Copyright (c) 1994 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
This apps is used to detect the rogue DHCP server on a subnet.
To build, 'nmake UMTEST=dhcpcli'
Madan Appiah (madana) 21-Oct-1993
User Mode - Win32
Revision History:
Oct 1996, (a-martih) Martin Holladay Corrected AV bug when passed an unknown cmd-line parameter.
#include <dhcpcli.h>
#include <conio.h>
#include <locmsg.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <lmcons.h>
#include <lmmsg.h>
#define RECEIVE_TIMEOUT 5 // in secs. 5 secs
#define THREAD_TERMINATION_TIMEOUT 10000 // in msecs. 10 secs
#define SOCKET_RECEIVE_BUFFER_SIZE 1024 * 4 // 4K max.
#define ALERT_INTERVAL 5 * 60 // 5 mins
#define MAX_ALERT_NAMES 256
DWORD GlobalAuthServers[AUTH_SERVERS_MAX]; BOOL GlobalNoAuthPrint = FALSE; DWORD GlobalAuthServersCount = 0; HANDLE GlobalRecvThreadHandle = NULL; BOOL GlobalTerminate = FALSE; DWORD GlobalIpAddress = 0; time_t GlobalLastAlertTime = 0; DWORD GlobalAlertInterval = ALERT_INTERVAL; LPWSTR GlobalAlertNames[MAX_ALERT_NAMES]; DWORD GlobalAlertNamesCount = 0;
#if DBG
VOID DhcpPrintRoutine( IN DWORD DebugFlag, IN LPSTR Format, ... )
#define MAX_PRINTF_LEN 1024 // Arbitrary.
va_list arglist; char OutputBuffer[MAX_PRINTF_LEN]; ULONG length = 0;
// Put a the information requested by the caller onto the line
va_start(arglist, Format); length += (ULONG) vsprintf(&OutputBuffer[length], Format, arglist); va_end(arglist);
DhcpAssert(length <= MAX_PRINTF_LEN);
// Output to the debug terminal,
printf( "%s", OutputBuffer); }
#endif // DBG
DWORD OpenSocket( SOCKET *Socket, DWORD IpAddress, DWORD Port ) { DWORD Error; SOCKET Sock; DWORD OptValue;
struct sockaddr_in SocketName;
// Create a socket
if ( Sock == INVALID_SOCKET ) { Error = WSAGetLastError(); goto Cleanup; }
// Make the socket share-able
OptValue = TRUE; Error = setsockopt( Sock, SOL_SOCKET, SO_REUSEADDR, (LPBYTE)&OptValue, sizeof(OptValue) );
if ( Error != ERROR_SUCCESS ) {
Error = WSAGetLastError(); goto Cleanup; }
OptValue = TRUE; Error = setsockopt( Sock, SOL_SOCKET, SO_BROADCAST, (LPBYTE)&OptValue, sizeof(OptValue) );
if ( Error != ERROR_SUCCESS ) {
Error = WSAGetLastError(); goto Cleanup; }
OptValue = SOCKET_RECEIVE_BUFFER_SIZE; Error = setsockopt( Sock, SOL_SOCKET, SO_RCVBUF, (LPBYTE)&OptValue, sizeof(OptValue) );
if ( Error != ERROR_SUCCESS ) {
Error = WSAGetLastError(); goto Cleanup; }
SocketName.sin_family = PF_INET; SocketName.sin_port = htons( (unsigned short)Port ); SocketName.sin_addr.s_addr = IpAddress; RtlZeroMemory( SocketName.sin_zero, 8);
// Bind this socket to the DHCP server port
Error = bind( Sock, (struct sockaddr FAR *)&SocketName, sizeof( SocketName ) );
if ( Error != ERROR_SUCCESS ) {
Error = WSAGetLastError(); goto Cleanup; }
*Socket = Sock; Error = ERROR_SUCCESS;
if( Error != ERROR_SUCCESS ) {
// if we aren't successful, close the socket if it is opened.
if( Sock != INVALID_SOCKET ) { closesocket( Sock ); } }
return( Error ); }
BOOL IsAuthServer( DWORD IpAddress ) { DWORD i;
for( i = 0; i < GlobalAuthServersCount; i++ ) { if( IpAddress == GlobalAuthServers[i] ){ return( TRUE ); } }
return( FALSE ); }
VOID ExtractOptions1( POPTION Option, PDHCP_OPTIONS DhcpOptions, DWORD MessageSize ) { POPTION start = Option; POPTION nextOption; LPBYTE MagicCookie;
// initialize option data.
