Copyright (c) 2000, Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
Support for firewall logging to a text file.
Jonathan Burstein (jonburs) 18 September 2000
Revision History:
#include "precomp.h"
#pragma hdrstop
#if DBG
// Module state -- interlocked access only. This information
// is only used on debug builds.
typedef enum { FwUninitialized = 0, FwInitialized } FW_MODULE_STATE;
FW_MODULE_STATE FwpModuleState = FwUninitialized;
#endif // DBG
// Globals. If both locks need to be held at the same time,
// g_FwFileLock must be acquired first.
CRITICAL_SECTION g_FwLock; HNET_FW_LOGGING_SETTINGS *g_pSettings; TRACEHANDLE g_hSession; HANDLE g_hThread; BOOLEAN g_fTracingActive; ULONG g_ulKernelEventsLostAtShutdown;
CRITICAL_SECTION g_FwFileLock; HANDLE g_hFile; DWORD g_dwFileOffset; PFW_LOG_BUFFER g_pCurrentBuffer; PFW_LOG_BUFFER g_pReserveBuffer; BOOLEAN g_fIOPending; HANDLE g_hIOEvent; ULONG g_ulDroppedEventCount; ULONG g_ulKernelEventsLost; HANDLE g_hDroppedEventTimer;
// Constants
GUID c_ConnectionCreationEventGuid = MSIPNAT_ConnectionCreationEventGuid; GUID c_ConnectionDeletionEventGuid = MSIPNAT_ConnectionDeletionEventGuid; GUID c_PacketDroppedEventGuid = MSIPNAT_PacketDroppedEventGuid;
WCHAR c_wszLogSessionName[] = L"FirewallLogSession"; WCHAR c_wszBackupFileExtension[] = L".old";
CHAR c_szConnectionFormat[] = "%04d-%02d-%02d %02d:%02d:%02d %s %s %s %s %u %u - - - - - - - -\r\n"; CHAR c_szTcpPacketFormat[] = "%04d-%02d-%02d %02d:%02d:%02d DROP TCP %s %s %u %u %u %s %u %u %u - - -\r\n"; CHAR c_szUdpPacketFormat[] = "%04d-%02d-%02d %02d:%02d:%02d DROP UDP %s %s %u %u %u - - - - - - -\r\n"; CHAR c_szIcmpPacketFormat[] = "%04d-%02d-%02d %02d:%02d:%02d DROP ICMP %s %s - - %u - - - - %u %u -\r\n"; CHAR c_szDroppedPacketFormat[] = "%04d-%02d-%02d %02d:%02d:%02d DROP %u %s %s - - %u - - - - - - -\r\n"; CHAR c_szEventsLostFormat[] = "%04d-%02d-%02d %02d:%02d:%02d INFO-EVENTS-LOST - - - - - - - - - - - - %u\r\n";
CHAR c_szAcceptInbound[] = "OPEN-INBOUND"; CHAR c_szAcceptOutbound[] = "OPEN"; CHAR c_szTcp[] = "TCP"; CHAR c_szUdp[] = "UDP"; CHAR c_szLogFileHeader[] = "#Verson: 1.0\r\n#Software: Microsoft Internet Connection Firewall\r\n#Time Format: Local\r\n#Fields: date time action protocol src-ip dst-ip src-port dst-port size tcpflags tcpsyn tcpack tcpwin icmptype icmpcode info\r\n\r\n";
// Function Prototypes
DWORD FwpAllocateBuffer( PFW_LOG_BUFFER *ppBuffer );
PEVENT_TRACE_PROPERTIES FwpAllocateTraceProperties( VOID );
DWORD FwpBackupFile( LPWSTR pszwPath );
VOID FwpCleanupTraceThreadResources( VOID );
VOID CALLBACK FwpCompletionRoutine( DWORD dwErrorCode, DWORD dwBytesTransferred, LPOVERLAPPED pOverlapped );
VOID WINAPI FwpConnectionCreationCallback( PEVENT_TRACE pEvent );
VOID WINAPI FwpConnectionDeletionCallback( PEVENT_TRACE pEvent );
VOID FwpConvertUtcFiletimeToLocalSystemtime( FILETIME *pFiletime, SYSTEMTIME *pSystemtime );
VOID CALLBACK FwpDroppedEventTimerRoutine( PVOID pvParameter, BOOLEAN fWaitTimeout );
DWORD FwpFlushCurrentBuffer( VOID );
DWORD FwpOpenLogFile( HANDLE *phFile, BOOLEAN *pfNewFile );
VOID WINAPI FwpPacketDroppedCallback( PEVENT_TRACE pEvent );
DWORD FwpLaunchTraceSession( HNET_FW_LOGGING_SETTINGS *pSettings, TRACEHANDLE *phSession );
HRESULT FwpLoadSettings( HNET_FW_LOGGING_SETTINGS **ppSettings );
DWORD WINAPI FwpTraceProcessingThreadRoutine( LPVOID pvParam );
DWORD FwpWriteLogHeaderToBuffer( PFW_LOG_BUFFER pBuffer );
VOID FwCleanupLogger( VOID )
Routine Description:
This routine is called to cleanup the logging subsystem. All resources in use will be freed. After this call, the only valid routine in this module is FwInitializeLogger.
none. Return Value:
Caller must not be holding g_FwFileLock or g_FwLock
{ PROFILE("FwCleanupLogger");
// Make sure the logging is stopped
FwStopLogging(); ASSERT(FwInitialized == (FW_MODULE_STATE) InterlockedExchange( (LPLONG) &FwpModuleState, (LONG) FwUninitialized ));
EnterCriticalSection(&g_FwLock); ASSERT(NULL == g_hSession); ASSERT(NULL == g_hThread); ASSERT(INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE == g_hFile); if (g_pSettings) HNetFreeFirewallLoggingSettings(g_pSettings);
LeaveCriticalSection(&g_FwLock); DeleteCriticalSection(&g_FwLock); DeleteCriticalSection(&g_FwFileLock); } // FwCleanupLogger
DWORD FwInitializeLogger( VOID )
Routine Description:
This routine is called to control to initialize the logging subsystem. It must be called before any of the other routines in this module, and may not be called again until after a call to FwCleanupLogger. Arguments:
Return Value:
DWORD -- Win32 error code
{ DWORD dwError = NO_ERROR; BOOLEAN fFirstLockInitialized = FALSE;
ASSERT(FwUninitialized == (FW_MODULE_STATE) InterlockedExchange( (LPLONG) &FwpModuleState, (LONG) FwInitialized ));
__try { InitializeCriticalSection(&g_FwLock); fFirstLockInitialized = TRUE; InitializeCriticalSection(&g_FwFileLock); } __except(EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER) { NhTrace( TRACE_FLAG_FWLOG, "FwInitializeLogger: exception %d creating lock", dwError = GetExceptionCode() );
if (fFirstLockInitialized) { DeleteCriticalSection(&g_FwLock); }
#if DBG
InterlockedExchange( (LPLONG) &FwpModuleState, (LONG) FwUninitialized ); #endif
g_pSettings = NULL; g_hSession = NULL; g_hThread = NULL; g_fTracingActive = FALSE; g_ulKernelEventsLostAtShutdown = 0;
g_hFile = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; g_dwFileOffset = 0; g_pCurrentBuffer = NULL; g_pReserveBuffer = NULL; g_fIOPending = FALSE; g_hIOEvent = NULL; g_ulDroppedEventCount = 0; g_ulKernelEventsLost = 0; g_hDroppedEventTimer = NULL; return dwError; } // FwInitializeLogger
DWORD FwpAllocateBuffer( PFW_LOG_BUFFER *ppBuffer )
Routine Description:
Allocates an initializes an FW_LOG_BUFFER structure
ppBuffer - receives a pointer to the newly-allocated structure
Return Value:
DWORD - Win32 error code
PROFILE("FwpAllocateBuffer"); ASSERT(NULL != ppBuffer);
*ppBuffer = reinterpret_cast<PFW_LOG_BUFFER>( NH_ALLOCATE(sizeof(**ppBuffer)) );
if (NULL != *ppBuffer) { ZeroMemory(&(*ppBuffer)->Overlapped, sizeof(OVERLAPPED)); (*ppBuffer)->pChar = (*ppBuffer)->Buffer; } else { dwError = ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; }
return dwError; } // FwpAllocateBuffer
PEVENT_TRACE_PROPERTIES FwpAllocateTraceProperties( VOID )
Routine Description:
Allocates and partially initializes an EVENT_TRACE_PROPERTIES structure.
