPAddress > pGrpAddrRange->MaxAddr) { IPAddress = pGrpAddrRange->MaxAddr; } } }
// Corner case: Handle IPAddress
// (because adding 1 to it causes rollover)
if (IPAddress == IP_BROADCAST_ADDR_VALUE) { break; } }
if (!InHole) { (*pMinMaxCount)++;
if (pIPAddress) { //
// Write out a pair: <StartOfThisRange to IPAddress-1>
PUTULONG2ULONG(pIPAddress, StartOfThisRange); pIPAddress++; IPAddress--; PUTULONG2ULONG(pIPAddress, IPAddress); pIPAddress++; } }
*pAnyHolesPunched = HolePunched;
Routine Description:
This is called when processing a non-registration JOIN. Add a Cluster member to the multicast groups in the given range (could be just one). Create all necessary data structures and linkages for this.
It is assumed that the caller has acquired the IntF spin lock.
pIntF - Ptr to Interface on which this member has joined pMember - Ptr to Cluster member pGrpAddrRange - Min, Max IP addresses being Joined Packet - Ptr to NDIS packet containing the JOIN JHdr - Ptr to incoming JOIN Length - of incoming JOIN ppClusterPacket - Optionally, a packet to be sent out on ClusterControlVc.
Return Value:
TRUE if the member was added successfully to the indicated groups, FALSE otherwise. If we returned TRUE, we also set *pClusterPacket optionally to a packet to be sent out on ClusterControlVc.
--*/ { PGROUP_MEMBER pGroup; PGROUP_MEMBER * ppGroup; PMARS_ENTRY pMarsEntry; PMARS_JOIN_LEAVE pCopyHdr; IPADDR IPAddress; USHORT MinMaxCount; BOOLEAN ReflectJoin; BOOLEAN HolePunched; BOOLEAN RetransmitOnCCVC; USHORT Flags; UNALIGNED IPADDR * pIPAddress; ULONG JoinCopyLength;
*ppClusterPacket = (PNDIS_PACKET)NULL; ReflectJoin = FALSE; RetransmitOnCCVC = FALSE;
GETSHORT2SHORT(&Flags, &JHdr->Flags);
MARSDBGPRINT(DBG_LEVEL_LOUD, ("MarsAddClusterMemberToGroups: pMember %x, Min ", pMember)); MARSDUMPIPADDR(DBG_LEVEL_LOUD, pGrpAddrRange->MinAddr, ", Max "); MARSDUMPIPADDR(DBG_LEVEL_LOUD, pGrpAddrRange->MaxAddr, "\n");
MARSDUMPMAP(DBG_LEVEL_NOTICE, "MARS: Join ", pGrpAddrRange->MinAddr, &pMember->HwAddr.Address); do { //
// Possible cases:
// 1. Joining a single group
// 2. Joining the entire Class D space.
if ((pGrpAddrRange->MinAddr == MIN_CLASSD_IPADDR_VALUE) && (pGrpAddrRange->MaxAddr == MAX_CLASSD_IPADDR_VALUE)) { IPAddress = IPADDR_FULL_RANGE; // key for entry representing entire range
} else { IPAddress = pGrpAddrRange->MinAddr; }
// Check if this is a duplicate join of the entire class-D range.
// The special value, IPADDR_FULL_RANGE is smaller than any valid
// IP address, so if present it's always the first in
// pMember->pGroupList
if ( IPAddress == IPADDR_FULL_RANGE && pMember->pGroupList != NULL && pMember->pGroupList->pMarsEntry->IPAddress == IPAddress) { //
// Yes it is a duplicate join of the entire class-D address space.
MinMaxCount = 0; } else { MarsPunchHoles( pGrpAddrRange, pMember->pGroupList, pIntF, NULL, &MinMaxCount, &HolePunched ); }
// Check whether the JOIN is a complete duplicate.
if (MinMaxCount == 0) { //
// Duplicate JOIN. Retransmit JOIN back on the VC
// on which it was received.
ReflectJoin = TRUE; pIntF->MarsStats.DuplicateJoins++;
// Set PUNCHED to 0 in the received JOIN.
Flags &= ~JL_FLAGS_PUNCHED; PUTSHORT2SHORT(&JHdr->Flags, Flags);
break; }
// First access the MARS entry representing the
// Multicast group being joined.
pMarsEntry = MarsLookupMarsEntry(pIntF, IPAddress, TRUE); if (pMarsEntry == NULL_PMARS_ENTRY) { break; }
pGroup = ALLOC_NP_MEM(sizeof(GROUP_MEMBER), POOL_TAG_MARS); if (pGroup == NULL_PGROUP_MEMBER) { break; }
// stats...
pIntF->MarsStats.SuccessfulVCMeshJoins++; if (IPAddress == IPADDR_FULL_RANGE) { if (++(pIntF->MarsStats.CurrentPromiscuous) > pIntF->MarsStats.MaxPromiscuous) { pIntF->MarsStats.MaxPromiscuous = pIntF->MarsStats.CurrentPromiscuous; } } //
// Fill in the basics for this GROUP_MEMBER.
pGroup->pMarsEntry = pMarsEntry; pGroup->pClusterMember = pMember;
// Link this GROUP_MEMBER to the MARS Entry.
pGroup->Prev = &(pMarsEntry->pMembers); pGroup->Next = pMarsEntry->pMembers; if (pMarsEntry->pMembers != NULL_PGROUP_MEMBER) { ((PENTRY_HDR)(pGroup->Next))->Prev = &(pGroup->Next); } pMarsEntry->pMembers = pGroup; pMarsEntry->NumMembers++;
// Stats...
if ((UINT)pMarsEntry->NumMembers > pIntF->MarsStats.MaxAddressesPerGroup) { pIntF->MarsStats.MaxAddressesPerGroup = pMarsEntry->NumMembers; }
// Link this GROUP_MEMBER to the CLUSTER_MEMBER. The list
// is sorted in ascending order of IPAddress.
// NOTE: This function must not be called if pMember's GROUP_STATE is not ACTIVE.
ASSERT((MARS_GET_CM_GROUP_STATE(pMember) == CM_GROUP_ACTIVE)); for (ppGroup = &(pMember->pGroupList); *ppGroup != NULL_PGROUP_MEMBER; ppGroup = &(*ppGroup)->pNextGroup) { if ((*ppGroup)->pMarsEntry->IPAddress > IPAddress) { break; } }
pGroup->pNextGroup = *ppGroup; *ppGroup = pGroup; pMember->NumGroups++;
// If a single group was being joined, retransmit the JOIN
// on ClusterControlVc.
if (pGrpAddrRange->MinAddr == pGrpAddrRange->MaxAddr) { //
// Set PUNCHED to 0 in the received JOIN.
Flags &= ~JL_FLAGS_PUNCHED; PUTSHORT2SHORT(&JHdr->Flags, Flags);
RetransmitOnCCVC = TRUE; break; }
// A range of groups were joined. Check whether any holes
// were punched, i.e., are there any addresses in this
// range that the member had already joined, or any addresses
// that are MCS-served.
if (!HolePunched) { //
// All new Join, and no addresses were MCS-served.
// Retransmit the original JOIN on ClusterControlVc.
RetransmitOnCCVC = TRUE; break; }
// A copy of the JOIN, with the hole-punched list, is to be
// sent on ClusterControlVc.
// The copy will contain (MinMaxCount - 1) _additional_ address
// pairs.
