// Module: NetOC.DLL
// Synopsis: Implements the dll entry points required to integrate into
// NetOC.DLL the installation of the following components.
// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
// Author: a-anasj 9 Mar 1998
// quintinb 18 Sep 1998 -- rewrote
#include "pch.h"
#pragma hdrstop
#include <atlbase.h>
extern CComModule _Module; #include <atlcom.h>
#include "ncatl.h"
#include "resource.h"
#include "nccm.h"
// Define Globals
WCHAR g_szCmakPath[MAX_PATH+1];
// Define Strings Chars
static const WCHAR c_szCmakRegPath[] = L"SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\App Paths\\CMAK.EXE"; static const WCHAR c_szPathValue[] = L"Path"; static const WCHAR c_szProfiles32Fmt[] = L"%s\\Profiles-32"; static const WCHAR c_szCm32Fmt[] = L"%s\\cm32"; static const WCHAR c_szProfilesFmt[] = L"%s\\Profiles"; static const WCHAR c_szSupportFmt[] = L"%s\\Support"; static const WCHAR c_szCmHelpFmt[] = L"%s\\Support\\CmHelp"; static const WCHAR c_szCmakGroup[] = L"Connection Manager Administration Kit";
const DWORD c_dwCmakDirID = 123174; // just must be larger than DIRID_USER = 0x8000;
// Function: HrOcCmakPreQueueFiles
// Purpose: Called by optional components installer code before any files
// are copied to handle any additional installation processing
// for the Connection Manager Administration Kit.
// Arguments:
// pnocd [in] Pointer to NETOC data.
// Returns: S_OK if successfull, Win32 error otherwise.
// Author: quintinb 18 Sep 1998
// Notes:
HRESULT HrOcCmakPreQueueFiles(PNETOCDATA pnocd) { HRESULT hr = S_OK;
if ((IT_INSTALL == pnocd->eit) || (IT_UPGRADE == pnocd->eit) || (IT_REMOVE == pnocd->eit)) { // Figure out if CMAK is already installed
// if so, save where it is located
HKEY hKey; ZeroMemory(g_szCmakPath, sizeof(g_szCmakPath));
hr = HrRegOpenKeyEx(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, c_szCmakRegPath, KEY_READ, &hKey);
if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { DWORD dwSize = sizeof(g_szCmakPath);
if (ERROR_SUCCESS != RegQueryValueExW(hKey, c_szPathValue, NULL, NULL, (LPBYTE)g_szCmakPath, &dwSize)) { hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(GetLastError()); }
RegCloseKey(hKey); } else if (HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND) == hr) { // This is a fresh install of CMAK, don't return an error
hr = SHGetSpecialFolderPath(NULL, g_szCmakPath, CSIDL_PROGRAM_FILES, FALSE); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { lstrcatW(g_szCmakPath, L"\\Cmak"); } }
if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { // Next Create the CMAK Dir ID
hr = HrEnsureInfFileIsOpen(pnocd->pszComponentId, *pnocd); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { if(!SetupSetDirectoryId(pnocd->hinfFile, c_dwCmakDirID, g_szCmakPath)) { hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(GetLastError()); } } } }
TraceError("HrOcCmakPreQueueFiles", hr); return hr;
// Function: HrOcCmakPostInstall
// Purpose: Called by optional components installer code to handle
// additional installation requirements for Connection Manager Administration Kit.
// Arguments:
// pnocd [in] Pointer to NETOC data.
// Returns: S_OK if successfull, Win32 error otherwise.
