Copyright (c) 1997-1998 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
This module contains the code to process OS Chooser message for the BINL server.
Adam Barr (adamba) 9-Jul-1997 Geoff Pease (gpease) 10-Nov-1997
User Mode - Win32
Revision History:
#include "binl.h"
#pragma hdrstop
#include "mbstring.h"
// List of maximums for certain variables. OscAddVariableX will fail if
// the limits are exceeded; it is up to the caller of the function to know
// if the variable being added might hit a limit and check for failure.
OSC_VARIABLE_MAXIMUM OscMaximums[] = { //
// This set of variables come from locations we don't completely control,
// so we need to check the return code from OscAddVariable each time.
{ "BOOTFILE", 127 }, // with NULL, must fit in 128-byte field of CREATE_DATA.
// Normally this will be empty or come from a .sif;
// an admin may customize the .sif or modify the
// DS attribute directly.
{ "MACHINENAME", 63 }, // used in path with SERVERNAME; comes from a screen
// input with a max length of 63, or else is generated
// by the GenerateMachineName() function. 63 is equal
{ "SIFFILE", 127 }, // with NULL, must fit in 128-byte field of CREATE_DATA.
// Normally this will be \RemoteInstall\tmp\[GUID].sif,
// but the path may be longer.
{ "INSTALLPATH", 127 }, // used in paths with MACHINETYPE and SERVERNAME. This
// will depend on where the build is installed
// with RISETUP.
// The ones after this will be correct when we add them, but a rogue
// client might send in bogus values. So the general checking code in
// OscProcessScreenArguments will catch invalid ones.
{ "MACHINETYPE", MAX_ARCHITECTURE_LENGTH }, // current max value. This is sent up by oschooser
// and should correspond to where RISETUP puts
// the platform-specific files.
{ "SERVERNAME", 63 }, // used in paths with MACHINENAME and INSTALLPATH,
// set by calling GetComputerNameEX(ComputerNameNetBIOS)
{ "NETBIOSNAME", 31 }, // with NULL, must fit in 32-byte field of CREATE_DATA.
// This is gotten by calling DnsHostnameToComputerNameW(),
// if that fails the name is truncated to 15 chars
{ "LANGUAGE", 32 }, // reasonable max value; this is obtained by calling
// but can be over-ridden in the registry. It is used in
// paths with IntelliMirrorPathW and some other constants,
// but no other variables. Eventually this becomes
// a part of INSTALLPATH and sometimes BOOTFILE.
{ "GUID", 32 }, // 16 bytes in hex format
{ "MAC", 12 }, // 6 bytes in hex format
// NOTE: If we get an error condition, we add the variable SUBERROR
// to the client state. So don't put a limit on SUBERROR size, since
// that might cause an infinite loop.
#define OSC_VARIABLE_MAXIMUM_COUNT (sizeof(OscMaximums) / sizeof(OSC_VARIABLE_MAXIMUM))
// We need to eliminate the chance of denial of service attacks so we'll limit
// the number of concurrent clients we support.
DWORD OscUpdatePassword( IN PCLIENT_STATE ClientState, IN PWCHAR SamAccountName, IN PWCHAR Password, IN LDAP * LdapHandle, IN PLDAPMessage LdapMessage ) /*++
Routine Description:
ClientState - The client state. AuthenticatedDCLdapHandle must be valid and we must be impersonating the client.
SamAccountName - The name of the machine account. This is the "samAccountName" value from the DS, which includes the final $.
Password - The NULL-terminated Unicode password.
LdapHandle - The handle to the DS.
LdapMessage - The result of an ldap search for this client.
Return Value:
Status of the operation.
{ BOOL bResult; LDAP * serverLdap; PWCHAR serverHostName; USER_INFO_1003 userInfo1003; PWCHAR backslashServerName; PWCHAR p; ULONG serverHostNameLength; DWORD paramError; NET_API_STATUS netStatus;
// Change the password in the DS.
serverLdap = ldap_conn_from_msg (LdapHandle, LdapMessage); if (serverLdap == NULL) { BinlPrintDbg(( DEBUG_ERRORS, "OscUpdatePassword ldap_conn_from_msg is NULL\n" )); return E_HANDLE; }
serverHostName = NULL; if (LDAP_SUCCESS != ldap_get_option(serverLdap, LDAP_OPT_HOST_NAME, &serverHostName)) { BinlPrintDbg(( DEBUG_ERRORS, "OscUpdatePassword ldap_get_option failed\n" )); return E_HANDLE; }
userInfo1003.usri1003_password = Password;
serverHostNameLength = wcslen(serverHostName) + 1;
// Allocate room for the name with two extra characters
// for the leading \\.
backslashServerName = BinlAllocateMemory((serverHostNameLength+2) * sizeof(WCHAR)); if (backslashServerName == NULL) { BinlPrintDbg(( DEBUG_ERRORS, "OscUpdatePassword could not allocate serverHostNameW\n" )); return ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_SERVER_MEMORY; }
wcscpy(backslashServerName, L"\\\\"); wcscpy(backslashServerName+2, serverHostName);
// TEMP: Serialize all calls to the NetUserSetInfo/
// NetUserModalsGet. See discussion in bug 319962.