JoinCopyLength = Length + ((2 * sizeof(IPADDR))*(MinMaxCount - 1)); *ppClusterPacket = MarsAllocControlPacket( pIntF, JoinCopyLength, (PUCHAR *)&pCopyHdr );
if (*ppClusterPacket == (PNDIS_PACKET)NULL) { break; }
COPY_MEM((PUCHAR)pCopyHdr, (PUCHAR)JHdr, Length);
pIPAddress = (UNALIGNED IPADDR *)((PUCHAR)pCopyHdr + Length - (2 * sizeof(IPADDR))); MarsPunchHoles( pGrpAddrRange, pMember->pGroupList, pIntF, pIPAddress, &MinMaxCount, &HolePunched );
// Update the JOIN _copy_ that will go on ClusterControlVc.
PUTSHORT2SHORT(&pCopyHdr->NumGrpAddrPairs, MinMaxCount); Flags |= JL_FLAGS_PUNCHED; PUTSHORT2SHORT(&pCopyHdr->Flags, Flags);
// Retransmit the received JOIN on the VC it arrived on, with
// Hole-punched reset.
Flags &= ~JL_FLAGS_PUNCHED; PUTSHORT2SHORT(&JHdr->Flags, Flags); ReflectJoin = TRUE;
break; } while (FALSE);
if (RetransmitOnCCVC) { ARPS_ASSERT(!ReflectJoin); #if 0
*ppClusterPacket = MarsAllocPacketHdrCopy(Packet); #else
*ppClusterPacket = Packet; #endif
MARSDBGPRINT(DBG_LEVEL_LOUD, ("MarsAddClusterMemberToGroups: ClusterPkt %x, RetransmitOnCCVC %d, Reflect %d\n", *ppClusterPacket, RetransmitOnCCVC, ReflectJoin));
return (ReflectJoin); }
VOID MarsUnlinkAllGroupsOnClusterMember( IN PINTF pIntF, IN PCLUSTER_MEMBER pMember ) /*++
Routine Description:
Unlink and free all Group structures attached to a Cluster Member. ALSO: disable any more groups from being added.
It is assumed that the caller has acquired the IntF spin lock.
pIntF - Ptr to Interface from which this member is to be deleted pMember - Ptr to Cluster member
Return Value:
--*/ { PGROUP_MEMBER pGroup; PGROUP_MEMBER pNextGroup;
MARSDBGPRINT(DBG_LEVEL_NOTICE, ("MarsUnlinkAllGroupsOnClusterMember: pMember %x, GroupList %x\n", pMember, pMember->pGroupList));
// Save for later.
pGroup = pMember->pGroupList; pMember->pGroupList = NULL_PGROUP_MEMBER;
// Make sure more groups can't be added later.
// De-link and free all Group structures associated with
// this cluster member.
for (NOTHING; pGroup != NULL_PGROUP_MEMBER; pGroup = pNextGroup) { pNextGroup = pGroup->pNextGroup;
// Unlink from MARS cache.
*(pGroup->Prev) = pGroup->Next; if (pGroup->Next != NULL) { ((PENTRY_HDR)(pGroup->Next))->Prev = pGroup->Prev; }
FREE_MEM(pGroup); }
BOOLEAN MarsDelClusterMemberFromGroups( IN PINTF pIntF, IN PCLUSTER_MEMBER pMember, IN PMCAST_ADDR_PAIR pGrpAddrRange, IN PNDIS_PACKET Packet, IN PMARS_JOIN_LEAVE LHdr, IN UINT Length, OUT PNDIS_PACKET * ppClusterPacket ) /*++
Routine Description:
Delete a Cluster Member from membership of the indicated group (or group range). This is called on processing a non-deregistration LEAVE message.
It is assumed that the caller has acquired the IntF spin lock.
pIntF - Ptr to Interface pMember - Ptr to Cluster member pGrpAddrRange - Min, Max IP addresses being Left Packet - NDIS packet containing the LEAVE LHdr - Ptr to incoming LEAVE Length - of incoming LEAVE ppClusterPacket - Optionally, a packet to be sent out on ClusterControlVc.
Return Value:
TRUE if the member was deleted successfully from the indicated groups, FALSE otherwise. If we returned TRUE, we also set *pClusterPacket optionally to a packet to be sent out on ClusterControlVc.
--*/ { PGROUP_MEMBER pGroup; PGROUP_MEMBER * ppGroup, * ppDelGroup; PMCS_ENTRY pMcsEntry; PMARS_JOIN_LEAVE pCopyHdr; IPADDR IPAddress; USHORT MinMaxCount; BOOLEAN ReflectLeave; BOOLEAN HolePunched; BOOLEAN RetransmitOnCCVC; BOOLEAN WasBlockJoined; BOOLEAN IsMcsServed; USHORT Flags; UNALIGNED IPADDR * pIPAddress; ULONG LeaveCopyLength;
*ppClusterPacket = NULL; RetransmitOnCCVC = FALSE; ReflectLeave = FALSE;
MARSDBGPRINT(DBG_LEVEL_LOUD, ("MarsDelClusterMemberFromGroups: pMember %x, Min ", pMember)); MARSDUMPIPADDR(DBG_LEVEL_LOUD, pGrpAddrRange->MinAddr, ", Max "); MARSDUMPIPADDR(DBG_LEVEL_LOUD, pGrpAddrRange->MaxAddr, "\n");
do { if (pMember == NULL) { ReflectLeave = TRUE; break; }
GETSHORT2SHORT(&Flags, &LHdr->Flags);
pMcsEntry = pIntF->pMcsList;
if ((pGrpAddrRange->MinAddr == MIN_CLASSD_IPADDR_VALUE) && (pGrpAddrRange->MaxAddr == MAX_CLASSD_IPADDR_VALUE)) { IPAddress = IPADDR_FULL_RANGE; // key for entry representing entire range
} else { IPAddress = pGrpAddrRange->MinAddr; }
// Gather some information:
// 1. Locate the Group member structure for this IP Address.
// 2. Check if this Cluster member has Block-Joined the entire multicast range
ppDelGroup = NULL; WasBlockJoined = FALSE;
for (ppGroup = &(pMember->pGroupList); *ppGroup != NULL_PGROUP_MEMBER; ppGroup = &((*ppGroup)->pNextGroup)) { //
// Is this the GROUP_MEMBER to be deleted?
if ((*ppGroup)->pMarsEntry->IPAddress == IPAddress) { ppDelGroup = ppGroup; }
// Does this GROUP_MEMBER indicate that the Cluster member
// has block-joined the entire multicast range?
if ((*ppGroup)->pMarsEntry->IPAddress == IPADDR_FULL_RANGE) { WasBlockJoined = TRUE; }
// Do we have all that we are looking for?
if (ppDelGroup && WasBlockJoined) { break; } }
if (ppDelGroup != NULL) { PMARS_ENTRY pMarsEntry; pGroup = *ppDelGroup;
// Unlink this GROUP_MEMBER from the CLUSTER_MEMBER.
*ppDelGroup = (*ppDelGroup)->pNextGroup; pMember->NumGroups--;
// Unlink this GROUP_MEMBER from the MARS_ENTRY.
*(pGroup->Prev) = pGroup->Next; if (pGroup->Next != NULL) { ((PENTRY_HDR)pGroup->Next)->Prev = pGroup->Prev; } pMarsEntry = pGroup->pMarsEntry; pGroup->pMarsEntry = NULL; pMarsEntry->NumMembers--;
if (pMarsEntry->pMembers == NULL) { PMARS_ENTRY pNextEntry = (PMARS_ENTRY) pMarsEntry->Next; //
// This mars entry has no more members -- remove it from the
// hash table and delete it.
