// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Microsoft Windows NT
// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1997.
// File: I N F M A P . C P P
// Contents: Functions that work on netmap.inf file.
// Notes:
// Author: kumarp 22-December-97
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
#include "pch.h"
#pragma hdrstop
#include "infmap.h"
#include "kkcwinf.h"
#include "kkutils.h"
#include "ncreg.h"
#include "ncsetup.h"
#include "netupgrd.h"
#include "nustrs.h"
#include "nuutils.h"
#include "oemupg.h"
extern const WCHAR c_szNetUpgradeDll[];
// -----------------------------------------------------------------
// Structure of netmap.inf file
// We use netmap.inf file to map pre-NT5 InfID of a netcard to its
// NT5 InfID (PnPID).
// This file has a number of top-level sections.
// Each top-level section holds entries for mapping netcards of a particular
// bus type. the format of each line is
// <pre-NT5 InfID>=<NT5 InfID>
// OR
// <pre-NT5 InfID>=<mapping-method-#>,<section-name>
// the former is a 1-1 mapping while the latter offers a way to map a single
// preNT5 InfID to multiple InfIDs
// Mapping method 0
// ----------------
// This method is used when a single pre-NT5 InfID represents more than one
// net card which means that a single pre-NT5 InfID is mapped onto many
// NT5 PnPIDs. The only way to differentiate between the different types of
// net cards is to inspect a single value under the parameters key.
// In this mapping method, two keys are required to be specified for
// each net card.
// - ValueName: this specifies the value to be inspected under the Parameters key
// - ValueType: this specifies the type of ValueName
// there can be any number of additional keys in this section.
// each such line is of the form
// <NT5 InfID>=<some value of type ValueType>
// we first find out the value of ValueName
// then we enumerate each key in this section to see if the value matches the
// value of any of the keys.
// if we find a match, then the name of the found key represents <NT5 InfID>
// e.g.
// 5 flavors of the ELNK3MCA card are represented by the same InfID in NT4
// the only way to distinguish between them is to inspect the McaPosId value
// for this card we have the mapping section defined as follows:
// [McaAdapters]
// ELNK3MCA = 0,ELNK3MCA ; 0 --> mapping method 0
// ... other mca card entries ...
// ValueName= McaPosId
// ValueType= 4 ; REG_DWORD
// mca_627c = 0x0000627c ; if value of McaPosId is 0x627c then PnPID == mca_627c
// mca_627d = 0x0000627d
// mca_61db = 0x000061db
// mca_62f6 = 0x000062f6
// mca_62f7 = 0x000062f7
// Note: a special keyword "ValueNotPresent" can be used to make a mapping
// for the case when a value is not present.
// List of sections that can appear in the netmap.inf
const WCHAR c_szIsaAdapters[] = L"IsaAdapters"; const WCHAR c_szEisaAdapters[] = L"EisaAdapters"; const WCHAR c_szPciAdapters[] = L"PciAdapters"; const WCHAR c_szMcaAdapters[] = L"McaAdapters"; const WCHAR c_szPcmciaAdapters[] = L"PcmciaAdapters"; const WCHAR c_szOemNetAdapters[] = L"OemNetAdapters"; const WCHAR c_szAsyncAdapters[] = L"AsyncAdapters"; const WCHAR c_szOemAsyncAdapters[] = L"OemAsyncAdapters";
static PCWSTR g_aszInfMapNetCardSections[] = { c_szIsaAdapters, c_szEisaAdapters, c_szPciAdapters, c_szMcaAdapters, c_szPcmciaAdapters, c_szOemNetAdapters, c_szAsyncAdapters, c_szOemAsyncAdapters }; const BYTE g_cNumNetCardSections = celems(g_aszInfMapNetCardSections);
