#include "diagnostics.h"
//#include <netsh.h>
#include <netshp.h>
#include "Dglogs.h"
#include "DglogsCom.h"
#include "Commdlg.h"
#include "oe.h"
extern PrintMessage22 PrintMessage2;
#undef PrintMessage
#define PrintMessage PrintMessage2
// Wbem Repositories
#define TXT_WBEM_REP_CIMV2 L"root\\cimv2"
// Wbem Namespaces
#define TXT_WBEM_NS_COMPUTER L"win32_computersystem"
#define TXT_WBEM_NS_OS L"win32_operatingsystem"
#define TXT_WBEM_NS_NETWORK L"win32_networkadapterconfiguration"
#define TXT_WBEM_NS_NETWORK2 L"win32_networkadapter"
#define TXT_WBEM_NS_CLIENT L"win32_networkclient"
#define TXT_WBEM_NS_WMI L"win32_wmisetting"
#define TXT_WBEM_NS_NETDIAG L"netdiagnostics"
#define TXT_WBEM_NS_MODEM L"win32_potsmodem"
// Captions for the different catagories
#define TXT_ADAPTER_CAPTION L"Caption"
#define TXT_MAIL_CAPTION L"InBoundMailServer"
#define TXT_NEWS_CAPTION L"NewsServer"
#define TXT_OS_CAPTION L"Caption"
#define TXT_VERSION_CAPTION L"Version"
#define TXT_MODEM_CAPTION L"Caption"
#define TXT_LOOPBACK_CAPTION L"Loopback"
Routine Description The worker thread uses this function to check if the main thread has canceled the worker thread. i.e. the work thread should abort what ever it is doing, clean up and terminate.
Arguments none
Return Value TRUE the worker thread has been terminated FALSE the worker thread has not been terminated
--*/ inline BOOL CDiagnostics::ShouldTerminate() { if( m_bTerminate ) { // The worker thread already has been canceled.
return TRUE; }
if (WaitForSingleObject(m_hTerminateThread, 0) == WAIT_OBJECT_0) { // Worker thread has been canceled
m_bTerminate = FALSE; return TRUE; } else { // Worker thread has not yet been canceled.
return FALSE; } }
Routine Description Initialize the Diagnostics Object
Arguments none
Return Value
--*/ CDiagnostics::CDiagnostics() { m_bFlags = 0; m_bInterface = NO_INTERFACE; lstrcpy(m_szwStatusReport,L""); m_bReportStatus = FALSE; m_lWorkDone = 0; m_lTotalWork = 0; ClearQuery(); // Max sure that these strings are always NULL terminated
m_szwCategory[MAX_PATH] = L'\0'; m_szwHeader[MAX_PATH] = L'\0'; m_pszwCatagory = NULL; m_bWinsockInit = FALSE; m_bDiagInit = FALSE; }
Routine Description Uniniailize the Diagnostics object
Arguments none
Return Value
--*/ CDiagnostics::~CDiagnostics() { // Close the winsock
if( m_bWinsockInit ) { WSACleanup(); m_bWinsockInit = FALSE; } if( m_pszwCatagory ) { HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(),0,m_pszwCatagory); m_pszwCatagory = NULL; } m_bDiagInit = FALSE;
Routine Description Set the interface i.e. Netsh or COM
Arguments bInterface -- Interface used to access the data
Return Value
--*/ void CDiagnostics::SetInterface(INTERFACE_TYPE bInterface) { m_bInterface = bInterface; }
Routine Description Iniatilze the Diagnostics object
Return Value TRUE -- Successfully else FALSE --*/ BOOLEAN CDiagnostics::Initialize(INTERFACE_TYPE bInterface) { int iRetVal; WSADATA wsa;
m_bInterface = bInterface;
// Initialize the WmiGateway object
if( FALSE == m_WmiGateway.WbemInitialize(bInterface) ) { m_bDiagInit = FALSE; return FALSE; }
if( !m_bWinsockInit ) { // Initialize Winsock
iRetVal = WSAStartup(MAKEWORD(2,1), &wsa); if( iRetVal ) { m_bDiagInit = FALSE; return FALSE; } m_bWinsockInit = TRUE; }
m_bDiagInit = TRUE; return TRUE; }
Routine Description Sends an event to client informing the client of its progress.
Arguments pszwStatusReport -- Message telling the client what it CDiagnostics is currently doing lPercent -- A percentage indicating its progress.
Return Value error code
--*/ void CDiagnostics::EventCall(LPCTSTR pszwStatusReport, LONG lPercent) { if( m_pDglogsCom ) { // Alocate memory for the message and send it to the client
BSTR bstrResult = SysAllocString(pszwStatusReport); m_pDglogsCom->Fire_ProgressReport(&bstrResult,lPercent); } }
Routine Description Sends an event to client informing the client of its progress.
Arguments pszwMsg -- Message telling the client what it CDiagnostics is currently doing lValue -- A percentage indicating its progress.
