// Microsoft Windows
// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1997.
// File: N E T U P G R D . C P P
// Contents: DllMain and winnt32.exe plug-in exported functions
// Notes:
// Author: kumarp 25-Nov-1996
#include "pch.h"
#pragma hdrstop
#include <winnt32p.h>
#include "afilestr.h"
#include "conflict.h"
#include "kkcwinf.h"
#include "kkutils.h"
#include "nceh.h"
#include "ncreg.h"
#include "netreg.h"
#include "netupgrd.h"
#include "nuutils.h"
#include "oemupg.h"
#include "resource.h"
#include "dhcpupg.h"
extern const WCHAR c_szNetUpgradeDll[]; extern const WCHAR c_szAfUnknown[];
WINNT32_PLUGIN_INIT_INFORMATION_BLOCK g_PlugInInfo; NetUpgradeInfo g_NetUpgradeInfo; CWInfFile* g_pwifAnswerFile; HINSTANCE g_hinst; DWORD g_dwUpgradeError;
void CleanupNetupgrdTempFiles(); void GetNetworkingSections(IN CWInfFile* pwif, OUT TStringList* pslSections);
const WCHAR c_szExceptionInNetupgrd[] = L"netupgrd.dll threw an exception";
EXTERN_C BOOL WINAPI DllMain ( HINSTANCE hInstance, DWORD dwReason, LPVOID /* lpReserved */) { if (DLL_PROCESS_ATTACH == dwReason) { g_hinst = hInstance; DisableThreadLibraryCalls(hInstance); EnableCPPExceptionHandling(); // Translate any SEH exceptions into CPP exceptions.
InitializeDebugging(FALSE); // We cannot disable fault injection on this binary since doing that will require
// us to load verifier.dll, which is not going to work on older builds of Windows.
} else if (DLL_PROCESS_DETACH == dwReason) { UnInitializeDebugging();
DisableCPPExceptionHandling(); // Disable translation of SEH exceptions into CPP exceptions.
} return TRUE; }
// Function: HrGetProductTypeUpgradingFrom
// Purpose: Determine the product type of the current system
// Arguments:
// ppt [out] pointer to
// Returns: S_OK on success, otherwise an error code
HRESULT HrGetProductTypeUpgradingFrom( OUT PRODUCTTYPE* ppt) { Assert (ppt); *ppt = NT_WORKSTATION;
HRESULT hr; HKEY hkeyProductOptions;
hr = HrRegOpenKeyEx( HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, L"System\\CurrentControlSet\\Control\\ProductOptions", KEY_READ, &hkeyProductOptions); if (S_OK == hr) { WCHAR szProductType [64]; ULONG cbProductType = sizeof(szProductType);
hr = HrRegQuerySzBuffer( hkeyProductOptions, L"ProductType", szProductType, &cbProductType);
if (S_OK == hr) { if (0 != lstrcmpiW(szProductType, L"WinNT")) { *ppt = NT_SERVER; } }
RegCloseKey(hkeyProductOptions); }
return hr; }
// The following four functions are required to be exported so that
// winnt32.exe can correctly use this plug-in DLL during down level
// upgrade for description of each see winnt32p.h
// Function: Winnt32PluginInit
// Purpose: Initialize the DLL
// Arguments:
// pInfo [in] winnt32 plug-in initialization info
// Returns: ERROR_SUCCESS on success, else win32 error code
// Author: kumarp 19-December-97
// Notes: see winnt32p.h for more information
DWORD CALLBACK Winnt32PluginInit( PWINNT32_PLUGIN_INIT_INFORMATION_BLOCK pInfo) { DefineFunctionName("Winnt32PluginInit"); TraceFunctionEntry(ttidNetUpgrade);
Assert (pInfo); CopyMemory(&g_PlugInInfo, pInfo, sizeof(g_PlugInInfo));
// We should only be doing this once.
