// Microsoft Windows
// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1997.
// File: D I A L U P . C P P
// Contents: Implements the dial up connection object.
// Notes:
// Author: shaunco 23 Sep 1997
#include "pch.h"
#pragma hdrstop
#include "dialup.h"
#include "nccom.h"
#include "ncnetcon.h"
#include "ncras.h"
#include "ncreg.h"
#include "userenv.h"
#include "cmutil.h"
#include "cobase.h"
// Member: CDialupConnection::CreateInstanceUninitialized
// Purpose: Create an uninitialized instance of
// CComObject <CDialupConnection> and return an interface
// pointer as well as a pointer to the CDialupConnection.
// Arguments:
// riid [in] IID of desired interface.
// ppv [out] Returned interface pointer.
// ppObj [out] Returned object pointer.
// Returns: S_OK or E_OUTOFMEMORY.
// Author: shaunco 20 Apr 1998
// Notes:
HRESULT CDialupConnection::CreateInstanceUninitialized ( IN REFIID riid, OUT VOID** ppv, OUT CDialupConnection** ppObj) { Assert (ppObj); Assert (ppv);
*ppv = NULL; *ppObj = NULL;
CDialupConnection* pObj; pObj = new CComObject <CDialupConnection>; if (pObj) { // Do the standard CComCreator::CreateInstance stuff.
pObj->SetVoid (NULL); pObj->InternalFinalConstructAddRef (); hr = pObj->FinalConstruct (); pObj->InternalFinalConstructRelease ();
if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { INetConnection* pCon = static_cast<INetConnection*>(pObj); hr = pCon->QueryInterface (riid, ppv); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { *ppObj = pObj; } }
if (FAILED(hr)) { delete pObj; } } TraceError ("CDialupConnection::CreateInstanceFromDetails", hr); return hr; }
// Member: CDialupConnection::CreateInstanceFromDetails
// Purpose: Create an initialized instance of
// CComObject <CDialupConnection> given RASENUMENTRYDETAILS and
// return an interface pointer on that object.
// Arguments:
// pszwPbkFile [in] Path to the phonebook file.
// pszwEntryName [in] Name of the entry in the phonebook.
// fForAllUsers [in] TRUE if this entry is for all users.
// riid [in] IID of desired interface.
// ppv [out] Returned interface pointer.
// Returns: S_OK or E_OUTOFMEMORY.
// Author: shaunco 23 Sep 1997
// Notes:
// static
HRESULT CDialupConnection::CreateInstanceFromDetails ( const RASENUMENTRYDETAILS* pEntryDetails, REFIID riid, VOID** ppv) { Assert(pEntryDetails); Assert(pEntryDetails->szPhonebookPath);
CDialupConnection* pObj; HRESULT hr = CreateInstanceUninitialized (riid, ppv, &pObj); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { pObj->SetPbkFile (pEntryDetails->szPhonebookPath);
pObj->CacheProperties (pEntryDetails);
// We are now a full-fledged object.
pObj->m_fInitialized = TRUE; } TraceError ("CDialupConnection::CreateInstanceFromDetails", hr); return hr; }
// Member: CDialupConnection::CreateInstanceFromPbkFileAndEntryName
// Purpose: Create an initialized instance of
// CComObject <CDialupConnection> given only a phonebook path,
// entry name, and weather it is for all users or not and
// return an interface pointer on that object.
// Arguments:
// pszPbkFile [in] Phonebook path.
// pszEntryName [in] Entry name.
// riid [in] IID of desired interface.
// ppv [out] Returned interface pointer.
// Returns: S_OK or E_OUTOFMEMORY.
// Author: shaunco 20 Apr 1998
// Notes: This is called from Duplicate.
HRESULT CDialupConnection::CreateInstanceFromPbkFileAndEntryName ( IN PCWSTR pszPbkFile, IN PCWSTR pszEntryName, IN REFIID riid, OUT VOID** ppv) { TraceTag (ttidWanCon, "CDialupConnection::CreateInstanceFromPbkFileAndEntryName called");
CDialupConnection* pObj; HRESULT hr = CreateInstanceUninitialized (riid, ppv, &pObj); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { pObj->SetPbkFile (pszPbkFile); pObj->SetEntryName (pszEntryName); pObj->m_guidId = GUID_NULL;
// We are now a full-fledged object.
pObj->m_fInitialized = TRUE; } TraceError ("CDialupConnection::CreateInstanceFromPbkFileAndEntryName", hr); return hr; }
// INetConnection
STDMETHODIMP CDialupConnection::GetUiObjectClassId ( OUT CLSID* pclsid) { HRESULT hr = S_OK;
// Validate parameters.
if (!pclsid) { hr = E_POINTER; } else if (!m_fInitialized) { hr = E_UNEXPECTED; } else { static const CLSID CLSID_DialupConnectionUi = {0x7007ACC1,0x3202,0x11D1,{0xAA,0xD2,0x00,0x80,0x5F,0xC1,0x27,0x0E}};
static const CLSID CLSID_DirectConnectionUi = {0x7007ACC2,0x3202,0x11D1,{0xAA,0xD2,0x00,0x80,0x5F,0xC1,0x27,0x0E}};
static const CLSID CLSID_VpnConnectionUi = {0x7007ACC6,0x3202,0x11D1,{0xAA,0xD2,0x00,0x80,0x5F,0xC1,0x27,0x0E}};
static const CLSID CLSID_PPPoEUi = {0x7007ACD4,0x3202,0x11D1,{0xAA,0xD2,0x00,0x80,0x5F,0xC1,0x27,0x0E}};
hr = HrEnsureEntryPropertiesCached (); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { switch (MediaType ()) { case NCM_DIRECT: *pclsid = CLSID_DirectConnectionUi; break;
case NCM_ISDN: case NCM_PHONE: *pclsid = CLSID_DialupConnectionUi; break;
case NCM_TUNNEL: *pclsid = CLSID_VpnConnectionUi; break;
case NCM_PPPOE: *pclsid = CLSID_PPPoEUi; break;
default: *pclsid = CLSID_DialupConnectionUi; TraceTag (ttidWanCon, "GetUiObjectClassId: Unknown media type " "(%d) treating as CLSID_DialupConnectionUi", MediaType()); } } } TraceError ("CDialupConnection::GetUiObjectClassId", hr); return hr; }
STDMETHODIMP CDialupConnection::Connect () { return E_NOTIMPL; }
STDMETHODIMP CDialupConnection::Disconnect () { HRESULT hr;
if (!m_fInitialized) { hr = E_UNEXPECTED; } else { HRASCONN hRasConn;
hr = HrFindRasConn (&hRasConn, NULL); if (S_OK == hr) { // Because RasHangup could call RasCustomHangup
// we need to impersonate the client to allow the correct
// per-user information to be used.