Return Value void
Note: If lValue is -1 then send the finished message
--*/ void CDiagnostics::ReportStatus(LPCTSTR pszwMsg, LONG lValue) { // Check if the client requested the Status report option
if( m_bReportStatus ) { if( lValue == -1 ) { // Send the finished message. 100% complete and the final XML result
EventCall(ids(IDS_FINISHED_STATUS), 100); EventCall(pszwMsg, lValue); m_lWorkDone = 0; m_lTotalWork = 0; } else { // Compute the total percentage completed. Make sure we never go over 100%
m_lWorkDone += m_lWorkDone+lValue < 100?lValue:0; EventCall(pszwMsg, m_lWorkDone); } } }
Routine Description Counts the occurance of chars in a string
Arguments pszw -- String to search c -- Char to count the occurnce of
Return Value number of time c occured in pszw
Note: If lValue is -1 then send the finished message
--*/ int wcscount(LPCWSTR pszw, WCHAR c) { int n =0; for(int i=0; pszw[i]!=L'\0'; i++) { if( pszw[i] == c ) { if( i > 0 && pszw[i-1]!=c) n++; } } return n; }
Routine Description Set the query information
Arguments pszwCatagory -- Catagory bFlag -- Flags (Show, PING, Connect) pszwParam1 -- Instance | iphost pszwParam2 -- Port number
Return Value void
--*/ void CDiagnostics::SetQuery(WCHAR *pszwCatagory, BOOL bFlag, WCHAR *pszwParam1, WCHAR *pszwParam2) { if( pszwCatagory ) { // Set the catagory. Need to make a copy of the Catagory since the string might disapper i.e. threads
LONG Length = wcslen(pszwCatagory); if( m_pszwCatagory ) { HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(),0,m_pszwCatagory); m_pszwCatagory = NULL; }
// If this memory allocation fails m_pszwCatagory will be Null and the catagory will not be displayed
m_pszwCatagory = (LPWSTR)HeapAlloc(GetProcessHeap(),0,(Length+1)*sizeof(WCHAR)); if( m_pszwCatagory ) { wcscpy(m_pszwCatagory,pszwCatagory); } }
if( bFlag ) { m_bFlags = bFlag; }
if( pszwParam1 ) { m_pszwParam1 = pszwParam1; }
if( pszwParam2 ) { m_pszwParam2 = pszwParam2; } }
Routine Description Clears the Set query information
Arguments void
Return Value void
--*/ void CDiagnostics::ClearQuery() {
m_pszwCatagory = NULL; m_bFlags = NULL; m_pszwParam1 = NULL; m_pszwParam2 = NULL; }
Routine Description Execute the query
Return Value void
--*/ BOOL GetIEProxy(LPWSTR pwszProxy, LONG ProxyLen, LPDWORD pdwPort, LPDWORD pdwEnabled); BOOLEAN CDiagnostics::ExecQuery(WCHAR *pszwCatagory, BOOL bFlags, WCHAR *pszwParam1, WCHAR *pszwParam2) { WCHAR *pszw; BOOL bAll = FALSE;
SetQuery(pszwCatagory,bFlags,pszwParam1,pszwParam2); m_WmiGateway.SetCancelOption(m_hTerminateThread);
m_WmiGateway.m_wstrWbemError = L""; m_bTerminate = FALSE; m_lWorkDone = 0; m_lTotalWork = 0;
m_bstrCaption = L"";
if( m_pszwParam1 && !wcsstr(m_pszwParam1,L"*") ) { if( m_bFlags & FLAG_VERBOSE_LOW ) { m_bFlags &= ~FLAG_VERBOSE_LOW; m_bFlags |= FLAG_VERBOSE_MEDIUM; } }
if( !m_pszwCatagory ) { ClearQuery(); return FALSE; }
// the 3 is the start percentage indicating that something is happening!
ReportStatus(ids(IDS_COLLECTINGINFO_STATUS),3); if( wcsstr(m_pszwCatagory,L"test") ) { if( (m_bFlags & FLAG_VERBOSE_LOW) ) { m_bFlags &= ~FLAG_CMD_SHOW; } else { m_bFlags |= FLAG_CMD_SHOW; } if( m_bFlags & FLAG_VERBOSE_LOW ) { m_bFlags &= ~FLAG_VERBOSE_LOW; m_bFlags |= FLAG_VERBOSE_MEDIUM; } m_bFlags |= FLAG_CMD_PING | FLAG_CMD_CONNECT; bAll = TRUE; }
if( wcsstr(m_pszwCatagory,L"all") ) { bAll = TRUE; }
pszw = new WCHAR[lstrlen(m_pszwCatagory) + 3]; if( !pszw ) { ClearQuery(); return FALSE; }
wsprintf(pszw,L";%s;",m_pszwCatagory); ToLowerStr(pszw);
m_nCatagoriesRequested = wcscount(pszw,L';') - 1;
XMLNetdiag(TRUE); NetShNetdiag(TRUE);
if( ShouldTerminate() ) goto End; if( wcsstr(pszw,L";iphost;") ) { ExecIPHost(m_pszwParam1,m_pszwParam2); }
if( ShouldTerminate() ) goto End; if( bAll || wcsstr(pszw,L";mail;") ) { ExecMailQuery(); }
if( ShouldTerminate() ) goto End; if( bAll || wcsstr(pszw,L";news;") ) { ExecNewsQuery(); }
if( ShouldTerminate() ) goto End; if( bAll || wcsstr(pszw,L";ieproxy;") ) { ExecProxyQuery(); }
if( ShouldTerminate() ) goto End; if( bAll || wcsstr(pszw,L";loopback;") ) { ExecLoopbackQuery(); }
if( ShouldTerminate() ) goto End; if( bAll || wcsstr(pszw,L";computer;") ) { ExecComputerQuery(); }
if( ShouldTerminate() ) goto End; if( bAll || wcsstr(pszw,L";os;") ) { ExecOSQuery(); }
if( ShouldTerminate() ) goto End; if( bAll || wcsstr(pszw,L";version;") ) { ExecVersionQuery(); }
if( ShouldTerminate() ) goto End; if( bAll || wcsstr(pszw,L";modem;") ) { ExecModemQuery(m_pszwParam1); }
if( ShouldTerminate() ) goto End; if( bAll || wcsstr(pszw,L";adapter;") ) { ExecAdapterQuery(m_pszwParam1); }