// This code was put back in when the fix for a
// problem described as "RPC is ignoring the security
// context of the caller when choosing which named
// pipe to send an RPC call over" turned out to cause
// a BVT break.
netStatus = NetUserSetInfo( backslashServerName, SamAccountName, 1003, (LPBYTE)&userInfo1003, ¶mError);
if (netStatus != NERR_Success) {
HANDLE TempToken;
BinlPrint(( DEBUG_ERRORS, "OscUpdatePassword NetUserSetInfo returned %lx\n", netStatus ));
// If NetUserSetInfo failed, try a LogonUser to see if the
// password is already set to the value we want -- if so,
// we can still succeed.
bResult = LogonUser( SamAccountName, OscFindVariableW( ClientState, "MACHINEDOMAIN" ), Password, LOGON32_LOGON_NETWORK, LOGON32_PROVIDER_WINNT40, &TempToken);
if (bResult) { CloseHandle(TempToken); } else { DWORD TempError = GetLastError(); if (TempError != ERROR_NOLOGON_WORKSTATION_TRUST_ACCOUNT) { return netStatus; // return the original error
} }
// Fall through and return ERROR_SUCCESS.
// Free client state information
VOID FreeClient( PCLIENT_STATE client ) { ULONG i;
TraceFunc("FreeClient( )\n");
// if this client had its name generated,
// then attempt to remove the name from the queued DS list
// this behavior is necessary for when a client times out
if (client->fAutomaticMachineName) { PWCHAR pMachineName; // Pointer to Machine Name variable value
DWORD Error; pMachineName = OscFindVariableW( client, "MACHINENAME" ); Error = RemoveQueuedDSName(pMachineName);
if (Error != ERROR_SUCCESS) { BinlPrintDbg(( DEBUG_ERRORS, "RemoveQueuedDSName returned with status: 0x%x\n", Error)); if (Error == ERROR_NOT_FOUND) { BinlPrintDbg(( DEBUG_ERRORS, "QueuedDSName already removed\n", Error)); Error = ERROR_SUCCESS; } }
BinlPrintDbg(( DEBUG_OSC, "Freeing client state for %s\n", inet_ntoa(*(struct in_addr *)&(client->RemoteIp)) ));
if (client->LastResponse) BinlFreeMemory(client->LastResponse);
InterlockedIncrement( &BinlGlobalClientLimit );
if (client->NegotiateProcessed) { DeleteSecurityContext( &client->ServerContextHandle ); }
if (client->AuthenticatedDCLdapHandle) { ldap_unbind(client->AuthenticatedDCLdapHandle); }
if (client->UserToken) { CloseHandle(client->UserToken); }
BinlFreeMemory(client); }
VOID OscFreeClientVariables( PCLIENT_STATE clientState ) /*++
Routine Description:
This function frees all variables in a client state.
clientState - the client state pointer.
Return Value:
--*/ { ULONG i;
for( i = 0; i < clientState->nVariables; i++ ) { BinlFreeMemory(clientState->Variables[i].pszToken); if (clientState->Variables[i].pszStringA) { BinlFreeMemory(clientState->Variables[i].pszStringA); clientState->Variables[i].pszStringA = NULL; } if (clientState->Variables[i].pszStringW) { BinlFreeMemory(clientState->Variables[i].pszStringW); clientState->Variables[i].pszStringW = NULL; } }
clientState->nVariables = 0; clientState->fHaveSetupMachineDN = FALSE; clientState->fCreateNewAccount = FALSE; clientState->fAutomaticMachineName = FALSE; }
BOOLEAN OscInitializeClientVariables( PCLIENT_STATE clientState ) /*++
Routine Description:
This function cleans out any variables in the client state, then initializes some default values, which may later be overwritten by variables from client screens.
This function is called when a client state is created, and when it is re-used from cache.
clientState - the client state pointer.
Return Value:
--*/ { BOOLEAN retVal = TRUE; SYSTEMTIME SystemTime; FILETIME FileTime; WCHAR pTime[64]; //
// First clean out any variables in the client state.
// Now add the variables.
EnterCriticalSection( &gcsParameters );
if (BinlGlobalDefaultLanguage) { OscAddVariableW( clientState, "LANGUAGE", BinlGlobalDefaultLanguage ); } else { OscAddVariableW( clientState, "LANGUAGE", DEFAULT_LANGUAGE ); } if (BinlGlobalDefaultOrgname) { OscAddVariableW( clientState, "ORGNAME", BinlGlobalDefaultOrgname ); } else { OscAddVariableW( clientState, "ORGNAME", DEFAULT_ORGNAME ); } if (BinlGlobalDefaultTimezone) { OscAddVariableW( clientState, "TIMEZONE", BinlGlobalDefaultTimezone ); } else { OscAddVariableW( clientState, "TIMEZONE", DEFAULT_TIMEZONE ); }
if (BinlGlobalOurDomainName == NULL || BinlGlobalOurServerName == NULL) {
LeaveCriticalSection( &gcsParameters ); BinlPrintDbg((DEBUG_OSC_ERROR, "!! Error we don't have a FQDN for ourselves.\n" )); retVal = FALSE; goto Cleanup;
} OscAddVariableW( clientState, "SERVERDOMAIN", BinlGlobalOurDomainName );
// Add the Server's name variable
OscAddVariableW( clientState, "SERVERNAME", BinlGlobalOurServerName );
GetSystemTime(&SystemTime); if (SystemTimeToFileTime(&SystemTime,&FileTime)) { swprintf(pTime,L"%d;%d",FileTime.dwHighDateTime,FileTime.dwLowDateTime); OscAddVariableW( clientState, "ServerUTCFileTime", pTime ); }
OscAddVariableW( clientState, "NTLMV2Enabled", BinlGlobalUseNTLMV2 ? L"1" : L"0" );
LeaveCriticalSection( &gcsParameters );
OscAddVariableA( clientState, "SUBERROR", " " );
clientState->fHaveSetupMachineDN = FALSE; clientState->fCreateNewAccount = FALSE; clientState->fAutomaticMachineName = FALSE;
clientState->InitializeOnFirstRequest = FALSE;
// If this fails, clean up anything we set here.