ARPS_ASSERT(pMarsEntry->NumMembers==0); pIntF->MarsStats.CurrentGroups--;
#if 1
MARSDBGPRINT(DBG_LEVEL_INFO, ("MarsLookupMarsEntry: deleting entry %x for IP Addr:", pMarsEntry)); MARSDUMPIPADDR(DBG_LEVEL_INFO, pMarsEntry->IPAddress, "\n");
ARPS_ASSERT(*(pMarsEntry->Prev) == pMarsEntry); *(pMarsEntry->Prev) = pNextEntry; if (pNextEntry != NULL_PMARS_ENTRY) { ARPS_ASSERT(pNextEntry->Prev == &(pMarsEntry->Next)); pNextEntry->Prev = pMarsEntry->Prev; } ArpSFreeBlock(pMarsEntry); #endif // 0
// TODO: Delete group
#if 1
FREE_MEM(pGroup); #endif
MARSDUMPMAP(DBG_LEVEL_NOTICE, "MARS: Leave ", pGrpAddrRange->MinAddr, &pMember->HwAddr.Address);
// Check if the range/group being Left is MCS-served.
IsMcsServed = FALSE; for (pMcsEntry = pIntF->pMcsList; pMcsEntry != NULL_PMCS_ENTRY; pMcsEntry = pMcsEntry->Next) { if ((pMcsEntry->GrpAddrPair.MinAddr <= pGrpAddrRange->MinAddr) && (pMcsEntry->GrpAddrPair.MaxAddr >= pGrpAddrRange->MaxAddr)) { IsMcsServed = TRUE; break; } }
if (IPAddress == IPADDR_FULL_RANGE) { if (!WasBlockJoined) { //
// This is an attempt to leave the entire class-D
// space when in fact it has not joined it (perhaps this is
// a retransmit of an earlier LEAVE). Reflect it privately.
// Reset PUNCHED to 0.
Flags &= ~JL_FLAGS_PUNCHED; PUTSHORT2SHORT(&LHdr->Flags, Flags); //
// Retransmit privately on VC.
ReflectLeave = TRUE;
break; } else { //
// This member is truly leaving the entire class-D space.
pIntF->MarsStats.CurrentPromiscuous--; } } else { //
// Single group Leave. Check if this Cluster Member is still
// block-joined (to the entire Class D range), or if the group
// being left is served by MCS. In either case, we retransmit
// the LEAVE privately.
if (WasBlockJoined || IsMcsServed) { //
// Reset PUNCHED to 0.
Flags &= ~JL_FLAGS_PUNCHED; PUTSHORT2SHORT(&LHdr->Flags, Flags); //
// Retransmit privately on VC.
ReflectLeave = TRUE; } else { //
// Retransmit LEAVE on ClusterControlVc.
ReflectLeave = FALSE; RetransmitOnCCVC = TRUE;
} break; }
// Block Leave: can be only for the "entire Class D space" range.
// Punch holes: for each group that this Cluster member still has
// "single joins" to, and for each group that is MCS-served.
MarsPunchHoles( pGrpAddrRange, pMember->pGroupList, pIntF, NULL, &MinMaxCount, &HolePunched );
if (!HolePunched) { //
// No holes were punched, meaning that the Cluster member
// isn't member anymore of any groups in the LEAVE range,
// and none of the groups in the range is MCS-served.
// To propagate this information to all hosts in the Cluster,
// retransmit the LEAVE on ClusterControlVc.
RetransmitOnCCVC = TRUE; break; }
// One or more holes were punched. The original LEAVE
// should be transmitted back on the VC it came on, with
// PUNCHED reset to 0.
Flags &= ~JL_FLAGS_PUNCHED; PUTSHORT2SHORT(&LHdr->Flags, Flags); ReflectLeave = TRUE;
if (MinMaxCount == 0) { //
// The holes didn't leave anything left, so there is nothing
// more to do.
break; }
// A copy of the LEAVE, with the hole-punched list, is to be
// sent on ClusterControlVc.
// The copy will contain (MinMaxCount - 1) _additional_ address
// pairs.
LeaveCopyLength = Length + ((2 * sizeof(IPADDR))*(MinMaxCount - 1)); *ppClusterPacket = MarsAllocControlPacket( pIntF, LeaveCopyLength, (PUCHAR *)&pCopyHdr );
if (*ppClusterPacket == (PNDIS_PACKET)NULL) { break; }
COPY_MEM((PUCHAR)pCopyHdr, (PUCHAR)LHdr, Length);
pIPAddress = (UNALIGNED IPADDR *)((PUCHAR)pCopyHdr + Length - (2 * sizeof(IPADDR))); MarsPunchHoles( pGrpAddrRange, pMember->pGroupList, pIntF, pIPAddress, &MinMaxCount, &HolePunched );
// Update the LEAVE copy.
PUTSHORT2SHORT(&pCopyHdr->NumGrpAddrPairs, MinMaxCount); Flags |= JL_FLAGS_PUNCHED; PUTSHORT2SHORT(&pCopyHdr->Flags, Flags);
break; } while (FALSE);
if (RetransmitOnCCVC) { ARPS_ASSERT(!ReflectLeave); *ppClusterPacket = Packet; }
MARSDBGPRINT(DBG_LEVEL_LOUD, ("MarsDelClusterMemberFromGroups: ClusterPkt %x, RetransmitOnCCVC %d, Reflect %d\n", *ppClusterPacket, RetransmitOnCCVC, ReflectLeave));
return (ReflectLeave); }
PNDIS_PACKET MarsAllocControlPacket( IN PINTF pIntF, IN ULONG PacketLength, OUT PUCHAR * pPacketStart ) /*++
Routine Description:
Allocate and return a packet that can be used to send a MARS control packet.
pIntF - Ptr to Interface on which to allocate the packet PacketLength - Total length in bytes pPacketStart - Place to return pointer to start of allocated packet.
Return Value:
Pointer to NDIS packet if successful, NULL otherwise. If successful, we also set *pPacketStart to the start of the allocated (contiguous) memory.
--*/ { PNDIS_PACKET Packet; PUCHAR pBuffer; PNDIS_BUFFER NdisBuffer; NDIS_STATUS Status; PPROTOCOL_RESD Resd; // ProtocolReserved part of NDIS packet
*pPacketStart = NULL; Packet = NULL; NdisBuffer = NULL;
do { //
// Allocate space for the packet.
pBuffer = (PUCHAR)ALLOC_NP_MEM(PacketLength, POOL_TAG_MARS); if (pBuffer == (PUCHAR)NULL) { Status = NDIS_STATUS_RESOURCES; break; }
// Make this an NDIS buffer.
NdisAllocateBuffer(&Status, &NdisBuffer, MarsBufPoolHandle, pBuffer, PacketLength); if (Status != NDIS_STATUS_SUCCESS) { break; }
// Allocate an NDIS PACKET.
NdisAllocatePacket(&Status, &Packet, MarsPktPoolHandle); if (Status != NDIS_STATUS_SUCCESS) { break; }
NdisChainBufferAtFront(Packet, NdisBuffer); //
// Fill in the Protocol reserved fields properly:
Resd = RESD_FROM_PKT(Packet); ZERO_MEM(Resd, sizeof(PROTOCOL_RESD)); Resd->Flags = (RESD_FLAG_MARS_PKT | RESD_FLAG_FREEBUF); Resd->PacketStart = pBuffer;
break; } while (FALSE);
if (Status == NDIS_STATUS_SUCCESS) { *pPacketStart = pBuffer; } else { //
// Undo all that we have done so far.
if (NdisBuffer != NULL) { NdisFreeBuffer(NdisBuffer); }
if (pBuffer != (PUCHAR)NULL) { FREE_MEM(pBuffer); } }
if (Packet == NULL) { MARSDBGPRINT(DBG_LEVEL_ERROR, ("MarsAllocControlPacket: FAILED")); }
return(Packet); }
VOID MarsFreePacket( IN PNDIS_PACKET Packet ) /*++
Routine Description:
Free a packet and any associated buffers. Three kinds of packets are handled here:
1. Copy of a received control packet that has been forwarded. We might have queued this for sending on CC VC, but later decided to abort. 2. Packet generated by MARS (e.g. MARS_MULTI, hole-punched MARS_JOIN). 3. Received multicast data packet that has been forwarded.
