(C) Copyright 1998 All rights reserved.
Portions of this software are:
(C) Copyright 1994 TriplePoint, Inc. -- http://www.TriplePoint.com
License to use this software is granted under the same terms outlined in the Microsoft Windows Device Driver Development Kit.
(C) Copyright 1992 Microsoft Corp. -- http://www.Microsoft.com
License to use this software is granted under the terms outlined in the Microsoft Windows Device Driver Development Kit.
@doc INTERNAL TpiParam TpiParam_h
@module TpiParam.h |
This module, along with <f TpiParam\.c>, implements a table driven parser for the NDIS registry parameters. This file defines the parameter parsing structures and values used by the routine <f ParamParseRegistry>. You should #include this file into the driver module defining the configuration parameter table <t PARAM_TABLE>.
See <f Keywords\.h> for details of how to add new parameters.
This is a driver independent module which can be re-used, without change, by any NDIS3 driver.
@head3 Contents | @index class,mfunc,func,msg,mdata,struct,enum | TpiParam_h
@end ����������������������������������������������������������������������������� */
#ifndef _TPIPARAM_H
#define _TPIPARAM_H
#if !defined(NDIS_NT) && !defined(UNICODE_NULL)
// These types were culled from the NT ndis.h file
// We should be compiling with the NT DDK's ndis.h to get these,
// but sometimes we need to compile with the 95 DDK ndis.h.
typedef USHORT WCHAR; typedef WCHAR *PWSTR;
// Unicode strings are counted 16-bit character strings. If they are
// NULL terminated, Length does not include trailing NULL.
typedef struct _UNICODE_STRING { USHORT Length; USHORT MaximumLength; #ifdef MIDL_PASS
[size_is(MaximumLength / 2), length_is((Length) / 2) ] USHORT * Buffer; #else // MIDL_PASS
PWSTR Buffer; #endif // MIDL_PASS
#endif // NDIS_NT
/* @doc INTERNAL TpiParam TpiParam_h PARAM_ENTRY
This macro is used to define an entry in the registry parameter table, one entry per parameter. See <t PARAM_TABLE> for more details on the expected input values.
@parm struct | Strct | The structure type associated with <f Field>.
@parm type | Field | The name of the field within the structure <f Strct>.
@parm const char * | Name | The name of the registry parameter key.
@parm BOOL | Required | True if parameter is required.
@parm NDIS_PARAMETER_TYPE | Type | The kind of parameter value.
@parm UCHAR | Flags | How to return a string parameter value (ANSI, UNICODE).
@parm UINT | Default | The default value for an undefined integer parameter.
@parm UINT | Min | The minimum value for an integer parameter.
@parm UINT | Max | The minimum value for an integer parameter.
@comm Parameters that need to be stored in different data structures, need to be declared in separate parameter tables, and then parsed separately using mulitple calls to <f ParamParseRegistry>.
@iex PARAM_TABLE ParameterTable[] = { PARAM_ENTRY(MINIPORT_CONTEXT, DbgFlags, PARAM_DEBUGFLAGS_STRING, FALSE, NdisParameterHexInteger, 0, DBG_ERROR_ON|DBG_WARNING_ON, 0, 0xffffffff), // The last entry must be an empty string!
{ { 0 } } };
@normal */ #define PARAM_OFFSET(Strct, Field) ((ULONG)(ULONG_PTR)&(((Strct *)0)->Field))
#define PARAM_SIZEOF(Strct, Field) sizeof(((Strct *) 0)->Field)
#define PARAM_ENTRY(Strct, Field, Name, \
Required, Type, Flags, \ Default, Min, Max) \ { NDIS_STRING_CONST(Name), \ Required, \ Type, \ Flags, \ PARAM_SIZEOF(Strct, Field), \ PARAM_OFFSET(Strct, Field), \ (PVOID) (Default), \ Min, \ Max }
/* @doc INTERNAL TpiParam TpiParam_h PARAM_TABLE
@struct PARAM_TABLE | This structure defines how a parameter is to be parsed from the Windows registry. The driver declares an array of these parameter records and passes it to <f ParamParseRegistry> during initialization. The values for each parameter are then read from the registry and can be used to configure the driver. <nl> <f Note>: Multiple parameter tables can be used to parse parameters that must be stored in different memory locations. */ typedef struct PARAM_TABLE { NDIS_STRING RegVarName; // @field
// Parameter name string declared as an <t NDIS_STRING>. The registry
// parameter key must match this string.
