// ATlkDlg.cpp : Implementation of CATLKRoutingDlg and CATLKGeneralDlg
#include "pch.h"
#pragma hdrstop
#include "atlkobj.h"
#include "ncatlui.h"
#include "ncui.h"
#include "atlkhlp.h"
extern const WCHAR c_szDevice[]; extern const WCHAR c_szNetCfgHelpFile[];
const WCHAR c_chAmpersand = L'&'; const WCHAR c_chAsterisk = L'*'; const WCHAR c_chColon = L':'; const WCHAR c_chPeriod = L'.'; const WCHAR c_chQuote = L'\"'; const WCHAR c_chSpace = L' ';
// Function: PGetCurrentAdapterInfo
// Purpose: Based on the currently selected item in the adapter combobox.
// Extract and return the AdapterInfo *
// Parameters: pATLKEnv [IN] - Enviroment block for this property page
// Returns: CAdapterInfo *, Pointer to the adapter info if it exists,
// NULL otherwise
static CAdapterInfo *PGetCurrentAdapterInfo(CATLKEnv * pATLKEnv) { Assert(NULL != pATLKEnv); if (pATLKEnv->AdapterInfoList().empty()) { return NULL; } else { return pATLKEnv->AdapterInfoList().front(); } }
// Function: CATLKGeneralDlg::CATLKGeneralDlg
// Purpose: ctor for the CATLKGeneralDlg class
// Parameters: pmsc - Ptr to the ATLK notification object
// pATLKEnv - Ptr to the current ATLK configuration
// Returns: nothing
CATLKGeneralDlg::CATLKGeneralDlg(CATlkObj *pmsc, CATLKEnv * pATLKEnv) { m_pmsc = pmsc; m_pATLKEnv = pATLKEnv; Assert(NULL != m_pATLKEnv); }
// Function: CATLKGeneralDlg::~CATLKGeneralDlg
// Purpose: dtor for the CATLKGeneralDlg class
// Parameters: none
// Returns: nothing
CATLKGeneralDlg::~CATLKGeneralDlg() { // Don't free m_pmsc or m_pATLKEnv, they're borrowed only
// Function: CATLKGeneralDlg::HandleChkBox
// Purpose: Process the BN_PUSHBUTTON message for ATLK's General page
// Parameters: Standard ATL params
// Returns: LRESULT, 0L
LRESULT CATLKGeneralDlg::HandleChkBox(WORD wNotifyCode, WORD wID, HWND hWndCtl, BOOL& bHandled) { if (BN_CLICKED == wNotifyCode) { UINT uIsCheckBoxChecked;
uIsCheckBoxChecked = IsDlgButtonChecked(CHK_GENERAL_DEFAULT);
::EnableWindow(GetDlgItem(CMB_GENERAL_ZONE), uIsCheckBoxChecked); ::EnableWindow(GetDlgItem(IDC_TXT_ZONELIST), uIsCheckBoxChecked); }
return 0; }
// Function: CATLKGeneralDlg::OnInitDialog
// Purpose: Process the WM_INITDIALOG message for ATLK's General page
// Parameters: Standard ATL params
// Returns: LRESULT, 0L
LRESULT CATLKGeneralDlg::OnInitDialog(UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam, BOOL& bHandled) { tstring strDefPort; CAdapterInfo * pAI = PGetCurrentAdapterInfo(m_pATLKEnv); HWND hwndChk = GetDlgItem(CHK_GENERAL_DEFAULT); HCURSOR WaitCursor;
WaitCursor = BeginWaitCursor();
// If no adapters we're successfully added, disable everything
if (NULL == pAI) { ::EnableWindow(hwndChk, FALSE); ::EnableWindow(GetDlgItem(CMB_GENERAL_ZONE), FALSE); ::EnableWindow(GetDlgItem(IDC_TXT_ZONELIST), FALSE); ::EnableWindow(::GetDlgItem(::GetParent(m_hWnd), IDOK), FALSE); EndWaitCursor(WaitCursor); return 0L; }
// Retain what we currently consider the "Default" adapter
strDefPort = c_szDevice; strDefPort += pAI->SzBindName(); if (0 == _wcsicmp(strDefPort.c_str(), m_pATLKEnv->SzDefaultPort())) { ::CheckDlgButton(m_hWnd, CHK_GENERAL_DEFAULT, 1); ::EnableWindow(hwndChk, FALSE); } else { // Disable the zone combo if the current adapter is not the
// default adapter.