Packet - Packet to be freed
Return Value:
--*/ { PPROTOCOL_RESD Resd; // ProtocolReserved part of NDIS packet
PNDIS_BUFFER NdisBuffer; PUCHAR pBuffer; ULONG BufferLength, TotalLength;
Resd = RESD_FROM_PKT(Packet);
// 1. Is this a copy of a received MARS control packet?
if ((Resd->Flags & RESD_FLAG_MARS_PKT) == 0) { ExInterlockedPushEntrySList(&ArpSPktList, &Resd->FreeList, &ArpSPktListLock);
ArpSDereferenceVc(Resd->Vc, FALSE, TRUE); ArpSMarsControlFreeCount++; return; } else //
// 2. Is this a packet generated by MARS?
if (Resd->Flags & RESD_FLAG_FREEBUF) { //
// Type 1 in Routine Description: everything belongs to MARS
NdisGetFirstBufferFromPacket( Packet, &NdisBuffer, (PVOID *)&pBuffer, &BufferLength, &TotalLength );
ARPS_ASSERT(BufferLength == TotalLength);
NdisFreeBuffer(NdisBuffer); } else //
// 3. This must be Multicast data that we forwarded
{ //
// Type 2 in Routine Description: only the first packet header
// belongs to MARS. The protocol reserved part contains a pointer
// to the original packet.
PNDIS_PACKET OriginalPacket;
OriginalPacket = Resd->OriginalPkt; ARPS_ASSERT(OriginalPacket != NULL);
NdisReturnPackets(&OriginalPacket, 1); }
if (NdisGetPoolFromPacket(Packet) == ArpSPktPoolHandle) { DbgPrint("ATMARPS: Freeing Packet %p belonging to ArpSPktPoolHandle %p\n!!!!", Packet, ArpSPktPoolHandle); DbgBreakPoint(); }
NdisFreePacket(Packet); }
PNDIS_PACKET MarsAllocPacketHdrCopy( IN PNDIS_PACKET Packet ) /*++
Routine Description:
Given an NDIS packet, allocate a new NDIS_PACKET structure, and make this new packet point to the buffer chain in the old one.
Packet - Packet to make a linked copy of.
Return Value:
Pointer to the newly allocated and initialized packet if successful, else NULL.
// Allocate an NDIS PACKET.
NdisAllocatePacket(&Status, &PacketCopy, MarsPktPoolHandle); if (Status == NDIS_STATUS_SUCCESS) { //
// Make this new packet point to the buffer chain in the old one.
PacketCopy->Private.Head = Packet->Private.Head; PacketCopy->Private.Tail = Packet->Private.Tail; PacketCopy->Private.ValidCounts = FALSE;
// Fill in the ProtocolReserved part with all information
// we need when we free this packet later.
Resd = RESD_FROM_PKT(PacketCopy); ZERO_MEM(Resd, sizeof(PROTOCOL_RESD));
Resd->Flags = RESD_FLAG_MARS_PKT; Resd->OriginalPkt = Packet; } else { PacketCopy = (PNDIS_PACKET)NULL; }
return (PacketCopy); }
VOID MarsSendOnClusterControlVc( IN PINTF pIntF, IN PNDIS_PACKET Packet OPTIONAL ) /*++
Routine Description:
Start sends on ClusterControlVc, if we have the connection active, and we have tried to AddParty all cluster members. Otherwise, enqueue the (optional) Packet on the Cluster Control Packet queue.
TBD: Protect this from reentrancy!
pIntF - Interface on which this packet is to be sent Packet - Packet to be sent
Return Value:
--*/ { KIRQL OldIrql; NDIS_HANDLE NdisVcHandle; PPROTOCOL_RESD Resd;
MARSDBGPRINT(DBG_LEVEL_LOUD, ("MarsSendOnCC: pIntF %x/%x, Pkt %x\n", pIntF, pIntF->Flags, Packet));
ACQUIRE_SPIN_LOCK(&pIntF->Lock, &OldIrql);
if (Packet != (PNDIS_PACKET)NULL) { if (pIntF->NumClusterMembers == 0) { //
// No point in queueing this packet.
RELEASE_SPIN_LOCK(&pIntF->Lock, OldIrql); MarsFreePacket(Packet); return; }
// Queue this packet.
Resd = RESD_FROM_PKT(Packet); InsertTailList(&pIntF->CCPacketQueue, &Resd->ReqList); }
// Make sure not more than one thread enters here.
if (pIntF->Flags & INTF_SENDING_ON_CC_VC) { RELEASE_SPIN_LOCK(&pIntF->Lock, OldIrql); return; }
// Send now if the PMP connection is made, and we have tried to AddParty
// all Cluster Members.
if ((pIntF->ClusterControlVc != NULL_PMARS_VC) && (MARS_GET_VC_CONN_STATE(pIntF->ClusterControlVc) == MVC_CONN_ACTIVE) && (pIntF->CCAddingParties == 0)) { NdisVcHandle = pIntF->ClusterControlVc->NdisVcHandle;
ARPS_ASSERT(NdisVcHandle != NULL);
// Send all packets.
while (!IsListEmpty(&pIntF->CCPacketQueue)) { pEntry = RemoveHeadList(&pIntF->CCPacketQueue); ARPS_ASSERT (pEntry != (PLIST_ENTRY)NULL); { Resd = CONTAINING_RECORD(pEntry, PROTOCOL_RESD, ReqList); Packet = CONTAINING_RECORD(Resd, NDIS_PACKET, ProtocolReserved);
// If this is a MARS Control packet, fill in CSN, and
// update our Cluster Sequence Number.
if ((Resd->Flags & RESD_FLAG_FREEBUF) || // Locally generated MARS CTL
((Resd->Flags & RESD_FLAG_MARS_PKT) == 0)) // Forwarded MARS CTL
pCSN = (PULONG)(Resd->PacketStart + FIELD_OFFSET(MARS_JOIN_LEAVE, MarsSequenceNumber)); PUTULONG2ULONG(pCSN, pIntF->CSN); pIntF->CSN++; }
RELEASE_SPIN_LOCK(&pIntF->Lock, OldIrql);
NdisCoSendPackets(NdisVcHandle, &Packet, 1);
ACQUIRE_SPIN_LOCK(&pIntF->Lock, &OldIrql); } } }
RELEASE_SPIN_LOCK(&pIntF->Lock, OldIrql);
VOID MarsFreePacketsQueuedForClusterControlVc( IN PINTF pIntF ) /*++
Routine Description:
Free any packets queued for sending on ClusterControlVc.
pIntF - Ptr to Interface
Return Value:
ACQUIRE_SPIN_LOCK(&pIntF->Lock, &OldIrql);
while (!IsListEmpty(&pIntF->CCPacketQueue)) { pEntry = RemoveHeadList(&pIntF->CCPacketQueue); ARPS_ASSERT (pEntry != (PLIST_ENTRY)NULL);
RELEASE_SPIN_LOCK(&pIntF->Lock, OldIrql);
ACQUIRE_SPIN_LOCK(&pIntF->Lock, &OldIrql); }
RELEASE_SPIN_LOCK(&pIntF->Lock, OldIrql); }
BOOLEAN MarsDelMemberFromClusterControlVc( IN PINTF pIntF, IN PCLUSTER_MEMBER pMember, IN BOOLEAN fIfLockedOnEntry, IN KIRQL OldIrql OPTIONAL ) /*++
Routine Description:
Drop a Cluster Member from ClusterControlVc. Handle all three possibilities: (a) Not connected to ClusterControlVc (b) Connection setup (MakeCall or AddParty) in progress (c) Connected to ClusterControlVc
pIntF - Ptr to Interface pMember - Ptr to Cluster Member to be deleted fIfLockedOnEntry- If TRUE, IF is locked on entry, else IF is unlocked on entry.