{ BOOL bFlagSave = m_bFlags; m_bFlags &= ~FLAG_VERBOSE_LOW; m_bFlags &= ~FLAG_VERBOSE_HIGH; m_bFlags |= FLAG_VERBOSE_MEDIUM; if( ShouldTerminate() ) goto End; if( wcsstr(pszw,L";dns;") ) { ExecDNSQuery(m_pszwParam1); }
if( ShouldTerminate() ) goto End; if( wcsstr(pszw,L";gateway;") ) { ExecGatewayQuery(m_pszwParam1); }
if( ShouldTerminate() ) goto End; if( wcsstr(pszw,L";dhcp;") ) { ExecDhcpQuery(m_pszwParam1); }
if( ShouldTerminate() ) goto End; if( wcsstr(pszw,L";ip;") ) { ExecIPQuery(m_pszwParam1); }
if( ShouldTerminate() ) goto End; if( wcsstr(pszw,L";wins;") ) { ExecWinsQuery(m_pszwParam1); } m_bFlags = bFlagSave; }
if( ShouldTerminate() ) goto End; if( bAll || wcsstr(pszw,L";client;") ) { ExecClientQuery(m_pszwParam1); }
End: delete [] pszw; if( ShouldTerminate() ) return FALSE;
XMLNetdiag(FALSE); NetShNetdiag(FALSE); Sleep(50); ReportStatus(m_wstrXML.c_str(),-1); ClearQuery();
return TRUE; }
// Escaoes special XML chars
wstring &CDiagnostics::Escape(LPCTSTR pszw) {
m_wstrEscapeXml = L"";
if( !pszw ) { return m_wstrEscapeXml; } for(int i=0; pszw[i]!=L'\0'; i++) { switch(pszw[i]) { case L'&': m_wstrEscapeXml += L"&"; break; case L'\'': m_wstrEscapeXml += L"'"; break; case L'\"': m_wstrEscapeXml += L"""; break; case L'<': m_wstrEscapeXml += L"<"; break; case L'>': m_wstrEscapeXml += L">"; break; default: m_wstrEscapeXml += pszw[i];
} }
return m_wstrEscapeXml; }
// Creates the XML start tag
// <Netdiag>
// <Status Value = _____ ></Status>
// ______
// </Netdiag>
void CDiagnostics::XMLNetdiag(BOOLEAN bStartTag, LPCTSTR pszwValue) { if( m_bInterface == COM_INTERFACE ) { if( bStartTag ) { m_wstrXML = wstring(L"<Netdiag Name = \"Network Diagnostics\">\n"); } else { m_wstrXML += wstring(L"<Status Value = \"") + Escape(pszwValue) + wstring(L"\"> </Status>\n"); m_wstrXML += wstring(L"</Netdiag>\n"); } } }
// Creates a the diagnostics header
// <Container Name = "_____" Category = "_____" Caption = "_____">
// <Status Value = _____ ></Status>
// </Container>
void CDiagnostics::XMLHeader(BOOLEAN bStartTag, WCHAR *pszwHeader, WCHAR *pszwCaption, WCHAR *pszwCategory) { if( m_bInterface == COM_INTERFACE ) { if( bStartTag ) { m_wstrXML += wstring(L"<Container Name = \"") + Escape(pszwHeader) + wstring(L"\" "); m_wstrXML += wstring(L"Category = \"") + Escape(pszwCategory) + wstring(L"\" "); m_wstrXML += wstring(L"Caption = \"") + Escape(pszwCaption) + wstring(L"\">\n"); } else { m_wstrXML += wstring(L"<Status Value = \"") + Escape(pszwHeader) + wstring(L"\"> </Status>\n"); m_wstrXML += wstring(L"</Container>"); } } }
// Creates the Caption string
// <ClassObjectEnum Name = "_____">
// <Status Value = _____ > </Status>
// </ClassObjectEnum>
void CDiagnostics::XMLCaption(BOOLEAN bStartTag, WCHAR *pszwCaption) { if( m_bInterface == COM_INTERFACE ) { if( bStartTag ) { pszwCaption = (m_nInstance == 1)?NULL:pszwCaption; if( m_bCaptionDisplayed == FALSE ) { m_wstrXML += wstring(L"<ClassObjectEnum Name = \"") + Escape(pszwCaption) + wstring(L"\">\n"); m_bCaptionDisplayed = TRUE; m_IsPropertyListDisplayed = TRUE; } } else { if( m_IsPropertyListDisplayed ) { m_wstrXML += wstring(L"<Status Value = \"") + Escape(pszwCaption) + wstring(L"\"> </Status>\n"); m_wstrXML += wstring(L"</ClassObjectEnum>\n"); } m_IsPropertyListDisplayed = FALSE; } } }
// Creates a field tag
// <Property Name = "_____" >
// <Status Value = _____ > </Status>
// </Property>
void CDiagnostics::XMLField(BOOLEAN bStartTag, WCHAR *pszwField) { if( m_bInterface == COM_INTERFACE ) { if( bStartTag ) { m_wstrXML += wstring(L"<Property Name = \"") + Escape(pszwField) + wstring(L"\">\n"); } else { m_wstrXML += wstring(L"<Status Value = \"") + Escape(pszwField) + wstring(L"\"> </Status>\n"); m_wstrXML += wstring(L"</Property>\n"); } } }
// Creates a property
// <PropertyValue Value = "_____" Data = "_____" Comment = "_____" >
void CDiagnostics::XMLProperty(BOOLEAN bStartTag, WCHAR *pszwProperty, LPCTSTR pszwData, LPCTSTR pszwComment) { if( m_bInterface == COM_INTERFACE ) { if( bStartTag ) { m_wstrXML += wstring(L"<PropertyValue "); m_wstrXML += wstring(L"Value = \"") + Escape(pszwProperty) + wstring(L"\" "); m_wstrXML += wstring(L"Data = \"") + Escape(pszwData) + wstring(L"\" "); m_wstrXML += wstring(L"Comment = \"") + Escape(pszwComment) + wstring(L"\" "); m_wstrXML += wstring(L">\n");
} else { m_wstrXML += Escape(pszwProperty); m_wstrXML += wstring(L"</PropertyValue>\n"); } } }
// Ensurse that the property is valid and should be displayed
BOOLEAN CDiagnostics::Filter(_variant_t &vValue, BOOLEAN bFlags) { BOOLEAN retVal; BOOLEAN bShow = (m_bFlags & FLAG_CMD_SHOW); BOOLEAN bPing = (m_bFlags & FLAG_CMD_PING) && (bFlags & TYPE_PING); BOOLEAN bConnect = (m_bFlags & FLAG_CMD_CONNECT) && (bFlags & TYPE_CONNECT);