if (!retVal) { OscFreeClientVariables(clientState); }
return retVal;
DWORD OscFindClient( ULONG RemoteIp, BOOL Remove, PCLIENT_STATE * pClientState ) /*++
Routine Description:
This function looks up a client in our client database, using their IP address. If Remove is TRUE, it removes the entry if found. Otherwise, if not found, it creates a new entry.
RemoteIp - the remote IP address.
Remove - TRUE if the client should be removed if found.
pClientState - Returns the CLIENT_STATE.
Return Value:
ERROR_SUCCESS if it finds the client and it is not in use. ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_SERVER_MEMORY if a client state could not be allocated. ERROR_BUSY if the client state is already being used by another thread.
TraceFunc("OscFindClient( )\n");
for (p = ClientsQueue.Flink; p != &ClientsQueue; p = p->Flink) {
if (TempClient->RemoteIp == RemoteIp) {
// Found it!
if (Remove) { RemoveEntryList(&TempClient->Linkage); TraceFunc("Client removed.\n"); }
break; } }
if (p == &ClientsQueue) { TempClient = NULL; }
if (!TempClient && (!Remove)) {
// Not found, allocate a new one.
oldCount = InterlockedDecrement( &BinlGlobalClientLimit );
if (oldCount <= 0) {
InterlockedIncrement( &BinlGlobalClientLimit ); BinlPrintDbg(( DEBUG_OSC_ERROR, "Way too many clients, 0x%x clients\n", BINL_MAX_CLIENT_RECORDS)); Error = ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_SERVER_MEMORY; TempClient = NULL;
} else {
TraceFunc("Creating new client...\n");
TempClient = BinlAllocateMemory(sizeof(CLIENT_STATE));
if (TempClient == NULL) {
InterlockedIncrement( &BinlGlobalClientLimit ); BinlPrintDbg(( DEBUG_OSC_ERROR, "Could not get client state for %s\n", inet_ntoa(*(struct in_addr *)&RemoteIp) )); Error = ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_SERVER_MEMORY;
} else { TempClient->NegotiateProcessed = FALSE; TempClient->AuthenticateProcessed = FALSE; TempClient->LastSequenceNumber = 0; TempClient->LastResponse = NULL; TempClient->LastResponseAllocated = 0; TempClient->PositiveRefCount = 1; TempClient->NegativeRefCount = 0; TempClient->AuthenticatedDCLdapHandle = NULL;
TempClient->UserToken = NULL; TempClient->LastUpdate = GetTickCount(); TempClient->nCreateAccountCounter = 0;
TempClient->nVariables = 0;
// Fill in some standard variables.
if (!OscInitializeClientVariables(TempClient)) {
InterlockedIncrement( &BinlGlobalClientLimit ); BinlPrintDbg(( DEBUG_OSC_ERROR, "Could not initialize client state for %s\n", inet_ntoa(*(struct in_addr *)&RemoteIp) )); BinlFreeMemory(TempClient); TempClient = NULL; Error = ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_SERVER_MEMORY;
} else {
InitializeCriticalSection(&TempClient->CriticalSection); TempClient->CriticalSectionHeld = FALSE; TempClient->RemoteIp = RemoteIp;
InsertHeadList(&ClientsQueue, &TempClient->Linkage);
BinlPrintDbg(( DEBUG_OSC, "Allocating new client state for %s\n", inet_ntoa(*(struct in_addr *)&RemoteIp) )); } } } }
if (TempClient) { //
// Do a quick check to see if another client is using this. This
// check is not synchronized with the setting of this variable to
// FALSE, and it's possible two clients could slip through, but
// that is OK since this is not fatal (each thread still needs
// to actually get the critical section to do anything).
if (TempClient->CriticalSectionHeld && (!Remove)) { Error = ERROR_BUSY; TempClient = NULL; } else { ++TempClient->PositiveRefCount; // need to do this inside ClientsCriticalSection
} }
*pClientState = TempClient; return Error;
VOID OscFreeClients( VOID ) /*++
Routine Description:
This function frees the clients list for OS chooser. It is intended to be called only when the service is shutting down, so the critical section does not matter.
Return Value:
TraceFunc("OscFreeClients( )\n");
while (!IsListEmpty(&ClientsQueue)) {
p = RemoveHeadList(&ClientsQueue);
VOID SearchAndReplace( LPSAR psarList, LPSTR *pszString, DWORD ArraySize, DWORD dwSize, DWORD dwExtraSize ) /*++
Routine Description:
Searches and replaces text in a ASCII (8-bit) string.
psarList - SearchAndReplace structure with the list of tokens and and the strings that are going replace the tokens.
pszString - the text to search and replace.
dwSize - length of the text in pszString.
