// Module : Dynamic/DyanamicAdd.cpp
// Purpose : Dynamic Module Implementation.
// Developers Name : Bharat/Radhika
// Description : All functions are related to add and set functionality.
// History :
// Date Author Comments
// 8-10-2001 Bharat Initial Version. V1.0
#include "nshipsec.h"
extern HINSTANCE g_hModule; extern HKEY g_hGlobalRegistryKey; extern _TCHAR* g_szDynamicMachine;
// Function : AddMainModePolicy
// Date of Creation: 09-22-01
// Parameters : IN LPTSTR pPolicyName,
// Return : DWORD
// Description : This function adds a Main Mode policy into the SPD
// Revision History:
// Date Author Comments
DWORD dwReturn = ERROR_SUCCESS; DWORD dwVersion = 0; DWORD dwNameLen = 0;
BOOL bExists = FALSE;
// check if policy already exists
dwReturn = GetMMPolicy(g_szDynamicMachine, dwVersion, pPolicyName, &pMMPol, NULL);
if (dwReturn == ERROR_SUCCESS) { bExists = TRUE; BAIL_OUT; }
// allocate memory for the policy name
MMPol.pszPolicyName = NULL; dwNameLen = _tcslen(pPolicyName) + 1;
MMPol.pszPolicyName = new _TCHAR[dwNameLen]; if(MMPol.pszPolicyName == NULL) { dwReturn = ERROR_OUTOFMEMORY; BAIL_OUT; }
// generate GUID for mmpolicy id
RpcStat = UuidCreate(&(MMPol.gPolicyID)); if(!(RpcStat == RPC_S_OK || RpcStat == RPC_S_UUID_LOCAL_ONLY)) { dwReturn = ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; BAIL_OUT; } //dwReturn value is checked in the parent function for success or failure
dwReturn = AddMMPolicy(g_szDynamicMachine, dwVersion, 0, &MMPol, NULL);
if(bExists) { //functionality error
PrintErrorMessage(IPSEC_ERR,0,ERRCODE_ADD_MMP_MMPOLICY_EXISTS); dwReturn = ERROR_NO_DISPLAY; } //error path clean up
if(MMPol.pszPolicyName) { delete [] MMPol.pszPolicyName; MMPol.pszPolicyName = NULL; }
if(pMMPol) { SPDApiBufferFree(pMMPol); pMMPol = NULL; }
return dwReturn; }
// Function : SetMainModePolicy
// Date of Creation: 22-09-01
// Parameters : IN LPTSTR pPolicyName,
// Return : DWORD
// Description : This Function sets a main mode policy. It sets all the parameters
// except the name.
// Revision History:
// Date Author Comments
DWORD SetMainModePolicy( IN LPTSTR pPolicyName, IN IPSEC_MM_POLICY& MMPol ) {
DWORD dwReturn = ERROR_SUCCESS; DWORD dwVersion = 0; //dwReturn value is checked in the parent function
dwReturn = SetMMPolicy(g_szDynamicMachine, dwVersion, pPolicyName, &MMPol, NULL);
return dwReturn; }
// Function : LoadMMOffersDefaults
// Date of Creation: 09-22-01
// Parameters : OUT IPSEC_MM_POLICY & MMPolicy
// Return : DWORD
// Description : Loads the Main Mode policy defaults into the IPSEC_MM_POLICY structure.
// Revision History:
// Date Author Comments
DWORD LoadMMOffersDefaults( OUT IPSEC_MM_POLICY & MMPolicy ) { DWORD dwReturn = ERROR_SUCCESS;
MMPolicy.dwOfferCount = 3; MMPolicy.pOffers = NULL; MMPolicy.pOffers = new IPSEC_MM_OFFER[MMPolicy.dwOfferCount]; if(MMPolicy.pOffers == NULL) { dwReturn = ERROR_OUTOFMEMORY; BAIL_OUT; }
memset(MMPolicy.pOffers, 0, sizeof(IPSEC_MM_OFFER) * MMPolicy.dwOfferCount);
// initialize
for (UINT i = 0; i < MMPolicy.dwOfferCount; ++i) { MMPolicy.pOffers[i].dwQuickModeLimit = POTF_DEFAULT_P1REKEY_QMS; MMPolicy.pOffers[i].Lifetime.uKeyExpirationKBytes = 0; MMPolicy.pOffers[i].Lifetime.uKeyExpirationTime = POTF_DEFAULT_P1REKEY_TIME; }
MMPolicy.pOffers[0].EncryptionAlgorithm.uAlgoIdentifier = CONF_ALGO_3_DES; MMPolicy.pOffers[0].EncryptionAlgorithm.uAlgoKeyLen = POTF_OAKLEY_ALGOKEYLEN; MMPolicy.pOffers[0].EncryptionAlgorithm.uAlgoRounds = POTF_OAKLEY_ALGOROUNDS; MMPolicy.pOffers[0].HashingAlgorithm.uAlgoIdentifier = AUTH_ALGO_SHA1; MMPolicy.pOffers[0].HashingAlgorithm.uAlgoKeyLen = POTF_OAKLEY_ALGOKEYLEN; MMPolicy.pOffers[0].dwDHGroup = (DWORD)POTF_OAKLEY_GROUP2;
MMPolicy.pOffers[1].EncryptionAlgorithm.uAlgoIdentifier = CONF_ALGO_3_DES; MMPolicy.pOffers[1].EncryptionAlgorithm.uAlgoKeyLen = POTF_OAKLEY_ALGOKEYLEN; MMPolicy.pOffers[1].EncryptionAlgorithm.uAlgoRounds = POTF_OAKLEY_ALGOROUNDS; MMPolicy.pOffers[1].HashingAlgorithm.uAlgoIdentifier = AUTH_ALGO_MD5; MMPolicy.pOffers[1].HashingAlgorithm.uAlgoKeyLen = POTF_OAKLEY_ALGOKEYLEN; MMPolicy.pOffers[1].dwDHGroup = (DWORD)POTF_OAKLEY_GROUP2;
MMPolicy.pOffers[2].EncryptionAlgorithm.uAlgoIdentifier = CONF_ALGO_3_DES; MMPolicy.pOffers[2].EncryptionAlgorithm.uAlgoKeyLen = POTF_OAKLEY_ALGOKEYLEN; MMPolicy.pOffers[2].EncryptionAlgorithm.uAlgoRounds = POTF_OAKLEY_ALGOROUNDS; MMPolicy.pOffers[2].HashingAlgorithm.uAlgoIdentifier = AUTH_ALGO_SHA1; MMPolicy.pOffers[2].HashingAlgorithm.uAlgoKeyLen = POTF_OAKLEY_ALGOKEYLEN; MMPolicy.pOffers[2].dwDHGroup = (DWORD)POTF_OAKLEY_GROUP2048;
error: return dwReturn; }
// Function : AddQuickModePolicy
// Date of Creation: 09-22-01
// Parameters : IN LPTSTR pPolicyName,
// IN BOOL bDefault,
// IN BOOL bSoft,
// Return : DWORD
// Description : This function adds a quick mode policy into the SPD
// Revision History:
// Date Author Comments
DWORD dwReturn = ERROR_SUCCESS; DWORD dwVersion = 0; DWORD dwNameLen = 0;
BOOL bExists = FALSE;
// Check if the policy already exists
dwReturn = GetQMPolicy(g_szDynamicMachine, dwVersion, pPolicyName, 0, &pQMPol, NULL); if (dwReturn == ERROR_SUCCESS) { bExists = TRUE; BAIL_OUT; }
// Fill up QM policy GUID
RpcStat = UuidCreate(&(QMPol.gPolicyID));
if(!(RpcStat == RPC_S_OK || RpcStat == RPC_S_UUID_LOCAL_ONLY)) { dwReturn = ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; BAIL_OUT; } dwNameLen = _tcslen(pPolicyName) + 1;
// Allocate memory for the name
QMPol.pszPolicyName = NULL; QMPol.pszPolicyName = new _TCHAR[dwNameLen]; if(QMPol.pszPolicyName == NULL) { dwReturn = ERROR_OUTOFMEMORY; BAIL_OUT; } _tcsncpy(QMPol.pszPolicyName, pPolicyName, dwNameLen);
if(bDefault) { QMPol.dwFlags |= IPSEC_QM_POLICY_DEFAULT_POLICY; } if(bSoft) { QMPol.dwFlags |= IPSEC_QM_POLICY_ALLOW_SOFT; }
// Add the QM Policy
dwReturn = AddQMPolicy(g_szDynamicMachine, dwVersion,0, &QMPol, NULL);
error: if(bExists) { PrintErrorMessage(IPSEC_ERR,0,ERRCODE_ADD_QMP_QMPOLICY_EXISTS); dwReturn = ERROR_NO_DISPLAY; } //error path clean up
if(QMPol.pszPolicyName) { delete[] QMPol.pszPolicyName; QMPol.pszPolicyName = NULL; }
if(pQMPol) { SPDApiBufferFree(pQMPol); pQMPol = NULL; } return dwReturn; }
// Function : SetQuickModePolicy
// Date of Creation: 09-22-01
// Parameters : IN LPTSTR pPolicyName,
// Return: DWORD
// Description : This sets the quick mode policy into the SPD.