const WCHAR c_szNetProtocols[] = L"NetProtocols"; const WCHAR c_szOemNetProtocols[] = L"OemNetProtocols"; const WCHAR c_szNetServices[] = L"NetServices"; const WCHAR c_szOemNetServices[] = L"OemNetServices"; const WCHAR c_szNetClients[] = L"NetClients"; const WCHAR c_szOemNetClients[] = L"OemNetClients";
const WCHAR c_szOemUpgradeSupport[] = L"OemUpgradeSupport";
// value in netmap.inf indicating the absence of a value in the registry
const WCHAR c_szValueNotPresent[] = L"ValueNotPresent";
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// prototypes
HRESULT HrMapPreNT5InfIdToNT5InfIdInSection(IN HINF hinf, IN HKEY hkeyAdapterParams, IN PCWSTR pszSectionName, IN PCWSTR pszPreNT5InfId, OUT tstring* pstrNT5InfId, OUT BOOL* pfOemComponent);
HRESULT HrMapPreNT5InfIdToNT5InfIdUsingMethod0(IN HKEY hkeyAdapterParams, IN HINF hInf, IN PCWSTR pszAdapterSection, OUT tstring* pstrNT5InfId); HRESULT HrSetupFindKeyWithStringValue(IN HINF hInf, IN PCWSTR pszSection, IN PCWSTR pszValue, OUT tstring* pstrKey); // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
const WCHAR c_szNetMapInf[] = L"netmap.inf"; const WCHAR c_szKeyValueName[] = L"ValueName"; const WCHAR c_szKeyValueType[] = L"ValueType";
const WCHAR c_szInfId_MS_ATMUNI[] = L"MS_ATMUNI"; const WCHAR c_szInfId_MS_ATMARPS[] = L"MS_ATMARPS";
// Function: HrMapPreNT5NetCardInfIdInInf
// Purpose: Maps using hinf, pre-NT5 InfID of a net card to its NT5 equivalent
// Arguments:
// hinf [in] handle of netmap.inf file
// hkeyAdapterParams [in] handle to Parameters key under the netcard driver key
// pszPreNT5InfId [in] pre-NT5 InfID
// pstrNT5InfId [out] NT5 InfID
// pstrAdapterType [out] section in which the map was found
// pfOemComponent [out] set to TRUE if it is an OEM card
// Returns: S_OK if found, S_FALSE if not,
// otherwise HRESULT_FROM_WIN32 error code.
// Author: kumarp 24-July-97
// Notes:
HRESULT HrMapPreNT5NetCardInfIdInInf(IN HINF hinf, IN HKEY hkeyAdapterParams, IN PCWSTR pszPreNT5InfId, OUT tstring* pstrNT5InfId, OUT tstring* pstrAdapterType, OUT BOOL* pfOemComponent) { DefineFunctionName("HrMapPreNT5InfIdToNT5InfId");
Assert(hinf); Assert(hkeyAdapterParams); AssertValidReadPtr(pszPreNT5InfId); AssertValidWritePtr(pstrNT5InfId); AssertValidWritePtr(pfOemComponent);
HRESULT hr=S_FALSE; PCWSTR pszSectionName;
for (int iSection=0; iSection < g_cNumNetCardSections; iSection++) { pszSectionName = g_aszInfMapNetCardSections[iSection]; hr = HrMapPreNT5InfIdToNT5InfIdInSection(hinf, hkeyAdapterParams, pszSectionName, pszPreNT5InfId, pstrNT5InfId, pfOemComponent); if (hr == S_OK) {
if (pstrAdapterType) { *pstrAdapterType = pszSectionName; }
if (!lstrcmpiW(pszSectionName, c_szOemNetAdapters) || !lstrcmpiW(pszSectionName, c_szAsyncAdapters) || !lstrcmpiW(pszSectionName, c_szOemAsyncAdapters)) { *pfOemComponent = TRUE; } else { *pfOemComponent = FALSE; } break; } }
TraceErrorOptional(__FUNCNAME__, hr, (hr == S_FALSE));
return hr; }
// Function: HrMapPreNT5NetCardInfIdToNT5InfId
// Purpose: Maps pre-NT5 InfID of a net card to its NT5 equivalent
// Arguments:
// hkeyAdapterParams [in] handle to Parameters key under the netcard driver key
// pszPreNT5InfId [in] pre-NT5 InfID
// pstrNT5InfId [out] NT5 InfID
// pstrAdapterType [out] section in which the map was found
// pfOemComponent [out] set to TRUE if it is an OEM card
// ppnmi [out] CNetMapInfo object representing the map found
// Returns: S_OK if found, S_FALSE if not,
// otherwise HRESULT_FROM_WIN32 error code.
