Copyright (c) 1998-1999 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
Packet scheduler KD extension
Rajesh Sundaram (1st Aug, 1998)
Revision History:
#include "precomp.h"
#include <winsock.h>
// forwards
// globals
PCHAR AdapterMode[] = { "", "Diffserv", "RSVP" };
PCHAR AdapterState[] = { "", "AdapterStateInitializing", "AdapterStateRunning", "AdapterStateWaiting", "AdapterStateDisabled", "AdapterStateClosing", "AdapterStateClosed" };
/* forwards */
VOID DumpAdapterStats( PPS_ADAPTER_STATS Stats, PCHAR Indent );
/* end forwards */
DllInit( HANDLE hModule, DWORD dwReason, DWORD dwReserved ) { switch (dwReason) { case DLL_THREAD_ATTACH: break;
case DLL_THREAD_DETACH: break;
case DLL_PROCESS_ATTACH: break; }
return TRUE; }
DECLARE_API( adapter ) /*
* dump a PS adapter structure */ { PADAPTER TargetAdapter; ADAPTER LocalAdapter; PADAPTER LastAdapter; LIST_ENTRY LocalListHead; PLIST_ENTRY TargetListHead; PWSTR PSName; PWSTR MPName; PWSTR WMIName; PWSTR ProfileName; PWSTR RegistryPath; BOOLEAN DumpAllAdapters = FALSE; ULONG bytes;
if ( *args == '\0' ) {
// run down the adapter list, dumping the contents of each one
TargetListHead = (PLIST_ENTRY)GetExpression( "PSCHED!AdapterList" );
if ( !TargetListHead ) {
dprintf("Can't convert psched!AdapterList symbol\n"); return; }
PSName = 0; MPName = 0; WMIName = 0; ProfileName = 0; RegistryPath = 0; //
// read adapter listhead out of target's memory
KD_READ_MEMORY(TargetListHead, &LocalListHead, sizeof(LIST_ENTRY));
TargetAdapter = (PADAPTER)LocalListHead.Flink;
LastAdapter = (PADAPTER)TargetListHead;
DumpAllAdapters = TRUE;
} else {
TargetAdapter = (PADAPTER)GetExpression( args );
if ( !TargetAdapter ) {
dprintf("bad string conversion (%s) \n", args );
LastAdapter = 0; }
while ( TargetAdapter != LastAdapter ) {
// read adapter struct out of target's memory
KD_READ_MEMORY(TargetAdapter, &LocalAdapter, sizeof(ADAPTER));
PSName = 0; MPName = 0; WMIName = 0; ProfileName = 0; RegistryPath = 0;
// alloc some mem for the PS and MP device names and get them too
if(LocalAdapter.UpperBinding.Length) { bytes = ( LocalAdapter.UpperBinding.Length + 1); PSName = (PWSTR)malloc( bytes ); if ( PSName != NULL ) { KD_READ_MEMORY(LocalAdapter.UpperBinding.Buffer, PSName, bytes-1); } }
if(LocalAdapter.MpDeviceName.Length) { bytes = ( LocalAdapter.MpDeviceName.Length + 1); MPName = (PWSTR)malloc( bytes ); if ( MPName != NULL ) { KD_READ_MEMORY((ULONG)(LocalAdapter.MpDeviceName.Buffer), MPName, bytes-1); } }
if(LocalAdapter.WMIInstanceName.Length) {
bytes = ( LocalAdapter.WMIInstanceName.Length + 1); WMIName = (PWSTR)malloc( bytes ); if ( WMIName != NULL ) { KD_READ_MEMORY(LocalAdapter.WMIInstanceName.Buffer, WMIName, bytes-1); } }
if(LocalAdapter.ProfileName.Length) { bytes = ( LocalAdapter.ProfileName.Length + 1 ); ProfileName = (PWSTR)malloc( bytes ); if ( ProfileName != NULL ) { KD_READ_MEMORY(LocalAdapter.ProfileName.Buffer, ProfileName, bytes-1); } }
if(LocalAdapter.RegistryPath.Length) { bytes = ( LocalAdapter.RegistryPath.Length + 1 ); RegistryPath = (PWSTR)malloc( bytes ); if ( RegistryPath != NULL ) { KD_READ_MEMORY(LocalAdapter.RegistryPath.Buffer, RegistryPath, bytes-1); }