if( m_bFlags & FLAG_VERBOSE_LOW ) { return FALSE; }
if( bFlags & TYPE_HIDE ) { return FALSE; }
if( (m_bFlags & FLAG_VERBOSE_HIGH)==0 && (retVal = IsVariantEmpty(vValue)) ) { return FALSE; }
if( (bFlags & TYPE_IP) && !m_bAdaterHasIPAddress ) { return FALSE; }
if( !bShow ) { if( bPing || bConnect) { return TRUE; } return FALSE; }
return TRUE; }
// Get a entry from the link list stack
template<class t> _variant_t *Get(list<t> &l, WCHAR *pszwName, DWORD nInstance) { list<t>::iterator iter; if( l.empty() ) { return NULL; } for( iter = l.begin(); iter != l.end(); iter++) { if( lstrcmp(iter->pszwName,pszwName) == 0 ) { if( nInstance < iter->Value.size() ) { return &iter->Value[nInstance]; } else { return NULL; } } } return NULL; }
// Remove a entry from the list link stack
template<class t> BOOLEAN RemoveInstance(list<t> &l, DWORD nInstance) { list<t>::iterator iter; for( iter = l.begin(); iter != l.end(); iter++) { iter->Value.erase(&iter->Value[nInstance]); } return FALSE; }
// Add/modify an entry in the link list stack
template<class t> void Set(list<t> &l, WCHAR *pszwName, BOOLEAN bFlags, _variant_t &vValue) { list<t>::iterator iter;
for( iter = l.begin(); iter != l.end(); iter++) { if( lstrcmp(iter->pszwName,pszwName) == 0 ) { iter->Value.push_back(vValue); return; } } l.push_back(Property(pszwName,bFlags)); iter = l.end(); iter--; iter->Value.push_back(vValue);
return; }
// Formats the ping data
BOOLEAN CDiagnostics::FormatPing(WCHAR * pszwText) { if( m_bInterface == NETSH_INTERFACE ) { if( pszwText ) { LONG nIndent = m_IsNetdiagDisplayed + m_IsContainerDisplayed + m_IsPropertyListDisplayed + m_IsPropertyDisplayed + m_IsValueDisplayed; DisplayMessageT(L"%1!s!%2!s!\n",Indent(nIndent),pszwText); return TRUE; } }
if( m_bInterface == COM_INTERFACE ) { if( !pszwText ) { m_wstrPing.erase(m_wstrPing.begin(),m_wstrPing.end()); } else if( m_wstrPing.empty() ) { m_wstrPing = pszwText; } else { m_wstrPing += wstring(L"|") + pszwText; } return TRUE; }
return FALSE; }
BOOLEAN CDiagnostics::ExecClientQuery(WCHAR *pszwInstance) { if( !(m_bFlags & FLAG_CMD_SHOW) ) { return FALSE; }
EnumWbemProperty PropList; m_pszwCaption = TXT_CLIENT_CAPTION; wcsncpy(m_szwCategory,ids(IDS_CATEGORY_NETWORKADAPTERS),MAX_PATH); wcsncpy(m_szwHeader,ids(IDS_CLIENT_HEADER),MAX_PATH);
PropList.push_back(WbemProperty(NULL,0,TXT_WBEM_REP_CIMV2,TXT_WBEM_NS_CLIENT)); m_WmiGateway.GetWbemProperties(PropList); FormatEnum(PropList,pszwInstance);
return TRUE; }
BOOLEAN CDiagnostics::ExecModemQuery(WCHAR *pszwInstance) { EnumWbemProperty PropList; m_pszwCaption = TXT_MODEM_CAPTION; wcsncpy(m_szwHeader,ids(IDS_MODEM_HEADER),MAX_PATH); wcsncpy(m_szwCategory,ids(IDS_CATEGORY_MODEM),MAX_PATH);
PropList.push_back(WbemProperty(NULL,0,TXT_WBEM_REP_CIMV2,TXT_WBEM_NS_MODEM)); m_WmiGateway.GetWbemProperties(PropList); FormatEnum(PropList,pszwInstance);
return TRUE; }
// Removes adapters that are not present
// It checks the Win32_Netwokadapter NetConnectionStatus field to see if the adapter is valid or not
BOOLEAN CDiagnostics::RemoveInvalidAdapters(EnumWbemProperty & PropList) { INT i = 0; _variant_t *pvIPEnabled; _variant_t *pvIndex1; _variant_t *pvIndex2; _variant_t *pvAdapterStatus;
// Get the Win32_Networkadapter class so we can determine if the adapters in the Win32_Networkadapterconfiguration are valid(Present)
EnumWbemProperty Win32NetworkAdpterList; Win32NetworkAdpterList.push_back(WbemProperty(NULL,0,TXT_WBEM_REP_CIMV2,TXT_WBEM_NS_NETWORK2)); m_WmiGateway.GetWbemProperties(Win32NetworkAdpterList);
// With WMI you can not Union tables so we need to get both tables (Win32_NetwokAdapterConfiguration and Win32_NetwokAdapter) and walk
// through each entry. Entries with the same index are the same adapter. The NetConnectionStatus says if the adapter is valid.
do { pvIPEnabled = Get(PropList,L"IPEnabled",i); if( pvIPEnabled ) { DWORD j; pvIndex1 = Get(PropList,L"Index",i); if( pvIndex1 ) { j = 0; do { pvIndex2 = Get(Win32NetworkAdpterList,L"Index",j); if( pvIndex2 && pvIndex2->ulVal == pvIndex1->ulVal ) { pvAdapterStatus = Get(Win32NetworkAdpterList,L"NetConnectionStatus",j); if( pvAdapterStatus != NULL && (pvAdapterStatus->ulVal != 2 && pvAdapterStatus->ulVal != 9) ) { RemoveInstance(PropList,(DWORD)i); pvIndex2 = NULL; i--; } } j++; } while(pvIndex2); } i++; }
} while(pvIPEnabled);
return TRUE; }
// Gets all of the adapter info from Win32_NetworkAdapterConfiguration
// Sets flags for some of the properties and values it recives (i.e. Ping and IP)
// These flags indicate how to display he data process the data.