// Impersonate the client.
HRESULT hrT = CoImpersonateClient (); TraceErrorOptional ("CDialupConnection::Disconnect -- CoImpersonateClient", hrT, RPC_E_CALL_COMPLETE == hrT);
// We need to continue if we're called in-proc (ie. if RPC_E_CALL_COMPLETE is returned).
if (SUCCEEDED(hrT) || (RPC_E_CALL_COMPLETE == hrT)) { hr = HrRasHangupUntilDisconnected (hRasConn); } if (SUCCEEDED(hrT)) { hrT = CoRevertToSelf (); TraceError ("CDialupConnection::Disconnect -- CoRevertToSelf", hrT); } } else if (S_FALSE == hr) { hr = S_OK; } } TraceError ("CDialupConnection::Disconnect", hr); return hr; }
STDMETHODIMP CDialupConnection::Delete () { HRESULT hr = E_UNEXPECTED;
if (!m_fInitialized) { hr = E_UNEXPECTED; } else { hr = HrEnsureEntryPropertiesCached (); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { // If we allow removal (a decision which is based on the
// whether the user is an admin, whether the connection is
// 'for all users', and the connection's current state) then
// proceed. If FAllowRemoval fails, it's output parameter
// is the "reason" in the form of an HRESULT. We can use
// this as our return value in that case.
HRESULT hrReason; if (FAllowRemoval (&hrReason)) { // If we're active in any way, we can't be removed.
hr = HrGetStatus(&status); if (SUCCEEDED(hr) && ((NCS_CONNECTING != status) && (NCS_CONNECTED != status) && (NCS_DISCONNECTING != status))) {
// We do an impersonation here in case the connection has a RAS custom delete notification
// setup (CM connections do, for instance). This allows the RasCustomDeleteEntryNotify
// function to interact with the system as the user.
HRESULT hrT = CoImpersonateClient (); TraceError ("HrRemoveCmProfile -- CoImpersonateClient", hrT);
// We need to continue if we're called in-proc (ie. if RPC_E_CALL_COMPLETE is returned).
if (SUCCEEDED(hrT) || (RPC_E_CALL_COMPLETE == hrT)) { // Delete the RAS entry, note that for branded connections, RAS
// will call RasCustomDeleteEntryNotify after deletion.
DWORD dwErr = RasDeleteEntry (PszwPbkFile (), PszwEntryName ());
hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32 (dwErr); TraceError ("RasDeleteEntry", hr); } // Revert to ourselves
if (SUCCEEDED(hrT)) { CoRevertToSelf (); }
} else { // Don't allow deletion unless disconnected
TraceTag (ttidWanCon, "Disallowing delete while in connected or" "partially connected state"); hr = E_UNEXPECTED; } } else { hr = hrReason; } } }
TraceError ("CDialupConnection::Delete", hr); return hr; }
STDMETHODIMP CDialupConnection::Duplicate ( IN PCWSTR pszDuplicateName, OUT INetConnection** ppCon) { HRESULT hr = S_OK;
// Validate parameters.
if (!pszDuplicateName || !ppCon) { hr = E_POINTER; } else if (!m_fInitialized) { hr = E_UNEXPECTED; } else { *ppCon = NULL;
hr = HrEnsureEntryPropertiesCached (); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { // Make sure the name is valid in the same phone book.
DWORD dwErr = RasValidateEntryName ( PszwPbkFile (), pszDuplicateName);
hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32 (dwErr); TraceError ("RasValidateEntryName", hr);
if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { dwErr = DwCloneEntry ( PszwPbkFile(), PszwEntryName(), pszDuplicateName);
hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32 (dwErr); TraceError ("DwCloneEntry", hr);
if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { hr = CreateInstanceFromPbkFileAndEntryName ( PszwPbkFile (), pszDuplicateName, IID_INetConnection, (VOID**)ppCon); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { hr = HrEnsureHNetPropertiesCached(); } if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { if (m_HNetProperties.fFirewalled || m_HNetProperties.fIcsPublic) // lazy eval the hnetcfg stuff
{ IHNetCfgMgr* pHomenetConfigManager; hr = HrGetHNetCfgMgr(&pHomenetConfigManager); if(SUCCEEDED(hr)) { IHNetConnection* pNewHomenetConnection; hr = pHomenetConfigManager->GetIHNetConnectionForINetConnection(*ppCon, &pNewHomenetConnection); if(SUCCEEDED(hr)) { IHNetConnection* pHomenetConnection; hr = HrGetIHNetConnection(&pHomenetConnection); if(SUCCEEDED(hr)) { // copy port bindings
// REVIEW if somethings fails here to we need to nuke the new connection?
