// Copyright (c) 1995, Microsoft Corporation
// File: table.c
// History:
// Abolade Gbadegesin Aug-8-1995 Created.
// V Raman Oct-3-1996
// Added code to create/delete/wait on
// ITE_DeactivateEvent. Also added code to set
// ITE_Flags when deactivate is pending.
// V Raman Oct-27-1996
// Removed deactivate event and made
// DeactivateInterface synchronous
// interface table and peer table implementation
#include "pchrip.h"
#pragma hdrstop
// Function: CreateIfTable
// initializes an interface table
DWORD CreateIfTable( PIF_TABLE pTable ) {
DWORD dwErr; PLIST_ENTRY phead, plstart, plend;
// initialize the multiple-reader/single-writer synchronization object
dwErr = CreateReadWriteLock(&pTable->IT_RWL); if (dwErr != NO_ERROR) { TRACE1(IF, "error %d creating read-write-lock", dwErr); return dwErr; }
// initialize the hash table
plstart = pTable->IT_HashTableByIndex; plend = plstart + IF_HASHTABLE_SIZE; for (phead = plstart; phead < plend; phead++) { InitializeListHead(phead); }
// initialize the lists ordered by address and by index
InitializeListHead(&pTable->IT_ListByAddress); InitializeListHead(&pTable->IT_ListByIndex);
// initialize the table's critical section
try { InitializeCriticalSection(&pTable->IT_CS); } except(EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER) { dwErr = GetExceptionCode(); }
// Create timers for full updates and for triggered updates
if (!CreateTimerQueueTimer( &pTable->IT_FinishFullUpdateTimer, ig.IG_TimerQueueHandle, WorkerFunctionFinishFullUpdate, NULL, 10000000, 10000000, 0 )) {
dwErr = GetLastError(); TRACE1(IF, "error %d creating finish full update timer", dwErr); return dwErr; } if (!CreateTimerQueueTimer( &pTable->IT_FinishTriggeredUpdateTimer, ig.IG_TimerQueueHandle, WorkerFunctionFinishTriggeredUpdate, NULL, 10000000, 10000000, 0 )) {
dwErr = GetLastError(); TRACE1(IF, "error %d creating finish triggered update timer", dwErr); return dwErr; }
// initialize remainder of struct
if (dwErr == NO_ERROR) {
pTable->IT_Created = 0x12345678; pTable->IT_Flags = 0;
pTable->IT_LastUpdateTime.LowPart = pTable->IT_LastUpdateTime.HighPart = 0; }
return dwErr; }
// Function: DeleteIfTable
// frees resources used by an interface table.
// this assumes the table is locked for writing
DWORD DeleteIfTable( PIF_TABLE pTable ) {
DWORD dwIndex; PIF_TABLE_ENTRY pite; PLIST_ENTRY ple, plend, phead;
// free memory for all existing interfaces
plend = pTable->IT_HashTableByIndex + IF_HASHTABLE_SIZE; for (ple = plend - IF_HASHTABLE_SIZE; ple < plend; ple++) {
while (!IsListEmpty(ple)) {
phead = RemoveHeadList(ple); pite = CONTAINING_RECORD(phead, IF_TABLE_ENTRY, ITE_HTLinkByIndex);
if (IF_IS_BOUND(pite)) {
if (IF_IS_ENABLED(pite)) { RemoveEntryList(&pite->ITE_LinkByAddress); }
RIP_FREE(pite->ITE_Binding); } RIP_FREE(pite->ITE_Config); RIP_FREE(pite); } }
// delete synchronization objects
DeleteCriticalSection(&pTable->IT_CS); DeleteReadWriteLock(&pTable->IT_RWL);
pTable->IT_Created = 0; pTable->IT_Flags = 0; return NO_ERROR; }
// Function: CreateIfEntry
// inserts an entry into the interface table.
