Copyright (c) 1998-2002 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
Contains public definitions for ulparse.c.
Henry Sanders (henrysa) 11-May-1998
Revision History:
Rajesh Sundaram (rajeshs) 15-Feb-2002 - Reorganized from parse.h rcvhdrs.h, parsep.h.
#ifndef _ULPARSE_H_
#define _ULPARSE_H_
NTSTATUS UlLookupHeader( IN PUL_INTERNAL_REQUEST pRequest, IN PUCHAR pHttpRequest, IN ULONG HttpRequestLength, IN PHEADER_MAP_ENTRY pCurrentHeaderMap, IN ULONG HeaderMapCount, IN BOOLEAN bIgnore, OUT ULONG * pBytesTaken );
NTSTATUS UlParseHeaderWithHint( IN PUL_INTERNAL_REQUEST pRequest, IN PUCHAR pHttpRequest, IN ULONG HttpRequestLength, IN PHEADER_MAP_ENTRY pHeaderHintMap, OUT ULONG * pBytesTaken );
NTSTATUS UlParseHeader( IN PUL_INTERNAL_REQUEST pRequest, IN PUCHAR pHttpRequest, IN ULONG HttpRequestLength, OUT ULONG * pBytesTaken );
NTSTATUS UlParseHeaders( PUL_INTERNAL_REQUEST pRequest, PUCHAR pBuffer, ULONG BufferLength, PULONG pBytesTaken );
// The main HTTP parse routine(s).
NTSTATUS UlParseHttp( IN PUL_INTERNAL_REQUEST pRequest, IN PUCHAR pHttpRequest, IN ULONG HttpRequestLength, OUT ULONG *pBytesTaken );
NTSTATUS UlGenerateFixedHeaders( IN HTTP_VERSION Version, IN PHTTP_RESPONSE pUserResponse, IN USHORT HttpStatusCode, IN ULONG BufferLength, IN KPROCESSOR_MODE AccessMode, OUT PUCHAR pBuffer, OUT PULONG pBytesCopied );
// Date header cache.
ULONG UlGenerateDateHeader( OUT PUCHAR pBuffer, OUT PLARGE_INTEGER pSystemTime );
NTSTATUS UlInitializeDateCache( VOID );
VOID UlTerminateDateCache( VOID );
NTSTATUS UlComputeFixedHeaderSize( IN HTTP_VERSION Version, IN PHTTP_RESPONSE pUserResponse, IN KPROCESSOR_MODE AccessMode, OUT PULONG pHeaderLength );
ULONG UlComputeMaxVariableHeaderSize( VOID );
VOID UlGenerateVariableHeaders( IN UL_CONN_HDR ConnHeader, IN BOOLEAN GenerateDate, IN PUCHAR pContentLengthString, IN ULONG ContentLengthStringLength, OUT PUCHAR pBuffer, OUT PULONG pBytesCopied, OUT PLARGE_INTEGER pDateTime );
NTSTATUS UlAppendHeaderValue( IN PUL_INTERNAL_REQUEST pRequest, IN PUL_HTTP_HEADER pHttpHeader, IN PUCHAR pHeader, IN USHORT HeaderLength );
// Server header handlers.
NTSTATUS UlSingleHeaderHandler( IN PUL_INTERNAL_REQUEST pRequest, IN PUCHAR pHeader, IN USHORT HeaderLength, IN HTTP_HEADER_ID HeaderID, OUT PULONG pBytesTaken );
NTSTATUS UlMultipleHeaderHandler( IN PUL_INTERNAL_REQUEST pRequest, IN PUCHAR pHeader, IN USHORT HeaderLength, IN HTTP_HEADER_ID HeaderID, OUT PULONG pBytesTaken );
NTSTATUS UlAcceptHeaderHandler( IN PUL_INTERNAL_REQUEST pRequest, IN PUCHAR pHeader, IN USHORT HeaderLength, IN HTTP_HEADER_ID HeaderID, OUT PULONG pBytesTaken );
NTSTATUS UlHostHeaderHandler( IN PUL_INTERNAL_REQUEST pRequest, IN PUCHAR pHeader, IN USHORT HeaderLength, IN HTTP_HEADER_ID HeaderID, OUT PULONG pBytesTaken );
// Utils
PCHAR UlCopyHttpVerb( IN OUT PCHAR psz, IN PUL_INTERNAL_REQUEST pRequest, IN CHAR chTerminator );
ULONG UlCheckCacheControlHeaders( IN PUL_INTERNAL_REQUEST pRequest, IN PUL_URI_CACHE_ENTRY pUriCacheEntry, IN BOOLEAN ResumeParsingOnSendCompletion );
__inline BOOLEAN UlIsContentEncodingOk( IN PUL_INTERNAL_REQUEST pRequest, IN PUL_URI_CACHE_ENTRY pUriCacheEntry ) /*++
Routine Description:
Checks the cached response against the AcceptEncoding header in the request to see if it can satisfy the requested Content-Encoding(s).
