// Copyright(C) 2000 Microsoft Corporation all rights reserved.
// Module: Objects.H
// Project: Windows 2000 IAS
// Description: Declaration of the CObjects class
// Author: tperraut
// Revision 02/24/2000 created
#ifndef _OBJECT_H_3A179338_CF1E_4932_8663_9F6AE0F03AA5
#define _OBJECT_H_3A179338_CF1E_4932_8663_9F6AE0F03AA5
#if _MSC_VER > 1000
#pragma once
#endif // _MSC_VER > 1000
#include "nocopy.h"
#include "basecommand.h"
class CObjects : private NonCopyable { public: //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// Constructor
explicit CObjects(CSession& CurrentSession);
// Destructor
virtual ~CObjects() throw();
// GetObject
HRESULT GetObject(_bstr_t& Name, LONG& Identity, LONG Parent);
// GetNextObject
HRESULT GetNextObject( _bstr_t& Name, LONG& Identity, LONG Parent, LONG Index ) throw();
// WalkPath
void WalkPath(LPCWSTR Path, LONG& Identity, LONG Parent = 1);
// GetObjectIdentity
HRESULT GetObjectIdentity( _bstr_t& Name, LONG& Parent, LONG Identity ) throw(); //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// GetObjectNameParent
HRESULT GetObjectNameParent( const _bstr_t& Name, LONG Parent, LONG& Identity ) throw(); //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// DeleteObject
HRESULT DeleteObject(LONG Identity); //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// InsertObject
BOOL InsertObject( const _bstr_t& Name, LONG Parent, LONG& Identity );
private: //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
struct CBaseObjectConst { static const int NAME_SIZE = 256; };
// class CObjectsAccSelectParent
class CObjectsAccSelectParent : public CBaseObjectConst { protected: LONG m_Identity; WCHAR m_Name[NAME_SIZE]; LONG m_Parent;
BEGIN_COLUMN_MAP(CObjectsAccSelectParent) COLUMN_ENTRY(1, m_Identity) COLUMN_ENTRY(2, m_Name) COLUMN_ENTRY(3, m_Parent) END_COLUMN_MAP()
WCHAR m_NameParam[NAME_SIZE]; LONG m_ParentParam;
BEGIN_PARAM_MAP(CObjectsAccSelectParent) COLUMN_ENTRY(1, m_ParentParam) END_PARAM_MAP()
DEFINE_COMMAND(CObjectsAccSelectParent, L" \
SELECT * \ FROM Objects \ WHERE Parent = ?"); };
// class CObjectsCommandGet
class CObjectsCommandGet : public CBaseCommand<CAccessor<CObjectsAccSelectParent> > { public: explicit CObjectsCommandGet(CSession& CurrentSession);
// GetObject
HRESULT GetObject(_bstr_t& Name, LONG& Identity, LONG Parent);
// GetObject overloaded
HRESULT GetObject( _bstr_t& Name, LONG& Identity, LONG Parent, LONG Index); };
// class CObjectsAccSelectIdentity
class CObjectsAccSelectIdentity : public CBaseObjectConst { protected: LONG m_Identity; WCHAR m_Name[NAME_SIZE]; LONG m_Parent;
BEGIN_COLUMN_MAP(CObjectsAccSelectIdentity) COLUMN_ENTRY(1, m_Identity) COLUMN_ENTRY(2, m_Name) COLUMN_ENTRY(3, m_Parent) END_COLUMN_MAP()
LONG m_IdentityParam;
BEGIN_PARAM_MAP(CObjectsAccSelectIdentity) COLUMN_ENTRY(1, m_IdentityParam) END_PARAM_MAP()
DEFINE_COMMAND(CObjectsAccSelectIdentity, L" \
SELECT * \ FROM Objects \ WHERE Identity = ?");
// class CObjectsCommandIdentity
class CObjectsCommandIdentity : public CBaseCommand<CAccessor<CObjectsAccSelectIdentity> > { public: explicit CObjectsCommandIdentity(CSession& CurrentSession);
