Copyright (c) 1989-2001 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
Some IP6 utilities
Jiandong Ruan
Revision History:
#include "precomp.h"
#ifndef isxdigit_W
#define isxdigit_W(x) \
((x >= L'0' && x <= L'9') || \ (x >= L'a' && x <= L'f') || \ (x >= L'A' && x <= L'F')) #endif
#ifndef isdigit_W
#define isdigit_W(x) (x >= L'0' && x <= L'9')
ULONG __inline xdigit2hex(WCHAR ch) { ASSERT(isxdigit_W(ch));
if (ch <= L'9') { return (ch - L'0'); } else if (ch >= L'A' && ch <= L'F') { return (ch - L'A') + 10; } else { return (ch - L'a') + 10; } }
BOOL inet_addr6W( IN WCHAR *str, IN OUT PSMB_IP6_ADDRESS addr ) /*++
Routine Description:
Convert an unicode string into a IP6 address (network order).
The L(3) grammar of the IP6 address:
start: head COLON COLON tail head: hexs tail: hexs hexs: hex COLON hexs | COLON: ':'
A 5-state automata is used to parse the string, states: {S, A, B, C, D} Starting state: S Accepting state: {S, B, C}
state transition rules: S ==> S on a hex digit S ==> A on a COLON
A ==> S on a hex digit A ==> B on a COLON
B ==> C on a hex digit
C ==> C on a hex digit C ==> D on a COLON
D ==> C on a hex digit
str The unicode string containing the IP6 address addr The output IP6 address
Return Value:
TRUE if the string is accepted by the automata and an IP6 address (network order) is return in the 'addr' FALSE if the string is rejected by the automata result in 'addr' is undetermined.
--*/ { enum { STATE_S, STATE_A, STATE_B, STATE_C, STATE_D } state; int i, num, tail; ULONG hex; WCHAR ch;
state = STATE_S;
addr->sin6_scope_id = 0;
num = 0; tail = 0; hex = 0; while ((ch = *str++)) { if (ch == '%') { break; } if (!isxdigit_W(ch) && ch != L':') { return FALSE; }
switch(state) { case STATE_S: if (L':' == ch) { state = STATE_A; } else { hex <<= 4; hex |= xdigit2hex(ch); if (hex > 0xFFFFU) { return FALSE; } } break;
case STATE_A: if (L':' == ch) { state = STATE_B; } else { if (num >= 8) { return FALSE; } addr->sin6_addr[num++] = htons((USHORT)hex); hex = xdigit2hex(ch); state = STATE_S; } break;
case STATE_B: if (L':' == ch) { return FALSE; } if (num >= 8) { return FALSE; } addr->sin6_addr[num++] = htons((USHORT)hex); tail = num; hex = xdigit2hex(ch); state = STATE_C; break;
case STATE_C: if (L':' == ch) { state = STATE_D; } else { hex <<= 4; hex |= xdigit2hex(ch); if (hex > 0xFFFFU) { return FALSE; } } break;
case STATE_D: if (L':' == ch) { return FALSE; } if (num >= 8) { return FALSE; } addr->sin6_addr[num++] = htons((USHORT)hex); hex = xdigit2hex(ch); state = STATE_C; break; } }
// Reject it since it ends up with a rejecting state.
if (state == STATE_A || state == STATE_D) { return FALSE; }
if (num >= 8) { return FALSE; } addr->sin6_addr[num++] = htons((USHORT)hex);
if (state == STATE_B) { for (i = num; i < 8; i++) { addr->sin6_addr[i] = 0; } return TRUE; } else if (state == STATE_S) { return (8 == num); }
ASSERT (state == STATE_C);
ASSERT(tail <= num); for (i = num - 1; i >= tail; i--) { addr->sin6_addr[8 - num + i] = addr->sin6_addr[i]; } for (i = tail; i < 8 - num + tail; i++) { addr->sin6_addr[i] = 0; }
// Parse the scope ID
if (ch == '%') { LONG scope_id;
scope_id = 0; while ((ch = *str++)) { if (!isdigit_W(ch)) { return FALSE; } scope_id = scope_id * 10 + (ch - L'0'); } addr->sin6_scope_id = scope_id; } return TRUE; }
BOOL inet_ntoa6W( OUT WCHAR *Buffer, IN DWORD Size, IN PSMB_IP6_ADDRESS addr ) { USHORT ch, tmp; int i, tail, len, curtail, curlen; DWORD j, k;
tail = 8; len = 0; curtail = curlen = 0; for (i = 0; i < 8; i++) { if (0 == addr->sin6_addr[i]) { curlen++; } else { if (curlen > len) { tail = curtail; len = curlen; } curtail = i + 1; curlen = 0; } } if (curlen > len) { tail = curtail; len = curlen; }
j = 0; for (i = 0; i < tail; i++) { ch = htons(addr->sin6_addr[i]); if (ch) { k = 4; while (0 == (ch & 0xf000)) { ch <<= 4; k--; } } else { k = 1; } while (j < Size) { tmp = (ch & 0xf000) >> 12; ch <<= 4; if (tmp < 10) { Buffer[j] = L'0' + tmp; } else { Buffer[j] = L'A' + (tmp - 10); } j++; k--; if (k == 0) { break; } } if (k) { Buffer[Size-1] = L'\0'; return FALSE; }
if (i != tail - 1) { if (j < Size) { Buffer[j++] = L':'; } else { Buffer[Size-1] = L'\0'; return FALSE; } } }
if (tail == 8) { if (j < Size) { Buffer[j] = L'\0'; return TRUE; } else { Buffer[Size-1] = L'\0'; return FALSE; } }
if (j < Size) { Buffer[j++] = L':'; } else { Buffer[Size-1] = L'\0'; return FALSE; }
if (tail + len >= 8) { if (j < Size) { Buffer[j++] = L':'; } else { Buffer[Size-1] = L'\0'; return FALSE; } }
for (i = tail + len; i < 8; i++) { if (j < Size) { Buffer[j++] = L':'; } else { Buffer[Size-1] = L'\0'; return FALSE; }
ch = htons(addr->sin6_addr[i]); if (ch) { k = 4; while (0 == (ch & 0xf000)) { ch <<= 4; k--; } } else { k = 1; } while (j < Size) { tmp = (ch & 0xf000) >> 12; ch <<= 4; if (tmp < 10) { Buffer[j] = L'0' + tmp; } else { Buffer[j] = L'A' + (tmp - 10); } j++; k--; if (k == 0) { break; } } if (k) { Buffer[Size-1] = L'\0'; return FALSE; } }
if (j < Size) { Buffer[j] = L'\0'; return TRUE; } else { Buffer[Size-1] = L'\0'; return FALSE; } }
BOOL inet_ntoa6( OUT CHAR *Buffer, IN DWORD Size, IN PSMB_IP6_ADDRESS addr ) { DWORD i; WCHAR wBuf[40];
if (!inet_ntoa6W(wBuf, 40, addr)) { return FALSE; }
// Don't call Rtl routine to convert
// Unicode into Oem because we may
// run at DISPATCH level
// For this particular case, we can
// simply do type-cast coping.
