// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corp. All rights reserved.
// eapnegotiate.cpp
// Defines the class EapNegotiate.
#include "stdafx.h"
#include "resource.h"
#include "eapnegotiate.h"
#include "eapconfig.h"
#include "eapadd.h"
#include "rrascfg.h"
EapNegotiate::EapNegotiate( CWnd* pParent, EapConfig& eapConfig, CRASProfileMerge& profile, bool fromProfile ) : CHelpDialog(IDD_EAP_NEGOCIATE, pParent), m_eapConfig(eapConfig), m_profile(profile), m_listBox(NULL) { if (fromProfile) { UpdateProfileTypesSelected(); } }
EapNegotiate::~EapNegotiate() { delete m_listBox; }
// CAUTION: call only from the constructor
void EapNegotiate::UpdateProfileTypesSelected() { m_eapConfig.typesSelected.DeleteAll();
// Get the eap types that are in the profile
for (int i = 0; i < m_profile.m_dwArrayEapTypes.GetSize(); ++i) { int j = m_eapConfig.ids.Find(m_profile.m_dwArrayEapTypes.GetAt(i)); // if in the list, add it
if (j != -1) { m_eapConfig.typesSelected.AddDuplicate(*m_eapConfig.types.GetAt(j)); } } }
BOOL EapNegotiate::OnInitDialog() { HRESULT hr = CHelpDialog::OnInitDialog(); m_listBox = new CStrBox<CListBox>( this, IDC_LIST_EAP_SELECTED, m_eapConfig.typesSelected );
if (m_listBox == NULL) { AfxMessageBox(IDS_OUTOFMEMORY); return TRUE; // return TRUE unless you set the focus to a control
// EXCEPTION: OCX Property Pages should return FALSE
// Take action based on whether list is empty or not.
int boxSize = m_eapConfig.typesSelected.GetSize(); if( boxSize > 0 ) { // Select the first element.
m_listBox->Select(0); }
UpdateTypesNotSelected(); UpdateButtons();
return hr; }
void EapNegotiate::OnItemChangedListEap() { UpdateButtons(); }
void EapNegotiate::OnButtonAdd() { EapAdd eapAdd(this, m_eapConfig); if (eapAdd.DoModal() == IDOK) { m_listBox->Fill(); // select the last one (the one just added)
m_listBox->Select(m_eapConfig.typesSelected.GetSize() - 1);
// update the buttons...
UpdateButtons(); } }
void EapNegotiate::OnButtonEdit() { // enable / disable configure button based on if the type has config clsID
int i = m_listBox->GetSelected(); int position; BOOL bEnableConfig = FALSE; if (i != -1) { // find the type corresponding to the selected item
position = m_eapConfig.types.Find(*m_eapConfig.typesSelected.GetAt(i)); bEnableConfig = !(m_eapConfig.infoArray.ElementAt(position) .m_stConfigCLSID.IsEmpty()); }
if (!bEnableConfig) { // bEnableConfig can be false because either:
// nothing is selected in the list. So the button should be disabled
// there's no UI to config the EAP provider (CLSID is empty)
return; }
// everything below should succeed if the EAP provider is properly installed
// because there is a CLSID to configure it.
CComPtr<IEAPProviderConfig> spEAPConfig; HRESULT hr; GUID guid; do { hr = CLSIDFromString((LPTSTR) (LPCTSTR) (m_eapConfig.infoArray.ElementAt(position).m_stConfigCLSID), &guid); if (FAILED(hr)) { break; }
// Create the EAP provider object
hr = CoCreateInstance( guid, NULL, CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER, __uuidof(IEAPProviderConfig), (LPVOID *) &spEAPConfig); if (FAILED(hr)) { break; }
// Configure this EAP provider
// EAP configure displays its own error message, so no hr is kept
DWORD dwId = _wtol(m_eapConfig.infoArray.ElementAt(position).m_stKey); ULONG_PTR uConnection = 0; if ( SUCCEEDED(spEAPConfig->Initialize( m_profile.m_strMachineName, dwId, &uConnection )) ) { CComPtr<IEAPProviderConfig2> spEAPConfig2; hr = spEAPConfig->QueryInterface( __uuidof(IEAPProviderConfig2), reinterpret_cast<void**>(&spEAPConfig2) ); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { EapProfile::ConstConfigData inData; m_eapProfile.Get(static_cast<BYTE>(dwId), inData); EapProfile::ConfigData outData = { 0, 0 }; hr = spEAPConfig2->ServerInvokeConfigUI2( dwId, uConnection, GetSafeHwnd(), inData.value, inData.length, &(outData.value), &(outData.length) ); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { hr = m_eapProfile.Set(static_cast<BYTE>(dwId), outData); CoTaskMemFree(outData.value); } } else { // Bring up the configuration UI for this EAP