dwExtraSize - if the buffer is reallocated, how much extra room to allocate
Return Value:
--*/ { LPSTR psz = *pszString;
TraceFunc("SearchAndReplace( )\n");
if ( !psarList || !*pszString ) return;
while ( *psz ) { if ( *psz == '%' ) { LPSAR psar = psarList; ULONG count = 0; LPSTR pszEnd; UCHAR ch;
psz++; // move forward
// Find the end of the %MACRO%
pszEnd = psz; while ( *pszEnd && *pszEnd !='%' ) pszEnd++;
// Terminate but remember the character (NULL or '%')
ch = *pszEnd; *pszEnd = 0;
// Loop trying to match the %MACRO% when a Token
while( count++ < ArraySize ) {
if ( _stricmp( psz, psar->pszToken ) == 0 ) { // match, so replace
DWORD dwString; DWORD dwToken;
if ( psar->pszStringA == NULL ) { // need to translate the string from UNICODE to ANSI
uString.Buffer = psar->pszStringW; uString.Length = (USHORT)( wcslen( psar->pszStringW ) * sizeof(WCHAR) );
dwLen = RtlUnicodeStringToAnsiSize(&uString); // includes NULL termination
psar->pszStringA = BinlAllocateMemory( dwLen );
if (psar->pszStringA == NULL) { BinlAssert( !"Out of memory!" ); psar++; continue; // abort this replace
aString.Buffer = psar->pszStringA; aString.MaximumLength = (USHORT)dwLen;
RtlUnicodeStringToAnsiString( &aString, &uString, FALSE);
dwString = strlen( psar->pszStringA ); dwToken = strlen( psar->pszToken );
psz--; // move back
if ( 2 + dwToken < dwString ) { // "%MACRO%" is smaller than "ReplaceString"
// Check to see if we need to grow the buffer...
LPSTR pszEndBuff = &psz[2 + dwToken]; DWORD dwLenEnd = strlen( pszEndBuff ) + 1; DWORD dwLenBegin = (DWORD)( psz - *pszString ); DWORD dwNewSize = dwLenBegin + dwString + dwLenEnd;
// Does the new string fit in the old space?
if ( dwSize < dwNewSize ) { //
// No. Make some space
LPSTR pszNewString;
dwNewSize += 1024; // with some extra to grow
pszNewString = BinlAllocateMemory( dwNewSize + dwExtraSize ); if ( !pszNewString ) { BinlAssert( !"Out of memory!" ); return; // abort the rest
MoveMemory( pszNewString, *pszString, dwSize );
dwSize = dwNewSize; psz = pszNewString + ( psz - *pszString ); BinlFreeMemory( *pszString ); *pszString = pszNewString; }
MoveMemory( &psz[dwString], &psz[ 2 + dwToken ], dwLenEnd ); }
CopyMemory( psz, psar->pszStringA, dwString );
if ( 2 + dwToken > dwString ) { strcpy( &psz[ dwString ], &psz[ 2 + dwToken ] ); }
pszEnd = NULL; // match, NULL so we don't put the temp char back
psz++; // move forward
break; }
psar++; }
// If no match, put the character back
if ( pszEnd != NULL ) { *pszEnd = ch; } } else { psz++; } } }
LPSTR FindSection( LPSTR sectionName, LPSTR sifFile )
Routine Description:
This routine is for use by ProcessUniqueUdb. It scans in memory starting at sifFile, looking for a SIF section named "sectionName". Specifically it searches for a line whose first non-blank characters are "[sectionName]".
sectionName - The section name to look for, an ANSI string.
sifFile - The SIF file in memory, which is NULL-terminated ANSI string.
Return Value:
A pointer to the start of the section -- the first character of the line after the one with [sectionName] in it.
{ LPSTR curSifFile; DWORD lenSectionName; LPSTR foundSection = NULL;
lenSectionName = strlen(sectionName);
curSifFile = sifFile;
while (*curSifFile != '\0') {
// At this point in the while, curSifFile points to the beginning
// of a line.
// First find the first non-blank character.
while ((*curSifFile != '\0') && (*curSifFile == ' ')) { ++curSifFile; } if (*curSifFile == '\0') { break; }
if (*curSifFile == '[') { if ((memcmp(sectionName, curSifFile+1, lenSectionName) == 0) && (curSifFile[lenSectionName+1] == ']')) {
// Found it, scan to start of next line.
while ((*curSifFile != '\0') && (*curSifFile != '\n')) { ++curSifFile; } if (*curSifFile == '\0') { break; } foundSection = curSifFile + 1; // +1 to skip past the '\n'
break; } }
// Now scan to the start of the next line, defined as the
// character after a \n.
while ((*curSifFile != L'\0') && (*curSifFile != L'\n')) { ++curSifFile; } if (*curSifFile == L'\0') { break; } ++curSifFile; // skip past the '\n'
return foundSection; }
BOOLEAN FindLineInSection( PCHAR SectionStart, PWCHAR lineToMatch, PCHAR *existingLine, DWORD *existingLineLen )
Routine Description:
This routine is for use by ProcessUniqueUdb. It scans in memory starting at SectionStart, which is assumed to be the first line of a section of a .sif file. It looks for a line that is for the same value as lineToMatch, which will be of the form "value=name". If it is found, it returns the line that it was found on.
SectionStart - The section of the .sif, in ANSI.
lineToMatch - The value=name pair to match, in UNICODE.
existingLine - Returns the existing line (in SectionStart), in ANSI.
existingLineLen - Returns the length of the existing line, including final \r\n. Length is in characters, not bytes.
Return Value:
TRUE of the line is found, FALSE otherwise.