::EnableWindow(GetDlgItem(CMB_GENERAL_ZONE), FALSE); ::EnableWindow(GetDlgItem(IDC_TXT_ZONELIST), FALSE); }
// danielwe: RAID #347398: Hide the checkbox completely if this is a
// LocalTalk adapter.
if (pAI->DwMediaType() == MEDIATYPE_LOCALTALK) { ::ShowWindow(GetDlgItem(CHK_GENERAL_DEFAULT), SW_HIDE); }
// Populate the Zone dialog
EndWaitCursor(WaitCursor); return 1L; }
// Function: CATLKGeneralDlg::RefreshZoneCombo()
// Purpose: Populate the Zone combo box with the supplied list of zones
// Parameters: pAI - Adapter info
// Returns: none
VOID CATLKGeneralDlg::RefreshZoneCombo() { HWND hwndComboZones = GetDlgItem(CMB_GENERAL_ZONE); INT nIdx; CAdapterInfo * pAI = PGetCurrentAdapterInfo(m_pATLKEnv);
if (NULL == pAI) return; // No adapter selected, available
::SendMessage(hwndComboZones, CB_RESETCONTENT, 0, 0L);
// Populate the Zone dialog
if (!pAI->FSeedingNetwork() || !m_pATLKEnv->FRoutingEnabled()) { // this port is not seeding the network
// if we found a router on this port then add the found zone
// list to the desired zone box. Else do nothing.
if(pAI->FRouterOnNetwork()) { if (pAI->LstpstrDesiredZoneList().empty()) return;
if (FALSE == FAddZoneListToControl(&pAI->LstpstrDesiredZoneList())) return;
nIdx = (INT) ::SendMessage(hwndComboZones, CB_FINDSTRINGEXACT, -1, (LPARAM)m_pATLKEnv->SzDesiredZone()); ::SendMessage(hwndComboZones, CB_SETCURSEL, ((CB_ERR == nIdx) ? 0 : nIdx), 0L); } } else { // This port is seeding the network, populate the zone list with the
// zones managed by this port.
if (pAI->LstpstrZoneList().empty()) return;
if (FALSE == FAddZoneListToControl(&pAI->LstpstrZoneList())) return;
nIdx = (INT) ::SendMessage(hwndComboZones, CB_FINDSTRINGEXACT, -1, (LPARAM)m_pATLKEnv->SzDesiredZone()); if (CB_ERR == nIdx) nIdx = (INT) ::SendMessage(hwndComboZones, CB_FINDSTRINGEXACT, -1, (LPARAM)pAI->SzDefaultZone());
::SendMessage(hwndComboZones, CB_SETCURSEL, ((CB_ERR == nIdx) ? 0 : nIdx), 0L); } }
// Function: CATLKGeneralDlg::FAddZoneListToControl
// Purpose: Populate the Zone combo box with the supplied list of zones
// Parameters: plstpstr - Pointer to a list of pointers to tstrings
// Returns: BOOL, TRUE if at least one zone was added to the combo box
BOOL CATLKGeneralDlg::FAddZoneListToControl(list<tstring*> * plstpstr) { HWND hwndComboZones = GetDlgItem(CMB_GENERAL_ZONE); list<tstring*>::iterator iter; tstring * pstr;
Assert(NULL != plstpstr); for (iter = plstpstr->begin(); iter != plstpstr->end(); iter++) { pstr = *iter; ::SendMessage(hwndComboZones, CB_ADDSTRING, 0, (LPARAM)pstr->c_str()); }
return (0 != ::SendMessage(hwndComboZones, CB_GETCOUNT, 0, 0L)); }
// Function: CATLKGeneralDlg::OnOk