hr = spEAPConfig->ServerInvokeConfigUI( dwId, uConnection, GetSafeHwnd(), 0, 0 ); }
spEAPConfig->Uninitialize(dwId, uConnection); } } while(false);
if ( FAILED(hr) ) { // Bring up an error message
// ------------------------------------------------------------
ReportError(hr, IDS_ERR_CONFIG_EAP, GetSafeHwnd()); } }
void EapNegotiate::OnButtonRemove() { int pos = m_listBox->GetSelected(); if (pos != -1) { int idx = m_eapConfig.types.Find(*m_eapConfig.typesSelected.GetAt(pos)); if (idx != -1) { m_eapProfile.Erase(m_eapConfig.ids.ElementAt(idx)); } }
// remove from the UI and from the CStrArray (memory freed)
m_listBox->DeleteSelected(); if (m_eapConfig.typesSelected.GetSize() > 0) { m_listBox->Select(0); }
UpdateTypesNotSelected(); UpdateButtons(); }
void EapNegotiate::OnButtonMoveUp() { int i = m_listBox->GetSelected(); if (i != LB_ERR) { ASSERT(i != 0);
CString* pString = m_eapConfig.typesSelected.GetAt(i-1); m_eapConfig.typesSelected.SetAt(i-1, m_eapConfig.typesSelected.GetAt(i)); m_eapConfig.typesSelected.SetAt(i, pString);
m_listBox->Fill(); m_listBox->Select(i-1); UpdateArrowsButtons(i-1); } }
void EapNegotiate::OnButtonMoveDown() { int i = m_listBox->GetSelected(); if (i != LB_ERR) { ASSERT(i < (m_eapConfig.idsSelected.GetSize() - 1));
CString* pString = m_eapConfig.typesSelected.GetAt(i+1); m_eapConfig.typesSelected.SetAt(i+1, m_eapConfig.typesSelected.GetAt(i)); m_eapConfig.typesSelected.SetAt(i, pString);
m_listBox->Fill(); m_listBox->Select(i+1); UpdateArrowsButtons(i+1); } }
void EapNegotiate::UpdateButtons() { int selected = m_listBox->GetSelected(); if (selected == LB_ERR) { m_buttonRemove.EnableWindow(FALSE); } else { m_buttonRemove.EnableWindow(TRUE); } UpdateAddButton(); UpdateArrowsButtons(selected); UpdateEditButton(selected); }
void EapNegotiate::UpdateAddButton() { if( m_typesNotSelected.GetSize() > 0 ) { m_buttonAdd.EnableWindow(TRUE); } else { m_buttonAdd.EnableWindow(FALSE); } }
void EapNegotiate::UpdateArrowsButtons(int selectedItem) { // The focus has to be set to make sure it is not on a
// disabled control
HWND hWnd = ::GetFocus();
if (selectedItem == LB_ERR) { m_buttonUp.EnableWindow(FALSE); m_buttonDown.EnableWindow(FALSE); ::SetFocus(GetDlgItem(IDOK)->m_hWnd); return; }
int typesInBox = m_eapConfig.typesSelected.GetSize(); if (typesInBox == 1) { // one selected but total = 1
m_buttonUp.EnableWindow(FALSE); m_buttonDown.EnableWindow(FALSE); ::SetFocus(GetDlgItem(IDOK)->m_hWnd); } else { // more than one provider in the box
if (selectedItem == 0) { // first one
m_buttonUp.EnableWindow(FALSE); m_buttonDown.EnableWindow(TRUE); m_buttonDown.SetFocus(); } else if (selectedItem == (typesInBox - 1) ) { //last one
m_buttonUp.EnableWindow(TRUE); m_buttonUp.SetFocus(); m_buttonDown.EnableWindow(FALSE); } else { // middle
m_buttonUp.EnableWindow(TRUE); m_buttonDown.EnableWindow(TRUE); } } }
void EapNegotiate::UpdateEditButton(int selectedItem) { if (selectedItem == LB_ERR) { m_buttonEdit.EnableWindow(FALSE); return; } int position = m_eapConfig.types.Find( *m_eapConfig.typesSelected.GetAt(selectedItem));
if (m_eapConfig.infoArray.ElementAt(position).m_stConfigCLSID.IsEmpty()) { m_buttonEdit.EnableWindow(FALSE); } else { m_buttonEdit.EnableWindow(TRUE); }
m_buttonRemove.EnableWindow(TRUE); }
void EapNegotiate::UpdateTypesNotSelected() { m_eapConfig.GetEapTypesNotSelected(m_typesNotSelected); }
void EapNegotiate::DoDataExchange(CDataExchange* pDX) { CHelpDialog::DoDataExchange(pDX); DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_BUTTON_EAP_UP, m_buttonUp); DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_BUTTON_EAP_DOWN, m_buttonDown); DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_BUTTON_ADD_EAP_PROVIDER, m_buttonAdd); DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_BUTTON_EDIT_EAP_PROVIDER, m_buttonEdit); DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_BUTTON_REMOVE_EAP_PROVIDER, m_buttonRemove); }