Copyright (c) 1996-1997 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
This file contains specific patterns database routines
Ofer Bar -April 15, 1997
Kernel mode
Revision History:
************************************************************************ */
#include "gpcpre.h"
// locals
CreateNewCfBlock -
create and return a new CF block for internal use
CfId - MaxPriorities -
Returns pointer to the new CF block or NULL for no memory resources
************************************************************************ */ PCF_BLOCK CreateNewCfBlock( IN ULONG CfId, IN ULONG MaxPriorities ) { PCF_BLOCK pCf; int i; GPC_STATUS Status;
GpcAllocFromLL(&pCf, &ClassificationFamilyLL, ClassificationFamilyTag);
if (pCf) {
// reset all
NdisZeroMemory(pCf, sizeof(CF_BLOCK));
InitializeListHead(&pCf->ClientList); InitializeListHead(&pCf->BlobList); NDIS_INIT_LOCK(&pCf->Lock); //pCf->ClientSync = 0;
pCf->NumberOfClients = 0; pCf->AssignedIndex = CfId; pCf->MaxPriorities = MaxPriorities; ReferenceInit(&pCf->RefCount, pCf, ReleaseCfBlock); REFADD(&pCf->RefCount, 'CFBK');
// for each protocol, reset the generic pattern
// this will be dynamically allocated later
// when pattern are installed
for (i = 0; i < GPC_PROTOCOL_TEMPLATE_MAX; i++) {
Status = InitializeGenericDb(&pCf->arpGenericDb[i], MaxPriorities, glData.pProtocols[i].PatternSize); if (Status != GPC_STATUS_SUCCESS) { REFDEL(&pCf->RefCount, 'CFBK'); pCf = NULL; break; } } }
return pCf; }
ReleaseCfBlock -
Release the CF block
pCf - the CF block to release
Returns void
************************************************************************ */ VOID ReleaseCfBlock( IN PCF_BLOCK pCf ) { int i;
ASSERT(pCf); ASSERT(IsListEmpty(&pCf->ClientList)); ASSERT(IsListEmpty(&pCf->BlobList)); ASSERT(pCf->NumberOfClients == 0);
for (i = 0; i < GPC_PROTOCOL_TEMPLATE_MAX; i++) { if (pCf->arpGenericDb[i]) { UninitializeGenericDb(&pCf->arpGenericDb[i], pCf->MaxPriorities ); } } NdisFreeSpinLock(&pCf->Lock);
// just free the memory
GpcFreeToLL(pCf, &ClassificationFamilyLL, ClassificationFamilyTag); }
CreateNewClientBlock -
create and return a new client block for internal use
Arguments none
Returns pointer to the new client block or NULL for no memory resources
************************************************************************ */ PCLIENT_BLOCK CreateNewClientBlock(VOID) { PCLIENT_BLOCK pClient;
GpcAllocFromLL(&pClient, &ClientLL, ClientTag);
if (pClient) {
// reset all
NdisZeroMemory(pClient, sizeof(CLIENT_BLOCK));
pClient->ObjectType = GPC_ENUM_CLIENT_TYPE; pClient->ClHandle = NULL;
NDIS_INIT_LOCK(&pClient->Lock); InitializeListHead(&pClient->BlobList); ReferenceInit(&pClient->RefCount, pClient, DereferenceClient); REFADD(&pClient->RefCount, 'CLNT'); }
return pClient; }
CreateNewPatternBlock -
create and return a new pattern block for internal use
Arguments none
Returns pointer to the new pattern block or NULL for no memory resources
************************************************************************ */ PPATTERN_BLOCK CreateNewPatternBlock( IN ULONG Flags ) { PPATTERN_BLOCK pPattern; int i;
GpcAllocFromLL(&pPattern, &PatternLL, PatternTag);
if (pPattern) {
// reset all
TRACE(PATTERN, pPattern, sizeof(PATTERN_BLOCK), "CreateNewPatternBlock");
NdisZeroMemory(pPattern, sizeof(PATTERN_BLOCK));
pPattern->ObjectType = GPC_ENUM_PATTERN_TYPE; for (i = 0; i < GPC_CF_MAX; i++) { InitializeListHead(&pPattern->BlobLinkage[i]); }
InitializeListHead(&pPattern->TimerLinkage); NDIS_INIT_LOCK(&pPattern->Lock); pPattern->Flags = Flags; ReferenceInit(&pPattern->RefCount, pPattern, DereferencePattern); REFADD(&pPattern->RefCount, 'FILT'); pPattern->ClientRefCount = 1; pPattern->State = GPC_STATE_INIT;
//AllocateHandle(&pPattern->ClHandle, (PVOID)pPattern);
return pPattern; }
CreateNewBlobBlock -
create and return a new blob block for internal use. A copy of ClientData is being place pointed by the new blob
Arguments none
Returns pointer to the new blob block or NULL for no memory resources
************************************************************************ */ PBLOB_BLOCK CreateNewBlobBlock( IN ULONG ClientDataSize, IN PVOID pClientData, BOOLEAN fChargeQuota // Should I charge Quota?