// Author: a-anasj 9 Mar 1998
// Notes:
HRESULT HrOcCmakPostInstall(PNETOCDATA pnocd) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; WCHAR szTempDest[MAX_PATH+1];
if ((IT_INSTALL == pnocd->eit) || (IT_UPGRADE == pnocd->eit)) { //
// Then we need to migrate profiles and potentially delete old directories
if (L'\0' != g_szCmakPath[0]) { wsprintfW(szTempDest, c_szProfilesFmt, g_szCmakPath);
// Rename Profiles-32 to Profiles
BOOL bFail = !RenameProfiles32(g_szCmakPath, szTempDest); hr = bFail ? E_UNEXPECTED: S_OK;
// Migrate 1.0 Profiles
bFail = !migrateProfiles(g_szCmakPath, szTempDest); hr = bFail ? E_UNEXPECTED: S_OK;
// Delete the old directories (cm32 and its sub-dirs)
DeleteOldCmakSubDirs(g_szCmakPath); DeleteOldNtopLinks(); DeleteIeakCmakLinks(); } } else if (IT_REMOVE == pnocd->eit) { //
// We use the g_szCmakPath string to hold where CMAK was installed.
// To Properly delete the CMAK directory, we must delete the following
// directories CMAK\Support\CMHelp, CMAK\Support, CMAK\Profiles, and CMAK.
// We should only delete these directories if they are empty of both files
// and sub-dirs.
wsprintfW(szTempDest, c_szCmHelpFmt, g_szCmakPath); if (!RemoveDirectory(szTempDest)) { TraceError("HrOcCmakPostInstall -- Removing CMHelp Dir", HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(GetLastError())); }
wsprintfW(szTempDest, c_szSupportFmt, g_szCmakPath); if (!RemoveDirectory(szTempDest)) { TraceError("HrOcCmakPostInstall -- Removing Support Dir", HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(GetLastError())); }
wsprintfW(szTempDest, c_szProfilesFmt, g_szCmakPath); if (!RemoveDirectory(szTempDest)) { TraceError("HrOcCmakPostInstall -- Removing Profiles Dir", HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(GetLastError())); }
if (!RemoveDirectory(g_szCmakPath)) { TraceError("HrOcCmakPostInstall -- Removing CMAK Dir", HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(GetLastError())); } }
TraceError("HrOcCmakPostInstall", hr); return hr; }
// Function: migrateProfiles
// Purpose: This is the function that migrates the profiles. It takes the current
// CMAK dir as its first input and the new CMAK dir as its second input..
// Arguments: PCWSTR pszSource - root of source CMAK dir
// PCWSTR pszDestination - root of destination CMAK dir
// Returns: BOOL - Returns TRUE if it was able to migrate the profiles.
// Author: a-anasj 9 Mar 1998
// Notes:
// History: quintinb Created 12/9/97
BOOL migrateProfiles(PCWSTR pszSource, PCWSTR pszDestination) { WCHAR szSourceProfileSearchString[MAX_PATH+1]; WCHAR szFile[MAX_PATH+1]; HANDLE hFileSearch; WIN32_FIND_DATA wfdFindData; BOOL bReturn = TRUE; SHFILEOPSTRUCT fOpStruct;
// Initialize the searchstring and the destination dir
wsprintfW(szSourceProfileSearchString, L"%s\\*.*", pszSource);
// Create the destination directory
CreateDirectory(pszDestination, NULL); //lint !e534 this might fail if it already exists
hFileSearch = FindFirstFile(szSourceProfileSearchString, &wfdFindData);
while (INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE != hFileSearch) {
if((wfdFindData.dwFileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY) && (0 != _wcsicmp(wfdFindData.cFileName, L"cm32")) && // 1.1/1.2 Legacy
(0 != _wcsicmp(wfdFindData.cFileName, L"cm16")) && // 1.1/1.2 Legacy
(0 != _wcsicmp(wfdFindData.cFileName, L"Docs")) && (0 != _wcsicmp(wfdFindData.cFileName, L"Profiles-32")) && // 1.1/1.2 Legacy
(0 != _wcsicmp(wfdFindData.cFileName, L"Profiles-16")) && // 1.1/1.2 Legacy