Return Value:
PEVENT_TRACE_PROPERTIES - pointer to the allocated structure. The caller must call HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(),...) on this pointer.
ulSize = sizeof(*pProperties) + ((wcslen(c_wszLogSessionName) + 1) * sizeof(WCHAR));
pProperties = (PEVENT_TRACE_PROPERTIES) HeapAlloc( GetProcessHeap(), HEAP_ZERO_MEMORY, ulSize );
if (NULL == pProperties) { NhTrace( TRACE_FLAG_FWLOG, "FwpAllocateTraceProperties: Unable to allocate %d bytes", ulSize );
return NULL; }
pProperties->Wnode.BufferSize = ulSize; pProperties->Wnode.Flags = WNODE_FLAG_TRACED_GUID; pProperties->Wnode.ClientContext = EVENT_TRACE_CLOCK_SYSTEMTIME; pProperties->LogFileMode = EVENT_TRACE_REAL_TIME_MODE; pProperties->LoggerNameOffset = sizeof(*pProperties); return pProperties; } // FwpAllocateTraceProperties
DWORD FwpBackupFile( LPWSTR pszwPath )
Routine Description:
Backs-up a file to filename.xxx.old
pszwPath - path to the file to backup
Return Value:
DWORD - Win32 error code
{ DWORD dwError = ERROR_SUCCESS; BOOL fResult; LPWSTR wszBuffer;
ASSERT(NULL != pszwPath);
// Allocate buffer to hold new filename
wszBuffer = new WCHAR[wcslen(pszwPath) + wcslen(c_wszBackupFileExtension) + 1];
if (NULL != wszBuffer) { lstrcpyW(wszBuffer, pszwPath); lstrcatW(wszBuffer, c_wszBackupFileExtension);
fResult = MoveFileEx(pszwPath, wszBuffer, MOVEFILE_REPLACE_EXISTING);
if (FALSE == fResult) { dwError = GetLastError();
NhTrace( TRACE_FLAG_FWLOG, "FwpBackupFile: MoveFileEx = %d", dwError ); } } else { dwError = ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY;
NhTrace( TRACE_FLAG_FWLOG, "FwpBackupFile: Unable to allolcate buffer" ); } return dwError; } // FwpBackupFile
VOID FwpCleanupTraceThreadResources( VOID )
Routine Description:
Cleans up resources used by the trace processing thread: * revokes event callbacks * waits for IO to complete, if pending * closes the log file * frees buffers
none. Return Value:
The caller must not hold g_FwFileLock or g_FwLock.
{ DWORD dwError; HANDLE hDroppedEventTimer; PROFILE("FwpCleanupTraceThreadResources");
// Unregister the trace callbacks. It is safe to call these even
// if the callbacks weren't registered to begin with.
RemoveTraceCallback(&c_PacketDroppedEventGuid); RemoveTraceCallback(&c_ConnectionCreationEventGuid); RemoveTraceCallback(&c_ConnectionDeletionEventGuid);
// Cancel the dropped packet timer
hDroppedEventTimer = g_hDroppedEventTimer; g_hDroppedEventTimer = NULL;
// Since we're doing a blocking delete of the timer we can't
// hold the lock when for the call to DeleteTimerQueueTimer --
// a deadlock could result if the timer routine has been queued but
// not yet executed when we make the call.
if (NULL != hDroppedEventTimer) { DeleteTimerQueueTimer( NULL, hDroppedEventTimer, INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE ); }
// If necessary, wait for any pending IO operations to complete
if (g_fIOPending) { g_hIOEvent = CreateEvent(NULL, FALSE, FALSE, NULL);
if (NULL != g_hIOEvent) { HANDLE hEvent = g_hIOEvent; LeaveCriticalSection(&g_FwFileLock);
dwError = WaitForSingleObject(hEvent, 20 * 1000);
if (WAIT_OBJECT_0 != dwError) { NhTrace( TRACE_FLAG_FWLOG, "FwpTraceProcessingRoutine: Wait(g_hIOEvent) = %d/%d", dwError, GetLastError() );
// It should never take 20 seconds for an IO to complete,
// so let's get immediate notification of this on debug
// builds.
ASSERT(WAIT_OBJECT_0 == dwError); }
EnterCriticalSection(&g_FwFileLock); CloseHandle(g_hIOEvent); g_hIOEvent = NULL; } }
g_fIOPending = FALSE;
// Close the log file
if (INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE != g_hFile) { CloseHandle(g_hFile); g_hFile = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; }
g_dwFileOffset = 0;
// Clean up our buffers
if (NULL != g_pCurrentBuffer) { NH_FREE(g_pCurrentBuffer); g_pCurrentBuffer = NULL; }
if (NULL != g_pReserveBuffer) { NH_FREE(g_pReserveBuffer); g_pReserveBuffer = NULL; }
// Reset dropped event counts
g_ulDroppedEventCount = 0; g_ulKernelEventsLost = 0;
} // FwpCleanupTraceThreadResources
VOID CALLBACK FwpCompletionRoutine( DWORD dwErrorCode, DWORD dwBytesTransferred, LPOVERLAPPED pOverlapped )
Routine Description:
Completion routine called by the system thread pool when our IO operation is finished. Responsible for updating the file position and starting a new IO operation if necessary.
