/**********************************************************************/ /** Microsoft Windows/NT **/ /** Copyright(c) Microsoft Corporation, 1997 - 1999 **/ /**********************************************************************/
actreg.cpp WINS active registrations node information. FILE HISTORY: */
#include "stdafx.h"
#include "nodes.h"
#include "actreg.h"
#include "server.h"
#include "Queryobj.h"
#include "statmapp.h"
#include "fndrcdlg.h"
#include <string.h>
#include "pushtrig.h"
#include "tregkey.h"
#include "chkrgdlg.h"
#include "dynrecpp.h"
#include "vrfysrv.h"
#include "delrcdlg.h"
#include "delowner.h"
#include "cprogdlg.h"
#include "loadrecs.h"
#include "verify.h"
WORD gwUnicodeHeader = 0xFEFF;
#define BADNAME_CHAR _T('-') // This char is substituted for bad characters
// NetBIOS names.
BOOL WinsIsPrint(char * pChar) { WORD charType;
// isprint isn't working for thai characters, so use the GetStringType
// API and figure it out ourselves.
BOOL fRet = GetStringTypeA(LOCALE_SYSTEM_DEFAULT, CT_CTYPE1, pChar, 1, &charType); if (!fRet) return 0;
return !(charType & C1_CNTRL) ? 1 : 0; }
class CSortWorker ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ CSortWorker::CSortWorker(IWinsDatabase * pCurrentDatabase, int nColumn, DWORD dwSortOptions) { m_pCurrentDatabase = pCurrentDatabase; m_nColumn = nColumn; m_dwSortOptions = dwSortOptions; }
CSortWorker::~CSortWorker() { }
void CSortWorker::OnDoAction() { #ifdef DEBUG
CString strType; CTime timeStart, timeFinish; timeStart = CTime::GetCurrentTime(); #endif
switch (m_nColumn) { case ACTREG_COL_NAME: uSortType = WINSDB_SORT_BY_NAME; break; case ACTREG_COL_TYPE: uSortType = WINSDB_SORT_BY_TYPE; break;
m_pCurrentDatabase->Sort(uSortType, m_dwSortOptions); END_WAIT_CURSOR
#ifdef DEBUG
timeFinish = CTime::GetCurrentTime(); CTimeSpan timeDelta = timeFinish - timeStart; CString str = timeDelta.Format(_T("%H:%M:%S"));
Trace2("Record Sorting for the column: %d, total time %s\n", uSortType, str); #endif
CActiveRegistrationsHandler::CActiveRegistrationsHandler Description Author: EricDav ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ CActiveRegistrationsHandler::CActiveRegistrationsHandler(ITFSComponentData *pCompData) : CMTWinsHandler(pCompData), m_dlgLoadRecords(IDS_VIEW_RECORDS) { m_winsdbState = WINSDB_NORMAL; m_bExpanded = FALSE; m_pCurrentDatabase = NULL; m_fFindNameOrIP = TRUE; m_NonBlocking = 1;
m_pServerInfoArray = NULL;
m_fLoadedOnce = FALSE; m_fFindLoaded = FALSE; m_fDbLoaded = FALSE; m_fForceReload = TRUE; }
CActiveRegistrationsHandler::~CActiveRegistrationsHandler Description ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ CActiveRegistrationsHandler::~CActiveRegistrationsHandler() { }
CActiveRegistrationsHandler::DestroyHandler Release and pointers we have here Author: EricDav ----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ HRESULT CActiveRegistrationsHandler::DestroyHandler ( ITFSNode * pNode ) { m_spServerNode.Set(NULL); return hrOK; }
CActiveRegistrationsHandler::InitializeNode Initializes node specific data ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ HRESULT CActiveRegistrationsHandler::InitializeNode ( ITFSNode * pNode ) { AFX_MANAGE_STATE(AfxGetStaticModuleState( ));
HRESULT hr = hrOK; CString strTemp;
m_strActiveReg.LoadString(IDS_ACTIVEREG); SetDisplayName(m_strActiveReg);
// Make the node immediately visible
SetColumnStringIDs(&aColumns[WINSSNAP_ACTIVE_REGISTRATIONS][0]); SetColumnWidths(&aColumnWidths[WINSSNAP_ACTIVE_REGISTRATIONS][0]);
if (g_strStaticTypeUnique.IsEmpty()) { g_strStaticTypeUnique.LoadString(IDS_STATIC_RECORD_TYPE_UNIQUE); g_strStaticTypeDomainName.LoadString(IDS_STATIC_RECORD_TYPE_DOMAIN_NAME); g_strStaticTypeMultihomed.LoadString(IDS_STATIC_RECORD_TYPE_MULTIHOMED); g_strStaticTypeGroup.LoadString(IDS_STATIC_RECORD_TYPE_GROUP); g_strStaticTypeInternetGroup.LoadString(IDS_STATIC_RECORD_TYPE_INTERNET_GROUP); g_strStaticTypeUnknown.LoadString(IDS_STATIC_RECORD_TYPE_UNKNOWN); }
return hr; }
CActiveRegistrationsHandler::OnCreateNodeId2 Returns a unique string for this node Author: EricDav ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ HRESULT CActiveRegistrationsHandler::OnCreateNodeId2(ITFSNode * pNode, CString & strId, DWORD * dwFlags) { const GUID * pGuid = pNode->GetNodeType();
CString strGuid;
StringFromGUID2(*pGuid, strGuid.GetBuffer(256), 256); strGuid.ReleaseBuffer();
SPITFSNode spServerNode; pNode->GetParent(&spServerNode);
CWinsServerHandler * pServer = GETHANDLER(CWinsServerHandler, spServerNode);
strId = pServer->m_strServerAddress + strGuid;
return hrOK; }
Overridden base handler functions ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
CActiveRegistrationsHandler::GetString Implementation of ITFSNodeHandler::GetString Author: KennT ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ STDMETHODIMP_(LPCTSTR) CActiveRegistrationsHandler::GetString ( ITFSNode * pNode, int nCol ) { if (nCol == 0 || nCol == -1) { return GetDisplayName(); } else if (nCol ==1) { return m_strDesp; } else { return NULL; } }
CActiveRegistrationsHandler::OnExpand Description ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ HRESULT CActiveRegistrationsHandler::OnExpand ( ITFSNode * pNode, LPDATAOBJECT pDataObject, DWORD dwType, LPARAM arg, LPARAM param ) { AFX_MANAGE_STATE(AfxGetStaticModuleState());
HRESULT hr = hrOK; SPITFSNode spNode; SPITFSNodeHandler spHandler; ITFSQueryObject * pQuery = NULL; CString strIP; DWORD dwIP; CString strMachineName; SPITFSNode spServerNode; pNode->GetParent(&spServerNode);
CWinsServerHandler * pServer = GETHANDLER(CWinsServerHandler, spServerNode);
// get the config info for later
m_Config = pServer->GetConfig();
if (m_bExpanded) { return hr; }
strMachineName = _T("\\\\") + pServer->GetServerAddress();
// load the name type mapping from the registry
m_NameTypeMap.SetMachineName(strMachineName); m_NameTypeMap.Load();
// start the database download for the surrent owner
if (!m_spWinsDatabase) { dwIP = pServer->GetServerIP(); MakeIPAddress(dwIP, strIP);
m_dlgLoadRecords.ResetFiltering(); CORg(CreateWinsDatabase(strIP, strIP, &m_spWinsDatabase));
// set the owner to the current owner
m_spWinsDatabase->SetApiInfo( dwIP, NULL, FALSE); }
m_bExpanded = TRUE;
CWinsServerHandler::OnResultRefresh Refreshes the data realting to the server Author: v-shubk ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ HRESULT CActiveRegistrationsHandler::OnResultRefresh ( ITFSComponent * pComponent, LPDATAOBJECT pDataObject, MMC_COOKIE cookie, LPARAM arg, LPARAM lParam ) { HRESULT hr = hrOK; SPITFSNode spNode;
CORg (m_spNodeMgr->FindNode(cookie, &spNode));
// get the stae of the databse if not normal, ie in the loading or filtering state
// don't let refresh
if (m_winsdbState != WINSDB_NORMAL) { return hrOK; } RefreshResults(spNode);
Error: return hr; }
CActiveRegistrationsHandler::OnCreateQuery Description Author: v-shubk ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ ITFSQueryObject * CActiveRegistrationsHandler::OnCreateQuery(ITFSNode * pNode) { CNodeTimerQueryObject * pQObj = new CNodeTimerQueryObject();
pQObj->SetTimerInterval(2000); return pQObj; }
CActiveRegistrationsHandler::OnHaveData Description Author: EricDav ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void CActiveRegistrationsHandler::OnHaveData ( ITFSNode * pParentNode, LPARAM Data, LPARAM Type ) { AFX_MANAGE_STATE(AfxGetStaticModuleState( ));
// This is how we get non-node data back from the background thread.
bDone = (m_winsdbState == WINSDB_LOADING && uState != WINSDB_LOADING) || (m_winsdbState == WINSDB_FILTERING && uState != WINSDB_LOADING);
// if records per owner are downloaded, clear and redraw the
// items as the records are inserted, rather than being added.
//if (TRUE /*m_dwOwnerFilter != -1*/)
// UpdateCurrentView(pParentNode);
// call into the WinsDatbase object and check the count.
// if we need to update call..UpdateAllViews
if (m_nState != loading) { m_nState = loading; OnChangeState(pParentNode); }
// take care of the tomer in case of the filetr records case
if (bDone) { Trace0("ActiveRegHandler::OnHaveData - Done loading DB\n");
if ( (m_nState != loaded) && (m_nState != unableToLoad) ) { m_nState = loaded; m_dwErr = 0; OnChangeState(pParentNode); } } } } COM_PROTECT_CATCH
return; }
CActiveRegistrationsHandler::CActiveRegistrationsHandler Description Author: v-shubk ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ int CActiveRegistrationsHandler::GetImageIndex(BOOL bOpenImage) { int nIndex = 0; switch (m_nState) { case notLoaded: case loaded: case unableToLoad: if (bOpenImage) nIndex = ICON_IDX_ACTREG_FOLDER_OPEN; else nIndex = ICON_IDX_ACTREG_FOLDER_CLOSED; break;
case loading: if (bOpenImage) nIndex = ICON_IDX_ACTREG_FOLDER_OPEN_BUSY; else nIndex = ICON_IDX_ACTREG_FOLDER_CLOSED_BUSY; break;
default: ASSERT(FALSE); } return nIndex; }
CActiveRegistrationsHandler::OnAddMenuItems Description Author: EricDav ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ STDMETHODIMP CActiveRegistrationsHandler::OnAddMenuItems ( ITFSNode * pNode, LPCONTEXTMENUCALLBACK pContextMenuCallback, LPDATAOBJECT lpDataObject, DATA_OBJECT_TYPES type, DWORD dwType, long * pInsertionAllowed ) { AFX_MANAGE_STATE(AfxGetStaticModuleState( ));
HRESULT hr = S_OK; LONG lFlags = 0; CString strMenuItem;
if (!m_Config.IsAdmin()) { lFlags = MF_GRAYED; }
if (type == CCT_SCOPE) { // these menu items go in the new menu,
// only visible from scope pane
if (*pInsertionAllowed & CCM_INSERTIONALLOWED_TOP) { // find record
//hr = LoadAndAddMenuItem( pContextMenuCallback,
// strMenuItem,
// 0 );
// start database load if th state is normal
if (m_winsdbState == WINSDB_NORMAL) { strMenuItem.LoadString(IDS_DATABASE_LOAD_START); hr = LoadAndAddMenuItem( pContextMenuCallback, strMenuItem, IDS_DATABASE_LOAD_START, CCM_INSERTIONPOINTID_PRIMARY_TOP, 0 ); ASSERT( SUCCEEDED(hr) ); } else { strMenuItem.LoadString(IDS_DATABASE_LOAD_STOP); hr = LoadAndAddMenuItem( pContextMenuCallback, strMenuItem, IDS_DATABASE_LOAD_STOP, CCM_INSERTIONPOINTID_PRIMARY_TOP, 0 ); ASSERT( SUCCEEDED(hr) ); }
// separator
hr = LoadAndAddMenuItem( pContextMenuCallback, strMenuItem, 0, CCM_INSERTIONPOINTID_PRIMARY_TOP, MF_SEPARATOR); ASSERT( SUCCEEDED(hr) );
// create static mapping
// separator
hr = LoadAndAddMenuItem( pContextMenuCallback, strMenuItem, 0, CCM_INSERTIONPOINTID_PRIMARY_TOP, MF_SEPARATOR); ASSERT( SUCCEEDED(hr) );
// import LMHOSTS file
// only available to admins
strMenuItem.LoadString(IDS_ACTREG_CHECK_REG_NAMES); hr = LoadAndAddMenuItem( pContextMenuCallback, strMenuItem, IDS_ACTREG_CHECK_REG_NAMES, CCM_INSERTIONPOINTID_PRIMARY_TOP, lFlags ); ASSERT( SUCCEEDED(hr) );
strMenuItem.LoadString(IDS_ACTREG_DELETE_OWNER); hr = LoadAndAddMenuItem( pContextMenuCallback, strMenuItem, IDS_ACTREG_DELETE_OWNER, CCM_INSERTIONPOINTID_PRIMARY_TOP, 0 ); ASSERT( SUCCEEDED(hr) ); }
return hr; }
CActiveRegistrationsHandler::OnCommand Description Author: EricDav ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ STDMETHODIMP CActiveRegistrationsHandler::OnCommand ( ITFSNode * pNode, long nCommandId, DATA_OBJECT_TYPES type, LPDATAOBJECT pDataObject, DWORD dwType ) { AFX_MANAGE_STATE(AfxGetStaticModuleState());
switch (nCommandId) { case IDS_ACTIVEREG_CREATE_STATIC_MAPPING: OnCreateMapping(pNode); break; case IDS_DATABASE_LOAD_START: OnDatabaseLoadStart(pNode); break;
case IDS_DATABASE_LOAD_STOP: OnDatabaseLoadStop(pNode); break;
case IDS_ACTIVEREG_EXPORT_WINSENTRIES: OnExportEntries(); break;
case IDS_ACTREG_CHECK_REG_NAMES: OnCheckRegNames(pNode); break;
case IDS_ACTREG_DELETE_OWNER: OnDeleteOwner(pNode); break;
default: break; }
return hr; }
CActiveRegistrationsHandler::AddMenuItems Over-ride this to add our view menu item Author: EricDav ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ STDMETHODIMP CActiveRegistrationsHandler::AddMenuItems ( ITFSComponent * pComponent, MMC_COOKIE cookie, LPDATAOBJECT pDataObject, LPCONTEXTMENUCALLBACK pContextMenuCallback, long * pInsertionAllowed ) { AFX_MANAGE_STATE(AfxGetStaticModuleState( ));
HRESULT hr = S_OK; CString strMenuItem; LONG lFlags = 0;
// figure out if we need to pass this to the scope pane menu handler
hr = HandleScopeMenus(cookie, pDataObject, pContextMenuCallback, pInsertionAllowed);
if (*pInsertionAllowed & CCM_INSERTIONALLOWED_VIEW) { if (m_fLoadedOnce) { lFlags = MF_CHECKED|MFT_RADIOCHECK; } else { lFlags = 0; }
strMenuItem.LoadString(IDS_ACTREG_SHOW_ENTIRE); hr = LoadAndAddMenuItem( pContextMenuCallback, strMenuItem, IDM_FILTER_DATABASE, CCM_INSERTIONPOINTID_PRIMARY_VIEW, lFlags); ASSERT( SUCCEEDED(hr) ); }
return hr; }
CActiveRegistrationsHandler::Command Handles commands for the current view Author: EricDav ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ STDMETHODIMP CActiveRegistrationsHandler::Command ( ITFSComponent * pComponent, MMC_COOKIE cookie, int nCommandID, LPDATAOBJECT pDataObject ) { AFX_MANAGE_STATE(AfxGetStaticModuleState());
HRESULT hr = S_OK; SPITFSNode spNode;
CORg (m_spNodeMgr->FindNode(cookie, &spNode));
switch (nCommandID) { case IDM_FILTER_DATABASE: if (m_fDbLoaded) { UpdateCurrentView(spNode); } else { OnDatabaseLoadStart(spNode); } break;
// this may have come from the scope pane handler, so pass it up
default: hr = HandleScopeCommand(cookie, nCommandID, pDataObject); break; }
Error: return hr; }
CActiveRegistrationsHandler::HasPropertyPages Implementation of ITFSNodeHandler::HasPropertyPages NOTE: the root node handler has to over-ride this function to handle the snapin manager property page (wizard) case!!! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ STDMETHODIMP CActiveRegistrationsHandler::HasPropertyPages ( ITFSNode * pNode, LPDATAOBJECT pDataObject, DATA_OBJECT_TYPES type, DWORD dwType ) { AFX_MANAGE_STATE(AfxGetStaticModuleState()); HRESULT hr = hrOK; if (dwType & TFS_COMPDATA_CREATE) { // This is the case where we are asked to bring up property
// pages when the user is adding a new snapin. These calls
// are forwarded to the root node to handle.