// Except the name, all other parameters can be modified
// Revision History:
// Date Author Comments
DWORD SetQuickModePolicy( IN LPTSTR pPolicyName, IN PIPSEC_QM_POLICY pQMPol ) {
DWORD dwReturn = ERROR_SUCCESS; DWORD dwVersion = 0;
dwReturn = SetQMPolicy(g_szDynamicMachine, dwVersion, pPolicyName, pQMPol, NULL);
return dwReturn; }
// Function : AddQuickModeFilter
// Date of Creation: 09-22-01
// Parameters : IN LPTSTR pFilterName,
// IN LPTSTR pPolicyName,
// Return : DWORD
// Description : This function adds the Quick Mode Transport Filter into SPD
// Revision History:
// Date Author Comments
DWORD AddQuickModeFilter( IN LPTSTR pFilterName, IN LPTSTR pPolicyName, IN TRANSPORT_FILTER& TrpFltr ) { PIPSEC_QM_POLICY pQMPol = NULL; RPC_STATUS RpcStat = RPC_S_OK; HANDLE hTrpFilter = NULL; DWORD dwReturn = ERROR_SUCCESS; DWORD dwNameLen = 0; DWORD dwVersion = 0; BOOL bQMPExists = FALSE; TrpFltr.pszFilterName = NULL;
if(pPolicyName == NULL) { //
// Create a NULL GUID if qmpolicy does not exist
RpcStat = UuidCreateNil(&(TrpFltr.gPolicyID)); if(!(RpcStat == RPC_S_OK || RpcStat == RPC_S_UUID_LOCAL_ONLY)) { dwReturn = ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; BAIL_OUT; } bQMPExists = TRUE; } else { //
// Get the corresponding QMPolicy GUID if it exists
dwReturn = GetQMPolicy(g_szDynamicMachine, dwVersion, pPolicyName, 0, &pQMPol, NULL); if (!((dwReturn == ERROR_SUCCESS) && pQMPol)) { BAIL_OUT; }
TrpFltr.gPolicyID = pQMPol->gPolicyID; bQMPExists = TRUE; }
// Create Transport Filter GUID
RpcStat = UuidCreate(&(TrpFltr.gFilterID)); if(!(RpcStat == RPC_S_OK || RpcStat == RPC_S_UUID_LOCAL_ONLY)) { dwReturn = ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; BAIL_OUT; } dwNameLen = _tcslen(pFilterName) + 1;
// Allocate memory for the name field
TrpFltr.pszFilterName = new _TCHAR[dwNameLen]; if(TrpFltr.pszFilterName == NULL) { dwReturn = ERROR_OUTOFMEMORY; BAIL_OUT; } _tcsncpy(TrpFltr.pszFilterName, pFilterName, dwNameLen);
TrpFltr.dwFlags = 0; TrpFltr.IpVersion = IPSEC_PROTOCOL_V4; dwReturn = AddTransportFilter(g_szDynamicMachine, dwVersion, 0, &TrpFltr,NULL, &hTrpFilter);
if (dwReturn == ERROR_SUCCESS) { dwReturn = CloseTransportFilterHandle(hTrpFilter); }
if(!bQMPExists) { //functionality errors
//error path clean up
if(TrpFltr.pszFilterName) { delete [] TrpFltr.pszFilterName; TrpFltr.pszFilterName = NULL; } if(pQMPol) { SPDApiBufferFree(pQMPol); pQMPol = NULL; }
return dwReturn; }
//Date of Creation:09-22-01
//Parameters: IN LPTSTR pFilterName,
// IN LPTSTR pPolicyName,
//Return: DWORD
//Description:This function adds the quick mode tunnel filter into the SPD
//Revision History:
// Date Author Comments
DWORD AddQuickModeFilter( IN LPTSTR pFilterName, IN LPTSTR pPolicyName, IN TUNNEL_FILTER& TunnelFltr ) { PIPSEC_QM_POLICY pQMPol = NULL; RPC_STATUS RpcStat = RPC_S_OK; HANDLE hTrpFilter = NULL; DWORD dwReturn = ERROR_SUCCESS; DWORD dwNameLen = 0; DWORD dwVersion = 0; BOOL bQMPExists = FALSE; TunnelFltr.pszFilterName = NULL;
if(pPolicyName == NULL) { //Create a NULL GUID if qmpolicy does not exist
RpcStat = UuidCreateNil(&(TunnelFltr.gPolicyID)); if(!(RpcStat == RPC_S_OK || RpcStat == RPC_S_UUID_LOCAL_ONLY)) { dwReturn = ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; BAIL_OUT; } bQMPExists = TRUE; } else { //Get the corresponding QMPolicy GUID if it exists
dwReturn = GetQMPolicy(g_szDynamicMachine,dwVersion, pPolicyName, 0, &pQMPol, NULL); if (!((dwReturn == ERROR_SUCCESS) && pQMPol)) { BAIL_OUT; } TunnelFltr.gPolicyID = pQMPol->gPolicyID; bQMPExists = TRUE; } //Create Tunnel Filter GUID
RpcStat = UuidCreate(&(TunnelFltr.gFilterID)); if(!(RpcStat == RPC_S_OK || RpcStat == RPC_S_UUID_LOCAL_ONLY)) { dwReturn = ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; BAIL_OUT; }
dwNameLen = _tcslen(pFilterName) + 1; // Allocate memory for the name field
TunnelFltr.pszFilterName = new _TCHAR[dwNameLen]; if(TunnelFltr.pszFilterName == NULL) { dwReturn = ERROR_OUTOFMEMORY; BAIL_OUT; } _tcsncpy(TunnelFltr.pszFilterName, pFilterName, dwNameLen); TunnelFltr.dwFlags = 0;
TunnelFltr.IpVersion = IPSEC_PROTOCOL_V4; dwReturn = AddTunnelFilter(g_szDynamicMachine, dwVersion, 0, &TunnelFltr, NULL, &hTrpFilter); if (dwReturn == ERROR_SUCCESS) { dwReturn = CloseTunnelFilterHandle(hTrpFilter);
if(!bQMPExists) { //functionality errors
PrintErrorMessage(IPSEC_ERR,0,ERRCODE_ADD_QMF_NO_QMPOLICY); dwReturn = ERROR_NO_DISPLAY; } //error path clean up
if(pQMPol) { SPDApiBufferFree(pQMPol); pQMPol = NULL; }
if(TunnelFltr.pszFilterName) { delete [] TunnelFltr.pszFilterName; TunnelFltr.pszFilterName = NULL; }
return dwReturn; }
//Date of Creation:09-22-01
//Parameters: IN LPTSTR pFilterName,
// IN LPTSTR pPolicyName,
// IN MM_FILTER& MMFilter,