dwErrorCode - result of the IO operation
dwBytesTransferred - number of bytes transferred during the operation
pOverlapped - pointer to the overlapped structure for the operation. We can recover the FW_LOG_BUFFER structure from this pointer. Return Value:
{ PFW_LOG_BUFFER pBuffer; EnterCriticalSection(&g_FwFileLock);
// Adjust our file offset
if (ERROR_SUCCESS == dwErrorCode) { g_dwFileOffset += dwBytesTransferred; } else { NhTrace( TRACE_FLAG_FWLOG, "FwpCompletionRoutine: dwErrorCode = %d", dwErrorCode ); }
g_fIOPending = FALSE;
// Reset the buffer that was passed in
ASSERT(NULL != pOverlapped); pBuffer = CONTAINING_RECORD(pOverlapped, FW_LOG_BUFFER, Overlapped); ZeroMemory(&pBuffer->Overlapped, sizeof(OVERLAPPED)); pBuffer->pChar = pBuffer->Buffer;
// Check if the file is at the size limit
ASSERT(NULL != g_pSettings);
if (g_dwFileOffset >= g_pSettings->ulMaxFileSize) { DWORD dwError; BOOLEAN fNewFile; CloseHandle(g_hFile); g_hFile = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; //
// If FwpBackupFile fails, FwpOpenFile will still do
// the right thing.
g_dwFileOffset = 0; dwError = FwpOpenLogFile(&g_hFile, &fNewFile);
if (ERROR_SUCCESS != dwError) { NhTrace( TRACE_FLAG_FWLOG, "FwpCompletionRoutine: FwpOpenLogFile = %d", dwError );
LeaveCriticalSection(&g_FwLock); LeaveCriticalSection(&g_FwFileLock); FwStopLogging();
return; } else if (TRUE == fNewFile) { //
// Need to write header.
if (ERROR_SUCCESS == FwpWriteLogHeaderToBuffer(pBuffer)) { PFW_LOG_BUFFER pTempBuffer = g_pCurrentBuffer; g_pCurrentBuffer = pBuffer;
g_pCurrentBuffer = pTempBuffer; pBuffer = NULL; } } else { g_dwFileOffset = GetFileSize(g_hFile, NULL);
if ((DWORD)-1 == g_dwFileOffset) { NhTrace( TRACE_FLAG_FWLOG, "FwpCompletionRoutine: GetFileSize = %d", GetLastError() ); NH_FREE(pBuffer);
LeaveCriticalSection(&g_FwLock); LeaveCriticalSection(&g_FwFileLock);
return; } } }
// See if we need to start a new operation.
if (FALSE == g_fIOPending && NULL != g_pCurrentBuffer) { if (g_pCurrentBuffer->pChar != g_pCurrentBuffer->Buffer) { //
// Current buffer needs to be flushed
FwpFlushCurrentBuffer(); } }
// Place buffer into storage. If we're using the buffer
// to write the log header, it will be NULL at this point
if (NULL != pBuffer) { if (NULL == g_pCurrentBuffer) { g_pCurrentBuffer = pBuffer; } else if (NULL == g_pReserveBuffer) { g_pReserveBuffer = pBuffer; } else { //
// Both buffer slots are already in use -- unexpected.
// Assert and free the extra buffer
ASSERT(NULL == g_pCurrentBuffer || NULL == g_pReserveBuffer); NH_FREE(pBuffer); } }
// Check to see if we need to signal the IO finished event
if (!g_fIOPending && NULL != g_hIOEvent) { if (!SetEvent(g_hIOEvent)) { NhTrace( TRACE_FLAG_FWLOG, "FwpCompletionRoutine: SetEvent = %d", GetLastError() ); } }
LeaveCriticalSection(&g_FwFileLock); } // FwpCompletionRoutine
VOID WINAPI FwpConnectionCreationCallback( PEVENT_TRACE pEvent )
Routine Description:
This routine is called to process a connection creation event.
pEvent - pointer to the event structure
Return Value:
{ PMSIPNAT_ConnectionCreationEvent pEventData; FILETIME ftUtcTime; SYSTEMTIME stLocalTime; PCHAR pszAction; PCHAR pszProtocol; CHAR szSrcAddress[16]; CHAR szDstAddress[16]; USHORT usSrcPort; USHORT usDstPort; int cch; EnterCriticalSection(&g_FwFileLock);
// Get a buffer to write to.
if (NULL == g_pCurrentBuffer) { if (NULL == g_pReserveBuffer) { if (ERROR_SUCCESS != FwpAllocateBuffer(&g_pCurrentBuffer)) { NhTrace( TRACE_FLAG_FWLOG, "FwpConnectionCreationCallback: Unable to allocate buffer" );
// Record the dropped event
g_ulDroppedEventCount += 1;
LeaveCriticalSection(&g_FwFileLock); return; } } else { g_pCurrentBuffer = g_pReserveBuffer; g_pReserveBuffer = NULL; } }
ASSERT(NULL != g_pCurrentBuffer);
// Crack logging data
pEventData = (PMSIPNAT_ConnectionCreationEvent) pEvent->MofData; ftUtcTime.dwLowDateTime = pEvent->Header.TimeStamp.LowPart; ftUtcTime.dwHighDateTime = pEvent->Header.TimeStamp.HighPart; FwpConvertUtcFiletimeToLocalSystemtime(&ftUtcTime, &stLocalTime);
if (pEventData->InboundConnection) { pszAction = c_szAcceptInbound; lstrcpyA(szSrcAddress, INET_NTOA(pEventData->RemoteAddress)); usSrcPort = ntohs(pEventData->RemotePort); lstrcpyA(szDstAddress, INET_NTOA(pEventData->LocalAddress)); usDstPort = ntohs(pEventData->LocalPort); } else { pszAction = c_szAcceptOutbound; lstrcpyA(szSrcAddress, INET_NTOA(pEventData->LocalAddress)); usSrcPort = ntohs(pEventData->LocalPort); lstrcpyA(szDstAddress, INET_NTOA(pEventData->RemoteAddress)); usDstPort = ntohs(pEventData->RemotePort); }
pszProtocol = NAT_PROTOCOL_TCP == pEventData->Protocol ? c_szTcp : c_szUdp; //
// Write the event data to the buffer
cch = _snprintf( g_pCurrentBuffer->pChar, FW_LOG_BUFFER_REMAINING(g_pCurrentBuffer), c_szConnectionFormat, stLocalTime.wYear, stLocalTime.wMonth, stLocalTime.wDay, stLocalTime.wHour, stLocalTime.wMinute, stLocalTime.wSecond, pszAction, pszProtocol, szSrcAddress, szDstAddress, usSrcPort, usDstPort );
if (cch > 0) { //
// Move the buffer pointer to the end of the data we just wrote.