hr = hrFalse; } else { // we have property pages in the normal case
hr = hrOK; }
return hr; }
CActiveRegistrationsHandler::CreatePropertyPages The active registrations node (scope pane) doesn't have any property pages. We should never get here. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ STDMETHODIMP CActiveRegistrationsHandler::CreatePropertyPages ( ITFSNode * pNode, LPPROPERTYSHEETCALLBACK lpProvider, LPDATAOBJECT pDataObject, LONG_PTR handle, DWORD dwType ) { AFX_MANAGE_STATE(AfxGetStaticModuleState( ));
// we use this to create static mappings, but we don't show it
// through the properties verb. We invoke this mechanism when the
// user selects create static mapping
HRESULT hr = hrOK;
// Object gets deleted when the page is destroyed
SPIComponentData spComponentData; m_spNodeMgr->GetComponentData(&spComponentData);
// show the same page as the statis mapping properties
CStaticMappingProperties * pMapping = new CStaticMappingProperties (pNode, spComponentData, NULL, NULL, TRUE);
pMapping->m_ppageGeneral->m_uImage = ICON_IDX_CLIENT;
pMapping->CreateModelessSheet(lpProvider, handle);
return hr; }
CActiveRegistrationsHandler::HasPropertyPages Implementation of ITFSResultHandler::HasPropertyPages Author: KennT ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ STDMETHODIMP CActiveRegistrationsHandler::HasPropertyPages ( ITFSComponent * pComponent, MMC_COOKIE cookie, LPDATAOBJECT pDataObject ) { return hrOK; }
CActiveRegistrationsHandler::CreatePropertyPages Implementation of ITFSResultHandler::CreatePropertyPages Author: KennT ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ STDMETHODIMP CActiveRegistrationsHandler::CreatePropertyPages ( ITFSComponent * pComponent, MMC_COOKIE cookie, LPPROPERTYSHEETCALLBACK lpProvider, LPDATAOBJECT pDataObject, LONG_PTR handle ) { AFX_MANAGE_STATE(AfxGetStaticModuleState( ));
HRESULT hr = hrOK; HPROPSHEETPAGE hPage; SPINTERNAL spInternal; SPIComponentData spComponentData; SPIComponent spComponent; SPITFSNode spNode; SPIResultData spResultData; int nIndex ; HROW hRowSel; WinsRecord wRecord; WinsStrRecord *pwstrRecord; int nCount; // get the resultdata interface
CORg (pComponent->GetResultData(&spResultData));
spInternal = ExtractInternalFormat(pDataObject);
// virtual listbox notifications come to the handler of the node
// that is selected. check to see if this notification is for a
// virtual listbox item or the active registrations node itself.
if (spInternal->HasVirtualIndex()) { // we gotta do special stuff for the virtual index items
m_spNodeMgr->FindNode(cookie, &spNode); CORg(spComponent.HrQuery(pComponent)); Assert(spComponent);
m_nSelectedIndex = spInternal->GetVirtualIndex(); nIndex = m_nSelectedIndex;
// if an invalid index, return
if (nIndex < 0 || nIndex >= nCount) { return hrOK; }
// get the correct data for the record selected
m_spWinsDatabase->GetHRow(nIndex, &hRowSel); m_spWinsDatabase->GetData(hRowSel, &wRecord);
GetRecordOwner(spNode, &wRecord);
// put up different page depending on wheter static or dynamic
if (wRecord.dwState & WINSDB_REC_STATIC) { m_CurrentRecord = wRecord;
CStaticMappingProperties * pStat = new CStaticMappingProperties(spNode, spComponent, NULL, &wRecord, FALSE); pStat->m_ppageGeneral->m_uImage = GetVirtualImage(nIndex); Assert(lpProvider != NULL);
return pStat->CreateModelessSheet(lpProvider, handle); } // dynamic case
else { CDynamicMappingProperties *pDyn = new CDynamicMappingProperties(spNode, spComponent, NULL, &wRecord);
pDyn->m_pageGeneral.m_uImage = GetVirtualImage(nIndex); Assert(lpProvider != NULL);
return pDyn->CreateModelessSheet(lpProvider, handle); } } else { Assert(FALSE); }
CActiveRegistrationsHandler::OnPropertyChange Description Author: EricDav ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ HRESULT CActiveRegistrationsHandler::OnPropertyChange ( ITFSNode * pNode, LPDATAOBJECT pDataobject, DWORD dwType, LPARAM arg, LPARAM lParam ) { AFX_MANAGE_STATE(AfxGetStaticModuleState( ));
CStaticMappingProperties * pProp = reinterpret_cast<CStaticMappingProperties *>(lParam);
LONG_PTR changeMask = 0;
// tell the property page to do whatever now that we are back on the
// main thread
pProp->OnPropertyChange(TRUE, &changeMask); pProp->AcknowledgeNotify();
// refresh the result pane
if (changeMask) UpdateListboxCount(pNode);
return hrOK; }
CActiveRegistrationsHandler::OnResultPropertyChange Description Author: EricDav ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ HRESULT CActiveRegistrationsHandler::OnResultPropertyChange ( ITFSComponent * pComponent, LPDATAOBJECT pDataObject, MMC_COOKIE cookie, LPARAM arg, LPARAM param ) { AFX_MANAGE_STATE(AfxGetStaticModuleState( ));
HRESULT hr = hrOK; SPINTERNAL spInternal; SPITFSNode spNode; m_spNodeMgr->FindNode(cookie, &spNode);
CStaticMappingProperties * pProp = reinterpret_cast<CStaticMappingProperties *>(param);
LONG_PTR changeMask = 0;
// tell the property page to do whatever now that we are back on the
// main thread
pProp->SetComponent(pComponent); pProp->OnPropertyChange(TRUE, &changeMask); pProp->AcknowledgeNotify(); // refresh the result pane
if (changeMask) UpdateListboxCount(spNode);
return hr; }
CActiveRegistrationsHandler::OnResultDelete Description Author: EricDav ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ HRESULT CActiveRegistrationsHandler::OnResultDelete ( ITFSComponent * pComponent, LPDATAOBJECT pDataObject, MMC_COOKIE cookie, LPARAM arg, LPARAM lParam ) { HRESULT hr = hrOK;
Trace0("CActiveRegistrationsHandler::OnResultDelete received\n");
SPINTERNAL spInternal;
spInternal = ExtractInternalFormat(pDataObject);
// virtual listbox notifications come to the handler of the node
// that is selected. check to see if this notification is for a
// virtual listbox item or the active registrations node itself.
if (spInternal->HasVirtualIndex()) { // we gotta do special stuff for the virtual index items
DeleteRegistration(pComponent, spInternal->GetVirtualIndex()); } else { // just call the base class to update verbs for the
CMTWinsHandler::OnResultDelete(pComponent, pDataObject, cookie, arg, lParam); }
return hr; }
CActiveRegistrationsHandler::OnResultSelect Handles the MMCN_SELECT notifcation Author: EricDav ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ HRESULT CActiveRegistrationsHandler::OnResultSelect ( ITFSComponent * pComponent, LPDATAOBJECT pDataObject, MMC_COOKIE cookie, LPARAM arg, LPARAM lParam ) { AFX_MANAGE_STATE(AfxGetStaticModuleState( ));
HRESULT hr = hrOK; int i; WINSDB_STATE uState = WINSDB_LOADING; SPINTERNAL spInternal; SPIConsoleVerb spConsoleVerb; SPIConsole spConsole; BOOL bStates[ARRAYLEN(g_ConsoleVerbs)]; SPITFSNode spNode;
// show the result pane message
if (!m_fLoadedOnce) { CString strTitle, strBody, strTemp; m_spResultNodeMgr->FindNode(cookie, &spNode);
for (i = 0; ; i++) { if (guActregMessageStrings[i] == -1) break;
strTemp.LoadString(guActregMessageStrings[i]); strBody += strTemp; } ShowMessage(spNode, strTitle, strBody, Icon_Information); } else { ULARGE_INTEGER data, *pData;
// fill in the result pane
if (m_spWinsDatabase) { m_spWinsDatabase->GetCurrentState(&uState);
// check to see if we are done
if (m_winsdbState == WINSDB_LOADING && uState != WINSDB_LOADING) { Trace0("ActiveRegHandler::OnResultSelect - Done loading DB\n"); DatabaseLoadingCleanup(); } }
if (m_pCurrentDatabase) { // Get the count from the database
CORg (m_pCurrentDatabase->GetCurrentScanned((int*)&data.LowPart)); CORg (m_pCurrentDatabase->GetCurrentCount((int*)&data.HighPart)); pData = &data; } else { pData = NULL; }
// now notify the virtual listbox
CORg ( m_spNodeMgr->GetConsole(&spConsole) ); CORg ( spConsole->UpdateAllViews(pDataObject, (LPARAM)pData, RESULT_PANE_SET_VIRTUAL_LB_SIZE) ); }
// now update the verbs...
spInternal = ExtractInternalFormat(pDataObject); Assert(spInternal);
// virtual listbox notifications come to the handler of the node
// that is selected.check to see if this notification is for a
// virtual listbox item or the active registrations node itself.
if (spInternal->HasVirtualIndex()) { // is this a multiselect?
BOOL fMultiSelect = spInternal->m_cookie == MMC_MULTI_SELECT_COOKIE ? TRUE : FALSE; if (!fMultiSelect) { // when something is selected in the result pane we want the default verb to be properties
m_verbDefault = MMC_VERB_PROPERTIES; } else { // we don't support multi-select properties
m_verbDefault = MMC_VERB_NONE; }
// we gotta do special stuff for the virtual index items
CORg (pComponent->GetConsoleVerb(&spConsoleVerb));
UpdateConsoleVerbs(spConsoleVerb, WINSSNAP_REGISTRATION, fMultiSelect); } else { // when the active registrations node itself is selected, default should be open
m_verbDefault = MMC_VERB_OPEN;
// just call the base class to update verbs for the
CMTWinsHandler::OnResultSelect(pComponent, pDataObject, cookie, arg, lParam); }
CActiveRegistrationsHandler::DatabaseLoadingCleanup Description Author: ericdav ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void CActiveRegistrationsHandler::DatabaseLoadingCleanup() { AFX_MANAGE_STATE(AfxGetStaticModuleState( ));
m_winsdbState = WINSDB_NORMAL;
// check for any errors
HRESULT hrLastError; m_spWinsDatabase->GetLastError(&hrLastError);
// Kill the timer thread
if (m_spQuery) { // Signal the thread to abort
m_spQuery->SetAbortEvent(); }
if (FAILED(hrLastError)) { CString strError, strIp;
LPTSTR pBuf = strIp.GetBuffer(256); m_spWinsDatabase->GetIP(pBuf, 256);
AfxFormatString1(strError, IDS_ERR_LOADING_DB, strIp); theApp.MessageBox(strError, WIN32_FROM_HRESULT(hrLastError));
m_fForceReload = TRUE; }
WaitForThreadToExit(); }
void CActiveRegistrationsHandler::FilterCleanup(ITFSNode *pNode) { AFX_MANAGE_STATE(AfxGetStaticModuleState( ));
m_winsdbState = WINSDB_NORMAL;
// check for any errors
HRESULT hrLastError; m_spWinsDatabase->GetLastError(&hrLastError);
// Kill the timer thread
if (m_spQuery) { // Signal the thread to abort
m_spQuery->SetAbortEvent(); }
if (FAILED(hrLastError)) { CString strError, strIp;
LPTSTR pBuf = strIp.GetBuffer(256); m_spWinsDatabase->GetIP(pBuf, 256);
AfxFormatString1(strError, IDS_ERR_LOADING_DB, strIp); theApp.MessageBox(strError, WIN32_FROM_HRESULT(hrLastError));
m_fForceReload = TRUE; }
// change the icon to normal
pNode->SetData(TFS_DATA_IMAGEINDEX, GetImageIndex(FALSE)); pNode->SetData(TFS_DATA_OPENIMAGEINDEX, GetImageIndex(TRUE));
pNode->ChangeNode(SCOPE_PANE_CHANGE_ITEM); }
CActiveRegistrationsHandler::UpdateListboxCount Description ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ HRESULT CActiveRegistrationsHandler::UpdateListboxCount(ITFSNode * pNode, BOOL bClear) { HRESULT hr = hrOK; SPIComponentData spCompData; SPIConsole spConsole; IDataObject* pDataObject; LONG_PTR hint; // need to pass up two counter values:one is the total number of records scanned
// the other is the total number of records filtered. I put these two in a 64 bit
// value: the most significant 32bits is the number of records actually filtered
// the less significant 32bits is the total number of records scanned.