IEnumHNetPortMappingBindings* pEnumPortMappingBindings; hr = pNewHomenetConnection->EnumPortMappings(FALSE, &pEnumPortMappingBindings); if(SUCCEEDED(hr)) { ULONG ulFetched; IHNetPortMappingBinding* pNewPortMappingBinding; while(S_OK == pEnumPortMappingBindings->Next(1, &pNewPortMappingBinding, &ulFetched)) { Assert(1 == ulFetched); IHNetPortMappingProtocol* pPortMappingProtocol; hr = pNewPortMappingBinding->GetProtocol(&pPortMappingProtocol); if(SUCCEEDED(hr)) { // find the original binding by using the protocol field
IHNetPortMappingBinding* pPortMappingBinding; hr = pHomenetConnection->GetBindingForPortMappingProtocol(pPortMappingProtocol, &pPortMappingBinding); if(SUCCEEDED(hr)) { BOOLEAN bEnabled; hr = pPortMappingBinding->GetEnabled(&bEnabled); if(SUCCEEDED(hr)) { if(TRUE == bEnabled) { hr = pNewPortMappingBinding->SetEnabled(bEnabled); } } // always set the computer address
if(SUCCEEDED(hr)) { ULONG ulAddress; hr = pPortMappingBinding->GetTargetComputerAddress(&ulAddress); if(SUCCEEDED(hr)) { if(0 != ulAddress) { hr = pNewPortMappingBinding->SetTargetComputerAddress(ulAddress); } } } // only set the computer name if it is used
if(SUCCEEDED(hr)) { BOOLEAN bUseName; hr = pPortMappingBinding->GetCurrentMethod(&bUseName); if(SUCCEEDED(hr) && TRUE == bUseName) { OLECHAR* pszTargetComputerName; hr = pPortMappingBinding->GetTargetComputerName(&pszTargetComputerName); if(SUCCEEDED(hr)) { if(L'\0' != *pszTargetComputerName) { hr = pNewPortMappingBinding->SetTargetComputerName(pszTargetComputerName); } CoTaskMemFree(pszTargetComputerName); } } } ReleaseObj(pPortMappingBinding); } ReleaseObj(pPortMappingProtocol); } ReleaseObj(pNewPortMappingBinding); } ReleaseObj(pEnumPortMappingBindings); } if(m_HNetProperties.fFirewalled) // copy firewall yes/no and ICMP settings
{ IHNetFirewalledConnection* pFirewalledConnection; hr = pNewHomenetConnection->Firewall(&pFirewalledConnection); if(SUCCEEDED(hr)) { HNET_FW_ICMP_SETTINGS* pICMPSettings; hr = pHomenetConnection->GetIcmpSettings(&pICMPSettings); if(SUCCEEDED(hr)) { hr = pNewHomenetConnection->SetIcmpSettings(pICMPSettings); CoTaskMemFree(pICMPSettings); } ReleaseObj(pFirewalledConnection); } } ReleaseObj(pHomenetConnection); } ReleaseObj(pNewHomenetConnection); } ReleaseObj(pHomenetConfigManager); } } } } } } } TraceError ("CDialupConnection::Duplicate", hr); return hr; }
STDMETHODIMP CDialupConnection::GetProperties ( OUT NETCON_PROPERTIES** ppProps) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; HRESULT hrHiddenCM = S_OK; CMEntry cm;
// Validate parameters.
if (!ppProps) { hr = E_POINTER; } else if (!m_fInitialized) { hr = E_UNEXPECTED; } else { // Initialize the output parameter.
*ppProps = NULL;
hr = HrEnsureEntryPropertiesCached (); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { NETCON_PROPERTIES* pProps; hr = HrCoTaskMemAlloc (sizeof (NETCON_PROPERTIES), reinterpret_cast<VOID**>(&pProps)); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { HRESULT hrT;
ZeroMemory (pProps, sizeof (NETCON_PROPERTIES));
// guidId
pProps->guidId = GuidId ();
// pszwName
hrT = HrCoTaskMemAllocAndDupSz ( PszwEntryName(), &pProps->pszwName, NETCON_MAX_NAME_LEN); if (FAILED(hrT)) { hr = hrT; }
hrT = HrCoTaskMemAllocAndDupSz ( PszwDeviceName(), &pProps->pszwDeviceName, NETCON_MAX_NAME_LEN); if (FAILED(hrT)) { hr = hrT; }
// Status
hrT = HrGetStatus (&pProps->Status); if (FAILED(hrT)) { hr = hrT; }
// Verify that the status return is accurate. HrGetStatus returns NCS_DISCONNECTED
// if the connectoid is NCS_CONNECTING, which is wrong!!!!.
if( pProps->Status == NCS_DISCONNECTED ) { // CMUtil remebers the Hidden connection (Connection Manager) and the status of
// any ras events (i.e. Connecting, Disconnecting etc). The Data is filled in
// in function RasEventNotify.
hrHiddenCM = CCMUtil::Instance().HrGetEntry(pProps->guidId,cm); if ( S_OK == hrHiddenCM ) { // Use CCMUtil's status, its more accurate.
pProps->Status = cm.m_ncs; } }
// Check if this connection has a child connection
hrHiddenCM = CCMUtil::Instance().HrGetEntry(PszwEntryName(),cm); if( hrHiddenCM == S_OK ) { // It has a child connectoid
// Now we have to determine which one describes the overall status of the connection
if( cm.m_ncs == NCS_CONNECTING || cm.m_ncs == NCS_DISCONNECTING || cm.m_ncs == NCS_CONNECTED) { if( pProps->Status == NCS_DISCONNECTING ) { // This case happens if the parent is disconnecting
// The parent is disconnecting, so the child will be disconnecting.
// Change the status of the child to disconnecting so that we do not
// get confused later on when the child is connected at the parent is
// disconnected. i.e. are we overall connecting or disconnecting!!!!
CCMUtil::Instance().SetEntry(GuidId (), PszwEntryName(),pProps->Status); } else if( cm.m_ncs == NCS_CONNECTED && pProps->Status == NCS_DISCONNECTED ) { // This case will only happen if the child is connected and the parent is still
// disconnected.
pProps->Status = NCS_CONNECTING; } else if (!IsEqualGUID(pProps->guidId, cm.m_guid)) { TraceTag(ttidWanCon, "Overwriting parent connection status: %s with child status: %s", DbgNcs(pProps->Status), DbgNcs(cm.m_ncs));
// When in doubt and the GUID's are different (ie. not a BAP/Multilink connection) take the childs status =)
pProps->Status = cm.m_ncs; } }
// Type
pProps->MediaType = MediaType ();
// dwCharacter
hrT = HrGetCharacteristics (&pProps->dwCharacter); if (FAILED(hrT)) { hr = hrT; }
// clsidThisObject
pProps->clsidThisObject = CLSID_DialupConnection;
// clsidUiObject
hrT = GetUiObjectClassId (&pProps->clsidUiObject); if (FAILED(hrT)) { hr = hrT; }
// Assign the output parameter or cleanup if we had any failures.
if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { *ppProps = pProps; } else { Assert (NULL == *ppProps); FreeNetconProperties (pProps); } } } } TraceError ("CDialupConnection::GetProperties", hr); return hr; }
STDMETHODIMP CDialupConnection::Rename ( IN PCWSTR pszNewName) { HRESULT hr;
// Validate parameters.