// Author: kumarp 24-July-97
// Notes:
HRESULT HrMapPreNT5NetCardInfIdToNT5InfId(IN HKEY hkeyAdapterParams, IN PCWSTR pszPreNT5InfId, OUT tstring* pstrNT5InfId, OUT tstring* pstrAdapterType, OUT BOOL* pfOemComponent, OUT CNetMapInfo** ppnmi) { DefineFunctionName("HrMapPreNT5NetCardInfIdToNT5InfId");
Assert(hkeyAdapterParams); AssertValidReadPtr(pszPreNT5InfId); AssertValidWritePtr(pstrNT5InfId); AssertValidWritePtr(pstrAdapterType); AssertValidWritePtr(pfOemComponent); AssertValidReadPtr(g_pnmaNetMap);
TraceTag(ttidNetUpgrade, "finding mapping for %S...", pszPreNT5InfId);
if (g_pnmaNetMap) { CNetMapInfo* pnmi; size_t cNumNetMapEntries = g_pnmaNetMap->size();
for (size_t i = 0; i < cNumNetMapEntries; i++) { pnmi = (CNetMapInfo*) (*g_pnmaNetMap)[i];
hr = HrMapPreNT5NetCardInfIdInInf(pnmi->m_hinfNetMap, hkeyAdapterParams, pszPreNT5InfId, pstrNT5InfId, pstrAdapterType, pfOemComponent); if (S_OK == hr) { if (ppnmi) { *ppnmi = pnmi; }
TraceTag(ttidNetUpgrade, "%s: %S --> %S (type: %S)", __FUNCNAME__, pszPreNT5InfId, pstrNT5InfId->c_str(), pstrAdapterType->c_str()); break; } } }
TraceErrorOptional(__FUNCNAME__, hr, (hr == S_FALSE));
return hr; }
// Function: HrMapPreNT5InfIdToNT5InfIdInSection
// Purpose: Searches in szSectionName section to
// map pre-NT5 InfID of a net card to its NT5 equivalent
// Arguments:
// hinf [in] handle of netmap.inf file
// hkeyAdapterParams [in] handle to Parameters key under the netcard driver key
// pszSectionName [in] name of section to search
// pszPreNT5InfId [in] pre-NT5 InfID
// pstrNT5InfId [out] NT5 InfID
// pfOemComponent [out] set to TRUE if it is an OEM card
// Returns: S_OK if found, S_FALSE if not,
// otherwise HRESULT_FROM_WIN32 error code.
// Author: kumarp 24-July-97
// Notes:
HRESULT HrMapPreNT5InfIdToNT5InfIdInSection(IN HINF hinf, IN HKEY hkeyAdapterParams, IN PCWSTR pszSectionName, IN PCWSTR pszPreNT5InfId, OUT tstring* pstrNT5InfId, OUT BOOL* pfOemComponent)
{ DefineFunctionName("HrMapPreNT5InfIdToNT5InfIdInSection");
Assert(hinf); AssertValidReadPtr(pszSectionName); AssertValidReadPtr(pszPreNT5InfId); AssertValidWritePtr(pstrNT5InfId);
hr = HrSetupFindFirstLine(hinf, pszSectionName, pszPreNT5InfId, &ic);
if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { DWORD dwMappingMethod=-1;
// key found, get value
// we do not use the common function HrSetupGetIntField because it causes
// tons of TraceError messages for 1-1 mapping where the first value
// is not an integer
if (::SetupGetIntField(&ic, 1, (int*) &dwMappingMethod)) { // value begins with a number --> this is a special case mapping
if (dwMappingMethod == 0) { // use mapping method 0
tstring strAdapterSection; hr = HrSetupGetStringField(ic, 2, &strAdapterSection);
if (S_OK == hr) { hr = HrMapPreNT5InfIdToNT5InfIdUsingMethod0(hkeyAdapterParams, hinf, strAdapterSection.c_str(), pstrNT5InfId); } } else { // currently we support only mapping-method 0
hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(ERROR_INVALID_DATA); } } else { // the first field was not an integer which means
// this is a straight forward (1 to 1) mapping
hr = HrSetupGetStringField(ic, 1, pstrNT5InfId); } }
TraceErrorOptional(__FUNCNAME__, hr, (hr == S_FALSE));
return hr; }
// Function: HrMapPreNT5InfIdToNT5InfIdUsingMethod0
// Purpose: map pre-NT5 InfID of a net card to its NT5 equivalent
// using mapping method 0
// Arguments:
// hkeyAdapterParams [in] handle to Parameters key under the netcard driver key
// hInf [in] handle of netmap.inf
// pszSectionName [in] name of section to search
// pstrNT5InfId [out] NT5 InfID
// Returns: S_OK if found, S_FALSE if not, otherwise HRESULT_FROM_WIN32 error code.
