/**********************************************************************/ /** Microsoft Windows/NT **/ /** Copyright(c) Microsoft Corporation, 1997 - 1999 **/ /**********************************************************************/
ccompont.cpp base classes for IComponent and IComponentData
#include "stdafx.h"
#include "util.h"
#ifdef _DEBUG
#define new DEBUG_NEW
#undef THIS_FILE
static char THIS_FILE[] = __FILE__; #endif
TFSCORE_API(HRESULT) InitWatermarkInfo ( HINSTANCE hInstance, LPWATERMARKINFO pWatermarkInfo, UINT uIDHeader, UINT uIDWatermark, HPALETTE hPalette, BOOL bStretch ) { pWatermarkInfo->hHeader = ::LoadBitmap(hInstance, MAKEINTRESOURCE(uIDHeader)); if (pWatermarkInfo->hHeader == NULL) return E_FAIL;
pWatermarkInfo->hWatermark = ::LoadBitmap(hInstance, MAKEINTRESOURCE(uIDWatermark)); if (pWatermarkInfo->hWatermark == NULL) return E_FAIL;
pWatermarkInfo->hPalette = hPalette; pWatermarkInfo->bStretch = bStretch;
return S_OK; }
TFSCORE_API(HRESULT) ResetWatermarkInfo(LPWATERMARKINFO pWatermarkInfo) { if(pWatermarkInfo->hHeader) { DeleteObject(pWatermarkInfo->hHeader); pWatermarkInfo->hHeader = NULL; } if(pWatermarkInfo->hWatermark) { DeleteObject(pWatermarkInfo->hWatermark); pWatermarkInfo->hWatermark = NULL; }
return S_OK; }
InterfaceUtilities::SetI Encapsulates the common Release/Assign/AddRef sequence. Handles null ptrs. Author: GaryBu ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ TFSCORE_API(void) SetI(IUnknown * volatile *ppunkL, IUnknown *punkR) { if (*ppunkL) { IUnknown *punkRel = *ppunkL; *ppunkL = 0; punkRel->Release(); } *ppunkL = punkR; if (punkR) punkR->AddRef(); }
InterfaceUtilities::ReleaseI Release interface, handles null interface pointer. Use Set(&pFoo, 0) if you want to set interface pointer to zero. Author: GaryBu ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ TFSCORE_API(void) ReleaseI(IUnknown *punk) { #if 0
__try #endif
{ if (punk) { if (IsBadReadPtr(punk,sizeof(void *))) { AssertSz(FALSE,"Bad Punk"); return; } if (IsBadReadPtr(*((LPVOID FAR *) punk),sizeof(void *) * 3)) { AssertSz(FALSE, "Bad Vtable"); return; } // if (IsBadCodePtr((FARPROC) punk->Release))
// {
// AssertSz(fFalse, "Bad Release Address");
// return;
// }
punk->Release(); } } #if 0
__except(1) { Trace0("Exception ignored in ReleaseI()\n"); } #endif
TFSCORE_API(HRESULT) HrQueryInterface(IUnknown *punk, REFIID iid, LPVOID *ppv) { HRESULT hr; #ifdef DEBUG
if (IsBadReadPtr(punk,sizeof(void *))) { AssertSz(FALSE,"CRASHING BUG! Bad Punk in QueryInterface"); return ResultFromScode(E_NOINTERFACE); } if (IsBadReadPtr(*((LPVOID FAR *) punk),sizeof(void *) * 3)) { AssertSz(FALSE, "CRASHING BUG! Bad Vtable in QueryInterface"); return ResultFromScode(E_NOINTERFACE); } #endif
IfDebug(*ppv = (void*)0xCCCCCCCC;) hr = punk->QueryInterface(iid, ppv); if (FHrFailed(hr)) { *ppv = 0; } return hr; }
TFSCORE_API(HRESULT) LoadAndAddMenuItem ( IContextMenuCallback* pIContextMenuCallback, LPCTSTR pszMenuString, // has text & status text separated by '\n'
LONG lCommandID, LONG lInsertionPointID, LONG fFlags, LPCTSTR pszLangIndStr ) { Assert( pIContextMenuCallback != NULL );
// load the resource
CString strText(pszMenuString); CString strStatusText;
if (!(fFlags & MF_SEPARATOR)) { Assert( !strText.IsEmpty() ); // split the resource into the menu text and status text
int iSeparator = strText.Find(_T('\n')); if (0 > iSeparator) { Panic0("Could not find separator between menu text and status text"); strStatusText = strText; } else { strStatusText = strText.Right( strText.GetLength()-(iSeparator+1) ); strText = strText.Left( iSeparator ); } } // add the menu item
// if language independent string is specified, then try to use IContextMenuCallback2