// Purpose: Process the PSN_APPLY notification for the property page
// Parameters: Standard ATL params
// Returns: LRESULT, 0L
LRESULT CATLKGeneralDlg::OnOk(INT idCtrl, LPNMHDR pnmh, BOOL& bHandled) { INT nIdx; CAdapterInfo * pAI = PGetCurrentAdapterInfo(m_pATLKEnv); HWND hwndComboZones = GetDlgItem(CMB_GENERAL_ZONE);
if (NULL == pAI) { return 0; }
if (IsDlgButtonChecked(CHK_GENERAL_DEFAULT)) { tstring strPortName;
// Retain adapter selection as the default port
strPortName = c_szDevice; strPortName += pAI->SzBindName(); if (wcscmp(strPortName.c_str(), m_pATLKEnv->SzDefaultPort())) { m_pATLKEnv->SetDefaultPort(strPortName.c_str()); m_pATLKEnv->SetDefAdapterChanged(TRUE);
// Tell the user what checking the box means...
tstring str; str = SzLoadIds(IDS_ATLK_INBOUND_MSG1); str += SzLoadIds(IDS_ATLK_INBOUND_MSG2); ::MessageBox(m_hWnd, str.c_str(), SzLoadIds(IDS_CAPTION_NETCFG), MB_OK); } } else { // If the check box is not checked then the zone combo is
// disabled and its contents don't need to be retained.
return 0; }
// Retain the zone selection as the default zone
nIdx = (INT) ::SendMessage(hwndComboZones, CB_GETCURSEL, 0, 0L); if (CB_ERR != nIdx) { WCHAR szBuf[MAX_ZONE_NAME_LEN + 1]; if (CB_ERR != ::SendMessage(hwndComboZones, CB_GETLBTEXT, nIdx, (LPARAM)(PCWSTR)szBuf)) { // If the new zone is different then the original, then
// mark the adapter as dirty
if (0 != _wcsicmp(szBuf, m_pATLKEnv->SzDesiredZone())) { // If the earlier desired zone was NOT NULL, only then
// mark adapter dirty to request a PnP to the stack
if (0 != _wcsicmp(c_szEmpty, m_pATLKEnv->SzDesiredZone())) { pAI->SetDirty(TRUE); } } m_pATLKEnv->SetDesiredZone(szBuf); } }
return 0; }
// Method: CATLKGeneralDlg::OnContextMenu
// Desc: Bring up context-sensitive help
// Args: Standard command parameters
// Return: LRESULT
LRESULT CATLKGeneralDlg::OnContextMenu(UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam, BOOL& fHandled) { if (g_aHelpIDs_DLG_ATLK_GENERAL != NULL) { ::WinHelp(m_hWnd, c_szNetCfgHelpFile, HELP_CONTEXTMENU, (ULONG_PTR)g_aHelpIDs_DLG_ATLK_GENERAL); } return 0; }
// Method: CATLKGeneralDlg::OnHelp
// Desc: Bring up context-sensitive help when dragging ? icon over a control
// Args: Standard command parameters
// Return: LRESULT
LRESULT CATLKGeneralDlg::OnHelp(UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam, BOOL& fHandled) { LPHELPINFO lphi = reinterpret_cast<LPHELPINFO>(lParam); Assert(lphi);
if ((g_aHelpIDs_DLG_ATLK_GENERAL != NULL) && (HELPINFO_WINDOW == lphi->iContextType)) { ::WinHelp(static_cast<HWND>(lphi->hItemHandle), c_szNetCfgHelpFile, HELP_WM_HELP, (ULONG_PTR)g_aHelpIDs_DLG_ATLK_GENERAL); } return 0; }