COM_PROTECT_TRY { if (!m_pCurrentDatabase) { pData = NULL; hint = RESULT_PANE_CLEAR_VIRTUAL_LB; } else { CORg (m_pCurrentDatabase->GetCurrentScanned((int*)&data.LowPart)); CORg (m_pCurrentDatabase->GetCurrentCount((int*)&data.HighPart)); hint = RESULT_PANE_SET_VIRTUAL_LB_SIZE; pData = &data; }
CORg ( spCompData->QueryDataObject((MMC_COOKIE) pNode, CCT_RESULT, &pDataObject) );
CORg ( m_spNodeMgr->GetConsole(&spConsole) );
CORg ( spConsole->UpdateAllViews(pDataObject, (LPARAM)pData, hint) );
return hr; }
CActiveRegistrationsHandler::UpdateVerbs Description ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ HRESULT CActiveRegistrationsHandler::UpdateVerbs(ITFSNode * pNode) { HRESULT hr = hrOK; LONG_PTR hint; int i;
UpdateStandardVerbs(pNode, hint);
return hr; }
Command handlers ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
CActiveRegistrationsHandler::GetServerIP Description Author: v-shubk ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void CActiveRegistrationsHandler::GetServerIP(ITFSNode * pNode, DWORD &dwIP, CString &strIP) { SPITFSNode spServerNode; pNode->GetParent(&spServerNode);
CWinsServerHandler * pServer = GETHANDLER(CWinsServerHandler, spServerNode);
dwIP = pServer->GetServerIP(); ::MakeIPAddress(dwIP, strIP); }
CActiveRegistrationsHandler::OnCreateMapping Description Author: v-shubk ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ HRESULT CActiveRegistrationsHandler::OnCreateMapping(ITFSNode *pNode) { AFX_MANAGE_STATE(AfxGetStaticModuleState());
HRESULT hr = hrOK; // Object gets deleted when the page is destroyed
SPIComponentData spComponentData; m_spNodeMgr->GetComponentData(&spComponentData);
// HACK WARNING: because we do this in a MMC provided property sheet, we
// need to invoke the correct mechanism so we get a callback handle.
// otherwise when we create the static mapping, we're on another thread
// and it can do bad things when we try to update the UI
hr = DoPropertiesOurselvesSinceMMCSucks(pNode, spComponentData, _T("")); return hr; }
CActiveRegistrationsHandler::OnDatabaseLoadStart Description ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ HRESULT CActiveRegistrationsHandler::OnDatabaseLoadStart(ITFSNode *pNode) { AFX_MANAGE_STATE(AfxGetStaticModuleState());
HRESULT hr = hrOK; SPITFSNode spNode; SPITFSNodeHandler spHandler; ITFSQueryObject * pQuery = NULL; SPITFSNode spServerNode; DWORD dwIP; CString strIP; BOOL fReload = FALSE; int nCount, pos; CTypeFilterInfo typeFilterInfo;
pNode->GetParent(&spServerNode); CWinsServerHandler * pServer = GETHANDLER(CWinsServerHandler, spServerNode);
dwIP = pServer->GetServerIP();
if (!m_bExpanded) { m_dlgLoadRecords.ResetFiltering(); }
if (m_dlgLoadRecords.m_pageTypes.m_arrayTypeFilter.GetSize() == 0) { fReload = TRUE;
// initialize the record type filter array
for (nCount = 0; nCount < m_NameTypeMap.GetSize(); nCount++) { if (m_NameTypeMap[nCount].dwWinsType == -1) { typeFilterInfo.dwType = m_NameTypeMap[nCount].dwNameType; typeFilterInfo.fShow = TRUE; m_dlgLoadRecords.m_pageTypes.m_arrayTypeFilter.Add(typeFilterInfo); } } }
// if a download is running, ask the user if they want to stop it
if (m_winsdbState != WINSDB_NORMAL) { OnDatabaseLoadStop(pNode); }
// bring up the Owner Dialog
// fill in the owner page info
GetOwnerInfo(m_dlgLoadRecords.m_pageOwners.m_ServerInfoArray); // fill in the type filter page info
m_dlgLoadRecords.m_pageTypes.m_pNameTypeMap = &m_NameTypeMap; // save the original number of owners. In case this is one
// and several other are added, will reload the database.
//------------------Display popup ----------------------------
{ // for some reason, when activating the theme, the "load records" dialog
// doesn't show the state boxes images in the "owner list" and "type list".
CThemeContextActivator themeActivator;
if (m_dlgLoadRecords.DoModal() != IDOK) return hrFalse; }
SetLoadedOnce(pNode); m_fDbLoaded = TRUE;
MakeIPAddress(dwIP, strIP);
// stop the database if we were loading or create one if we haven't yet
if (!m_spWinsDatabase) { CORg (CreateWinsDatabase(strIP, strIP, &m_spWinsDatabase)); fReload = TRUE; } else { CORg (m_spWinsDatabase->Stop()); } //~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ need to revise the logic for reloading ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
// we try to make the decision whether the records we already loaded (if we did) are sufficient
// to apply the new filters: set fReload to TRUE if reload is needed or to FALSE otherwise.
// Since fReload could have been already set go into this process only if reloading is not yet
// decided. Assume reload will eventualy be decided and break out as soon as this is confirmed
// If the end of the "while" block is reached, this means database doesn't need to be reloaded
// so break out.
while(!fReload) { BOOL bDbCacheEnabled; // assume a reload will be needed
fReload = TRUE; // if reload imposed by external causes (first time call or refresh was done), break out
if (m_fForceReload) break;
if (bDbCacheEnabled) { BOOL bReload;
// currently the database is loaded with "enable caching" checked. This means:
// if db "owner" api setting is set (non 0xffffffff) then
// all records owned by "owner" are loaded (case 1)
// else --> "owner" is set to "multiple" (0xffffffff)
// if db "name" api is set (non null) then
// all records prefixed with "name" are loaded (case 2)
// else
// entire database is loaded (case 3)
// .
// .
// if (case 1) applies then
// if we want to filter on a different or no owner then
// reload SUGGESTED
// else
// .
// else if (case 2) applies then
// if we want to filter on a different or no name prefix then
// reload SUGGESTED
// else
// .
// else if (case 3) applies)
// .
// This logic is followed in CheckApiInfoCovered call from below
m_spWinsDatabase->ReloadSuggested( m_dlgLoadRecords.m_pageOwners.GetOwnerForApi(), m_dlgLoadRecords.m_pageIpAddress.GetNameForApi(), &bReload);
if (bReload) break; } else { // currently the database is loaded without "enable caching" checked. This means:
// the records currentLy in the database match all the filters as they were specified
// in the filtering dialog before it was popped-up. Consequently, if any of these
// filters (owner, name, ipaddr, type) changed, database has to be reloaded. Otherwise,
// since the filters are the same.
if (m_dlgLoadRecords.m_pageIpAddress.m_bDirtyName || m_dlgLoadRecords.m_pageIpAddress.m_bDirtyAddr || m_dlgLoadRecords.m_pageIpAddress.m_bDirtyMask || m_dlgLoadRecords.m_pageOwners.m_bDirtyOwners || m_dlgLoadRecords.m_pageTypes.m_bDirtyTypes) break; }
// if we are here it means reload is not actually needed, so reset the flag back and
// break the loop
fReload = FALSE; break; };
// if the final decision is to reload the db, then prepare this operation
if (fReload) { m_fForceReload = FALSE; m_spWinsDatabase->Clear(); // set the Api parameters to be used by the database
m_spWinsDatabase->SetApiInfo( m_dlgLoadRecords.m_pageOwners.GetOwnerForApi(), m_dlgLoadRecords.m_pageIpAddress.GetNameForApi(), m_dlgLoadRecords.m_bEnableCache); } //
// start loading records if necessary
if (fReload) { // start loading records
CORg (m_spWinsDatabase->Init());
// update our internal state
m_winsdbState = WINSDB_LOADING;
// update the node's icon
// kick off the background thread to do the timer updates
pQuery = OnCreateQuery(pNode); Assert(pQuery);
Verify(StartBackgroundThread(pNode, m_spTFSCompData->GetHiddenWnd(), pQuery)); pQuery->Release(); }
// fill in any record type filter information
nCount = (int)m_dlgLoadRecords.m_pageTypes.m_arrayTypeFilter.GetSize(); m_spWinsDatabase->ClearFilter(WINSDB_FILTER_BY_TYPE); for (pos = 0; pos < nCount; pos++) { m_spWinsDatabase->AddFilter(WINSDB_FILTER_BY_TYPE, m_dlgLoadRecords.m_pageTypes.m_arrayTypeFilter[pos].dwType, m_dlgLoadRecords.m_pageTypes.m_arrayTypeFilter[pos].fShow, NULL); }
// fill in any owner filter information
nCount = (int)m_dlgLoadRecords.m_pageOwners.m_dwaOwnerFilter.GetSize(); m_spWinsDatabase->ClearFilter(WINSDB_FILTER_BY_OWNER); for (pos = 0; pos < nCount; pos++) { m_spWinsDatabase->AddFilter(WINSDB_FILTER_BY_OWNER, m_dlgLoadRecords.m_pageOwners.m_dwaOwnerFilter[pos], 0, NULL); }
// fill in any ip address filter information
m_spWinsDatabase->ClearFilter(WINSDB_FILTER_BY_IPADDR); if (m_dlgLoadRecords.m_pageIpAddress.m_bFilterIpAddr) { nCount = (int)m_dlgLoadRecords.m_pageIpAddress.m_dwaIPAddrs.GetSize(); for (pos = 0; pos < nCount; pos++) { m_spWinsDatabase->AddFilter(WINSDB_FILTER_BY_IPADDR, m_dlgLoadRecords.m_pageIpAddress.m_dwaIPAddrs[pos], m_dlgLoadRecords.m_pageIpAddress.GetIPMaskForFilter(pos), NULL); } }
// fill in any name filter information
m_spWinsDatabase->ClearFilter(WINSDB_FILTER_BY_NAME); if (m_dlgLoadRecords.m_pageIpAddress.m_bFilterName) { m_spWinsDatabase->AddFilter(WINSDB_FILTER_BY_NAME, m_dlgLoadRecords.m_pageIpAddress.m_bMatchCase, 0, m_dlgLoadRecords.m_pageIpAddress.m_strName); }
// now that the filters are all set database can start downloading
if (fReload) // start loading records
CORg (m_spWinsDatabase->Start());
// filter any records that may have been downloaded before we set the
// filter information (in the case when we had to reload the database).
// any records that come in after we set the
// filter info will be filtered correctly.
m_spWinsDatabase->FilterRecords(WINSDB_FILTER_BY_TYPE, 0,0); END_WAIT_CURSOR
if (fReload) { // do the initial update of the virutal listbox
OnHaveData(pNode, 0, QDATA_TIMER); } else { // just a filter changed, just need to update the result pane
UpdateListboxCount(pNode); }
CActiveRegistrationsHandler::OnDatabaseLoadStop Description ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ HRESULT CActiveRegistrationsHandler::OnDatabaseLoadStop(ITFSNode *pNode) { AFX_MANAGE_STATE(AfxGetStaticModuleState());
HRESULT hr = hrOK; CThemeContextActivator themeActivator;
if (IDYES != AfxMessageBox(IDS_STOP_DB_LOAD_CONFIRM, MB_YESNO)) { return hrFalse; }
if (m_spWinsDatabase) { CORg (m_spWinsDatabase->Stop()); DatabaseLoadingCleanup(); UpdateListboxCount(pNode); }
m_fForceReload = TRUE;
CActiveRegistrationsHandler::OnGetResultViewType Description ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ HRESULT CActiveRegistrationsHandler::OnGetResultViewType ( ITFSComponent * pComponent, MMC_COOKIE cookie, LPOLESTR * ppViewType, long * pViewOptions ) { AFX_MANAGE_STATE(AfxGetStaticModuleState());
if (cookie != NULL) { // call the base class to see if it is handling this
if (CMTWinsHandler::OnGetResultViewType(pComponent, cookie, ppViewType, pViewOptions) != S_OK) { *pViewOptions = MMC_VIEW_OPTIONS_OWNERDATALIST | MMC_VIEW_OPTIONS_MULTISELECT; hr = S_FALSE; } }
return hr; }
CActiveRegistrationsHandler::GetVirtualImage Description Author: EricDav ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ int CActiveRegistrationsHandler::GetVirtualImage ( int nIndex ) { HRESULT hr = hrOK; WinsRecord ws; HROW hrow; int nImage = ICON_IDX_CLIENT;
COM_PROTECT_TRY { if (!m_pCurrentDatabase) return -1;
CORg (m_pCurrentDatabase->GetHRow(nIndex, &hrow)); CORg (m_pCurrentDatabase->GetData(hrow, &ws));
return nImage; }
CActiveRegistrationsHandler::GetVirtualString Description Author: EricDav ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ LPCWSTR CActiveRegistrationsHandler::GetVirtualString ( int nIndex, int nCol ) { HRESULT hr; int nCount;
if (m_pCurrentDatabase) { // check if nIndex is within limits, if not crashes when the last
// record deleted and properties chosen.