--*/ { LPWSTR endOfValue; LPSTR curSection; LPSTR curLine; LPSTR endOfLine; DWORD valueLength, ansiValueLength; BOOLEAN foundLine = FALSE; LPSTR valueToMatch = NULL; ANSI_STRING aString; UNICODE_STRING uString;
// First look at lineToMatch to see what we are looking
// for. This is the text up to the first =, or all of it if there
// is no =. Once found, we convert it to ANSI for comparisons.
endOfValue = wcschr(lineToMatch, L'='); if (endOfValue == NULL) { endOfValue = lineToMatch + wcslen(lineToMatch); }
valueLength = (DWORD)(endOfValue - lineToMatch);
// Copy the sectionName to ANSI for comparisons.
uString.Buffer = lineToMatch; uString.Length = (USHORT)(valueLength*sizeof(WCHAR));
ansiValueLength = RtlUnicodeStringToAnsiSize(&uString); // includes final '\0'
valueToMatch = BinlAllocateMemory(ansiValueLength); if (valueToMatch == NULL) { return FALSE; }
aString.Buffer = valueToMatch; aString.MaximumLength = (USHORT)ansiValueLength; RtlUnicodeStringToAnsiString( &aString, &uString, FALSE);
--ansiValueLength; // remove final '\0' from the count
// now scan each line of SectionStart, until we find the beginning
// of another section, a \0, or the matching line.
curSection = SectionStart;
while (*curSection != '\0') {
// At this point in the while, curSection points to the beginning
// of a line. Save the start of the current line.
curLine = curSection;
// First find the first non-blank character.
while ((*curSection != '\0') && (*curSection == ' ')) { ++curSection; }
// If we hit \0, we didn't find it.
if (*curSection == '\0') { break; }
// If we hit a line starting with [, we didn't find it.
if (*curSection == '[') { break; }
// If we hit a line starting with what we expect, followed
// by an =, \0, or a blank, we found it.
if (strncmp(curSection, valueToMatch, ansiValueLength) == 0) { if ((curSection[ansiValueLength] == '=') || (curSection[ansiValueLength] == '\0') || (curSection[ansiValueLength] == ' ')) {
*existingLine = curLine; endOfLine = strchr(curLine, '\n'); if (endOfLine == NULL) { *existingLineLen = strlen(curLine); } else { *existingLineLen = (DWORD)(endOfLine + 1 - curLine); } foundLine = TRUE; break; } }
// Now scan to the start of the next line, defined as the
// character after a \n.
while ((*curSection != L'\0') && (*curSection != L'\n')) { ++curSection; } if (*curSection == L'\0') { break; } ++curSection; // skip past the '\n'
if (valueToMatch != NULL) { BinlFreeMemory(valueToMatch); }
return foundLine; }
VOID ProcessUniqueUdb( LPSTR *sifFilePtr, DWORD sifFileLen, LPWSTR UniqueUdbPath, LPWSTR UniqueUdbId )
Routine Description:
Overlays data from a unique.udb file based on the tag specified. The file to overlay on is in memory at *pszString. *pszString is reallocated if necessary.
sifFile - The file to overlay data on.
sifFileLen - The current size of the data at *pszString (including final NULL).
UniqueUdbPath - The path to the unique.udb file.
UniqueUdbId - The ID in unique.udb to use.
Return Value:
--*/ { PWCHAR TmpBuffer = NULL; DWORD len, sifFileAlloc, lineLen; LONG sizeToAdd; LPSTR sifFile = *sifFilePtr; PWCHAR sectionList = NULL; PWCHAR sectionLoc, sectionCur; PWCHAR sectionName = NULL; PCHAR ansiRealSectionName = NULL; PCHAR sectionStart; PWCHAR profileSectionCur; PWCHAR realSectionName; PCHAR existingLine; DWORD existingLineLen; DWORD lenRealSectionName; PCHAR insertionPoint; ANSI_STRING aString; UNICODE_STRING uString;
#define TMP_BUFFER_SIZE 2048
TraceFunc("ProcessUniqueUdb( )\n");
TmpBuffer = BinlAllocateMemory(TMP_BUFFER_SIZE * sizeof(WCHAR)); if (TmpBuffer == NULL) { return; }
// See if the ID appears in the [UniqueIds] section of the unique.udb file.
TmpBuffer[0] = L'\0'; GetPrivateProfileString( L"UniqueIds", // section name
UniqueUdbId, // line name
L"", // default
TmpBuffer, TMP_BUFFER_SIZE, UniqueUdbPath );
if (TmpBuffer[0] == L'\0') { return; }
// sifFileAlloc is the size allocated for sifFile, whereas
// sifFileLen is the amount actually used. They should only
// be different while we are actively shuffling things
// around.
sifFileAlloc = sifFileLen;
// Save the tmpbuffer result.
len = wcslen(TmpBuffer) + 1; sectionList = BinlAllocateMemory(len * sizeof(WCHAR)); if (sectionList == NULL) { return; }
wcscpy(sectionList, TmpBuffer);
// Now for each section identified in sectionList, scan for
// the section to overlay.
sectionLoc = sectionList; while (TRUE) {
// First skip leading blanks
while (*sectionLoc && !iswalnum(*sectionLoc)) { //
// Make sure we are not at a comment.
if (*sectionLoc == L';') { goto Cleanup; } ++sectionLoc; } if (!*sectionLoc) { goto Cleanup; }
// Now save sectionCur as the current section name
// and skip to the end of it. Section names can be
// any alphanumeric character, '.', or '_'.