It is assumed that the Content-Type of the cached item is acceptable to the client.
pRequest - The request to check.
pUriCacheEntry - The cache entry that might possibly match.
TRUE At least one of the possible media encodings matched the Content- Encoding of the cached entry.
FALSE None of the requested media encodings matched the Content-Type of the cached entry.
--*/ { BOOLEAN bRet = FALSE; ULONG Len; PUCHAR pHdr; PUCHAR pTmp; PUCHAR pEncoding; ULONG EncodingLen;
if (pRequest->HeaderValid[HttpHeaderAcceptEncoding]) { Len = pRequest->Headers[HttpHeaderAcceptEncoding].HeaderLength; pHdr = pRequest->Headers[HttpHeaderAcceptEncoding].pHeader; } else { Len = 0; pHdr = NULL; }
pEncoding = pUriCacheEntry->pContentEncoding; EncodingLen = pUriCacheEntry->ContentEncodingLength ;
if (Len && pHdr) { //
// If there is a q-value present on the request Accept-Encoding, bail out
if ( strnchr( (const char *) pHdr, ';', Len ) ) { bRet = FALSE; goto end; }
// See if the cached item is encoded or in its "identity" form.
if ( 0 == EncodingLen ) { //
// Since the only way the "identity" form of a request can be specificly
// excluded is by use of a q-value, and we know we don't have a q-value
// at this point, we may serve the cached item.
bRet = TRUE; goto end; }
// If non-zero, EncodingLen includes the terminating NULL.
// Don't compare the NULL.
EncodingLen--; //
// Walk the Accept-Encoding list, looking for a match
while ( Len ) { //
// Wildcard check
if ( '*' == *pHdr && !IS_HTTP_TOKEN(pHdr[1])) { // Wildcard Hit!
bRet = TRUE; goto end; }
if (EncodingLen > Len) { // Bad! No more string left...Bail out.
bRet = FALSE; goto end; }
// Exact token match
// FUTURE: This should be case-insensitive compare
if ( (0 == _strnicmp( (const char *) pHdr, (const char *) pEncoding, EncodingLen )) && !IS_HTTP_TOKEN(pHdr[EncodingLen]) ) { // Hit!
bRet = TRUE; goto end; }
// Didn't match this one; advance to next Content-Type in the Accept field
pTmp = (PUCHAR) strnchr( (const char *) pHdr, ',', Len); if (pTmp) { // Found a comma; step over it and any whitespace.
ASSERT ( Len > DIFF(pTmp - pHdr)); Len -= (DIFF(pTmp - pHdr) +1); pHdr = (pTmp+1);
while( Len && IS_HTTP_LWS(*pHdr) ) { pHdr++; Len--; }
} else { bRet = FALSE; goto end; } } } else { //
// If there wasn't an Accept-Encoding on the request, only serve if the
// cached item is in its "identity" form.
if (0 == EncodingLen) { bRet = TRUE; } }
// If we got here, NOT OK!
end: UlTrace(PARSER, ("UlIsContentEncodingOk: returning %s\n", bRet ? "TRUE" : "FALSE" )); return bRet; }
VOID UlGetTypeAndSubType( IN PCSTR pStr, IN ULONG StrLen, IN PUL_CONTENT_TYPE pContentType );
#if DBG
PCSTR UlVerbToString( HTTP_VERB Verb );
PCSTR UlParseStateToString( PARSE_STATE ParseState );
#endif // DBG
#endif // _ULPARSE_H_