RtlZeroMemory( DhcpOptions, sizeof( DHCP_OPTIONS ) );
if ( MessageSize == 0 ) { return; }
// check magic cookie.
MagicCookie = (LPBYTE) Option;
if( (*MagicCookie != (BYTE)DHCP_MAGIC_COOKIE_BYTE1) || (*(MagicCookie+1) != (BYTE)DHCP_MAGIC_COOKIE_BYTE2) || (*(MagicCookie+2) != (BYTE)DHCP_MAGIC_COOKIE_BYTE3) || (*(MagicCookie+3) != (BYTE)DHCP_MAGIC_COOKIE_BYTE4)) {
return; }
Option = (LPOPTION) (MagicCookie + 4);
while ( Option->OptionType != OPTION_END ) {
if ( Option->OptionType == OPTION_PAD || Option->OptionType == OPTION_END ) {
nextOption = (LPOPTION)( (LPBYTE)(Option) + 1);
} else {
nextOption = (LPOPTION)( (LPBYTE)(Option) + Option->OptionLength + 2);
// Make sure that we don't walk off the edge of the message, due
// to a forgotten OPTION_END option.
if ((PCHAR)nextOption - (PCHAR)start > (long)MessageSize ) { return; }
switch ( Option->OptionType ) {
case OPTION_MESSAGE_TYPE: DhcpAssert( Option->OptionLength == sizeof(BYTE) ); DhcpOptions->MessageType = (BYTE UNALIGNED *)&Option->OptionValue; break;
case OPTION_SUBNET_MASK: DhcpAssert( Option->OptionLength == sizeof(DWORD) ); DhcpOptions->SubnetMask = (DHCP_IP_ADDRESS UNALIGNED *)&Option->OptionValue; break;
case OPTION_LEASE_TIME: DhcpAssert( Option->OptionLength == sizeof(DWORD) ); DhcpOptions->LeaseTime = (DWORD UNALIGNED *)&Option->OptionValue; break;
case OPTION_SERVER_IDENTIFIER: DhcpAssert( Option->OptionLength == sizeof(DWORD) ); DhcpOptions->ServerIdentifier = (DHCP_IP_ADDRESS UNALIGNED *)&Option->OptionValue; break;
case OPTION_RENEWAL_TIME: DhcpAssert( Option->OptionLength == sizeof(DWORD) ); DhcpOptions->T1Time = (DWORD UNALIGNED *)&Option->OptionValue; break;
case OPTION_REBIND_TIME: DhcpAssert( Option->OptionLength == sizeof(DWORD) ); DhcpOptions->T2Time = (DWORD UNALIGNED *)&Option->OptionValue; break;
default: break; }
Option = nextOption; }
return; }
DWORD SendDiscovery( VOID ) { DWORD Error; BYTE MessageBuffer[DHCP_SEND_MESSAGE_SIZE]; PDHCP_MESSAGE dhcpMessage = (PDHCP_MESSAGE)MessageBuffer; LPOPTION option; LPBYTE OptionEnd; BYTE value;
BYTE *HardwareAddress = "123456"; BYTE HardwareAddressLength = 6; LPSTR HostName = "ROGUE";
SOCKET Sock; struct sockaddr_in socketName; DWORD i;
// prepare message.
RtlZeroMemory( dhcpMessage, DHCP_SEND_MESSAGE_SIZE );
dhcpMessage->Operation = BOOT_REQUEST; dhcpMessage->HardwareAddressType = 1;
// Transaction ID is filled in during send
dhcpMessage->SecondsSinceBoot = 60; // random value ??
dhcpMessage->Reserved = htons(DHCP_BROADCAST);
memcpy( dhcpMessage->HardwareAddress, HardwareAddress, HardwareAddressLength );
dhcpMessage->HardwareAddressLength = (BYTE)HardwareAddressLength;
option = &dhcpMessage->Option; OptionEnd = (LPBYTE)dhcpMessage + DHCP_SEND_MESSAGE_SIZE;
// always add magic cookie first
option = (LPOPTION) DhcpAppendMagicCookie( (LPBYTE) option, OptionEnd );
value = DHCP_DISCOVER_MESSAGE; option = DhcpAppendOption( option, OPTION_MESSAGE_TYPE, &value, 1, OptionEnd );
// Add client ID Option.