// If cch were negative, then there wasn't enough room to write
// then entire entry; by not adjusting the pointer, we essentially
// drop this event.
g_pCurrentBuffer->pChar += cch; } else { //
// Record the dropped event
g_ulDroppedEventCount += 1; }
// If there is no current IO, flush the buffer
if (FALSE == g_fIOPending) { FwpFlushCurrentBuffer(); }
} // FwpConnectionCreationCallback
VOID WINAPI FwpConnectionDeletionCallback( PEVENT_TRACE pEvent )
Routine Description:
This routine is called to process a connection deletion event.
pEvent - pointer to the event structure
Return Value:
{ PMSIPNAT_ConnectionDeletionEvent pEventData; FILETIME ftUtcTime; SYSTEMTIME stLocalTime; PCHAR pszProtocol; CHAR szSrcAddress[16]; CHAR szDstAddress[16]; USHORT usSrcPort; USHORT usDstPort; int cch; EnterCriticalSection(&g_FwFileLock);
// Get a buffer to write to.
if (NULL == g_pCurrentBuffer) { if (NULL == g_pReserveBuffer) { if (ERROR_SUCCESS != FwpAllocateBuffer(&g_pCurrentBuffer)) { NhTrace( TRACE_FLAG_FWLOG, "FwpConnectionDeletionCallback: Unable to allocate buffer" );
// Record the dropped event
g_ulDroppedEventCount += 1;
LeaveCriticalSection(&g_FwFileLock); return; } } else { g_pCurrentBuffer = g_pReserveBuffer; g_pReserveBuffer = NULL; } }
ASSERT(NULL != g_pCurrentBuffer);
// Crack logging data
pEventData = (PMSIPNAT_ConnectionDeletionEvent) pEvent->MofData; ftUtcTime.dwLowDateTime = pEvent->Header.TimeStamp.LowPart; ftUtcTime.dwHighDateTime = pEvent->Header.TimeStamp.HighPart; FwpConvertUtcFiletimeToLocalSystemtime(&ftUtcTime, &stLocalTime);
if (pEventData->InboundConnection) { lstrcpyA(szSrcAddress, INET_NTOA(pEventData->RemoteAddress)); usSrcPort = ntohs(pEventData->RemotePort); lstrcpyA(szDstAddress, INET_NTOA(pEventData->LocalAddress)); usDstPort = ntohs(pEventData->LocalPort); } else { lstrcpyA(szSrcAddress, INET_NTOA(pEventData->LocalAddress)); usSrcPort = ntohs(pEventData->LocalPort); lstrcpyA(szDstAddress, INET_NTOA(pEventData->RemoteAddress)); usDstPort = ntohs(pEventData->RemotePort); }
pszProtocol = NAT_PROTOCOL_TCP == pEventData->Protocol ? c_szTcp : c_szUdp; //
// Write the event data to the buffer
cch = _snprintf( g_pCurrentBuffer->pChar, FW_LOG_BUFFER_REMAINING(g_pCurrentBuffer), c_szConnectionFormat, stLocalTime.wYear, stLocalTime.wMonth, stLocalTime.wDay, stLocalTime.wHour, stLocalTime.wMinute, stLocalTime.wSecond, "CLOSE", pszProtocol, szSrcAddress, szDstAddress, usSrcPort, usDstPort );
if (cch > 0) { //
// Move the buffer pointer to the end of the data we just wrote.
// If cch were negative, then there wasn't enough room to write
// then entire entry; by not adjusting the pointer, we essentially
// drop this event.
g_pCurrentBuffer->pChar += cch; } else { //
// Record the dropped event
g_ulDroppedEventCount += 1; }
// If there is no current IO, flush the buffer
if (FALSE == g_fIOPending) { FwpFlushCurrentBuffer(); }
} // FwpConnectionDeletionCallback
VOID FwpConvertUtcFiletimeToLocalSystemtime( FILETIME *pFiletime, SYSTEMTIME *pSystemtime )
Routine Description:
Converts UTC time in a FILETIME struct to local time in a SYSTEMTIME struct Arguments:
pFiletime - pointer to UTC filetime structure
pSystemtime - pointer to systemtime structure that is to receive the local time
Return Value:
{ FILETIME ftLocalTime; ASSERT(NULL != pFiletime); ASSERT(NULL != pSystemtime);
if (!FileTimeToLocalFileTime(pFiletime, &ftLocalTime) || !FileTimeToSystemTime(&ftLocalTime, pSystemtime)) { //
// Conversion failed -- use zero time
ZeroMemory( pSystemtime, sizeof(*pSystemtime)); } } // FwpConvertUtcFiletimeToLocalSystemtime
VOID CALLBACK FwpDroppedEventTimerRoutine( PVOID pvParameter, BOOLEAN fWaitTimeout )
Routine Description:
Checks if there are any dropped events, and, if so, writes an event to the log. Arguments:
pvParameter -- NULL if called by the timer. If called directly, a PULONG to the number of events dropped by WMI. In the later situation, this routine will not query the trace session for the number of dropped events.
fWaitTimeout -- unused
Return Value:
{ ULONG ulKernelEvents = 0; PEVENT_TRACE_PROPERTIES pProperties; SYSTEMTIME stLocalTime; DWORD dwError; int cch; EnterCriticalSection(&g_FwFileLock);
// Check to see if we we're given the kernel mode drop count, as
// would happen during shutdown
if (NULL != pvParameter) { ulKernelEvents = *((PULONG)pvParameter); } else { //
// Query the trace session for number of events dropped
// in kernel mode. If g_hSession is NULL, then we are shutting
// down and should exit w/o logging -- this call is the result
// of the timer firing after FwStopLogging has stopped the
// trace session.
if (NULL != g_hSession) { pProperties = FwpAllocateTraceProperties();
if (NULL != pProperties) { dwError = ControlTrace( g_hSession, NULL, pProperties, EVENT_TRACE_CONTROL_QUERY );
if (ERROR_SUCCESS == dwError) { ulKernelEvents = pProperties->EventsLost; } else { NhTrace( TRACE_FLAG_FWLOG, "FwpDroppedEventTimerRoutine: ControlTrace = %d", dwError ); }
HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(), 0, pProperties); } } else { //
// Timer callback after trace session stopped - exit
LeaveCriticalSection(&g_FwLock); LeaveCriticalSection(&g_FwFileLock); return; }
LeaveCriticalSection(&g_FwLock); }
// Record the dropped events, if there are any
if (ulKernelEvents > g_ulKernelEventsLost || g_ulDroppedEventCount > 0) {
// Get a buffer to write to.
if (NULL == g_pCurrentBuffer) { if (NULL == g_pReserveBuffer) { if (ERROR_SUCCESS != FwpAllocateBuffer(&g_pCurrentBuffer)) { NhTrace( TRACE_FLAG_FWLOG, "FwpDroppedEventTimerRoutine: Unable to allocate buffer" );
LeaveCriticalSection(&g_FwFileLock); return; } } else { g_pCurrentBuffer = g_pReserveBuffer; g_pReserveBuffer = NULL; } }
ASSERT(NULL != g_pCurrentBuffer);
// Get the current time
// Write the dropped packet event to the buffer. The actual number of
// dropped events that we're logging is:
// ulKernelEvents - g_ulKernelEventsLost + g_ulDroppedEventCount
cch = _snprintf( g_pCurrentBuffer->pChar, FW_LOG_BUFFER_REMAINING(g_pCurrentBuffer), c_szEventsLostFormat, stLocalTime.wYear, stLocalTime.wMonth, stLocalTime.wDay, stLocalTime.wHour, stLocalTime.wMinute, stLocalTime.wSecond, ulKernelEvents - g_ulKernelEventsLost + g_ulDroppedEventCount );
if (cch > 0) { //
// Move the buffer pointer to the end of the data we just wrote.
