Leaked source code of windows server 2003
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// Microsoft Windows
// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1997.
// File: I S D N U P G . H
// Contents: Down level upgrade code for OEM cards
// Notes:
// Author: kumarp 12 April 97
#pragma once
#include "oemupgex.h"
class CWInfFile; class CWInfSection;
class CNetMapInfo { public: HINF m_hinfNetMap; tstring m_strOemDir; tstring m_strOemDllName; HMODULE m_hOemDll; DWORD m_dwFlags; NetUpgradeData m_nud; PreUpgradeInitializePrototype m_pfnPreUpgradeInitialize; DoPreUpgradeProcessingPrototype m_pfnDoPreUpgradeProcessing; BOOL m_fDllInitFailed;
CNetMapInfo(); ~CNetMapInfo();
HRESULT HrGetOemInfName(IN PCWSTR pszNT5InfId, OUT tstring* pstrOemInf); }; typedef vector<CNetMapInfo*> TNetMapArray; extern TNetMapArray* g_pnmaNetMap;
HRESULT HrInitNetMapInfo(); void UnInitNetMapInfo();
HRESULT HrShowUiAndGetOemFileLocation(IN HWND hParent, IN PCWSTR pszComponentName, OUT tstring* pstrOemPath);
HRESULT HrOpenNetUpgInfFile(HINF* phinf); HRESULT HrGetNetUpgradeTempDir(OUT tstring* pstrTempDir); HRESULT HrCreateOemTempDir(OUT tstring* pstrOemTempDir); HRESULT HrOpenOemNMapFile(IN PCWSTR pszOemDir, OUT HINF* phinf); HRESULT HrAddToGlobalNetMapInfo(IN HINF hinf, IN PCWSTR pszOemDir); HRESULT HrProcessAndCopyOemFiles(IN PCWSTR pszOemDir, IN BOOL fInteractive); HRESULT HrInitAndProcessOemDirs();
HRESULT HrLoadAndInitOemDll(IN CNetMapInfo* pnmi, IN NetUpgradeInfo* pNetUpgradeInfo); HRESULT HrProcessOemComponent(CNetMapInfo* pnmi, IN NetUpgradeInfo* pNetUpgradeInfo, IN HWND hParentWindow, IN HKEY hkeyParams, IN PCWSTR pszPreNT5InfId, IN PCWSTR pszPreNT5Instance, IN PCWSTR pszNT5InfId, IN PCWSTR pszDescription, IN PCWSTR pszSectionName, OUT DWORD* pdwFlags);
void RequestAbortUpgradeOboOemDll(IN PCWSTR pszDllName, VENDORINFO* pvi);
BOOL FCanDeleteOemService(IN PCWSTR pszServiceName);