option = DhcpAppendClientIDOption( option, 1, HardwareAddress, HardwareAddressLength, OptionEnd );
// add Host name and comment options.
option = DhcpAppendOption( option, OPTION_HOST_NAME, (LPBYTE)HostName, (BYTE)((strlen(HostName) + 1) * sizeof(CHAR)), OptionEnd );
// Add END option.
option = DhcpAppendOption( option, OPTION_END, NULL, 0, OptionEnd );
// Send the message
// open socket.
Error = OpenSocket( &Sock, GlobalIpAddress, DHCP_SERVR_PORT );
if( Error != ERROR_SUCCESS ) {
printf("OpenReceiveSocket failed %ld.", Error ); return( Error ); }
// Initialize the outgoing address.
socketName.sin_family = PF_INET; socketName.sin_port = htons( DHCP_SERVR_PORT ); socketName.sin_addr.s_addr = (DHCP_IP_ADDRESS)(INADDR_BROADCAST);
for ( i = 0; i < 8 ; i++ ) { socketName.sin_zero[i] = 0; }
Error = sendto( Sock, (PCHAR)MessageBuffer, DHCP_SEND_MESSAGE_SIZE, 0, (struct sockaddr *)&socketName, sizeof( struct sockaddr ) );
if ( Error == SOCKET_ERROR ) { Error = WSAGetLastError(); printf("sendto failed %ld\n", Error ); return( Error ); }
return( ERROR_SUCCESS ); }
VOID LogEvent( LPSTR MsgTypeString, LPSTR IpAddressString, LPSTR ServerAddressString ) { HANDLE EventlogHandle; LPSTR Strings[3];
// open event registry.
EventlogHandle = RegisterEventSourceA( NULL, "DhcpTools" );
if (EventlogHandle == NULL) {
printf("RegisterEventSourceA failed %ld.", GetLastError() ); return; }
Strings[0] = MsgTypeString; Strings[1] = ServerAddressString; Strings[2] = IpAddressString;
if( !ReportEventA( EventlogHandle, (WORD)EVENTLOG_INFORMATION_TYPE, 0, // event category
printf("ReportEventA failed %ld.", GetLastError() ); }
return; }
VOID RaiseAlert( LPSTR MsgTypeString, LPSTR IpAddressString, LPSTR ServerAddressString ) {
time_t TimeNow; DWORD Error;
TimeNow = time( NULL );
if( TimeNow > (time_t)(GlobalLastAlertTime + GlobalAlertInterval) ) {
LPWSTR MessageParams[3]; WCHAR AlertMessage[ ALERT_MESSAGE_LENGTH ]; DWORD MsgLength;
MessageParams[0] = DhcpOemToUnicode( MsgTypeString, uMsgTypeString ); MessageParams[1] = DhcpOemToUnicode( ServerAddressString, uServerAddressString ); MessageParams[2] = DhcpOemToUnicode( IpAddressString, uIpAddressString );
AlertMessage, // return buffer place holder.
ALERT_MESSAGE_LENGTH, // minimum buffer size (in characters) to allocate.
(va_list *)MessageParams // insert strings.
if( MsgLength == 0 ) {
printf("FormatMessage failed %ld.", GetLastError() ); } else {
// send alert message.
for( i = 0; i < GlobalAlertNamesCount; i++) {
Error = NetMessageBufferSend( NULL, GlobalAlertNames[i], NULL, (LPBYTE)AlertMessage, MsgLength * sizeof(WCHAR) );
if( Error != ERROR_SUCCESS ) {
printf("NetMessageBufferSend failed %ld.", Error ); break; } } }
GlobalLastAlertTime = TimeNow; } }
VOID DisplayMessage( LPSTR MessageBuffer, DWORD BufferLength, struct sockaddr_in *source ) { DHCP_OPTIONS DhcpOptions; PDHCP_MESSAGE DhcpMessage; SYSTEMTIME SystemTime; DWORD MessageType; LPSTR MessageTypeString;
BOOL AuthServer = FALSE;
// check to see this is valid DHCP packet.
if( BufferLength < DHCP_MESSAGE_FIXED_PART_SIZE ) { return; }
DhcpMessage = (LPDHCP_MESSAGE) MessageBuffer;
if( (DhcpMessage->Operation != BOOT_REQUEST) && (DhcpMessage->Operation != BOOT_REPLY) ) {
return; }
// extract options.
