// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1996 - 1999
// File: ipctrl.cpp
// History:
// Tony Romano Created.
// 06/17/96 Abolade Gbadegesin Revised.
// Implements the C++ class encapsulating the IP-address custom control.
#include "stdafx.h"
extern "C" { #include "ipaddr.h"
#include "ipctrl.h"
IPControl::IPControl( ) { m_hIPaddr = 0; }
IPControl::~IPControl( ) { }
BOOL IPControl::Create( HWND hParent, UINT nID ) {
if (hParent) m_hIPaddr = GetDlgItem(hParent, nID);
return m_hIPaddr != NULL; }
LRESULT IPControl::SendMessage( UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam ) {
return ::SendMessage(m_hIPaddr, uMsg, wParam, lParam); }
BOOL IPControl::IsBlank( ) {
return (BOOL)SendMessage(IP_ISBLANK, 0, 0); }
VOID IPControl::SetAddress( DWORD ardwAddress[4] ) {
SendMessage( IP_SETADDRESS, 0, MAKEIPADDRESS( ardwAddress[0], ardwAddress[1], ardwAddress[2], ardwAddress[3] ) ); }
VOID IPControl::SetAddress( DWORD a1, DWORD a2, DWORD a3, DWORD a4 ) {
SendMessage(IP_SETADDRESS, 0, MAKEIPADDRESS(a1,a2,a3,a4)); }
VOID IPControl::SetAddress( LPCTSTR lpszString ) {
if (!lpszString) { ClearAddress(); }
SendMessage(WM_SETTEXT, 0, (LPARAM)lpszString); }
INT IPControl::GetAddress( DWORD *a1, DWORD *a2, DWORD *a3, DWORD *a4 ) {
INT_PTR nSet; DWORD dwAddress;
ASSERT(a1 && a2 && a3 && a4);
if ((nSet = SendMessage(IP_GETADDRESS,0,(LPARAM)&dwAddress)) == 0) {
*a1 = 0; *a2 = 0; *a3 = 0; *a4 = 0; } else {
*a1 = FIRST_IPADDRESS( dwAddress ); *a2 = SECOND_IPADDRESS( dwAddress ); *a3 = THIRD_IPADDRESS( dwAddress ); *a4 = FOURTH_IPADDRESS( dwAddress ); }
return (INT)nSet; }
INT IPControl::GetAddress( DWORD ardwAddress[4] ) {
INT_PTR nSet; DWORD dwAddress;
if ((nSet = SendMessage(IP_GETADDRESS, 0, (LPARAM)&dwAddress )) == 0) {
ardwAddress[0] = 0; ardwAddress[1] = 0; ardwAddress[2] = 0; ardwAddress[3] = 0; } else {
ardwAddress[0] = FIRST_IPADDRESS( dwAddress ); ardwAddress[1] = SECOND_IPADDRESS( dwAddress ); ardwAddress[2] = THIRD_IPADDRESS( dwAddress ); ardwAddress[3] = FOURTH_IPADDRESS( dwAddress ); }
return (INT)nSet; }
INT IPControl::GetAddress( CString& address ) {
INT_PTR c, nSet; DWORD dwAddress;
nSet = SendMessage(IP_GETADDRESS, 0, (LPARAM)&dwAddress);
address.ReleaseBuffer((int)(c = SendMessage(WM_GETTEXT, 256, (LPARAM)address.GetBuffer(256))));
return (INT)nSet; }
VOID IPControl::SetFocusField( DWORD dwField ) {
SendMessage(IP_SETFOCUS, dwField, 0); }
VOID IPControl::ClearAddress( ) {
SendMessage(IP_CLEARADDRESS, 0, 0); }
VOID IPControl::SetFieldRange( DWORD dwField, DWORD dwMin, DWORD dwMax ) {
SendMessage(IP_SETRANGE, dwField, MAKERANGE(dwMin,dwMax)); }
#if 0
WCHAR * inet_ntoaw( struct in_addr dwAddress ) {
static WCHAR szAddress[16];
mbstowcs(szAddress, inet_ntoa(*(struct in_addr *)&dwAddress), 16);
return szAddress; }
DWORD inet_addrw( LPCWSTR szAddressW ) {
CHAR szAddressA[16];
wcstombs(szAddressA, szAddressW, 16);
return inet_addr(szAddressA); } #endif