// File: allowaccess.cpp
// Module: Common Code
// Synopsis: Implements the function AllowAccessToWorld.
// Copyright (c) 1999 Microsoft Corporation
// Author: quintinb Created 12/04/01
LPCSTR apszAdvapi32[] = { "GetSidLengthRequired", "InitializeSid", "GetSidSubAuthority", "InitializeAcl", "AddAccessAllowedAceEx", "InitializeSecurityDescriptor", "SetSecurityDescriptorDacl", "SetSecurityDescriptorOwner", "SetSecurityDescriptorGroup", "GetSecurityDescriptorDacl", #ifdef UNICODE
"SetNamedSecurityInfoW", #else
"SetNamedSecurityInfoA", #endif
// Function: LinkToAdavapi32
// Synopsis: This function links to advapi32.dll and loads the entry points
// specified in the above array of function name strings. If it returns
// success (TRUE) then the array has all of the requested function
// pointers in it. If it returns failure (FALSE), it zeros the structure.
// Arguments: AdvapiLinkageStruct* pAdvapiLink - Pointer struct to fill in
// Returns: BOOL - returns TRUE if successfull
// History: 12/05/01 quintinb created
BOOL LinkToAdavapi32(AdvapiLinkageStruct* pAdvapiLink) { BOOL bReturn = FALSE;
if (pAdvapiLink) { ZeroMemory(pAdvapiLink, sizeof(*pAdvapiLink));
// Do the link, but make it obvious if it fails
if (LinkToDll(&(pAdvapiLink->hAdvapi32), "advapi32.dll", apszAdvapi32, pAdvapiLink->apvPfnAdvapi32)) { bReturn = TRUE; } else { if (pAdvapiLink->hAdvapi32) { FreeLibrary(pAdvapiLink->hAdvapi32); }
ZeroMemory(pAdvapiLink, sizeof(*pAdvapiLink)); } }
return bReturn; }
// Function: UnlinkFromAdvapi32
// Synopsis: This function frees the link to advapi32.dll and zeros the passed
// in linkage struct.
// Arguments: AdvapiLinkageStruct* pAdvapiLink - Pointer struct to free
// Returns: Nothing
// History: 12/05/01 quintinb created
void UnlinkFromAdvapi32(AdvapiLinkageStruct* pAdvapiLink) { if (pAdvapiLink) { if (pAdvapiLink->hAdvapi32) { FreeLibrary(pAdvapiLink->hAdvapi32); }
ZeroMemory(pAdvapiLink, sizeof(*pAdvapiLink)); } }
// Function: AllocateSecurityDescriptorAllowAccessToWorld
// Synopsis: This function allocates a security descriptor for all users.
// This function was taken directly from RAS when they create their
// phonebook. This has to be before GetPhoneBookPath otherwise it
// causes compile errors in other components since we don't have a
// function prototype anywhere and cmcfg just includes this (getpbk.cpp)
// file. This function is also in common\source\getpbk.cpp
// Arguments: PSECURITY_DESCRIPTOR *ppSd - Pointer to a pointer to the SD struct
// Returns: DWORD - returns ERROR_SUCCESS if successfull
// History: 06/27/2001 tomkel Taken from RAS ui\common\pbk\file.c
#define SIZE_ALIGNED_FOR_TYPE(_size, _type) \
(((_size) + sizeof(_type)-1) & ~(sizeof(_type)-1))
DWORD AllocateSecurityDescriptorAllowAccessToWorld(PSECURITY_DESCRIPTOR *ppSd, AdvapiLinkageStruct* pAdvapiLink) { PSECURITY_DESCRIPTOR pSd; PSID pSid; PACL pDacl; DWORD dwErr = ERROR_SUCCESS; DWORD dwAlignSdSize; DWORD dwAlignDaclSize; DWORD dwSidSize; PVOID pvBuffer; DWORD dwAcls = 0;
// Here is the buffer we are building.
// |<- a ->|<- b ->|<- c ->|
// +-------+--------+------+
// | p| p| |
// | SD a| DACL a| SID |
// | d| d| |
// +-------+-------+-------+
// ^ ^ ^
// | | |
// | | +--pSid
// | |
// | +--pDacl
// |
// +--pSd (this is returned via *ppSd)
// pad is so that pDacl and pSid are aligned properly.
// a = dwAlignSdSize
// b = dwAlignDaclSize
// c = dwSidSize
if (NULL == ppSd) { return ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; }
// Initialize output parameter.
