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// Copyright (c) 1998, Microsoft Corp. All rights reserved.
// dsproperty.h
// This file declares the class DSProperty.
// 03/02/1998 Original version.
// 04/13/2000 Port to ATL 3.0
#ifndef _DSPROPERTY_H_
#define _DSPROPERTY_H_
#include <datastore2.h>
// DSProperty
// This class implements the IDataStoreProperty interface. It represents
// a single property of an IDataStoreObject.
class DSProperty : public CComObjectRootEx< CComMultiThreadModelNoCS >, public IDispatchImpl< IDataStoreProperty, &__uuidof(IDataStoreProperty), &__uuidof(DataStore2Lib) > { public:
BEGIN_COM_MAP(DSProperty) COM_INTERFACE_ENTRY_IID(__uuidof(IDataStoreProperty), IDataStoreProperty) COM_INTERFACE_ENTRY(IDispatch) END_COM_MAP()
// Create a new DSProperty object.
static DSProperty* createInstance( const _bstr_t& propName, const _variant_t& propValue, IDataStoreObject* memberOf );
// IDataStoreProperty
STDMETHOD(get_Name)(/*[out, retval]*/ BSTR* pVal); STDMETHOD(get_Value)(/*[out, retval]*/ VARIANT* pVal); STDMETHOD(get_ValueEx)(/*[out, retval]*/ VARIANT* pVal); STDMETHOD(get_Owner)(/*[out, retval]*/ IDataStoreObject** pVal);
protected: _bstr_t name; // Property name.
_variant_t value; // Property value.
CComPtr<IDataStoreObject> owner; // Object to which this property belongs.
#endif // _DSPROPERTY_H_