) { // Quota Charging should be done only if we have a proces context
if (fChargeQuota){ GpcAllocMemWithQuota(&pBlob,CfInfoLLSize,CfInfoTag); } else{ GpcAllocMem(&pBlob,CfInfoLLSize,CfInfoTag); }
if (pBlob) {
// reset all
NdisZeroMemory(pBlob, sizeof(BLOB_BLOCK));
if (fChargeQuota){ GpcAllocMemWithQuota(&pBlob->pClientData, ClientDataSize, CfInfoDataTag); } else{ GpcAllocMem(&pBlob->pClientData, ClientDataSize, CfInfoDataTag); }
if (pBlob->pClientData) {
pBlob->ObjectType = GPC_ENUM_CFINFO_TYPE; pBlob->ClHandle = NULL; InitializeListHead(&pBlob->ClientLinkage); InitializeListHead(&pBlob->PatternList); InitializeListHead(&pBlob->CfLinkage);
pBlob->State = GPC_STATE_INIT; pBlob->Flags = 0; ReferenceInit(&pBlob->RefCount, pBlob, DereferenceBlob); REFADD(&pBlob->RefCount, 'BLOB'); pBlob->ClientDataSize = ClientDataSize; pBlob->LastStatus = GPC_STATUS_SUCCESS; NdisMoveMemory(pBlob->pClientData, pClientData, ClientDataSize); NDIS_INIT_LOCK(&pBlob->Lock);
// that's for the notified client about the CfInfo Add
pBlob->pNotifiedClient = NULL; pBlob->NotifiedClientCtx = NULL;
} else {
//GpcFreeToLL(pBlob, &CfInfoLL, CfInfoTag);
pBlob = NULL; } }
return pBlob; }
AssignNewClientIndex -
Finds and returns a new index for a client on the CF. It also sets the index as busy in the CF block.
Arguments pClient - poinetr to the client block
Returns a client index or (-1) for none
************************************************************************ */ ULONG AssignNewClientIndex( IN PCF_BLOCK pCfBlock ) { ULONG i;
for (i = 0; i < MAX_CLIENTS_CTX_PER_BLOB; i++) {
if (TEST_BIT_OFF(pCfBlock->ClientIndexes, (1 << i))) break; }
// found a zero bit, set it on
pCfBlock->ClientIndexes |= (1 << i);
} else { i = (-1); }
return i; }
ReleaseClientBlock -
Release the client block
Arguments pClientBlock - the client block to release
Returns void
************************************************************************ */ VOID ReleaseClientBlock( IN PCLIENT_BLOCK pClientBlock ) { NdisFreeSpinLock(&pClientBlock->Lock);
// just free the memory
GpcFreeToLL(pClientBlock, &ClientLL, ClientTag); }
ReleasePatternBlock -
Release the pattern block
Arguments pPatternBlock - the pattern block to release
Returns void
************************************************************************ */ VOID ReleasePatternBlock( IN PPATTERN_BLOCK pPatternBlock ) {
#if DBG
pPatternBlock->TimeToLive = 0xdeadbeef; #endif
// just free the memory
GpcFreeToLL(pPatternBlock, &PatternLL, PatternTag); }
ReleaseBlobBlock -
Release the blob block
Arguments pBlobBlock - the blob block to release
Returns void
************************************************************************ */ VOID ReleaseBlobBlock( IN PBLOB_BLOCK pBlobBlock ) {
// just free the memory
GpcFreeMem(pBlobBlock->pClientData, CfInfoDataTag); ASSERT(pBlobBlock->pNewClientData == NULL); //GpcFreeToLL(pBlobBlock, &CfInfoLL, CfInfoTag);
GpcFreeMem(pBlobBlock,CfInfoTag); }
CreateNewClassificationBlock -
create and return a new classification block for internal use
Arguments NumEntries - number of entries
Returns pointer to the new classification block or NULL for no memory resources
************************************************************************ */ PCLASSIFICATION_BLOCK CreateNewClassificationBlock( IN ULONG NumEntries ) { PCLASSIFICATION_BLOCK pClassification; ULONG l;
l = sizeof(CLASSIFICATION_BLOCK) + sizeof(PBLOB_BLOCK) * (NumEntries-1); GpcAllocMem(&pClassification, l, ClassificationBlockTag);
if (pClassification) {
// reset all
NdisZeroMemory(pClassification, l);
pClassification->NumberOfElements = NumEntries; }
return pClassification; }
ReleaseClassificationBlock -
Release the Classification block
Arguments pClassificationBlock - the Classification block to release
Returns void
************************************************************************ */ VOID ReleaseClassificationBlock( IN PCLASSIFICATION_BLOCK pClassificationBlock ) { if (pClassificationBlock) {
// release the memory block
GpcFreeMem(pClassificationBlock, ClassificationBlockTag); } }
GpcCalcHash -
Calculate the hash table key for a specific pattern
Arguments ProtocolTempId - The protocol template pPattern - a pointer to the pattern
Returns ULONG - the hash key, (-1) if Protocol value is illegal
************************************************************************ */ ULONG GpcCalcHash( IN ULONG ProtocolTempId, IN PUCHAR pPattern ) { ULONG Key = (-1); ULONG temp; PULONG Cheat; PGPC_IP_PATTERN pIpPatt; PGPC_IPX_PATTERN pIpxPatt; const ULONG MagicNumber = 0x9e4155b9; // magic number - hocus pocus
TRACE(LOOKUP, ProtocolTempId, pPattern, "GpcClacHash");
switch (ProtocolTempId) {
// the IP protocol template, this function was contributed by
// JohnDo
pIpPatt = (PGPC_IP_PATTERN)pPattern; temp = (pIpPatt->SrcAddr << 16) ^ (pIpPatt->SrcAddr >> 16) ^ pIpPatt->DstAddr ^ pIpPatt->ProtocolId ^ pIpPatt->gpcSpi; Key = temp * MagicNumber; break;
// the IPX protocol template, this function was contributed by
// JohnDo
Cheat = (PULONG)pPattern; temp = (Cheat[0] << 16) ^ (Cheat[0] >> 16) ^ (Cheat[1] << 16) ^ (Cheat[1] >> 16) ^ (Cheat[2] << 16) ^ (Cheat[2] >> 16) ^ Cheat[3] ^ Cheat[4] ^ Cheat[5];
Key = temp * MagicNumber; break;
// illegal value
ASSERT(0); }
// -1 is a bad key
if (Key == (-1)) Key = 0;
TRACE(LOOKUP, Key, 0, "GpcClacHash==>");
return Key; }
DereferencePattern -
Decrement the RefCount and deletes the pattern block if the count reaches zero.