// IN INT_MM_AUTH_METHODS& ParserAuthMethod
//Return: DWORD
//Description:This function adds the main mode filter into the SPD
//Revision History:
// Date Author Comments
DWORD AddMainModeFilter( IN LPTSTR pFilterName, IN LPTSTR pPolicyName, IN MM_FILTER& MMFilter, IN STA_AUTH_METHODS& ParserAuthMethod ) { PIPSEC_MM_POLICY pMMPol = NULL; RPC_STATUS RpcStat = RPC_S_OK; HANDLE hMMFilter = NULL; DWORD dwReturn = ERROR_SUCCESS; DWORD dwNameLen = 0; DWORD dwVersion = 0; BOOL bPolExists = FALSE; MMFilter.pszFilterName = NULL;
//check if policy exists
dwReturn = GetMMPolicy(g_szDynamicMachine,dwVersion, pPolicyName, &pMMPol,NULL); if(dwReturn != ERROR_SUCCESS) { BAIL_OUT; }
bPolExists = TRUE;
// Generate GUID for Main mode filter
RpcStat = UuidCreate(&(MMFilter.gFilterID)); if(!(RpcStat == RPC_S_OK || RpcStat == RPC_S_UUID_LOCAL_ONLY)) { dwReturn = ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; BAIL_OUT; } dwNameLen = _tcslen(pFilterName) + 1;
// allocate memory for main mode filter name
MMFilter.pszFilterName = new _TCHAR[dwNameLen]; if(MMFilter.pszFilterName == NULL) { dwReturn = ERROR_OUTOFMEMORY; BAIL_OUT; } _tcsncpy(MMFilter.pszFilterName,pFilterName, dwNameLen);
// Add the corresponding authentication methods to the main mode filter
dwReturn = AddAuthMethods(ParserAuthMethod); if(dwReturn != ERROR_SUCCESS) { BAIL_OUT; }
MMFilter.gMMAuthID = ParserAuthMethod.gMMAuthID; MMFilter.gPolicyID = pMMPol->gPolicyID; MMFilter.IpVersion = IPSEC_PROTOCOL_V4; MMFilter.SrcAddr.pgInterfaceID = NULL; MMFilter.DesAddr.pgInterfaceID = NULL;
dwReturn = AddMMFilter(g_szDynamicMachine, dwVersion, 0, &MMFilter, NULL, &hMMFilter); if(dwReturn == ERROR_SUCCESS) { dwReturn = CloseMMFilterHandle(hMMFilter); }
error: // functionality errors
if(!bPolExists) { PrintErrorMessage(IPSEC_ERR,0,ERRCODE_ADD_MMF_NO_MMPOLICY); dwReturn = ERROR_NO_DISPLAY; } //error path clean up
if(pMMPol) { SPDApiBufferFree(pMMPol); pMMPol = NULL; }
if(MMFilter.pszFilterName) { delete [] MMFilter.pszFilterName; MMFilter.pszFilterName = NULL; } return dwReturn; }
// Function : AddAuthMethods
// Date of Creation : 09-22-01
// Parameters : IN MM_AUTH_METHODS& ParserAuthMethod
// Return : DWORD
// Description : This function adds authentication methods into the SPD.
// Revision History :
// Date Author Comments
DWORD AddAuthMethods( IN STA_AUTH_METHODS& ParserAuthMethod ) { DWORD dwReturn = 0; DWORD dwVersion = 0; RPC_STATUS RpcStat = RPC_S_OK; PMM_AUTH_METHODS pExtMMAuth; LPVOID lpVoid = NULL;
// Generate Authentication GUID
RpcStat = UuidCreate(&(ParserAuthMethod.gMMAuthID)); if(!(RpcStat == RPC_S_OK || RpcStat == RPC_S_UUID_LOCAL_ONLY)) { dwReturn = ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; BAIL_OUT; } //
// Conversion between old and new data structures
INT_MM_AUTH_METHODS Methods; ZeroMemory(&Methods, sizeof(INT_MM_AUTH_METHODS)); memcpy(&(Methods.gMMAuthID), &(ParserAuthMethod.gMMAuthID), sizeof(GUID)); Methods.dwFlags = ParserAuthMethod.dwFlags; Methods.dwNumAuthInfos = ParserAuthMethod.dwNumAuthInfos; PINT_IPSEC_MM_AUTH_INFO pAuthInfos = new INT_IPSEC_MM_AUTH_INFO[Methods.dwNumAuthInfos]; if (pAuthInfos == NULL) { dwReturn = ERROR_OUTOFMEMORY; BAIL_OUT; } for (size_t i = 0; i < Methods.dwNumAuthInfos; ++i) { memcpy(&pAuthInfos[i], ParserAuthMethod.pAuthMethodInfo[i].pAuthenticationInfo, sizeof(INT_IPSEC_MM_AUTH_INFO)); } Methods.pAuthenticationInfo = pAuthInfos; ParserAuthMethod.dwFlags = 0; dwReturn = ConvertIntMMAuthToExt(&Methods, &pExtMMAuth); if (dwReturn != ERROR_SUCCESS) { BAIL_OUT; }
dwReturn = AddMMAuthMethods(g_szDynamicMachine, dwVersion, 0, pExtMMAuth, lpVoid); if (dwReturn == ERROR_SUCCESS) { dwReturn = FreeExtMMAuthMethods(pExtMMAuth); } error: return dwReturn; }
// Function : ConnectDynamicMachine
// Date of Creation : 09-22-01
// Parameters : IN LPCWSTR pwszMachine
// Return : DWORD
// Description : This function is a call back for Connect.
// Check for PA is running and reg connectivity.
// Revision History :
// Date Author Comments
DWORD ConnectDynamicMachine( IN LPCWSTR pwszMachine ) { DWORD dwReturn = ERROR_SUCCESS; HKEY hLocal = NULL;
dwReturn = RegConnectRegistry(pwszMachine, HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, &hLocal ); if(dwReturn != ERROR_SUCCESS) { BAIL_OUT; } if (g_hGlobalRegistryKey) { RegCloseKey(g_hGlobalRegistryKey); g_hGlobalRegistryKey = NULL; } //
// Check if policy agent is running..
PAIsRunning(dwReturn, (LPTSTR)pwszMachine); g_hGlobalRegistryKey = hLocal;
error: return dwReturn; }
// Function : SetDynamicMMFilterRule
// Date of Creation: 09-22-01
// Parameters : IN LPTSTR pszPolicyName,
// IN MM_FILTER& ParserMMFilter,
// Return : DWORD
// Description : This function sets MMFilter parameters.