*ppSd = NULL;
// Compute the size of the SID. The SID is the well-known SID for World
// (S-1-1-0).
dwSidSize = pAdvapiLink->pfnGetSidLengthRequired(1);
// Compute the size of the DACL. It has an inherent copy of SID within
// it so add enough room for it. It also must sized properly so that
// a pointer to a SID structure can come after it. Hence, we use
dwAlignDaclSize = SIZE_ALIGNED_FOR_TYPE( sizeof(ACCESS_ALLOWED_ACE) + sizeof(ACL) + dwSidSize, PSID);
// Compute the size of the SD. It must be sized propertly so that a
// pointer to a DACL structure can come after it. Hence, we use
// Allocate the buffer big enough for all.
dwErr = ERROR_OUTOFMEMORY; pvBuffer = CmMalloc(dwSidSize + dwAlignDaclSize + dwAlignSdSize); if (pvBuffer) { SID_IDENTIFIER_AUTHORITY SidIdentifierWorldAuth = SECURITY_WORLD_SID_AUTHORITY; PULONG pSubAuthority;
dwErr = NOERROR;
// Setup the pointers into the buffer.
pSd = pvBuffer; pDacl = (PACL)((PBYTE)pvBuffer + dwAlignSdSize); pSid = (PSID)((PBYTE)pDacl + dwAlignDaclSize);
// Initialize pSid as S-1-1-0.
if (!pAdvapiLink->pfnInitializeSid( pSid, &SidIdentifierWorldAuth, 1)) // 1 sub-authority
{ dwErr = GetLastError(); goto finish; }
pSubAuthority = pAdvapiLink->pfnGetSidSubAuthority(pSid, 0); *pSubAuthority = SECURITY_WORLD_RID;
// Initialize pDacl.
if (!pAdvapiLink->pfnInitializeAcl( pDacl, dwAlignDaclSize, ACL_REVISION)) { dwErr = GetLastError(); goto finish; }
dwAcls &= ~(WRITE_DAC | WRITE_OWNER); if(!pAdvapiLink->pfnAddAccessAllowedAceEx( pDacl, ACL_REVISION, CONTAINER_INHERIT_ACE | OBJECT_INHERIT_ACE, dwAcls, pSid)) { dwErr = GetLastError(); goto finish; }
// Initialize pSd.
if (!pAdvapiLink->pfnInitializeSecurityDescriptor( pSd, SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR_REVISION)) { dwErr = GetLastError(); goto finish; }
// Set pSd to use pDacl.
if (!pAdvapiLink->pfnSetSecurityDescriptorDacl( pSd, TRUE, pDacl, FALSE)) { dwErr = GetLastError(); goto finish; }
// Set the owner for pSd.
if (!pAdvapiLink->pfnSetSecurityDescriptorOwner( pSd, NULL, TRUE)) { dwErr = GetLastError(); goto finish; }
// Set the group for pSd.
if (!pAdvapiLink->pfnSetSecurityDescriptorGroup( pSd, NULL, FALSE)) { dwErr = GetLastError(); goto finish; }
finish: if (!dwErr) { *ppSd = pSd; } else { CmFree(pvBuffer); } }
return dwErr; }
// Function: AllowAccessToWorld
// Synopsis: Assigns world access to the directory or filename passed in.
// Arguments: LPCTSTR pszDirOrFile - Directory or file to assign AllowAccessToWorld permissions
// Returns: BOOL - FALSE on Falure, non-zero on Success.
// History: koryg Created 12/03/2001
BOOL AllowAccessToWorld(LPTSTR pszDirOrFile) { AdvapiLinkageStruct AdvapiLink; BOOL bReturn = FALSE;
if (pszDirOrFile && pszDirOrFile[0]) { if (LinkToAdavapi32(&AdvapiLink)) { PSECURITY_DESCRIPTOR pSd = NULL;
DWORD dwErr = AllocateSecurityDescriptorAllowAccessToWorld(&pSd, &AdvapiLink);
if ((ERROR_SUCCESS == dwErr) && (NULL != pSd)) { BOOL fDaclPresent; BOOL fDaclDefaulted; PACL pDacl = NULL;
if (AdvapiLink.pfnGetSecurityDescriptorDacl(pSd, &fDaclPresent, &pDacl, &fDaclDefaulted)) { dwErr = AdvapiLink.pfnSetNamedSecurityInfo(pszDirOrFile, SE_FILE_OBJECT, DACL_SECURITY_INFORMATION, NULL, // psidOwner
NULL, // psidGroup
pDacl, // pDacl
NULL); // pSacl
if (ERROR_SUCCESS == dwErr) { bReturn = TRUE; } } }
UnlinkFromAdvapi32(&AdvapiLink); } } return bReturn; }