Arguments pPattern - a pointer to the pattern
Returns void
************************************************************************ */ VOID DereferencePattern( IN PPATTERN_BLOCK pPattern ) { ASSERT(pPattern); //ASSERT(pPattern->RefCount.Count > 0);
TRACE(PATTERN, pPattern, pPattern->DbCtx, "DereferencePattern");
ProtocolStatInc(pPattern->ProtocolTemplate, DerefPattern2Zero);
// no longer do we need this CB
// time to remove the pattern
DereferenceBlob -
Decrement the RefCount and deletes the blob block if the count reaches zero.
Arguments pBlob - a pointer to the blob
Returns void
************************************************************************ */ VOID DereferenceBlob( IN PBLOB_BLOCK pBlob ) { ASSERT(pBlob); //
// If there is a File Object, dereference it.
if (pBlob->FileObject) { ObDereferenceObject(pBlob->FileObject); pBlob->FileObject = NULL; }
if (pBlob->Pattern) { GpcFreeMem(pBlob->Pattern,TcpPatternTag); pBlob->Pattern = NULL; }
//TRACE(BLOB, *ppBlob, (*ppBlob)->RefCount, "DereferenceBlob");
//ASSERT((*ppBlob)->RefCount.Count > 0);
// time to remove the blob
ReleaseBlobBlock(pBlob); }
DereferenceClient -
Decrement the RefCount and deletes the client block if the count reaches zero.
Arguments pClient - pointer to the client block
Returns void
************************************************************************ */ VOID DereferenceClient( IN PCLIENT_BLOCK pClient ) { PCF_BLOCK pCf; KIRQL irql;
//TRACE(CLIENT, pClient, pClient->RefCount, "DereferenceClient");
//ASSERT(pClient->RefCount.Count > 0);
pCf = pClient->pCfBlock;
RSC_WRITE_LOCK(&pCf->ClientSync, &irql);
// time to remove the client
GpcRemoveEntryList(&pClient->ClientLinkage); ReleaseClientIndex(pCf->ClientIndexes, pClient->AssignedIndex);
RSC_WRITE_UNLOCK(&pCf->ClientSync, irql); }
ClientAddCfInfo -
************************************************************************ */ GPC_STATUS ClientAddCfInfo( IN PCLIENT_BLOCK pClient, IN PBLOB_BLOCK pBlob, OUT PGPC_CLIENT_HANDLE pClientCfInfoContext ) { GPC_STATUS Status = GPC_STATUS_SUCCESS; DEFINE_KIRQL(dbgIrql);
TRACE(PATTERN, pClient, pBlob, "ClientAddCfInfo");
*pClientCfInfoContext = NULL;
if (pClient->State == GPC_STATE_READY) {
if (pClient->FuncList.ClAddCfInfoNotifyHandler) { NdisInterlockedIncrement(&pBlob->ClientStatusCountDown);
TRACE(PATTERN, pClient, dbgIrql, "ClientAddCfInfo (2)");
// Pass in link id if a client of the new interface registers
if (IS_USERMODE_CLIENT_EX(pBlob->pOwnerClient)){ Status = (pClient->FuncList.ClAddCfInfoNotifyHandler) ( pClient->ClientCtx, (GPC_HANDLE)pBlob, &(pBlob->Pattern->InterfaceId), pBlob->ClientDataSize, pBlob->pClientData, pClientCfInfoContext ); } else{ Status = (pClient->FuncList.ClAddCfInfoNotifyHandler) ( pClient->ClientCtx, (GPC_HANDLE)pBlob, NULL, pBlob->ClientDataSize, pBlob->pClientData, pClientCfInfoContext ); }
TRACE(PATTERN, *pClientCfInfoContext, Status, "ClientAddCfInfo (3)");
if (Status != GPC_STATUS_PENDING) {
NdisInterlockedDecrement(&pBlob->ClientStatusCountDown); }
} }
return Status; }
ClientAddCfInfoComplete -
************************************************************************ */ VOID ClientAddCfInfoComplete( IN PCLIENT_BLOCK pClient, IN PBLOB_BLOCK pBlob, IN GPC_STATUS Status ) { ULONG CfIndex; DEFINE_KIRQL(dbgIrql);
TRACE(PATTERN, pClient, pBlob, "ClientAddCfInfoComplete");
if (pClient->State == GPC_STATE_READY) {
// the user is blocking on this call
CTESignal(&pBlob->WaitBlock, Status);
CfIndex = pClient->pCfBlock->AssignedIndex;
if (NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { CfStatInc(CfIndex,CreatedBlobs); CfStatInc(CfIndex,CurrentBlobs); } else { CfStatInc(CfIndex,RejectedBlobs); }
if (pClient->FuncList.ClAddCfInfoCompleteHandler) { GET_IRQL(dbgIrql);
TRACE(PATTERN, pClient, dbgIrql, "ClientAddCfInfoComplete (2)"); TRACE(PATTERN, pClient, pBlob->arClientCtx[pClient->AssignedIndex], "ClientAddCfInfoComplete (3)");
(pClient->FuncList.ClAddCfInfoCompleteHandler) ( pClient->ClientCtx, pBlob->arClientCtx[pClient->AssignedIndex], Status );
TRACE(PATTERN, pClient, Status, "ClientAddCfInfoComplete (4)");
} else if (IS_USERMODE_CLIENT(pClient) && pClient == pBlob->pOwnerClient ) {
TRACE(PATTERN, pClient, dbgIrql, "ClientAddCfInfoComplete (5)");