Assert (0 == g_NetUpgradeInfo.To.dwBuildNumber); Assert (0 == g_NetUpgradeInfo.From.dwBuildNumber);
g_NetUpgradeInfo.To.ProductType = *g_PlugInInfo.ProductType; g_NetUpgradeInfo.To.dwBuildNumber = g_PlugInInfo.BuildNumber;
OSVERSIONINFO osv; osv.dwOSVersionInfoSize = sizeof(OSVERSIONINFO); if (GetVersionEx(&osv)) { // This DLL doesn't upgrade anything but Windows NT.
if (osv.dwPlatformId == VER_PLATFORM_WIN32_NT) { PRODUCTTYPE pt; HRESULT hr = HrGetProductTypeUpgradingFrom(&pt);
if (S_OK == hr) { g_NetUpgradeInfo.From.dwBuildNumber = osv.dwBuildNumber; g_NetUpgradeInfo.From.ProductType = pt;
NC_TRY { g_dwUpgradeError = NOERROR; (void) HrInitNetUpgrade(); } NC_CATCH_BAD_ALLOC { TraceTag(ttidNetUpgrade, "%s: exception!!", __FUNCNAME__); g_dwUpgradeError = ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; AbortUpgradeFn(g_dwUpgradeError, c_szExceptionInNetupgrd); } } } }
TraceTag(ttidNetUpgrade, "%s: returning status code: %ld", __FUNCNAME__, g_dwUpgradeError);
return g_dwUpgradeError; }
// Function: Winnt32PluginGetPages
// Purpose: Supply wizard pages to winnt32.exe
// Arguments:
// PageCount1 [in] number of pages in group 1
// Pages1 [in] array of pages in group 1
// PageCount2 [in] number of pages in group 2
// Pages2 [in] array of pages in group 2
// PageCount3 [in] number of pages in group 3
// Pages3 [in] array of pages in group 3
// Returns: ERROR_SUCCESS on success, else win32 error code
// Author: kumarp 19-December-97
// Notes: see winnt32p.h for more information
DWORD CALLBACK Winnt32PluginGetPages( PUINT PageCount1, LPPROPSHEETPAGE *Pages1, PUINT PageCount2, LPPROPSHEETPAGE *Pages2, PUINT PageCount3, LPPROPSHEETPAGE *Pages3) { //We dont need any UI for upgrade and hence no pages
*PageCount1 = 0; *PageCount2 = 0; *PageCount3 = 0;
*Pages1 = NULL; *Pages2 = NULL; *Pages3 = NULL;
return NOERROR; }
// Function: Winnt32WriteParams
// Purpose: Write network parameters to the answerfile
// Arguments:
// FileName [in] name of answerfile
// Returns: ERROR_SUCCESS on success, else win32 error code
// Author: kumarp 19-December-97
// Notes: see winnt32p.h for more information
DWORD CALLBACK Winnt32WriteParams( PCWSTR FileName) { DefineFunctionName("Winnt32WriteParams"); TraceFunctionEntry(ttidNetUpgrade);
TraceTag(ttidNetUpgrade, "netupgrd.dll: Winnt32WriteParams(%S)", FileName);
NC_TRY { if (*g_PlugInInfo.UpgradeFlag && (!(*g_PlugInInfo.CancelledFlag))) { // g_pwifAnswerFile needs to be global since functions in
// oemnuex.cpp require it that way.
g_pwifAnswerFile = new CWInfFile();
// initialize answer file class
if ((g_pwifAnswerFile == NULL) || (g_pwifAnswerFile->Init() == FALSE)) { AssertSz(FALSE,"Winnt32WriteParams 1 - Failed to initialize CWInfFile"); return(ERROR_OPERATION_ABORTED); }
// ------------------------------------------------------------
//$ REVIEW kumarp 25-November-98
// the code between the two dashed lines in temporary.
// Currently we do not support merging of the system generated answerfile
// with the user supplied answerfile, because the code was never
// designed to handle that. This causes problem (#175623) when a user
// supplies an answerfile with "NtUpgrade = Yes" value. To get
// around this problem, we just remove all user supplied
// networking sections using the following code. As an additional
// special case, we preserve the key NetComponentsToRemove if
// present in the [Networking] section of the user supplied answerfile.