dprintf( "\nAdapter @ %08X \n\n", TargetAdapter);
dprintf( " Next Adapter @ %08X ", &TargetAdapter->Linkage); if(&TargetAdapter->Linkage == LocalAdapter.Linkage.Flink) {
dprintf(" (empty) "); } dprintf( " \n");
dprintf( " Lock @ %08X\n", &TargetAdapter->Lock); dprintf( " RefCount = %d\n", LocalAdapter.RefCount ); dprintf( " MpDeviceName = %ws \n", MPName); dprintf( " UpperBinding = %ws \n", PSName); dprintf( " WMIInstanceName = %ws \n", WMIName); dprintf( " ProfileName = %ws \n", ProfileName); dprintf( " RegistryPath = %ws \n", RegistryPath); dprintf( " MiniportHandle (PsNdisHandle) = %x \n", LocalAdapter.PsNdisHandle); dprintf( " BindingHandle (LowerMpHandle) = %x \n", LocalAdapter.LowerMpHandle);
dprintf( " Outstanding NDIS request = %d \n", LocalAdapter.OutstandingNdisRequests); dprintf( " ShutdownMask = \n");
if(LocalAdapter.ShutdownMask & SHUTDOWN_DELETE_PIPE ) dprintf(" SHUTDOWN_DELETE_PIPE \n");
if(LocalAdapter.ShutdownMask & SHUTDOWN_FREE_PS_CONTEXT ) dprintf(" SHUTDOWN_FREE_PS_CONTEXT \n");
if(LocalAdapter.ShutdownMask & SHUTDOWN_UNBIND_CALLED ) dprintf(" SHUTDOWN_UNBIND_CALLED \n");
if(LocalAdapter.ShutdownMask & SHUTDOWN_MPHALT_CALLED ) dprintf(" SHUTDOWN_MPHALT_CALLED \n");
if(LocalAdapter.ShutdownMask & SHUTDOWN_CLEANUP_ADAPTER ) dprintf(" SHUTDOWN_CLEANUP_ADAPTER \n");
if(LocalAdapter.ShutdownMask & SHUTDOWN_PROTOCOL_UNLOAD ) dprintf(" SHUTDOWN_PROTOCOL_UNLOAD \n");
if(LocalAdapter.ShutdownMask & SHUTDOWN_BIND_CALLED ) dprintf(" SHUTDOWN_BIND_CALLED \n");
if(LocalAdapter.ShutdownMask & SHUTDOWN_MPINIT_CALLED ) dprintf(" SHUTDOWN_MPINIT_CALLED \n");
if(!DumpAllAdapters) { dprintf( " IpNetAddressList @ %08X \n", LocalAdapter.IpNetAddressList); dprintf( " IpxNetAddressList @ %08X \n", LocalAdapter.IpxNetAddressList); dprintf( " PsMpState = %s\n", AdapterState [ LocalAdapter.PsMpState]); dprintf( " BlockingEvent @ %08X\n", &TargetAdapter->BlockingEvent ); dprintf( " FinalStatus = %08X\n", LocalAdapter.FinalStatus ); dprintf( " Media Type = %d\n", LocalAdapter.MediaType ); dprintf( " Total Size = %d\n", LocalAdapter.TotalSize ); dprintf( " HeaderSize = %d\n", LocalAdapter.HeaderSize ); dprintf( " IPHeaderOffset = %d\n", LocalAdapter.IPHeaderOffset ); dprintf( "\n"); dprintf( " Admission Control details \n"); dprintf( " ------------------------- \n"); dprintf( " RawLinkSpeed = %d \n", LocalAdapter.RawLinkSpeed); dprintf( " BestEffortLimit = %d \n", LocalAdapter.BestEffortLimit); dprintf( " NonBestEffortLimit = %d \n", LocalAdapter.NonBestEffortLimit); dprintf( " ReservationLimitValue = %d \n", LocalAdapter.ReservationLimitValue); dprintf( " Link Speed = %dbps\n", LocalAdapter.LinkSpeed); dprintf( " RemainingBandWidth = %dBps\n", LocalAdapter.RemainingBandWidth ); dprintf( " VCIndex = %d\n", LocalAdapter.VcIndex.QuadPart ); dprintf( " PipeHasResources = %s \n", LocalAdapter.PipeHasResources ? "TRUE" : "FALSE"); dprintf( "\n");
dprintf( " NDIS Handles, etc \n"); dprintf( " ----------------- \n"); dprintf( " BindContext = %08X \n", LocalAdapter.BindContext); dprintf( " Send PacketPoolHandle = %08X \n", LocalAdapter.SendPacketPool); dprintf( " Recv PacketPoolHandle = %08X \n", LocalAdapter.RecvPacketPool);