// this is a user mode client - call the specific routine
// to complete a pending IRP, but only if the client is the
// blob owner
UMCfInfoComplete( OP_ADD_CFINFO, pClient, pBlob, Status ); VERIFY_IRQL(dbgIrql);
TRACE(PATTERN, pClient, Status, "ClientAddCfInfoComplete (6)");
if (NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { pBlob->State = GPC_STATE_READY; } else { //
// remove the blob
REFDEL(&pBlob->RefCount, 'BLOB');
} #endif
} }
ClientModifyCfInfoComplete -
************************************************************************ */ VOID ClientModifyCfInfoComplete( IN PCLIENT_BLOCK pClient, IN PBLOB_BLOCK pBlob, IN GPC_STATUS Status ) { DEFINE_KIRQL(dbgIrql);
TRACE(PATTERN, pClient, pBlob, "ClientModifyCfInfoComplete");
if (pClient->State == GPC_STATE_READY) {
if (pClient->FuncList.ClModifyCfInfoCompleteHandler) { GET_IRQL(dbgIrql);
TRACE(PATTERN, pClient, dbgIrql, "ClientModifyCfInfoComplete (2)");
(pClient->FuncList.ClModifyCfInfoCompleteHandler) ( pClient->ClientCtx, pBlob->arClientCtx[pClient->AssignedIndex], Status );
TRACE(PATTERN, pBlob->arClientCtx[pClient->AssignedIndex], Status, "ClientModifyCfInfoComplete (3)");
} else if (IS_USERMODE_CLIENT(pClient)) {
TRACE(PATTERN, pClient, dbgIrql, "ClientModifyCfInfoComplete (4)");
UMCfInfoComplete( OP_MODIFY_CFINFO, pClient, pBlob, Status ); VERIFY_IRQL(dbgIrql);
TRACE(PATTERN, pBlob->arClientCtx[pClient->AssignedIndex], Status, "ClientModifyCfInfoComplete (5)"); }
} }
ClientModifyCfInfo -
************************************************************************ */ GPC_STATUS ClientModifyCfInfo( IN PCLIENT_BLOCK pClient, IN PBLOB_BLOCK pBlob, IN ULONG CfInfoSize, IN PVOID pClientData ) { GPC_STATUS Status = GPC_STATUS_IGNORED; DEFINE_KIRQL(dbgIrql);
TRACE(PATTERN, pClient, pBlob, "ClientModifyCfInfo");
if (pClient->State == GPC_STATE_READY) {
if (pClient->FuncList.ClModifyCfInfoNotifyHandler) {
TRACE(PATTERN, pClient, dbgIrql, "ClientModifyCfInfo (2)");
Status = (pClient->FuncList.ClModifyCfInfoNotifyHandler) (pClient->ClientCtx, pBlob->arClientCtx[pClient->AssignedIndex], CfInfoSize, pClientData );
TRACE(PATTERN, pBlob->arClientCtx[pClient->AssignedIndex], Status, "ClientModifyCfInfo (3)");
if (Status != GPC_STATUS_PENDING) { NdisInterlockedDecrement(&pBlob->ClientStatusCountDown); }
} }
return Status; }
ClientRemoveCfInfoComplete -
************************************************************************ */ VOID ClientRemoveCfInfoComplete( IN PCLIENT_BLOCK pClient, IN PBLOB_BLOCK pBlob, IN GPC_STATUS Status ) { ULONG CfIndex; DEFINE_KIRQL(dbgIrql);
TRACE(PATTERN, pClient, pBlob, "ClientRemoveCfInfoComplete");
// the user is blocking on this call
CTESignal(&pBlob->WaitBlock, Status);
CfIndex = pClient->pCfBlock->AssignedIndex;
if (NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { CfStatInc(CfIndex,DeletedBlobs); CfStatDec(CfIndex,CurrentBlobs); } if (pClient->FuncList.ClRemoveCfInfoCompleteHandler) { GET_IRQL(dbgIrql);
TRACE(PATTERN, pClient, pBlob->arClientCtx[pClient->AssignedIndex], "ClientRemoveCfInfoComplete (2)");
(pClient->FuncList.ClRemoveCfInfoCompleteHandler) ( pClient->ClientCtx, pBlob->arClientCtx[pClient->AssignedIndex], Status ); VERIFY_IRQL(dbgIrql);
TRACE(PATTERN, pClient, Status, "ClientRemoveCfInfoComplete (3)");
} else if (IS_USERMODE_CLIENT(pClient)) {
TRACE(PATTERN, pClient, pBlob->arClientCtx[pClient->AssignedIndex], "ClientRemoveCfInfoComplete (4)");
UMCfInfoComplete( OP_REMOVE_CFINFO, pClient, pBlob, Status ); VERIFY_IRQL(dbgIrql);
TRACE(PATTERN, pClient, Status, "ClientRemoveCfInfoComplete (5)"); }
ClientRemoveCfInfo -
************************************************************************ */ GPC_STATUS ClientRemoveCfInfo( IN PCLIENT_BLOCK pClient, IN PBLOB_BLOCK pBlob, IN GPC_CLIENT_HANDLE ClientCfInfoContext ) { GPC_STATUS Status = GPC_STATUS_SUCCESS; DEFINE_KIRQL(dbgIrql);
TRACE(PATTERN, pClient, pBlob, "ClientRemoveCfInfo");
if (pClient->State == GPC_STATE_READY) {
if (pClient->FuncList.ClRemoveCfInfoNotifyHandler) {
TRACE(PATTERN, pClient, ClientCfInfoContext, "ClientRemoveCfInfo (2)");
Status = (pClient->FuncList.ClRemoveCfInfoNotifyHandler) (pClient->ClientCtx, ClientCfInfoContext );
TRACE(PATTERN, pClient, Status, "ClientRemoveCfInfo (3)");
