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// File: uapiinit.cpp
// Module: UAPIINIT (static lib)
// Synopsis: This static library wraps up the initialization code needed for a module
// to use cmutoa.dll. Calling the InitUnicodeAPI function either sets up
// the modules U pointers (this library also contains all the U pointer
// declarations) with the W version of the API if running on NT or the
// appropriate A or UA API depending on whether conversion is needed before/after
// calling the windows API or not. Modules using this lib should include the
// uapi.h header in their precompiled header and should have cmutoa.dll handy
// on win9x. The idea for this library and the associated dll was borrowed
// from F. Avery Bishop's April 1999 MSJ article "Design a Single Unicode
// App that Runs on Both Windows 98 and Windows 2000"
// Copyright (c) 1999 Microsoft Corporation
// Author: quintinb Created 4-25-99
// History:
#include <windows.h>
#include <shlobj.h>
#include "cmdebug.h"
#include "cmutoa.h"
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" { #endif /* __cplusplus */
UAPI_CallWindowProc CallWindowProcU; UAPI_CharLower CharLowerU; UAPI_CharPrev CharPrevU; UAPI_CharNext CharNextU; UAPI_CharUpper CharUpperU; UAPI_CompareString CompareStringU; UAPI_CreateDialogParam CreateDialogParamU; UAPI_CreateDirectory CreateDirectoryU; UAPI_CreateEvent CreateEventU; UAPI_CreateFile CreateFileU; UAPI_CreateFileMapping CreateFileMappingU; UAPI_CreateMutex CreateMutexU; UAPI_CreateProcess CreateProcessU; UAPI_CreateWindowEx CreateWindowExU; UAPI_DefWindowProc DefWindowProcU; UAPI_DeleteFile DeleteFileU; UAPI_DialogBoxParam DialogBoxParamU; UAPI_DispatchMessage DispatchMessageU; UAPI_ExpandEnvironmentStrings ExpandEnvironmentStringsU; UAPI_FindResourceEx FindResourceExU; UAPI_FindWindowEx FindWindowExU; UAPI_GetClassLong GetClassLongU; UAPI_GetDateFormat GetDateFormatU; UAPI_GetDlgItemText GetDlgItemTextU; UAPI_GetFileAttributes GetFileAttributesU; UAPI_GetMessage GetMessageU; UAPI_GetModuleFileName GetModuleFileNameU; UAPI_GetModuleHandle GetModuleHandleU; UAPI_GetPrivateProfileInt GetPrivateProfileIntU; UAPI_GetPrivateProfileString GetPrivateProfileStringU; UAPI_GetStringTypeEx GetStringTypeExU; UAPI_GetSystemDirectory GetSystemDirectoryU; UAPI_GetTempFileName GetTempFileNameU; UAPI_GetTempPath GetTempPathU; UAPI_GetTimeFormat GetTimeFormatU; UAPI_GetUserName GetUserNameU; UAPI_GetVersionEx GetVersionExU; UAPI_GetWindowLong GetWindowLongU; UAPI_GetWindowText GetWindowTextU; UAPI_GetWindowTextLength GetWindowTextLengthU; UAPI_InsertMenu InsertMenuU; UAPI_IsDialogMessage IsDialogMessageU; UAPI_LoadCursor LoadCursorU; UAPI_LoadIcon LoadIconU; UAPI_LoadImage LoadImageU; UAPI_LoadLibraryEx LoadLibraryExU; UAPI_LoadMenu LoadMenuU; UAPI_LoadString LoadStringU; UAPI_lstrcat lstrcatU; UAPI_lstrcmp lstrcmpU; UAPI_lstrcmpi lstrcmpiU; UAPI_lstrcpy lstrcpyU; UAPI_lstrcpyn lstrcpynU; UAPI_lstrlen lstrlenU; UAPI_OpenEvent OpenEventU; UAPI_OpenFileMapping OpenFileMappingU; UAPI_PeekMessage PeekMessageU; UAPI_PostMessage PostMessageU; UAPI_PostThreadMessage PostThreadMessageU; UAPI_RegCreateKeyEx