// If cch were negative, then there wasn't enough room to write
// then entire entry; by not adjusting the pointer, we essentially
// drop this event.
g_pCurrentBuffer->pChar += cch;
// Adjust the dropped event counter
g_ulKernelEventsLost = ulKernelEvents; g_ulDroppedEventCount = 0; } else { //
// This doesn't count as a dropped event.
// If there is no current IO, flush the buffer
if (FALSE == g_fIOPending) { FwpFlushCurrentBuffer(); } }
LeaveCriticalSection(&g_FwFileLock); } // FwpDroppedEventTimerRoutine
DWORD FwpFlushCurrentBuffer( VOID )
Routine Description:
Writes the current buffer to disk. Arguments:
Return Value:
DWORD - Win32 error code
{ DWORD dwError; DWORD dwBytesWritten; DWORD dwBytesToWrite; BOOL fResult;
ASSERT(FALSE == g_fIOPending); ASSERT(NULL != g_pCurrentBuffer); ASSERT(0 == g_pCurrentBuffer->Overlapped.Internal); ASSERT(0 == g_pCurrentBuffer->Overlapped.InternalHigh); ASSERT(0 == g_pCurrentBuffer->Overlapped.Offset); ASSERT(0 == g_pCurrentBuffer->Overlapped.OffsetHigh); ASSERT(0 == g_pCurrentBuffer->Overlapped.hEvent); g_pCurrentBuffer->Overlapped.Offset = g_dwFileOffset; dwBytesToWrite = (DWORD)(g_pCurrentBuffer->pChar - g_pCurrentBuffer->Buffer);
fResult = WriteFile( g_hFile, g_pCurrentBuffer->Buffer, dwBytesToWrite, &dwBytesWritten, &g_pCurrentBuffer->Overlapped );
dwError = GetLastError();
if (FALSE != fResult || ERROR_IO_PENDING == dwError) { //
// The write succeeded or is pending; our completion routine
// is therefore guaranteed to be called.
g_fIOPending = TRUE; g_pCurrentBuffer = g_pReserveBuffer; g_pReserveBuffer = NULL; } else { //
// Unexpected error. Reset the buffer for future use.
NhTrace( TRACE_FLAG_FWLOG, "FwpFlushCurrentBuffer: WriteFile = %d", dwError );
ZeroMemory(&g_pCurrentBuffer->Overlapped, sizeof(OVERLAPPED)); g_pCurrentBuffer->pChar = g_pCurrentBuffer->Buffer; }
return dwError; } // FwpFlushCurrentBuffer
DWORD FwpOpenLogFile( HANDLE *phFile, BOOLEAN *pfNewFile )
Routine Description:
Opens the file used for logging and associates it with the thread pool's IO completion port.
phFile - receives the file handle for the opened log file.
pfNewFile - receives TRUE if a new file was created; false otherwise
Return Value:
DWORD - Win32 error code
{ DWORD dwError; DWORD dwFileSize;
ASSERT(NULL != phFile); ASSERT(NULL != pfNewFile);
ASSERT(NULL != g_pSettings); ASSERT(NULL != g_pSettings->pszwPath);
*pfNewFile = FALSE; dwError = ERROR_SUCCESS;
if (INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE != *phFile) { //
// Check if this is a new or existing file
if (ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS == GetLastError()) { //
// Check to see if existing file size is > 95% of
// our max; if so, backup now and create new file
dwFileSize = GetFileSize(*phFile, NULL);
if ((DWORD)-1 == dwFileSize) { //
// Unable to get file size. This is quite unexpected...
dwError = GetLastError(); CloseHandle(*phFile); *phFile = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE;
NhTrace( TRACE_FLAG_FWLOG, "FwpOpenLogFile: GetFileSize = %d", dwError ); } else if (dwFileSize > 0.95 * g_pSettings->ulMaxFileSize) { //
// Close the current file handle
// Rename the current log file. This call will delete any
// previous backups. If this fails, we'll just overwrite
// the current log file.
// Open again
if (INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE == *phFile) { dwError = GetLastError();
NhTrace( TRACE_FLAG_FWLOG, "FwpOpenLogFile: Error %d creating %S after backup", dwError, g_pSettings->pszwPath ); } } } else { *pfNewFile = TRUE; } } else { dwError = GetLastError();
NhTrace( TRACE_FLAG_FWLOG, "FwpOpenLogFile: Error %d opening %S", dwError, g_pSettings->pszwPath ); }
if (INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE != *phFile) { //
// Associate the file handle w/ the thread pool completion port
if (!BindIoCompletionCallback(*phFile, FwpCompletionRoutine, 0)) { dwError = GetLastError(); CloseHandle(*phFile); *phFile = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; } } LeaveCriticalSection(&g_FwLock);
return dwError; } // FwpOpenLogFile
VOID WINAPI FwpPacketDroppedCallback( PEVENT_TRACE pEvent )
Routine Description:
This routine is called to process a dropped packet event.
pEvent - pointer to the event structure
Return Value:
{ PMSIPNAT_PacketDroppedEvent pEventData; FILETIME ftUtcTime; SYSTEMTIME stLocalTime; CHAR szSrcAddress[16]; CHAR szDstAddress[16]; int cch; EnterCriticalSection(&g_FwFileLock);
// Get a buffer to write to.