// Authentication methods and mmpolicy name only can be set
// Revision History:
// Date Author Comments
DWORD SetDynamicMMFilterRule( IN LPTSTR pszPolicyName, IN MM_FILTER& ParserMMFilter, IN STA_AUTH_METHODS& MMAuthMethod ) { DWORD dwReturn = ERROR_SUCCESS; DWORD dwVersion = 0; GUID gDefaultGUID = {0}; // NULL GUID value
if(pszPolicyName) { //
// Get the corresponding main mode policy to set the name parameter
dwReturn = GetMMPolicy(g_szDynamicMachine, dwVersion, pszPolicyName, &pMMPol, NULL);
if (dwReturn != ERROR_SUCCESS) { BAIL_OUT; } else { bPolExists = TRUE; } } else { bPolExists = TRUE; }
ParserMMFilter.IpVersion = IPSEC_PROTOCOL_V4; dwReturn = OpenMMFilterHandle(g_szDynamicMachine, dwVersion, &ParserMMFilter, NULL, &hFilter); if (dwReturn != ERROR_SUCCESS) { BAIL_OUT; }
if(pszPolicyName) { ParserMMFilter.gPolicyID = pMMPol->gPolicyID; } //
// set the new authentication methods.
if(MMAuthMethod.dwNumAuthInfos) { gDefaultGUID = ParserMMFilter.gMMAuthID; dwReturn = AddAuthMethods(MMAuthMethod); if (dwReturn != ERROR_SUCCESS) { BAIL_OUT; } ParserMMFilter.gMMAuthID = MMAuthMethod.gMMAuthID; }
dwReturn = SetMMFilter(hFilter,dwVersion, &ParserMMFilter, pvReserved);
if((dwReturn == ERROR_SUCCESS) && (MMAuthMethod.dwNumAuthInfos)) { //
// remove the orphan MMAuthMethods
dwReturn = DeleteMMAuthMethods(g_szDynamicMachine, dwVersion, gDefaultGUID, NULL); }
error: if(!bPolExists) { PrintErrorMessage(IPSEC_ERR,0,ERRCODE_SET_MMF_NO_MMPOLICY); dwReturn = ERROR_NO_DISPLAY; } //error path clean up
if(hFilter) { CloseMMFilterHandle(hFilter); }
if(pMMPol) { SPDApiBufferFree(pMMPol); pMMPol = NULL; }
return dwReturn; }
// Function : SetTransportRule
// Date of Creation: 09-22-01
// Parameters : IN TRANSPORT_FILTER& TrpFltr,
// IN LPTSTR pFilterActionName,
// Return : DWORD
// Description : This function sets TransportFilter parameters.
// Filteraction name, inbound and outbound filteraction can be set
// Revision History:
// Date Author Comments
if(pFilterActionName) { //
// Get the corresponding quick mode policy to set the name parameter
dwReturn = GetQMPolicy(g_szDynamicMachine,dwVersion, pFilterActionName, 0, &pQMPol, NULL);
if (!((dwReturn == ERROR_SUCCESS) && pQMPol)) { BAIL_OUT; }
bFAFound = TRUE; } else { bFAFound = TRUE; }
TrpFltr.IpVersion = IPSEC_PROTOCOL_V4; dwReturn = OpenTransportFilterHandle(g_szDynamicMachine,dwVersion, &TrpFltr, NULL, &hTrpFilter); if (dwReturn != ERROR_SUCCESS) { BAIL_OUT; } //
// Set the new filteraction (quick mode policy name)
if(pFilterActionName) { TrpFltr.gPolicyID = pQMPol->gPolicyID; } //
// Set inbound filter action
if(Inbound != FILTER_ACTION_MAX) { TrpFltr.InboundFilterAction = Inbound; } //
// Set outbound filter action
if(Outbound != FILTER_ACTION_MAX) { TrpFltr.OutboundFilterAction = Outbound; }
dwReturn = SetTransportFilter(hTrpFilter,dwVersion, &TrpFltr, NULL); if (dwReturn == ERROR_SUCCESS) { dwReturn = CloseTransportFilterHandle(hTrpFilter); }
error: if(!bFAFound) { PrintErrorMessage(IPSEC_ERR,0,ERRCODE_SET_QMF_NO_QMPOLICY); dwReturn = ERROR_NO_DISPLAY; } //error path clean up
if(pQMPol) { SPDApiBufferFree(pQMPol); pQMPol = NULL; }
return dwReturn; }
// Function : SetTunnelRule
// Date of Creation: 09-22-01
// Parameters : IN TUNNEL_FILTER& TunnelFltr,
// IN LPTSTR pFilterActionName,
// Return : DWORD
// Description : This function sets TunnelFilter parameters.
// Filteraction name, inbound and outbound filteraction can be set
// Revision History:
// Date Author Comments
DWORD SetTunnelRule( IN TUNNEL_FILTER& TunnelFltr, IN LPTSTR pFilterActionName, IN FILTER_ACTION Inbound, IN FILTER_ACTION Outbound ) { PIPSEC_QM_POLICY pQMPol = NULL; HANDLE hTrpFilter = NULL; DWORD dwReturn = ERROR_SUCCESS; DWORD dwVersion = 0; BOOL bFAFound = FALSE;
if(pFilterActionName) { //
// Get the corresponding QM policy
dwReturn = GetQMPolicy(g_szDynamicMachine,dwVersion, pFilterActionName, 0, &pQMPol, NULL);
if (!((dwReturn == ERROR_SUCCESS) && pQMPol)) { BAIL_OUT; } bFAFound = TRUE; } else { bFAFound = TRUE; }
TunnelFltr.IpVersion = IPSEC_PROTOCOL_V4; dwReturn = OpenTunnelFilterHandle(g_szDynamicMachine,dwVersion, &TunnelFltr, NULL, &hTrpFilter); if (dwReturn != ERROR_SUCCESS) { BAIL_OUT; }
// Set the new filteraction (quick mode policy name)
if(pFilterActionName) { TunnelFltr.gPolicyID = pQMPol->gPolicyID; }
// Set inbound filter action
if(Inbound != FILTER_ACTION_MAX) { TunnelFltr.InboundFilterAction = Inbound; }
// Set outbound filter action
if(Outbound != FILTER_ACTION_MAX) { TunnelFltr.OutboundFilterAction = Outbound; }
dwReturn = SetTunnelFilter(hTrpFilter,dwVersion, &TunnelFltr, NULL); if (dwReturn == ERROR_SUCCESS) { dwReturn = CloseTunnelFilterHandle(hTrpFilter); }
error: if(!bFAFound) { PrintErrorMessage(IPSEC_ERR,0,ERRCODE_SET_QMF_NO_QMPOLICY); dwReturn = ERROR_NO_DISPLAY; } //error path clean up
if(pQMPol) { SPDApiBufferFree(pQMPol); pQMPol = NULL; }
return dwReturn; }
// Function : CreateName
// Date of Creation : 9-23-2001
// Parameters : IN LPTSTR * ppszName
// Return : DWORD
// Description : Creates a name for MMFilter, Transport and Tunnel Filter
// Revision History :
// Date Author Comments
DWORD CreateName(IN LPTSTR* ppszName) { RPC_STATUS RpcStat = RPC_S_OK; _TCHAR StringTxt[MAX_STR_LEN] = {0}; GUID gID = {0}; DWORD dwReturn = ERROR_SUCCESS; DWORD dwNameLen = 0; LPTSTR pName = NULL;
// The name is combination of keyword 'IPSEC' and the generated GUID.
RpcStat = UuidCreate(&gID); if(!(RpcStat == RPC_S_OK || RpcStat == RPC_S_UUID_LOCAL_ONLY)) { dwReturn = ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; BAIL_OUT; } _tcsncpy(StringTxt, NAME_PREFIX, _tcslen(NAME_PREFIX)+1);
dwReturn = StringFromGUID2(gID, StringTxt + _tcslen(StringTxt), (MAX_STR_LEN - _tcslen(StringTxt)));
if(dwReturn != 0) { dwReturn = ERROR_SUCCESS; } else { dwReturn = GetLastError(); BAIL_OUT; }
dwNameLen = _tcslen(StringTxt)+1; pName = new _TCHAR[dwNameLen]; if(pName == NULL) { dwReturn = ERROR_OUTOFMEMORY; BAIL_OUT; } else { _tcsncpy(pName, StringTxt,dwNameLen); }
error: if(dwReturn == ERROR_SUCCESS) { if(ppszName != NULL) { *ppszName = pName; } else { dwReturn = ERROR_OUTOFMEMORY; BAIL_OUT; } } return dwReturn; }
// Function : FindAndGetMMFilterRule
// Date of Creation: 09-22-01
// Parameters : IN ADDR SrcAddr,
// IN ADDR DstAddr,
// IN BOOL bMirror,
// IN IF_TYPE ConType,
// IN BOOL bSrcMask,
// IN BOOL bDstMask,
// OUT PMM_FILTER *pMMFilterRule
// IN OUT DWORD& dwStatus
// Return : BOOL
// Description : This function enumerates mmfilter and gets back filled filter structure.
