Copyright (c) 2000-2002 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
The implementation of large memory allocator interfaces.
George V. Reilly (GeorgeRe) 10-Nov-2000
Revision History:
#include "precomp.h"
#include "largemem.h"
// Magic constant for use with MmAllocatePagesForMdl
#define LOWEST_USABLE_PHYSICAL_ADDRESS (16 * 1024 * 1024)
// Globals
LONG g_LargeMemInitialized; volatile SIZE_T g_LargeMemPagesMaxLimit; // " " pages " " "
volatile ULONG g_LargeMemPagesCurrent; // #pages currently used
volatile ULONG g_LargeMemPagesMaxEverUsed; // max #pages ever used
#pragma alloc_text( INIT, UlLargeMemInitialize )
#endif // ALLOC_PRAGMA
#if 0
NOT PAGEABLE -- UlLargeMemTerminate #endif
Routine Description:
Initialize global state for LargeMem
--***************************************************************************/ NTSTATUS UlLargeMemInitialize( ) { NTSTATUS Status = STATUS_SUCCESS;
g_LargeMemPagesCurrent = 0; g_LargeMemPagesMaxEverUsed = 0;
// Set the upper bound on the amount of memory that we'll ever use
// Set it to size of physical memory. We wont actually use this much
// because the scavenger thread will get a low memory notification and
// trim the cache
g_LargeMemPagesMaxLimit = MEGABYTES_TO_PAGES(g_UlTotalPhysicalMemMB);
UlTraceVerbose(LARGE_MEM, ("Http!UlLargeMemInitialize: " "g_UlTotalPhysicalMemMB=%dMB, " "\t g_LargeMemPagesMaxLimit=%I64u.\n", g_UlTotalPhysicalMemMB, g_LargeMemPagesMaxLimit));
g_LargeMemInitialized = TRUE;
return Status;
} // UlLargeMemInitialize
Routine Description:
Cleanup global state for LargeMem
--***************************************************************************/ VOID UlLargeMemTerminate( VOID ) { PAGED_CODE();
ASSERT(0 == g_LargeMemPagesCurrent);
if (g_LargeMemInitialized) { //
// Clear the "initialized" flag. If the memory tuner runs soon,
// it will see this flag, set the termination event, and exit
// quickly.
g_LargeMemInitialized = FALSE; }
UlTraceVerbose(LARGE_MEM, ("Http!UlLargeMemTerminate: Memory used: " "Current = %d pages = %dMB; MaxEver = %d pages = %dMB.\n", g_LargeMemPagesCurrent, PAGES_TO_MEGABYTES(g_LargeMemPagesCurrent), g_LargeMemPagesMaxEverUsed, PAGES_TO_MEGABYTES(g_LargeMemPagesMaxEverUsed) )); } // UlLargeMemTerminate
Routine Description:
Allocate a MDL from PAE memory
--***************************************************************************/ PMDL UlLargeMemAllocate( IN ULONG Length ) { PMDL pMdl; PHYSICAL_ADDRESS LowAddress, HighAddress, SkipBytes; LONG PrevPagesUsed; LONG NewMaxUsed;
LONG RoundUpBytes = (LONG) ROUND_TO_PAGES(Length); LONG NewPages = RoundUpBytes >> PAGE_SHIFT;
PrevPagesUsed = InterlockedExchangeAdd((PLONG) &g_LargeMemPagesCurrent, NewPages); if (PrevPagesUsed + NewPages > (LONG)g_LargeMemPagesMaxLimit) {
// overshot g_LargeMemPagesMaxLimit
UlTrace(LARGE_MEM, ("http!UlLargeMemAllocate: " "overshot g_LargeMemPagesMaxLimit=%I64u pages. " "Releasing %d pages\n", g_LargeMemPagesMaxLimit, NewPages ));
// CODEWORK: This implies that the MRU entries in the cache will
// be not be cached, which probably leads to poor cache locality.
// Really ought to free up some LRU cache entries instead.