if (NULL == g_pCurrentBuffer) { if (NULL == g_pReserveBuffer) { if (ERROR_SUCCESS != FwpAllocateBuffer(&g_pCurrentBuffer)) { NhTrace( TRACE_FLAG_FWLOG, "FwpPacketDroppedCallback: Unable to allocate buffer" );
// Record the dropped event
g_ulDroppedEventCount += 1;
LeaveCriticalSection(&g_FwFileLock); return; } } else { g_pCurrentBuffer = g_pReserveBuffer; g_pReserveBuffer = NULL; } }
ASSERT(NULL != g_pCurrentBuffer);
// Crack logging data
pEventData = (PMSIPNAT_PacketDroppedEvent) pEvent->MofData; ftUtcTime.dwLowDateTime = pEvent->Header.TimeStamp.LowPart; ftUtcTime.dwHighDateTime = pEvent->Header.TimeStamp.HighPart; FwpConvertUtcFiletimeToLocalSystemtime(&ftUtcTime, &stLocalTime);
lstrcpyA(szSrcAddress, INET_NTOA(pEventData->SourceAddress)); lstrcpyA(szDstAddress, INET_NTOA(pEventData->DestinationAddress));
// Write the event data to the buffer
if (NAT_PROTOCOL_TCP == pEventData->Protocol) { CHAR szBuffer[10]; UINT i = 0;
if (pEventData->ProtocolData4 & TCP_FLAG_SYN) { szBuffer[i++] = 'S'; }
if (pEventData->ProtocolData4 & TCP_FLAG_FIN) { szBuffer[i++] = 'F'; }
if (pEventData->ProtocolData4 & TCP_FLAG_ACK) { szBuffer[i++] = 'A'; } if (pEventData->ProtocolData4 & TCP_FLAG_RST) { szBuffer[i++] = 'R'; } if (pEventData->ProtocolData4 & TCP_FLAG_URG) { szBuffer[i++] = 'U'; }
if (pEventData->ProtocolData4 & TCP_FLAG_PSH) { szBuffer[i++] = 'P'; }
if (0 == i) { //
// No flags on this packet
szBuffer[i++] = '-'; }
szBuffer[i] = NULL; cch = _snprintf( g_pCurrentBuffer->pChar, FW_LOG_BUFFER_REMAINING(g_pCurrentBuffer), c_szTcpPacketFormat, stLocalTime.wYear, stLocalTime.wMonth, stLocalTime.wDay, stLocalTime.wHour, stLocalTime.wMinute, stLocalTime.wSecond, szSrcAddress, szDstAddress, ntohs(pEventData->SourceIdentifier), ntohs(pEventData->DestinationIdentifier), pEventData->PacketSize, szBuffer, ntohl(pEventData->ProtocolData1), ntohl(pEventData->ProtocolData2), ntohs((USHORT)pEventData->ProtocolData3) ); } else if (NAT_PROTOCOL_UDP == pEventData->Protocol) { cch = _snprintf( g_pCurrentBuffer->pChar, FW_LOG_BUFFER_REMAINING(g_pCurrentBuffer), c_szUdpPacketFormat, stLocalTime.wYear, stLocalTime.wMonth, stLocalTime.wDay, stLocalTime.wHour, stLocalTime.wMinute, stLocalTime.wSecond, szSrcAddress, szDstAddress, ntohs(pEventData->SourceIdentifier), ntohs(pEventData->DestinationIdentifier), pEventData->PacketSize ); } else if (NAT_PROTOCOL_ICMP == pEventData->Protocol) { cch = _snprintf( g_pCurrentBuffer->pChar, FW_LOG_BUFFER_REMAINING(g_pCurrentBuffer), c_szIcmpPacketFormat, stLocalTime.wYear, stLocalTime.wMonth, stLocalTime.wDay, stLocalTime.wHour, stLocalTime.wMinute, stLocalTime.wSecond, szSrcAddress, szDstAddress, pEventData->PacketSize, pEventData->ProtocolData1, pEventData->ProtocolData2 ); } else { cch = _snprintf( g_pCurrentBuffer->pChar, FW_LOG_BUFFER_REMAINING(g_pCurrentBuffer), c_szDroppedPacketFormat, stLocalTime.wYear, stLocalTime.wMonth, stLocalTime.wDay, stLocalTime.wHour, stLocalTime.wMinute, stLocalTime.wSecond, pEventData->Protocol, szSrcAddress, szDstAddress, pEventData->PacketSize ); }
if (cch > 0) { //
// Move the buffer pointer to the end of the data we just wrote.
// If cch were negative, then there wasn't enough room to write
// then entire entry; by not adjusting the pointer, we essentially
// drop this event.
g_pCurrentBuffer->pChar += cch; } else { //
// Record the dropped event
g_ulDroppedEventCount += 1; }
// If there is no current IO, flush the buffer
if (FALSE == g_fIOPending) { FwpFlushCurrentBuffer(); }
LeaveCriticalSection(&g_FwFileLock); } // FwpPacketDroppedCallback
DWORD FwpLaunchTraceSession( HNET_FW_LOGGING_SETTINGS *pSettings, TRACEHANDLE *phSession )
Routine Description:
This routine is called to start a trace session.
pSettings - pointer to an fw logging settings structure. Only fLogDroppedPackets and fLogConnections are examined, and at least one of the two must be true.
phSession - on success, receives the trace handle for the session
Return Value:
DWORD -- win32 error code
PROFILE("FwpLaunchTraceSession"); ASSERT(NULL != pSettings); ASSERT(pSettings->fLogDroppedPackets || pSettings->fLogConnections); ASSERT(NULL != phSession);
do {
// Allocate the tracing properties. We need to include space for
// the name of the logging session, even though we don't have
// to copy the string into the properties ourselves
pProperties = FwpAllocateTraceProperties();
if (NULL == pProperties) { dwError = ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; break; }
// Initialize the trace properties. When events are coming at a
// low rate (which is expected), there will be at most a 13 second
// latency for event delivery. During high event rate periods, our
// memory usage for trace buffering is capped at 60k.
pProperties->FlushTimer = 13; pProperties->BufferSize = 4; pProperties->MaximumBuffers = 15;
// Start the trace
dwError = StartTrace(phSession, c_wszLogSessionName, pProperties);
if (ERROR_SUCCESS != dwError) { NhTrace( TRACE_FLAG_FWLOG, "FwpLaunchTraceSession: StartTrace = %d", dwError ); *phSession = NULL; break; }
// Enable the appropriate events
if (pSettings->fLogDroppedPackets) { dwError = EnableTrace( TRUE, 0, 0, &c_PacketDroppedEventGuid, *phSession );
if (ERROR_SUCCESS != dwError) { NhTrace( TRACE_FLAG_FWLOG, "FwpLaunchTraceSession: EnableTrace (packets) = %d", dwError );
// Stop the trace
ControlTrace( *phSession, NULL, pProperties, EVENT_TRACE_CONTROL_STOP ); *phSession = NULL; break; } }
if (pSettings->fLogConnections) { dwError = EnableTrace( TRUE, 0, 0, &c_ConnectionCreationEventGuid, *phSession );
if (ERROR_SUCCESS != dwError) { NhTrace( TRACE_FLAG_FWLOG, "FwpLaunchTraceSession: EnableTrace (connections) = %d", dwError );
// Stop the trace
ControlTrace( *phSession, NULL, pProperties, EVENT_TRACE_CONTROL_STOP ); *phSession = NULL; break; } } } while (FALSE);
if (NULL != pProperties) { HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(), 0, pProperties); } return dwError; } // FwpLaunchTraceSession
HRESULT FwpLoadSettings( HNET_FW_LOGGING_SETTINGS **ppSettings )
Routine Description:
This routine is called to retrieve the firewall logging settings.
ppSettings - receives a pointer to the settings structure on success. The caller is responsible for calling HNetFreeFirewallLoggingSettings on this pointer.