// GetObjectIdentity
HRESULT GetObjectIdentity( _bstr_t& Name, LONG& Parent, LONG Identity ); };
// class CObjectsAccSelectNameParent
class CObjectsAccSelectNameParent : public CBaseObjectConst { protected: LONG m_Identity; WCHAR m_Name[NAME_SIZE]; LONG m_Parent;
BEGIN_COLUMN_MAP(CObjectsAccSelectNameParent) COLUMN_ENTRY(1, m_Identity) COLUMN_ENTRY(2, m_Name) COLUMN_ENTRY(3, m_Parent) END_COLUMN_MAP()
WCHAR m_NameParam[NAME_SIZE]; LONG m_ParentParam;
BEGIN_PARAM_MAP(CObjectsAccSelectNameParent) COLUMN_ENTRY(1, m_NameParam) COLUMN_ENTRY(2, m_ParentParam) END_PARAM_MAP()
DEFINE_COMMAND(CObjectsAccSelectNameParent, L" \
SELECT * \ FROM Objects \ WHERE Name = ? AND Parent = ?"); };
// class CObjectsCommandNameParent
class CObjectsCommandNameParent : public CBaseCommand<CAccessor<CObjectsAccSelectNameParent> > { public: explicit CObjectsCommandNameParent(CSession& CurrentSession);
// GetObjectNameParent
// works on CObjectsAccSelectNameParent
HRESULT GetObjectNameParent( const _bstr_t& Name, LONG Parent, LONG& Identity ); };
// class CObjectsCommandPath
class CObjectsCommandPath : public CBaseCommand<CAccessor<CObjectsAccSelectNameParent> > { public: explicit CObjectsCommandPath(CSession& CurrentSession);
// WalkPath
void WalkPath(LPCWSTR Path, LONG& Identity, LONG Parent = 1); };
// class CObjectsAccDelete
class CObjectsAccDelete : public CBaseObjectConst { protected: LONG m_IdentityParam;
BEGIN_PARAM_MAP(CObjectsAccDelete) COLUMN_ENTRY(1, m_IdentityParam) END_PARAM_MAP()
DEFINE_COMMAND(CObjectsAccDelete, L" \
DELETE \ FROM Objects \ WHERE Identity = ?"); };
// class CObjectsCommandDelete
class CObjectsCommandDelete : public CBaseCommand<CAccessor<CObjectsAccDelete> > { public: explicit CObjectsCommandDelete(CSession& CurrentSession);
// DeleteObject
// works on CObjectsAccDelete
HRESULT DeleteObject(LONG Identity); };
// class CObjectsAccInsert
class CObjectsAccInsert : public CBaseObjectConst { protected:
// You may wish to call this function if you are inserting a record
// and wish to
// initialize all the fields, if you are not going to explicitly
// set all of them.
void ClearRecord() { memset(this, 0, sizeof(*this)); }
WCHAR m_NameParam[NAME_SIZE]; LONG m_ParentParam;
BEGIN_PARAM_MAP(CObjectsAccInsert) COLUMN_ENTRY(1, m_NameParam) COLUMN_ENTRY(2, m_ParentParam) END_PARAM_MAP()
DEFINE_COMMAND(CObjectsAccInsert, L" \
INSERT INTO Objects \ (Name, Parent) \ VALUES (?, ?)"); };
// class CObjectsCommandInsert
class CObjectsCommandInsert : public CBaseCommand<CAccessor<CObjectsAccInsert> > { public: explicit CObjectsCommandInsert(CSession& CurrentSession);
// InsertObject
// works on CObjectsAccInsert
BOOL InsertObject( const _bstr_t& Name, LONG Parent, LONG& Identity ); private: CSession& m_Session; };
CObjectsCommandPath m_ObjectsCommandPath; CObjectsCommandIdentity m_ObjectsCommandIdentity; CObjectsCommandDelete m_ObjectsCommandDelete; CObjectsCommandNameParent m_ObjectsCommandNameParent; CObjectsCommandGet m_ObjectsCommandGet; CObjectsCommandInsert m_ObjectsCommandInsert; };
#endif // _OBJECT_H_3A179338_CF1E_4932_8663_9F6AE0F03AA5