RegCreateKeyExU; UAPI_RegDeleteKey RegDeleteKeyU; UAPI_RegDeleteValue RegDeleteValueU; UAPI_RegEnumKeyEx RegEnumKeyExU; UAPI_RegisterClassEx RegisterClassExU; UAPI_RegisterWindowMessage RegisterWindowMessageU; UAPI_RegOpenKeyEx RegOpenKeyExU; UAPI_RegQueryValueEx RegQueryValueExU; UAPI_RegSetValueEx RegSetValueExU; UAPI_SearchPath SearchPathU; UAPI_SendDlgItemMessage SendDlgItemMessageU; UAPI_SendMessage SendMessageU; UAPI_SetCurrentDirectory SetCurrentDirectoryU; UAPI_SetDlgItemText SetDlgItemTextU; UAPI_SetWindowLong SetWindowLongU; UAPI_SetWindowText SetWindowTextU; UAPI_UnregisterClass UnregisterClassU; UAPI_WinHelp WinHelpU; UAPI_wsprintf wsprintfU; UAPI_WritePrivateProfileString WritePrivateProfileStringU; UAPI_wvsprintf wvsprintfU;
// Function: CheckUAPIFunctionPointers
// Synopsis: Checks all of the xxxU function pointers to ensure that they are
// non-NULL. Will catch a function load failure.
// Arguments: None
// Returns: BOOL - TRUE on success
// History: quintinb Created 6/24/99
BOOL CheckUAPIFunctionPointers() { return (CallWindowProcU && CharLowerU && CharPrevU && CharNextU && CharUpperU && CompareStringU && CreateDialogParamU && CreateDirectoryU && CreateEventU && CreateFileU && CreateFileMappingU && CreateMutexU && CreateProcessU && CreateWindowExU && DefWindowProcU && DeleteFileU && DialogBoxParamU && DispatchMessageU && ExpandEnvironmentStringsU && FindResourceExU && FindWindowExU && GetClassLongU && GetDateFormatU && GetDlgItemTextU && GetFileAttributesU && GetMessageU && GetModuleFileNameU && GetModuleHandleU && GetPrivateProfileIntU && GetPrivateProfileStringU && GetStringTypeExU && GetSystemDirectoryU && GetTempFileNameU && GetTempPathU && GetTimeFormatU && GetUserNameU && GetVersionExU && GetWindowLongU && GetWindowTextU && GetWindowTextLengthU && InsertMenuU && IsDialogMessageU && LoadCursorU && LoadIconU && LoadImageU && LoadLibraryExU && LoadMenuU && LoadStringU && lstrcatU && lstrcmpU && lstrcmpiU && lstrcpyU && lstrcpynU && lstrlenU && OpenEventU && OpenFileMappingU && PeekMessageU && PostMessageU && PostThreadMessageU && RegCreateKeyExU && RegDeleteKeyU && RegDeleteValueU && RegEnumKeyExU && RegisterClassExU && RegisterWindowMessageU && RegOpenKeyExU && RegQueryValueExU && RegSetValueExU && SearchPathU && SendDlgItemMessageU && SendMessageU && SetCurrentDirectoryU && SetDlgItemTextU && SetWindowLongU && SetWindowTextU && UnregisterClassU && WinHelpU && wsprintfU && WritePrivateProfileStringU && wvsprintfU); }
// Function: InitUnicodeAPI
// Synopsis: Initializes the Unicode wrapper APIs. Thus on Windows NT we will
// use the native Unicode (xxxW) form of the API and on Win9x we
// will use the UA form located in cmutoa.dll. This prevents have
// a wrapper function to call through on the NT platforms were it is
// really unneccesary.
// Arguments: None
// Returns: BOOL - TRUE on success
// History: quintinb Created 6/24/99
Osv.dwOSVersionInfoSize = sizeof(OSVERSIONINFO) ;
if(!GetVersionEx(&Osv)) { return FALSE ; }
IsWindowsNT = (BOOL) (Osv.dwPlatformId == VER_PLATFORM_WIN32_NT) ;
// define this symbol in UAPI.H to emulate Windows 9x when testing on Windows NT.