(0 != _wcsicmp(wfdFindData.cFileName, L"Support")) && (0 != _wcsicmp(wfdFindData.cFileName, L"Profiles")) && (0 != _wcsicmp(wfdFindData.cFileName, L".")) && (0 != _wcsicmp(wfdFindData.cFileName, L".."))) { //
// Then I have a profile directory
ZeroMemory(&fOpStruct, sizeof(fOpStruct)); ZeroMemory(szFile, sizeof(szFile)); wsprintfW(szFile, L"%s\\%s", pszSource, wfdFindData.cFileName);
fOpStruct.hwnd = NULL; fOpStruct.wFunc = FO_MOVE; fOpStruct.pTo = pszDestination; fOpStruct.pFrom = szFile; fOpStruct.fFlags = FOF_SILENT | FOF_NOCONFIRMATION | FOF_NOCONFIRMMKDIR;
bReturn &= (0== SHFileOperation(&fOpStruct)); //lint !e514, intended use of boolean, quintinb
// Check to see if we have any more Files
if (!FindNextFile(hFileSearch, &wfdFindData)) { if (ERROR_NO_MORE_FILES != GetLastError()) { //
// We had some unexpected error, report unsuccessful completion
bReturn = FALSE; }
// Exit the loop
break; } }
if (INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE != hFileSearch) { FindClose(hFileSearch); }
return bReturn; }
// Function: RenameProfiles32
// Purpose: Takes the inputted CMAK path, appends Profiles-32 to it, and then
// renames the resulting dir to the path inputted as pszProfilesDir.
// Note this dir must exist for it to be renamed.
// Arguments: PCWSTR pszCMAKpath - current cmak path
// PCWSTR pszProfilesDir - new profiles directory path
// Returns: BOOL - Returns TRUE if succeeded
// Author: quintinb 13 Aug 1998
// Notes:
BOOL RenameProfiles32(PCWSTR pszCMAKpath, PCWSTR pszProfilesDir) { SHFILEOPSTRUCT fOpStruct; WCHAR szTemp[MAX_PATH+1];
ZeroMemory(&fOpStruct, sizeof(fOpStruct)); ZeroMemory(szTemp, sizeof(szTemp));
wsprintfW(szTemp, c_szProfiles32Fmt, pszCMAKpath);
if (SetFileAttributes(szTemp, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL)) { fOpStruct.hwnd = NULL; fOpStruct.wFunc = FO_MOVE; fOpStruct.pTo = pszProfilesDir; fOpStruct.pFrom = szTemp; fOpStruct.fFlags = FOF_SILENT | FOF_NOCONFIRMATION | FOF_NOCONFIRMMKDIR;
return (0== SHFileOperation(&fOpStruct)); //lint !e514, intended use of boolean, quintinb
} else { return TRUE; }
// Function: DeleteOldCmakSubDirs
// Purpose: Deletes the old Cmak sub directories. Uses FindFirstFile becuase
// we don't want to delete any customized doc files that the user may
// have customized. Thus anything in the CMHelp directory except the
// original help files is deleted.
// Arguments: PCWSTR pszCMAKpath - current cmak path
// Returns: Nothing
// Author: quintinb 6 Nov 1998
// Notes:
void DeleteOldCmakSubDirs(PCWSTR pszCmakPath) { WCHAR szCm32path[MAX_PATH+1]; WCHAR szCm32SearchString[MAX_PATH+1]; WCHAR szTemp[MAX_PATH+1]; HANDLE hCm32FileSearch; WIN32_FIND_DATA wfdCm32;
// Delete the old IEAK Docs Dir
wsprintfW(szTemp, L"%s\\%s", pszCmakPath, SzLoadIds(IDS_OC_OLD_IEAK_DOCDIR)); RemoveDirectory(szTemp);
wsprintfW(szCm32path, c_szCm32Fmt, pszCmakPath);
// First look in the Cm32 directory itself. Delete all files found, continue down
// into subdirs.
wsprintfW(szCm32SearchString, L"%s\\*.*", szCm32path);
hCm32FileSearch = FindFirstFile(szCm32SearchString, &wfdCm32);
while (INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE != hCm32FileSearch) {
if (wfdCm32.dwFileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY) { if ((0 != lstrcmpiW(wfdCm32.cFileName, L".")) && (0 != lstrcmpiW(wfdCm32.cFileName, L".."))) { //
// Then we want to delete all the files in this lang sub dir and we
// we want to delete the four help files from the CM help dir. If all the
// files are deleted from a dir then we should remove the directory.