// 0 based index
if (nIndex < 0 || nIndex >= nCount) { return NULL; } }
// check our cache to see if we have this one.
WinsStrRecord * pwsr = m_RecList.FindItem(nIndex); if (pwsr == NULL) { Trace1("ActRegHandler::GetVirtualString - Index %d not in string cache\n", nIndex); // doesn't exist in our cache, need to add this one.
pwsr = BuildWinsStrRecord(nIndex); if (pwsr) m_RecList.AddTail(pwsr); } if (pwsr) { switch (nCol) { case ACTREG_COL_NAME: return pwsr->strName; break;
case ACTREG_COL_TYPE: return pwsr->strType; break;
case ACTREG_COL_IPADDRESS: return pwsr->strIPAdd; break;
case ACTREG_COL_STATE: return pwsr->strActive; break;
case ACTREG_COL_STATIC: return pwsr->strStatic; break;
case ACTREG_COL_OWNER: return pwsr->strOwner; break;
case ACTREG_COL_VERSION: return pwsr->strVersion; break;
case ACTREG_COL_EXPIRATION: return pwsr->strExpiration; break;
default: Panic0("ActRegHandler::GetVirtualString - Unknown column!\n"); break; } }
return NULL; }
CActiveRegistrationsHandler::BuildWinsStrRecord Description Author: EricDav ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ WinsStrRecord * CActiveRegistrationsHandler::BuildWinsStrRecord(int nIndex) { AFX_MANAGE_STATE(AfxGetStaticModuleState( ));
int nCount; HRESULT hr = hrOK; WinsStrRecord * pwsr = NULL; WinsRecord ws; HROW hrow; CString strTemp;
if (!m_pCurrentDatabase) { return NULL; }
if (FAILED(m_pCurrentDatabase->GetHRow(nIndex, &hrow))) return NULL; if (FAILED(m_pCurrentDatabase->GetData(hrow, &ws))) return NULL; COM_PROTECT_TRY { pwsr = new WinsStrRecord;
// set the index for this record
pwsr->nIndex = nIndex;
// build the name string
CleanNetBIOSName(ws.szRecordName, pwsr->strName, TRUE, // Expand
TRUE, // Truncate
IsLanManCompatible(), TRUE, // name is OEM
FALSE, // No double backslash
// now the type
CString strValue; strValue.Format(_T("[%02Xh] "), ((int) ws.szRecordName[15] & 0x000000FF)); CString strName; DWORD dwNameType = (0x000000FF & ws.szRecordName[15]);
m_NameTypeMap.TypeToCString(dwNameType, MAKELONG(HIWORD(ws.dwType), 0), strName); pwsr->strType = strValue + strName;
// IP address
// Gets changed in the case of static records of the type Special Group,
// where the first IP address in the list of IP addresses is of the Owner
if ( (ws.dwState & WINSDB_REC_UNIQUE) || (ws.dwState & WINSDB_REC_NORM_GROUP) ) { MakeIPAddress(ws.dwIpAdd[0], pwsr->strIPAdd); } else { if (ws.dwNoOfAddrs > 0) { if (ws.dwIpAdd[1] == 0) { pwsr->strIPAdd.Empty(); } else { MakeIPAddress(ws.dwIpAdd[1], pwsr->strIPAdd); } } else { pwsr->strIPAdd.Empty(); } }
// active status
GetStateString(ws.dwState, pwsr->strActive);
// static flag
if (ws.dwState & WINSDB_REC_STATIC) { pwsr->strStatic = _T("x"); } else { pwsr->strStatic = _T(""); }
// expiration time
if (ws.dwExpiration == INFINITE_EXPIRATION) { Verify(pwsr->strExpiration.LoadString(IDS_INFINITE)); } else { CTime time(ws.dwExpiration); FormatDateTime(pwsr->strExpiration, time); } // version
GetVersionInfo(ws.liVersion.LowPart, ws.liVersion.HighPart, pwsr->strVersion);
// owner
if (m_Config.FSupportsOwnerId()) { MakeIPAddress(ws.dwOwner, pwsr->strOwner); } } COM_PROTECT_CATCH
return pwsr; }
CActiveRegistrationsHandler::GetStateString Description Returns the state of the record, Active, Tomstoned, realeased or deleted Author: v-shubk ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void CActiveRegistrationsHandler::GetStateString(DWORD dwState, CString& strState) { if (dwState & WINSDB_REC_ACTIVE ) { strState.LoadString(IDS_RECORD_STATE_ACTIVE); } else if (dwState & WINSDB_REC_DELETED ) { strState.LoadString(IDS_RECORD_STATE_DELETED); } else if (dwState & WINSDB_REC_RELEASED ) { strState.LoadString(IDS_RECORD_STATE_RELEASED); } else if (dwState & WINSDB_REC_TOMBSTONE ) { strState.LoadString(IDS_RECORD_STATE_TOMBSTONED); } else { strState.LoadString(IDS_RECORD_STATE_UNKNOWN); } }
CActiveRegistrationsHandler::GetStateString Description Returns the static type for the record, Unique, Multihomed, Inetrne Group, Normal Group, Multihomed Author: v-shubk ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void CActiveRegistrationsHandler::GetStaticTypeString(DWORD dwState, CString& strStaticType) { if (dwState & WINSDB_REC_UNIQUE ) { strStaticType = g_strStaticTypeUnique; } else if (dwState & WINSDB_REC_SPEC_GROUP ) { strStaticType = g_strStaticTypeDomainName; } else if (dwState & WINSDB_REC_MULTIHOMED ) { strStaticType = g_strStaticTypeMultihomed; } else if (dwState & WINSDB_REC_NORM_GROUP ) { strStaticType = g_strStaticTypeGroup; } else { strStaticType = g_strStaticTypeUnknown; } }
CActiveRegistrationsHandler::GetVersionInfo Description Gives the version INfo as string in Hex Notation Author: v-shubk ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void CActiveRegistrationsHandler::GetVersionInfo(LONG lLowWord, LONG lHighWord, CString& strVersionCount) { strVersionCount.Empty();
TCHAR sz[20]; TCHAR *pch = sz; ::wsprintf(sz, _T("%08lX%08lX"), lHighWord, lLowWord); // Kill leading zero's
while (*pch == '0') { ++pch; } // At least one digit...
if (*pch == '\0') { --pch; }
strVersionCount = pch; }
BOOL CActiveRegistrationsHandler::IsLanManCompatible() { BOOL fCompatible = TRUE;
if (m_spServerNode) { CWinsServerHandler * pServer = GETHANDLER(CWinsServerHandler, m_spServerNode);
fCompatible = (pServer->m_dwFlags & FLAG_LANMAN_COMPATIBLE) ? TRUE : FALSE; }
return fCompatible; }
// Convert the netbios name to a displayable format, with
// beginning slashes, the unprintable characters converted
// to '-' characters, and the 16th character displayed in brackets.
// Convert the string to ANSI/Unicode before displaying it.
void CActiveRegistrationsHandler::CleanNetBIOSName ( LPCSTR lpszSrc, CString & strDest, BOOL fExpandChars, BOOL fTruncate, BOOL fLanmanCompatible, BOOL fOemName, BOOL fWackwack, int nLength ) { static CHAR szWacks[] = "\\\\"; BYTE ch16 = 0;
if (!lpszSrc || (strcmp(lpszSrc, "") == 0) ) { strDest = _T("---------"); return; }
int nLen, nDisplayLen; int nMaxDisplayLen = fLanmanCompatible ? 15 : 16;
if (!fWackwack && fLanmanCompatible) { //
// Don't want backslahes, but if they do exist,
// remove them.
if (!::strncmp(lpszSrc, szWacks, ::strlen(szWacks))) { lpszSrc += ::strlen(szWacks); if (nLength) { nLength -= 2; } } }
if ((nDisplayLen = nLen = nLength ? nLength : ::strlen(lpszSrc)) > 15) { ch16 = (BYTE)lpszSrc[15]; nDisplayLen = fTruncate ? nMaxDisplayLen : nLen; }
char szTarget[MAX_PATH] = {0}; char szRestore[MAX_PATH] = {0}; char * pTarget = &szTarget[0];
if (fWackwack) { ::strcpy(pTarget, szWacks); pTarget += ::strlen(szWacks); }
if (lpszSrc == NULL) { int i = 1; }
if (fOemName) { ::OemToCharBuffA(lpszSrc, pTarget, nLen); } else { ::memcpy(pTarget, lpszSrc, nLen); }
int n = 0; while (n < nDisplayLen) { if (fExpandChars) { #ifdef FE_SB
if (::IsDBCSLeadByte(*pTarget)) { ++n; ++pTarget; } else if (!WinsIsPrint(pTarget)) #else
if (!WinsIsPrint(pTarget)) #endif // FE_SB
{ *pTarget = BADNAME_CHAR; } }
++n; ++pTarget; }
if (fLanmanCompatible) { //
// Back up over the spaces.
while (*(--pTarget) == ' ') /**/ ; ++pTarget; }
// if there's a scope name attached, append the scope name
// to the strTarget before returning.
// check the length of lpSrc, if greater than NetBIOS name
// length, it has a scope name attached
if (nLength > 16) { if (lpszSrc[0x10] == '.') { ::OemToCharBuffA(&lpszSrc[0x10], szRestore, sizeof(szRestore));
memcpy(pTarget, szRestore, nLength - 16); pTarget += (nLength - 16); } }
*pTarget = '\0';
// convert the string to unicode. We've already done the oem to ansi
// conversion so use the Ansi code page now
MBCSToWide(szTarget, strDest, CP_ACP); }
CActiveRegistrationsHandler::CacheHint Description Author: EricDav ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ STDMETHODIMP CActiveRegistrationsHandler::CacheHint ( int nStartIndex, int nEndIndex ) { HRESULT hr = hrOK; HROW hrow;
Trace2("CacheHint - Start %d, End %d\n", nStartIndex, nEndIndex); m_RecList.RemoveAllEntries(); WinsRecord ws; WinsStrRecord * pwsr;
for (int i = nStartIndex; i <= nEndIndex; i++) { pwsr = BuildWinsStrRecord(i); if (pwsr) m_RecList.AddTail(pwsr); }
return hr; }
CActiveRegistrationsHandler::SortItems Description Author: EricDav, v-shubk ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ STDMETHODIMP CActiveRegistrationsHandler::SortItems ( int nColumn, DWORD dwSortOptions, LPARAM lUserParam ) { AFX_MANAGE_STATE(AfxGetStaticModuleState( )); CThemeContextActivator themeActivator; HRESULT hr = hrOK;
WINSDB_STATE uState = WINSDB_NORMAL; if (!m_pCurrentDatabase) { return hr; }
m_pCurrentDatabase->GetCurrentState(&uState); if (uState != WINSDB_NORMAL) { AfxMessageBox(IDS_RECORDS_DOWNLOADING, MB_OK|MB_ICONINFORMATION); return hr; }
// put up the busy dialog
CSortWorker * pWorker = new CSortWorker(m_pCurrentDatabase, nColumn, dwSortOptions);
CLongOperationDialog dlgBusy(pWorker, IDR_AVI2);
dlgBusy.LoadTitleString(IDS_SNAPIN_DESC); dlgBusy.LoadDescriptionString(IDS_SORTING);
// disable the system menu and the cancel buttons
dlgBusy.DoModal(); return hr; }
CActiveRegistrationsHandler::SetVirtualLbSize Sets the virtual listbox count. Over-ride this if you need to specify and options. Author: EricDav ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ HRESULT CActiveRegistrationsHandler::SetVirtualLbSize ( ITFSComponent * pComponent, LPARAM data ) { AFX_MANAGE_STATE(AfxGetStaticModuleState( ));
HRESULT hr = hrOK; SPIResultData spResultData; CString strDescBarText; CString strData; ULARGE_INTEGER nullData; ULARGE_INTEGER *pData = (ULARGE_INTEGER *)data;
nullData.HighPart = nullData.LowPart = 0; pData = (data == NULL)? &nullData : (ULARGE_INTEGER*)data;
// just to avoid those cases when filtered shows up larger than scanned
if (pData->LowPart < pData->HighPart) pData->HighPart = pData->LowPart;
strDescBarText.Empty(); strDescBarText.LoadString(IDS_RECORDS_FILTERED); strData.Format(_T(" %d -- "), pData->HighPart); strDescBarText += strData; strData.LoadString(IDS_RECORDS_SCANNED); strDescBarText += strData; strData.Format(_T(" %d"), pData->LowPart); strDescBarText += strData;
CORg (pComponent->GetResultData(&spResultData));
if (pData->HighPart == 0) { //CORg (spResultData->DeleteAllRsltItems());
CORg (spResultData->SetItemCount((int) pData->HighPart, MMCLV_UPDATE_NOSCROLL)); } else { CORg (spResultData->SetItemCount((int) pData->HighPart, MMCLV_UPDATE_NOSCROLL)); } CORg (spResultData->SetDescBarText((LPTSTR) (LPCTSTR) strDescBarText));
Error: return hr; }
CActiveRegistrationsHandler::UpdateCurrentView Updates the current view -- the MenuButton control and the result pane.
Author: EricDav ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ HRESULT CActiveRegistrationsHandler::UpdateCurrentView ( ITFSNode * pNode ) { HRESULT hr = hrOK; SPIComponentData spCompData; SPIConsole spConsole; IDataObject* pDataObject;
// update our current database to point to the correct one
m_pCurrentDatabase = m_spWinsDatabase; // update our current database to point to the correct one
// Need to tell all of the views up update themselves with the new state.
CORg ( spCompData->QueryDataObject((MMC_COOKIE) pNode, CCT_RESULT, &pDataObject) );
CORg ( m_spNodeMgr->GetConsole(&spConsole) );
// update the listbox with the correct count for this view
Error: return hr; }
CActiveRegistrationsHandler::CompareRecName Checks if the name matches the Find record criterion Author: EricDav, v-shubk ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ BOOL CActiveRegistrationsHandler::CompareRecName(LPSTR szNewName) { // convert the MBCS name to a wide string using the OEM
// code page so we can do the compare.