sectionCur = sectionLoc; while((iswalnum(*sectionLoc)) || (*sectionLoc == '.') || (*sectionLoc == '_')) { ++sectionLoc; }
// Construct the new section name to look for. This will
// be [UNIQUEUDBID:RealSectionName].
len = wcslen(UniqueUdbId) + (sectionLoc - sectionCur) + 2; // one for :, one for NULL
sectionName = BinlAllocateMemory(len * sizeof(WCHAR)); if (sectionName == NULL) { goto Cleanup; }
wcscpy(sectionName, UniqueUdbId); wcscat(sectionName, L":"); len = wcslen(sectionName); realSectionName = sectionName + len; memcpy(realSectionName, sectionCur, (sectionLoc - sectionCur) * sizeof(WCHAR)); realSectionName[sectionLoc - sectionCur] = L'\0';
// Copy the sectionName to ANSI for comparisons.
uString.Buffer = realSectionName; uString.Length = (USHORT)(wcslen(realSectionName)*sizeof(WCHAR));
lenRealSectionName = RtlUnicodeStringToAnsiSize(&uString); // includes final '\0'
ansiRealSectionName = BinlAllocateMemory(lenRealSectionName); if (ansiRealSectionName == NULL) { goto Cleanup; }
aString.Buffer = ansiRealSectionName; aString.MaximumLength = (USHORT)lenRealSectionName; RtlUnicodeStringToAnsiString( &aString, &uString, FALSE); --lenRealSectionName; // remove final '\0' from count
// See if there is a section with that name.
TmpBuffer[0] = L'\0'; GetPrivateProfileSection( sectionName, TmpBuffer, TMP_BUFFER_SIZE, UniqueUdbPath );
if (TmpBuffer[0] == L'\0') { continue; }
// Got the contents of the section, now process it.
sectionStart = FindSection(ansiRealSectionName, sifFile);
sizeToAdd = 0; // amount we need to extend the buffer by.
if (sectionStart == NULL) {
// No section, so need to add room for it.
// We put a CR-LF combo, then the section name in [], then
// another CR-LF.
// lenRealSectionName already contains the '\0'
sizeToAdd = lenRealSectionName + 6;
// Now scan through the entries in the profile section.
profileSectionCur = TmpBuffer;
while (*profileSectionCur != L'\0') {
uString.Buffer = profileSectionCur; uString.Length = (USHORT)(wcslen(profileSectionCur) * sizeof(WCHAR));
// Figure out how long profileSectionCur will be as an
// ANSI string (may have DBCS data in it).
lineLen = RtlUnicodeStringToAnsiSize(&uString); // includes \0 termination
--lineLen; // remove the \0 from the count
// If there is no existing section we have to add it;
// if not, see if there is a line for this already.
if (sectionStart == NULL) { sizeToAdd += lineLen + 2; // +2 is for CR-LF
} else { if (FindLineInSection(sectionStart, profileSectionCur, &existingLine, &existingLineLen)) { //
// Need to remove current line.
memmove(existingLine, existingLine + existingLineLen, sifFileLen - ((existingLine - sifFile) + existingLineLen));
sizeToAdd += lineLen + 2 - existingLineLen; sifFileLen -= existingLineLen;
} else {
sizeToAdd += lineLen + 2; } }
profileSectionCur += wcslen(profileSectionCur) + 1; }
// Now we need to reallocate the buffer if needed.
if (sizeToAdd > 0) {
// No. Make some space
LPSTR pszNewString;
pszNewString = BinlAllocateMemory( sifFileAlloc + sizeToAdd ); if ( !pszNewString ) { return; // abort the rest
MoveMemory( pszNewString, sifFile, sifFileLen);
BinlFreeMemory( sifFile ); //
// Adjust sectionStart to be within the new buffer.
if (sectionStart != NULL) { sectionStart = pszNewString + (sectionStart - sifFile); } sifFile = pszNewString; *sifFilePtr = pszNewString; sifFileAlloc += sizeToAdd; }
// Add the section header if necessary.
if (sectionStart == NULL) { strcpy(sifFile + sifFileLen - 1, "\r\n["); sifFileLen += 3; strcpy(sifFile + sifFileLen - 1, ansiRealSectionName); sifFileLen += lenRealSectionName; strcpy(sifFile + sifFileLen - 1, "]\r\n"); sifFileLen += 3; sectionStart = sifFile + sifFileLen - 1; }
// Now add the items from the profile section. We know that
// they do not exist in the file and that we have reallocated
// the file buffer to be large enough.
profileSectionCur = TmpBuffer; insertionPoint = sectionStart;
while (*profileSectionCur != L'\0') {
uString.Buffer = profileSectionCur; uString.Length = (USHORT)(wcslen(profileSectionCur)*sizeof(WCHAR));
lineLen = RtlUnicodeStringToAnsiSize(&uString); // includes final '\0'
--lineLen; // remove final '\0' from count
// move anything we need to down and insert the new line.
memmove(insertionPoint + lineLen + 2, insertionPoint, sifFileLen - (insertionPoint - sifFile));
aString.Buffer = insertionPoint; aString.MaximumLength = (USHORT)(lineLen+1); RtlUnicodeStringToAnsiString( &aString, &uString, FALSE); memcpy(insertionPoint + lineLen, "\r\n", 2); sifFileLen += lineLen + 2; insertionPoint += lineLen + 2;
profileSectionCur += wcslen(profileSectionCur) + 1; }
if (sectionList != NULL) { BinlFreeMemory(sectionList); } if (sectionName != NULL) { BinlFreeMemory(sectionName); } if (ansiRealSectionName != NULL) { BinlFreeMemory(ansiRealSectionName); } if (TmpBuffer != NULL) { BinlFreeMemory(TmpBuffer); }
ASSERT (sifFileLen <= sifFileAlloc); } //
// OscFindVariableA( )
LPSTR OscFindVariableA( PCLIENT_STATE clientState, LPSTR variableName ) // variable name are always ASCII until OSChooser
// can handle Unicode.