ExtractOptions1( &DhcpMessage->Option, &DhcpOptions, BufferLength - DHCP_MESSAGE_FIXED_PART_SIZE );
if( DhcpOptions.MessageType == NULL ) { return; }
MessageType = *DhcpOptions.MessageType;
if( (MessageType < DHCP_DISCOVER_MESSAGE ) || (MessageType > DHCP_RELEASE_MESSAGE ) ) { return; }
// packet is valid dhcp packet, print info.
// if this packet is from one of the auth server and we are asked
// not to print auth servers packet, so so.
if( DhcpOptions.ServerIdentifier != NULL ) { AuthServer = IsAuthServer(*DhcpOptions.ServerIdentifier); }
if( GlobalNoAuthPrint && AuthServer ) { return; }
GetLocalTime( &SystemTime ); printf("%02u:%02u:%02u ", SystemTime.wHour, SystemTime.wMinute, SystemTime.wSecond );
switch ( MessageType ) { case DHCP_DISCOVER_MESSAGE: MessageTypeString = "DISCOVER";
case DHCP_OFFER_MESSAGE: MessageTypeString = "OFFER"; break;
case DHCP_REQUEST_MESSAGE: MessageTypeString = "REQUEST"; break;
case DHCP_DECLINE_MESSAGE: MessageTypeString = "DECLINE"; break;
case DHCP_ACK_MESSAGE: MessageTypeString = "ACK"; break;
case DHCP_NACK_MESSAGE: MessageTypeString = "NACK"; break;
case DHCP_RELEASE_MESSAGE: MessageTypeString = "RELEASE"; break;
default: MessageTypeString = "UNKNOWN"; break;
printf("%8s ", MessageTypeString);
strcpy( IpAddressString, inet_ntoa(*(struct in_addr *)&DhcpMessage->YourIpAddress) );
printf("(IP)%-15s ", IpAddressString );
if(DhcpOptions.ServerIdentifier != NULL ) {
DWORD ServerId;
ServerId = *DhcpOptions.ServerIdentifier; strcpy( ServerAddressString, inet_ntoa(*(struct in_addr *)&ServerId) );
printf("(S)%-15s ", ServerAddressString );
if( source->sin_addr.s_addr != ServerId ) {
printf("(S1)%-15s ", inet_ntoa(*(struct in_addr *)&source->sin_addr.s_addr) ); } }
// beep if this it is a non-auth server.
if( AuthServer == FALSE ) { printf("***"); MessageBeep( MB_ICONASTERISK );
// log an event.
LogEvent( MessageTypeString, IpAddressString, ServerAddressString );
RaiseAlert( MessageTypeString, IpAddressString, ServerAddressString ); }
printf("\n"); }
DWORD ReceiveDatagram( VOID ) { DWORD Error; SOCKET Sock; BOOL SocketOpened = FALSE; fd_set readSocketSet; struct timeval timeout; struct sockaddr socketName; int socketNameSize = sizeof( socketName );
Error = OpenSocket( &Sock, GlobalIpAddress, DHCP_CLIENT_PORT );
if( Error != ERROR_SUCCESS ) {
printf("OpenReceiveSocket failed %ld.", Error ); goto Cleanup; }
SocketOpened = TRUE;
// receive message.
while( GlobalTerminate != TRUE ) {
FD_ZERO( &readSocketSet ); FD_SET( Sock, &readSocketSet );
timeout.tv_sec = RECEIVE_TIMEOUT; timeout.tv_usec = 0;
Error = select( 0, &readSocketSet, NULL, NULL, &timeout);
if ( Error == 0 ) {
// Timeout before read data is available.
// printf("Receive timeout.\n");
} else {
// receive available message.
Error = recvfrom( Sock, MessageBuffer, sizeof(MessageBuffer), 0, &socketName, &socketNameSize );
if ( Error == SOCKET_ERROR ) {
Error = WSAGetLastError(); printf("recvfrom failed %ld\n", Error ); goto Cleanup; }
if( GlobalTerminate == TRUE ) { break; }
DisplayMessage( MessageBuffer, Error, // buffer length returned.