dprintf( "\n");
dprintf( " Best Effort VC \n"); dprintf( " -------------- \n"); dprintf( " BestEffortVc = %08X \n", &TargetAdapter->BestEffortVc); dprintf( " GPC Client VC List @ %08X ", &TargetAdapter->GpcClientVcList);
if(&TargetAdapter->GpcClientVcList == LocalAdapter.GpcClientVcList.Flink) { dprintf( " (empty) "); } dprintf("\n"); dprintf( " CfinfosInstalled = %d \n", LocalAdapter.CfInfosInstalled); dprintf( " FlowsInstalled = %d \n", LocalAdapter.FlowsInstalled); dprintf( " \n");
dprintf( " Scheduling Components \n"); dprintf( " --------------------- \n"); dprintf( " PsComponent = %08X \n", LocalAdapter.PsComponent); dprintf( " PsPipeContext = %08X \n", LocalAdapter.PsPipeContext); dprintf( " PipeContextLength = %d \n", LocalAdapter.PipeContextLength); dprintf( " FlowContextLength = %d \n", LocalAdapter.FlowContextLength); dprintf( " PacketContextLength = %d \n", LocalAdapter.PacketContextLength); dprintf( " ClassMapContextLength = %d \n", LocalAdapter.ClassMapContextLength); dprintf( " PipeFlags = %08X\n", LocalAdapter.PipeFlags ); dprintf( " MaxOutstandingSends = 0x%08X \n", LocalAdapter.MaxOutstandingSends); dprintf( "\n");
dprintf( "\n"); dprintf( " NDISWAN \n"); dprintf( " ------- \n"); dprintf( " WanCmHandle = %08X \n", LocalAdapter.WanCmHandle); dprintf( " WanBindingState = %08X \n", LocalAdapter.WanBindingState); dprintf( " WanLinkCount = %08X \n", LocalAdapter.WanLinkCount); dprintf( " WanLinkList @ %08X ", &TargetAdapter->WanLinkList);
if(&TargetAdapter->WanLinkList == LocalAdapter.WanLinkList.Flink) { dprintf( " (empty) \n"); } else { dprintf( " Next = %08X \n", LocalAdapter.WanLinkList.Flink); } dprintf( " ISSLOWPacketSize = %08X \n", LocalAdapter.ISSLOWPacketSize); dprintf( " ISSLOWFragmentSize = %08X \n", LocalAdapter.ISSLOWFragmentSize); dprintf( " ISSLOWTokenRate = %08X \n", LocalAdapter.ISSLOWTokenRate); dprintf("\n"); dprintf( " Adaptermode = %s \n", AdapterMode[LocalAdapter.AdapterMode]); } dprintf( "\n" );
if ( PSName != NULL ) free( PSName );
if ( MPName != NULL ) free( MPName );
if ( WMIName != NULL) free ( WMIName);
if ( RegistryPath != NULL) free(RegistryPath);
if ( ProfileName != NULL) free(ProfileName);
if ( !DumpAllAdapters ) {
} else {
TargetAdapter = (PADAPTER)LocalAdapter.Linkage.Flink; }
if (CheckControlC()) { return; } } } // adapter
if ( *args == '\0' ) {
dprintf("ClientVC <address of ClientVC structure>\n"); return; }
TargetClientVC = (PGPC_CLIENT_VC)GetExpression( args );
if ( !TargetClientVC) {
dprintf("bad string conversion (%s) \n", args ); return; }
// read ClientVC struct out of target's memory
KD_READ_MEMORY(TargetClientVC, &LocalClientVC, sizeof(GPC_CLIENT_VC));
DumpGpcClientVc("", TargetClientVC, &LocalClientVC);
} // cvc
DECLARE_API( astats ) /*
* dump an adapter's stats structure */ { PADAPTER TargetAdapter; ADAPTER LocalAdapter; PADAPTER LastAdapter; LIST_ENTRY LocalListHead; PLIST_ENTRY TargetListHead; PWSTR Name; BOOLEAN DumpAllAdapters = FALSE; ULONG bytes;
if ( *args == '\0' ) {
// run down the adapter list, dumping the contents of each one