WCHAR szLangDirSearchString[MAX_PATH+1]; HANDLE hLangDirFileSearch; WIN32_FIND_DATA wfdLangDir;
wsprintfW(szLangDirSearchString, L"%s\\%s\\*.*", szCm32path, wfdCm32.cFileName);
hLangDirFileSearch = FindFirstFile(szLangDirSearchString, &wfdLangDir);
while (INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE != hLangDirFileSearch) { if (wfdLangDir.dwFileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY) { if ((0 != lstrcmpiW(wfdLangDir.cFileName, L".")) && (0 != lstrcmpiW(wfdLangDir.cFileName, L".."))) { //
// We only want to delete help files from our help source dirs
if (0 == _wcsnicmp(wfdLangDir.cFileName, L"CM", 2)) { //
// Delete the four help files only.
wsprintfW(szTemp, L"%s\\%s\\%s\\cmctx32.rtf", szCm32path, wfdCm32.cFileName, wfdLangDir.cFileName); DeleteFile(szTemp);
wsprintfW(szTemp, L"%s\\%s\\%s\\cmmgr32.h", szCm32path, wfdCm32.cFileName, wfdLangDir.cFileName); DeleteFile(szTemp);
wsprintfW(szTemp, L"%s\\%s\\%s\\cmmgr32.hpj", szCm32path, wfdCm32.cFileName, wfdLangDir.cFileName); DeleteFile(szTemp);
wsprintfW(szTemp, L"%s\\%s\\%s\\cmtrb32.rtf", szCm32path, wfdCm32.cFileName, wfdLangDir.cFileName); DeleteFile(szTemp);
// Now try to remove the directory
wsprintfW(szTemp, L"%s\\%s\\%s", szCm32path, wfdCm32.cFileName, wfdLangDir.cFileName); RemoveDirectory(szTemp); } } } else { wsprintfW(szTemp, L"%s\\%s\\%s", szCm32path, wfdCm32.cFileName, wfdLangDir.cFileName);
DeleteFile(szTemp); }
// Check to see if we have any more Files
if (!FindNextFile(hLangDirFileSearch, &wfdLangDir)) { //
// Exit the loop
break; } }
if (INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE != hLangDirFileSearch) { FindClose(hLangDirFileSearch);
// Now try to remove the lang dir directory
wsprintfW(szTemp, L"%s\\%s", szCm32path, wfdCm32.cFileName); RemoveDirectory(szTemp); } } } else { wsprintfW(szTemp, L"%s\\%s", szCm32path, wfdCm32.cFileName);
DeleteFile(szTemp); }
// Check to see if we have any more Files
if (!FindNextFile(hCm32FileSearch, &wfdCm32)) { if (INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE != hCm32FileSearch) { FindClose(hCm32FileSearch); }
// Now try to remove the cm32 directory
// Exit the loop
break; } } }
// Function: DeleteProgramGroupWithLinks
// Purpose: Utility function to delete a given program group and its links.
// Thus if you pass in the full path to a program group to delete,
// the function does a findfirstfile to find and delete any links.
// The function ignores sub-dirs.
// Arguments: PCWSTR pszGroupPath - Full path to the program group to delete.