// Author: kumarp 24-July-97
// Notes:
// Mapping method 0
// ----------------
// This method is used when a single pre-NT5 InfID represents more than one
// net card which means that a single pre-NT5 InfID is mapped onto many
// NT5 PnPIDs. The only way to differentiate between the different types of
// net cards is to inspect a single value under the parameters key.
// In this mapping method, two keys are required to be specified for
// each net card.
// - ValueName: this specifies the value to be inspected under the Parameters key
// - ValueType: this specifies the type of ValueName
// there can be any number of additional keys in this section.
// each such line is of the form
// <NT5 InfID>=<some value of type ValueType>
// we first find out the value of ValueName
// then we enumerate each key in this section to see if the value matches the
// value of any of the keys.
// if we find a match, then the name of the found key represents <NT5 InfID>
// e.g.
// 5 flavors of the ELNK3MCA card are represented by the same InfID in NT4
// the only way to distinguish between them is to inspect the McaPosId value
// for this card we have the mapping section defined as follows:
// [McaAdapters]
// ELNK3MCA = 0,ELNK3MCA ; 0 --> mapping method 0
// ... other mca card entries ...
// ValueName= McaPosId
// ValueType= 4 ; REG_DWORD
// mca_627c = 0x0000627c ; if value of McaPosId is 0x627c then PnPID == mca_627c
// mca_627d = 0x0000627d
// mca_61db = 0x000061db
// mca_62f6 = 0x000062f6
// mca_62f7 = 0x000062f7
// Note: a special keyword "ValueNotPresent" can be used to make a mapping
// for the case when a value is not present.
HRESULT HrMapPreNT5InfIdToNT5InfIdUsingMethod0(IN HKEY hkeyAdapterParams, IN HINF hInf, IN PCWSTR pszAdapterSection, OUT tstring* pstrNT5InfId) { DefineFunctionName("HrMapPreNT5InfIdToNT5InfIdUsingMethod0"); Assert(hkeyAdapterParams); Assert(hInf); AssertValidReadPtr(pszAdapterSection); AssertValidWritePtr(pstrNT5InfId);
INFCONTEXT ic; tstring strValueName;
// get ValueName
hr = HrSetupGetFirstString(hInf, pszAdapterSection, c_szKeyValueName, &strValueName); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { DWORD dwRegValue=0; DWORD dwInfValue=0; DWORD dwValueType; tstring strRegValue; tstring strInfValue; tstring strValue;
// get ValueType
hr = HrSetupGetFirstDword(hInf, pszAdapterSection, c_szKeyValueType, &dwValueType);
if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { switch (dwValueType) { case REG_DWORD: // find the value in under adapter driver parameters key
hr = HrRegQueryDword(hkeyAdapterParams, strValueName.c_str(), &dwRegValue); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { // goto the ValueType line
hr = HrSetupFindFirstLine(hInf, pszAdapterSection, c_szKeyValueType, &ic); if (S_OK == hr) { // move the context from the ValueType line to
// the next line, where values begin
hr = HrSetupFindNextLine(ic, &ic); } while (S_OK == hr) { // now enumerate over all keys in this section and
// try to locate the key with dwRegValue in the infmap
hr = HrSetupGetIntField(ic, 1, (int*) &dwInfValue); if ((S_OK == hr) && (dwRegValue == dwInfValue)) { // value matches, now find the key name
hr = HrSetupGetStringField(ic, 0, pstrNT5InfId); if (S_OK == hr) { // the key name (NT5 infid)
// is returned in pstrNT5InfId