TargetListHead = (PLIST_ENTRY)GetExpression( "psched!AdapterList" );
if ( !TargetListHead ) {
dprintf("Can't convert psched!AdapterList symbol\n"); return; }
// read adapter listhead out of target's memory
KD_READ_MEMORY(TargetListHead, &LocalListHead, sizeof(LIST_ENTRY));
TargetAdapter = (PADAPTER)LocalListHead.Flink; LastAdapter = (PADAPTER)TargetListHead; DumpAllAdapters = TRUE;
} else {
TargetAdapter = (PADAPTER)GetExpression( args );
if ( !TargetAdapter ) {
dprintf("bad string conversion (%s) \n", args ); return;
LastAdapter = 0; }
while ( TargetAdapter != LastAdapter ) {
// read adapter struct out of target's memory
KD_READ_MEMORY(TargetAdapter, &LocalAdapter, sizeof(ADAPTER));
// alloc some mem for the name and get that too
bytes = ( LocalAdapter.WMIInstanceName.Length + 1 ) * sizeof( WCHAR ); Name = (PWSTR)malloc( bytes ); if ( Name != NULL ) {
KD_READ_MEMORY(((PADAPTER)TargetAdapter+1), Name, bytes);
dprintf( "\nAdapter Stats @ %08X (%ws)\n\n", TargetAdapter, Name ); DumpAdapterStats( &LocalAdapter.Stats, " " );
if ( Name != NULL ) free( Name );
if ( !DumpAllAdapters ) {
break; } else {
TargetAdapter = (PADAPTER)LocalAdapter.Linkage.Flink; }
if (CheckControlC()) { return; } } } // astats
VOID DumpAdapterStats( PPS_ADAPTER_STATS Stats, PCHAR Indent ) { dprintf( "%sOut of Packets = %d\n", Indent, Stats->OutOfPackets );
dprintf( "%sFlows Opened = %d\n", Indent, Stats->FlowsOpened ); dprintf( "%sFlows Closed = %d\n", Indent, Stats->FlowsClosed ); dprintf( "%sFlows Rejected = %d\n", Indent, Stats->FlowsRejected ); dprintf( "%sFlows Modified = %d\n", Indent, Stats->FlowsModified ); dprintf( "%sFlows ModsRejected = %d\n", Indent, Stats->FlowModsRejected ); dprintf( "%sFlows MaxSimultaneousFlows = %d\n", Indent, Stats->MaxSimultaneousFlows );
DECLARE_API( help ) { dprintf("PS kd extensions\n\n"); dprintf("adapter [address] - dump adapter structure\n"); dprintf("astats [adapter address] - dump adapter stats\n"); dprintf("cvc <address> - dump client VC struct\n"); dprintf("diff <address> - dump diffserv mapping \n"); dprintf("fstats [vc address] - dump VC stats\n"); dprintf("help - This help screen \n"); dprintf("iph <address> - Dumps the IP header \n"); dprintf("list <address> - Dumps the entries of a list \n"); dprintf("lock <address> - Dumps the lock info \n"); dprintf("ndisp <address> - Dumps the NDIS_PACKET \n"); dprintf("netl <address> - Dumps the NETWORK_ADDRESS_LIST structure \n"); dprintf("psdso Struct [<address>] - Structo on the structure \n"); dprintf("tt [<filename>] - Dumps psched log on c:\\tmp\\<filename> or stdout \n"); dprintf("upri <address> - Dumps the 802.1p value \n"); dprintf("vc <adapter address> - Dumps the list of VCs on an adapter \n"); dprintf("version - Displays version information \n"); dprintf("wan <adapter address> - Dumps the list of WanLinks on an adapter \n"); dprintf("wanlink <address> - Dumps the Wanlink Structure\n");
DECLARE_API( ndisp ) { PNDIS_PACKET TargetPacket; NDIS_PACKET LocalPacket; MDL *CurrentMdl; LONG MDLCnt = 0;
if ( *args == '\0' ) {
dprintf("ndisp <address of NDIS_PACKET> \n"); return; }