CString strTemp; MBCSToWide(szNewName, strTemp, WINS_NAME_CODE_PAGE);
// when some invalid records get passed
if (strTemp.IsEmpty()) { return FALSE; }
CString strFindNameU = m_strFindName;
if (!m_fMatchCase) { strTemp.MakeUpper(); }
int nLen = strFindNameU.GetLength();
for (int nPos = 0; nPos < nLen; nPos++) { if (strFindNameU[nPos] == _T('*')) { break; }
// the passed record has a smaller string length
if (nPos >= strTemp.GetLength()) { return FALSE; }
if (strTemp[nPos] != strFindNameU[nPos]) { return FALSE; } }
return TRUE; }
CActiveRegistrationsHandler::DeleteRegistration Removes a registration from the server and the virtual listbox. Need to remove the entry from both the find database and the full database. Author: v-shubk ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ HRESULT CActiveRegistrationsHandler::DeleteRegistration ( ITFSComponent * pComponent, int nIndex ) { HRESULT hr = hrOK; DWORD err = 0; CVirtualIndexArray arraySelectedIndicies; int i; int nCurrentCount; WinsRecord ws; int nCount; SPIConsole spConsole; LPDATAOBJECT pDataObject= NULL; BOOL fDelete;
// ask whether to delete or tombstone the record
CDeleteRecordDlg dlgDel; CThemeContextActivator themeActivator; SPIResultData spResultData; SPITFSNode spNode; CORg (pComponent->GetResultData(&spResultData));
// build a list of the selected indicies in the virtual listbox
CORg (BuildVirtualSelectedItemList(pComponent, &arraySelectedIndicies)); nCount = (int)arraySelectedIndicies.GetSize();
dlgDel.m_fMultiple = (nCount > 1) ? TRUE : FALSE;
if (IDOK != dlgDel.DoModal()) { return hrOK; } fDelete = (dlgDel.m_nDeleteRecord == 0);
for (i = 0; i < nCount; i++) { HROW hrowDel;
// remove each selected index
int nDelIndex = arraySelectedIndicies.GetAt(nCount -1 - i);
// from internal storage
CORg(m_spWinsDatabase->GetHRow(nDelIndex, &hrowDel)); CORg(m_spWinsDatabase->GetData(hrowDel, &ws)); if (fDelete) { // delete this record
err = DeleteMappingFromServer(pComponent, &ws, nDelIndex); } else { // tombstone the record
err = TombstoneRecords(pComponent, &ws); }
// if a particular record could not be deleted, see if they want to cancel
if (err != ERROR_SUCCESS) { // put up
if (WinsMessageBox(err, MB_OKCANCEL) == IDCANCEL) { break; } } else { // remove from local storage if we are deleting this record
if (fDelete) { CORg(m_spWinsDatabase->DeleteRecord(hrowDel)); }
// remove from UI if delete is selected, othewise update the state (tombstone)
if (dlgDel.m_nDeleteRecord == 0) { CORg(spResultData->DeleteItem(nDelIndex, 0)); } else { UpdateRecord(pComponent, &ws, nDelIndex); } } }
// get the actreg node and redraw the list box
// now set the count.. this effectively redraws the contents
CORg (m_pCurrentDatabase->GetCurrentCount(&nCurrentCount)); UpdateListboxCount(spNode);
// if we are tombstoning, then there will still be selections
// in the result pane. In this case we need to pass in NULL
// for the node type so that the verbs get updated correctly.
if (!fDelete) spNode.Set(NULL);
// update the cuurent view
UpdateCurrentView(spNode); Error: return hr; }
CActiveRegistrationsHandler:: AddMapping(ITFSNode* pNode) Adds a new Mapping to the server Author: v-shubk ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ HRESULT CActiveRegistrationsHandler::AddMapping(ITFSNode* pNode) { HRESULT hr = hrOK;
// get the server
SPITFSNode spServerNode; pNode->GetParent(&spServerNode);
CWinsServerHandler * pServer = GETHANDLER(CWinsServerHandler, spServerNode);
BOOL fInternetGroup = FALSE;
if (m_strStaticMappingType.CompareNoCase(g_strStaticTypeInternetGroup) == 0) { fInternetGroup = TRUE; }
CString strName(m_strStaticMappingName);
// check if valid NetBIOSNAme
if (pServer->IsValidNetBIOSName(strName, IsLanManCompatible(), FALSE)) { m_Multiples.SetNetBIOSName(m_strStaticMappingName); m_Multiples.SetNetBIOSNameLength(m_strStaticMappingName.GetLength());
int nMappings = 0; int i;
switch(m_nStaticMappingType) { case WINSINTF_E_UNIQUE: case WINSINTF_E_NORM_GROUP: {
nMappings = 1; LONG l;
m_Multiples.SetIpAddress(m_lArrayIPAddress.GetAt(0)); } break;
case WINSINTF_E_SPEC_GROUP: case WINSINTF_E_MULTIHOMED: nMappings = (int)m_lArrayIPAddress.GetSize(); ASSERT(nMappings <= WINSINTF_MAX_MEM); if (!fInternetGroup && nMappings == 0) { //return E_FAIL;
} for (i = 0; i < nMappings; ++i) { m_Multiples.SetIpAddress(i,m_lArrayIPAddress.GetAt(i) ); } break;
default: ASSERT(0 && "Invalid mapping type!"); }
// add to the server
err = AddMappingToServer(pNode, m_nStaticMappingType, nMappings, m_Multiples);
if (err == ERROR_SUCCESS) { //
// Added succesfully
} else { //
// WINS disallowed the mapping. Put up the
// error message, and highlight the name
return HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(err); } }
return hr; }
CActiveRegistrationsHandler::EditMappingToServer( ITFSNode* pNode, int nType, int nCount, CMultipleIpNamePair& mipnp, BOOL fEdit, WinsRecord *pRecord )
Edits the maping stored in the server database, WinsRecordAction is called Author: v-shubk ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ HRESULT CActiveRegistrationsHandler::EditMappingToServer( ITFSNode* pNode, int nType, int nCount, CMultipleIpNamePair& mipnp, BOOL fEdit, // Editing existing mapping?
WinsRecord *pRecord ) { SPITFSNode spNode; pNode->GetParent(&spNode);
CWinsServerHandler* pServer = GETHANDLER(CWinsServerHandler, spNode);
HRESULT hr = hrOK;
DWORD dwLastStatus;
ZeroMemory(&RecAction, sizeof(RecAction));
RecAction.TypOfRec_e = nType; RecAction.Cmd_e = WINSINTF_E_INSERT; RecAction.pAdd = NULL; RecAction.pName = NULL; pRecAction = &RecAction;
if (nType == WINSINTF_E_UNIQUE || nType == WINSINTF_E_NORM_GROUP) { RecAction.NoOfAdds = 1; RecAction.Add.IPAdd = (LONG)mipnp.GetIpAddress(); RecAction.Add.Type = 0; RecAction.Add.Len = 4; } else { ASSERT(nCount <= WINSINTF_MAX_MEM);
RecAction.pAdd = (WINSINTF_ADD_T *)::WinsAllocMem( sizeof(WINSINTF_ADD_T) * nCount);
if (RecAction.pAdd == NULL) { return ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; }
RecAction.NoOfAdds = nCount; int i; for (i = 0; i < nCount; ++i) { (RecAction.pAdd+i)->IPAdd = (LONG)mipnp.GetIpAddress(i); (RecAction.pAdd+i)->Type = 0; (RecAction.pAdd+i)->Len = 4; }
RecAction.NodeTyp = WINSINTF_E_PNODE; } RecAction.fStatic = TRUE;
// Don't copy the beginning slashes when adding.
int nLen = pRecord->dwNameLen; //
// Must have at least enough room for 16 character string
RecAction.pName = (LPBYTE)::WinsAllocMem(nLen + 1); if (RecAction.pName == NULL) { if (RecAction.pAdd) { ::WinsFreeMem(RecAction.pAdd); }
if (fEdit) { //
// No need to convert if already existing in the database.
// convert to ASCII string and copy
::memcpy((char *)RecAction.pName, (LPCSTR) pRecord->szRecordName, nLen+1 ); RecAction.NameLen = nLen; } else { ::CharToOemBuff(mipnp.GetNetBIOSName(), (char *)RecAction.pName, nLen ); }
dwLastStatus = ::WinsRecordAction(pServer->GetBinding(), &pRecAction); #else
dwLastStatus = ::WinsRecordAction(&pRecAction); #endif WINS_CLIENT_APIS
if (RecAction.pName != NULL) { ::WinsFreeMem(RecAction.pName); } if (RecAction.pAdd != NULL) { ::WinsFreeMem(RecAction.pAdd); }
return dwLastStatus; }
CActiveRegistrationsHandler::AddMappingToServer( ITFSNode* pNode, int nType, int nCount, CMultipleIpNamePair& mipnp, BOOL fEdit ) Adds the cleaned record to the server, WinsRecordAction acalled with WINSINTF_INSERT option Author: v-shubk ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ DWORD CActiveRegistrationsHandler::AddMappingToServer( ITFSNode* pNode, int nType, int nCount, CMultipleIpNamePair& mipnp, BOOL fEdit ) { HRESULT hr = hrOK;
SPITFSNode spNode; pNode->GetParent(&spNode);
CWinsServerHandler *pServer = GETHANDLER(CWinsServerHandler, spNode);
DWORD dwLastStatus;
ZeroMemory(&RecAction, sizeof(RecAction));
RecAction.TypOfRec_e = nType; RecAction.Cmd_e = WINSINTF_E_INSERT; RecAction.pAdd = NULL; RecAction.pName = NULL; pRecAction = &RecAction;
if (nType == WINSINTF_E_UNIQUE || nType == WINSINTF_E_NORM_GROUP) { RecAction.NoOfAdds = 1; RecAction.Add.IPAdd = (LONG)mipnp.GetIpAddress(); RecAction.Add.Type = 0; RecAction.Add.Len = 4; } else { ASSERT(nCount <= WINSINTF_MAX_MEM);
RecAction.pAdd = (WINSINTF_ADD_T *)::WinsAllocMem( sizeof(WINSINTF_ADD_T) * nCount);
if (RecAction.pAdd == NULL) { return ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; }
RecAction.NoOfAdds = nCount; int i; for (i = 0; i < nCount; ++i) { (RecAction.pAdd+i)->IPAdd = (LONG)mipnp.GetIpAddress(i); (RecAction.pAdd+i)->Type = 0; (RecAction.pAdd+i)->Len = 4; }
RecAction.NodeTyp = WINSINTF_E_PNODE; } RecAction.fStatic = TRUE;
// Don't copy the beginning slashes when adding.
int nLen = mipnp.GetNetBIOSNameLength(); //
// Must have at least enough room for 256 character string,
// includes the scope name too
RecAction.pName = (LPBYTE)::WinsAllocMem(257); if (RecAction.pName == NULL) { return HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY); }
ZeroMemory(RecAction.pName, 257);
LPSTR szTemp = (char *) alloca(100); CString strTemp = mipnp.GetNetBIOSName();
// This should be OEM
WideToMBCS(strTemp, szTemp, WINS_NAME_CODE_PAGE); nLen = strlen(szTemp);
::memcpy((char *)RecAction.pName, (LPCSTR) szTemp, nLen+1 );
if (nLen < 16) { if (nType == WINSINTF_E_SPEC_GROUP) { ::memset(RecAction.pName+nLen, (int)' ',16-nLen); RecAction.pName[15] = 0x1C; RecAction.pName[16] = '\0'; RecAction.NameLen = nLen = 16;
char szAppend[MAX_PATH];
if (!m_strStaticMappingScope.IsEmpty()) { AppendScopeName((LPSTR)RecAction.pName, (LPSTR)szAppend); strcpy((LPSTR)RecAction.pName, (LPSTR)szAppend); RecAction.NameLen = nLen = strlen((LPSTR)RecAction.pName); }
pRecAction = &RecAction; #ifdef WINS_CLIENT_APIS
dwLastStatus = ::WinsRecordAction(pServer->GetBinding(), &pRecAction); #else
dwLastStatus = ::WinsRecordAction(&pRecAction); #endif WINS_CLIENT_APIS
if (dwLastStatus != ERROR_SUCCESS) { } else { HRESULT hr = hrOK;
// query the server for correct info
PWINSINTF_RECORD_ACTION_T pRecAction1 = QueryForName(pNode, pRecAction); if (pRecAction1 == NULL) { //add it to the m_spWinsDatabase
hr = AddToLocalStorage(pRecAction, pNode); } else { // the record found and correct info displayed
//add it to the m_spWinsDatabase
hr = AddToLocalStorage(pRecAction1, pNode); free(pRecAction1->pName); }
} } else if (nType == WINSINTF_E_NORM_GROUP) { ::memset(RecAction.pName+nLen, (int)' ',16-nLen); RecAction.pName[15] = 0x1E; RecAction.pName[16] = '\0'; RecAction.NameLen = nLen = 16;
char szAppend[MAX_PATH];
if (!m_strStaticMappingScope.IsEmpty()) { AppendScopeName((LPSTR)RecAction.pName, (LPSTR)szAppend); strcpy((LPSTR)RecAction.pName, (LPSTR)szAppend); RecAction.NameLen = nLen = strlen((LPSTR)RecAction.pName);
pRecAction = &RecAction;
dwLastStatus = ::WinsRecordAction(pServer->GetBinding(),&pRecAction); #else
dwLastStatus = ::WinsRecordAction(&pRecAction); #endif WINS_CLIENT_APIS
if (dwLastStatus != ERROR_SUCCESS) { } else { // query the server for correct info
PWINSINTF_RECORD_ACTION_T pRecAction1 = QueryForName(pNode, pRecAction); if (pRecAction1 == NULL) { hr = AddToLocalStorage(pRecAction, pNode); } else { // the record found and correct info displayed
//add it to the m_spWinsDatabase
hr = AddToLocalStorage(pRecAction1, pNode); free(pRecAction1->pName); }
} } else { //
// NOTICE:: When lanman compatible, the name is added
// three times - once each as worksta, server
// and messenger. This will change when we allow
// different 16th bytes to be set.