{ ULONG i; static CHAR szNullStringA[1] = { '\0' }; LPSTR overrideValue;
// First check to see if this a query we are supposed to override.
if (strcmp(variableName, "SIF") == 0) {
overrideValue = OscFindVariableA(clientState, "FORCESIFFILE");
if ((overrideValue != NULL) && (strlen(overrideValue) != 0)) { return overrideValue; }
for( i = 0; i < clientState->nVariables; i++ ) { if ( strcmp( clientState->Variables[i].pszToken, variableName ) == 0 ) { if ( clientState->Variables[i].pszStringA == NULL ) { DWORD dwLen; ANSI_STRING aString; UNICODE_STRING uString;
uString.Buffer = clientState->Variables[i].pszStringW; uString.Length = (USHORT)( wcslen( clientState->Variables[i].pszStringW ) * sizeof(WCHAR) );
dwLen = RtlUnicodeStringToAnsiSize( &uString ); // includes NULL termination
clientState->Variables[i].pszStringA = BinlAllocateMemory( dwLen ); if ( !(clientState->Variables[i].pszStringA) ) break; // out of memory
aString.Buffer = clientState->Variables[i].pszStringA; aString.MaximumLength = (USHORT)dwLen;
RtlUnicodeStringToAnsiString( &aString, &uString, FALSE); }
return clientState->Variables[i].pszStringA; } }
return szNullStringA; }
// OscFindVariableW( )
LPWSTR OscFindVariableW( PCLIENT_STATE clientState, LPSTR variableName ) // variable name are always ASCII until OSChooser
// can handle Unicode.
{ ULONG i; static WCHAR szNullStringW[1] = { L'\0' }; LPWSTR overrideValue;
// First check to see if this a query we are supposed to override.
if (strcmp(variableName, "SIF") == 0) {
overrideValue = OscFindVariableW(clientState, "FORCESIFFILE");
if ((overrideValue != NULL) && (wcslen(overrideValue) != 0)) { return overrideValue; }
for( i = 0; i < clientState->nVariables; i++ ) { if ( strcmp( clientState->Variables[i].pszToken, variableName ) == 0 ) { if ( clientState->Variables[i].pszStringW == NULL ) { DWORD dwLen = _mbslen( clientState->Variables[i].pszStringA ) + 1; ANSI_STRING aString; UNICODE_STRING uString;
clientState->Variables[i].pszStringW = BinlAllocateMemory( dwLen * sizeof(WCHAR) ); if ( !(clientState->Variables[i].pszStringW) ) break; // out of memory
uString.Buffer = clientState->Variables[i].pszStringW; uString.MaximumLength = (USHORT)(dwLen * sizeof(WCHAR));
aString.Buffer = clientState->Variables[i].pszStringA; aString.Length = (USHORT)strlen( clientState->Variables[i].pszStringA );
RtlAnsiStringToUnicodeString( &uString, &aString, FALSE); }
return clientState->Variables[i].pszStringW; } }
return szNullStringW; }
// OscCheckVariableLength( )
BOOLEAN OscCheckVariableLength( PCLIENT_STATE clientState, LPSTR variableName, ULONG variableLength ) { ULONG i;
for (i = 0; i < OSC_VARIABLE_MAXIMUM_COUNT; i++) { if (strcmp(OscMaximums[i].VariableName, variableName) == 0) { if (variableLength > OscMaximums[i].MaximumLength) { BinlPrintDbg((DEBUG_OSC_ERROR, "Variable %s was %d bytes, only %d allowed\n", variableName, variableLength, OscMaximums[i].MaximumLength)); OscAddVariableA( clientState, "SUBERROR", variableName ); return FALSE; } else { return TRUE; } } }
// If we don't find it in our list of maximums, it is OK.
return TRUE; }
// OscAddVariableA( )
DWORD OscAddVariableA( PCLIENT_STATE clientState, LPSTR variableName, // variable name are always ASCII until OSChooser
// can handle Unicode.
LPSTR variableValue ) { ULONG i;
if ( variableValue == NULL ) return E_POINTER; // no value to add... abort
if (!OscCheckVariableLength(clientState, variableName, strlen(variableValue))) { return E_INVALIDARG; }
for( i = 0; i < clientState->nVariables; i++ ) {
if ( strcmp( clientState->Variables[i].pszToken, variableName ) == 0 ) { ULONG l = strlen( variableValue );
if ( clientState->Variables[i].pszStringW != NULL ) { BinlFreeMemory( clientState->Variables[i].pszStringW ); clientState->Variables[i].pszStringW = NULL; }
if ( clientState->Variables[i].pszStringA != NULL ) { // found a previous one
// Don't replace values with ""
if ( variableValue[0] == '\0' ) { break; } else { // replace it with the new one
if ( l <= strlen( clientState->Variables[i].pszStringA ) ) { strcpy( clientState->Variables[i].pszStringA, variableValue ); } else { // need more space, delete the old
BinlFreeMemory( clientState->Variables[i].pszStringA ); clientState->Variables[i].pszStringA = NULL; } } }
break; } }
// Limit the number of variables we can have. Everything else is ignored.