OldIrql -- Required IFF fIfLockedOnEntry is TRUE. This is the Irql to return to.
Return Value:
TRUE IFF IF lock was NEVER released and continues to be held. FALSE IFF IF lock WAS release AND and is released on exit AND there was some change of state that is NOT idempotent.
Thus, if IF lock is ever released in this function, it MUST be released on on exit and the return value MUST be false, AND this must only be done in a situation which changes the state of pMember in a non-idempotent way (so calling it over and over again will not result in endlessly returning FALSE).
Why these complexities? To make it safe to call this function while enumerating over all members -- check out MarsAbortAllMembers.
--*/ { NDIS_STATUS Status; NDIS_HANDLE NdisVcHandle; NDIS_HANDLE NdisPartyHandle; BOOLEAN LockReleased;
MARSDBGPRINT(DBG_LEVEL_NOTICE, ("MarsDelMemberFromCCVC: pIntF %x, pMember %x, ConnSt %x, PartyHandle %x\n", pIntF, pMember, MARS_GET_CM_CONN_STATE(pMember), pMember->NdisPartyHandle));
LockReleased = FALSE;
if (!fIfLockedOnEntry) { ACQUIRE_SPIN_LOCK(&pIntF->Lock, &OldIrql); }
if (!MarsIsValidClusterMember(pIntF, pMember)) { //
// Oops, the member has gone away in the
// mean time. We silently return.
MARSDBGPRINT(DBG_LEVEL_NOTICE, ("MarsDelMemberFromCCVC: pIntF %x, pMember %x: pMember INVALID!\n", pIntF, pMember)); if (!fIfLockedOnEntry) { RELEASE_SPIN_LOCK(&pIntF->Lock, OldIrql); return FALSE; // ***** EARLY RETURN *******
} else { //
// We shouldn't have an invalid member if the lock is held on entry!
} }
switch (MARS_GET_CM_CONN_STATE(pMember)) { case CM_CONN_ACTIVE: NdisPartyHandle = pMember->NdisPartyHandle; ARPS_ASSERT(NdisPartyHandle != NULL);
if (pIntF->CCActiveParties + pIntF->CCAddingParties > 1) { MARS_SET_CM_CONN_STATE(pMember, CM_CONN_CLOSING);
pIntF->CCActiveParties--; pIntF->CCDroppingParties++; RELEASE_SPIN_LOCK(&pIntF->Lock, OldIrql); LockReleased = TRUE;
Status = NdisClDropParty(NdisPartyHandle, NULL, 0); if (Status != NDIS_STATUS_PENDING) { ArpSDropPartyComplete(Status, (NDIS_HANDLE)pMember); } } else { //
// This is the last active party. Check if any DropParty()'s are
// yet to finish.
if (pIntF->CCDroppingParties != 0) { //
// This member will have to wait till all DropParty()s are
// complete. Mark the ClusterControlVc so that we send
// a CloseCall() when all DropParty()s are done.
#if DBG
MARSDBGPRINT(DBG_LEVEL_WARN, ("ATMARPS: Intf %p, Member %p/%x, PtyHandle %p last active party\n", pIntF, pMember, pMember->Flags, pMember->NdisPartyHandle)); { PCLUSTER_MEMBER pTmpMember; for (pTmpMember = pIntF->ClusterMembers; pTmpMember != NULL; pTmpMember = pTmpMember->Next) { MARSDBGPRINT(DBG_LEVEL_WARN, ("ATMARPS: saw last active on Intf %p, other Pty %p/%x, PtyHandle %p\n", pIntF, pTmpMember, pTmpMember->Flags, pTmpMember->NdisPartyHandle)); } } #endif
MARS_SET_VC_CONN_STATE(pIntF->ClusterControlVc, MVC_CONN_NEED_CLOSE); } else { //
// Last active party, and no DropParty pending.
NdisVcHandle = pIntF->ClusterControlVc->NdisVcHandle; MARS_SET_VC_CONN_STATE(pIntF->ClusterControlVc, MVC_CONN_CLOSING);
MARS_SET_CM_CONN_STATE(pMember, CM_CONN_CLOSING); pIntF->CCActiveParties--; pIntF->CCDroppingParties++;
RELEASE_SPIN_LOCK(&pIntF->Lock, OldIrql); LockReleased = TRUE;
Status = NdisClCloseCall( NdisVcHandle, NdisPartyHandle, NULL, 0 );
if (Status != NDIS_STATUS_PENDING) { ArpSCloseCallComplete( Status, (NDIS_HANDLE)(pIntF->ClusterControlVc), (NDIS_HANDLE)pMember ); } } } break;
// Mark it so that we'll delete it when the AddParty/MakeCall
// completes.
MARSDBGPRINT(DBG_LEVEL_WARN, ("ATMARPS: DeleteClustMemb %p/%x, conn setup in progress\n", pMember, pMember->Flags)); pMember->Flags |= CM_INVALID; break; case CM_CONN_CLOSING: NOTHING; break;
case CM_CONN_IDLE: //
// No connection. Just unlink this from the IntF and free it.
MarsDeleteClusterMember(pIntF, pMember); break;
default: ARPS_ASSERT(FALSE); break; }
if (LockReleased) { return FALSE; } else { if (fIfLockedOnEntry) { return TRUE; } else { RELEASE_SPIN_LOCK(&pIntF->Lock, OldIrql); return FALSE; } } }
VOID MarsAddMemberToClusterControlVc( IN PINTF pIntF, IN PCLUSTER_MEMBER pMember ) /*++
Routine Description:
Add a Cluster Member as a party to ClusterControlVc. If this is the only (or first) Cluster Member known to us, then place a call to this cluster member.
pIntF - Ptr to Interface pMember - Ptr to Cluster Member to be deleted
Return Value:
--*/ { KIRQL OldIrql; PMARS_VC pVc=NULL; PCO_CALL_PARAMETERS pCallParameters; BOOLEAN LockReleased; NDIS_HANDLE NdisVcHandle; NDIS_HANDLE NdisPartyHandle; NDIS_HANDLE ProtocolVcContext; NDIS_HANDLE ProtocolPartyContext; NDIS_STATUS Status;
LockReleased = FALSE; ACQUIRE_SPIN_LOCK(&pIntF->Lock, &OldIrql);
do { if (MARS_GET_CM_CONN_STATE(pMember) != CM_CONN_IDLE) { // Get out of here.
