// Copyright (c) 1998, Microsoft Corp. All rights reserved.
// dsobject.h
// This file declares the class DBObject.
// 02/20/1998 Original version.
// 10/02/1998 Allow rename through PutValue.
// 04/13/2000 Port to ATL 3.0
#ifndef _DSOBJECT_H_
#define _DSOBJECT_H_
#include <dsproperty.h>
#include <dstorex.h>
#include <propbag.h>
// 'Secret' UUID used to cast an interface to the implementing DBObject.
class __declspec(uuid("7677647C-AA27-11D1-BB27-00C04FC2E20D")) DBObject;
// DBObject
// This class implements an object in an OLE-DB database. All objects
// are also containers.
class DBObject : public CComObjectRootEx< CComMultiThreadModel >, public IDispatchImpl< IDataStoreObjectEx, &__uuidof(IDataStoreObject), &__uuidof(DataStore2Lib) >, public IDispatchImpl< IDataStoreContainerEx, &__uuidof(IDataStoreContainer), &__uuidof(DataStore2Lib) > { public:
BEGIN_COM_MAP(DBObject) COM_INTERFACE_ENTRY_IID(__uuidof(DBObject), DBObject) COM_INTERFACE_ENTRY_IID(__uuidof(IDataStoreObject), IDataStoreObject) COM_INTERFACE_ENTRY_IID(__uuidof(IDataStoreContainer), IDataStoreContainer) COM_INTERFACE_ENTRY2(IDispatch, IDataStoreObject) END_COM_MAP()
// Create a new DBObject
static DBObject* createInstance( OleDBDataStore* owner, IDataStoreContainer* container, ULONG uniqueID, PCWSTR relativeName );
// Create a child DBObject.
IDataStoreObject* spawn(ULONG childID, BSTR childName);
// IDataStoreObject
STDMETHOD(get_Name)(/*[out, retval]*/ BSTR* pVal); STDMETHOD(get_Class)(/*[out, retval]*/ BSTR* pVal); STDMETHOD(get_GUID)(/*[out, retval]*/ BSTR* pVal); STDMETHOD(get_Container)(/*[out, retval]*/ IDataStoreContainer** pVal); STDMETHOD(GetValue)(/*[in]*/ BSTR bstrName, /*[out, retval]*/ VARIANT* pVal); STDMETHOD(GetValueEx)(/*[in]*/ BSTR bstrName, /*[out, retval]*/ VARIANT* pVal); STDMETHOD(PutValue)(/*[in]*/ BSTR bstrName, /*[in]*/ VARIANT* pVal); STDMETHOD(Update)(); STDMETHOD(Restore)(); STDMETHOD(Item)(BSTR bstrName, IDataStoreProperty** pVal);
// IDataStoreObjectEx
STDMETHOD(get_PropertyCount)(long* pVal); STDMETHOD(get_NewPropertyEnum)(IUnknown** pVal);
// IDataStoreContainer
STDMETHOD(Item)(/*[in]*/ BSTR bstrName, /*[out, retval]*/ IDataStoreObject** ppObject); STDMETHOD(Create)(/*[in]*/ BSTR bstrClass, /*[in]*/ BSTR bstrName, /*[out, retval]*/ IDataStoreObject** ppObject); STDMETHOD(MoveHere)(/*[in]*/ IDataStoreObject* pObject, /*[in]*/ BSTR bstrNewName); STDMETHOD(Remove)(/*[in]*/ BSTR bstrClass, /*[in]*/ BSTR bstrName);
// IDataStoreContainerEx
STDMETHOD(get_ChildCount)(/*[out, retval]*/ long *pVal); STDMETHOD(get_NewChildEnum)(/*[out, retval]*/ IUnknown** pVal);
protected: // Initialize a newly allocated DBObject. Used by createInstance.
void initialize( OleDBDataStore* owner, IDataStoreContainer* container, ULONG uniqueID, PCWSTR relativeName );
// Narrows a COM Interface to the implementing DBObject.
static DBObject* narrow(IUnknown* p);
CComPtr<OleDBDataStore> store; // DataStore where this object lives.
CComPtr<IDataStoreContainer> parent; // Parent container.
ULONG identity; // Unique identity.
_bstr_t name; // Relative name of this object.
bool nameDirty; // true if the object has been renamed.
PropertyBag properties; // Bag of associated properties.
#endif // _DSOBJECT_H_