TargetPacket = (PNDIS_PACKET)GetExpression( args );
if ( !TargetPacket ) {
dprintf("bad string conversion (%s) \n", args ); return; }
// read client struct out of target's memory
KD_READ_MEMORY((ULONG)TargetPacket, &LocalPacket, sizeof(NDIS_PACKET));
dprintf("\nNDIS_PACKET @ %08X \n", TargetPacket); dprintf(" Private \n"); dprintf(" Physical Count : 0x%x (%d) \n", LocalPacket.Private.PhysicalCount, LocalPacket.Private.PhysicalCount); dprintf(" TotalLength : 0x%x (%d) \n", LocalPacket.Private.TotalLength, LocalPacket.Private.TotalLength); dprintf(" Head : 0x%x \n", LocalPacket.Private.Head); dprintf(" Tail : 0x%x \n", LocalPacket.Private.Tail); dprintf(" Pool : 0x%x \n", LocalPacket.Private.Pool); dprintf(" Count : 0x%x (%d) \n", LocalPacket.Private.Count, LocalPacket.Private.Count); dprintf(" Flags : 0x%x (%d) \n", LocalPacket.Private.Flags, LocalPacket.Private.Flags); dprintf(" ValidCounts : 0x%x (%d) \n", LocalPacket.Private.ValidCounts, LocalPacket.Private.ValidCounts); dprintf(" NdisPacketFlags : 0x%x (%d) \n", LocalPacket.Private.NdisPacketFlags, LocalPacket.Private.NdisPacketFlags); dprintf(" NdisPacketOobOffset : 0x%x (%d) \n", LocalPacket.Private.NdisPacketOobOffset, LocalPacket.Private.NdisPacketOobOffset);
CurrentMdl = LocalPacket.Private.Head;
while(CurrentMdl != 0) {
MDL *TargetMdl; MDL LocalMdl; dprintf("\n MDL # %d\n", ++MDLCnt); TargetMdl = CurrentMdl;
if ( !TargetMdl ) {
dprintf("bad string conversion (%s) \n", CurrentMdl ); return; }
// read client struct out of target's memory
KD_READ_MEMORY( TargetMdl, &LocalMdl, sizeof(MDL));
dprintf(" Next : 0x%x \n", LocalMdl.Next); dprintf(" Size : 0x%x (%d) \n", LocalMdl.Size, LocalMdl.Size); dprintf(" MdlFlags : 0x%x (%d) \n", LocalMdl.MdlFlags, LocalMdl.MdlFlags); dprintf(" Process : 0x%x \n", LocalMdl.Process); dprintf(" MappedSystemVa : 0x%x \n", LocalMdl.MappedSystemVa); dprintf(" StartVa : 0x%x \n", LocalMdl.StartVa); dprintf(" ByteCount : 0x%x (%d) \n", LocalMdl.ByteCount, LocalMdl.ByteCount); dprintf(" ByteOffset : 0x%x (%d) \n", LocalMdl.ByteOffset, LocalMdl.ByteOffset);
CurrentMdl = LocalMdl.Next; } }
DECLARE_API(iph) { IPHeader *TargetPacket; IPHeader LocalPacket; LONG MDLCnt = 0;
if ( *args == '\0' ) {
dprintf("iph <address of IP header> \n"); return; }
TargetPacket = (IPHeader *) GetExpression( args );
if ( !TargetPacket ) {
dprintf("bad string conversion (%s) \n", args ); return; }
// read client struct out of target's memory
KD_READ_MEMORY(TargetPacket, &LocalPacket, sizeof(IPHeader));
dprintf("IPHeader @ %08X \n", TargetPacket); dprintf(" Version : %x \n", (LocalPacket.iph_verlen >> 4 ) & 0x0f); dprintf(" Header Length : %x \n", LocalPacket.iph_verlen & 0x0f); dprintf(" TOS : %x \n", LocalPacket.iph_tos); dprintf(" Length : %x \n", ntohs(LocalPacket.iph_length)); dprintf(" ID : %x \n", ntohs(LocalPacket.iph_id)); dprintf(" Offset : %x \n", ntohs(LocalPacket.iph_offset)); dprintf(" TTL : %x \n", LocalPacket.iph_ttl); dprintf(" Protocol : ");