break; } } hr = HrSetupFindNextLine(ic, &ic); } } else if (HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND) == hr) { hr = HrSetupFindKeyWithStringValue(hInf, pszAdapterSection, c_szValueNotPresent, pstrNT5InfId); } break;
case REG_SZ:
// find the value in under adapter driver parameters key
hr = HrRegQueryString(hkeyAdapterParams, strValueName.c_str(), &strRegValue); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { // goto the ValueType line
hr = HrSetupFindFirstLine(hInf, pszAdapterSection, c_szKeyValueType, &ic); if (S_OK == hr) { // move the context from the ValueType line to
// the next line, where values begin
hr = HrSetupFindNextLine(ic, &ic); } while (S_OK == hr) { // now enumerate over all keys in this section and
// try to locate the key with dwRegValue in the infmap
hr = HrSetupGetStringField(ic, 1, &strInfValue); if ((S_OK == hr) && !lstrcmpiW(strRegValue.c_str(), strInfValue.c_str())) { // value matches, now find the key name
hr = HrSetupGetStringField(ic, 0, pstrNT5InfId); if (S_OK == hr) { // the key name (NT5 infid)
// is returned in pstrNT5InfId
break; } } hr = HrSetupFindNextLine(ic, &ic); } } else if (HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND) == hr) { hr = HrSetupFindKeyWithStringValue(hInf, pszAdapterSection, c_szValueNotPresent, pstrNT5InfId); } break;
default: hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(ERROR_INVALID_DATA); // currently we support only REG_DWORD and REG_SZ type values
TraceTag(ttidError, "%s: ValueType %d is not supported", __FUNCNAME__, dwValueType); break; } } }
TraceError(__FUNCNAME__, hr);
return hr; }
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Function: HrMapPreNT5NetComponentInfIDUsingInfHelper
// Purpose:
// Arguments:
// hinf [in] handle of netmap.inf file
// pszOldInfID [in] pre NT5 InfID
// pszMSSection [in] section having MS components
// pszOemSection [in] section having OEM components
// pstrNT5InfId [out] mapped NT5 InfID
// pfOemComponent [out] set to TRUE for OEM component
// Returns: S_OK on success,
// S_FALSE if a mapping is not found
// otherwise an error code
// Author: kumarp 17-December-97
// Notes:
HRESULT HrMapPreNT5NetComponentInfIDUsingInfHelper(IN HINF hinf, IN PCWSTR pszOldInfID, IN PCWSTR pszMSSection, IN PCWSTR pszOemSection, OUT tstring* pstrNT5InfId, OUT BOOL* pfOemComponent) { DefineFunctionName("HrMapPreNT5NetComponentInfIDUsingInfHelper");
Assert(hinf); AssertValidReadPtr(pszOldInfID); AssertValidReadPtr(pszMSSection); AssertValidReadPtr(pszOemSection); AssertValidWritePtr(pstrNT5InfId); AssertValidWritePtr(pfOemComponent);
hr = HrSetupFindFirstLine(hinf, pszMSSection, pszOldInfID, &ic); if (S_OK == hr) { *pfOemComponent = FALSE; } else { hr = HrSetupFindFirstLine(hinf, pszOemSection, pszOldInfID, &ic); if (S_OK == hr) { *pfOemComponent = TRUE; } }
if (S_OK == hr) { hr = HrSetupGetStringField(ic, 1, pstrNT5InfId); if (S_OK == hr) { if (*pfOemComponent) { tstring strOemDll; tstring strOemInf; HRESULT hrT;
hrT = HrGetOemUpgradeInfoInInf(hinf, pstrNT5InfId->c_str(), &strOemDll, &strOemInf); if ((S_OK == hrT) && !lstrcmpiW(strOemDll.c_str(), c_szNotSupported)) { TraceTag(ttidNetUpgrade, "%s: %S --> %S",__FUNCNAME__, pszOldInfID, c_szNotSupported); hr = S_FALSE; } } } } else if (HRESULT_FROM_SETUPAPI(ERROR_LINE_NOT_FOUND) == hr) { hr = S_FALSE; }