if (Status != GPC_STATUS_PENDING) { NdisInterlockedDecrement(&pBlob->ClientStatusCountDown); }
} else if (IS_USERMODE_CLIENT(pClient) //For client using IOCTL interface
&& !IS_USERMODE_CLIENT_EX(pClient)//But Not for new IOCTL interfaces
&& pClient == pBlob->pOwnerClient) {// If the client owns the Blob
TRACE(PATTERN, pClient, ClientCfInfoContext, "ClientRemoveCfInfo (4)");
// the notified client installed the blob
// and it is a user mode client
// we need to make a special call to dequeue a pending IRP
// and complete it with the specified data
UMClientRemoveCfInfoNotify(pClient, pBlob);
TRACE(PATTERN, pClient, Status, "ClientRemoveCfInfo (5)"); } }
return Status; }
ClearPatternLinks -
************************************************************************ */ VOID ClearPatternLinks( IN PPATTERN_BLOCK pPattern, IN PPROTOCOL_BLOCK pProtocol, IN ULONG CfIndex ) { PBLOB_BLOCK *ppBlob;
// Remove the pattern from the blob list
// and NULL the pointer to the blob in the pattern block
ppBlob = & GetBlobFromPattern(pPattern, CfIndex);
if (*ppBlob) {
*ppBlob = NULL;
ModifyCompleteClients -
************************************************************************ */ VOID ModifyCompleteClients( IN PCLIENT_BLOCK pClient, IN PBLOB_BLOCK pBlob ) { uint i; PCLIENT_BLOCK pNotifyClient; KIRQL irql;
if (NT_SUCCESS(pBlob->LastStatus)) { //
// in case of successful completion, assign the
// new client data
NDIS_LOCK(&pBlob->Lock); WRITE_LOCK(&glData.ChLock, &irql);
GpcFreeMem(pBlob->pClientData, CfInfoDataTag); pBlob->ClientDataSize = pBlob->NewClientDataSize; pBlob->pClientData = pBlob->pNewClientData;
WRITE_UNLOCK(&glData.ChLock, irql); NDIS_UNLOCK(&pBlob->Lock);
} else { GpcFreeMem(pBlob->pNewClientData, CfInfoDataTag); }
pBlob->NewClientDataSize = 0; pBlob->pNewClientData = NULL; //
// notify each client (except the caller) that successfully
// modified the blob about the status.
// it can be SUCCESS or some failure
for (i = 0; i < MAX_CLIENTS_CTX_PER_BLOB; i++) { //
// only clients with none zero entries
// have been succefully modified the blob
if (pNotifyClient = pBlob->arpClientStatus[i]) { //
// complete here
ClientModifyCfInfoComplete( pNotifyClient, pBlob, pBlob->LastStatus ); //
// release the one we got earlier
} } // for
#if 0
// now, complete the call back to the calling client
ClientModifyCfInfoComplete( pBlob->pCallingClient, pBlob, pBlob->LastStatus ); #endif
pBlob->State = GPC_STATE_READY; }
#if 0
GetClassificationHandle -
Get the classification handle from the blob. If none is available creates a new one. '0' is not a valid CH!
Arguments pClient - The calling client pPattern - The pattern that refers to the CH
Returns A classification handle
************************************************************************ */ CLASSIFICATION_HANDLE GetClassificationHandle( IN PCLIENT_BLOCK pClient, IN PPATTERN_BLOCK pPattern ) { HFHandle hfh; ULONG t; PCLASSIFICATION_BLOCK pCB;
TRACE(CLASSIFY, pClient, pPattern, "GetClassificationHandle:");
if (TEST_BIT_ON(pPattern->Flags,PATTERN_SPECIFIC)) { //
// this is a specific pattern
// get the CH from it
ASSERT(pPattern->pClassificationBlock); hfh = pPattern->pClassificationBlock->ClassificationHandle;
// check if CH is valid
t = pPattern->ProtocolTemplate; pCB = (PCLASSIFICATION_BLOCK)dereference_HF_handle(glData.pCHTable, hfh); TRACE(CLASSHAND, pCB, hfh, "GetClassificationHandle (~)");
if (pCB != pPattern->pClassificationBlock) {
// the CH is invalid, release it and get a new one
release_HF_handle(glData.pCHTable, hfh);
ProtocolStatInc(pPattern->ProtocolTemplate, RemovedCH); TRACE(CLASSHAND, glData.pCHTable, hfh, "GetClassificationHandle (-)");
hfh = assign_HF_handle(glData.pCHTable, (void *)pPattern->pClassificationBlock);
ProtocolStatInc(pPattern->ProtocolTemplate, InsertedCH);
TRACE(CLASSIFY, pPattern, hfh, "GetClassificationHandle (+)");
pPattern->pClassificationBlock->ClassificationHandle = hfh; }
} else {
// this is a generic pattern
hfh = 0;
TRACE(CLASSIFY, pPattern, hfh, "GetClassificationHandle==>");
return (CLASSIFICATION_HANDLE)hfh; } #endif
FreeClassificationHandle -
Free the classification handle. It will invalidate the entry in the index table and make it avaiable for future use.