// Returns: Nothing
// Author: quintinb 6 Nov 1998
// Notes:
void DeleteProgramGroupWithLinks(PCWSTR pszGroupPath) { HANDLE hLinkSearch; WIN32_FIND_DATA wfdLinks; WCHAR szLinkSearchString[MAX_PATH+1]; WCHAR szTemp[MAX_PATH+1];
wsprintfW(szLinkSearchString, L"%s\\*.*", pszGroupPath);
hLinkSearch = FindFirstFile(szLinkSearchString, &wfdLinks);
while (INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE != hLinkSearch) { if (!(wfdLinks.dwFileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY)) { wsprintfW(szTemp, L"%s\\%s", pszGroupPath, wfdLinks.cFileName);
DeleteFile(szTemp); }
// Check to see if we have any more Files
if (!FindNextFile(hLinkSearch, &wfdLinks)) { FindClose(hLinkSearch);
// Now try to remove the directory
// Exit the loop
break; } } }
// Function: DeleteOldNtopLinks
// Purpose: Deletes the old links from the NT 4.0 Option Pack
// Arguments: None
// Returns: Nothing
// Author: quintinb 6 Nov 1998
// Notes:
void DeleteOldNtopLinks() { HRESULT hr;
// First Delete the old NTOP4 Path
WCHAR szGroup[MAX_PATH+1]; WCHAR szTemp[MAX_PATH+1];
hr = SHGetSpecialFolderPath(NULL, szTemp, CSIDL_COMMON_PROGRAMS, FALSE); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { wsprintfW(szGroup, L"%s\\%s\\%s", szTemp, (PWSTR)SzLoadIds(IDS_OC_NTOP4_GROUPNAME), (PWSTR)SzLoadIds(IDS_OC_ICS_GROUPNAME));
DeleteProgramGroupWithLinks(szGroup); } }
// Function: DeleteIeakCmakLinks
// Purpose: Deletes the old links from the IEAK4 CMAK
// Arguments: None
// Returns: Nothing
// Author: quintinb 6 Nov 1998
// Notes:
void DeleteIeakCmakLinks() { WCHAR szUserDirRoot[MAX_PATH+1]; WCHAR szGroup[MAX_PATH+1]; WCHAR szTemp[MAX_PATH+1]; WCHAR szEnd[MAX_PATH+1];
// Next Delete the old IEAK CMAK links
// Get the Desktop directory and then remove the desktop part. This will give us the
// root of the user directories.
// Remove \\Desktop
WCHAR* pszTemp = wcsrchr(szUserDirRoot, L'\\'); if (NULL == pszTemp) { return; } else { *pszTemp = L'\0'; }
HRESULT hr = SHGetSpecialFolderPath(NULL, szTemp, CSIDL_PROGRAMS, FALSE);
if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { if (0 == _wcsnicmp(szUserDirRoot, szTemp, wcslen(szUserDirRoot))) { lstrcpyW(szEnd, &(szTemp[wcslen(szUserDirRoot)])); } }
// Remove \\<User Name>>
pszTemp = wcsrchr(szUserDirRoot, L'\\'); if (NULL == pszTemp) { return; } else { *pszTemp = L'\0'; }
// Now start searching for user dirs to delete the CMAK group from
WCHAR szUserDirSearchString[MAX_PATH+1]; HANDLE hUserDirSearch; WIN32_FIND_DATA wfdUserDirs;
wsprintfW(szUserDirSearchString, L"%s\\*.*", szUserDirRoot); hUserDirSearch = FindFirstFile(szUserDirSearchString, &wfdUserDirs);
while (INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE != hUserDirSearch) { if ((wfdUserDirs.dwFileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY) && (0 != _wcsicmp(wfdUserDirs.cFileName, L".")) && (0 != _wcsicmp(wfdUserDirs.cFileName, L".."))) { wsprintfW(szGroup, L"%s\\%s%s\\%s", szUserDirRoot, wfdUserDirs.cFileName, szEnd, c_szCmakGroup); DeleteProgramGroupWithLinks(szGroup);
if (!FindNextFile(hUserDirSearch, &wfdUserDirs)) { FindClose(hUserDirSearch);
// Exit the loop
break; } } } }