TraceErrorOptional(__FUNCNAME__, hr, (hr == S_FALSE));
return hr; }
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Function: HrMapPreNT5NetComponentInfIDInInf
// Purpose: Search the specified netmap.inf file for mapping
// the specified pre-NT5 InfID of a s/w component to its NT5 value
// Arguments:
// hinf [in] handle of netmap.inf file
// pszOldInfID [in] pre-NT5 InfID
// pstrNT5InfId [out] mapped ID
// pfOemComponent [out] set to TRUE for OEM component
// Returns: S_OK on success,
// S_FALSE if a mapping is not found
// otherwise an error code
// Author: kumarp 17-December-97
// Notes:
HRESULT HrMapPreNT5NetComponentInfIDInInf(IN HINF hinf, IN PCWSTR pszOldInfID, OUT tstring* pstrNT5InfId, OUT ENetComponentType* pnct, OUT BOOL* pfOemComponent) { DefineFunctionName("HrMapPreNT5NetComponentInfIDUsingInf");
Assert(hinf); AssertValidReadPtr(pszOldInfID); AssertValidWritePtr(pstrNT5InfId); AssertValidWritePtr(pfOemComponent);
HRESULT hr=S_FALSE; ENetComponentType nct = NCT_Unknown;
hr = HrMapPreNT5NetComponentInfIDUsingInfHelper(hinf, pszOldInfID, c_szNetProtocols, c_szOemNetProtocols, pstrNT5InfId, pfOemComponent); if (S_OK == hr) { nct = NCT_Protocol; } else { hr = HrMapPreNT5NetComponentInfIDUsingInfHelper(hinf, pszOldInfID, c_szNetServices, c_szOemNetServices, pstrNT5InfId, pfOemComponent); if (S_OK == hr) { nct = NCT_Service; } else { hr = HrMapPreNT5NetComponentInfIDUsingInfHelper(hinf, pszOldInfID, c_szNetClients, c_szOemNetClients, pstrNT5InfId, pfOemComponent); if (S_OK == hr) { nct = NCT_Client; } } }
if ((S_OK == hr) && pnct) { *pnct = nct; }
TraceErrorOptional(__FUNCNAME__, hr, (hr == S_FALSE));
return hr; }
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Function: HrMapPreNT5NetComponentInfIDToNT5InfID
// Purpose: maps pre-NT5 InfID of a service or protocol to its NT5 equivalent
// Arguments:
// pszPreNT5InfId [in] pre-NT5 InfID
// pstrNT5InfId [out] mapped ID
// pfOemComponent [out] set to TRUE for OEM component
// pdwNetMapIndex [out] the index in netmap array for which map was found
// Returns: S_OK on success,
// S_FALSE if a mapping is not found
// otherwise an error code
// Author: kumarp 17-December-97
// Notes:
HRESULT HrMapPreNT5NetComponentInfIDToNT5InfID(IN PCWSTR pszPreNT5InfId, OUT tstring* pstrNT5InfId, OUT BOOL* pfOemComponent, OUT ENetComponentType* pnct, OUT CNetMapInfo** ppnmi) { DefineFunctionName("HrMapPreNT5NetComponentInfIDToNT5InfID");
AssertValidReadPtr(pszPreNT5InfId); AssertValidWritePtr(pstrNT5InfId); AssertValidReadPtr(g_pnmaNetMap);
TraceTag(ttidNetUpgrade, "finding mapping for %S...", pszPreNT5InfId);
if (g_pnmaNetMap) { CNetMapInfo* pnmi; size_t cNumNetMapEntries = g_pnmaNetMap->size();
for (size_t i = 0; i < cNumNetMapEntries; i++) { pnmi = (CNetMapInfo*) (*g_pnmaNetMap)[i];
hr = HrMapPreNT5NetComponentInfIDInInf(pnmi->m_hinfNetMap, pszPreNT5InfId, pstrNT5InfId, pnct, pfOemComponent); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { if (ppnmi) { *ppnmi = pnmi; }
if (S_OK == hr) { TraceTag(ttidNetUpgrade, "%s: %S --> %S", __FUNCNAME__, pszPreNT5InfId, pstrNT5InfId->c_str()); break; } } } }
TraceErrorOptional(__FUNCNAME__, hr, (hr == S_FALSE));
return hr; }
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Function: HrGetSoftwareProductKey