MARSDBGPRINT(DBG_LEVEL_WARN, ("AddMemberToCC: pVc %x, pMember %x, Member ConnState %x NOT IDLE\n", pVc, pMember, MARS_GET_CM_CONN_STATE(pMember))); break; }
pVc = pIntF->ClusterControlVc; if (pVc == NULL_PMARS_VC) { pVc = pIntF->ClusterControlVc = ALLOC_NP_MEM(sizeof(MARS_VC), POOL_TAG_MARS); if (pVc == NULL_PMARS_VC) { MARSDBGPRINT(DBG_LEVEL_FATAL, ("AddMemberToCC: Cannot allocate CC Vc!\n")); break; } ZERO_MEM(pVc, sizeof(MARS_VC)); pVc->pIntF = pIntF; pVc->VcType = VC_TYPE_MARS_CC; } MARSDBGPRINT(DBG_LEVEL_INFO, ("AddMemberToCC: pVc %x, pMember %x, ConnState %x\n", pVc, pMember, MARS_GET_VC_CONN_STATE(pVc))); ProtocolVcContext = (NDIS_HANDLE)pVc; ProtocolPartyContext = (NDIS_HANDLE)pMember;
NdisVcHandle = pVc->NdisVcHandle;
if (MARS_GET_VC_CONN_STATE(pVc) == MVC_CONN_IDLE) { if (pVc->NdisVcHandle == NULL) { Status = NdisCoCreateVc( pIntF->NdisBindingHandle, pIntF->NdisAfHandle, (NDIS_HANDLE)pVc, &pVc->NdisVcHandle );
if (Status != NDIS_STATUS_SUCCESS) { break; }
NdisVcHandle = pVc->NdisVcHandle; MARSDBGPRINT(DBG_LEVEL_LOUD, ("AddMemberToCC: Created VC, CCVC %x, NdisVcHandle %x\n", pVc, pVc->NdisVcHandle)); }
pCallParameters = MarsPrepareCallParameters(pIntF, &pMember->HwAddr, TRUE); if (pCallParameters == (PCO_CALL_PARAMETERS)NULL) { break; } if (pVc->Flags & MVC_CONN_CLOSE_RECEIVED) { MARSDBGPRINT(DBG_LEVEL_WARN, ("ATMARPS: MakingCall on IntF %p, CCVC %p has CLOSE_RCVD!\n", pIntF, pVc)); DbgBreakPoint(); }
pIntF->CCAddingParties++; pIntF->MarsStats.TotalCCVCAddParties++;
RELEASE_SPIN_LOCK(&pIntF->Lock, OldIrql); LockReleased = TRUE;
Status = NdisClMakeCall( NdisVcHandle, pCallParameters, ProtocolPartyContext, &pMember->NdisPartyHandle );
if (Status != NDIS_STATUS_PENDING) { ArpSMakeCallComplete( Status, ProtocolVcContext, pMember->NdisPartyHandle, pCallParameters ); }
} else if (MARS_GET_VC_CONN_STATE(pVc) == MVC_CONN_ACTIVE) { pCallParameters = MarsPrepareCallParameters(pIntF, &pMember->HwAddr, FALSE); if (pCallParameters == (PCO_CALL_PARAMETERS)NULL) { break; }
pIntF->CCAddingParties++; pIntF->MarsStats.TotalCCVCAddParties++;
RELEASE_SPIN_LOCK(&pIntF->Lock, OldIrql); LockReleased = TRUE;
Status = NdisClAddParty( NdisVcHandle, ProtocolPartyContext, pCallParameters, &pMember->NdisPartyHandle );
if (Status != NDIS_STATUS_PENDING) { ArpSAddPartyComplete( Status, ProtocolPartyContext, pMember->NdisPartyHandle, pCallParameters ); } } else { //
// First call in progress.
NOTHING; } break; } while (FALSE);
if (!LockReleased) { RELEASE_SPIN_LOCK(&pIntF->Lock, OldIrql); } }
PCO_CALL_PARAMETERS MarsPrepareCallParameters( IN PINTF pIntF, IN PHW_ADDR pHwAddr, IN BOOLEAN IsMakeCall ) /*++
Routine Description:
Allocate and fill in call parameters for use in a MakeCall(PMP) or AddParty.
pIntF - Ptr to Interface pHwAddr - Points to the Called ATM address and subaddress
Return Value:
PQ2931_CALLMGR_PARAMETERS pAtmCallMgrParameters;
// All Info Elements that we need to fill:
ULONG RequestSize;
if (pCallParameters == (PCO_CALL_PARAMETERS)NULL) { return (pCallParameters); }
pFlowSpec = &(pIntF->CCFlowSpec);
// Zero out everything
ZERO_MEM((PUCHAR)pCallParameters, RequestSize);
// Distribute space amongst the various structures
pCallMgrParameters = (PCO_CALL_MANAGER_PARAMETERS) ((PUCHAR)pCallParameters + sizeof(CO_CALL_PARAMETERS));
// Set pointers to link the above structures together
pCallParameters->CallMgrParameters = pCallMgrParameters; pCallParameters->MediaParameters = (PCO_MEDIA_PARAMETERS)NULL;
pCallMgrParameters->CallMgrSpecific.ParamType = 0; pCallMgrParameters->CallMgrSpecific.Length = sizeof(Q2931_CALLMGR_PARAMETERS) + (IsMakeCall? MARS_MAKE_CALL_IE_SPACE : MARS_ADD_PARTY_IE_SPACE);
pAtmCallMgrParameters = (PQ2931_CALLMGR_PARAMETERS) pCallMgrParameters->CallMgrSpecific.Parameters;
pCallParameters->Flags |= MULTIPOINT_VC;
// Call Manager generic flow parameters:
pCallMgrParameters->Transmit.TokenRate = (pFlowSpec->SendBandwidth); pCallMgrParameters->Transmit.TokenBucketSize = (pFlowSpec->SendMaxSize); pCallMgrParameters->Transmit.MaxSduSize = pFlowSpec->SendMaxSize; pCallMgrParameters->Transmit.PeakBandwidth = (pFlowSpec->SendBandwidth); pCallMgrParameters->Transmit.ServiceType = pFlowSpec->ServiceType;
// For PMP calls, receive side values are 0's.
pCallMgrParameters->Receive.ServiceType = pFlowSpec->ServiceType; //
// Q2931 Call Manager Parameters:
// Called address:
// TBD: Add Called Subaddress IE in outgoing call.
pAtmCallMgrParameters->CalledParty = pHwAddr->Address;
// Calling address:
pAtmCallMgrParameters->CallingParty = pIntF->ConfiguredAddress;
// RFC 1755 (Sec 5) says that the following IEs MUST be present in the
// SETUP message, so fill them all.
