#include "netpch.h"
#pragma hdrstop
#include <ras.h>
#include <rasapip.h>
#include <rasuip.h>
static DWORD APIENTRY DwCloneEntry( IN LPCWSTR lpwszPhonebookPath, IN LPCWSTR lpwszSrcEntryName, IN LPCWSTR lpwszDstEntryName ) { return ERROR_PROC_NOT_FOUND; }
static DWORD APIENTRY DwEnumEntryDetails( IN LPCWSTR lpszPhonebookPath, OUT LPRASENUMENTRYDETAILS lprasentryname, IN OUT LPDWORD lpcb, OUT LPDWORD lpcEntries ) { return ERROR_PROC_NOT_FOUND; }
static DWORD APIENTRY DwRasUninitialize() { return ERROR_PROC_NOT_FOUND; }
static DWORD APIENTRY RasConnectionNotificationW ( HRASCONN hrasconn, HANDLE hEvent, DWORD dwfEvents ) { return ERROR_PROC_NOT_FOUND; }
static DWORD APIENTRY RasDeleteEntryW ( LPCWSTR lpszPhonebook, LPCWSTR lpszEntry ) { return ERROR_PROC_NOT_FOUND; }
static DWORD APIENTRY RasEnumConnectionsW ( LPRASCONNW lprasconn, LPDWORD lpcb, LPDWORD lpcbConnections ) { return ERROR_PROC_NOT_FOUND; }
static DWORD APIENTRY RasGetConnectStatusW ( HRASCONN hrasconn, LPRASCONNSTATUSW lprasconnstatus ) { return ERROR_PROC_NOT_FOUND; }
static DWORD APIENTRY RasGetConnectionStatistics ( HRASCONN hRasConn, RAS_STATS *lpStatistics ) { return ERROR_PROC_NOT_FOUND; }
static DWORD APIENTRY RasGetEntryPropertiesW ( LPCWSTR lpszPhonebook, LPCWSTR lpszEntry, LPRASENTRYW lpRasEntry, LPDWORD lpcbRasEntry, LPBYTE lpbDeviceConfig, LPDWORD lpcbDeviceConfig ) { return ERROR_PROC_NOT_FOUND; }
static DWORD APIENTRY RasGetErrorStringW ( IN UINT ResourceId, OUT LPWSTR lpszString, IN DWORD InBufSize ) { return ERROR_PROC_NOT_FOUND; }
static DWORD APIENTRY RasGetProjectionInfoW( HRASCONN hrasconn, RASPROJECTION rasprojection, LPVOID lpprojection, LPDWORD lpcb ) { return ERROR_PROC_NOT_FOUND; }
static DWORD APIENTRY RasGetSubEntryHandleW ( HRASCONN hrasconn, DWORD dwSubEntry, LPHRASCONN lphrasconn ) { return ERROR_PROC_NOT_FOUND; }
static DWORD APIENTRY RasGetSubEntryPropertiesW ( LPCWSTR lpszPhonebook, LPCWSTR lpszEntry, DWORD dwSubEntry, LPRASSUBENTRYW lpRasSubEntry, LPDWORD lpcbRasSubEntry, LPBYTE lpbDeviceConfig, LPDWORD lpcbDeviceCnfig ) { return ERROR_PROC_NOT_FOUND; }
static DWORD APIENTRY RasHangUpW ( HRASCONN hrasconn ) { return ERROR_PROC_NOT_FOUND; }
static DWORD APIENTRY RasIsSharedConnection( IN LPRASSHARECONN pConn, OUT PBOOL pfShared ) { return ERROR_PROC_NOT_FOUND; }
OUT LPDWORD pdwLanConnCount ) { return ERROR_PROC_NOT_FOUND; }
static DWORD APIENTRY RasRenameEntryW ( LPCWSTR lpszPhonebook, LPCWSTR lpszOldEntry, LPCWSTR lpszNewEntry ) { return ERROR_PROC_NOT_FOUND; }
static DWORD APIENTRY RasSetEntryPropertiesW ( LPCWSTR lpszPhonebook, LPCWSTR lpszEntry, LPRASENTRYW lpRasEntry, DWORD dwcbRasEntry, LPBYTE lpbDeviceConfig, DWORD dwcbDeviceConfig ) { return ERROR_PROC_NOT_FOUND; }
static DWORD APIENTRY RasShareConnection( IN LPRASSHARECONN pConn, IN GUID* pPrivateLanGuid OPTIONAL ) { return ERROR_PROC_NOT_FOUND; }
static DWORD APIENTRY RasUnshareConnection( OUT PBOOL pfWasShared OPTIONAL ) { return ERROR_PROC_NOT_FOUND; }
static DWORD APIENTRY RasValidateEntryNameW ( LPCWSTR lpszPhonebook, LPCWSTR lpszEntry ) { return ERROR_PROC_NOT_FOUND; }
static DWORD APIENTRY RasQuerySharedConnection( OUT LPRASSHARECONN pConn ) { return ERROR_PROC_NOT_FOUND; }
// !! WARNING !! The entries below must be in alphabetical order, and are CASE SENSITIVE (eg lower case comes last!)
DEFINE_PROCNAME_ENTRIES(rasapi32) { DLPENTRY(DwCloneEntry) DLPENTRY(DwEnumEntryDetails) DLPENTRY(DwRasUninitialize) DLPENTRY(RasConnectionNotificationW) DLPENTRY(RasDeleteEntryW) DLPENTRY(RasEnumConnectionsW) DLPENTRY(RasGetConnectStatusW) DLPENTRY(RasGetConnectionStatistics) DLPENTRY(RasGetEntryPropertiesW) DLPENTRY(RasGetErrorStringW) DLPENTRY(RasGetProjectionInfoW) DLPENTRY(RasGetSubEntryHandleW) DLPENTRY(RasGetSubEntryPropertiesW) DLPENTRY(RasHangUpW) DLPENTRY(RasIsSharedConnection) DLPENTRY(RasQueryLanConnTable) DLPENTRY(RasQuerySharedConnection) DLPENTRY(RasRenameEntryW) DLPENTRY(RasSetEntryPropertiesW) DLPENTRY(RasShareConnection) DLPENTRY(RasUnshareConnection) DLPENTRY(RasValidateEntryNameW) };