if ( i == MAX_VARIABLES ) { return E_OUTOFMEMORY; }
// Adding a new one
if ( clientState->nVariables == i ) { clientState->Variables[i].pszToken = BinlStrDupA( variableName );
if (clientState->Variables[i].pszToken == NULL) { return E_OUTOFMEMORY; }
clientState->nVariables++; }
// If this is a new one or a new Value for an existing variable
// that does not fit in the old values space, create a dup of the
// value.
if ( clientState->Variables[i].pszStringA == NULL ) { BinlAssert( variableValue != NULL ); clientState->Variables[i].pszStringA = BinlStrDupA( variableValue );
if (clientState->Variables[i].pszStringA == NULL) {
if ((i + 1) == clientState->nVariables) { clientState->nVariables--; BinlFreeMemory(clientState->Variables[i].pszToken); }
// The "OPTIONS" variable can have a lot of stuff in it and will
// blow up the BinlPrint(). Just avoid the whole mess by not
// printing it
if ( strcmp( clientState->Variables[i].pszToken, "OPTIONS" ) != 0 ) { BinlPrintDbg((DEBUG_OSC, "Add Var:'%s' = '%s'\n", clientState->Variables[i].pszToken, clientState->Variables[i].pszStringA )); } }
// it will be converted to UNICODE when OscFindVariableW( ) is called
// OscAddVariableW( )
DWORD OscAddVariableW( PCLIENT_STATE clientState, LPSTR variableName, // variable name are always ASCII until OSChooser
// can handle Unicode.
LPWSTR variableValue ) { ULONG i;
if ( variableValue == NULL ) return E_POINTER; // no value to add... abort
if (!OscCheckVariableLength(clientState, variableName, wcslen(variableValue))) { return E_INVALIDARG; }
for( i = 0; i < clientState->nVariables; i++ ) { if ( strcmp( clientState->Variables[i].pszToken, variableName ) == 0 ) { if ( clientState->Variables[i].pszStringA != NULL ) { BinlFreeMemory( clientState->Variables[i].pszStringA ); clientState->Variables[i].pszStringA = NULL; }
if ( clientState->Variables[i].pszStringW != NULL ) { // found a previous one
// Don't replace values with ""
if ( variableValue[0] == L'\0' ) { break; } else { // replace it with the new one
ULONG Length = wcslen( variableValue ); if ( Length < wcslen( clientState->Variables[i].pszStringW ) ) { wcscpy( clientState->Variables[i].pszStringW, variableValue ); } else { // need more space, delete the old
BinlFreeMemory( clientState->Variables[i].pszStringW ); clientState->Variables[i].pszStringW = NULL; } } }
break; } }
// Limit the number of variables we can have. Everything else is ignored.
if ( i == MAX_VARIABLES ) { return E_OUTOFMEMORY; // out of space
// Adding a new one
if ( clientState->nVariables == i ) { clientState->Variables[i].pszToken = BinlStrDupA( variableName );
if (clientState->Variables[i].pszToken == NULL) { return E_OUTOFMEMORY; }
clientState->nVariables++; }
// If this is a new one or a new Value for an existing variable
// that does not fit in the old values space, create a dup of the
// value.
if ( clientState->Variables[i].pszStringW == NULL ) { BinlAssert( variableValue != NULL ); clientState->Variables[i].pszStringW = BinlStrDupW( variableValue);
if (clientState->Variables[i].pszStringW == NULL) {
if ((i + 1) == clientState->nVariables) { clientState->nVariables--; BinlFreeMemory(clientState->Variables[i].pszToken); }
BinlPrintDbg((DEBUG_OSC, "Add Var:'%s' = '%ws'\n", clientState->Variables[i].pszToken, clientState->Variables[i].pszStringW )); }
// it will be converted to ASCII when OscFindVariableA( ) is called
// OscResetVariable( )
VOID OscResetVariable( PCLIENT_STATE clientState, LPSTR variableName ) { ULONG i; BOOLEAN found = FALSE;
for( i = 0; i < clientState->nVariables; i++ ) { if ( strcmp( clientState->Variables[i].pszToken, variableName ) == 0 ) {
if ( clientState->Variables[i].pszStringA != NULL ) {
BinlFreeMemory( clientState->Variables[i].pszStringA ); clientState->Variables[i].pszStringA = NULL; }
if ( clientState->Variables[i].pszStringW != NULL ) { // found a previous one
BinlFreeMemory( clientState->Variables[i].pszStringW ); clientState->Variables[i].pszStringW = NULL; } BinlPrintDbg((DEBUG_OSC, "Deleted Var:'%s'\n", clientState->Variables[i].pszToken )); BinlFreeMemory( clientState->Variables[i].pszToken ); found = TRUE; break; } }
if (found) {
// move all existing ones up.
while (i < clientState->nVariables) {
clientState->Variables[i].pszToken = clientState->Variables[i+1].pszToken; clientState->Variables[i].pszStringA = clientState->Variables[i+1].pszStringA; clientState->Variables[i].pszStringW = clientState->Variables[i+1].pszStringW; i++; } clientState->nVariables--; } return; }