if (!pszNewName) { hr = E_POINTER; } else if (!m_fInitialized) { hr = E_UNEXPECTED; } else { hr = HrLockAndRenameEntry (pszNewName, this); } TraceError ("CDialupConnection::Rename", hr); return hr; }
// INetRasConnection
STDMETHODIMP CDialupConnection::GetRasConnectionInfo ( OUT RASCON_INFO* pRasConInfo) { HRESULT hr = HrGetRasConnectionInfo (pRasConInfo);
TraceError ("CDialupConnection::GetRasConnectionInfo", hr); return hr; }
STDMETHODIMP CDialupConnection::SetRasConnectionInfo ( IN const RASCON_INFO* pRasConInfo) { HRESULT hr = HrSetRasConnectionInfo (pRasConInfo);
TraceError ("CDialupConnection::SetRasConnectionInfo", hr); return hr; }
STDMETHODIMP CDialupConnection::GetRasConnectionHandle ( OUT ULONG_PTR* phRasConn) { HRESULT hr = HrGetRasConnectionHandle ( reinterpret_cast<HRASCONN*>(phRasConn));
TraceError ("CDialupConnection::GetRasConnectionHandle", (S_FALSE == hr) ? S_OK : hr); return hr; }
// IPersistNetConnection
STDMETHODIMP CDialupConnection::GetClassID ( OUT CLSID* pclsid) { HRESULT hr = S_OK;
// Validate parameters.
if (!pclsid) { hr = E_POINTER; } else { *pclsid = CLSID_DialupConnection; } TraceError ("CDialupConnection::GetClassID", hr); return hr; }
STDMETHODIMP CDialupConnection::GetSizeMax ( OUT ULONG* pcbSize) { HRESULT hr = HrPersistGetSizeMax (pcbSize); TraceError ("CDialupConnection::GetSizeMax", hr); return hr; }
STDMETHODIMP CDialupConnection::Load ( IN const BYTE* pbBuf, IN ULONG cbSize) { HRESULT hr = HrPersistLoad (pbBuf, cbSize); TraceError ("CDialupConnection::Load", hr); return hr; }
STDMETHODIMP CDialupConnection::Save ( OUT BYTE* pbBuf, OUT ULONG cbSize) { HRESULT hr = HrPersistSave (pbBuf, cbSize); TraceError ("CDialupConnection::Save", hr); return hr; }
// INetConnectionBrandingInfo
// Member: CDialupConnection::GetBrandingIconPaths
// Purpose: Returns the full paths to three icons.
// Arguments: pConBrandInfo - pointer to an Icon branding structure
// Returns: S_OK or an error code
STDMETHODIMP CDialupConnection::GetBrandingIconPaths( OUT CON_BRANDING_INFO ** ppConBrandInfo) { HRESULT hr = HrEnsureEntryPropertiesCached (); CON_BRANDING_INFO * pConBrandInfo = NULL;
BOOL fRunOldVersion = TRUE; typedef DWORD (WINAPI* pfnGetCustomPropertiesFunc)(LPCWSTR, LPCWSTR, LPWSTR, PBYTE*, DWORD*); Assert(ppConBrandInfo);
if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { if (!FIsBranded ()) { hr = E_NOTIMPL; } else { WCHAR szTemp[MAX_PATH+1]; WCHAR szIconName[MAX_PATH+1]; const WCHAR* const CMSECTION = L"Connection Manager"; HICON hIcon;
hr = HrCoTaskMemAlloc(sizeof(CON_BRANDING_INFO), (LPVOID*)&pConBrandInfo);
if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { ZeroMemory(pConBrandInfo, sizeof(CON_BRANDING_INFO));
WCHAR szExpandedCustomDLL[MAX_PATH+1] = {0}; HMODULE hCustomDll = NULL; DWORD dwRetCode = ERROR_SUCCESS; RASENTRY re = {0}; DWORD dwNeededSize = sizeof(re); re.dwSize = dwNeededSize; DWORD dwTODOREMOVE = sizeof(re.szCustomDialDll)/sizeof(WCHAR);
DWORD dwNum = GetPrivateProfileStringW(PszwEntryName (), L"CustomRasDialDll", L"", &re.szCustomDialDll[0], (sizeof(re.szCustomDialDll)/sizeof(WCHAR))-1, PszwPbkFile ()); if (0 == dwNum) { dwRetCode = RasGetEntryProperties(PszwPbkFile (), PszwEntryName (), &re, &dwNeededSize, NULL, NULL); }
if ((ERROR_SUCCESS == dwRetCode) && (lstrlenW(re.szCustomDialDll))) { BOOL fRetCode = ExpandEnvironmentStringsForUserW(NULL, re.szCustomDialDll, szExpandedCustomDLL, MAX_PATH); if (fRetCode) { hCustomDll = LoadLibrary(szExpandedCustomDLL); if (hCustomDll) { WCHAR szIconPath[(2*MAX_PATH) + 1] = {0}; WCHAR szHideTrayIcon[(2*MAX_PATH) + 1] = {0}; WCHAR szTrayIcon[(2*MAX_PATH) + 1] = {0};
pfnGetCustomPropertiesFunc pfnGetCustomProperties = NULL; pfnGetCustomProperties = (pfnGetCustomPropertiesFunc)GetProcAddress(hCustomDll, "GetCustomProperty");
if (pfnGetCustomProperties) { DWORD dwSize = 2*MAX_PATH; BOOL fRet = pfnGetCustomProperties(PszwPbkFile (), PszwEntryName (), L"Icon", (PBYTE*)&szIconPath, &dwSize); if (fRet) { if (NULL != (hIcon = (HICON)LoadImage(NULL, szIconPath, IMAGE_ICON, 32, 32, LR_LOADFROMFILE))) { DestroyIcon(hIcon); hr = HrCoTaskMemAllocAndDupSz (szIconPath, &(pConBrandInfo->szwLargeIconPath), MAX_PATH); } }
dwSize = 2*MAX_PATH; fRet = pfnGetCustomProperties(PszwPbkFile (), PszwEntryName (), L"HideTrayIcon", (PBYTE*)&szHideTrayIcon, &dwSize); // We don't care if we the call fails just need to check the length below
if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { DWORD dwNewHideTrayIcon = 1; // default is to hide the icon
if (szHideTrayIcon) { if (lstrlenW(szHideTrayIcon)) { dwNewHideTrayIcon = _ttoi(szHideTrayIcon); } } if (dwNewHideTrayIcon) { dwSize = 2*MAX_PATH; fRet = pfnGetCustomProperties(PszwPbkFile (), PszwEntryName (), L"TrayIcon", (PBYTE*)&szTrayIcon, &dwSize); if (fRet) { if (NULL != (hIcon = (HICON)LoadImage(NULL, szTrayIcon, IMAGE_ICON, 16, 16, LR_LOADFROMFILE))) { DestroyIcon(hIcon); hr = HrCoTaskMemAllocAndDupSz (szTrayIcon, &(pConBrandInfo->szwTrayIconPath), MAX_PATH); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { //
// We got all the info for the icons
fRunOldVersion = FALSE; } } } } else { //
// We got this far (meaning the call for getting the Icon succeeded),
// thus no need to run the older code which is left for compatibility reasons.