Return Value:
standard HRESULT
{ HRESULT hr = S_OK; IHNetCfgMgr *pCfgMgr; IHNetFirewallSettings *pFwSettings;
PROFILE("FwpLoadSettings"); ASSERT(NULL != ppSettings);
hr = NhGetHNetCfgMgr(&pCfgMgr);
if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { hr = pCfgMgr->QueryInterface( IID_PPV_ARG(IHNetFirewallSettings, &pFwSettings) );
if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { hr = pFwSettings->GetFirewallLoggingSettings(ppSettings);
if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { //
// Make sure that the minimum file size is at least 1024 bytes.
if ((*ppSettings)->ulMaxFileSize < 1024) { (*ppSettings)->ulMaxFileSize = 1024; } } else { NhTrace( TRACE_FLAG_FWLOG, "FwpLoadSettings: GetFirewallLoggingSettings = 0x%08x", hr ); } } else { NhTrace( TRACE_FLAG_FWLOG, "FwpLoadSettings: QueryInterface = 0x%08x", hr ); } } else { NhTrace( TRACE_FLAG_FWLOG, "FwpLoadSettings: NhGetHNetCfgMgr = 0x%08x", hr ); } return hr; } // FwpLoadSettings
DWORD WINAPI FwpTraceProcessingThreadRoutine( LPVOID pvParam )
Routine Description:
This routine is the entrypoint for our trace processing thread. It does the following: 1) Creates the file that we are logging to 2) Sets up the trace callback routines 3) Calls ProcessTrace. This call blocks until the trace session is finished (i.e,, FwStopLogging is called)
pvParam - unused
Return Value:
DWORD - Win32 error code
{ TRACEHANDLE hTraceSession; EVENT_TRACE_LOGFILE LogFile; BOOLEAN fNewFile; DWORD dwError; BOOL fSucceeded; ULONG ulKernelEventsLostAtShutdown;
ASSERT(INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE == g_hFile); ASSERT(0 == g_dwFileOffset); ASSERT(NULL == g_pCurrentBuffer); ASSERT(NULL == g_pReserveBuffer); ASSERT(FALSE == g_fIOPending); ASSERT(NULL == g_hIOEvent); ASSERT(0 == g_ulDroppedEventCount); ASSERT(NULL == g_hDroppedEventTimer); ASSERT(0 == g_ulKernelEventsLost);
do { //
// Create/Open the logfile.
dwError = FwpOpenLogFile(&g_hFile, &fNewFile);
if (ERROR_SUCCESS != dwError) { LeaveCriticalSection(&g_FwFileLock); break; }
// Allocate the initial working buffer
dwError = FwpAllocateBuffer(&g_pCurrentBuffer); if (ERROR_SUCCESS != dwError) { LeaveCriticalSection(&g_FwFileLock);
NhTrace( TRACE_FLAG_FWLOG, "FwpTraceProcessingRoutine: Unable to allocate buffer" ); break; }
if (fNewFile) { //
// Write the log header
g_dwFileOffset = 0; dwError = FwpWriteLogHeaderToBuffer(g_pCurrentBuffer);
if (ERROR_SUCCESS == dwError) { FwpFlushCurrentBuffer(); } else { //
// Even though we failed in writing the header, we'll still
// try to log as much as possible
NhTrace( TRACE_FLAG_FWLOG, "FwpTraceProcessinRoutine: FwpWriteLogHeaderToBuffer = %d", dwError ); } } else { //
// Find the end-of-file position
g_dwFileOffset = GetFileSize(g_hFile, NULL);
if ((DWORD)-1 == g_dwFileOffset) { NhTrace( TRACE_FLAG_FWLOG, "FwpTraceProcessingRoutine: GetFileSize = %d", GetLastError() );
LeaveCriticalSection(&g_FwFileLock); break; } }
// Launch our dropped event timer. When this timer fires,
// the callback routine will check if any events have
// been dropped (both in kernel mode and user mode),
// and, if so, log that fact.
fSucceeded = CreateTimerQueueTimer( &g_hDroppedEventTimer, NULL, FwpDroppedEventTimerRoutine, NULL, 0, 1000 * 60 * 5, // 5 minutes
0 );
if (FALSE == fSucceeded) { //
// Even though we weren't able to create the timer,
// we'll still try to log as much as possible.
NhTrace( TRACE_FLAG_FWLOG, "FwpTraceProcessinRoutine: CreateTimerQueueTimer = %d", GetLastError() ); }
// Register our callback routines. We will attempt to continue
// even if errors occur here.
dwError = SetTraceCallback( &c_PacketDroppedEventGuid, FwpPacketDroppedCallback );
if (ERROR_SUCCESS != dwError) { NhTrace( TRACE_FLAG_FWLOG, "FwpTraceProcessingThreadRoutine: SetTraceCallback (packets dropped) = %d", dwError ); }
dwError = SetTraceCallback( &c_ConnectionCreationEventGuid, FwpConnectionCreationCallback );
if (ERROR_SUCCESS != dwError) { NhTrace( TRACE_FLAG_FWLOG, "FwpTraceProcessingThreadRoutine: SetTraceCallback (connection creation) = %d", dwError ); }
dwError = SetTraceCallback( &c_ConnectionDeletionEventGuid, FwpConnectionDeletionCallback );
if (ERROR_SUCCESS != dwError) { NhTrace( TRACE_FLAG_FWLOG, "FwpTraceProcessingThreadRoutine: SetTraceCallback (connection deletion) = %d", dwError ); }
// Open the trace stream
ZeroMemory(&LogFile, sizeof(LogFile)); LogFile.LoggerName = c_wszLogSessionName; LogFile.LogFileMode = EVENT_TRACE_REAL_TIME_MODE;
hTraceSession = OpenTrace(&LogFile); if ((TRACEHANDLE)INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE == hTraceSession) { NhTrace( TRACE_FLAG_FWLOG, "FwpTraceProcessingThreadRoutine: OpenTrace = %d", GetLastError() );
break; }
// Start processing the trace stream. This call will block until
// the trace session is closed (i.e., FwStopLogging is called).
dwError = ProcessTrace(&hTraceSession, 1, NULL, NULL);
NhTrace( TRACE_FLAG_FWLOG, "FwpTraceProcessingThreadRoutine: ProcessTrace = %d", dwError );
dwError = CloseTrace(hTraceSession);
if (ERROR_SUCCESS != dwError) { NhTrace( TRACE_FLAG_FWLOG, "FwpTraceProcessingThreadRoutine: CloseTrace = %d", dwError ); } } while (FALSE);
// Make sure that all dropped events are properly logged
EnterCriticalSection(&g_FwLock); ulKernelEventsLostAtShutdown = g_ulKernelEventsLostAtShutdown; LeaveCriticalSection(&g_FwLock);
// Since we're shutting down, we pass in the number of lost kernel
// events. This will prevent the timer routine from attempting to
// query the stopped trace session
FwpDroppedEventTimerRoutine((PVOID)&ulKernelEventsLostAtShutdown, FALSE);
// Cleanup tracing thread resources
return dwError; } // FwpTraceProcessingThreadRoutine
DWORD FwpWriteLogHeaderToBuffer( PFW_LOG_BUFFER pBuffer )
Routine Description:
Writes the log file header to the passed in buffer
pBuffer - the buffer to write the header to.
Return Value:
DWORD - Win32 error
{ DWORD dwError = ERROR_SUCCESS; DWORD dwHeaderSize; ASSERT(NULL != pBuffer);
dwHeaderSize = lstrlenA(c_szLogFileHeader);
if (FW_LOG_BUFFER_REMAINING(pBuffer) < dwHeaderSize) { dwError = ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER; } else { RtlCopyMemory(pBuffer->pChar, c_szLogFileHeader, dwHeaderSize); pBuffer->pChar += dwHeaderSize; }
return dwError; } // FwpWriteLogHeaderToBuffer
VOID FwStartLogging( VOID )
Routine Description:
This routine is called to start logging operations (depending on the current logging settings). It is safe to call this routine when logging has already started.