if (IsLanManCompatible() && !fEdit) { BYTE ab[] = { 0x00, 0x03, 0x20 }; ::memset(RecAction.pName + nLen, (int)' ', 16-nLen); int i; for (i = 0; i < sizeof(ab) / sizeof(ab[0]); ++i) { *(RecAction.pName+15) = ab[i]; *(RecAction.pName+16) = '\0'; RecAction.NameLen = nLen = 16;
// append the scope name here, if present
if (!m_strStaticMappingScope.IsEmpty()) { // don't allow the scope to be appended if the 16th char is 00,
// consistent with WinsCL
if (i != 0) { char *lpAppend = new char [MAX_PATH]; AppendScopeName((LPSTR)RecAction.pName, (LPSTR)lpAppend); strcpy((LPSTR)RecAction.pName, (LPSTR)lpAppend); RecAction.NameLen = nLen = strlen((LPSTR)RecAction.pName);
delete [] lpAppend; } } pRecAction = &RecAction;
dwLastStatus = ::WinsRecordAction(pServer->GetBinding(),&pRecAction); #else
dwLastStatus = ::WinsRecordAction(&pRecAction); #endif WINS_CLIENT_APIS
Trace1("WinsRecAction suceeded for '%lx'\n", ab[i]);
if (dwLastStatus != ERROR_SUCCESS) { break; } else { // query the server for correct info
PWINSINTF_RECORD_ACTION_T pRecAction1 = QueryForName(pNode, pRecAction);
if (pRecAction1 == NULL) { //add it to the m_spWinsDatabase
hr = AddToLocalStorage(pRecAction, pNode); } else { // the record found and correct info displayed
//add it to the m_spWinsDatabase
hr = AddToLocalStorage(pRecAction1, pNode); free(pRecAction1->pName); } } } } else { ::memset(RecAction.pName+nLen, (int)'\0',16-nLen); *(RecAction.pName+15) = 0x20; *(RecAction.pName+16) = '\0'; RecAction.NameLen = nLen;
char szAppend[MAX_PATH];
if (!m_strStaticMappingScope.IsEmpty()) { AppendScopeName((LPSTR)RecAction.pName, (LPSTR)szAppend); strcpy((LPSTR)RecAction.pName, (LPSTR)szAppend); RecAction.NameLen = nLen = strlen((LPSTR)RecAction.pName); }
dwLastStatus = ::WinsRecordAction(pServer->GetBinding(),&pRecAction); #else
dwLastStatus = ::WinsRecordAction(&pRecAction); #endif WINS_CLIENT_APIS
if (dwLastStatus != ERROR_SUCCESS) { } else { // query the server for correct info
PWINSINTF_RECORD_ACTION_T pRecAction1 = QueryForName(pNode, pRecAction);
if (pRecAction1 == NULL) { //add it to the m_spWinsDatabase
hr = AddToLocalStorage(pRecAction, pNode); } else { // the record found and correct info displayed
//add it to the m_spWinsDatabase
hr = AddToLocalStorage(pRecAction1, pNode); free(pRecAction1->pName); } } } } } else { RecAction.NameLen = nLen;
dwLastStatus = ::WinsRecordAction(pServer->GetBinding(),&pRecAction); #else
dwLastStatus = ::WinsRecordAction(&pRecAction); #endif WINS_CLIENT_APIS
if (dwLastStatus != ERROR_SUCCESS) { } else { // query the server for correct info
PWINSINTF_RECORD_ACTION_T pRecAction1 = QueryForName(pNode, pRecAction);
if (pRecAction1 == NULL) { //add it to the m_spWinsDatabase
hr = AddToLocalStorage(pRecAction, pNode); } else { // the record found and correct info displayed
//add it to the m_spWinsDatabase
hr = AddToLocalStorage(pRecAction1, pNode); free(pRecAction1->pName); } } }
if (RecAction.pName != NULL) { ::WinsFreeMem(RecAction.pName); } if (RecAction.pAdd != NULL) { ::WinsFreeMem(RecAction.pAdd); }
return dwLastStatus;
CActiveRegistrationsHandler::AddToLocalStorage( PWINSINTF_RECORD_ACTION_T pRecAction, ITFSNode* pNode ) add it to the m_spWinsDatabase, after getting all the information(Version, Exp etc) from the server
Author: v-shubk ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ HRESULT CActiveRegistrationsHandler::AddToLocalStorage(PWINSINTF_RECORD_ACTION_T pRecAction, ITFSNode* pNode) { HRESULT hr = hrOK; BOOL bIPOk = FALSE;
WinsRecord ws;
// convert WINS_RECORD_ACTION to internal record
WinsIntfToWinsRecord(pRecAction, ws); if (pRecAction->OwnerId < (UINT) m_pServerInfoArray->GetSize()) ws.dwOwner = (*m_pServerInfoArray)[pRecAction->OwnerId].m_dwIp;
if (m_spWinsDatabase) { hr = m_spWinsDatabase->AddRecord(&ws); }
return hr; }
CActiveRegistrationsHandler::OnImportLMHOSTS(ITFSNode* pNode) Command Handler for Import LMHosts Author: v-shubk ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ HRESULT CActiveRegistrationsHandler::OnImportLMHOSTS(ITFSNode* pNode) { HRESULT hr = hrOK;
CString strTitle; CString strFilter; strFilter.LoadString(IDS_ALL_FILES);
// put up the file dlg to get the file
CFileDialog dlgFile(TRUE, NULL, NULL, OFN_FILEMUSTEXIST | OFN_HIDEREADONLY, strFilter); CThemeContextActivator themeActivator;
dlgFile.m_ofn.lpstrTitle = strTitle;
if (dlgFile.DoModal() == IDOK) { //
// If this is a local connection, we copy the file to
// temporary name (the source may be on a remote drive
// which is not accessible to the WINS service.
// If this is not a local connection, attempt to copy
// the file to a temp name on C$ of the WINS server
BEGIN_WAIT_CURSOR CString strMappingFile(dlgFile.GetPathName()); do { if (IsLocalConnection(pNode)) { CString strWins; strWins.LoadString(IDS_WINS); CString strTmpFile(_tempnam(NULL, "WINS")); //
// First copy file to a temporary name (since the file
// could be remote), and then import and delete this file
if (!CopyFile(strMappingFile, strTmpFile, TRUE) || !SetFileAttributes(strTmpFile, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL)) { err = ::GetLastError(); break; } //
// Now import the temporary file, and delete the file
// afterwards.
err = ImportStaticMappingsFile(pNode, strTmpFile, TRUE); } else { //
// Try copying to the remote machine C: drive
CString strServerName; GetServerName(pNode, strServerName);
CString strWins; strWins.LoadString(IDS_WINS);
CString strTemp; strTemp.Format(_T("\\\\%s\\C$"), strServerName);
// Find a suitable remote file name
CString strRemoteFile; DWORD dwErr = RemoteTmp(strTemp, strWins, strRemoteFile);
if (dwErr != ERROR_SUCCESS) { CString strError, strMessage;
::GetSystemMessage(dwErr, strError.GetBuffer(1024), 1024); strError.ReleaseBuffer();
AfxFormatString1(strMessage, IDS_ERR_REMOTE_IMPORT, strError); AfxMessageBox(strMessage);
goto Error; }
// First copy file to a temporary name (since the file
// could be remote), and then import and delete this file
if (!CopyFile(strMappingFile, strRemoteFile, TRUE) || !SetFileAttributes(strRemoteFile, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL)) { err = ::GetLastError(); break; }
// fixup the filename so it looks local to the wins server
LPTSTR pch = strRemoteFile.GetBuffer(256);
// Now replace the remote path with a local path
// for the remote WINS server
while (*pch != '$') { ++pch; } *pch = ':'; --pch; CString strRemoteFileNew(pch); strRemoteFile.ReleaseBuffer(); //
// Now import the temporary file, and delete the file
// afterwards.
err = ImportStaticMappingsFile(pNode, strRemoteFileNew, TRUE); } } while(FALSE);
// refresh the result pane now.
RefreshResults(pNode); } else { ::WinsMessageBox(err, MB_OK); }
// refresh the server statistics
SPITFSNode spServerNode; pNode->GetParent(&spServerNode);
CWinsServerHandler * pServer = GETHANDLER(CWinsServerHandler, spServerNode);
// rferesh the statistics
pServer->GetStatistics(spServerNode, NULL); }
Error: return err; }
CActiveRegistrationsHandler::IsLocalConnection(ITFSNode *pNode) Check if the loacl machine is being managed Author: v-shubk ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ BOOL CActiveRegistrationsHandler::IsLocalConnection(ITFSNode *pNode) { // get the server netbios name
CString strServerName; GetServerName(pNode,strServerName); // address of name buffer
TCHAR szBuffer[MAX_COMPUTERNAME_LENGTH + 1]; DWORD nSize = MAX_COMPUTERNAME_LENGTH + 1 ; ::GetComputerName(szBuffer, &nSize); CString strCompName(szBuffer);
if (strCompName == strServerName) { return TRUE; } return FALSE; }
CActiveRegistrationsHandler::GetServerName(ITFSNode * pNode, CString &strServerName) Talk to the parent node and get the server name we are managing Author: v-shubk ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void CActiveRegistrationsHandler::GetServerName(ITFSNode * pNode, CString &strServerName) { SPITFSNode spServerNode; pNode->GetParent(&spServerNode);
CWinsServerHandler * pServer = GETHANDLER(CWinsServerHandler, spServerNode);
strServerName = pServer->GetServerAddress(); }
CActiveRegistrationsHandler::ImportStaticMappingsFile(CString strFile, BOOL fDelete) Call the WINS API to import the statis mappings text file Author: v-shubk ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ HRESULT CActiveRegistrationsHandler::ImportStaticMappingsFile(ITFSNode *pNode, CString strFile, BOOL fDelete) { HRESULT hr = hrOK;
SPITFSNode spServerNode; pNode->GetParent(&spServerNode);
CWinsServerHandler * pServer = GETHANDLER(CWinsServerHandler, spServerNode);
LPTSTR lpszTemp = strFile.GetBuffer(MAX_PATH * 2);
DWORD dwLastStatus = ::WinsDoStaticInit(pServer->GetBinding(), (LPTSTR)lpszTemp, fDelete); #else
DWORD dwLastStatus = ::WinsDoStaticInit((LPTSTR)lpszTemp, fDelete); #endif WINS_CLIENT_APIS
return dwLastStatus; }
CActiveRegistrationsHandler::RemoteTmp(CString strDir,CString strPrefix ) Get a temporary file on a remote drive Author: v-shubk ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ DWORD CActiveRegistrationsHandler::RemoteTmp(CString & strDir, CString & strPrefix, CString & strRemoteFile) { DWORD dwErr = ERROR_SUCCESS; CString strReturn; int n = 0;
while (TRUE) { strReturn.Format(_T("%s\\%s%d"), strDir, strPrefix, ++n);
if (GetFileAttributes(strReturn) == -1) { dwErr = GetLastError(); if (dwErr == ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND) { strRemoteFile = strReturn; dwErr = ERROR_SUCCESS; }
break; } }
return dwErr; }
CActiveRegistrationsHandler::DeleteMappingFromServer(ITFSComponent * pComponent, WinsRecord *pws,int nIndex) Deletes wins record from the Wins Server Author: v-shubk ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ DWORD CActiveRegistrationsHandler::DeleteMappingFromServer ( ITFSComponent * pComponent, WinsRecord * pws, int nIndex ) { HRESULT hr = hrOK;
//check if the record is static
ZeroMemory(&RecAction, sizeof(RecAction));
SPITFSNode spNode; pComponent->GetSelectedNode(&spNode);
SPITFSNode spParentNode; spNode->GetParent(&spParentNode);
CWinsServerHandler* pServer = GETHANDLER(CWinsServerHandler, spParentNode);
if (pws->dwState & WINSDB_REC_STATIC) { RecAction.fStatic = TRUE;
if (pws->dwState & WINSDB_REC_UNIQUE) { RecAction.TypOfRec_e = WINSINTF_E_UNIQUE; } else if (pws->dwState & WINSDB_REC_SPEC_GROUP) { RecAction.TypOfRec_e = WINSINTF_E_SPEC_GROUP; } else if (pws->dwState & WINSDB_REC_NORM_GROUP) { RecAction.TypOfRec_e = WINSINTF_E_NORM_GROUP; } else if (pws->dwState & WINSDB_REC_MULTIHOMED) { RecAction.TypOfRec_e = WINSINTF_E_MULTIHOMED; } } else { RecAction.fStatic = FALSE; }
RecAction.Cmd_e = WINSINTF_E_DELETE; RecAction.State_e = WINSINTF_E_DELETED;
RecAction.pName = NULL; RecAction.pAdd = NULL;
pRecAction = &RecAction;
RecAction.pName = (LPBYTE)::WinsAllocMem(pws->dwNameLen+1); if (RecAction.pName == NULL) { return ::GetLastError(); }
ZeroMemory(RecAction.pName, pws->dwNameLen+1); memcpy(RecAction.pName, pws->szRecordName, pws->dwNameLen);
if (pws->dwNameLen) { RecAction.NameLen = pws->dwNameLen; } else { RecAction.NameLen = ::strlen((LPSTR)RecAction.pName); }
RecAction.OwnerId = pws->dwOwner;
dwLastStatus = ::WinsRecordAction(pServer->GetBinding(), &pRecAction); #else
dwLastStatus = ::WinsRecordAction(&pRecAction); #endif WINS_CLIENT_APIS
if (RecAction.pName != NULL) { ::WinsFreeMem(RecAction.pName); }
if (RecAction.pAdd != NULL) { ::WinsFreeMem(RecAction.pAdd); }
return dwLastStatus; }
CActiveRegistrationsHandler::EditMapping(ITFSNode *pNode) Edit the already mapping , the user might have changed the IP address Author: v-shubk ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ HRESULT CActiveRegistrationsHandler::EditMapping(ITFSNode *pNode, ITFSComponent *pComponent, int nIndex) { HRESULT hr = hrOK;
DWORD err = ERROR_SUCCESS; int i; int nCurrentCount;
// get the server
SPITFSNode spServerNode; pNode->GetParent(&spServerNode);
CWinsServerHandler * pServer = GETHANDLER(CWinsServerHandler, spServerNode);
BOOL fInternetGroup = FALSE;
if (m_strStaticMappingType.CompareNoCase(g_strStaticTypeInternetGroup) == 0) { fInternetGroup = TRUE; }
// create the multiple IPNamePr
if (pServer->IsValidNetBIOSName(m_strStaticMappingName, IsLanManCompatible(), FALSE)) { m_Multiples.SetNetBIOSName(m_strStaticMappingName); m_Multiples.SetNetBIOSNameLength(m_strStaticMappingName.GetLength());
int nMappings = 0; int i;
switch(m_nStaticMappingType) { case WINSINTF_E_UNIQUE: case WINSINTF_E_NORM_GROUP: { nMappings = 1; LONG l;
m_Multiples.SetIpAddress(m_lArrayIPAddress.GetAt(0)); } break;
case WINSINTF_E_SPEC_GROUP: case WINSINTF_E_MULTIHOMED: nMappings = (int)m_lArrayIPAddress.GetSize(); ASSERT(nMappings <= WINSINTF_MAX_MEM); if (!fInternetGroup && nMappings == 0) { //return E_FAIL;
} for (i = 0; i < nMappings; ++i) { m_Multiples.SetIpAddress(i,m_lArrayIPAddress.GetAt(i) ); } break;
default: ASSERT(0 && "Invalid mapping type!"); }
HROW hrowDel; WinsRecord ws;
// from internal storage
CORg(m_spWinsDatabase->GetHRow(m_nSelectedIndex, &hrowDel)); CORg(m_spWinsDatabase->GetData(hrowDel, &ws));
if (m_nStaticMappingType == WINSINTF_E_SPEC_GROUP || m_nStaticMappingType == WINSINTF_E_MULTIHOMED) { //
// An internet group being edited cannot simply be
// re-added, since it will add ip addresses, not
// overwrite them, so it must first be removed.