CWInfSection* pwisNetworking; TStringList slNetComponentsToRemove;
// remember the value of NetComponentsToRemove
if (pwisNetworking = g_pwifAnswerFile->FindSection(c_szAfSectionNetworking)) { pwisNetworking->GetStringListValue(c_szAfNetComponentsToRemove, slNetComponentsToRemove); }
// get the list of networking sections in the user supplied file
TStringList slUserSuppliedNetworkingSections; GetNetworkingSections(g_pwifAnswerFile, &slUserSuppliedNetworkingSections); TraceStringList(ttidNetUpgrade, L"User supplied networking sections", slUserSuppliedNetworkingSections);
// remove the user supplied networking sections
// if NetComponentsToRemove was specified, re-insert it
if (slNetComponentsToRemove.size()) { pwisNetworking = g_pwifAnswerFile->AddSection(c_szAfSectionNetworking); pwisNetworking->AddKey(c_szAfNetComponentsToRemove, slNetComponentsToRemove); }
// 295708: cached ptrs may be trashed, so close and reopen the file
// Note: this fix is considered temporary for beta3. The right fix
// is to either fix up the trashed ptrs when removing the sections,
// or to check when accessing the ptrs later. The crash should be
// easy to repro by removing the block below and using the answerfile
// attached to the bug.
g_pwifAnswerFile->Close(); delete g_pwifAnswerFile; g_pwifAnswerFile = NULL; g_pwifAnswerFile = new CWInfFile();
// initialize answer file class
if ((g_pwifAnswerFile == NULL) || (g_pwifAnswerFile->Init() == FALSE)) { AssertSz(FALSE,"Winnt32WriteParams 2 - Failed to initialize CWInfFile"); return(ERROR_OPERATION_ABORTED); }
g_pwifAnswerFile->Open(FileName); // ------------------------------------------------------------
BOOL fStatus = g_pwifAnswerFile->Close();
delete g_pwifAnswerFile; g_pwifAnswerFile = NULL;
if (!fStatus) { AbortUpgradeId(GetLastError(), IDS_E_WritingAnswerFile); } else if( DhcpUpgGetLastError() != NO_ERROR ) { TraceTag(ttidNetUpgrade, "DhcpUpgGetLastError: %d", DhcpUpgGetLastError() ); AbortUpgradeId( DhcpUpgGetLastError(), IDS_E_DhcpServerUpgradeError); } } else { TraceTag(ttidNetUpgrade, "%s: network parameters not written to answerfile: g_pfUpgrade is %d, g_pfCancelled is %d", __FUNCNAME__, *g_PlugInInfo.UpgradeFlag, *g_PlugInInfo.CancelledFlag); } } NC_CATCH_BAD_ALLOC { TraceTag(ttidNetUpgrade, "%s: exception!!", __FUNCNAME__); g_dwUpgradeError = ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; AbortUpgradeFn(g_dwUpgradeError, c_szExceptionInNetupgrd); }
TraceTag(ttidNetUpgrade, "%s: returning status code: %ld, CancelledFlag: %ld", __FUNCNAME__, g_dwUpgradeError, (DWORD) (*g_PlugInInfo.CancelledFlag));
return g_dwUpgradeError; }
// Function: Winnt32Cleanup
// Purpose: Cleanup
// Arguments: None
// Returns: ERROR_SUCCESS on success, else win32 error code
// Author: kumarp 19-December-97
// Notes: see winnt32p.h for more information
DWORD CALLBACK Winnt32Cleanup( VOID) { DefineFunctionName("Winnt32Cleanup"); TraceFunctionEntry(ttidNetUpgrade);
NC_TRY { // netmap-info and conflicts-list is initialized in
// HrInitNetUpgrade and destroyed here
UnInitNetMapInfo(); UninitConflictList();
if (*g_PlugInInfo.CancelledFlag) { CleanupNetupgrdTempFiles(); DhcpUpgCleanupDhcpTempFiles(); } } NC_CATCH_BAD_ALLOC { TraceTag(ttidNetUpgrade, "%s: exception!!", __FUNCNAME__); g_dwUpgradeError = ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; }
TraceTag(ttidNetUpgrade, "%s: returning status code: %ld", __FUNCNAME__, g_dwUpgradeError);
return g_dwUpgradeError; }
// Function: GetSections
// Purpose: Enumerate over the keys in the specified section and
// return value of each key in a list.