fRunOldVersion = FALSE; } } } FreeLibrary(hCustomDll); hCustomDll = NULL; } } }
// For compatibility reasons we leave this code. If the CustomDialDll doesn't have the appropriate
// entry point, then we'll just use this version of the code.
if (fRunOldVersion) { // Get the path to the cms file to get the Icon entries from.
hr = HrEnsureCmStringsLoaded();
if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { // Get the Large Icon path
if (0 != GetPrivateProfileStringW(CMSECTION, L"Icon", L"", szIconName, celems(szIconName), PszwCmsFile ())) { lstrcpynW(szTemp, PszwCmDir (), celems(szTemp)); lstrcatW(szTemp, szIconName);
if (NULL != (hIcon = (HICON)LoadImage(NULL, szTemp, IMAGE_ICON, 32, 32, LR_LOADFROMFILE))) { DestroyIcon(hIcon); hr = HrCoTaskMemAllocAndDupSz (szTemp, &(pConBrandInfo->szwLargeIconPath), MAX_PATH); } }
// See if the CM icon is hidden
WCHAR szHideTrayIcon[MAX_PATH+1]; DWORD dwHideTrayIcon = 1; // default is to hide the CM icon
if (SUCCEEDED(hr) && (0 != GetPrivateProfileStringW(CMSECTION, L"HideTrayIcon", L"1", szHideTrayIcon, celems(szHideTrayIcon), PszwCmsFile ()))) { dwHideTrayIcon = _ttoi(szHideTrayIcon); }
if (dwHideTrayIcon) // If the CM icon is not hidden, we don't want another branded icon. We'll use blinky lights instead
{ // Get the Tray Icon path
if (SUCCEEDED(hr) && (0 != GetPrivateProfileStringW(CMSECTION, L"TrayIcon", L"", szIconName, celems(szIconName), PszwCmsFile ()))) { lstrcpynW(szTemp, PszwCmDir (), celems(szTemp)); lstrcatW(szTemp, szIconName);
if (NULL != (hIcon = (HICON)LoadImage(NULL, szTemp, IMAGE_ICON, 16, 16, LR_LOADFROMFILE))) { DestroyIcon(hIcon); hr = HrCoTaskMemAllocAndDupSz (szTemp, &(pConBrandInfo->szwTrayIconPath), MAX_PATH); } } } } } } } }
// Fill in the out param struct if we succeeded, otherwise leave it alone so it will still
// marshall.
if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { *ppConBrandInfo = pConBrandInfo; }
TraceError ("CDialupConnection::GetBrandingIconPaths", hr); return hr; }
// Member: CDialupConnection::GetTrayMenuEntries
// Purpose: Returns any branded menu items to be added to the tray menu.
// Arguments: pMenuData -- Pointer to a Tray Menu Data struct
// Returns: S_OK or an error code
STDMETHODIMP CDialupConnection::GetTrayMenuEntries( OUT CON_TRAY_MENU_DATA** ppMenuData) { // initialize output
Assert(ppMenuData); *ppMenuData = NULL;
CON_TRAY_MENU_DATA * pMenuData = NULL; HRESULT hr = HrEnsureEntryPropertiesCached ();
BOOL fRunOldVersion = TRUE; typedef DWORD (WINAPI* pfnGetCustomPropertiesFunc)(LPCWSTR, LPCWSTR, LPWSTR, PBYTE*, DWORD*);
if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { if (!FIsBranded ()) { hr = E_NOTIMPL; } else { WCHAR szExpandedCustomDLL[MAX_PATH+1] = {0}; HMODULE hCustomDll = NULL; DWORD dwRetCode = ERROR_SUCCESS; RASENTRY re = {0}; DWORD dwNeededSize = sizeof(re); re.dwSize = dwNeededSize; DWORD dwNum = GetPrivateProfileStringW(PszwEntryName (), L"CustomRasDialDll", L"", &re.szCustomDialDll[0], (sizeof(re.szCustomDialDll)/sizeof(WCHAR))-1, PszwPbkFile ()); if (0 == dwNum) { dwRetCode = RasGetEntryProperties(PszwPbkFile (), PszwEntryName (), &re, &dwNeededSize, NULL, NULL); }
if ((ERROR_SUCCESS == dwRetCode) && (lstrlenW(re.szCustomDialDll))) { BOOL fRetCode = ExpandEnvironmentStringsForUserW(NULL, re.szCustomDialDll, szExpandedCustomDLL, MAX_PATH); if (fRetCode) { hCustomDll = LoadLibrary(szExpandedCustomDLL); if (hCustomDll) { pfnGetCustomPropertiesFunc pfnGetCustomProperties = NULL; pfnGetCustomProperties = (pfnGetCustomPropertiesFunc)GetProcAddress(hCustomDll, "GetCustomProperty");
if (pfnGetCustomProperties) { //
// This call actually allocates memory and fills in the whole structure inside
// the GetCustomProperty call
DWORD dwSize = 0; BOOL fRet = pfnGetCustomProperties(PszwPbkFile (), PszwEntryName (), L"Menu Items", (PBYTE*)&pMenuData, &dwSize); if (fRet) { hr = S_OK; // needed at the end of the function
fRunOldVersion = FALSE; } } FreeLibrary(hCustomDll); hCustomDll = NULL; } } }
// For compatibility reasons we leave this code. If the CustomDialDll doesn't have the appropriate
// entry point, then we'll just use this version of the code.