BOOLEAN CDiagnostics::ExecAdapterQuery(WCHAR *pszwInstance) { EnumWbemProperty PropList; EnumWbemProperty::iterator iter;
m_pszwCaption = TXT_ADAPTER_CAPTION; wcsncpy(m_szwHeader,ids(IDS_ADAPTER_HEADER),MAX_PATH); wcsncpy(m_szwCategory,ids(IDS_CATEGORY_NETWORKADAPTERS),MAX_PATH); PropList.push_back(WbemProperty(NULL,0,TXT_WBEM_REP_CIMV2,TXT_WBEM_NS_NETWORK)); m_WmiGateway.GetWbemProperties(PropList);
for(iter = PropList.begin(); iter != PropList.end(); iter++) { if( 0 == lstrcmp(iter->pszwName, L"DNSServerSearchOrder") || 0 == lstrcmp(iter->pszwName, L"IPAddress") || 0 == lstrcmp(iter->pszwName, L"WINSPrimaryServer") || 0 == lstrcmp(iter->pszwName, L"WINSSecondaryServer") || 0 == lstrcmp(iter->pszwName, L"DHCPServer") ) { iter->bFlags = TYPE_PING | TYPE_IP; }
if( 0 == lstrcmp(iter->pszwName, L"DefaultIPGateway") ) { iter->bFlags = TYPE_PING | TYPE_SUBNET | TYPE_IP; } }
if( !(m_bFlags & FLAG_VERBOSE_HIGH) ) { RemoveInvalidAdapters(PropList); } FormatEnum(PropList,pszwInstance);
return TRUE; }
// Get the DNS data from Win32_NetworkAdapter
BOOLEAN CDiagnostics::ExecDNSQuery(WCHAR *pszwInstance) { EnumWbemProperty PropList;
m_pszwCaption = TXT_ADAPTER_CAPTION; wcsncpy(m_szwHeader,ids(IDS_DNS_HEADER),MAX_PATH); wcsncpy(m_szwCategory,ids(IDS_CATEGORY_NETWORKADAPTERS),MAX_PATH);
PropList.push_back(WbemProperty(L"DNSServerSearchOrder",TYPE_PING | TYPE_IP ,TXT_WBEM_REP_CIMV2,TXT_WBEM_NS_NETWORK)); PropList.push_back(WbemProperty(m_pszwCaption,TYPE_HIDE,TXT_WBEM_REP_CIMV2,TXT_WBEM_NS_NETWORK)); PropList.push_back(WbemProperty(L"IPAddress",TYPE_HIDE,TXT_WBEM_REP_CIMV2,TXT_WBEM_NS_NETWORK)); PropList.push_back(WbemProperty(L"IPEnabled",TYPE_HIDE,TXT_WBEM_REP_CIMV2,TXT_WBEM_NS_NETWORK)); m_WmiGateway.GetWbemProperties(PropList);
if( !(m_bFlags & FLAG_VERBOSE_HIGH) ) { RemoveInvalidAdapters(PropList); }
return TRUE; }
// Get the IP data from Win32_NetworkAdapter
BOOLEAN CDiagnostics::ExecIPQuery(WCHAR *pszwInstance) { EnumWbemProperty PropList;
m_pszwCaption = TXT_ADAPTER_CAPTION; wcsncpy(m_szwHeader,ids(IDS_IP_HEADER),MAX_PATH); wcsncpy(m_szwCategory,ids(IDS_CATEGORY_NETWORKADAPTERS),MAX_PATH);
PropList.push_back(WbemProperty(L"IPAddress",TYPE_PING | TYPE_IP,TXT_WBEM_REP_CIMV2,TXT_WBEM_NS_NETWORK)); PropList.push_back(WbemProperty(m_pszwCaption,TYPE_HIDE,TXT_WBEM_REP_CIMV2,TXT_WBEM_NS_NETWORK)); PropList.push_back(WbemProperty(L"IPAddress",TYPE_HIDE,TXT_WBEM_REP_CIMV2,TXT_WBEM_NS_NETWORK)); PropList.push_back(WbemProperty(L"IPEnabled",TYPE_HIDE,TXT_WBEM_REP_CIMV2,TXT_WBEM_NS_NETWORK));
if( !(m_bFlags & FLAG_VERBOSE_HIGH) ) { RemoveInvalidAdapters(PropList); }
return TRUE; }
// Get the WINS data from Win32_NetworkAdapter
BOOLEAN CDiagnostics::ExecWinsQuery(WCHAR *pszwInstance) { EnumWbemProperty PropList; m_pszwCaption = TXT_ADAPTER_CAPTION; wcsncpy(m_szwHeader,ids(IDS_WINS_HEADER),MAX_PATH); wcsncpy(m_szwCategory,ids(IDS_CATEGORY_NETWORKADAPTERS),MAX_PATH);
PropList.push_back(WbemProperty(L"WINSPrimaryServer",TYPE_PING | TYPE_IP,TXT_WBEM_REP_CIMV2,TXT_WBEM_NS_NETWORK)); PropList.push_back(WbemProperty(L"WINSSecondaryServer",TYPE_PING | TYPE_IP,TXT_WBEM_REP_CIMV2,TXT_WBEM_NS_NETWORK)); PropList.push_back(WbemProperty(m_pszwCaption,TYPE_HIDE,TXT_WBEM_REP_CIMV2,TXT_WBEM_NS_NETWORK)); PropList.push_back(WbemProperty(L"IPAddress",TYPE_HIDE,TXT_WBEM_REP_CIMV2,TXT_WBEM_NS_NETWORK)); PropList.push_back(WbemProperty(L"IPEnabled",TYPE_HIDE,TXT_WBEM_REP_CIMV2,TXT_WBEM_NS_NETWORK)); m_WmiGateway.GetWbemProperties(PropList);
if( !(m_bFlags & FLAG_VERBOSE_HIGH) ) { RemoveInvalidAdapters(PropList); }
return TRUE; }
// Get the Gateway data from Win32_NetworkAdapter
BOOLEAN CDiagnostics::ExecGatewayQuery(WCHAR *pszwInstance) { EnumWbemProperty PropList; m_pszwCaption = TXT_ADAPTER_CAPTION; wcsncpy(m_szwHeader,ids(IDS_GATEWAY_HEADER),MAX_PATH); wcsncpy(m_szwCategory,ids(IDS_CATEGORY_NETWORKADAPTERS),MAX_PATH);
PropList.push_back(WbemProperty(L"DefaultIPGateway",TYPE_PING | TYPE_IP | TYPE_SUBNET,TXT_WBEM_REP_CIMV2,TXT_WBEM_NS_NETWORK)); PropList.push_back(WbemProperty(L"IPAddress",TYPE_HIDE,TXT_WBEM_REP_CIMV2,TXT_WBEM_NS_NETWORK)); PropList.push_back(WbemProperty(L"IPSubnet",TYPE_HIDE,TXT_WBEM_REP_CIMV2,TXT_WBEM_NS_NETWORK)); PropList.push_back(WbemProperty(m_pszwCaption,TYPE_HIDE,TXT_WBEM_REP_CIMV2,TXT_WBEM_NS_NETWORK)); PropList.push_back(WbemProperty(L"IPEnabled",TYPE_HIDE,TXT_WBEM_REP_CIMV2,TXT_WBEM_NS_NETWORK)); m_WmiGateway.GetWbemProperties(PropList);