switch(LocalPacket.iph_protocol) { case 1: dprintf("ICMP (%d) \n", LocalPacket.iph_protocol); break; case 2: dprintf("IGMP (%d) \n", LocalPacket.iph_protocol); break; case 6: dprintf("TCP (%d) \n", LocalPacket.iph_protocol); break; case 17: dprintf("UDP (%d) \n", LocalPacket.iph_protocol); break; default: dprintf("Unknown (%d) \n", LocalPacket.iph_protocol); break; }
// Validate Header checksum
dprintf(" Checksum : %x ", LocalPacket.iph_xsum); if(IPHeaderXsum(&LocalPacket, sizeof(IPHeader)) == 0) { dprintf("(Good) \n"); } else { dprintf("(Bad) \n"); }
{ struct in_addr ip; ip.s_addr = LocalPacket.iph_src; dprintf(" Source : %s \n", inet_ntoa(ip)); ip.s_addr = LocalPacket.iph_dest; dprintf(" Dest : %s \n", inet_ntoa(ip)); }
DECLARE_API( upri ) { PNDIS_PACKET TargetPacket; NDIS_PACKET LocalPacket; MDL *CurrentMdl; LONG MDLCnt = 0; NDIS_PACKET_EXTENSION PerPacketInfo;
if ( *args == '\0' ) {
dprintf("ndisp <address of NDIS_PACKET> \n"); return; }
TargetPacket = (PNDIS_PACKET)GetExpression( args );
if ( !TargetPacket ) {
dprintf("bad string conversion (%s) \n", args ); return; }
// read client struct out of target's memory
KD_READ_MEMORY(TargetPacket, &LocalPacket, sizeof(NDIS_PACKET));
TargetPacket = (PNDIS_PACKET)((PUCHAR)TargetPacket + LocalPacket.Private.NdisPacketOobOffset + sizeof(NDIS_PACKET_OOB_DATA));
KD_READ_MEMORY(TargetPacket, &PerPacketInfo, sizeof(NDIS_PACKET_EXTENSION)); dprintf("802.1p Priority in packet is 0x%x \n", PerPacketInfo.NdisPacketInfo[Ieee8021pPriority]);
return; }
DECLARE_API( wanlink ) { PPS_WAN_LINK Target; PS_WAN_LINK Local;
if ( *args == '\0' ) {
dprintf("wanlink <address of wanlink> \n"); return; }
Target= (PPS_WAN_LINK) GetExpression( args );
if ( !Target) {
dprintf("bad string conversion (%s) \n", args ); return; }
// read client struct out of target's memory
KD_READ_MEMORY(Target, &Local, sizeof(PS_WAN_LINK));
dprintf("WanLink @ %08X \n", Target); dprintf(" RefCount : %d \n", Local.RefCount); dprintf(" Dial Usage : %s \n", DialUsage[Local.DialUsage]); dprintf(" RawLinkSpeed : %d \n", Local.RawLinkSpeed); dprintf(" LinkSpeed : %d \n", Local.LinkSpeed); dprintf(" Lock : 0x%x \n", Local.Lock); dprintf(" Stats @ 0x%x \n", &Target->Stats);
dprintf(" Addresses \n"); dprintf(" --------- \n"); dprintf(" Remote Address : %02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x \n", Local.OriginalRemoteMacAddress[0], Local.OriginalRemoteMacAddress[1], Local.OriginalRemoteMacAddress[2], Local.OriginalRemoteMacAddress[3], Local.OriginalRemoteMacAddress[4], Local.OriginalRemoteMacAddress[5]); dprintf(" Local Address : %02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x \n", Local.OriginalLocalMacAddress[0], Local.OriginalLocalMacAddress[1], Local.OriginalLocalMacAddress[2], Local.OriginalLocalMacAddress[3], Local.OriginalLocalMacAddress[4], Local.OriginalLocalMacAddress[5]);
dprintf(" Protocol \n"); dprintf(" -------- \n"); dprintf(" ProtocolType : ");
switch(Local.ProtocolType) { case PROTOCOL_IP: { struct in_addr ip; dprintf("IP \n"); ip.s_addr = Local.LocalIpAddress; dprintf(" Address (Local) : %s \n", inet_ntoa(ip)); ip.s_addr = Local.RemoteIpAddress; dprintf(" Address (Remote) : %s \n", inet_ntoa(ip)); } break; case PROTOCOL_IPX: dprintf("IPX \n"); dprintf(" Address (Local) : %d \n", Local.LocalIpxAddress); dprintf(" Address (Remote) : %d \n", Local.RemoteIpxAddress); break;