if (fRunOldVersion) { hr = HrEnsureCmStringsLoaded(); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { //
// Get the menu item section
WCHAR* pszMenuItemsSection = NULL; int nSize;
hr = HrGetPrivateProfileSectionWithAlloc(&pszMenuItemsSection, &nSize);
// Process the menu items
if (SUCCEEDED(hr) && (nSize>0)) { // We have menu items to process. First make a copy of the data
// and figure out a line count.
hr = HrCoTaskMemAlloc(sizeof(CON_TRAY_MENU_DATA), (LPVOID*)&pMenuData); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { DWORD dwCount = 0; WCHAR*pszLine = NULL; WCHAR szName[MAX_PATH+1]; WCHAR szCmdLine[MAX_PATH+1]; WCHAR szParams[MAX_PATH+1];
pszLine = pszMenuItemsSection;
while ((NULL != pszLine) && (0 != *pszLine)) { if (SUCCEEDED(HrGetMenuNameAndCmdLine(pszLine, szName, szCmdLine, szParams))) { dwCount++; } pszLine = pszLine + lstrlenW(pszLine) + 1; }
ASSERT(0 != dwCount);
// Now that we have an accurate count, lets
// allocate the memory for the marshalling and
// reparse the items.
hr = HrCoTaskMemAlloc(dwCount*sizeof(CON_TRAY_MENU_ENTRY), (LPVOID*)&pMenuData->pctme);
if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { pMenuData->dwCount = dwCount;
DWORD dwNumAdded = 0; pszLine = pszMenuItemsSection; while ((NULL != pszLine) && (0 != *pszLine) && SUCCEEDED(hr)) { if (SUCCEEDED(HrGetMenuNameAndCmdLine(pszLine, szName, szCmdLine, szParams)) && (dwNumAdded <= dwCount)) { hr = HrFillInConTrayMenuEntry(szName, szCmdLine, szParams, &(pMenuData->pctme[dwNumAdded]));
if (FAILED(hr)) { CoTaskMemFree(&pMenuData->pctme); }
dwNumAdded++; } pszLine = pszLine + lstrlenW(pszLine) + 1; } } else { delete pMenuData; } } delete (pszMenuItemsSection); } } } } }
// Fill in the out param struct if we succeeded, otherwise leave it alone so it will still
// marshall.
if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { *ppMenuData = pMenuData; }
TraceError ("CDialupConnection::GetTrayMenuEntries", hr); return hr; }
// Member: CDialupConnection::HrGetPrivateProfileSectionWithAlloc
// Purpose: This function ensures that the CM specific member vars for dialup
// are loaded and usable by CM specific functions.
// Arguments: none
// Returns: S_OK or an error code
HRESULT CDialupConnection::HrGetPrivateProfileSectionWithAlloc ( OUT WCHAR** pszSection, OUT int* pnSize) {
Assert(pszSection); Assert(pnSize);
HRESULT hr = HrEnsureCmStringsLoaded();
if (!pszSection) { return E_POINTER; } if (!pnSize) { return E_POINTER; }
if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { const int c_64K= 64*1024; int nAllocated = 1024; *pnSize = nAllocated - 2;
while ((nAllocated <= c_64K) && ((*pnSize) == (nAllocated - 2))) { // Should never need more than the 4-5 lines we already allocated
// but someone might want lots of menu options.
if (NULL != *pszSection) { delete (*pszSection); }
*pszSection = new WCHAR[nAllocated];
if (*pszSection) { *pnSize = GetPrivateProfileSectionW(L"Menu Options", *pszSection, nAllocated, PszwCmsFile ()); } else { hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; break; }
nAllocated = 2*nAllocated; }
if (nAllocated > c_64K) { hr = E_UNEXPECTED; } if (nAllocated > c_64K || 0 == *pnSize) { // We need to free this in both cases, because if the size is 0, then the callers don't free this.
delete *pszSection; } }
TraceError ("CDialupConnection::HrGetPrivateProfileSectionWithAlloc", hr); return hr; }
// Member: CDialupConnection::HrGetMenuNameAndCmdLine
// Purpose: Given a menu item line from a CMS file parses out the Menu item name,
// Menu executable, and Menu item parameters.
// Arguments: pMenuData -- Pointer to a Tray Menu Data struct
// Returns: S_OK or an error code
HRESULT CDialupConnection::HrGetMenuNameAndCmdLine( IN PCWSTR pszString, OUT PWSTR szName, OUT PWSTR szProgram, OUT PWSTR szParams) { WCHAR* pszPtr1; WCHAR* pszPtr2; WCHAR szLine[MAX_PATH+1]; BOOL fLong = FALSE; HRESULT hr;
Assert(NULL != pszString); Assert(NULL != szName); Assert(NULL != szProgram); Assert(NULL != szParams);
ZeroMemory(szName, celems(szName)); ZeroMemory(szProgram, celems(szProgram)); ZeroMemory(szParams, celems(szParams));
lstrcpynW(szLine, pszString, celems(szLine));
// Process the first portion, the "Name=" part
pszPtr1 = wcsstr(szLine, L"=");
if (pszPtr1) { *pszPtr1 = 0; lstrcpynW(szName, szLine, MAX_PATH);
// Process next portion, the program name
if (pszPtr1) { // Look for "+" or " " marking end of program portion
if (*pszPtr1 == L'+') { pszPtr1++; pszPtr2 = wcsstr(pszPtr1, L"+"); fLong = TRUE; } else { // If not a long filename then we have two choices,
// either a short program name and params or just a
// short program name.
pszPtr2 = wcsstr(pszPtr1, L" "); fLong = FALSE; }
// Terminate program name and copy
if (pszPtr2) { if (*pszPtr2 != 0) { *pszPtr2 = 0; pszPtr2++; }
lstrcpynW(szProgram, pszPtr1, MAX_PATH);
// Process final portion, the params
if (fLong) { pszPtr2++; // skip blank
// Now we are have the param string
if (pszPtr2) { lstrcpynW(szParams, pszPtr2, MAX_PATH); } } else { // Just a program with no params and no space seperator
// (this happens on memphis)
lstrcpynW(szProgram, pszPtr1, MAX_PATH); } } hr = S_OK; } else { // No entries
TraceError ("CDialupConnection::HrGetMenuNameAndCmdLine", hr); return hr; }
// Member: CDialupConnection::HrFillInConTrayMenuEntry
// Purpose: Given the elements of a ConTrayMenuEntry struct, the function
// allocs the memory necessary and copies of the given elements.