if( !(m_bFlags & FLAG_VERBOSE_HIGH) ) { RemoveInvalidAdapters(PropList); }
return TRUE; }
// Get the DHCP data from Win32_NetworkAdapter
BOOLEAN CDiagnostics::ExecDhcpQuery(WCHAR *pszwInstance) { EnumWbemProperty PropList; m_pszwCaption = TXT_ADAPTER_CAPTION; wcsncpy(m_szwHeader,ids(IDS_DHCP_HEADER),MAX_PATH); wcsncpy(m_szwCategory,ids(IDS_CATEGORY_NETWORKADAPTERS),MAX_PATH);
PropList.push_back(WbemProperty(L"DHCPServer",TYPE_PING | TYPE_IP,TXT_WBEM_REP_CIMV2,TXT_WBEM_NS_NETWORK)); PropList.push_back(WbemProperty(m_pszwCaption,TYPE_HIDE,TXT_WBEM_REP_CIMV2,TXT_WBEM_NS_NETWORK)); PropList.push_back(WbemProperty(L"IPAddress",TYPE_HIDE,TXT_WBEM_REP_CIMV2,TXT_WBEM_NS_NETWORK));
if( !(m_bFlags & FLAG_VERBOSE_HIGH) ) { RemoveInvalidAdapters(PropList); }
return TRUE; }
// Get the Computer info data from Win32_ComputerSystem
BOOLEAN CDiagnostics::ExecComputerQuery() { if( !(m_bFlags & FLAG_CMD_SHOW) ) { return FALSE; } EnumWbemProperty PropList; m_pszwCaption = TXT_COMPUTER_CAPTION; wcsncpy(m_szwCategory,ids(IDS_CATEGORY_SYSTEMINFO),MAX_PATH); wcsncpy(m_szwHeader,ids(IDS_COMPUTER_HEADER),MAX_PATH);
PropList.push_back(WbemProperty(NULL,0,TXT_WBEM_REP_CIMV2,TXT_WBEM_NS_COMPUTER)); m_WmiGateway.GetWbemProperties(PropList); FormatEnum(PropList);
return TRUE; }
// Gets the system info data from Win32_SystemInformation
BOOLEAN CDiagnostics::ExecOSQuery() { if( !(m_bFlags & FLAG_CMD_SHOW) ) { return FALSE; }
EnumWbemProperty PropList;
m_pszwCaption = TXT_OS_CAPTION; wcsncpy(m_szwHeader,ids(IDS_OS_HEADER),MAX_PATH); wcsncpy(m_szwCategory,ids(IDS_CATEGORY_SYSTEMINFO),MAX_PATH);
PropList.push_back(WbemProperty(NULL,0,TXT_WBEM_REP_CIMV2,TXT_WBEM_NS_OS)); m_WmiGateway.GetWbemProperties(PropList); FormatEnum(PropList);
return TRUE; }
// Gets the Version info data from Win32_SystemInformation
BOOLEAN CDiagnostics::ExecVersionQuery() { if( !(m_bFlags & FLAG_CMD_SHOW) ) { return FALSE; }
EnumWbemProperty PropList; m_pszwCaption = TXT_VERSION_CAPTION; wcsncpy(m_szwHeader,ids(IDS_VERSION_HEADER),MAX_PATH); wcsncpy(m_szwCategory,ids(IDS_CATEGORY_SYSTEMINFO),MAX_PATH);
PropList.push_back(WbemProperty(L"Version",0,TXT_WBEM_REP_CIMV2,TXT_WBEM_NS_OS)); PropList.push_back(WbemProperty(L"BuildVersion",0,TXT_WBEM_REP_CIMV2,TXT_WBEM_NS_WMI)); m_WmiGateway.GetWbemProperties(PropList); FormatEnum(PropList);
return TRUE; }
// Converts a port number into a string
LPWSTR GetMailType(DWORD dwType) { switch(dwType) { case MAIL_SMTP: return ids(IDS_SMTP); case MAIL_SMTP2: return ids(IDS_SMTP); case MAIL_POP3: return ids(IDS_POP3); case MAIL_IMAP: return ids(IDS_IMAP); case MAIL_HTTP: return ids(IDS_HTTP); default: return ids(IDS_UNKNOWN); } }
//Gets the news and data and formats the results. performs the pings and connects
BOOLEAN CDiagnostics::ExecNewsQuery() { HRESULT hr; INETSERVER rNewsServer; EnumProperty PropList; BOOLEAN bConnect = 2;
m_pszwCaption = TXT_NEWS_CAPTION; wcsncpy(m_szwHeader,ids(IDS_NEWS_HEADER),MAX_PATH); wcsncpy(m_szwCategory,ids(IDS_CATEGORY_INTERNET),MAX_PATH);
hr = GetOEDefaultNewsServer2(rNewsServer);
if( SUCCEEDED(hr) ) { if( strcmp(rNewsServer.szServerName,"") != 0 ) { Property Prop;
m_bstrCaption = rNewsServer.szServerName;
Prop.Clear(); Prop.SetProperty(L"NewsNNTPPort",TYPE_CONNECT); Prop.Value.push_back(_variant_t((LONG)rNewsServer.dwPort)); PropList.push_back(Prop);
Prop.Clear(); Prop.SetProperty(L"NewsServer",TYPE_PING | TYPE_CONNECT); Prop.Value.push_back(_variant_t(rNewsServer.szServerName)); PropList.push_back(Prop);
if( (m_bFlags & FLAG_CMD_CONNECT) ) { WCHAR wszConnect[MAX_PATH+1]; _bstr_t bstrServer = rNewsServer.szServerName; if( Connect((LPWSTR)bstrServer,rNewsServer.dwPort) ) { //L"Successfully connected to %hs port %d"
_snwprintf(wszConnect,MAX_PATH,ids(IDS_CONNECTEDTOSERVERSUCCESS),rNewsServer.szServerName,rNewsServer.dwPort); bConnect = TRUE; } else {
//"Unable to connect to %hs port %d"
_snwprintf(wszConnect,MAX_PATH,ids(IDS_CONNECTEDTOSERVERFAILED),rNewsServer.szServerName,rNewsServer.dwPort); bConnect = FALSE; } PropList.push_back(Property(wszConnect,TYPE_TEXT | TYPE_CONNECT)); } } } else { m_bstrCaption = ids(IDS_NOTCONFIGURED); PropList.push_back(Property((WCHAR*)m_bstrCaption,TYPE_TEXT)); }
FormatEnum(PropList, NULL, bConnect);
m_bstrCaption = L"";
return TRUE; }
// Get and format the Mail server and port number. This uses the OEACCTMGR not WMI.