// Start the scavenger
// Fail the allocation. The cache miss path will be taken
InterlockedExchangeAdd((PLONG) &g_LargeMemPagesCurrent, -NewPages); return NULL; }
LowAddress.QuadPart = LOWEST_USABLE_PHYSICAL_ADDRESS; HighAddress.QuadPart = 0xfffffffff; // 64GB
SkipBytes.QuadPart = 0;
pMdl = MmAllocatePagesForMdl( LowAddress, HighAddress, SkipBytes, RoundUpBytes );
// Completely failed to allocate memory
if (pMdl == NULL) { UlTrace(LARGE_MEM, ("http!UlLargeMemAllocate: " "Completely failed to allocate %d bytes.\n", RoundUpBytes ));
InterlockedExchangeAdd((PLONG) &g_LargeMemPagesCurrent, -NewPages); return NULL; }
// Couldn't allocate all the memory we asked for. We need all the pages
// we asked for, so we have to set the state of `this' to invalid.
// Memory is probably really tight.
if (MmGetMdlByteCount(pMdl) < Length) { UlTrace(LARGE_MEM, ("http!UlLargeMemAllocate: Failed to allocate %d bytes. " "Got %d instead.\n", RoundUpBytes, MmGetMdlByteCount(pMdl) ));
// Free MDL but don't adjust g_LargeMemPagesCurrent downwards
MmFreePagesFromMdl(pMdl); ExFreePool(pMdl);
InterlockedExchangeAdd((PLONG) &g_LargeMemPagesCurrent, -NewPages); return NULL; }
UlTrace(LARGE_MEM, ("http!UlLargeMemAllocate: %u->%u, mdl=%p, %d pages.\n", Length, pMdl->ByteCount, pMdl, NewPages ));
// Hurrah! a successful allocation
// update g_LargeMemPagesMaxEverUsed in a threadsafe manner
// using interlocked instructions
do { volatile LONG CurrentPages = g_LargeMemPagesCurrent; volatile LONG MaxEver = g_LargeMemPagesMaxEverUsed;
NewMaxUsed = max(MaxEver, CurrentPages);
if (NewMaxUsed > MaxEver) { InterlockedCompareExchange( (PLONG) &g_LargeMemPagesMaxEverUsed, NewMaxUsed, MaxEver ); }
PAUSE_PROCESSOR; } while (NewMaxUsed < (LONG)g_LargeMemPagesCurrent);
UlTrace(LARGE_MEM, ("http!UlLargeMemAllocate: " "g_LargeMemPagesCurrent=%d pages. " "g_LargeMemPagesMaxEverUsed=%d pages.\n", g_LargeMemPagesCurrent, NewMaxUsed ));
WRITE_REF_TRACE_LOG( g_pMdlTraceLog, REF_ACTION_ALLOCATE_MDL, PtrToLong(pMdl->Next), // bugbug64
pMdl, __FILE__, __LINE__ );
return pMdl; } // UlLargeMemAllocate
Routine Description:
Free a MDL to PAE memory
--***************************************************************************/ VOID UlLargeMemFree( IN PMDL pMdl ) { LONG Pages; LONG PrevPagesUsed;
ASSERT(ROUND_TO_PAGES(pMdl->ByteCount) == pMdl->ByteCount);
Pages = pMdl->ByteCount >> PAGE_SHIFT;
MmFreePagesFromMdl(pMdl); ExFreePool(pMdl);
PrevPagesUsed = InterlockedExchangeAdd( (PLONG) &g_LargeMemPagesCurrent, - Pages);
ASSERT(PrevPagesUsed >= Pages); } // UlLargeMemFree
Routine Description:
Copy a buffer to the specified MDL starting from Offset.
--***************************************************************************/ BOOLEAN UlLargeMemSetData( IN PMDL pMdl, IN PUCHAR pBuffer, IN ULONG Length, IN ULONG Offset ) { PUCHAR pSysAddr;
ASSERT(Offset <= pMdl->ByteCount); ASSERT(Length <= (pMdl->ByteCount - Offset)); ASSERT(pMdl->MdlFlags & MDL_PAGES_LOCKED);
pSysAddr = (PUCHAR) MmMapLockedPagesSpecifyCache ( pMdl, // MemoryDescriptorList,
KernelMode, // AccessMode,
MmCached, // CacheType,
NULL, // BaseAddress,
FALSE, // BugCheckOnFailure,
NormalPagePriority // Priority
if (pSysAddr != NULL) { __try { RtlCopyMemory ( pSysAddr + Offset, pBuffer, Length ); } __except(UL_EXCEPTION_FILTER()) { MmUnmapLockedPages (pSysAddr, pMdl); return FALSE; }
MmUnmapLockedPages (pSysAddr, pMdl); return TRUE; }
return FALSE; } // UlLargeMemSetData