// AAL Parameters
// Traffic Descriptor (MakeCall only)
// Broadband Bearer Capability (MakeCall only)
// Broadband Low Layer Info
// QoS (MakeCall only)
// Initialize the Info Element list
pAtmCallMgrParameters->InfoElementCount = 0; pIe = (PQ2931_IE)(pAtmCallMgrParameters->InfoElements);
// AAL Parameters:
pIe->IEType = IE_AALParameters; pIe->IELength = SIZEOF_Q2931_IE + SIZEOF_AAL_PARAMETERS_IE; pAalIe = (PAAL_PARAMETERS_IE)pIe->IE; pAalIe->AALType = AAL_TYPE_AAL5; pAal5 = &(pAalIe->AALSpecificParameters.AAL5Parameters); pAal5->ForwardMaxCPCSSDUSize = pFlowSpec->SendMaxSize; pAal5->BackwardMaxCPCSSDUSize = pFlowSpec->ReceiveMaxSize; }
pAtmCallMgrParameters->InfoElementCount++; pIe = (PQ2931_IE)((PUCHAR)pIe + pIe->IELength);
// Traffic Descriptor:
if (IsMakeCall) { pIe->IEType = IE_TrafficDescriptor; pIe->IELength = SIZEOF_Q2931_IE + SIZEOF_ATM_TRAFFIC_DESCR_IE; pTrafficDescriptor = (PATM_TRAFFIC_DESCRIPTOR_IE)pIe->IE;
if (pFlowSpec->ServiceType == SERVICETYPE_BESTEFFORT) { pTrafficDescriptor->ForwardTD.PeakCellRateCLP01 = BYTES_TO_CELLS(pFlowSpec->SendBandwidth); pTrafficDescriptor->BestEffort = TRUE; } else { // Predictive/Guaranteed service (we map this to CBR, see BBC below)
pTrafficDescriptor->ForwardTD.PeakCellRateCLP01 = BYTES_TO_CELLS(pFlowSpec->SendBandwidth); pTrafficDescriptor->BestEffort = FALSE; }
pAtmCallMgrParameters->InfoElementCount++; pIe = (PQ2931_IE)((PUCHAR)pIe + pIe->IELength); }
// Broadband Bearer Capability
if (IsMakeCall) { pIe->IEType = IE_BroadbandBearerCapability; pIe->IELength = SIZEOF_Q2931_IE + SIZEOF_ATM_BBC_IE; pBbc = (PATM_BROADBAND_BEARER_CAPABILITY_IE)pIe->IE;
pBbc->BearerClass = BCOB_X; pBbc->UserPlaneConnectionConfig = UP_P2P; if (pFlowSpec->ServiceType == SERVICETYPE_BESTEFFORT) { pBbc->TrafficType = TT_NOIND; pBbc->TimingRequirements = TR_NOIND; pBbc->ClippingSusceptability = CLIP_NOT; } else { pBbc->TrafficType = TT_CBR; pBbc->TimingRequirements = TR_END_TO_END; pBbc->ClippingSusceptability = CLIP_SUS; }
pAtmCallMgrParameters->InfoElementCount++; pIe = (PQ2931_IE)((PUCHAR)pIe + pIe->IELength); }
// Broadband Lower Layer Information
pIe->IEType = IE_BLLI; pIe->IELength = SIZEOF_Q2931_IE + SIZEOF_ATM_BLLI_IE; pBlli = (PATM_BLLI_IE)pIe->IE; COPY_MEM((PUCHAR)pBlli, (PUCHAR)&ArpSDefaultBlli, sizeof(ATM_BLLI_IE));
pAtmCallMgrParameters->InfoElementCount++; pIe = (PQ2931_IE)((PUCHAR)pIe + pIe->IELength);
// QoS
if (IsMakeCall) { pIe->IEType = IE_QOSClass; pIe->IELength = SIZEOF_Q2931_IE + SIZEOF_ATM_QOS_IE; pQos = (PATM_QOS_CLASS_IE)pIe->IE; if (pFlowSpec->ServiceType == SERVICETYPE_BESTEFFORT) { pQos->QOSClassForward = pQos->QOSClassBackward = 0; } else { pQos->QOSClassForward = pQos->QOSClassBackward = 1; }
pAtmCallMgrParameters->InfoElementCount++; pIe = (PQ2931_IE)((PUCHAR)pIe + pIe->IELength); }
return (pCallParameters);
BOOLEAN MarsSendRedirect( IN PINTF pIntF, IN PTIMER Timer, IN BOOLEAN TimerShuttingDown ) /*++
Routine Description:
Send a MARS_REDIRECT on ClusterControlVc, as part of a periodic keepalive for Cluster members, unless we are shutting down.
pIntF - Ptr to Interface Timer - Ptr to timer that went off TimerShuttingDown - Indicates whether we are shutting down
Return Value:
TRUE iff TimerShuttingDown is FALSE.
--*/ { ULONG PacketLength; PNDIS_PACKET RedirPacket; PMARS_REDIRECT_MAP RHdr; PATM_ADDRESS pAtmAddress; KIRQL OldIrql; PUCHAR p; INT i; BOOLEAN LockAcquired;
MARSDBGPRINT(DBG_LEVEL_LOUD, ("MarsSendRedirect: pIntF %x, Timer %x, ShuttingDown %x\n", pIntF, Timer, TimerShuttingDown));
ACQUIRE_SPIN_LOCK(&pIntF->Lock, &OldIrql); LockAcquired = TRUE;
if (pIntF->NumAddressesRegd > pIntF->NumAllocedRegdAddresses) { //
// 12/22/1998 JosephJ: We shouldn't get here, but we have in the past, hence this assert.
// I made a change to ArpSCoRequestComplete -- see 12/22/1998 note there -- which should
// make us never get here.
ASSERT(!"Redirect: NumRegd>NumAlloced");
// If somehow we do, we fix up NumAddresesRegd
pIntF->NumAddressesRegd = pIntF->NumAllocedRegdAddresses; } if (!TimerShuttingDown) { PacketLength = sizeof(MARS_REDIRECT_MAP) + //
// Source ATM Address
pIntF->ConfiguredAddress.NumberOfDigits + //
// List of MARS ATM Addresses =
// Our configured address + registered addresses
pIntF->ConfiguredAddress.NumberOfDigits + (ATM_ADDRESS_LENGTH * pIntF->NumAddressesRegd);
ARPS_ASSERT(PacketLength <= pIntF->MaxPacketSize);
RedirPacket = MarsAllocControlPacket(pIntF, PacketLength, (PUCHAR *)&RHdr);
if (RedirPacket != (PNDIS_PACKET)NULL) { ZERO_MEM(RHdr, PacketLength);
// Fill in the packet.
COPY_MEM(RHdr, &MarsCntrlHdr, sizeof(MarsCntrlHdr)); RHdr->Opcode = OP_MARS_REDIRECT_MAP; RHdr->TgtAddressTL = ATM_ADDRESS_LENGTH; PUTSHORT2SHORT(&(RHdr->NumTgtAddr), 1 + pIntF->NumAddressesRegd);
p = (PUCHAR)(RHdr + 1);
// Source ATM Number
COPY_MEM(p, pIntF->ConfiguredAddress.Address, pIntF->ConfiguredAddress.NumberOfDigits);
p += pIntF->ConfiguredAddress.NumberOfDigits;
pAtmAddress = pIntF->RegAddresses; for (i = pIntF->NumAddressesRegd; i != 0; i--) { ARPS_ASSERT(pAtmAddress->NumberOfDigits <= 20); COPY_MEM(p, pAtmAddress->Address, pAtmAddress->NumberOfDigits); p += pAtmAddress->NumberOfDigits; pAtmAddress++; }
PacketLength = (ULONG)(p - (PUCHAR)RHdr);
NdisAdjustBufferLength(RedirPacket->Private.Head, PacketLength); RedirPacket->Private.ValidCounts = FALSE;
RELEASE_SPIN_LOCK(&pIntF->Lock, OldIrql); LockAcquired = FALSE; MarsSendOnClusterControlVc(pIntF, RedirPacket); } }
if (LockAcquired) { RELEASE_SPIN_LOCK(&pIntF->Lock, OldIrql); }
return (!TimerShuttingDown); }
VOID MarsAbortAllMembers( IN PINTF pIntF )
Routine Description:
Abort all Cluster Members on the specified Interface, by removing all their group memberships, and dropping them off ClusterControlVc.
pIntF - Ptr to Interface
Return Value:
--*/ { PCLUSTER_MEMBER pMember = NULL; PCLUSTER_MEMBER pNextMember; KIRQL OldIrql; BOOLEAN fLockPreserved; UINT uInitialMembersEnumerated; UINT uTotalMembersEnumerated;
ACQUIRE_SPIN_LOCK(&pIntF->Lock, &OldIrql);
// TODO: disable more members from being added.