for (i = 0; i < Size; i++) { Buffer[i] = (BYTE)(wBuf[i]); if (wBuf[i] == 0) { return TRUE; } }
// Buffer is too small
Buffer[Size-1] = 0; return FALSE; }
* inet_addr Copy from winsocket *********************************************************************************/
* Internet address interpretation routine. * All the network library routines call this * routine to interpret entries in the data bases * which are expected to be an address. * The value returned is in network order. */ unsigned long PASCAL inet_addrW( IN WCHAR *cp )
Routine Description:
This function interprets the character string specified by the cp parameter. This string represents a numeric Internet address expressed in the Internet standard ".'' notation. The value returned is a number suitable for use as an Internet address. All Internet addresses are returned in network order (bytes ordered from left to right).
Internet Addresses
Values specified using the "." notation take one of the following forms:
a.b.c.d a.b.c a.b a
When four parts are specified, each is interpreted as a byte of data and assigned, from left to right, to the four bytes of an Internet address. Note that when an Internet address is viewed as a 32-bit integer quantity on the Intel architecture, the bytes referred to above appear as "d.c.b.a''. That is, the bytes on an Intel processor are ordered from right to left.
Note: The following notations are only used by Berkeley, and nowhere else on the Internet. In the interests of compatibility with their software, they are supported as specified.
When a three part address is specified, the last part is interpreted as a 16-bit quantity and placed in the right most two bytes of the network address. This makes the three part address format convenient for specifying Class B network addresses as "128.net.host''.
When a two part address is specified, the last part is interpreted as a 24-bit quantity and placed in the right most three bytes of the network address. This makes the two part address format convenient for specifying Class A network addresses as "net.host''.
When only one part is given, the value is stored directly in the network address without any byte rearrangement.
cp - A character string representing a number expressed in the Internet standard "." notation.
Return Value:
If no error occurs, inet_addr() returns an in_addr structure containing a suitable binary representation of the Internet address given. Otherwise, it returns the value INADDR_NONE.
{ register unsigned long val, base, n; register WCHAR c; unsigned long parts[4], *pp = parts;
again: /*
* Collect number up to ``.''. * Values are specified as for C: * 0x=hex, 0=octal, other=decimal. */ val = 0; base = 10; if (*cp == L'0') { base = 8, cp++; if (*cp == L'x' || *cp == L'X') base = 16, cp++; } while (c = *cp) { if (isdigit(c)) { val = (val * base) + (c - L'0'); cp++; continue; } if (base == 16 && isxdigit(c)) { val = (val << 4) + (c + 10 - (islower(c) ? L'a' : L'A')); cp++; continue; } break; } if (*cp == L'.') { /*
* Internet format: * a.b.c.d * a.b.c (with c treated as 16-bits) * a.b (with b treated as 24 bits) */ /* GSS - next line was corrected on 8/5/89, was 'parts + 4' */ if (pp >= parts + 3) { return ((unsigned long) -1); } *pp++ = val, cp++; goto again; } /*
* Check for trailing characters. */ if (*cp && !isspace(*cp)) { return (INADDR_NONE); } *pp++ = val; /*
* Concoct the address according to * the number of parts specified. */ n = (unsigned long)(pp - parts); switch ((int) n) {
case 1: /* a -- 32 bits */ val = parts[0]; break;
case 2: /* a.b -- 8.24 bits */ if ((parts[0] > 0xff) || (parts[1] > 0xffffff)) { return(INADDR_NONE); } val = (parts[0] << 24) | (parts[1] & 0xffffff); break;
case 3: /* a.b.c -- 8.8.16 bits */ if ((parts[0] > 0xff) || (parts[1] > 0xff) || (parts[2] > 0xffff)) { return(INADDR_NONE); } val = (parts[0] << 24) | ((parts[1] & 0xff) << 16) | (parts[2] & 0xffff); break;
case 4: /* a.b.c.d -- bits */ if ((parts[0] > 0xff) || (parts[1] > 0xff) || (parts[2] > 0xff) || (parts[3] > 0xff)) { return(INADDR_NONE); } val = (parts[0] << 24) | ((parts[1] & 0xff) << 16) | ((parts[2] & 0xff) << 8) | (parts[3] & 0xff); break;
default: return (INADDR_NONE); } val = htonl(val); return (val); }