err = DeleteMappingFromServer(pComponent, &ws, m_nSelectedIndex); }
// We edit the mapping by merely re-adding it, which
// has the same effect.
if (err == ERROR_SUCCESS) { err = EditMappingToServer(pNode, m_nStaticMappingType, nMappings, m_Multiples, TRUE, &m_CurrentRecord); } if (err != ERROR_SUCCESS) { return err; }
// Fill in current owner
OwnAdd.Len = 4; OwnAdd.Type = 0; OwnAdd.IPAdd = pServer->GetServerIP();
err = ::WinsGetDbRecsByName(pServer->GetBinding(), &OwnAdd, WINSINTF_BEGINNING, (LPBYTE) ws.szRecordName, ws.dwNameLen, 1, (ws.dwState & WINSDB_REC_STATIC) ? WINSINTF_STATIC : WINSINTF_DYNAMIC, &Recs); #else
err = ::WinsGetDbRecsByName(&OwnAdd, WINSINTF_BEGINNING, (LPBYTE) ws.szRecordName, ws.dwNameLen, 1, (ws.dwState & WINSDB_REC_STATIC) ? WINSINTF_STATIC : WINSINTF_DYNAMIC, &Recs); #endif WINS_CLIENT_APIS
if (err == ERROR_SUCCESS) { TRY { ASSERT(Recs.NoOfRecs == 1); if (Recs.NoOfRecs == 0) { //
// the record can not be found.
// This should not happen!
//Trace("Unable to find the record to refresh:\n");
PWINSINTF_RECORD_ACTION_T pRow1 = Recs.pRow; WinsRecord wRecord; WinsIntfToWinsRecord(pRow1, wRecord); if (pRow1->OwnerId < (UINT) m_pServerInfoArray->GetSize()) wRecord.dwOwner = (*m_pServerInfoArray)[pRow1->OwnerId].m_dwIp;
// RefreshData(Recs.pRow), delete this particular record and add it again;
// from internal storage
CORg(m_spWinsDatabase->DeleteRecord(hrowDel)); CORg(m_spWinsDatabase->AddRecord(&wRecord));
// now set the count.. this effectively redraws the contents
CORg (m_pCurrentDatabase->GetCurrentCount(&nCurrentCount));
UpdateCurrentView(pNode); } CATCH_ALL(e) { return ::GetLastError(); } END_CATCH_ALL; }
if (Recs.pRow != NULL) { ::WinsFreeMem(Recs.pRow); } }
Error: return err; }
CActiveRegistrationsHandler::QueryForName() queries WINS server given the name and gets info to be displayed in the result pane Author: v-shubk ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ PWINSINTF_RECORD_ACTION_T CActiveRegistrationsHandler::QueryForName ( ITFSNode * pNode, PWINSINTF_RECORD_ACTION_T pRecAction, BOOL fStatic ) { SPITFSNode spNode; pNode->GetParent(&spNode);
CWinsServerHandler *pServer = GETHANDLER(CWinsServerHandler, spNode); HRESULT hr = hrOK;
pRecAction->pAdd = NULL; pRecAction->NoOfAdds = 0;
pRecAction->fStatic = fStatic; pRecAction->Cmd_e = WINSINTF_E_QUERY; #ifdef WINS_CLIENT_APIS
DWORD dwStatus = WinsRecordAction(pServer->GetBinding(), &pRecAction); #else
DWORD dwStatus = WinsRecordAction(&pRecAction); #endif WINS_CLIENT_APIS
// when we query for a record, the string length must not include the null terminator.
// in the normal case using GetDbRecs, wins returns the name length as length + 1
// for the null terminator. Since all of the code expects any WINSINTFS_RECORD_ACTION_T
// struct to be in that format, let's touch things up a bit and make a copy.
if (dwStatus == 0) { pRecAction->NameLen++; LPBYTE pNew = (LPBYTE) malloc(pRecAction->NameLen); if (pNew) { ZeroMemory(pNew, pRecAction->NameLen);
memcpy(pNew, pRecAction->pName, pRecAction->NameLen - 1);
pRecAction->pName = pNew; }
return pRecAction; } else { return NULL; } }
CActiveRegistrationsHandler::ToString(DWORD dwParam, CString& strParam) converts DWORD to CString Author v-shubk ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void CActiveRegistrationsHandler::ToString(DWORD dwParam, CString& strParam) { TCHAR szStr[20]; _ltot((LONG)dwParam, szStr, 10); CString str(szStr); strParam = str; }
CActiveRegistrationsHandler::OnExportEntries() Command Handler for Export Database Author v-shubk ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ HRESULT CActiveRegistrationsHandler::OnExportEntries() { HRESULT hr = hrOK; WinsRecord ws; HROW hrow;
if (!m_pCurrentDatabase) { return NULL; }
// Bring up the Save Dialog
CString strType; strType.LoadString(IDS_FILE_EXTENSION);
CString strDefFileName; strDefFileName.LoadString(IDS_FILE_DEFNAME);
CString strFilter; strFilter.LoadString(IDS_STR_EXPORTFILE_FILTER); // put up the dlg to get the file name
CFileDialog cFileDlg(FALSE, strType, strDefFileName, OFN_HIDEREADONLY | OFN_OVERWRITEPROMPT, strFilter); CThemeContextActivator themeActivator; CString strTitle; strTitle.LoadString(IDS_EXPFILE_TITLE);
cFileDlg.m_ofn.lpstrTitle = strTitle;
if ( cFileDlg.DoModal() != IDOK ) { return hrFalse; }
// getthe entire path
CString strFileName = cFileDlg.GetPathName();
COM_PROTECT_TRY { int nCount; m_pCurrentDatabase->GetCurrentCount(&nCount);
CString strContent; strContent.Empty();
CString strTemp; strTemp.Empty();
CString strLine; strLine.Empty();
CString strDelim = _T(','); CString strNewLine = _T("\r\n");
// create a file named "WinsExp.txt" in the current directory
CFile cFileExp(strFileName, CFile::modeCreate | CFile::modeRead | CFile::modeWrite);
// this is a unicode file, write the unicde lead bytes (2)
cFileExp.Write(&gwUnicodeHeader, sizeof(WORD));
CString strHead; strHead.LoadString(IDS_STRING_HEAD); strHead += strNewLine;
cFileExp.Write(strHead, strHead.GetLength()*sizeof(TCHAR)); BEGIN_WAIT_CURSOR
#ifdef DEBUG
CTime timeStart, timeFinish; timeStart = CTime::GetCurrentTime(); #endif
for (int i = 0; i < nCount; i++) { strLine.Empty(); strTemp.Empty();
hr = m_pCurrentDatabase->GetHRow(i, &hrow); hr = m_pCurrentDatabase->GetData(hrow, &ws);
// build the name string
CleanNetBIOSName(ws.szRecordName, // input char *
strTemp, // output LPTSTR
TRUE, // Expand
TRUE, // Truncate
IsLanManCompatible(), TRUE, // name is OEM
FALSE, // No double backslash
strLine += strTemp; strLine += strDelim;
// now the type
m_NameTypeMap.TypeToCString((DWORD)ws.szRecordName[15], MAKELONG(HIWORD(ws.dwType), 0), strTemp); strLine += strTemp; strLine += strDelim; // IP address
if ( (ws.dwState & WINSDB_REC_UNIQUE) || (ws.dwState & WINSDB_REC_NORM_GROUP) ) { MakeIPAddress(ws.dwIpAdd[0], strTemp); strLine += strTemp; } else { CString strTemp2;
// this record has multiple addresses. The addresses are in the form of:
// owner wins, then IP address
// out put will look like address - owner IP;address - owner ip
for (DWORD i = 0; i < ws.dwNoOfAddrs; i++) { if (i != 0) strLine += _T(";");
// owner
::MakeIPAddress(ws.dwIpAdd[i++], strTemp); // actual address
::MakeIPAddress(ws.dwIpAdd[i], strTemp2);
strTemp2 += _T(" - "); strTemp2 += strTemp;
strLine += strTemp2; } }
strLine += strDelim; // active status
GetStateString(ws.dwState, strTemp); strLine += strTemp; strLine += strDelim; // static flag
if (ws.dwState & WINSDB_REC_STATIC) strTemp.LoadString(IDS_ACTIVEREG_STATIC); else strTemp = _T(""); strLine += strTemp; strLine += strDelim;
// version
GetVersionInfo(ws.liVersion.LowPart, ws.liVersion.HighPart, strTemp); strLine += strTemp; strLine += strDelim;
// expiration time
if (ws.dwExpiration == INFINITE_EXPIRATION) { Verify(strTemp.LoadString(IDS_INFINITE)); } else { strTemp = TMST(ws.dwExpiration); }
strLine += strTemp; strLine += strNewLine;
strContent += strLine;
// write to the file for every 1000 records converted
if ( i % 1000 == 0) { cFileExp.Write(strContent, strContent.GetLength() * (sizeof(TCHAR)) ); cFileExp.SeekToEnd(); // clear all the strings now
strContent.Empty(); } }
// write to the file
cFileExp.Write(strContent, strContent.GetLength() * (sizeof(TCHAR)) ); cFileExp.Close();
#ifdef DEBUG
timeFinish = CTime::GetCurrentTime(); CTimeSpan timeDelta = timeFinish - timeStart; CString strTempTime = timeDelta.Format(_T("%H:%M:%S")); Trace2("WINS DB - Export Entries: %d records read, total time %s\n", i, strTempTime); #endif
CString strDisp; AfxFormatString1(strDisp, IDS_EXPORT_SUCCESS, strFileName);
AfxMessageBox(strDisp, MB_ICONINFORMATION );
return hr; }
CActiveRegistrationsHandler::BuildOwnerArray(ITFSNode *pNode) Builds the list of owners in the server Author: v-shubk ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ HRESULT CActiveRegistrationsHandler::BuildOwnerArray(handle_t hBinding) { HRESULT hr = hrOK; DWORD err = 0; CWinsResults winsResults;
err = winsResults.Update(hBinding);
if (err == ERROR_SUCCESS) { m_pServerInfoArray->RemoveAll();
LARGE_INTEGER liVersion; DWORD dwIP; CString strName; BOOL fGetHostName = TRUE;
for (int i = 0; i < winsResults.AddVersMaps.GetSize(); i++) { liVersion = winsResults.AddVersMaps[i].VersNo; dwIP = winsResults.AddVersMaps[i].Add.IPAdd;
CServerInfo serverInfo(dwIP, strName, liVersion);
int nIndex = (int)m_pServerInfoArray->Add(serverInfo); } }
return HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(err); }
CActiveRegistrationsHandler::OnCheckRegNames(ITFSNode* pNode) Command Handler for Check Registered names Author: v-shubk ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ HRESULT CActiveRegistrationsHandler::OnCheckRegNames(ITFSNode* pNode) { HRESULT hr = hrOK;
CCheckRegNames dlgRegName; CThemeContextActivator themeActivator; if (IDOK != dlgRegName.DoModal()) { return hr; }
CCheckNamesProgress dlgCheckNames;
dlgCheckNames.m_strNameArray.Copy(dlgRegName.m_strNameArray); dlgCheckNames.m_strServerArray.Copy(dlgRegName.m_strServerArray); dlgCheckNames.m_fVerifyWithPartners = dlgRegName.m_fVerifyWithPartners;
return hr; }
CActiveRegistrationsHandler::OnDeleteOwner(ITFSNode* pNode) Command Handler for Tombstone all records Author: EricDav ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ HRESULT CActiveRegistrationsHandler::OnDeleteOwner(ITFSNode* pNode) { HRESULT hr = hrOK;
CDeleteOwner dlgDeleteOwner(pNode); CThemeContextActivator themeActivator;
DWORD dwErr, dwIp; CString strText, strIp;
if (dlgDeleteOwner.DoModal() == IDOK) { BEGIN_WAIT_CURSOR
if (dlgDeleteOwner.m_fDeleteRecords) { SPITFSNode spServerNode; pNode->GetParent(&spServerNode); CWinsServerHandler * pServer = GETHANDLER(CWinsServerHandler, spServerNode); dwErr = pServer->DeleteWinsServer(dlgDeleteOwner.m_dwSelectedOwner);
if (dwErr == ERROR_SUCCESS) { // remove from list
for (int i = 0; i < m_pServerInfoArray->GetSize(); i++) { if (m_pServerInfoArray->GetAt(i).m_dwIp == dlgDeleteOwner.m_dwSelectedOwner) { m_pServerInfoArray->RemoveAt(i); break; } } } } else { dwErr = TombstoneAllRecords(dlgDeleteOwner.m_dwSelectedOwner, pNode); }
if (dwErr != ERROR_SUCCESS) { WinsMessageBox(dwErr); }
// TODO trigger an update of whatever is in the active registrations result pane
return hr; }
CActiveRegistrationsHandler::AppendScopeName(char* lpName, char* lpScopeAppended)
Appends the scope name to the record name, when there isa scope name attached to the record ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void CActiveRegistrationsHandler::AppendScopeName(char* lpName, char* lpScopeAppended) {
strcpy(lpScopeAppended, lpName); char szTemp[MAX_PATH];
CString strScope = _T(".") + m_strStaticMappingScope;
// INTL$ Should the scope name be OEM as well?
