Copyright (c) 1989-1993 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
This module contains code which implements the DEVICE object. Routines are provided to reference, and dereference transport device context objects.
The transport device context object is a structure which contains a system-defined DEVICE_OBJECT followed by information which is maintained by the transport provider, called the context.
Kernel mode
Revision History:
#include "precomp.h"
#pragma hdrstop
#pragma alloc_text(PAGE,NbiCreateDevice)
VOID NbiRefDevice( IN PDEVICE Device )
Routine Description:
This routine increments the reference count on a device context.
Device - Pointer to a transport device context object.
Return Value:
{ CTEAssert (Device->ReferenceCount > 0); // not perfect, but...
(VOID)InterlockedIncrement (&Device->ReferenceCount);
} /* NbiRefDevice */
VOID NbiDerefDevice( IN PDEVICE Device )
Routine Description:
This routine dereferences a device context by decrementing the reference count contained in the structure. Currently, we don't do anything special when the reference count drops to zero, but we could dynamically unload stuff then.
Device - Pointer to a transport device context object.
Return Value:
{ LONG result;
result = InterlockedDecrement (&Device->ReferenceCount);
CTEAssert (result >= 0);
if (result == 0) { NbiDestroyDevice (Device); }
} /* NbiDerefDevice */
Routine Description:
This routine creates and initializes a device context structure.
DriverObject - pointer to the IO subsystem supplied driver object.
Device - Pointer to a pointer to a transport device context object.
DeviceName - pointer to the name of the device this device object points to.
Return Value:
{ NTSTATUS status; PDEVICE_OBJECT deviceObject; PDEVICE Device; ULONG DeviceSize; UINT i;
// Create the device object for the sample transport, allowing
// room at the end for the device name to be stored (for use
// in logging errors) and the RIP fields.
DeviceSize = sizeof(DEVICE) - sizeof(DEVICE_OBJECT) + DeviceName->Length + sizeof(UNICODE_NULL);
status = IoCreateDevice( DriverObject, DeviceSize, DeviceName, FILE_DEVICE_TRANSPORT, FILE_DEVICE_SECURE_OPEN, FALSE, &deviceObject);
if (!NT_SUCCESS(status)) { NB_DEBUG(DEVICE, ("Create device %ws failed %lx\n", DeviceName->Buffer, status)); return status; }
deviceObject->Flags |= DO_DIRECT_IO;
Device = (PDEVICE)deviceObject;
NB_DEBUG2 (DEVICE, ("Create device %ws succeeded %lx\n", DeviceName->Buffer, Device));
// Initialize our part of the device context.
RtlZeroMemory(((PUCHAR)Device)+sizeof(DEVICE_OBJECT), sizeof(DEVICE)-sizeof(DEVICE_OBJECT));
// Copy over the device name.
Device->DeviceString.Length = DeviceName->Length; Device->DeviceString.MaximumLength = DeviceName->Length + sizeof(WCHAR); Device->DeviceString.Buffer = (PWCHAR)(Device+1);
RtlCopyMemory (Device->DeviceString.Buffer, DeviceName->Buffer, DeviceName->Length); Device->DeviceString.Buffer[DeviceName->Length/sizeof(WCHAR)] = UNICODE_NULL;
// Initialize the reference count.
Device->ReferenceCount = 1; #if DBG
Device->RefTypes[DREF_CREATE] = 1; #endif
#if DBG
RtlCopyMemory(Device->Signature1, "NDC1", 4); RtlCopyMemory(Device->Signature2, "NDC2", 4); #endif
Device->Information.Version = 0x0100; Device->Information.MaxSendSize = 65535; Device->Information.MaxConnectionUserData = 0; Device->Information.MaxDatagramSize = 500; Device->Information.ServiceFlags = TDI_SERVICE_CONNECTION_MODE | TDI_SERVICE_ERROR_FREE_DELIVERY | TDI_SERVICE_MULTICAST_SUPPORTED | TDI_SERVICE_BROADCAST_SUPPORTED | TDI_SERVICE_DELAYED_ACCEPTANCE | TDI_SERVICE_CONNECTIONLESS_MODE | TDI_SERVICE_MESSAGE_MODE | TDI_SERVICE_FORCE_ACCESS_CHECK; Device->Information.MinimumLookaheadData = 128; Device->Information.MaximumLookaheadData = 1500; Device->Information.NumberOfResources = 0; KeQuerySystemTime (&Device->Information.StartTime);
Device->Statistics.Version = 0x0100; Device->Statistics.MaximumSendWindow = 4; Device->Statistics.AverageSendWindow = 4;
#ifdef _PNP_POWER_
Device->NetAddressRegistrationHandle = NULL; // We have not yet registered the Net Address
#endif // _PNP_POWER_
// Set this so we won't ignore the broadcast name.