Arguments pClient - The calling client CH - The classification handle
Returns void
************************************************************************ */ VOID FreeClassificationHandle( IN PCLIENT_BLOCK pClient, IN CLASSIFICATION_HANDLE CH ) { KIRQL CHirql;
WRITE_LOCK(&glData.ChLock, &CHirql);
release_HF_handle(glData.pCHTable, CH);
TRACE(CLASSHAND, glData.pCHTable, CH, "FreeClassificationHandle");
WRITE_UNLOCK(&glData.ChLock, CHirql); }
//ULONG CfIndex = pClient->pCfBlock->AssignedIndex;
// scan blobs
while (!IsListEmpty(&pClient->BlobList)) {
// get the blob
pBlob = CONTAINING_RECORD(pClient->BlobList.Flink, BLOB_BLOCK, ClientLinkage);
// remove the blob
Status = GpcRemoveCfInfo((GPC_HANDLE)pClient, (GPC_HANDLE)pBlob );
NDIS_LOCK(&pClient->Lock); }
VOID CloseAllObjects( IN PFILE_OBJECT FileObject, IN PIRP Irp ) { PLIST_ENTRY pEntry0, pHead0; PLIST_ENTRY pEntry, pHead; PCLIENT_BLOCK pClient = NULL; PCF_BLOCK pCf; PPROTOCOL_BLOCK pProtocol; //int i,j;
//NTSTATUS NtStatus;
KIRQL irql;
pHead0 = &glData.CfList; pEntry0 = pHead0->Flink;
while (pEntry0 != pHead0 && pClient == NULL) {
pCf = CONTAINING_RECORD(pEntry0, CF_BLOCK, Linkage); pEntry0 = pEntry0->Flink; RSC_READ_LOCK(&pCf->ClientSync, &irql);
pHead = &pCf->ClientList; pEntry = pHead->Flink; while (pEntry != pHead && pClient == NULL) {
pClient = CONTAINING_RECORD(pEntry,CLIENT_BLOCK,ClientLinkage); pEntry = pEntry->Flink;
if (pClient->pFileObject == FileObject) {
REFADD(&pClient->RefCount, 'CAOB');
} else {
pClient = NULL; } }
RSC_READ_UNLOCK(&pCf->ClientSync, irql); } // while (...)
if (pClient) {
// clear all the blobs on the client
CleanupBlobs(pClient); //
// deregister the client
// release the previous ref count
REFDEL(&pClient->RefCount, 'CAOB');
// Cool new feature - Timer Wheels [ShreeM]
// We maintain N lists of patterns, one for each "timertick". The Pattern
// Expiry routine will clean up one of the lists every time it is invoked.
// It then makes a note to cleanup the next list on the wheel, the next time
// it is invoked.
// The Timer Wheels reduces spin lock contention between inserts and deletes.
VOID PatternTimerExpired( IN PVOID SystemSpecific1, IN PVOID FunctionContext, IN PVOID SystemSpecific2, IN PVOID SystemSpecific3 ) { PLIST_ENTRY pEntry; PPATTERN_BLOCK pPattern; ULONG CleanupWheelIndex = 0, NewWheelIndex; PPROTOCOL_BLOCK pProtocol = &glData.pProtocols[PtrToUlong(FunctionContext)];
TRACE(PAT_TIMER, FunctionContext, 0, "PatternTimerExpired");
DBGPRINT(PAT_TIMER, ("PatternTimerExpired: Timer expired, protocol=%d \n", PtrToUlong(FunctionContext)));
// Which of the timer wheels do we want to cleanup this time?
// Remember that we Increment the current index pointer into the wheels
// All the wheel index calculations are protected by gldata->lock.
CleanupWheelIndex = pProtocol->CurrentWheelIndex; pProtocol->CurrentWheelIndex += 1; //
// Make sure we wrap around.
pProtocol->CurrentWheelIndex %= NUMBER_OF_WHEELS; NDIS_UNLOCK(&glData.Lock); NDIS_LOCK(&pProtocol->PatternTimerLock[CleanupWheelIndex]);
while (!IsListEmpty(&pProtocol->TimerPatternList[CleanupWheelIndex])) {
pEntry = RemoveHeadList(&pProtocol->TimerPatternList[CleanupWheelIndex]);
pPattern = CONTAINING_RECORD(pEntry, PATTERN_BLOCK, TimerLinkage);
NDIS_UNLOCK(&pProtocol->PatternTimerLock[CleanupWheelIndex]); ASSERT(pPattern->TimeToLive != 0xdeadbeef); ASSERT(TEST_BIT_ON( pPattern->Flags, PATTERN_AUTO ));
NDIS_LOCK(&pPattern->Lock); pPattern->Flags |= ~PATTERN_AUTO; NDIS_UNLOCK(&pPattern->Lock);
TRACE(PAT_TIMER, pPattern, pPattern->RefCount.Count, "PatternTimerExpired: del");
ProtocolStatInc(pPattern->ProtocolTemplate, DeletedAp);
ProtocolStatDec(pPattern->ProtocolTemplate, CurrentAp);
// actually remove the pattern
DBGPRINT(PAT_TIMER, ("PatternTimerExpired: removing pattern=%X, ref=%d, client=%X \n", pPattern, pPattern->RefCount, pPattern->pAutoClient));
pClient = pPattern->pAutoClient;
GpcRemovePattern((GPC_HANDLE)pPattern->pAutoClient, (GPC_HANDLE)pPattern);
REFDEL(&(pClient->RefCount), 'CLNT'); InterlockedDecrement(&pProtocol->AutoSpecificPatternCount);
} NDIS_UNLOCK(&pProtocol->PatternTimerLock[CleanupWheelIndex]);
// If there are any Auto Specific patterns around restart the timer.