// Arguments: szwName - Display name of the command to show in the tray context menu
// szwCmdLine - actual command to run for this menu entry
// szwParams - command params for this command
// pMenuEntry - pointer to the struct to fill in and execute
// Returns: S_OK or an error code
HRESULT CDialupConnection::HrFillInConTrayMenuEntry ( IN PCWSTR szName, IN PCWSTR szCmdLine, IN PCWSTR szParams, OUT CON_TRAY_MENU_ENTRY* pMenuEntry) { HRESULT hr; ZeroMemory(pMenuEntry, sizeof(CON_TRAY_MENU_ENTRY));
hr = HrCoTaskMemAlloc ((lstrlenW(szName)+1)*sizeof(WCHAR), (LPVOID*)&(pMenuEntry->szwMenuText)); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { lstrcpyW(pMenuEntry->szwMenuText, szName); hr = HrCoTaskMemAlloc ((lstrlenW(szParams)+1)*sizeof(WCHAR), (LPVOID*)&(pMenuEntry->szwMenuParams)); if (S_OK == hr) { lstrcpyW(pMenuEntry->szwMenuParams, szParams); if (0 == wcsncmp(PszwShortServiceName (), szCmdLine, lstrlenW(PszwShortServiceName ()))) { //
// Then we have an included file. Add the profile dir path
// Take out the "short service name" because it's already included in the path
PCWSTR pszFileName = szCmdLine + lstrlenW(PszwShortServiceName()) + 1; hr = HrCoTaskMemAlloc ((lstrlenW(pszFileName)+lstrlenW(PszwProfileDir())+1)*sizeof(WCHAR), (LPVOID*)&(pMenuEntry->szwMenuCmdLine)); if (S_OK == hr) { lstrcpyW(pMenuEntry->szwMenuCmdLine, PszwProfileDir ()); lstrcatW(pMenuEntry->szwMenuCmdLine, pszFileName); } } else { hr = HrCoTaskMemAlloc ((lstrlenW(szCmdLine)+1)*sizeof(WCHAR), (LPVOID*)&(pMenuEntry->szwMenuCmdLine)); if (S_OK == hr) { lstrcpyW(pMenuEntry->szwMenuCmdLine, szCmdLine); } } } } if (FAILED(hr)) { //
// We Failed so free the memory
CoTaskMemFree(pMenuEntry->szwMenuText); CoTaskMemFree(pMenuEntry->szwMenuCmdLine); CoTaskMemFree(pMenuEntry->szwMenuParams); }
return hr; }
// Member: CDialupConnection::HrGetCmpFileLocation
// Purpose: Compares the phonebook file path to path of the current user's
// application data dir. If the initial paths are the same we have
// a private profile. Please NOTE that calling this function
// requires the calling client to properly setup CoSetProxyBlanket for
// a private user profile (matches the call to CoImpersonateClient)
// Arguments: szwPhonebook -- path to the phonebook the CM connectoid lives in
// Returns: S_OK or an error code
HRESULT CDialupConnection::HrGetCmpFileLocation( IN PCWSTR szPhonebook, IN PCWSTR szEntryName, OUT PWSTR szCmpFilePath) { DWORD dwSize = MAX_PATH; HKEY hKey; HANDLE hBaseKey = NULL; HANDLE hFile; HRESULT hr; HRESULT hrImpersonate = E_FAIL; static const WCHAR c_mappingsRegKey[] = L"Software\\Microsoft\\Connection Manager\\Mappings"; HANDLE hImpersonationToken = NULL; // The token of the thread
HANDLE hPrimaryToken = NULL; // The primary token for the new process
if ((NULL == szCmpFilePath) || (NULL == szPhonebook)) { hr = E_POINTER; } else { hr = HrEnsureEntryPropertiesCached ();
if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { if (m_fForAllUsers) { // We have an all users key so get the information from HKLM
hBaseKey = HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE; } else { // Then we have a private profile. Since netman runs as a system account,
// we must impersonate the client and then make an RTL call to get
// the current users HKCU hive before querying the registry for the
// cmp path. We also need to get the user token so that we can expand the
// cmp string in the single user case.
hrImpersonate = CoImpersonateClient (); TraceError ("HrGetCmpFileLocation -- CoImpersonateClient", hr);
if (SUCCEEDED(hrImpersonate)) { NTSTATUS ntstat = RtlOpenCurrentUser(KEY_READ | KEY_WRITE, &hBaseKey); hr = HRESULT_FROM_NT(ntstat); TraceError ("RtlOpenCurrentUser", hr);
if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { // Create a primary token
if (!OpenThreadToken( GetCurrentThread(), TOKEN_QUERY | TOKEN_DUPLICATE | TOKEN_ASSIGN_PRIMARY, TRUE, &hImpersonationToken)) { hr = HrFromLastWin32Error(); TraceError ("HrGetCmpFileLocation -- OpenThreadToken", hr); } else { if(!DuplicateTokenEx(hImpersonationToken, TOKEN_IMPERSONATE | TOKEN_READ | TOKEN_ASSIGN_PRIMARY | TOKEN_DUPLICATE, NULL, SecurityImpersonation, TokenPrimary, &hPrimaryToken )) { hr = HrFromLastWin32Error(); TraceError ("HrGetCmpFileLocation -- DuplicateTokenEx", hr); } } } } else { hr = hrImpersonate; } }
// Now Open the mappings key and get the cmp file path
if (SUCCEEDED(hr) && hBaseKey) { hr = HrRegOpenKeyEx((HKEY)hBaseKey, c_mappingsRegKey, KEY_READ, &hKey);
if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { dwSize = MAX_PATH; WCHAR szTemp[MAX_PATH+1]; hr = HrRegQuerySzBuffer(hKey, szEntryName, szTemp, &dwSize);
if (SUCCEEDED (hr)) { // Check to see if the file exists
if (!m_fForAllUsers) { ExpandEnvironmentStringsForUserW(hPrimaryToken, szTemp, szCmpFilePath, MAX_PATH); } else { lstrcpyW(szCmpFilePath, szTemp); }
if (INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE == hFile) { hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(GetLastError()); } else { CloseHandle(hFile); hr = S_OK; } } RegCloseKey(hKey); } } }
if (!m_fForAllUsers) { if (hImpersonationToken) { CloseHandle(hImpersonationToken); }
if (hPrimaryToken) { CloseHandle(hPrimaryToken); }
// If it's a valid key that is not NULL then we can close it because we opened it.