// Purpose: Get handle to registry key for a software product of a provider
// Arguments:
// pszProvider [in] name of provider
// pszProduct [in] name of product
// phkey [out] pointer to handle of regkey
// Returns: S_OK on success, otherwise an error code
// Author: kumarp 17-December-97
// Notes:
HRESULT HrGetSoftwareProductKey(IN PCWSTR pszProvider, IN PCWSTR pszProduct, OUT HKEY* phkey) { DefineFunctionName("HrGetSoftwareProductKey");
AssertValidReadPtr(pszProvider); AssertValidReadPtr(pszProduct); AssertValidWritePtr(phkey);
tstring strProduct; strProduct = c_szRegKeySoftware; AppendToPath(&strProduct, pszProvider); AppendToPath(&strProduct, pszProduct); AppendToPath(&strProduct, c_szRegKeyCurrentVersion);
hr = HrRegOpenKeyEx(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, strProduct.c_str(), KEY_READ, phkey);
TraceErrorOptional(__FUNCNAME__, hr, (hr == S_FALSE));
return hr; }
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Function: HrMapPreNT5NetComponentServiceNameToNT5InfId
// Purpose: Map pre-NT5 InfID of a service to its NT5 value
// Arguments:
// pszServiceName [in] name of service
// pstrNT5InfId [out] mapped ID
// Returns: S_OK on success,
// S_FALSE if a mapping is not found
// otherwise an error code
// Author: kumarp 17-December-97
// Notes:
HRESULT HrMapPreNT5NetComponentServiceNameToNT5InfId(IN PCWSTR pszServiceName, OUT tstring* pstrNT5InfId) { DefineFunctionName("HrMapPreNT5NetComponentServiceNameToNT5InfId");
AssertValidReadPtr(pszServiceName); AssertValidWritePtr(pstrNT5InfId);
tstring strPreNT5InfId; HKEY hkey; HRESULT hr=S_OK;
hr = HrGetSoftwareProductKey(c_szRegKeyMicrosoft, pszServiceName, &hkey); if (S_OK == hr) { hr = HrGetPreNT5InfIdAndDesc(hkey, &strPreNT5InfId, NULL, NULL); if (S_OK == hr) { BOOL fIsOemComponent; hr = HrMapPreNT5NetComponentInfIDToNT5InfID(strPreNT5InfId.c_str(), pstrNT5InfId, &fIsOemComponent, NULL, NULL); #ifdef ENABLETRACE
if (FAILED(hr)) { TraceTag(ttidNetUpgrade, "%s: could not map %S to NT5 InfID", __FUNCNAME__, pszServiceName); } #endif
} RegCloseKey(hkey); }
TraceErrorOptional(__FUNCNAME__, hr, (hr == S_FALSE));
return hr; }
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Function: HrGetOemUpgradeInfoInInf
// Purpose: Find out which OEM DLL to load for a component
// Arguments:
// hinf [in] handle of netmap.inf file
// pszNT5InfId [in] NT5 InfID of a component
// pstrUpgradeDllName [out] name of the upgrade DLL found
// pstrInf [out] INF file for this component
// Returns: S_OK on success, otherwise an error code
// Author: kumarp 17-December-97
// Notes:
HRESULT HrGetOemUpgradeInfoInInf(IN HINF hinf, IN PCWSTR pszNT5InfId, OUT tstring* pstrUpgradeDllName, OUT tstring* pstrInf) { DefineFunctionName("HrGetOemUpgradeInfoInInf");
Assert(hinf); AssertValidReadPtr(pszNT5InfId); AssertValidWritePtr(pstrUpgradeDllName); AssertValidWritePtr(pstrInf);
pstrUpgradeDllName->erase(); pstrInf->erase();
// each line in this section is of the format
// <NT5-InfId>=<oem-upgrade-dll-name>[,<inf-file-name>]
hr = HrSetupFindFirstLine(hinf, c_szOemUpgradeSupport, pszNT5InfId, &ic); if (S_OK == hr) { hr = HrSetupGetStringField(ic, 1, pstrUpgradeDllName); if (S_OK == hr) { // the value OemInfFile is optional, so we dont
// complain if we cannot find it.