// Revision History:
// Date Author Comments
BOOL FindAndGetMMFilterRule( IN ADDR SrcAddr, IN ADDR DstAddr, IN BOOL bMirror, IN IF_TYPE ConType, IN BOOL bSrcMask, IN BOOL bDstMask, IN OUT PMM_FILTER *pMMFilterRule, IN OUT DWORD& dwStatus ) { PMM_FILTER pMMFilterRule_local = NULL; DWORD dwResumeHandle = 0; // handle for continuation calls
DWORD dwCount = 0; // counting objects here
DWORD dwNameLen = 0; GUID gDefaultGUID = {0}; // NULL GUID value
DWORD i=0, j=0; DWORD dwVersion = 0; BOOL bFoundFilter = FALSE; PMM_FILTER pMMFilter = NULL;
for (i = 0; ;i+=dwCount) { dwStatus = EnumMMFilters(g_szDynamicMachine, dwVersion, NULL, ENUM_GENERIC_FILTERS, gDefaultGUID, 0, &pMMFilter, &dwCount, &dwResumeHandle, NULL);
if ( (dwStatus == ERROR_NO_DATA) || (dwCount == 0) || (dwStatus != ERROR_SUCCESS)) { dwStatus = ERROR_SUCCESS; BAIL_OUT; } else if(!(pMMFilter && dwCount > 0)) { BAIL_OUT; // not required to continue.
} for (j = 0; j < dwCount; j++) { //
// Match the user given input with the enumerated structure to get the exact match.
if((pMMFilter[j].SrcAddr.uIpAddr == SrcAddr.uIpAddr) && (pMMFilter[j].SrcAddr.AddrType == SrcAddr.AddrType) && (pMMFilter[j].DesAddr.uIpAddr == DstAddr.uIpAddr) && (pMMFilter[j].DesAddr.AddrType == DstAddr.AddrType) && (pMMFilter[j].bCreateMirror == bMirror) && (pMMFilter[j].InterfaceType == ConType)) { // If mask is an user input then validate for mask
// If both source and destination mask are not given
if((!bDstMask) && (!bSrcMask)) { pMMFilterRule_local = new MM_FILTER; if(pMMFilterRule_local == NULL) { dwStatus = ERROR_OUTOFMEMORY; BAIL_OUT; } memcpy(pMMFilterRule_local, &pMMFilter[j], sizeof(MM_FILTER)); dwNameLen = _tcslen(pMMFilter[j].pszFilterName) + 1; pMMFilterRule_local->pszFilterName = NULL; pMMFilterRule_local->pszFilterName = new _TCHAR[dwNameLen]; if((pMMFilterRule_local->pszFilterName) == NULL) { dwStatus = ERROR_OUTOFMEMORY; BAIL_OUT; } _tcsncpy(pMMFilterRule_local->pszFilterName , pMMFilter[j].pszFilterName, dwNameLen); bFoundFilter = TRUE; break; } //
// If source mask is given
else if((!bDstMask) && (bSrcMask)) { if(pMMFilter[j].SrcAddr.uSubNetMask == SrcAddr.uSubNetMask) { pMMFilterRule_local = new MM_FILTER; if(pMMFilterRule_local == NULL) { dwStatus = ERROR_OUTOFMEMORY; BAIL_OUT; }
memcpy(pMMFilterRule_local, &pMMFilter[j],sizeof(MM_FILTER)); dwNameLen = _tcslen(pMMFilter[j].pszFilterName) + 1; pMMFilterRule_local->pszFilterName = NULL; pMMFilterRule_local->pszFilterName = new _TCHAR[dwNameLen]; if((pMMFilterRule_local->pszFilterName) == NULL) { dwStatus = ERROR_OUTOFMEMORY; BAIL_OUT; }
_tcsncpy(pMMFilterRule_local->pszFilterName , pMMFilter[j].pszFilterName, dwNameLen); bFoundFilter = TRUE; break; } } //
// If destination mask is given
else if((bDstMask) && (!bSrcMask)) { if(pMMFilter[j].DesAddr.uSubNetMask == DstAddr.uSubNetMask) { pMMFilterRule_local = new MM_FILTER; if(pMMFilterRule_local == NULL) { dwStatus = ERROR_OUTOFMEMORY; BAIL_OUT; }
memcpy(pMMFilterRule_local, &pMMFilter[j],sizeof(MM_FILTER)); dwNameLen = _tcslen(pMMFilter[j].pszFilterName) + 1; pMMFilterRule_local->pszFilterName = NULL; pMMFilterRule_local->pszFilterName = new _TCHAR[dwNameLen]; if((pMMFilterRule_local->pszFilterName) == NULL) { dwStatus = ERROR_OUTOFMEMORY; BAIL_OUT; }
_tcsncpy(pMMFilterRule_local->pszFilterName , pMMFilter[j].pszFilterName, dwNameLen); bFoundFilter = TRUE; break; } } //
// If source mask and destination mask are given
else if((bDstMask) && (bSrcMask)) { if(pMMFilter[j].DesAddr.uSubNetMask == DstAddr.uSubNetMask) { if(pMMFilter[j].SrcAddr.uSubNetMask == SrcAddr.uSubNetMask) { pMMFilterRule_local = new MM_FILTER; if(pMMFilterRule_local == NULL) { dwStatus = ERROR_OUTOFMEMORY; BAIL_OUT; }
memcpy(pMMFilterRule_local, &pMMFilter[j],sizeof(MM_FILTER));
dwNameLen = _tcslen(pMMFilter[j].pszFilterName) + 1;
pMMFilterRule_local->pszFilterName = NULL; pMMFilterRule_local->pszFilterName = new _TCHAR[dwNameLen]; if((pMMFilterRule_local->pszFilterName) == NULL) { dwStatus = ERROR_OUTOFMEMORY; BAIL_OUT; }
_tcsncpy(pMMFilterRule_local->pszFilterName , pMMFilter[j].pszFilterName, dwNameLen); bFoundFilter = TRUE; break; } } } } }
SPDApiBufferFree(pMMFilter); pMMFilter = NULL; if(bFoundFilter) { *pMMFilterRule = pMMFilterRule_local; break; } }
error: //error path clean up
if(pMMFilter) { SPDApiBufferFree(pMMFilter); pMMFilter = NULL; }
return bFoundFilter; }
// Function : FindAndGetTransportRule
// Date of Creation: 09-22-01
// Parameters : IN ADDR SrcAddr,
// IN ADDR DstAddr,
// IN BOOL bMirror,
// IN IF_TYPE ConType,
// IN DWORD dwProtocol,
// IN DWORD dwSrcPort,
// IN DWORD dwDstPort,
// IN BOOL bSrcMask,
// IN BOOL bDstMask,
// IN OUT DWORD& dwStatus
//Return : BOOL
//Description : This function enumerates transport filter and gets filled transport filter.