UCHAR Mandantory; // @field
// Set to FALSE, zero, if parameter value is optional; otherwise set to
// TRUE, non-zero, if the parameter is required to exist in the registry.
// If FALSE, and the parameter does not exist, the <y Default> value will
// be returned. If TRUE, and the parameter does not exist, an error code
// is returned and no further parsing is done.
UCHAR Type; // @field
// This value determines how the parameter will be parsed from the
// registry. The value can be one of the following values defined
// <nl>0=NdisParameterInteger - Decimal integer value.
// <nl>1=NdisParameterHexInteger - Hexadecimal integer value.
// <nl>2=NdisParameterString - Single UNICODE string value.
// <nl>3=NdisParameterMultiString - Multiple UNICODE string values.
// These are returned as a list of N strings, separated by NULL
// terminators, the last string is followed by two NULL terminators.
UCHAR Flags; // @field
// This value determines how a string parameter will be translated before
// it is returned to the caller. <f Flags> can be one of the following
// values:
// <nl>0=PARAM_FLAGS_ANSISTRING - Return string value as an ANSI string.
// <nl>0=PARAM_FLAGS_ANSISTRING - Return string value as a UNICODE string.
UCHAR Size; // @field
// This value determines how an integer parameter will be translated
// before it is returned to the caller. <f Size> can be one of the
// following values:
// <nl>0=UINT - unsigned integer (16 or 32 bits).
// <nl>1=UCHAR - unsigned char integer (8 bits).
// <nl>2=USHORT - unsigned short integer (16 bits).
// <nl>4=ULONG - unsigned long integer (32 bits).
// <f Note>: The most-significant bits will be truncated in the conversion.
UINT Offset; // @field
// This value indicates the offset, in bytes, from the <f BaseContext>
// pointer passed into <f ParamParseRegistry>. The return value for
// the parameter will be saved at this offset from <f BaseContext>.
// <nl>*(PUINT)((PUCHAR)BaseContext+Offset) = (UINT) Value;
PVOID Default; // @field
// This value is used as the default value for the parameter if it is
// not found in the registry, and it is not mandatory. This only applys
// to integer parameters. String parameters must provide support for
// their own default values.
UINT Min; // @field
// If this value is non-zero, and the parameter is an integer type, the
// registry value will be compared to make sure it is \>= <f Min>.
// If the registry value is less, the returned value will be set to
// <f Min> and no error is returned.
UINT Max; // @field
// If this value is non-zero, and the parameter is an integer type, the
// registry value will be compared to make sure it is \<= <f Max>.
// If the registry value is greater, the returned value will be set to
// <f Max> and no error is returned.
UINT Reserved; // @field
// This field is not currently used, and it must be zero for future
// compatability.
extern USHORT ustrlen( IN PUSHORT string );
extern NDIS_STATUS ParamParseRegistry( IN NDIS_HANDLE AdapterHandle, IN NDIS_HANDLE RegistryConfigHandle, IN PUCHAR BaseContext, IN PPARAM_TABLE Parameters );
extern VOID ParamUnicodeStringToAnsiString( OUT PANSI_STRING out, IN PUNICODE_STRING in );
extern VOID ParamUnicodeCopyString( OUT PUNICODE_STRING out, IN PUNICODE_STRING in );
#endif // _TPIPARAM_H