// OEACCTMGR does not work if it is run as a provider
BOOLEAN CDiagnostics::ExecMailQuery() { EnumProperty PropList; INETSERVER rInBoundMailServer; INETSERVER rOutBoundMailServer; DWORD dwInBoundMailType; DWORD dwOutBoundMailType; HRESULT hr; BOOLEAN bConnect = 2; BOOLEAN bMailConfigured = FALSE;
// Set the caption, header and category information (describes this object)
m_pszwCaption = TXT_MAIL_CAPTION; wcsncpy(m_szwHeader,ids(IDS_MAIL_HEADER),MAX_PATH); wcsncpy(m_szwCategory,ids(IDS_CATEGORY_INTERNET),MAX_PATH);
hr = GetOEDefaultMailServer2(rInBoundMailServer, dwInBoundMailType, rOutBoundMailServer, dwOutBoundMailType);
if( SUCCEEDED(hr) ) { if( strcmp(rInBoundMailServer.szServerName,"") != 0 ) { Property Prop; _variant_t varValue;
m_bstrCaption = rInBoundMailServer.szServerName;
Prop.Clear(); Prop.SetProperty(L"InBoundMailPort",TYPE_CONNECT); Prop.Value.push_back(_variant_t((LONG)rInBoundMailServer.dwPort)); PropList.push_back(Prop);
Prop.Clear(); Prop.SetProperty(L"InBoundMailServer",TYPE_CONNECT | (dwInBoundMailType!=MAIL_HTTP ? TYPE_PING : 0)); Prop.Value.push_back(_variant_t(rInBoundMailServer.szServerName)); PropList.push_back(Prop);
Prop.Clear(); Prop.SetProperty(L"InBoundMailType",0); Prop.Value.push_back(_variant_t(GetMailType(dwInBoundMailType))); PropList.push_back(Prop);
if( (m_bFlags & FLAG_CMD_CONNECT) && dwInBoundMailType != MAIL_HTTP) { _bstr_t bstrServer = rInBoundMailServer.szServerName; WCHAR wszConnect[MAX_PATH+1]; if( Connect((LPWSTR)bstrServer,rInBoundMailServer.dwPort) ) { _snwprintf(wszConnect,MAX_PATH,ids(IDS_CONNECTEDTOSERVERSUCCESS),rInBoundMailServer.szServerName,rInBoundMailServer.dwPort); bConnect = TRUE; } else { _snwprintf(wszConnect,MAX_PATH,ids(IDS_CONNECTEDTOSERVERFAILED),rInBoundMailServer.szServerName,rInBoundMailServer.dwPort); bConnect = FALSE; } PropList.push_back(Property(wszConnect,TYPE_TEXT | TYPE_CONNECT)); }
bMailConfigured = TRUE; }
if( strcmp(rOutBoundMailServer.szServerName,"") != 0 ) {
Property Prop; _variant_t varValue;
if( bMailConfigured ) { m_bstrCaption += L" / "; }
m_bstrCaption += rOutBoundMailServer.szServerName;
Prop.Clear(); Prop.SetProperty(L"OutBoundMailPort",TYPE_CONNECT); Prop.Value.push_back(_variant_t((LONG)rOutBoundMailServer.dwPort)); PropList.push_back(Prop);
Prop.Clear(); Prop.SetProperty(L"OutBoundMailServer",TYPE_PING | TYPE_CONNECT); Prop.Value.push_back(_variant_t(rOutBoundMailServer.szServerName)); PropList.push_back(Prop);
Prop.Clear(); Prop.SetProperty(L"OutBoundMailType",0); Prop.Value.push_back(_variant_t(GetMailType(dwOutBoundMailType))); PropList.push_back(Prop);
if( (m_bFlags & FLAG_CMD_CONNECT) && dwOutBoundMailType != MAIL_HTTP) { _bstr_t bstrServer = rOutBoundMailServer.szServerName; WCHAR wszConnect[MAX_PATH+1]; if( Connect((LPWSTR)bstrServer,rOutBoundMailServer.dwPort) ) { _snwprintf(wszConnect,MAX_PATH,ids(IDS_CONNECTEDTOSERVERSUCCESS),rOutBoundMailServer.szServerName,rOutBoundMailServer.dwPort); bConnect = TRUE; } else { _snwprintf(wszConnect,MAX_PATH,ids(IDS_CONNECTEDTOSERVERFAILED),rOutBoundMailServer.szServerName,rOutBoundMailServer.dwPort); bConnect = FALSE; } PropList.push_back(Property(wszConnect,TYPE_TEXT | TYPE_CONNECT)); }
bMailConfigured = TRUE; }
if( !bMailConfigured ) { m_bstrCaption = ids(IDS_NOTCONFIGURED); PropList.push_back(Property((WCHAR*)m_bstrCaption,TYPE_TEXT)); } } else { m_bstrCaption = ids(IDS_NOTCONFIGURED); PropList.push_back(Property((WCHAR*)m_bstrCaption,TYPE_TEXT)); } FormatEnum(PropList, NULL, bConnect);
m_bstrCaption = L""; return TRUE; }
// Get IE's proxy settings and process the data
BOOLEAN CDiagnostics::ExecProxyQuery() {
WCHAR wszProxy[MAX_PATH]; DWORD dwPort; DWORD dwEnabled; EnumProperty PropList; BOOLEAN bConnectPass = 2; WCHAR szw[MAX_PATH+1];
wcsncpy(m_szwHeader,ids(IDS_PROXY_HEADER),MAX_PATH); wcsncpy(m_szwCategory,ids(IDS_CATEGORY_INTERNET),MAX_PATH); if( GetIEProxy(wszProxy,MAX_PATH,&dwPort,&dwEnabled) ) { m_bstrCaption = wszProxy;
if( dwEnabled ) { Property Prop; WCHAR szwConnect[MAX_PATH+1]; LONG nConnect = 0;
Prop.Clear(); Prop.SetProperty(L"IEProxy",TYPE_PING | TYPE_CONNECT); Prop.Value.push_back(_variant_t(wszProxy)); PropList.push_back(Prop);
Prop.Clear(); Prop.SetProperty(L"IEProxyPort",TYPE_CONNECT); Prop.Value.push_back(_variant_t((LONG)dwPort)); PropList.push_back(Prop);
if( (m_bFlags & FLAG_CMD_CONNECT) ) { // Connecting to %s port %d
