// Copyright (C) 1997 Microsoft Corporation
// Author: RameshV
// Description: This module has helper routines to delete the objects recursively.
#include <hdrmacro.h>
#include <store.h>
#include <dhcpmsg.h>
#include <wchar.h>
#include <dhcpbas.h>
#include <mm\opt.h>
#include <mm\optl.h>
#include <mm\optdefl.h>
#include <mm\optclass.h>
#include <mm\classdefl.h>
#include <mm\bitmask.h>
#include <mm\reserve.h>
#include <mm\range.h>
#include <mm\subnet.h>
#include <mm\sscope.h>
#include <mm\oclassdl.h>
#include <mm\server.h>
#include <mm\address.h>
#include <mm\server2.h>
#include <mm\memfree.h>
#include <mmreg\regutil.h>
#include <mmreg\regread.h>
#include <mmreg\regsave.h>
#include <dhcpapi.h>
// helper functions
VOID static MemFreeFunc( IN OUT LPVOID Memory ) { MemFree(Memory); }
// exposed functions
//DOC SubnetDeleteReservation deletes the reservation object from off the DS.
SubnetDeleteReservation( // delete reservation from DS
IN OUT LPSTORE_HANDLE hDhcpC, // container for resrevation objs
IN LPWSTR ServerName, // name of dhcp server
IN OUT LPSTORE_HANDLE hServer, // server object in DS
IN OUT LPSTORE_HANDLE hSubnet, // subnet object in DS
IN LPWSTR ADsPath, // path of reservation object
IN DWORD StoreGetType // path is relative, abs, or dif server?
) //EndExport(function)
{ return StoreDeleteThisObject // just delete the reservation object
( /* hStore */ hDhcpC, /* Reserved */ DDS_RESERVED_DWORD, /* StoreGetType */ StoreGetType, /* Path */ ADsPath ); }
//DOC ServerDeleteSubnet deletes the subnet specified from the DS by removing
//DOC the subnet object.
ServerDeleteSubnet( // remove subnet object from DS
IN OUT LPSTORE_HANDLE hDhcpC, // container for subnet objs in Ds
IN LPWSTR ServerName, // name of server this deletion is for
IN OUT LPSTORE_HANDLE hServer, // server object in DS
IN LPWSTR ADsPath, // Location of the subnet in DS
IN DWORD StoreGetType // path is relative,abs or diff srvr?
) //EndExport(function)
{ DWORD Err, LastErr, LocType; STORE_HANDLE hSubnet; ARRAY Reservations; ARRAY_LOCATION Loc; PEATTRIB ThisAttrib; LPWSTR Location; LPVOID Ptr;
Err = StoreGetHandle // get the server object from the DS
( /* hStore */ hDhcpC, /* Reserved */ DDS_RESERVED_DWORD, /* StoreGetType */ StoreGetType, /* Path */ ADsPath, /* hStoreOut */ &hSubnet ); if( ERROR_SUCCESS != Err ) return Err;
Err = MemArrayInit(&Reservations); //= require ERROR_SUCCESS == Err
Err = DhcpDsGetLists // get list or reservations
( /* Reserved */ DDS_RESERVED_DWORD, /* hStore */ &hSubnet, /* RecursionDepth */ 0xFFFFFFFF, /* Servers */ NULL, /* Subnets */ NULL, /* IpAddress */ NULL, /* Mask */ NULL, /* Ranges */ NULL, /* Sites */ NULL, /* Reservations */ &Reservations, /* SuperScopes */ NULL, /* OptionDescription */ NULL, /* OptionsLocation */ NULL, /* Options */ NULL, /* Classes */ NULL ); if( ERROR_SUCCESS != Err ) return Err;
LastErr = ERROR_SUCCESS; for( // delete each subnet
Err = MemArrayInitLoc(&Reservations, &Loc) ; ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND != Err; Err = MemArrayNextLoc(&Reservations, &Loc) ) { Err = MemArrayGetElement(&Reservations, &Loc, &ThisAttrib); //= require ERROR_SUCCESS == Err && NULL != ThisAttrib
if( !IS_ADDRESS1_PRESENT(ThisAttrib) || // reserved address
!IS_BINARY1_PRESENT(ThisAttrib) ) { // HW address info
continue; // invalid subnet
if( !IS_ADSPATH_PRESENT(ThisAttrib) ) { // no location specified
Location = MakeReservationLocation(ServerName, ThisAttrib->Address1); LocType = StoreGetChildType; Ptr = Location; } else { Location = ThisAttrib->ADsPath; LocType = ThisAttrib->StoreGetType; Ptr = NULL; }
Err = SubnetDeleteReservation // now delete the reservation
( /* hDhcpC */ hDhcpC, /* ServerName */ ServerName, /* hServer */ hServer, /* hSubnet */ &hSubnet, /* ADsPath */ Location, /* StoreGetType */ LocType ); if( ERROR_SUCCESS != Err ) LastErr = Err; if( Ptr ) MemFree(Ptr); }
MemArrayFree(&Reservations, MemFreeFunc);
Err = StoreCleanupHandle(&hSubnet, 0); //= require ERROR_SUCCESS == Err
Err = StoreDeleteThisObject // now really delete the subnet object
( /* hStore */ hDhcpC, /* Reserved */ DDS_RESERVED_DWORD, /* StoreGetType */ StoreGetType, /* Path */ ADsPath ); if( ERROR_SUCCESS != Err ) LastErr = Err; // try to delete the store object itself
return LastErr; }
//DOC DeleteServer deletes the server object from the DS and deletes any SUBNET and
//DOC reservation objects that it may point to.