if (HRESULT_FROM_SETUPAPI(ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER) == HrSetupGetStringField(ic, 2, pstrInf)) { TraceTag(ttidNetUpgrade, "%s: OemInf is not specified for %S", __FUNCNAME__, pszNT5InfId); } } }
TraceTag(ttidNetUpgrade, "%s: OemDll: %S, OemInf: %S", __FUNCNAME__, pstrUpgradeDllName->c_str(), pstrInf->c_str());
TraceErrorOptional(__FUNCNAME__, hr, (hr == S_FALSE));
return hr; }
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Function: HrGetOemUpgradeDllInfo
// Purpose: Find out which OEM DLL to load for a component
// Arguments:
// pszNT5InfId [in] InfID of OEM component
// pstrUpgradeDllName [out] name of OEM DLL found
// Returns: S_OK on success, otherwise an error code
// Author: kumarp 17-December-97
// Notes:
HRESULT HrGetOemUpgradeInfo(IN PCWSTR pszNT5InfId, OUT tstring* pstrUpgradeDllName, OUT tstring* pstrInf) { DefineFunctionName("HrGetOemUpgradeInfo");
AssertValidReadPtr(pszNT5InfId); AssertValidWritePtr(pstrUpgradeDllName);
TraceTag(ttidNetUpgrade, "finding upgrade dll info for %S...", pszNT5InfId);
if (g_pnmaNetMap) { CNetMapInfo* pnmi; size_t cNumNetMapEntries = g_pnmaNetMap->size();
for (size_t i = 0; i < cNumNetMapEntries; i++) { pnmi = (CNetMapInfo*) (*g_pnmaNetMap)[i];
hr = HrGetOemUpgradeInfoInInf(pnmi->m_hinfNetMap, pszNT5InfId, pstrUpgradeDllName, pstrInf);
if (S_OK == hr) { TraceTag(ttidNetUpgrade, "%s: %S --> Dll: %S, Inf: %S", __FUNCNAME__, pszNT5InfId, pstrUpgradeDllName->c_str(), pstrInf->c_str()); break; } } }
TraceErrorOptional(__FUNCNAME__, hr, (hr == S_FALSE));
return hr; }
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Function: HrSetupFindKeyWithStringValue
// Purpose: Find the key in a section that has the specified value
// Arguments:
// hInf [in] handle of netmap.inf file
// szSection [in] name of section
// szValue [in] value to find
// pstrKey [out] name of the key found
// Returns: S_OK on success, otherwise an error code
// Author: kumarp 17-December-97
// Notes:
HRESULT HrSetupFindKeyWithStringValue(IN HINF hInf, IN PCWSTR szSection, IN PCWSTR szValue, OUT tstring* pstrKey) { DefineFunctionName("HrSetupFindKeyWithStringValue");
HRESULT hr=S_OK; INFCONTEXT ic; tstring strValue;
hr = HrSetupFindFirstLine(hInf, szSection, NULL, &ic);
while (S_OK == hr) { // now enumerate over all keys in this section and
// try to locate the key with value szValue
hr = HrSetupGetStringField(ic, 1, &strValue); if ((S_OK == hr) && !lstrcmpiW(strValue.c_str(), szValue)) { // value matches, now find the key name
hr = HrSetupGetStringField(ic, 0, pstrKey); break; } hr = HrSetupFindNextLine(ic, &ic); }
TraceError(__FUNCNAME__, hr);
return hr; }