Device->AddressCounts['*'] = 1;
// Initialize the resource that guards address ACLs.
ExInitializeResourceLite (&Device->AddressResource);
// initialize the various fields in the device context
CTEInitLock (&Device->Interlock.Lock); CTEInitLock (&Device->Lock.Lock);
CTEInitTimer (&Device->FindNameTimer);
Device->ControlChannelIdentifier = 1;
InitializeListHead (&Device->GlobalSendPacketList); InitializeListHead (&Device->GlobalReceivePacketList); InitializeListHead (&Device->GlobalReceiveBufferList);
InitializeListHead (&Device->AddressDatabase); #if defined(_PNP_POWER)
InitializeListHead (&Device->AdapterAddressDatabase); #endif _PNP_POWER
InitializeListHead (&Device->WaitingFindNames);
InitializeListHead (&Device->WaitingConnects); InitializeListHead (&Device->WaitingDatagrams);
InitializeListHead (&Device->WaitingAdapterStatus); InitializeListHead (&Device->ActiveAdapterStatus);
InitializeListHead (&Device->WaitingNetbiosFindName);
InitializeListHead (&Device->ReceiveDatagrams); InitializeListHead (&Device->ConnectIndicationInProgress);
InitializeListHead (&Device->ListenQueue);
InitializeListHead (&Device->ReceiveCompletionQueue);
InitializeListHead (&Device->WaitPacketConnections); InitializeListHead (&Device->PacketizeConnections); InitializeListHead (&Device->DataAckConnections);
Device->MemoryUsage = 0;
InitializeListHead (&Device->SendPoolList); InitializeListHead (&Device->ReceivePoolList); InitializeListHead (&Device->ReceiveBufferPoolList);
ExInitializeSListHead( &Device->SendPacketList ); ExInitializeSListHead( &Device->ReceivePacketList ); Device->ReceiveBufferList.Next = NULL;
for (i = 0; i < CONNECTION_HASH_COUNT; i++) { Device->ConnectionHash[i].Connections = NULL; Device->ConnectionHash[i].ConnectionCount = 0; Device->ConnectionHash[i].NextConnectionId = 1; }
KeQuerySystemTime (&Device->NbiStartTime);
Device->Type = NB_DEVICE_SIGNATURE; Device->Size = sizeof (DEVICE);
*DevicePtr = Device; return STATUS_SUCCESS;
} /* NbiCreateDevice */
VOID NbiDestroyDevice( IN PDEVICE Device )
Routine Description:
This routine destroys a device context structure.
Device - Pointer to a pointer to a transport device context object.
Return Value:
{ PLIST_ENTRY p; PNB_SEND_POOL SendPool; PNB_SEND_PACKET SendPacket; UINT SendPoolSize; PNB_RECEIVE_POOL ReceivePool; PNB_RECEIVE_PACKET ReceivePacket; UINT ReceivePoolSize; PNB_RECEIVE_BUFFER_POOL ReceiveBufferPool; PNB_RECEIVE_BUFFER ReceiveBuffer; UINT ReceiveBufferPoolSize; ULONG HeaderLength; UINT i;
NB_DEBUG2 (DEVICE, ("Destroy device %lx\n", Device));
// Take all the connectionless packets out of its pools.