strcat(lpScopeAppended, szTemp); }
CActiveRegistrationsHandler::TombstoneRecords() Handles Tomsstoning of records Author: v-shubk ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ DWORD CActiveRegistrationsHandler::TombstoneRecords ( ITFSComponent * pComponent, WinsRecord * pws ) { DWORD err = ERROR_SUCCESS;
// get the server node to retrive the handle for the WINS api
SPITFSNode spNode; pComponent->GetSelectedNode(&spNode);
SPITFSNode spParentNode; spNode->GetParent(&spParentNode);
CWinsServerHandler* pServer = GETHANDLER(CWinsServerHandler, spParentNode);
MinVersNo = pws->liVersion; MaxVersNo = MinVersNo;
// gotta get the owner of this record
WINSINTF_RECORD_ACTION_T recAction; WINSINTF_RECORD_ACTION_T * precAction = &recAction; ZeroMemory(&recAction, sizeof(recAction));
BYTE * pName = (BYTE*) WinsAllocMem(pws->dwNameLen + 1); if (pName == NULL) { return ERROR_OUTOFMEMORY; }
memset(pName, 0, pws->dwNameLen + 1); memcpy(pName, pws->szRecordName, pws->dwNameLen);
recAction.pName = pName; recAction.Cmd_e = WINSINTF_E_QUERY; recAction.TypOfRec_e = HIWORD(pws->dwType); recAction.fStatic = (pws->dwState & WINSDB_REC_STATIC) ? TRUE : FALSE; recAction.pAdd = NULL; recAction.NoOfAdds = 0; recAction.NameLen = pws->dwNameLen;
// get the OwnerId for the mapping
// have to do this because the OwnerId in the raw data is bogus
err = ::WinsRecordAction(pServer->GetBinding(), &precAction); #else
err = ::WinsRecordAction(&precAction); #endif WINS_CLIENT_APIS
WinsFreeMem(pName); if (err != WINSINTF_SUCCESS ) { return err; }
WinsAdd.Len = 4; WinsAdd.Type = 0; //WinsAdd.IPAdd = m_dwArrayOwner[precAction->OwnerId];
WinsAdd.IPAdd = (*m_pServerInfoArray)[precAction->OwnerId].m_dwIp;
err = ::WinsTombstoneDbRecs(pServer->GetBinding(), &WinsAdd, MinVersNo, MaxVersNo); #else
err = ::WinsTombstoneDbRecs(&WinsAdd, MinVersNo, MaxVersNo); #endif
return err; }
CActiveRegistrationsHandler::TombstoneAllRecords() Tombstones all records owned by this server Author: EricDav ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ DWORD CActiveRegistrationsHandler::TombstoneAllRecords(DWORD dwServerIpAddress, ITFSNode * pNode) { WINSINTF_VERS_NO_T MinVersNo; WINSINTF_VERS_NO_T MaxVersNo; WINSINTF_ADD_T WinsAdd;
SPITFSNode spParentNode; pNode->GetParent(&spParentNode);
CWinsServerHandler * pServer = GETHANDLER(CWinsServerHandler, spParentNode);
DWORD err;
CWinsResults winsResults;
err = winsResults.Update(pServer->GetBinding()); if (err != ERROR_SUCCESS) return err;
MinVersNo.QuadPart = 0;
for (UINT i = 0; i < winsResults.NoOfOwners; i++) { if (winsResults.AddVersMaps[i].Add.IPAdd == dwServerIpAddress) { MaxVersNo.QuadPart = winsResults.AddVersMaps[i].VersNo.QuadPart; break; } }
// build the IP address
WinsAdd.Len = 4; WinsAdd.Type = 0; WinsAdd.IPAdd = dwServerIpAddress;
err = ::WinsTombstoneDbRecs(pServer->GetBinding(), &WinsAdd, MinVersNo, MaxVersNo); #else
err = ::WinsTombstoneDbRecs(&WinsAdd, MinVersNo, MaxVersNo); #endif
return err; }
CActiveRegistrationsHandler::UpdateRecord(ITFSComponent *pComponent, WinsRecord *pws, int nDelIndex)
Called to update the record on the result pane when a records has been tombstoned Author: v-shubk ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ HRESULT CActiveRegistrationsHandler::UpdateRecord(ITFSComponent *pComponent, WinsRecord *pws, int nDelIndex) { HRESULT hr = hrOK; WINSINTF_RECORD_ACTION_T RecAction; PWINSINTF_RECORD_ACTION_T pRecAction; PWINSINTF_RECORD_ACTION_T pRecActionRet; DWORD dwStatus = ERROR_SUCCESS; int nLen; BYTE bLast; SPITFSNode spNode; SPITFSNode spParentNode; WinsRecord wsNew; HROW hrowDel;
// get it's parent, which happens to be the server node
// get the pointer to the server handler
CWinsServerHandler *pServer = GETHANDLER(CWinsServerHandler, spParentNode);
ZeroMemory(&RecAction, sizeof(RecAction));
// form the PWINSINTFrecord from the info in WinsRecord
//RecAction.TypOfRec_e = nType;
RecAction.Cmd_e = WINSINTF_E_QUERY; RecAction.pAdd = NULL; RecAction.pName = NULL; RecAction.NoOfAdds = 0; RecAction.NameLen = nLen = pws->dwNameLen; bLast = LOBYTE(LOWORD(pws->dwType)); pRecAction = &RecAction; RecAction.pName = (LPBYTE)::WinsAllocMem(nLen + 1); if (RecAction.pName == NULL) { return ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; }
// copy the name
memset(pRecAction->pName, 0, nLen + 1); (void)memcpy(pRecAction->pName, pws->szRecordName, nLen); // now query for this particular record
pRecActionRet = QueryForName(spNode, pRecAction);
// if the function is successful, update the listbox
if (pRecActionRet != NULL) { // convert PWinsINTF record to WinsRecord so that it can be added to the local storage
WinsIntfToWinsRecord(pRecActionRet, wsNew); if (pRecActionRet->OwnerId < (UINT) m_pServerInfoArray->GetSize()) wsNew.dwOwner = (*m_pServerInfoArray)[pRecActionRet->OwnerId].m_dwIp;
free(pRecActionRet->pName); // delete this particular record and add it back again to the local storage
CORg(m_pCurrentDatabase->GetHRow(nDelIndex, &hrowDel)); CORg(m_pCurrentDatabase->DeleteRecord(hrowDel));
// add it to database
m_pCurrentDatabase->AddRecord(&wsNew); }
Error: if (RecAction.pName) { WinsFreeMem(RecAction.pName); }
return hr; }
CActiveRegistrationsHandler::RefreshResults(ITFSNode *pNode) Refreshes the result pane of the active registrations node ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ HRESULT CActiveRegistrationsHandler::RefreshResults(ITFSNode *pNode) { AFX_MANAGE_STATE(AfxGetStaticModuleState());
HRESULT hr = hrOK; SPITFSNode spNode; SPITFSNodeHandler spHandler; ITFSQueryObject * pQuery = NULL; SPITFSNode spServerNode; DWORD dwIP; CString strIP ; CWinsServerHandler* pServer = NULL; CString strMachineName; int nCount, pos;
// if being loaded
if (m_spWinsDatabase) { CORg (m_spWinsDatabase->Stop()); DatabaseLoadingCleanup(); UpdateListboxCount(pNode); }
pServer = GETHANDLER(CWinsServerHandler, spServerNode); Lock();
strMachineName = _T("\\\\") + pServer->GetServerAddress();
dwIP = pServer->GetServerIP(); MakeIPAddress(dwIP, strIP);
if (!m_spWinsDatabase) { CORg(CreateWinsDatabase(strIP, strIP, &m_spWinsDatabase)); } m_spWinsDatabase->SetApiInfo( m_dlgLoadRecords.m_pageOwners.GetOwnerForApi(), m_dlgLoadRecords.m_pageIpAddress.GetNameForApi(), m_dlgLoadRecords.m_bEnableCache);
// start loading records
CORg (m_spWinsDatabase->Init());
// update our internal state
m_winsdbState = WINSDB_LOADING;
// update the node's icon
// kick off the background thread to do the timer updates
pQuery = OnCreateQuery(pNode); Assert(pQuery);
Verify(StartBackgroundThread(pNode, m_spTFSCompData->GetHiddenWnd(), pQuery)); pQuery->Release();
// fill in any record type filter information
nCount = (int)m_dlgLoadRecords.m_pageTypes.m_arrayTypeFilter.GetSize(); m_spWinsDatabase->ClearFilter(WINSDB_FILTER_BY_TYPE); for (pos = 0; pos < nCount; pos++) { m_spWinsDatabase->AddFilter(WINSDB_FILTER_BY_TYPE, m_dlgLoadRecords.m_pageTypes.m_arrayTypeFilter[pos].dwType, m_dlgLoadRecords.m_pageTypes.m_arrayTypeFilter[pos].fShow, NULL); }
// fill in any owner filter information
nCount = (int)m_dlgLoadRecords.m_pageOwners.m_dwaOwnerFilter.GetSize(); m_spWinsDatabase->ClearFilter(WINSDB_FILTER_BY_OWNER); for (pos = 0; pos < nCount; pos++) { m_spWinsDatabase->AddFilter(WINSDB_FILTER_BY_OWNER, m_dlgLoadRecords.m_pageOwners.m_dwaOwnerFilter[pos], 0, NULL); }
// fill in any ip address filter information
m_spWinsDatabase->ClearFilter(WINSDB_FILTER_BY_IPADDR); if (m_dlgLoadRecords.m_pageIpAddress.m_bFilterIpAddr) { nCount = (int)m_dlgLoadRecords.m_pageIpAddress.m_dwaIPAddrs.GetSize(); for (pos = 0; pos < nCount; pos++) { m_spWinsDatabase->AddFilter(WINSDB_FILTER_BY_IPADDR, m_dlgLoadRecords.m_pageIpAddress.m_dwaIPAddrs[pos], m_dlgLoadRecords.m_pageIpAddress.GetIPMaskForFilter(pos), NULL); } }
// fill in any name filter information
m_spWinsDatabase->ClearFilter(WINSDB_FILTER_BY_NAME); if (m_dlgLoadRecords.m_pageIpAddress.m_bFilterName) { m_spWinsDatabase->AddFilter(WINSDB_FILTER_BY_NAME, m_dlgLoadRecords.m_pageIpAddress.m_bMatchCase, 0, m_dlgLoadRecords.m_pageIpAddress.m_strName); }
// start loading records
CORg (m_spWinsDatabase->Start());
// filter any records that may have been downloaded before we set the
// filter information (in the case when we had to reload the database).
// any records that come in after we set the
// filter info will be filtered correctly.
m_spWinsDatabase->FilterRecords(WINSDB_FILTER_BY_TYPE, 0,0); END_WAIT_CURSOR
// do the initial update of the virutal listbox
OnHaveData(pNode, 0, QDATA_TIMER);
return hr; }
CActiveRegistrationsHandler::GetRecordOwner() Gets the owner IP Address for a given record Author: EricDav ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ BOOL CActiveRegistrationsHandler::GetRecordOwner(ITFSNode * pNode, WinsRecord * pWinsRecord) { BOOL fSuccess = TRUE; SPITFSNode spServerNode; pNode->GetParent(&spServerNode);
CWinsServerHandler * pServer = GETHANDLER(CWinsServerHandler, spServerNode);
CConfiguration config = pServer->GetConfig();
if (!config.FSupportsOwnerId()) { // query the server for correct info
ZeroMemory(&RecAction, sizeof(RecAction));
// Must have at least enough room for 256 character string,
// includes the scope name too
RecAction.pName = (LPBYTE)::WinsAllocMem(257); if (RecAction.pName == NULL) { //return ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY;
Trace0("GetRecordOwner - WinsAllocMemFailed!!\n"); return FALSE; } // fill in the record action struct
::memset(RecAction.pName, 0, 257); ::memcpy((char *)RecAction.pName, (LPCSTR) pWinsRecord->szRecordName, pWinsRecord->dwNameLen);
RecAction.NameLen = strlen((char *) RecAction.pName);
// for name records of type 0x00 or records that somehow have a NULL in the name
// strlen will return an invalid string length. So, if the length < 16 then set
// the length to 16.
// name lengths with scopes will calculate correctly.
if (RecAction.NameLen < 0x10) { RecAction.NameLen = 0x10; }
BOOL fStatic = (pWinsRecord->dwState & WINSDB_REC_STATIC) ? TRUE : FALSE;
// now query for the name
PWINSINTF_RECORD_ACTION_T pRecActionResult = QueryForName(pNode, &RecAction, fStatic);
if (pRecActionResult) { free(pRecActionResult->pName); } else { pWinsRecord->dwOwner = INVALID_OWNER_ID; } }
return fSuccess; }
CActiveRegistrationsHandler::GetOwnerInfo() Gets the owner info array Author: EricDav ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void CActiveRegistrationsHandler::GetOwnerInfo(CServerInfoArray & serverInfoArray) { serverInfoArray.RemoveAll();
serverInfoArray.Copy(*m_pServerInfoArray); }
void CActiveRegistrationsHandler::SetLoadedOnce(ITFSNode * pNode) { if (m_fLoadedOnce) return;
m_fLoadedOnce = TRUE;
// clear the result pane message
ClearMessage(pNode); }