//Revision History :
// Date Author Comments
BOOL FindAndGetTransportRule( IN ADDR SrcAddr, IN ADDR DstAddr, IN BOOL bMirror, IN IF_TYPE ConType, IN DWORD dwProtocol, IN DWORD dwSrcPort, IN DWORD dwDstPort, IN BOOL bSrcMask, IN BOOL bDstMask, OUT PTRANSPORT_FILTER *pQMFilterRule, IN OUT DWORD& dwStatus ) { DWORD dwResumeHandle = 0; // handle for continuation calls
DWORD dwCount = 0; // counting objects here
DWORD dwVersion = 0; DWORD dwNameLen = 0; GUID gDefaultGUID = {0}; // NULL GUID value
for (i = 0; ;i+=dwCount) { dwStatus = EnumTransportFilters(g_szDynamicMachine, dwVersion, NULL, ENUM_GENERIC_FILTERS, gDefaultGUID, 0, &pTransF, &dwCount, &dwResumeHandle, NULL);
if ( (dwStatus == ERROR_NO_DATA) || (dwCount == 0) || (dwStatus != ERROR_SUCCESS)) { dwStatus = ERROR_SUCCESS; BAIL_OUT; } else if(!(pTransF && dwCount > 0)) { BAIL_OUT; // not required to continue.
} for (j = 0; j < dwCount; j++) { // Match the user given input with the enumerated structure to get the exact match
if((pTransF[j].SrcAddr.uIpAddr == SrcAddr.uIpAddr) && (pTransF[j].SrcAddr.AddrType == SrcAddr.AddrType) && (pTransF[j].DesAddr.uIpAddr == DstAddr.uIpAddr) && (pTransF[j].DesAddr.AddrType == DstAddr.AddrType) && (pTransF[j].bCreateMirror == bMirror) && (pTransF[j].InterfaceType == ConType) && (pTransF[j].Protocol.dwProtocol== dwProtocol) && (pTransF[j].SrcPort.wPort == dwSrcPort) && (pTransF[j].DesPort.wPort == dwDstPort)) { // if both source and destination mask are not given
if((!bDstMask) && (!bSrcMask)) { pQMFilterRule_local = new TRANSPORT_FILTER; if(pQMFilterRule_local == NULL) { dwStatus = ERROR_OUTOFMEMORY; BAIL_OUT; } memcpy(pQMFilterRule_local, &pTransF[j],sizeof(TRANSPORT_FILTER)); dwNameLen = _tcslen(pTransF[j].pszFilterName) + 1; pQMFilterRule_local->pszFilterName = NULL; pQMFilterRule_local->pszFilterName = new _TCHAR[dwNameLen]; if((pQMFilterRule_local->pszFilterName) == NULL) { dwStatus = ERROR_OUTOFMEMORY; BAIL_OUT; } _tcsncpy(pQMFilterRule_local->pszFilterName, pTransF[j].pszFilterName, dwNameLen); bFoundFilter = TRUE; break; } //
// If source mask is given
else if((!bDstMask) && (bSrcMask)) { if(pTransF[j].SrcAddr.uSubNetMask == SrcAddr.uSubNetMask) { pQMFilterRule_local = new TRANSPORT_FILTER; if(pQMFilterRule_local == NULL) { dwStatus = ERROR_OUTOFMEMORY; BAIL_OUT; } memcpy(pQMFilterRule_local, &pTransF[j],sizeof(TRANSPORT_FILTER)); dwNameLen = _tcslen(pTransF[j].pszFilterName) + 1; pQMFilterRule_local->pszFilterName = NULL; pQMFilterRule_local->pszFilterName = new _TCHAR[dwNameLen]; if(pQMFilterRule_local->pszFilterName == NULL) { dwStatus = ERROR_OUTOFMEMORY; BAIL_OUT; } _tcsncpy(pQMFilterRule_local->pszFilterName, pTransF[j].pszFilterName, dwNameLen); bFoundFilter = TRUE; break; } } //
// If destination mask is given
else if((bDstMask) && (!bSrcMask)) { if(pTransF[j].DesAddr.uSubNetMask == DstAddr.uSubNetMask) { pQMFilterRule_local = new TRANSPORT_FILTER; if(pQMFilterRule_local == NULL) { dwStatus = ERROR_OUTOFMEMORY; BAIL_OUT; } memcpy(pQMFilterRule_local, &pTransF[j],sizeof(TRANSPORT_FILTER)); dwNameLen = _tcslen(pTransF[j].pszFilterName) + 1; pQMFilterRule_local->pszFilterName = NULL; pQMFilterRule_local->pszFilterName = new _TCHAR[dwNameLen]; if((pQMFilterRule_local->pszFilterName) == NULL) { dwStatus = ERROR_OUTOFMEMORY; BAIL_OUT; } _tcsncpy(pQMFilterRule_local->pszFilterName, pTransF[j].pszFilterName, dwNameLen); bFoundFilter = TRUE; break; } } //
// If source mask and destination mask are given
else if((bDstMask) && (bSrcMask)) { if(pTransF[j].DesAddr.uSubNetMask == DstAddr.uSubNetMask) { if(pTransF[j].SrcAddr.uSubNetMask == SrcAddr.uSubNetMask) { pQMFilterRule_local = new TRANSPORT_FILTER; if(pQMFilterRule_local == NULL) { dwStatus = ERROR_OUTOFMEMORY; BAIL_OUT; } memcpy(pQMFilterRule_local, &pTransF[j],sizeof(TRANSPORT_FILTER)); dwNameLen = _tcslen(pTransF[j].pszFilterName) + 1; pQMFilterRule_local->pszFilterName = NULL; pQMFilterRule_local->pszFilterName = new _TCHAR[dwNameLen]; if((pQMFilterRule_local->pszFilterName) == NULL) { dwStatus = ERROR_OUTOFMEMORY; BAIL_OUT; } _tcsncpy(pQMFilterRule_local->pszFilterName, pTransF[j].pszFilterName, dwNameLen); bFoundFilter = TRUE; break; } } } } }
SPDApiBufferFree(pTransF); pTransF = NULL;
// copy the structure pointer.
if(bFoundFilter) { *pQMFilterRule = pQMFilterRule_local; break; } }
error: //error path cleanup
if(pTransF) { SPDApiBufferFree(pTransF); pTransF = NULL; } return bFoundFilter; }
// Function : FindAndGetTunnelRule
// Date of Creation: 09-22-01
// Parameters : IN ADDR SrcAddr,
// IN ADDR DstAddr,
// IN BOOL bMirror,
// IN IF_TYPE ConType,
// IN DWORD dwProtocol,
// IN DWORD dwSrcPort,
// IN DWORD dwDstPort,
// IN BOOL bSrcMask,
// IN BOOL bDstMask,
// IN ADDR SrcTunnel,
// IN ADDR DstTunnel,
// IN OUT DWORD& dwStatus
// Return : BOOL
// Description : This function enumerates tunnel filter and gets filled tunnel filter.
// Revision History:
// Date Author Comments
BOOL FindAndGetTunnelRule( IN ADDR SrcAddr, IN ADDR DstAddr, IN BOOL bMirror, IN IF_TYPE ConType, IN DWORD dwProtocol, IN DWORD dwSrcPort, IN DWORD dwDstPort, IN BOOL bSrcMask, IN BOOL bDstMask, IN ADDR SrcTunnel, IN ADDR DstTunnel, OUT PTUNNEL_FILTER * pQMFilterRule, OUT DWORD& dwStatus ) { DWORD dwResumeHandle = 0; // handle for continuation calls
DWORD dwCount = 0; // counting objects here
DWORD dwVersion = 0; DWORD dwNameLen = 0; GUID gDefaultGUID = {0}; // NULL GUID value
DWORD i=0, j=0; BOOL bFoundFilter = FALSE; PTUNNEL_FILTER pQMFilterRule_local = NULL; PTUNNEL_FILTER pTransF = NULL;
for (i = 0; ;i+=dwCount) { dwStatus = EnumTunnelFilters(g_szDynamicMachine, dwVersion, NULL, ENUM_GENERIC_FILTERS, gDefaultGUID, 0, &pTransF, &dwCount, &dwResumeHandle, NULL);
if ( (dwStatus == ERROR_NO_DATA) || (dwCount == 0) || (dwStatus != ERROR_SUCCESS)) { dwStatus = ERROR_SUCCESS; break; } else if(!(pTransF && dwCount > 0)) { break; // not required to continue.
