#include <precomp.h>
#include "PrmDescr.h"
#include "ArgParse.h"
#include "CmdFn.h"
// global object storing all the data needed in order to process the wzctool command
// global table containing the description of all possible parameters
PARAM_DESCR g_PDTable[] = { // param ID ------- param string -- arg parser ---- command function
{PRM_SHOW, L"show", FnPaGuid, FnCmdShow}, {PRM_ADD, L"add", FnPaGuid, FnCmdAdd}, {PRM_DELETE, L"delete", FnPaGuid, FnCmdDelete}, {PRM_SET, L"set", FnPaGuid, FnCmdSet}, {PRM_VISIBLE, L"visible", NULL, NULL}, {PRM_PREFERRED, L"preferred", NULL, NULL}, {PRM_MASK, L"mask", FnPaMask, NULL}, {PRM_ENABLED, L"enabled", FnPaEnabled, NULL}, {PRM_SSID, L"ssid", FnPaSsid, NULL}, {PRM_BSSID, L"bssid", FnPaBssid, NULL}, {PRM_IM, L"im", FnPaIm, NULL}, {PRM_AM, L"am", FnPaAm, NULL}, {PRM_PRIV, L"priv", FnPaPriv, NULL}, {PRM_ONETIME, L"onetime", NULL, NULL}, {PRM_REFRESH, L"refresh", NULL, NULL}, {PRM_KEY, L"key", FnPaKey, NULL}, {PRM_ONEX, L"onex", FnPaOneX, NULL}, {PRM_FILE, L"output", FnPaOutFile, NULL} };
// global hash used to store all the acceptable parameters
HASH g_PDHash;
// initialize and fill in the hash for the parameter descriptors
// Returns: win32 error
DWORD PDInitialize() { DWORD dwErr;
// initialize the parameter descriptors data
ZeroMemory(&g_PDData, sizeof(PARAM_DESCR_DATA)); g_PDData.pfOut = stdout;
// initialize the parameter descriptors hash
dwErr = HshInitialize(&g_PDHash); // fill in the parameter descriptors hash
if (dwErr == ERROR_SUCCESS) { UINT nPDTableSize = sizeof(g_PDTable) / sizeof(PARAM_DESCR); UINT i;
for (i=0; dwErr == ERROR_SUCCESS && i < nPDTableSize; i++) { PPARAM_DESCR pPDTableEntry = &(g_PDTable[i]); dwErr = HshInsertObjectRef( g_PDHash.pRoot, pPDTableEntry->wszParam, pPDTableEntry, &(g_PDHash.pRoot)); } }
SetLastError(dwErr); return dwErr; }
// Clean out resources used for the parameter descriptors
VOID PDDestroy() { // clean out the parameter descriptors data
WZCDeleteIntfObj(&(g_PDData.wzcIntfEntry)); // close the output file
if (g_PDData.pfOut != stdout) { fclose(g_PDData.pfOut); g_PDData.pfOut = stdout; }
// clean out resources used by the parameter descriptors hash
HshDestroy(&g_PDHash); }