if(pszLangIndStr) { CONTEXTMENUITEM2 contextmenuitem; IContextMenuCallback2* pIContextMenuCallback2 = NULL;
hr = pIContextMenuCallback->QueryInterface(IID_IContextMenuCallback2, (void**)&pIContextMenuCallback2);
if(hr == S_OK && pIContextMenuCallback2 != NULL) { ::ZeroMemory( &contextmenuitem, sizeof(contextmenuitem) ); contextmenuitem.strName = T2OLE(const_cast<LPTSTR>((LPCWSTR)strText)); contextmenuitem.strStatusBarText = T2OLE(const_cast<LPTSTR>((LPCWSTR)strStatusText)); contextmenuitem.lCommandID = lCommandID; contextmenuitem.lInsertionPointID = lInsertionPointID; contextmenuitem.fFlags = fFlags; contextmenuitem.fSpecialFlags = ((fFlags & MF_POPUP) ? CCM_SPECIAL_SUBMENU : 0L); contextmenuitem.fSpecialFlags |= ((fFlags & MF_SEPARATOR) ? CCM_SPECIAL_SEPARATOR : 0L); contextmenuitem.strLanguageIndependentName = T2OLE(const_cast<LPTSTR>((LPCWSTR)pszLangIndStr)); hr = pIContextMenuCallback2->AddItem( &contextmenuitem ); if( hr == S_OK) bAdded = TRUE;
pIContextMenuCallback2->Release(); pIContextMenuCallback2 = NULL; } }
// if not added above for any reason, we try to use the IContextMenuCallback
if (!bAdded) { CONTEXTMENUITEM contextmenuitem; ::ZeroMemory( &contextmenuitem, sizeof(contextmenuitem) ); contextmenuitem.strName = T2OLE(const_cast<LPTSTR>((LPCWSTR)strText)); contextmenuitem.strStatusBarText = T2OLE(const_cast<LPTSTR>((LPCWSTR)strStatusText)); contextmenuitem.lCommandID = lCommandID; contextmenuitem.lInsertionPointID = lInsertionPointID; contextmenuitem.fFlags = fFlags; contextmenuitem.fSpecialFlags = ((fFlags & MF_POPUP) ? CCM_SPECIAL_SUBMENU : 0L); contextmenuitem.fSpecialFlags |= ((fFlags & MF_SEPARATOR) ? CCM_SPECIAL_SEPARATOR : 0L); hr = pIContextMenuCallback->AddItem( &contextmenuitem ); } Assert(hr == S_OK);
return hr; }
CHiddenWnd implementation ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ DEBUG_DECLARE_INSTANCE_COUNTER(CHiddenWnd);
CHiddenWnd::Create - Author: KennT ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ BOOL CHiddenWnd::Create() { CString s_szHiddenWndClass = AfxRegisterWndClass( 0x0, //UINT nClassStyle,
NULL, //HCURSOR hCursor,
NULL, //HBRUSH hbrBackground,
// Initialize our bit mask to 0
::ZeroMemory(&m_bitMask, sizeof(m_bitMask));
// Reserve position 0. This means that
// we can use from WM_USER to WM_USER+15 for our own purposes.
SetBitMask(m_bitMask, 0);
m_iLastObjectIdSet = 1; return CreateEx( 0x0, //DWORD dwExStyle,
s_szHiddenWndClass, //LPCTSTR lpszClassName,
NULL, //LPCTSTR lpszWindowName,
0x0, //DWORD dwStyle,
0, //int x,
0, //int y,
0, //int nWidth,
0, //int nHeight,
NULL, //HWND hwndParent,
); }
CHiddenWnd::WindowProc - Author: KennT ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ LRESULT CHiddenWnd::WindowProc(UINT message, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { LRESULT lReturn = 0; if ((message >= (WM_USER+16)) && (message < (WM_USER+(HIDDENWND_MAXTHREADS*16)))) { // Ok, this is one of our special messages
UINT uObjectId = WM_TO_OBJECTID(message); UINT uMsgId = WM_TO_MSGID(message);
// look up the object id in our list of registered users
if (FIsIdRegistered(uObjectId)) { // forward the message down to the right window
if (uMsgId == WM_HIDDENWND_INDEX_HAVEDATA) lReturn = OnNotifyHaveData(wParam, lParam); else if (uMsgId == WM_HIDDENWND_INDEX_ERROR) lReturn = OnNotifyError(wParam, lParam); else if (uMsgId == WM_HIDDENWND_INDEX_EXITING) lReturn = OnNotifyExiting(wParam, lParam); #ifdef DEBUG
else { Panic1("Unknown message %d", uMsgId); } #endif
} else if (uObjectId != 0) { // If we get a message that is not registered, go into
// our message queue and remove any other messages that
// have the same id. This will reduce accidents that
// occur because different threads were assigned the
// same id.