if(InterlockedExchangeAdd(&pProtocol->AutoSpecificPatternCount, 0) > 0) { NdisSetTimer(&pProtocol->PatternTimer, PATTERN_TIMEOUT); DBGPRINT(PAT_TIMER, ("PatternTimer restarted\n")); } else {
DBGPRINT(PAT_TIMER, ("Zero Auto Patterns - Timer NOT restarted\n"));
GPC_STATUS AddSpecificPatternWithTimer( IN PCLIENT_BLOCK pClient, IN ULONG ProtocolTemplate, IN PVOID PatternKey, OUT PPATTERN_BLOCK *ppPattern, OUT PCLASSIFICATION_HANDLE pClassificationHandle ) { GPC_STATUS Status=GPC_STATUS_SUCCESS; PPATTERN_BLOCK pPattern=NULL, pCreatedPattern=NULL; PPROTOCOL_BLOCK pProtocol = &glData.pProtocols[ProtocolTemplate]; UCHAR Mask[MAX_PATTERN_SIZE]; ULONG WheelIndex = 0; ULONG ulCurrentAutoPatternCount=0;
ulCurrentAutoPatternCount=InterlockedExchangeAdd(&pProtocol->AutoSpecificPatternCount,0); DBGPRINT(PAT_TIMER,("MSGPC:Creating New AutoPattern: Number of AutoPatterns" "Before Creation = %ul \n", ulCurrentAutoPatternCount));
if (ulCurrentAutoPatternCount > glData.AutoPatternLimit) { DBGPRINT(PAT_TIMER,("MSGPCHit AutoPatternLimit : Num AutoPatterns = %ul :" "Limit =%ul \n",ulCurrentAutoPatternCount, glData.AutoPatternLimit)); Status = GPC_STATUS_NO_MEMORY; goto exit; } TRACE(PAT_TIMER, pClient, PatternKey, "AddSpecificPatternWithTimer");
#if DBG
{ PGPC_IP_PATTERN pIp = (PGPC_IP_PATTERN)PatternKey; DBGPRINT(PAT_TIMER, ("AddSpecificPatternWithTimer: Client=%X \n", pClient)); #if INTERFACE_ID
DBGPRINT(PAT_TIMER, ("IP: ifc={%d,%d} src=%08X:%04x, dst=%08X:%04x, prot=%d rsv=%x,%x,%x\n", pIp->InterfaceId.InterfaceId, pIp->InterfaceId.LinkId, pIp->SrcAddr, pIp->gpcSrcPort, pIp->DstAddr, pIp->gpcDstPort, pIp->ProtocolId, pIp->Reserved[0], pIp->Reserved[1], pIp->Reserved[2] )); #endif
} #endif
RtlFillMemory(Mask, sizeof(Mask), 0xff);
pPattern = CreateNewPatternBlock(PATTERN_SPECIFIC); pCreatedPattern = pPattern; if (pPattern) { //
// setup the pattern fields and add it
pPattern->Priority = 0; pPattern->ProtocolTemplate = ProtocolTemplate; pPattern->Flags |= PATTERN_AUTO; // This flag indicates that the auto pattern is not on
// timer list yet . This means
// the pattern is not ready yet though it may or may
// not have been inserted into the patternhashtable
pPattern->Flags |= PATTERN_AUTO_NOT_READY; pPattern->pAutoClient = pClient;
Status = AddSpecificPattern( pClient, PatternKey, Mask, NULL, pProtocol, &pPattern, // output pattern pointer
pClassificationHandle );
} else {
} if (NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { //
// we didn't get an already existing pattern
*ppPattern = pPattern; // Figure out which wheel to stick this pattern on.
NDIS_LOCK(&glData.Lock); WheelIndex = pProtocol->CurrentWheelIndex; NDIS_UNLOCK(&glData.Lock); WheelIndex += (NUMBER_OF_WHEELS -1); WheelIndex %= NUMBER_OF_WHEELS;
// we must lock this pattern since we look at the timer linkage
// set the AUTO flag again, since we might have got
// a pattern that already exist
pPattern->Flags |= PATTERN_AUTO; pPattern->pAutoClient = pClient; pPattern->WheelIndex = WheelIndex;
// this pattern has not been on any the timer list yet
if (IsListEmpty(&pPattern->TimerLinkage)) {
// We need to insert this in the TimerWheel which is (NUMBER_OF_WHEELS - 1)
// away from the current, so that it spends enough time on the list.
NDIS_DPR_LOCK(&pProtocol->PatternTimerLock[WheelIndex]); //
// If the AutoSpecificPatternCount was zero earlier, then we need
// to a) start the timer and b) increment this count.
if (1 == InterlockedIncrement(&pProtocol->AutoSpecificPatternCount)) { //
// restart the timer for the first auto pattern
NdisSetTimer(&pProtocol->PatternTimer, PATTERN_TIMEOUT); TRACE(PAT_TIMER, pPattern, PATTERN_TIMEOUT, "Starting Pattern Timer\n AddSpecificPatternWithTimer: (1)"); } GpcInsertHeadList(&pProtocol->TimerPatternList[WheelIndex], &pPattern->TimerLinkage);
// don't refer to pPattern after it has been placed on the timer list
// since the timer may expire any time and remove it from there...
// This is a specific pattern, so lets increment the count [ShreeM].