#ifdef EMULATE9X
IsWindowsNT = FALSE; #endif
if(IsWindowsNT) { CallWindowProcU = CallWindowProcW; CharLowerU = CharLowerW; CharPrevU = CharPrevW; CharNextU = CharNextW; CharUpperU = CharUpperW; CompareStringU = CompareStringW; CreateDialogParamU = CreateDialogParamW; CreateDirectoryU = CreateDirectoryW; CreateEventU = CreateEventW; CreateFileU = CreateFileW; CreateFileMappingU = CreateFileMappingW; CreateMutexU = CreateMutexW; CreateProcessU = CreateProcessW; CreateWindowExU = CreateWindowExW; DefWindowProcU = DefWindowProcW; DeleteFileU = DeleteFileW; DialogBoxParamU = DialogBoxParamW; DispatchMessageU = DispatchMessageW; ExpandEnvironmentStringsU = ExpandEnvironmentStringsW; FindResourceExU = FindResourceExW; FindWindowExU = FindWindowExW; GetClassLongU = GetClassLongW; GetDateFormatU = GetDateFormatW; GetDlgItemTextU = GetDlgItemTextW; GetFileAttributesU = GetFileAttributesW; GetMessageU = GetMessageW; GetModuleFileNameU = GetModuleFileNameW; GetModuleHandleU = GetModuleHandleW; GetPrivateProfileIntU = GetPrivateProfileIntW; GetPrivateProfileStringU = GetPrivateProfileStringW; GetStringTypeExU = GetStringTypeExW; GetSystemDirectoryU = GetSystemDirectoryW; GetTempFileNameU = GetTempFileNameW; GetTempPathU = GetTempPathW; GetTimeFormatU = GetTimeFormatW; GetUserNameU = GetUserNameW; GetVersionExU = GetVersionExW; GetWindowLongU = GetWindowLongPtrW; GetWindowTextU = GetWindowTextW; GetWindowTextLengthU = GetWindowTextLengthW; InsertMenuU = InsertMenuW; IsDialogMessageU = IsDialogMessageW; LoadCursorU = LoadCursorW; LoadIconU = LoadIconW; LoadImageU = LoadImageW; LoadLibraryExU = LoadLibraryExW; LoadMenuU = LoadMenuW; LoadStringU = LoadStringW; lstrcatU = lstrcatW; lstrcmpU = lstrcmpW; lstrcmpiU = lstrcmpiW; lstrcpyU = lstrcpyW; lstrcpynU = lstrcpynW; lstrlenU = lstrlenW; OpenEventU = OpenEventW; OpenFileMappingU = OpenFileMappingW; PeekMessageU = PeekMessageW; PostMessageU = PostMessageW; PostThreadMessageU = PostThreadMessageW; RegCreateKeyExU = RegCreateKeyExW; RegDeleteKeyU = RegDeleteKeyW; RegDeleteValueU = RegDeleteValueW; RegEnumKeyExU = RegEnumKeyExW; RegisterClassExU = RegisterClassExW; RegisterWindowMessageU = RegisterWindowMessageW; RegOpenKeyExU = RegOpenKeyExW; RegQueryValueExU = RegQueryValueExW; RegSetValueExU = RegSetValueExW; SearchPathU = SearchPathW; SendDlgItemMessageU = SendDlgItemMessageW; SendMessageU = SendMessageW; SetCurrentDirectoryU = SetCurrentDirectoryW; SetDlgItemTextU = SetDlgItemTextW; SetWindowLongU = SetWindowLongPtrW; SetWindowTextU = SetWindowTextW; UnregisterClassU = UnregisterClassW; WinHelpU = WinHelpW; wsprintfU = wsprintfW; WritePrivateProfileStringU = WritePrivateProfileStringW; wvsprintfU = wvsprintfW; } else { BOOL (*InitCmUToA)(PUAPIINIT); UAPIINIT UAInit;