HeaderLength = Device->Bind.MacHeaderNeeded + sizeof(NB_CONNECTIONLESS);
SendPoolSize = FIELD_OFFSET (NB_SEND_POOL, Packets[0]) + (sizeof(NB_SEND_PACKET) * Device->InitPackets) + (HeaderLength * Device->InitPackets);
while (!IsListEmpty (&Device->SendPoolList)) {
p = RemoveHeadList (&Device->SendPoolList); SendPool = CONTAINING_RECORD (p, NB_SEND_POOL, Linkage);
for (i = 0; i < SendPool->PacketCount; i++) {
SendPacket = &SendPool->Packets[i]; NbiDeinitializeSendPacket (Device, SendPacket, HeaderLength);
NB_DEBUG2 (PACKET, ("Free packet pool %lx\n", SendPool));
#if !defined(NB_OWN_PACKETS)
NdisFreePacketPool(SendPool->PoolHandle); #endif
NbiFreeMemory (SendPool, SendPoolSize, MEMORY_PACKET, "SendPool"); }
ReceivePoolSize = FIELD_OFFSET (NB_RECEIVE_POOL, Packets[0]) + (sizeof(NB_RECEIVE_PACKET) * Device->InitPackets);
while (!IsListEmpty (&Device->ReceivePoolList)) {
p = RemoveHeadList (&Device->ReceivePoolList); ReceivePool = CONTAINING_RECORD (p, NB_RECEIVE_POOL, Linkage);
for (i = 0; i < ReceivePool->PacketCount; i++) {
ReceivePacket = &ReceivePool->Packets[i]; NbiDeinitializeReceivePacket (Device, ReceivePacket);
NB_DEBUG2 (PACKET, ("Free packet pool %lx\n", ReceivePool)); #if !defined(NB_OWN_PACKETS)
NdisFreePacketPool(ReceivePool->PoolHandle); #endif
NbiFreeMemory (ReceivePool, ReceivePoolSize, MEMORY_PACKET, "ReceivePool"); }
#if defined(_PNP_POWER)
NbiDestroyReceiveBufferPools( Device );
// Destroy adapter address list.
while(!IsListEmpty( &Device->AdapterAddressDatabase ) ){ PADAPTER_ADDRESS AdapterAddress; AdapterAddress = CONTAINING_RECORD( Device->AdapterAddressDatabase.Flink, ADAPTER_ADDRESS, Linkage ); NbiDestroyAdapterAddress( AdapterAddress, NULL ); } #else
ReceiveBufferPoolSize = FIELD_OFFSET (NB_RECEIVE_BUFFER_POOL, Buffers[0]) + (sizeof(NB_RECEIVE_BUFFER) * Device->InitPackets) + (Device->Bind.LineInfo.MaximumPacketSize * Device->InitPackets);
while (!IsListEmpty (&Device->ReceiveBufferPoolList)) {
p = RemoveHeadList (&Device->ReceiveBufferPoolList); ReceiveBufferPool = CONTAINING_RECORD (p, NB_RECEIVE_BUFFER_POOL, Linkage);
for (i = 0; i < ReceiveBufferPool->BufferCount; i++) {
ReceiveBuffer = &ReceiveBufferPool->Buffers[i]; NbiDeinitializeReceiveBuffer (Device, ReceiveBuffer);
NB_DEBUG2 (PACKET, ("Free buffer pool %lx\n", ReceiveBufferPool)); NbiFreeMemory (ReceiveBufferPool, ReceiveBufferPoolSize, MEMORY_PACKET, "ReceiveBufferPool"); } #endif _PNP_POWER
NB_DEBUG (DEVICE, ("Final memory use is %d\n", Device->MemoryUsage));
#if DBG
for (i = 0; i < MEMORY_MAX; i++) { if (NbiMemoryTag[i].BytesAllocated != 0) { NB_DEBUG (DEVICE, ("Tag %d: %d bytes left\n", i, NbiMemoryTag[i].BytesAllocated)); } } #endif
// If we are being unloaded then someone is waiting for this
// event to finish the cleanup, since we may be at DISPATCH_LEVEL;
// otherwise it is during load and we can just kill ourselves here.
if (Device->UnloadWaiting) {
KeSetEvent( &Device->UnloadEvent, 0L, FALSE);
} else {
CTEAssert (KeGetCurrentIrql() < DISPATCH_LEVEL); ExDeleteResourceLite (&Device->AddressResource); IoDeleteDevice ((PDEVICE_OBJECT)Device); }
} /* NbiDestroyDevice */