(struct sockaddr_in *)&socketName ); } }
if( SocketOpened == TRUE ) {
// close socket.
closesocket( Sock ); }
GlobalTerminate = TRUE; return( Error ); }
DWORD __cdecl main( int argc, char **argv ) {
DWORD Error; LPSTR AppName = NULL; WSADATA wsaData; DWORD ThreadId;
// parse input parameters.
if( argc < 1 ) { goto Usage; }
AppName = argv[0]; argv++; argc--;
if( argc < 1 ) { goto Usage; }
// parse flag parameter.
while( (argv[0][0] == '-') || (argv[0][0] == '/') ) {
switch (argv[0][1] ) { case 'p': GlobalNoAuthPrint = TRUE; break;
case 'i': GlobalAlertInterval = atoi( &argv[0][3] ) * 60; break;
case 'a': {
LPSTR NextName; LPSTR Ptr;
Ptr = &argv[0][3];
// skip blanks.
while( *Ptr == ' ' ) { Ptr++; } NextName = Ptr;
while( *Ptr != '\0' ) {
if( *Ptr == ' ' ) {
// found another name.
*Ptr++ = '\0';
GlobalAlertNames[GlobalAlertNamesCount] = DhcpOemToUnicode( NextName, NULL ); GlobalAlertNamesCount++;
if( GlobalAlertNamesCount >= MAX_ALERT_NAMES ) { break; }
// skip blanks.
while( *Ptr == ' ' ) { Ptr++; } NextName = Ptr; } else {
Ptr++; } }
if( GlobalAlertNamesCount < MAX_ALERT_NAMES ) { if( NextName != Ptr ) { GlobalAlertNames[GlobalAlertNamesCount] = DhcpOemToUnicode( NextName, NULL ); GlobalAlertNamesCount++; } }
break; } //
// (a-martih) - Bug Fix
default: if ((_stricmp(argv[0], "/?")) && (_stricmp(argv[0], "-?")) && (_stricmp(argv[0], "/h")) && (_stricmp(argv[0], "-h")) ) { printf( "\nunknown flag, %s \n", argv[0] ); } goto Usage; break; }
argv++; argc--; }
if( argc < 1 ) { goto Usage; }
// read ipaddress parameter.
GlobalIpAddress = inet_addr( argv[0] );
argv++; argc--;
// now read auth dhcp servers ipaddresses.
while( (argc > 0) && (GlobalAuthServersCount < AUTH_SERVERS_MAX) ) {
GlobalAuthServers[GlobalAuthServersCount++] = inet_addr( argv[0] );
argv++; argc--; }
// init socket.
Error = WSAStartup( WS_VERSION_REQUIRED, &wsaData);
if( Error != ERROR_SUCCESS ) { printf( "WSAStartup failed %ld.\n", Error ); return(1); }
// create receive datagrams thread.
GlobalRecvThreadHandle = CreateThread( NULL, 0, (LPTHREAD_START_ROUTINE)ReceiveDatagram, NULL, 0, &ThreadId );
if( GlobalRecvThreadHandle == NULL ) { printf("CreateThread failed %ld.\n", GetLastError() ); return(1); }
// read input.
while ( GlobalTerminate != TRUE ) { CHAR ch;
ch = (CHAR)_getch();
switch( ch ) { case 'q': case 'Q': // case '\c':
GlobalTerminate = TRUE; break;
case 'd': case 'D':
// send out discover message.
Error = SendDiscovery();
if(Error != ERROR_SUCCESS ) { printf("SendDiscover failed %ld.\n", Error ); }
case 'h': case 'H': default:
printf("Type d - to discover; q - to quit; h - for help.\n");
// print out help message.
break; } }
// terminate receive thread.
WaitForSingleObject( GlobalRecvThreadHandle, THREAD_TERMINATION_TIMEOUT );
CloseHandle( GlobalRecvThreadHandle );
// Cleanup:
Usage: printf("\nUSAGE:\n\n"); printf("%s [-p] [-a:\"list-of-alertnames\"] [-i:alertinterval] " "machine-ip-address " "[list of valid dhcp servers ip addresses]", AppName );
return(1); }