_snwprintf(szwConnect,MAX_PATH,ids(IDS_SERVERCONNECTSTART)); if( Connect(wszProxy,dwPort) ) { _snwprintf(szwConnect,MAX_PATH,L"%s%s%d",szwConnect,nConnect?L",":L"",dwPort); nConnect++; } if( !nConnect ) { _snwprintf(szwConnect,MAX_PATH,L"%s%s",szwConnect,ids(IDS_NONE)); bConnectPass = FALSE; } else { bConnectPass = TRUE; }
_snwprintf(szwConnect,MAX_PATH,L"%s%s",szwConnect,ids(IDS_SERVERCONNECTEND)); PropList.push_back(WbemProperty(szwConnect,TYPE_TEXT | TYPE_CONNECT));
} } else { HideAll(PropList); lstrcpy(szw,ids(IDS_IEPROXYNOTUSED)); m_pszwCaption = szw; m_bstrCaption = ids(IDS_IEPROXYNOTUSED); //IDS_NOTCONFIGURED
FormatEnum(PropList,NULL, bConnectPass); m_bstrCaption = L""; return TRUE; }
// Get teh loopback adapter
BOOLEAN CDiagnostics::ExecLoopbackQuery() { EnumWbemProperty PropList; EnumWbemProperty::iterator iter;
_variant_t vLoopback = L""; m_pszwCaption = TXT_LOOPBACK_CAPTION; wcsncpy(m_szwHeader,ids(IDS_LOOPBACK_HEADER),MAX_PATH); wcsncpy(m_szwCategory,ids(IDS_CATEGORY_INTERNET),MAX_PATH);
iter = PropList.begin(); iter->Value.push_back(vLoopback);
return TRUE; }
// ping or connect to a specified IP host name or IP address
BOOLEAN CDiagnostics::ExecIPHost(WCHAR *pszwHostName,WCHAR *pszwHostPort) { EnumProperty PropList; WCHAR szw[MAX_PATH+1]; BOOL bFlag;
m_pszwCaption = L"IPHost"; lstrcpy(m_szwHeader,L"IPHost"); Set(PropList, L"IPHost",TYPE_CONNECT | TYPE_PING,_variant_t(pszwHostName));
if( m_bFlags & FLAG_CMD_CONNECT ) { WCHAR szw[MAX_PATH+1]; WCHAR szwConnect[MAX_PATH+1]; Set(PropList, L"Port",TYPE_CONNECT,_variant_t(pszwHostPort)); _snwprintf(szw,MAX_PATH,L"Connecting to %s port %s",pszwHostName,pszwHostPort); ReportStatus(szw,0); _snwprintf(szwConnect,MAX_PATH,ids(IDS_SERVERCONNECTSTART)); if( IsNumber(pszwHostPort) && Connect(pszwHostName,wcstol(pszwHostPort,NULL,10)) ) { _snwprintf(szwConnect,MAX_PATH,L"%s%s",szwConnect,pszwHostPort); } else { _snwprintf(szwConnect,MAX_PATH,L"%s%s",szwConnect,ids(IDS_NONE)); }
_snwprintf(szwConnect,MAX_PATH,L"%s%s",szwConnect,ids(IDS_SERVERCONNECTEND)); PropList.push_back(Property(szwConnect,TYPE_TEXT | TYPE_CONNECT)); }
return TRUE; }
// Init the netsh interface
void CDiagnostics::NetShNetdiag(BOOLEAN bStartTag, LPCTSTR pszwValue) { if( m_bInterface == NETSH_INTERFACE ) { m_nIndent = 0; m_IsNetdiagDisplayed = FALSE; } }
// Format the netsh header
void CDiagnostics::NetShHeader(BOOLEAN bStartTag,LPCTSTR pszwValue,LPCTSTR pszwCaption) { if( m_bInterface == NETSH_INTERFACE ) { if( bStartTag ) { DisplayMessageT(L"\n"); if( pszwValue ) { LONG nIndent = m_IsNetdiagDisplayed; DisplayMessageT(L"%1!s!%2!s!",Indent(nIndent),pszwValue); if( pszwCaption ) { DisplayMessageT(L" (%1!s!)",pszwCaption); } DisplayMessageT(L"\n"); m_IsContainerDisplayed = TRUE; } else { m_IsContainerDisplayed = FALSE; } } else { m_IsContainerDisplayed = FALSE; } } }
// Format the netsh caption
void CDiagnostics::NetShCaption(BOOLEAN bStartTag,LPCTSTR pszwValue) { if( m_bInterface == NETSH_INTERFACE ) { if( bStartTag ) { if( m_nInstance > 1 ) { if( m_bCaptionDisplayed == FALSE ) { if( pszwValue ) { LONG nIndent = m_IsNetdiagDisplayed + m_IsContainerDisplayed; DisplayMessageT(L"%1!s!%2!2d!. %3!s!\n",Indent(nIndent),m_nIndex, pszwValue); m_IsPropertyListDisplayed = TRUE; } else { m_IsPropertyListDisplayed = FALSE; }
m_bCaptionDisplayed = TRUE; } } } else { m_IsPropertyListDisplayed = FALSE; } } }
void CDiagnostics::NetShField(BOOLEAN bStartTag,LPCTSTR pszwValue) { if( m_bInterface == NETSH_INTERFACE ) { if( bStartTag ) { m_nPropertyLegth = 0;
LONG nIndent = m_IsNetdiagDisplayed + m_IsContainerDisplayed + m_IsPropertyListDisplayed; if( pszwValue ) { m_nPropertyLegth = DisplayMessageT(L"%1!s!%2!s! = ",Indent(nIndent),pszwValue); } else { m_nPropertyLegth = DisplayMessageT(L"%1!s!",Indent(nIndent)); } m_nValueIndex = 0; m_IsPropertyDisplayed = TRUE; } else { m_IsPropertyDisplayed = FALSE; } } }
void CDiagnostics::NetShProperty(BOOLEAN bStartTag,LPCTSTR pszwValue,LPCTSTR pszwComment,BOOL bFlags) { if( m_bInterface == NETSH_INTERFACE ) { if( bStartTag ) { if( (bFlags & TYPE_PING) ) { LONG nIndent = m_IsNetdiagDisplayed + m_IsContainerDisplayed + m_IsPropertyListDisplayed + m_IsPropertyDisplayed; if( m_nValueIndex == 0 ) { DisplayMessageT(L"\n"); } DisplayMessageT(L"%1!s!%2!s! %3!s!\n",Indent(nIndent),pszwValue?pszwValue:L"",pszwComment?pszwComment:L""); m_nValueIndex++; } else { DisplayMessageT(L"%1!s!%2!s! %3!s!\n",m_nValueIndex++?Space(m_nPropertyLegth):L"",pszwValue?pszwValue:L"",pszwComment?pszwComment:L""); } m_IsValueDisplayed = TRUE; } else { m_IsValueDisplayed = FALSE; } } }