// Arguments:
// pwif [in] answerfile
// pszSection [in] section to use
// pslSections [out] list of values of keys in that section
// Returns: None
// Author: kumarp 25-November-98
// Notes:
// For example:
// if pszSection == NetServices and the answerfile has the following section
// [NetServices]
// MS_Server = params.MS_Server
// MS_Foo = params.MS_Foo
// bar = p.bar
// then this function returns the following list:
// NetServices,params.MS_Server,params.MS_Foo,p.bar
void GetSections( IN CWInfFile* pwif, IN PCWSTR pszSection, OUT TStringList* pslSections) { AssertValidReadPtr(pwif); AssertValidReadPtr(pszSection); AssertValidWritePtr(pslSections);
PCWSTR pszParamsSection; CWInfKey* pwik; CWInfSection* pwis;
if (pwis = pwif->FindSection(pszSection)) { pslSections->push_back(new tstring(pszSection)); pwik = pwis->FirstKey(); do { if (pszParamsSection = pwik->GetStringValue(NULL)) { pslSections->push_back(new tstring(pszParamsSection)); } } while (pwik = pwis->NextKey()); } }
// Function: GetNetworkingSections
// Purpose: Locate all networking related sections in the specified file
// and return their names in a list
// Arguments:
// pwif [in] answerfile
// pslSections [out] list of networking sections
// Returns: None
// Author: kumarp 25-November-98
// Notes:
void GetNetworkingSections( IN CWInfFile* pwif, OUT TStringList* pslSections) { if (pwif->FindSection(c_szAfSectionNetworking)) { pslSections->push_back(new tstring(c_szAfSectionNetworking)); }
if (pwif->FindSection(c_szAfSectionNetBindings)) { pslSections->push_back(new tstring(c_szAfSectionNetBindings)); }
GetSections(pwif, c_szAfSectionNetAdapters, pslSections); GetSections(pwif, c_szAfSectionNetServices, pslSections); GetSections(pwif, c_szAfSectionNetClients, pslSections);
TStringList slProtocolSections; TStringListIter pos; tstring strSection; CWInfSection* pwis; TStringList slAdapterSections;
GetSections(pwif, c_szAfSectionNetProtocols, &slProtocolSections); for (pos = slProtocolSections.begin(); pos != slProtocolSections.end(); ) { strSection = **pos++; if (pwis = pwif->FindSection(strSection.c_str())) { pslSections->push_back(new tstring(strSection)); pwis->GetStringListValue(c_szAfAdapterSections, slAdapterSections); pslSections->splice(pslSections->end(), slAdapterSections, slAdapterSections.begin(), slAdapterSections.end()); } } }
// Function: CleanupNetupgrdTempFiles
// Purpose: Delete any temp files/dirs created
// Arguments: None
// Returns: None
// Author: kumarp 19-December-97
// Notes:
VOID CleanupNetupgrdTempFiles( VOID) { HRESULT hr=S_OK;
tstring strNetupgrdTempDir;
hr = HrGetNetUpgradeTempDir(&strNetupgrdTempDir); if (S_OK == hr) { hr = HrDeleteDirectory(strNetupgrdTempDir.c_str(), TRUE); } }
// Function: AbortUpgradeFn
// Purpose: Helper function for aborting upgrade
// Arguments:
// dwErrorCode [in] win32 error code
// pszMessage [in] message to be traced
// Returns: None
// Author: kumarp 19-December-97
// Notes:
VOID AbortUpgradeFn( IN DWORD dwErrorCode, IN PCWSTR pszMessage) { DefineFunctionName("AbortUpgradeFn");