} for (j = 0; j < dwCount; j++) { //
// Match the user given input with the enumerated structure to get the exact match
if((pTransF[j].SrcAddr.uIpAddr == SrcAddr.uIpAddr) && (pTransF[j].SrcAddr.AddrType == SrcAddr.AddrType) && (pTransF[j].DesAddr.uIpAddr == DstAddr.uIpAddr) && (pTransF[j].DesAddr.AddrType == DstAddr.AddrType) && (pTransF[j].bCreateMirror == bMirror) && (pTransF[j].InterfaceType == ConType) && (pTransF[j].Protocol.dwProtocol== dwProtocol) && (pTransF[j].SrcPort.wPort == dwSrcPort) && (pTransF[j].DesPort.wPort == dwDstPort) && (pTransF[j].DesTunnelAddr.uIpAddr == DstTunnel.uIpAddr) && (pTransF[j].DesTunnelAddr.AddrType == DstTunnel.AddrType)) { // If both source and destination mask are not given
if((!bDstMask) && (!bSrcMask)) { pQMFilterRule_local = new TUNNEL_FILTER; if(pQMFilterRule_local == NULL) { dwStatus = ERROR_OUTOFMEMORY; BAIL_OUT; } memcpy(pQMFilterRule_local, &pTransF[j],sizeof(TUNNEL_FILTER)); dwNameLen = _tcslen(pTransF[j].pszFilterName) + 1; pQMFilterRule_local->pszFilterName = NULL; pQMFilterRule_local->pszFilterName = new _TCHAR[dwNameLen]; if((pQMFilterRule_local->pszFilterName) == NULL) { dwStatus = ERROR_OUTOFMEMORY; BAIL_OUT; } _tcsncpy(pQMFilterRule_local->pszFilterName, pTransF[j].pszFilterName, dwNameLen); bFoundFilter = TRUE; break; } //
// If source mask is given
else if((!bDstMask) && (bSrcMask)) { if(pTransF[j].SrcAddr.uSubNetMask == SrcAddr.uSubNetMask) { pQMFilterRule_local = new TUNNEL_FILTER; if(pQMFilterRule_local == NULL) { dwStatus = ERROR_OUTOFMEMORY; BAIL_OUT; } memcpy(pQMFilterRule_local, &pTransF[j],sizeof(TUNNEL_FILTER));
dwNameLen = _tcslen(pTransF[j].pszFilterName) + 1;
pQMFilterRule_local->pszFilterName = NULL; pQMFilterRule_local->pszFilterName = new _TCHAR[dwNameLen]; if((pQMFilterRule_local->pszFilterName) == NULL) { dwStatus = ERROR_OUTOFMEMORY; BAIL_OUT; } _tcsncpy(pQMFilterRule_local->pszFilterName, pTransF[j].pszFilterName, dwNameLen); bFoundFilter = TRUE; break; } } //
// If destination mask is given
else if((bDstMask) && (!bSrcMask)) { if(pTransF[j].DesAddr.uSubNetMask == DstAddr.uSubNetMask) { pQMFilterRule_local = new TUNNEL_FILTER; if(pQMFilterRule_local == NULL) { dwStatus = ERROR_OUTOFMEMORY; BAIL_OUT; } memcpy(pQMFilterRule_local, &pTransF[j],sizeof(TUNNEL_FILTER)); dwNameLen = _tcslen(pTransF[j].pszFilterName) + 1; pQMFilterRule_local->pszFilterName = NULL; pQMFilterRule_local->pszFilterName = new _TCHAR[dwNameLen]; if((pQMFilterRule_local->pszFilterName) == NULL) { dwStatus = ERROR_OUTOFMEMORY; BAIL_OUT; } _tcsncpy(pQMFilterRule_local->pszFilterName, pTransF[j].pszFilterName, dwNameLen); bFoundFilter = TRUE; break; } } //
// If source mask and destination mask are given
else if((bDstMask) && (bSrcMask)) { if(pTransF[j].DesAddr.uSubNetMask == DstAddr.uSubNetMask) { if(pTransF[j].SrcAddr.uSubNetMask == SrcAddr.uSubNetMask) { pQMFilterRule_local = new TUNNEL_FILTER; if(pQMFilterRule_local == NULL) { dwStatus = ERROR_OUTOFMEMORY; BAIL_OUT; } memcpy(pQMFilterRule_local, &pTransF[j],sizeof(TUNNEL_FILTER));
dwNameLen = _tcslen(pTransF[j].pszFilterName) + 1;
pQMFilterRule_local->pszFilterName = NULL; pQMFilterRule_local->pszFilterName = new _TCHAR[dwNameLen]; if((pQMFilterRule_local->pszFilterName) == NULL) { dwStatus = ERROR_OUTOFMEMORY; BAIL_OUT; } _tcsncpy(pQMFilterRule_local->pszFilterName, pTransF[j].pszFilterName, dwNameLen); bFoundFilter = TRUE; break; } } } } } SPDApiBufferFree(pTransF); pTransF = NULL; //
//copy the pointer structure
if(bFoundFilter) { *pQMFilterRule = pQMFilterRule_local; break; } }
error: //error path clean up
if(pTransF) { SPDApiBufferFree(pTransF); } return bFoundFilter; }
// Function : LoadMMFilterDefaults
// Date of Creation: 09-22-01
// Parameters : OUT MM_FILTER& MMFilter
// Return : DWORD
// Description : This function loads the Main mode filter structure defaults.
// Revision History:
// Date Author Comments
DWORD LoadMMFilterDefaults( OUT MM_FILTER& MMFilter ) { DWORD dwReturn = ERROR_SUCCESS; GUID gInterfaceId = {0}; RPC_STATUS RpcStat = RPC_S_OK;
memset(&MMFilter, 0, sizeof(MM_FILTER));
MMFilter.InterfaceType = INTERFACE_TYPE_ALL; MMFilter.bCreateMirror = TRUE; MMFilter.dwFlags = 0; MMFilter.dwDirection = FILTER_DIRECTION_OUTBOUND; MMFilter.dwWeight = 0;
MMFilter.SrcAddr.AddrType = IP_ADDR_UNIQUE; MMFilter.SrcAddr.uSubNetMask = IP_ADDRESS_MASK_NONE;
MMFilter.DesAddr.AddrType = IP_ADDR_UNIQUE; MMFilter.DesAddr.uSubNetMask = IP_ADDRESS_MASK_NONE;
RpcStat = UuidCreateNil(&(gInterfaceId));
if(!(RpcStat == RPC_S_OK || RpcStat == RPC_S_UUID_LOCAL_ONLY)) { dwReturn = GetLastError(); PrintErrorMessage(WIN32_ERR, dwReturn, NULL); dwReturn = ERROR_NO_DISPLAY; }
MMFilter.DesAddr.pgInterfaceID = NULL; MMFilter.SrcAddr.pgInterfaceID = NULL;
return dwReturn; }
// Function : IsLastRuleOfMMFilter
// Date of Creation: 05-19-02
// Parameters : IN ADDR SrcAddr,
// IN ADDR DstAddr,
// IN BOOL bMirror,
// IN IF_TYPE ConType,
// IN BOOL bSrcMask,
// IN BOOL bDstMask,
// IN OUT DWORD& dwStatus
//Return : BOOL
//Description : Deterimines if there exists any transport or tunnel filters
// may require a MM filter. This is called before deleting an MM filter
// so that we make sure we don't delete any MM filter if more than
// on tranport or tunnel filters may be using it.