// First with the IntF lock held, we go through unlinking groups from
// all cluster members.
uInitialMembersEnumerated = 0; for (pMember = pIntF->ClusterMembers; pMember != NULL_PCLUSTER_MEMBER; pMember = (PCLUSTER_MEMBER)pMember->Next) { uInitialMembersEnumerated++;
MARSDBGPRINT(DBG_LEVEL_NOTICE, ("MarsAbortAllMembers: pIntF %x, Unlinking groups on Cluster Member %x\n", pIntF, pMember));
// Delete all groups from this member
// AND disable further groups from being added.
MarsUnlinkAllGroupsOnClusterMember(pIntF, pMember); }
// Then we initiate the deletion of each cluster member.
uTotalMembersEnumerated = 0; do { fLockPreserved = TRUE;
if (uTotalMembersEnumerated > (uInitialMembersEnumerated*uInitialMembersEnumerated)) { //
// This really shouldn't happen. In the worst case, we expect
// total enumerations to be around N*(N-1)/2, where N is
// uInitialMembersEnumerated.
// NOTE: the squaring above could theoretically result in an overflow.
// But we're really not shooting to support 65536 cluster members!
// If we were, our O(N^2) algorithms will breakdown anyway!
ASSERT(!"Not making progress deleting members."); break; }
for (pMember = pIntF->ClusterMembers; pMember != NULL_PCLUSTER_MEMBER; pMember = pNextMember) { pNextMember = (PCLUSTER_MEMBER)pMember->Next; uTotalMembersEnumerated++; MARSDBGPRINT(DBG_LEVEL_NOTICE, ("MarsAbortAllMembers: pIntF %x, Deleting Cluster Member %x\n", pIntF, pMember)); fLockPreserved = MarsDelMemberFromClusterControlVc( pIntF, pMember, TRUE, OldIrql ); if (!fLockPreserved) { //
// This means that MarsDelMemberFromClusterControlVc has
// made some non-idempotent change to pMember which has
// required it to release the pIntF lock.
// We will re-acquire the lock and start enumeration from scratch.
ACQUIRE_SPIN_LOCK(&pIntF->Lock, &OldIrql); break; } }
} while (!fLockPreserved);
RELEASE_SPIN_LOCK(&pIntF->Lock, OldIrql); }
VOID MarsStopInterface( IN PINTF pIntF ) /*++
Routine Description:
Shut down all MARS activity on the specified Interface.
1. Free any packets queued for transmission on ClusterControlVc. 2. Delete all Cluster Members, and drop them from ClusterControlVc. 3. Clean up the MARS cache.
pIntF - Ptr to Interface
Return Value:
--*/ { PMARS_ENTRY pMarsEntry; PMARS_ENTRY pNextMarsEntry; ULONG i; KIRQL OldIrql;
MARSDBGPRINT(DBG_LEVEL_NOTICE, ("=>MarsStopInterface: pIntF %x, Flags %x, Ref %x\n", pIntF, pIntF->Flags, pIntF->RefCount));
// Delete all cluster members.
ACQUIRE_SPIN_LOCK(&pIntF->Lock, &OldIrql);
if (pIntF->pMcsList != NULL) { FREE_MEM(pIntF->pMcsList); pIntF->pMcsList = NULL; }
// Clean up the MARS cache.
for (i = 0; i < MARS_TABLE_SIZE; i++) { // Remove the list at pIntF->MarsCache[i] and nuke all items in it.
// Be sure to set pIntF->MarsCache[i] to NULL so no one else tries to
// get to these entries in the mean time.
pMarsEntry = pIntF->MarsCache[i]; pIntF->MarsCache[i] = NULL;
for (; pMarsEntry != NULL_PMARS_ENTRY; pMarsEntry = pNextMarsEntry) { pNextMarsEntry = (PMARS_ENTRY)pMarsEntry->Next;
MARSDBGPRINT(DBG_LEVEL_INFO, ("MarsStopIntf: pIntF %x, Freeing MARS Entry %x, IP Addr: ", pIntF, pMarsEntry)); MARSDUMPIPADDR(DBG_LEVEL_INFO, pMarsEntry->IPAddress, "\n");
ARPS_ASSERT(pMarsEntry->pMembers == NULL_PGROUP_MEMBER); RELEASE_SPIN_LOCK(&pIntF->Lock, OldIrql);
ACQUIRE_SPIN_LOCK(&pIntF->Lock, &OldIrql); } }
MARSDBGPRINT(DBG_LEVEL_NOTICE, ("<=MarsStopInterface: pIntF %x, Flags %x, Ref %x\n", pIntF, pIntF->Flags, pIntF->RefCount));
RELEASE_SPIN_LOCK(&pIntF->Lock, OldIrql);
return; }
#if DBG
VOID MarsDumpPacket( IN PUCHAR Packet, IN UINT PktLen ) { UINT i;
MARSDBGPRINT(DBG_LEVEL_INFO, (" PacketDump: ")); for (i = 0; i < PktLen; i++) { MARSDBGPRINT(DBG_LEVEL_INFO+DBG_NO_HDR, ("%02x ", Packet[i])); }
VOID MarsDumpIpAddr( IN IPADDR IpAddr, IN PCHAR String ) { PUCHAR p = (PUCHAR)&IpAddr;
DbgPrint("%d.%d.%d.%d%s", p[0], p[1], p[2], p[3], String); }
VOID MarsDumpAtmAddr( IN PATM_ADDRESS AtmAddr, IN PCHAR String ) { ULONG i; ULONG NumOfDigits; PUCHAR pSrc, pDst; UCHAR AddrString[(ATM_ADDRESS_LENGTH*2) + 1];
// Prepare the Address string in ASCII
if ((NumOfDigits = AtmAddr->NumberOfDigits) > ATM_ADDRESS_LENGTH) { NumOfDigits = ATM_ADDRESS_LENGTH; }
pSrc = AtmAddr->Address; pDst = AddrString; for (i = 0; i < NumOfDigits; i++, pSrc++) { *pDst = ((*pSrc) >> 4); *pDst += (((*pDst) > 9) ? ('A' - 10) : '0'); pDst++; *pDst = ((*pSrc) & 0x0F); *pDst += (((*pDst) > 9) ? ('A' - 10) : '0'); pDst++; }
*pDst = '\0';
DbgPrint("%s(%s, %d): %s\n", String, (AtmAddr->AddressType == ATM_E164) ? "E164" : "NSAP", AtmAddr->NumberOfDigits, AddrString); }
VOID MarsDumpMap( IN PCHAR String, IN IPADDR IpAddr, IN PATM_ADDRESS AtmAddr ) { PUCHAR pIpAddrVal = (PUCHAR)&IpAddr;
DbgPrint("MARS: %s %d.%d.%d.%d : ", String, ((PUCHAR)pIpAddrVal)[3], ((PUCHAR)pIpAddrVal)[2], ((PUCHAR)pIpAddrVal)[1], ((PUCHAR)pIpAddrVal)[0] );
MarsDumpAtmAddr(AtmAddr, ""); }
#endif // DBG
BOOLEAN MarsIsValidClusterMember( PINTF pIntF, PCLUSTER_MEMBER pPossibleMember ) /*++
Routine Description:
Verify that pPossibleMember is a valid member, by checking if it is in the list of members. pMember COULD be an invalid pointer.
The interface lock is expected to be held and is not released.
pIntF - Ptr to Interface pPossibleMember - Ptr to Cluster Member to be validated.
Return Value:
TRUE IFF pMember is in the cluster member list.
--*/ { PCLUSTER_MEMBER pMember;
for (pMember = pIntF->ClusterMembers; pMember != NULL_PCLUSTER_MEMBER; pMember = (PCLUSTER_MEMBER)pMember->Next) { if (pMember == pPossibleMember) { return TRUE; } }
return FALSE; }