Return Value:
{ HRESULT hr = S_OK; DWORD dwError; PROFILE("FwStartLogging"); ASSERT(FwInitialized == FwpModuleState);
g_fTracingActive = TRUE;
if (NULL == g_pSettings) { hr = FwpLoadSettings(&g_pSettings); }
if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { if ((g_pSettings->fLogDroppedPackets || g_pSettings->fLogConnections) && NULL == g_hSession) { ASSERT(NULL == g_hThread);
// Start the tracing session
dwError = FwpLaunchTraceSession(g_pSettings, &g_hSession);
if (ERROR_SUCCESS == dwError) { //
// Launch the trace processing thread. We're not using
// any thread-specific crt routines (e.g., strtok) so
// there's no need to call __beginthreadex
g_hThread = CreateThread( NULL, // SD
0, // stack size
FwpTraceProcessingThreadRoutine, NULL, // thread argument
0, // flags
NULL // thread ID
if (NULL == g_hThread) { NhTrace( TRACE_FLAG_FWLOG, "FwStartLogging: CreateThread = %d", GetLastError() );
LeaveCriticalSection(&g_FwLock); FwStopLogging(); return; } } } }
LeaveCriticalSection(&g_FwLock); } // FwStartLogging
VOID FwStopLogging( VOID )
Routine Description:
This routine is called to stop logging operations. It is safe to call this routine when logging is stopped.
Return Value:
The caller must not hold g_FwFileLock or g_FwLock.
{ DWORD dwError; PEVENT_TRACE_PROPERTIES pProperties; PROFILE("FwStopLogging"); ASSERT(FwInitialized == FwpModuleState);
g_fTracingActive = FALSE;
// Stop the trace session if it is currently active
if (NULL != g_hSession) { pProperties = FwpAllocateTraceProperties();
if (NULL != pProperties) { dwError = ControlTrace( g_hSession, 0, pProperties, EVENT_TRACE_CONTROL_STOP );
if (ERROR_SUCCESS == dwError) { g_hSession = NULL; g_ulKernelEventsLostAtShutdown = pProperties->EventsLost;
if (NULL != g_hThread) { HANDLE hThread; //
// Wait for thread to exit
hThread = g_hThread;
dwError = WaitForSingleObject(hThread, 45 * 1000);
if (WAIT_TIMEOUT == dwError) { NhTrace( TRACE_FLAG_FWLOG, "FwStopLogging: Timeout waiting for thread" ); //
// The logging thread still hasn't exited; kill
// it hard and make sure that all resources are
// properly freed...
EnterCriticalSection(&g_FwFileLock); EnterCriticalSection(&g_FwLock);
// TerminateThread is a very dangerous call. However,
// since we control the thread we're about to kill,
// we can guarantee that this will be safe. In
// particular, since we hold both critical sections,
// there is no danger of them being orphaned, or of
// any of our global data being in an inconsistent
// state.
if (!TerminateThread(g_hThread, ERROR_TIMEOUT)) { NhTrace( TRACE_FLAG_FWLOG, "FwStopLogging: TerminateThread = %d", GetLastError() ); }
LeaveCriticalSection(&g_FwLock); LeaveCriticalSection(&g_FwFileLock);
// Cleanup thread resources. It is safe to call this
// routine multiple times.
FwpCleanupTraceThreadResources(); } else if (WAIT_OBJECT_0 != dwError) { NhTrace( TRACE_FLAG_FWLOG, "FwStopLogging: wait for thread = %d/%d", dwError, GetLastError() ); }
if (NULL != g_hThread) { CloseHandle(g_hThread); } g_hThread = NULL; }
NhTrace( TRACE_FLAG_FWLOG, "FwStopLogging: Stopped w/ %d events and %d buffers lost", pProperties->EventsLost, pProperties->RealTimeBuffersLost );
g_ulKernelEventsLostAtShutdown = 0; } else { NhTrace( TRACE_FLAG_FWLOG, "FwStopLogging: ControlTrace = %d", dwError );
// Since the trace session has not yet been stopped,
// we leave g_hSession unchanged.
HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(), 0, pProperties); } }
LeaveCriticalSection(&g_FwLock); } // FwStopLogging
VOID FwUpdateLoggingSettings( VOID )
Routine Description:
This routine is called to notify the logging subsystem that the logging settings have changed.
Return Value:
PROFILE("FwUpdateLoggingSettings"); ASSERT(FwInitialized == FwpModuleState);
do { if (FALSE == g_fTracingActive) { //
// Since tracing is not currently active, there is no
// need to retrieve the current settings. Furthermore, free
// any stored settings that we might have so that stale
// settings are not used.
if (g_pSettings) { HNetFreeFirewallLoggingSettings(g_pSettings); g_pSettings = NULL; }
break; }
// Obtain the current settings
hr = FwpLoadSettings(&pSettings);
if (FAILED(hr)) { break; }
if (NULL == g_pSettings) { //
// Since we don't have any cached settings (previous failure
// in FwpLoadSettings?) simply store what we just retrieved
// and call FwStartLogging.
g_pSettings = pSettings; FwStartLogging(); break; }
if (NULL == g_hSession) { //
// There is no log session at the moment. Free the old settings,
// store the new ones, and call FwStartLogging.
ASSERT(NULL == g_hThread);
HNetFreeFirewallLoggingSettings(g_pSettings); g_pSettings = pSettings;
FwStartLogging(); break; }
// Compare the settings to see what, if anything, has changed
if (wcscmp(g_pSettings->pszwPath, pSettings->pszwPath)) { //
// Our log file has changed -- we need to stop and restart
// everything so that logging is properly moved to the
// new file.
LeaveCriticalSection(&g_FwLock); FwStopLogging(); EnterCriticalSection(&g_FwLock);
if (NULL != g_pSettings) { HNetFreeFirewallLoggingSettings(g_pSettings); } g_pSettings = pSettings;
FwStartLogging(); break; }
// Only possible changes are to enabled events
if (!!g_pSettings->fLogDroppedPackets != !!pSettings->fLogDroppedPackets) { dwError = EnableTrace( pSettings->fLogDroppedPackets, 0, 0, &c_PacketDroppedEventGuid, g_hSession );
if (ERROR_SUCCESS != dwError) { NhTrace( TRACE_FLAG_FWLOG, "FwUpdateLoggingSettings: EnableTrace (packets) = %d", dwError ); } }
if (!!g_pSettings->fLogConnections != !!pSettings->fLogConnections) { dwError = EnableTrace( pSettings->fLogConnections, 0, 0, &c_ConnectionCreationEventGuid, g_hSession );
if (ERROR_SUCCESS != dwError) { NhTrace( TRACE_FLAG_FWLOG, "FwUpdateLoggingSettings: EnableTrace (connections) = %d", dwError ); } }
// Free old settings and store new
HNetFreeFirewallLoggingSettings(g_pSettings); g_pSettings = pSettings; } while (FALSE);
LeaveCriticalSection(&g_FwLock); } // FwUpdateLoggingSettings