ZeroMemory(&UAInit, sizeof(UAPIINIT));
hCmUtoADll = LoadLibraryExA("cmutoa.DLL", NULL, 0);
if(!hCmUtoADll) { DWORD dwError = GetLastError(); CMASSERTMSG(FALSE, TEXT("InitUnicodeAPI -- Cmutoa.dll Failed to Load.")); return FALSE; }
// Get Initialization routine from the DLL
InitCmUToA = (BOOL (*)(PUAPIINIT)) GetProcAddress(hCmUtoADll, "InitCmUToA") ;
// Set up structure containing locations of U function pointers
UAInit.pCallWindowProcU = &CallWindowProcU; UAInit.pCharLowerU = &CharLowerU; UAInit.pCharPrevU = &CharPrevU; UAInit.pCharNextU = &CharNextU; UAInit.pCharUpperU = &CharUpperU; UAInit.pCompareStringU = &CompareStringU; UAInit.pCreateDialogParamU = &CreateDialogParamU; UAInit.pCreateDirectoryU = &CreateDirectoryU; UAInit.pCreateEventU = &CreateEventU; UAInit.pCreateFileU = &CreateFileU; UAInit.pCreateFileMappingU = &CreateFileMappingU; UAInit.pCreateMutexU = &CreateMutexU; UAInit.pCreateProcessU = &CreateProcessU; UAInit.pCreateWindowExU = &CreateWindowExU; UAInit.pDefWindowProcU = &DefWindowProcU; UAInit.pDeleteFileU = &DeleteFileU; UAInit.pDialogBoxParamU = &DialogBoxParamU; UAInit.pDispatchMessageU = &DispatchMessageU; UAInit.pExpandEnvironmentStringsU = &ExpandEnvironmentStringsU; UAInit.pFindResourceExU = &FindResourceExU; UAInit.pFindWindowExU = &FindWindowExU; UAInit.pGetClassLongU = &GetClassLongU; UAInit.pGetDateFormatU = &GetDateFormatU; UAInit.pGetDlgItemTextU = &GetDlgItemTextU; UAInit.pGetFileAttributesU = &GetFileAttributesU; UAInit.pGetMessageU = &GetMessageU; UAInit.pGetModuleFileNameU = &GetModuleFileNameU; UAInit.pGetModuleHandleU = &GetModuleHandleU; UAInit.pGetPrivateProfileIntU = &GetPrivateProfileIntU; UAInit.pGetPrivateProfileStringU = &GetPrivateProfileStringU; UAInit.pGetStringTypeExU = &GetStringTypeExU; UAInit.pGetSystemDirectoryU = &GetSystemDirectoryU; UAInit.pGetTempFileNameU = &GetTempFileNameU; UAInit.pGetTempPathU = &GetTempPathU; UAInit.pGetTimeFormatU = &GetTimeFormatU; UAInit.pGetUserNameU = &GetUserNameU; UAInit.pGetVersionExU = &GetVersionExU; UAInit.pGetWindowLongU = &GetWindowLongU; UAInit.pGetWindowTextU = &GetWindowTextU; UAInit.pGetWindowTextLengthU = &GetWindowTextLengthU; UAInit.pInsertMenuU = &InsertMenuU; UAInit.pIsDialogMessageU = &IsDialogMessageU; UAInit.pLoadCursorU = &LoadCursorU; UAInit.pLoadIconU = &LoadIconU; UAInit.pLoadImageU = &LoadImageU; UAInit.pLoadLibraryExU = &LoadLibraryExU; UAInit.pLoadMenuU = &LoadMenuU; UAInit.pLoadStringU = &LoadStringU; UAInit.plstrcatU = &lstrcatU; UAInit.plstrcmpU = &lstrcmpU; UAInit.plstrcmpiU = &lstrcmpiU; UAInit.plstrcpyU = &lstrcpyU; UAInit.plstrcpynU = &lstrcpynU; UAInit.plstrlenU = &lstrlenU; UAInit.pOpenEventU = &OpenEventU; UAInit.pOpenFileMappingU = &OpenFileMappingU; UAInit.pPeekMessageU = &PeekMessageU; UAInit.pPostMessageU = &PostMessageU; UAInit.pPostThreadMessageU = &PostThreadMessageU; UAInit.pRegCreateKeyExU = &RegCreateKeyExU; UAInit.pRegDeleteKeyU = &RegDeleteKeyU; UAInit.pRegDeleteValueU = &RegDeleteValueU; UAInit.pRegEnumKeyExU = &RegEnumKeyExU; UAInit.pRegisterClassExU = &RegisterClassExU; UAInit.pRegisterWindowMessageU = &RegisterWindowMessageU; UAInit.pRegOpenKeyExU = &RegOpenKeyExU; UAInit.pRegQueryValueExU = &RegQueryValueExU; UAInit.pRegSetValueExU = &RegSetValueExU; UAInit.pSearchPathU = &SearchPathU; UAInit.pSendDlgItemMessageU = &SendDlgItemMessageU; UAInit.pSendMessageU = &SendMessageU; UAInit.pSetCurrentDirectoryU = &SetCurrentDirectoryU; UAInit.pSetDlgItemTextU = &SetDlgItemTextU; UAInit.pSetWindowLongU = &SetWindowLongU; UAInit.pSetWindowTextU = &SetWindowTextU; UAInit.pUnregisterClassU = &UnregisterClassU; UAInit.pWinHelpU = &WinHelpU; UAInit.pwsprintfU = &wsprintfU; UAInit.pWritePrivateProfileStringU = &WritePrivateProfileStringU; UAInit.pwvsprintfU = &wvsprintfU;
if( NULL == InitCmUToA || !InitCmUToA(&UAInit)) { CMASSERTMSG(FALSE, TEXT("InitUnicodeAPI -- Unable to find InitCmUToA or InitCmUToA Failed.")); FreeLibrary(hCmUtoADll); return FALSE; }
for (int i = 0; i < (sizeof(UAPIINIT) / sizeof(LPVOID)); i++) { if (UAInit.ppvUapiFun[i]) { if (NULL == *(UAInit.ppvUapiFun[i])) { CMTRACE1(TEXT("Unable to fill UAInit[%d]. Please Investigate"), i); } } else { CMTRACE1(TEXT("No Memory for UAInit[%d]. Please Investigate"), i); } } }
if(!CheckUAPIFunctionPointers()) { CMASSERTMSG(FALSE, TEXT("InitUnicodeAPI -- CheckUAPIFunctionPointers failed.")); FreeLibrary(hCmUtoADll); return FALSE; }
return TRUE ; }
// Function: UnInitUnicodeAPI
// Synopsis: De-Initializes the Unicode wrapper APIs. See InitUnicodeAPI for
// details. Primarily, this function frees the module handle(s).
// Arguments: None
// Returns: BOOL - TRUE on success
// History: sumitc Created 7/01/2000
Osv.dwOSVersionInfoSize = sizeof(OSVERSIONINFO) ;
if(!GetVersionEx(&Osv)) { return FALSE ; }
IsWindowsNT = (BOOL) (Osv.dwPlatformId == VER_PLATFORM_WIN32_NT) ;
// define this symbol in UAPI.H to emulate Windows 9x when testing on Windows NT.
#ifdef EMULATE9X
IsWindowsNT = FALSE; #endif
if(!IsWindowsNT) { HMODULE hCmUtoADll;
hCmUtoADll = GetModuleHandleA("cmutoa.DLL");
if (!hCmUtoADll) { CMTRACE(TEXT("UnInitUnicodeAPI - strange.. cmutoa.dll is not loaded into the process!")); return FALSE; }
FreeLibrary(hCmUtoADll); }
return TRUE; }
#ifdef __cplusplus
} #endif /* __cplusplus */