if (hBaseKey) { // Close the handle opened by RtlOpenCurrentUser
NtClose(hBaseKey); }
} if (SUCCEEDED(hrImpersonate)) { hr = CoRevertToSelf (); TraceError ("HrGetCmpFileLocation -- CoRevertToSelf", hr); } }
TraceError ("CDialupConnection::HrGetCmpFileLocation", hr); return hr; }
// Member: CDialupConnection::HrEnsureCmStringsLoaded
// Purpose: This function ensures that the CM specific member vars for dialup
// are loaded and usable by CM specific functions. Please NOTE that
// calling EnsureCmStringsAreLoaded requires the calling client to
// properly setup CoSetProxyBlanket for a private user profile.
// Arguments: none
// Returns: S_OK or an error code
HRESULT CDialupConnection::HrEnsureCmStringsLoaded() { HRESULT hr = S_OK;
if (!m_fCmPathsLoaded) { WCHAR szwCmpFile[MAX_PATH]; WCHAR szwCmsFile[MAX_PATH]; WCHAR szwDrive[MAX_PATH]; WCHAR szwDir[MAX_PATH]; WCHAR szwFileName[MAX_PATH]; WCHAR szwExtension[MAX_PATH]; WCHAR szwProfileDir[MAX_PATH]; WCHAR szwCmDir[MAX_PATH];
int nNumChars;
hr = HrGetCmpFileLocation(PszwPbkFile (), PszwEntryName (), szwCmpFile);
if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { // Now split the path
_wsplitpath(szwCmpFile, szwDrive, szwDir, szwFileName, szwExtension);
// Now construct the path to the cms file
nNumChars = wsprintfW(szwCmsFile, L"%s%s%s\\%s%s", szwDrive, szwDir, szwFileName, szwFileName, L".cms"); ASSERT(nNumChars < celems(szwCmsFile));
// Now construct the profile dir path
nNumChars = wsprintfW(szwProfileDir, L"%s%s%s\\", szwDrive, szwDir, szwFileName); ASSERT(nNumChars < celems(szwProfileDir));
// Now construct the CM dir path
nNumChars = wsprintfW(szwCmDir, L"%s%s", szwDrive, szwDir); ASSERT(nNumChars < celems(szwCmDir));
// Now transfer to the member variables
m_strCmsFile = szwCmsFile; m_strProfileDir = szwProfileDir; // remember this already has the trailing slash
m_strCmDir = szwCmDir; // remember this already has the trailing slash
m_strShortServiceName = szwFileName; m_fCmPathsLoaded = TRUE; } }
TraceError ("CDialupConnection::HrEnsureCmStringsLoaded", hr); return hr; }
// INetDefaultConnection
// Member: CDialupConnection::SetDefault
// Purpose: Set the default RAS connection
// Arguments: TRUE to set as default connection. FALSE to unset it
// Returns: S_OK or an error code
HRESULT CDialupConnection::SetDefault(IN BOOL bDefault) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; HRESULT hrT = S_OK;
if (!m_fInitialized) { hr = E_UNEXPECTED; } else { hr = HrEnsureEntryPropertiesCached (); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { RASAUTODIALENTRY adEntry; ZeroMemory(&adEntry, sizeof(adEntry)); adEntry.dwSize = sizeof(adEntry); if (bDefault) { wcsncpy(adEntry.szEntry, PszwEntryName(), sizeof(adEntry.szEntry) / sizeof(TCHAR)); }
hrT = CoImpersonateClient(); if (SUCCEEDED(hrT)) { DWORD dwErr = RasSetAutodialAddress( NULL, NULL, &adEntry, sizeof(adEntry), 1);
if (dwErr != NO_ERROR) { hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(dwErr); } hrT = CoRevertToSelf(); } } } TraceError ("CDialupConnection::SetDefault", hr); return hr; }
// Member: CDialupConnection::GetDefault
// Purpose: Get the default RAS connection
// Arguments: pbDefault - Is this the default connection
// Returns: S_OK or an error code
HRESULT CDialupConnection::GetDefault (OUT BOOL* pbDefault) { HRESULT hr = S_OK;
if (!m_fInitialized) { hr = E_UNEXPECTED; } else { hr = HrEnsureEntryPropertiesCached (); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { if (m_dwFlagsPriv & REED_F_Default) { *pbDefault = TRUE; } else { *pbDefault = FALSE; } } }
TraceError ("CDialupConnection::GetDefault", hr); return hr; }
// Member: CDialupConnection::GetPropertiesEx
// Purpose: Get the GetPropertiesEx for this connection
// Arguments: ppConnectionPropertiesEx [out]
// Returns: S_OK or an error code
HRESULT CDialupConnection::GetPropertiesEx(OUT NETCON_PROPERTIES_EX** ppConnectionPropertiesEx) { HRESULT hr = S_OK;
*ppConnectionPropertiesEx = NULL; if (!m_fInitialized) { hr = E_UNEXPECTED; } else { NETCON_PROPERTIES* pProps; NETCON_PROPERTIES_EX* pPropsEx = reinterpret_cast<NETCON_PROPERTIES_EX*>(CoTaskMemAlloc(sizeof(NETCON_PROPERTIES_EX)));
if (pPropsEx) { ZeroMemory(pPropsEx, sizeof(NETCON_PROPERTIES_EX));
hr = GetProperties(&pProps); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { hr = HrBuildPropertiesExFromProperties(pProps, pPropsEx, dynamic_cast<IPersistNetConnection *>(this)); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { pPropsEx->bstrPhoneOrHostAddress = SysAllocString(m_strPhoneNumber.c_str()); *ppConnectionPropertiesEx = pPropsEx; } FreeNetconProperties(pProps); }
if (FAILED(hr)) { CoTaskMemFree(pPropsEx); } } else { hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; } } TraceError ("CDialupConnection::GetPropertiesEx", hr); return hr; }