g_dwUpgradeError = dwErrorCode; if (g_PlugInInfo.CancelledFlag) { *g_PlugInInfo.CancelledFlag = TRUE; } else { TraceTag(ttidNetUpgrade, "%s: g_PlugInInfo.CancelledFlag is NULL!!", __FUNCNAME__); }
TraceTag(ttidError, "AbortUpgrade: %d: %S", dwErrorCode, pszMessage); }
// Function: AbortUpgradeSz
// Purpose: Helper function for aborting upgrade
// Arguments:
// dwErrorCode [in] win32 error code
// pszMessage [in] message to be displayed and traced
// Returns: None
// Author: kumarp 19-December-97
// Notes:
VOID AbortUpgradeSz( IN DWORD dwErrorCode, IN PCWSTR pszMessage) { AssertValidReadPtr(pszMessage);
tstring strMessage;
strMessage = pszMessage; strMessage += L"\n\n"; strMessage += SzLoadString(g_hinst, IDS_E_SetupCannotContinue);
AbortUpgradeFn(dwErrorCode, pszMessage); MessageBox (NULL, strMessage.c_str(), SzLoadString(g_hinst, IDS_NetupgrdCaption), MB_OK | MB_TASKMODAL); }
// Function: AbortUpgradeId
// Purpose: Helper function for aborting upgrade
// Arguments:
// dwErrorCode [in] win32 error code
// dwResourceId [in] resource ID of message to be displayed
// Returns: None
// Author: kumarp 19-December-97
// Notes:
VOID AbortUpgradeId ( IN DWORD dwErrorCode, IN DWORD dwResourceId) { Assert(g_hinst);
PCWSTR pszMessage;
pszMessage = SzLoadString(g_hinst, dwResourceId); AbortUpgradeSz(dwErrorCode, pszMessage); }
// Function: FIsUpgradeAborted
// Purpose: Determine if the upgrade has been aborted
// Arguments: None
// Returns: TRUE on success, FALSE otherwise
// Author: kumarp 19-December-97
// Notes:
BOOL FIsUpgradeAborted( VOID) { return g_PlugInInfo.CancelledFlag && *g_PlugInInfo.CancelledFlag; }
// Function: FGetConfirmationForAbortingUpgrade
// Purpose: Ask user confirmation for aborting upgrade
// Arguments:
// pszMessage [in] message prompt
// Returns: TRUE on success, FALSE otherwise
// Author: kumarp 19-December-97
// Notes:
BOOL FGetConfirmationForAbortingUpgrade( IN PCWSTR pszMessage) { tstring strMessage;
if (pszMessage) { strMessage = pszMessage; strMessage += L"\n\n"; }
PCWSTR pszDoYouWantToAbortUpgrade = SzLoadString(g_hinst, IDS_DoYouWantToAbortUpgrade);
strMessage += pszDoYouWantToAbortUpgrade;
DWORD dwRet = MessageBox (NULL, strMessage.c_str(), SzLoadString(g_hinst, IDS_NetupgrdCaption), MB_YESNO | MB_TASKMODAL);
return dwRet == IDYES; }
// Function: FGetConfirmationAndAbortUpgrade
// Purpose: Abort upgrade if user confirms
// Arguments:
// pszMessage [in] message prompt
// Returns: TRUE on success, FALSE otherwise
// Author: kumarp 19-December-97
// Notes:
BOOL FGetConfirmationAndAbortUpgrade( IN PCWSTR pszMessage) { BOOL fUpgradeAborted=FALSE;
if (FGetConfirmationForAbortingUpgrade(pszMessage)) { AbortUpgradeFn(ERROR_SUCCESS, pszMessage); fUpgradeAborted = TRUE; }
return fUpgradeAborted; }
// Function: FGetConfirmationAndAbortUpgradeId
// Purpose: Abort upgrade if user confirms
// Arguments:
// dwErrorMessageId [in] message prompt
// Returns: TRUE on success, FALSE otherwise
// Author: kumarp 19-December-97
// Notes:
BOOL FGetConfirmationAndAbortUpgradeId( IN DWORD dwErrorMessageId) { return FGetConfirmationAndAbortUpgrade(SzLoadString(g_hinst, dwErrorMessageId)); }