default: dprintf("Unknown \n"); break; }
return; }
DECLARE_API( vc ) /*
* dump all the VCs on an adapter */ { PADAPTER TargetAdapter; ADAPTER LocalAdapter; PGPC_CLIENT_VC Target; GPC_CLIENT_VC Local; LIST_ENTRY TargetList; PLIST_ENTRY pL; ULONG bytes;
if ( *args != '\0' ) {
TargetAdapter = (PADAPTER)GetExpression( args );
if ( !TargetAdapter ) {
dprintf("bad string conversion (%s) \n", args );
// read adapter struct out of target's memory
KD_READ_MEMORY(TargetAdapter, &LocalAdapter, sizeof(ADAPTER));
TargetList = LocalAdapter.GpcClientVcList;
pL = (PLIST_ENTRY) TargetList.Flink;
while ( pL != &TargetAdapter->GpcClientVcList) {
// read ClientVC struct out of target's memory
KD_READ_MEMORY(Target, &Local, sizeof(GPC_CLIENT_VC));
dprintf(" ---------------------------------------------- \n");
dprintf( " GpcClientVc @ %08X: State %d, Flags 0x%x, Ref %d \n\n", Target, Local.ClVcState, Local.Flags, Local.RefCount);
pL = Local.Linkage.Flink;
} } }
DECLARE_API(fstats) {
if ( *args == '\0' ) {
dprintf("Flow Stats <address of ClientVC structure>\n"); return; }
TargetClientVC = (PGPC_CLIENT_VC) GetExpression( args );
if ( !TargetClientVC) {
dprintf("bad string conversion (%s) \n", args ); return; }
// read ClientVC struct out of target's memory
KD_READ_MEMORY(TargetClientVC, &LocalClientVC, sizeof(GPC_CLIENT_VC));
dprintf( " Stats for Vc %x \n", TargetClientVC); dprintf( " ----------------- \n");
dprintf( " VC Stats \n"); dprintf( " Dropped Packets = %d \n", LocalClientVC.Stats.DroppedPackets); dprintf( " Packets Scheduled = %d \n", LocalClientVC.Stats.PacketsScheduled); dprintf( " Packets Transmitted = %d \n", LocalClientVC.Stats.PacketsTransmitted); dprintf( " Bytes Transmitted = %ld\n", LocalClientVC.Stats.BytesTransmitted.QuadPart); dprintf( " Bytes Scheduled = %ld\n", LocalClientVC.Stats.BytesScheduled.QuadPart);
dprintf( " Conformr Stats \n");
dprintf( " Shaper stats \n");
dprintf( " SequencerStats \n");
if ( *args == '\0' ) {
dprintf("netl <address>\n"); return; }
Target = (PNETWORK_ADDRESS_LIST) GetExpression( args );
if ( !Target) {
dprintf("bad string conversion (%s) \n", args ); return; }
// read ClientVC struct out of target's memory
dprintf("Network Address List @ 0x%x \n", Target);
dprintf(" AddressCount = %d \n", Local.AddressCount); dprintf(" AddressType = %d \n\n", Local.AddressType);
for(i=0; i<Local.AddressCount; i++) { NETWORK_ADDRESS_IP ipAddr; NETWORK_ADDRESS_IPX ipxAddr; NETWORK_ADDRESS LocalN;
dprintf(" AddressLength = %d \n", LocalN.AddressLength); dprintf(" AddressType = %d \n", LocalN.AddressType);
// Read the Address
Target = (PNETWORK_ADDRESS_LIST)((PUCHAR)Target + FIELD_OFFSET(NETWORK_ADDRESS, Address)); switch(LocalN.AddressType) { case NDIS_PROTOCOL_ID_TCP_IP: { struct in_addr ip; KD_READ_MEMORY(Target, &ipAddr, sizeof(NETWORK_ADDRESS_IP)); ip.s_addr = ipAddr.in_addr; dprintf(" sin_port = %d \n", ipAddr.sin_port); dprintf(" in_addr = %s \n", inet_ntoa(ip)); break; }
default: dprintf(" *** ERROR : Unrecognized protocol \n"); break; }
