// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation 1997
// Author: RameshV
// Description: this file has functions that marshal and unmarshal the arguments
// and calls the right functions to get the api executed.
typedef enum _API_OPCODES { FirstApiOpCode = 0, AcquireParametersOpCode = FirstApiOpCode, FallbackParamsOpCode, ReleaseParametersOpCode, EnableDhcpOpCode, DisableDhcpOpCode, StaticRefreshParamsOpCode, RequestParamsOpCode, PersistentRequestParamsOpCode, RegisterParamsOpCode, DeRegisterParamsOpCode, RemoveDNSRegistrationsOpCode, AcquireParametersByBroadcastOpCode, InvalidApiOpCode } API_OPCODES, *LPAPI_OPCODES;
typedef enum _API_PARAMS { ClassIdParam = InvalidApiOpCode, VendorOptionParam, NormalOptionParam, ProcIdParam, DescriptorParam, EventHandleParam, FlagsParam, InvalidApiParam } API_PARAMS, *PAPI_PARAMS, *LPAPI_PARAMS;
// the api buffer comes to DhcpApiProcessBuffer which then dispatches it to
// the right function after unmarshalling as much of the arguments as possible.
DWORD // win32 status
DhcpApiProcessBuffer( // process a single buffer
IN LPBYTE InBuffer, // the input buffer
IN DWORD InBufSize, // input buffer size
IN OUT LPBYTE OutBuffer, // the processed data gets written to this buffer
IN OUT LPDWORD OutBufSize // the size of the output buffer