//Revision History :
// Date Author Comments
BOOL IsLastRuleOfMMFilter( IN ADDR SrcAddr, IN ADDR DstAddr, IN BOOL bMirror, IN IF_TYPE ConType, IN BOOL bSrcMask, IN BOOL bDstMask, IN OUT DWORD& dwStatus ) { DWORD dwTransFFloorCount = 0; DWORD dwTunnFFloorCount = 0; BOOL bLastRuleOfMMFilter = FALSE;
dwTransFFloorCount = FloorCountTransportRuleOfMMFilter( SrcAddr, DstAddr, bMirror, ConType, bSrcMask, bDstMask, dwStatus ); BAIL_ON_WIN32_ERROR(dwStatus); dwTunnFFloorCount = FloorCountTunnelRuleOfMMFilter( SrcAddr, DstAddr, bMirror, ConType, dwStatus ); BAIL_ON_WIN32_ERROR(dwStatus); error: bLastRuleOfMMFilter = (dwTransFFloorCount + dwTunnFFloorCount == 0); return bLastRuleOfMMFilter; }
// Function : FloorCountTransportRuleOfMMFilter
// Date of Creation: 05-19-02
// Parameters : IN ADDR SrcAddr,
// IN ADDR DstAddr,
// IN BOOL bMirror,
// IN IF_TYPE ConType,
// IN BOOL bSrcMask,
// IN BOOL bDstMask,
// IN OUT DWORD& dwStatus
//Return : DWORD
//Description : Counts if there is at least one transport filter that matches the
// given keys. We are not interested in getting the exact count,
// just whether we have more than one.
//Revision History :
// Date Author Comments
DWORD FloorCountTransportRuleOfMMFilter( IN ADDR SrcAddr, IN ADDR DstAddr, IN BOOL bMirror, IN IF_TYPE ConType, IN BOOL bSrcMask, IN BOOL bDstMask, IN OUT DWORD& dwStatus ) { const DWORD MIN_MATCH_REQUIRED = 1; // At least one filter required to match.
DWORD dwResumeHandle = 0; // handle for continuation calls
DWORD dwCount = 0; // counting objects here
DWORD dwVersion = 0; DWORD dwNameLen = 0; GUID gDefaultGUID = {0}; // NULL GUID value
DWORD i=0, j=0; BOOL bFoundFilter = FALSE; PTRANSPORT_FILTER pQMFilterRule_local = NULL; PTRANSPORT_FILTER pTransF = NULL; DWORD dwTransFFloorCount = 0; BOOL bLastTransportRuleOfFilter = FALSE;
for (i = 0; ;i+=dwCount) { dwStatus = EnumTransportFilters(g_szDynamicMachine, dwVersion, NULL, ENUM_GENERIC_FILTERS, gDefaultGUID, 0, &pTransF, &dwCount, &dwResumeHandle, NULL);
if ( (dwStatus == ERROR_NO_DATA) || (dwCount == 0) || (dwStatus != ERROR_SUCCESS)) { dwStatus = ERROR_SUCCESS; BAIL_OUT; } else if(!(pTransF && dwCount > 0)) { BAIL_OUT; // not required to continue.
} for (j = 0; j < dwCount; j++) { // Match the user given input with the enumerated structure to get the exact match
if((pTransF[j].SrcAddr.uIpAddr == SrcAddr.uIpAddr) && (pTransF[j].SrcAddr.AddrType == SrcAddr.AddrType) && (pTransF[j].DesAddr.uIpAddr == DstAddr.uIpAddr) && (pTransF[j].DesAddr.AddrType == DstAddr.AddrType) && (pTransF[j].bCreateMirror == bMirror) && (pTransF[j].InterfaceType == ConType)) { // if both source and destination mask are not given
if((!bDstMask) && (!bSrcMask)) { dwTransFFloorCount++; if (dwTransFFloorCount >= MIN_MATCH_REQUIRED) { break; } } //
// If source mask is given
else if((!bDstMask) && (bSrcMask)) { if(pTransF[j].SrcAddr.uSubNetMask == SrcAddr.uSubNetMask) { dwTransFFloorCount++; if (dwTransFFloorCount >= MIN_MATCH_REQUIRED) { break; } } } //
// If destination mask is given
else if((bDstMask) && (!bSrcMask)) { if(pTransF[j].DesAddr.uSubNetMask == DstAddr.uSubNetMask) { dwTransFFloorCount++; if (dwTransFFloorCount >= MIN_MATCH_REQUIRED) { break; } } } //
// If source mask and destination mask are given
else if((bDstMask) && (bSrcMask)) { if(pTransF[j].DesAddr.uSubNetMask == DstAddr.uSubNetMask) { if(pTransF[j].SrcAddr.uSubNetMask == SrcAddr.uSubNetMask) { dwTransFFloorCount++; if (dwTransFFloorCount >= MIN_MATCH_REQUIRED) { break; } } } } } }
SPDApiBufferFree(pTransF); pTransF = NULL; }
error: if(pTransF) { SPDApiBufferFree(pTransF); pTransF = NULL; }
return dwTransFFloorCount; }
// Function : FloorCountTunnelRuleOfMMFilter
// Date of Creation: 05-19-02
// Parameters : IN ADDR SrcAddr,
// IN ADDR DstAddr,
// IN BOOL bMirror,
// IN IF_TYPE ConType,
// IN BOOL bSrcMask,
// IN BOOL bDstMask,
// IN OUT DWORD& dwStatus
//Return : DWORD
//Description : Counts if there is at least one tunnel filter that matches the
// given keys. We are not interested in getting the exact count,
// just whether we have more than one.
//Revision History :
// Date Author Comments
DWORD FloorCountTunnelRuleOfMMFilter( IN ADDR SrcTunnel, IN ADDR DstTunnel, IN BOOL bMirror, IN IF_TYPE ConType, OUT DWORD& dwStatus ) { const DWORD MIN_MATCH_REQUIRED = 1; // At least one filter required to match.
DWORD dwResumeHandle = 0; // handle for continuation calls
DWORD dwCount = 0; // counting objects here
DWORD dwVersion = 0; DWORD dwNameLen = 0; GUID gDefaultGUID = {0}; // NULL GUID value
DWORD i=0, j=0; PTUNNEL_FILTER pTransF = NULL; DWORD dwTransFFloorCount = 0; for (i = 0; ;i+=dwCount) { dwStatus = EnumTunnelFilters(g_szDynamicMachine, dwVersion, NULL, ENUM_GENERIC_FILTERS, gDefaultGUID, 0, &pTransF, &dwCount, &dwResumeHandle, NULL);
if ( (dwStatus == ERROR_NO_DATA) || (dwCount == 0) || (dwStatus != ERROR_SUCCESS)) { dwStatus = ERROR_SUCCESS; BAIL_OUT; } else if(!(pTransF && dwCount > 0)) { break; // not required to continue.
} for (j = 0; j < dwCount; j++) { //
// Match the user given input with the enumerated structure to get the exact match
if( (pTransF[j].bCreateMirror == bMirror) && (pTransF[j].InterfaceType == ConType) && (pTransF[j].DesTunnelAddr.uIpAddr == DstTunnel.uIpAddr) && (pTransF[j].DesTunnelAddr.AddrType == DstTunnel.AddrType) && (pTransF[j].SrcTunnelAddr.uIpAddr == SrcTunnel.uIpAddr) && (pTransF[j].SrcTunnelAddr.AddrType == SrcTunnel.AddrType)) { dwTransFFloorCount++; if (dwTransFFloorCount >= MIN_MATCH_REQUIRED) { break; } } } SPDApiBufferFree(pTransF); pTransF = NULL; }
error: if(pTransF) { SPDApiBufferFree(pTransF); } return dwTransFFloorCount; }