dprintf(" ---------------------------- \n"); } }
DECLARE_API( wan ) /*
* dump all the VCs on an adapter */ { PADAPTER TargetAdapter; ADAPTER LocalAdapter; PPS_WAN_LINK Target; PS_WAN_LINK Local; LIST_ENTRY TargetList; PLIST_ENTRY pL; ULONG bytes;
if ( *args != '\0' ) {
TargetAdapter = (PADAPTER)GetExpression( args );
if ( !TargetAdapter ) {
dprintf("bad string conversion (%s) \n", args );
// read adapter struct out of target's memory
KD_READ_MEMORY(TargetAdapter, &LocalAdapter, sizeof(ADAPTER));
TargetList = LocalAdapter.WanLinkList;
pL = (PLIST_ENTRY) TargetList.Flink;
while ( pL != &TargetAdapter->WanLinkList) {
// read ClientVC struct out of target's memory
KD_READ_MEMORY(Target, &Local, sizeof(PS_WAN_LINK));
dprintf(" ---------------------------------------------- \n");
dprintf( " WanLink @ %08X\n\n", Target);
pL = Local.Linkage.Flink;
} } }
DECLARE_API( lock ) { #if DBG
if ( *args != '\0' ) {
Target = (PPS_SPIN_LOCK)GetExpression( args );
if ( !Target) {
dprintf("bad string conversion (%s) \n", args );
// read adapter struct out of target's memory
KD_READ_MEMORY(Target, &Local, sizeof(PS_SPIN_LOCK));
if(Local.LockAcquired == TRUE) { dprintf(" Acquired : TRUE \n"); dprintf(" LastAcquiredFile : %s \n", Local.LastAcquiredFile); dprintf(" LastAcquiredLine : %d \n", Local.LastAcquiredLine); } else { dprintf(" Acquired : FALSE \n"); dprintf(" LastReleasedFile : %s \n", Local.LastReleasedFile); dprintf(" LastReleasedLine : %d \n", Local.LastReleasedLine); } }
return; #endif
if ( *args == '\0' ) { dprintf("diff <address>\n"); return; }
TargetA = (PDIFFSERV_MAPPING)GetExpression( args );
if ( !TargetA) {
dprintf("bad string conversion (%s) \n", args ); return; }
dprintf("TOS : The Entire 8 bit DSField as it appears in the IP header \n"); dprintf("DSCP : The differentiated services code point (higher order 6 bits of above) \n"); dprintf("Prec : The precedence value (above field with bits swapped around \n"); dprintf("OC-TOS : The Entire 8 bit DS field on outbound packets for conforming packets\n"); dprintf("ONC-TOS: The Entire 8 bit DS field on outbound packets for non-conforming packets\n"); dprintf("\n");
dprintf("TOS DSCP Prec OC-TOS ONC-TOS VC \n"); dprintf("---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n"); for(i=0; i<PREC_MAX_VALUE; i++) { //
// read ClientVC struct out of target's memory
//if(LocalA.Vc != 0)
{ dprintf("0x%2x 0x%2x 0x%2x 0x%2x 0x%2x 0x%8x\n", i<<2, i, //BitShift(i),
0, LocalA.ConformingOutboundDSField, LocalA.NonConformingOutboundDSField, LocalA.Vc); } } dprintf("---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n"); }
DECLARE_API( list ) { LIST_ENTRY Target, Local, TargetList; PLIST_ENTRY head, pL; ULONG bytes;
if ( *args != '\0' ) {
head = pL = (PLIST_ENTRY) GetExpression( args );
if ( !pL) {
dprintf("bad string conversion (%s) \n", args );
// read adapter struct out of target's memory
KD_READ_MEMORY(pL, &Local, sizeof(LIST_ENTRY));
while ( Local.Flink != head) { pL = Local.Flink;
if(pL == 0) { dprintf("Local = %x %x \n", Local.Flink, Local.Blink); } else { dprintf("%x \n", pL); }
KD_READ_MEMORY(pL, &Local, sizeof(LIST_ENTRY)); } } }