MSG msg; Assert(GetSafeHwnd()); while(::PeekMessage(&msg, GetSafeHwnd(), OBJECTID_TO_WM(uObjectId), OBJECTID_TO_WM(uObjectId)+WM_HIDDENWND_INDEX_MAX, PM_REMOVE)) ; // Trace1("Ignoring message: 0x%08x, removing other msgs\n", message);
} // If the object is not registered, eat up the message
return lReturn; } return CWnd::WindowProc(message, wParam, lParam); }
CHiddenWnd::FIsIdRegistered - Author: KennT ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ BOOL CHiddenWnd::FIsIdRegistered(UINT uObjectId) { Assert(uObjectId > 0); Assert(uObjectId < HIDDENWND_MAXTHREADS);
// 0 is not allowed as an object id
return (uObjectId != 0) && !!(IsBitMaskSet(m_bitMask, uObjectId)); }
CHiddenWnd::OnNotifyRegister If we fail to find an empty slot, return 0. Author: KennT ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ LONG CHiddenWnd::OnNotifyRegister(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { LONG lReturn = 0; // Look for a valid hole in our mask
// The point of using the m_iLastObjectIdSet is to avoid the
// problem of reusing ids. This doesn't totally eliminate the
// problem but it should reduce the likelihood to practically 0.
// That is, unless someone actually runs a snapin that utilizes
// 512 threads!
if (wParam) { if (((m_iLastObjectIdSet+1) < HIDDENWND_MAXTHREADS) && !IsBitMaskSet(m_bitMask, m_iLastObjectIdSet)) { SetBitMask(m_bitMask, m_iLastObjectIdSet); lReturn = OBJECTID_TO_WM(m_iLastObjectIdSet); m_iLastObjectIdSet++; } else { // do this the painful way
Assert(IsBitMaskSet(m_bitMask, 0)); for (int iLoop=0; iLoop<2; iLoop++) { for (int i=m_iLastObjectIdSet; i<HIDDENWND_MAXTHREADS; i++) { if (!IsBitMaskSet(m_bitMask, i)) { m_iLastObjectIdSet = i; SetBitMask(m_bitMask, m_iLastObjectIdSet); lReturn = OBJECTID_TO_WM(i); break; } }
if (lReturn || (m_iLastObjectIdSet == 1)) break; // restart the loop from the beginning
m_iLastObjectIdSet = 1; } } } else { LONG_PTR uObjectId = WM_TO_OBJECTID(lParam);
Assert(uObjectId > 0); Assert(IsBitMaskSet(m_bitMask, uObjectId)); ClearBitMask(m_bitMask, uObjectId); } return lReturn; }
CHiddenWnd::OnNotifyHaveData - Author: KennT ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ afx_msg LONG CHiddenWnd::OnNotifyHaveData(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { HRESULT hr = hrOK;
COM_PROTECT_TRY { //Trace0("CHiddenWnd::OnNotifyHaveData()\n");
ITFSThreadHandler *phandler = reinterpret_cast<ITFSThreadHandler*>(wParam); Assert(phandler);
// If there is an error, we can't do anything
phandler->OnNotifyHaveData(lParam); } COM_PROTECT_CATCH
return 0; }
CHiddenWnd::OnNotifyError - Author: KennT ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ afx_msg LONG CHiddenWnd::OnNotifyError(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { HRESULT hr = hrOK;
COM_PROTECT_TRY { // Trace0("CHiddenWnd::OnNotifyError()\n");
ITFSThreadHandler *phandler = reinterpret_cast<ITFSThreadHandler*>(wParam); Assert(phandler); // If there is an error, we can't do anything
phandler->OnNotifyError(lParam); } COM_PROTECT_CATCH
return 0; }
CHiddenWnd::OnNotifyExiting - Author: KennT ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ afx_msg LONG CHiddenWnd::OnNotifyExiting(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { HRESULT hr = hrOK;
COM_PROTECT_TRY { // Trace0("CHiddenWnd::OnNotifyExiting()\n");
ITFSThreadHandler *phandler = reinterpret_cast<ITFSThreadHandler*>(wParam); Assert(phandler); // If there is an error, we can't do anything
phandler->OnNotifyExiting(lParam); } COM_PROTECT_CATCH
return 0; }