//DOC The hDhcpC parameter is the handle of the container where the server object
//DOC may be located. This used in conjunction with the ADsPath and StoreGetType
//DOC defines the location of the ServerObject.
DWORD DeleteServer( // recurse delete server from DS
IN OUT LPSTORE_HANDLE hDhcpC, // container where server obj may be
IN LPWSTR ServerName, // name of server..
IN LPWSTR ADsPath, // path of the server object
IN DWORD StoreGetType // is path relative, absolute or dif srvr?
) //EndExport(function)
{ DWORD Err, LastErr, LocType; STORE_HANDLE hServer; ARRAY Subnets; ARRAY_LOCATION Loc; PEATTRIB ThisAttrib; LPWSTR Location; LPVOID Ptr;
Err = StoreGetHandle // get the server object from the DS
( /* hStore */ hDhcpC, /* Reserved */ DDS_RESERVED_DWORD, /* StoreGetType */ StoreGetType, /* Path */ ADsPath, /* hStoreOut */ &hServer ); if( ERROR_SUCCESS != Err ) return Err;
Err = MemArrayInit(&Subnets); //= require ERROR_SUCCESS == Err
Err = DhcpDsGetLists // get subnets and other stuff
( /* Reserved */ DDS_RESERVED_DWORD, /* hStore */ &hServer, /* RecursionDepth */ 0xFFFFFFFF, /* Servers */ NULL, /* Subnets */ &Subnets, /* IpAddress */ NULL, /* Mask */ NULL, /* Ranges */ NULL, /* Sites */ NULL, /* Reservations */ NULL, /* SuperScopes */ NULL, /* OptionDescription */ NULL, /* OptionsLocation */ NULL, /* Options */ NULL, /* Classes */ NULL ); if( ERROR_SUCCESS != Err ) return Err;
LastErr = ERROR_SUCCESS; for( // delete each subnet
Err = MemArrayInitLoc(&Subnets, &Loc) ; ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND != Err; Err = MemArrayNextLoc(&Subnets, &Loc) ) { Err = MemArrayGetElement(&Subnets, &Loc, &ThisAttrib); //= require ERROR_SUCCESS == Err && NULL != ThisAttrib
if( !IS_ADDRESS1_PRESENT(ThisAttrib) || // subnet address
!IS_ADDRESS2_PRESENT(ThisAttrib) ) { // subnet mask
continue; // invalid subnet
if( !IS_ADSPATH_PRESENT(ThisAttrib) ) { // no location specified
Location = MakeSubnetLocation(ServerName, ThisAttrib->Address1); LocType = StoreGetChildType; Ptr = Location; } else { Location = ThisAttrib->ADsPath; LocType = ThisAttrib->StoreGetType; Ptr = NULL; }
Err = ServerDeleteSubnet // now delete the subnet
( /* hDhcpC */ hDhcpC, /* ServerName */ ServerName, /* hServer */ &hServer, /* ADsPath */ Location, /* StoreGetType */ LocType ); if( ERROR_SUCCESS != Err ) LastErr = Err; if( Ptr ) MemFree(Ptr); }
MemArrayFree(&Subnets, MemFreeFunc);
Err = StoreCleanupHandle( &hServer, DDS_RESERVED_DWORD ); Err = StoreDeleteThisObject // now really delete the server object
( /* hStore */ hDhcpC, /* Reserved */ DDS_RESERVED_DWORD, /* StoreGetType */ StoreGetType, /* Path */ ADsPath ); if( ERROR_SUCCESS != Err ) LastErr = Err; // try to delete the store object itself
return LastErr; }
// end of file