InterlockedIncrement(&pProtocol->SpecificPatternCount); // Pattern is now ready. It has been inserted
// into the hash table and has been put into the
// timer list.
pPattern->Flags &= ~PATTERN_AUTO_NOT_READY;
NDIS_UNLOCK(&pPattern->Lock); ProtocolStatInc(ProtocolTemplate, CreatedAp); ProtocolStatInc(ProtocolTemplate, CurrentAp); } else { goto exit; }
exit: if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)){ *ppPattern = NULL; *pClassificationHandle = 0; ProtocolStatInc(ProtocolTemplate, RejectedAp); } else{ REFADD(&pClient->RefCount, 'CLNT'); } if (pPattern) {
// release the reference count to this pattern
// in case of an error, this will also release
// the data block
REFDEL(&pCreatedPattern->RefCount, 'FILT'); }
TRACE(PAT_TIMER, pPattern, Status, "AddSpecificPatternWithTimer==>"); DBGPRINT(CLASSIFY, ("AddSpecificPatternWithTimer: pClient=%X Pattern=%X Status=%X\n", pClient, pPattern, Status)); return Status; }
// SS202 CR
NTSTATUS InitPatternTimer( IN ULONG ProtocolTemplate ) { ULONG i=0;
// We increase the granularity of when a "Automatic" Pattern gets cleaned
// out by using timer wheels, but they are more efficient for inserting and
// removing (in terms of locks).
for (i = 0; i < NUMBER_OF_WHEELS; i++) { NDIS_INIT_LOCK(&glData.pProtocols[ProtocolTemplate].PatternTimerLock[i]);
glData.pProtocols[ProtocolTemplate].CurrentWheelIndex = 0;
NdisInitializeTimer(&glData.pProtocols[ProtocolTemplate].PatternTimer, PatternTimerExpired, (PVOID) ULongToPtr(ProtocolTemplate));
// Some CRT and RTL functions that cant be used at DISPATHC_LEVEL IRQL are being
// cut/paste here.
NTSTATUS OpenRegKey( PHANDLE HandlePtr, PWCHAR KeyName ) /*++
Routine Description:
Opens a Registry key and returns a handle to it.
HandlePtr - The varible into which to write the opened handle. KeyName - The name of the Registry key to open.
Return Value:
STATUS_SUCCESS or an appropriate failure code.
RtlInitUnicodeString(&UKeyName, KeyName);
memset(&ObjectAttributes, 0, sizeof(OBJECT_ATTRIBUTES)); InitializeObjectAttributes(&ObjectAttributes, &UKeyName, OBJ_CASE_INSENSITIVE, NULL, NULL);
Status = ZwOpenKey(HandlePtr, KEY_READ, &ObjectAttributes);
return Status; }
NTSTATUS GetRegDWORDValue( HANDLE KeyHandle, PWCHAR ValueName, PULONG ValueData ) /*++
Routine Description:
Reads a REG_DWORD value from the registry into the supplied variable.
KeyHandle - Open handle to the parent key of the value to read. ValueName - The name of the value to read. ValueData - The variable into which to read the data.
Return Value:
STATUS_SUCCESS or an appropriate failure code.
--*/ { NTSTATUS status; ULONG resultLength; PKEY_VALUE_FULL_INFORMATION keyValueFullInformation; UCHAR keybuf[WORK_BUFFER_SIZE]; UNICODE_STRING UValueName;
RtlInitUnicodeString(&UValueName, ValueName);
keyValueFullInformation = (PKEY_VALUE_FULL_INFORMATION)keybuf; RtlZeroMemory(keyValueFullInformation, sizeof(keyValueFullInformation));
status = ZwQueryValueKey(KeyHandle, &UValueName, KeyValueFullInformation, keyValueFullInformation, WORK_BUFFER_SIZE, &resultLength);
if (NT_SUCCESS(status)) { if (keyValueFullInformation->Type != REG_DWORD) { status = STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER_MIX; } else { *ValueData = *((ULONG UNALIGNED *)((PCHAR)keyValueFullInformation + keyValueFullInformation->DataOffset)); } }
return status; }
Routine Description:
Reads a REG_DWORD value from registry and init the variable passed in..
- Open handle to the parent key of the value to read. param - The name of the value to read. ValueData - The variable into which to read the data.
Return Value:
STATUS_SUCCESS or an appropriate failure code.
--*/ VOID GPC_REG_READ_DWORD(HANDLE hRegKey, PWCHAR pwcName, PULONG pulData, ULONG ulDefault,ULONG ulMax, ULONG ulMin) { NTSTATUS status; status = GetRegDWORDValue(hRegKey, pwcName, (pulData)); if (!NT_SUCCESS(status)) { *(pulData) = ulDefault; } else if (*(pulData) > ulMax) { *(pulData) = ulMax; } else if (*(pulData) < ulMin) { *(pulData) = ulMin; } }
VOID GpcReadRegistry() /*++
Routine Description:
Reads config info from registry into glData
Return Value:
status of the read.
--*/ { NTSTATUS status; HANDLE hRegKey; WCHAR GpcParametersRegistryKey[] = GPC_REG_KEY; glData.SystemSizeHint = MmQuerySystemSize(); switch (glData.SystemSizeHint) { case MmSmallSystem: glData.AutoPatternLimit = DEFAULT_SMALL_SYSTEM_AUTO_PATTERN_LIMIT; break; case MmMediumSystem: glData.AutoPatternLimit = DEFAULT_MEDIUM_SYSTEM_AUTO_PATTERN_LIMIT; break; case MmLargeSystem: glData.AutoPatternLimit = DEFAULT_LARGE_SYSTEM_AUTO_PATTERN_LIMIT; break; default: break; }
status = OpenRegKey(&hRegKey, GpcParametersRegistryKey);
if (NT_SUCCESS(status)) { //
// Expected configuration values. We use reasonable defaults if they
// aren't available for some reason.
GPC_REG_READ_DWORD( hRegKey, GPC_REG_AUTO_PATTERN_LIMIT, &glData.AutoPatternLimit, glData.AutoPatternLimit, GPC_AUTO_PATTERN_MAX, GPC_AUTO_PATTERN_MIN); } ZwClose(hRegKey); }