// File: cmsafenet.cpp
// Synopsis: This module contains the functions to allow Connection Manager to
// interact with the SafeNet downlevel L2TP/IPSec client.
// Copyright (c) 1997-1999 Microsoft Corporation
// Author: quintinb created 09/10/01
// Function IsSafeNetClientAvailable
// Synopsis Check to see if the SafeNet L2TP client is installed
// Arguments None
// Returns TRUE - SafeNet L2TP client has been installed
// FALSE - otherwise
// History 9/7/01 quintinb Created
BOOL IsSafeNetClientAvailable(void) { BOOL bReturn = FALSE;
// More cmstp fixups...
#ifndef OS_NT4
CPlatform plat; if (plat.IsNT4() || plat.IsWin9x()) #else
if (OS_NT4 || OS_W9X) #endif
{ //
// If this isn't NT5+ then we need to look for the SafeNet
// client. First look for the downlevel l2tp client version regkey.
HKEY hKey = NULL; LONG lResult = RegOpenKeyExU(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, TEXT("Software\\Microsoft\\Microsoft IPsec VPN"), 0, KEY_READ, &hKey);
if (ERROR_SUCCESS == lResult) { //
// Okay, we have the regkey that is good enough to tell us the client
// is available. We should further try linking to the SnPolicy.dll and
// querying for a version of the API that we can live with, but this
// is enough to tell us it is available.
RegCloseKey(hKey); bReturn = TRUE; } }
return bReturn; }
// Function LinkToSafeNet
// Synopsis Loads the snpolicy.dll and calls the SnPolicyApiNegotiateVersion
// API to get the SafeNet Config utility APIs.
// Arguments SafeNetLinkageStruct* pSnLinkage - struct to hold the SafeNet
// function pointers.
// Returns TRUE - if the SafeNet L2TP config APIs were loaded
// FALSE - otherwise
// History 9/7/01 quintinb Created
BOOL LinkToSafeNet(SafeNetLinkageStruct* pSnLinkage) { if (NULL == pSnLinkage) { CMASSERTMSG(FALSE, TEXT("LinkToSafeNet -- NULL pointer passed for the SafeNetLinkageStruct")); return FALSE; }
BOOL bReturn = FALSE;
pSnLinkage->hSnPolicy = LoadLibraryA("snpolicy.dll");
if (pSnLinkage->hSnPolicy) { pfnSnPolicyApiNegotiateVersionSpec pfnSnPolicyApiNegotiateVersion = (pfnSnPolicyApiNegotiateVersionSpec)GetProcAddress(pSnLinkage->hSnPolicy, "SnPolicyApiNegotiateVersion");
if (pfnSnPolicyApiNegotiateVersion) { DWORD dwMajor = POLICY_MAJOR_VERSION; DWORD dwMinor = POLICY_MINOR_VERSION; POLICY_FUNCS_V1_0 PolicyFuncs = {0}; if (pfnSnPolicyApiNegotiateVersion(&dwMajor, &dwMinor, &PolicyFuncs)) { bReturn = (PolicyFuncs.SnPolicySet && PolicyFuncs.SnPolicyGet && PolicyFuncs.SnPolicyReload);
if (bReturn) { pSnLinkage->pfnSnPolicySet = PolicyFuncs.SnPolicySet; pSnLinkage->pfnSnPolicyGet = PolicyFuncs.SnPolicyGet; pSnLinkage->pfnSnPolicyReload = PolicyFuncs.SnPolicyReload; } else { FreeLibrary(pSnLinkage->hSnPolicy); } } } } else { CMTRACE1(TEXT("LinkToSafeNet -- unable to load snpolicy.dll, GLE %d"), GetLastError()); }
return bReturn; }
// Function UnLinkFromSafeNet
// Synopsis Unloads the SafeNet configuration dll and zeros the
// passed in linkage structure.
// Arguments SafeNetLinkageStruct* pSnLinkage - struct to holding the SafeNet
// linkage info.
// Returns Nothing
// History 9/7/01 quintinb Created
void UnLinkFromSafeNet(SafeNetLinkageStruct* pSnLinkage) { if (pSnLinkage) { if (pSnLinkage->hSnPolicy) { FreeLibrary(pSnLinkage->hSnPolicy); }
ZeroMemory(pSnLinkage, sizeof(SafeNetLinkageStruct)); } }
// Function GetPathToSafeNetLogFile
// Synopsis Returns the full path to the SafeNet log file by looking up the
// SafeNet directory in the registry and appending the fixed log
// file name. Note that this function allocates the memory for the
// string which must be freed by the caller.
// Arguments None
// Returns Allocated buffer holding the full path to the SafeNet log file.
// History 9/7/01 quintinb Created
LPTSTR GetPathToSafeNetLogFile(void) { HKEY hKey; LPTSTR pszLogFilePath = NULL; DWORD dwSize = 0; DWORD dwType;
const TCHAR* const c_pszRegKeySafeNetProgramPaths = TEXT("SOFTWARE\\IRE\\SafeNet/Soft-PK\\ProgramPaths"); const TCHAR* const c_pszRegValueCertMgrPath = TEXT("CERTMGRPATH"); const TCHAR* const c_pszSafeNetLogFileName = TEXT("\\isakmp.log");
LONG lResult = RegOpenKeyExU(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, c_pszRegKeySafeNetProgramPaths, 0, NULL, &hKey);
if (ERROR_SUCCESS == lResult) { //
// First let's figure out the size of the path buffer
lResult = RegQueryValueExU(hKey, c_pszRegValueCertMgrPath, NULL, &dwType, NULL, &dwSize); if ((ERROR_SUCCESS == lResult) && (dwSize > 0)) { //
// Okay, we have the size of the path. Now add the size of the file onto it and allocate
// the string buffer.
dwSize = dwSize + lstrlenU(c_pszSafeNetLogFileName); // dwSize already includes the NULL char
dwSize *= sizeof(TCHAR);
pszLogFilePath = (LPTSTR)CmMalloc(dwSize);
if (pszLogFilePath) { lResult = RegQueryValueExU(hKey, c_pszRegValueCertMgrPath, NULL, &dwType, (BYTE*)pszLogFilePath, &dwSize);
if (ERROR_SUCCESS == lResult) { lstrcatU(pszLogFilePath, c_pszSafeNetLogFileName); } else { CmFree(pszLogFilePath); pszLogFilePath = NULL; } } } RegCloseKey(hKey); }
return pszLogFilePath; }