// this assumes the table is locked for writing
DWORD dwErr, dwSize; PIF_TABLE_ENTRY pite; PLIST_ENTRY ple, phead; PIPRIP_IF_CONFIG picsrc, picdst;
if (ppEntry != NULL) { *ppEntry = NULL; }
dwErr = NO_ERROR;
do {
// fail if the interface exists
pite = GetIfByIndex(pTable, dwIndex);
if (pite != NULL) {
pite = NULL; TRACE1(IF, "interface %d already exists", dwIndex); dwErr = ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER;
break; }
// allocate memory for the new interface
pite = RIP_ALLOC(sizeof(IF_TABLE_ENTRY));
if (pite == NULL) {
dwErr = GetLastError(); TRACE3( ANY, "error %d allocating %d bytes for interface %d", dwErr, sizeof(IF_TABLE_ENTRY), dwIndex ); LOGERR0(HEAP_ALLOC_FAILED, dwErr);
break; }
// initialize interface fields
pite->ITE_Index = dwIndex; pite->ITE_Type = dwIfType; //
// Change semantics to come up in UNBOUND-DISABLED state
//pite->ITE_Flags = ITEFLAG_ENABLED;
pite-> ITE_Flags = 0; pite->ITE_Config = NULL; pite->ITE_Binding = NULL; pite->ITE_Sockets = NULL; pite->ITE_FullOrDemandUpdateTimer = NULL;
picsrc = (PIPRIP_IF_CONFIG)pConfig; dwSize = IPRIP_IF_CONFIG_SIZE(picsrc);
// validate the configuration parameters
dwErr = ValidateIfConfig(pConfig); if (dwErr != NO_ERROR) { TRACE1(IF, "invalid config specified for interface %d", dwIndex); break; }
// allocate space to hold the interface configuration
pite->ITE_Config = picdst = RIP_ALLOC(dwSize);
if (picdst == NULL) {
dwErr = GetLastError(); TRACE3( IF, "error %d allocating %d bytes for interface %d config", dwErr, dwSize, dwIndex ); LOGERR0(HEAP_ALLOC_FAILED, dwErr);
break; }
// copy the configuration
CopyMemory(picdst, picsrc, dwSize);
// initialize the binding information and interface stats
pite->ITE_Binding = NULL; ZeroMemory(&pite->ITE_Stats, sizeof(IPRIP_IF_STATS));
// insert the interface in the hash table
InsertHeadList( pTable->IT_HashTableByIndex + IF_HASHVALUE(dwIndex), &pite->ITE_HTLinkByIndex );
// insert the interface in the list ordered by index
phead = &pTable->IT_ListByIndex; for (ple = phead->Flink; ple != phead; ple = ple->Flink) {
ptemp = CONTAINING_RECORD(ple, IF_TABLE_ENTRY, ITE_LinkByIndex); if (pite->ITE_Index < ptemp->ITE_Index) { break; } }
InsertTailList(ple, &pite->ITE_LinkByIndex);
if (ppEntry != NULL) { *ppEntry = pite; } } while(FALSE);
if (dwErr != NO_ERROR && pite != NULL) { if (pite->ITE_Config != NULL) { RIP_FREE(pite->ITE_Config); } RIP_FREE(pite); } return dwErr; }
// Function: DeleteIfEntry
// removes an entry from the interface table.
// this assumes the table is locked for writing
DWORD DeleteIfEntry( PIF_TABLE pTable, DWORD dwIndex ) {
// find the interface if it exists
pite = GetIfByIndex(pTable, dwIndex);
if (pite == NULL) { TRACE1(IF, "could not find interface %d", dwIndex); return ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; }
// cleanup the socket depending on its state
if (IF_IS_BOUND(pite)) {
if (IF_IS_ENABLED(pite)) { RemoveEntryList(&pite->ITE_LinkByAddress); }
RIP_FREE(pite->ITE_Binding); }
// remove it from the list ordered by index
// as well as from the hash table
RemoveEntryList(&pite->ITE_LinkByIndex); RemoveEntryList(&pite->ITE_HTLinkByIndex);
RIP_FREE(pite->ITE_Config); RIP_FREE(pite);
return NO_ERROR; }
// Function: ValidateIfConfig
// Checks the parameters in an IPRIP_IF_CONFIG structure.
DWORD ValidateIfConfig( PIPRIP_IF_CONFIG pic ) {
CHAR szStr[12]; if (pic->IC_Metric > IPRIP_INFINITE) {
TRACE1( IF, "Invalid interface metric %d specified", pic->IC_Metric ); _ltoa(pic->IC_Metric, szStr, 10); LOGERR2( INVALID_IF_CONFIG, "Metric", szStr, ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER ); return ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; }
if (pic->IC_UpdateMode != IPRIP_UPDATE_PERIODIC && pic->IC_UpdateMode != IPRIP_UPDATE_DEMAND) {
TRACE1( IF, "Invalid update mode %d specified", pic->IC_UpdateMode ); _ltoa(pic->IC_UpdateMode, szStr, 10); LOGERR2( INVALID_IF_CONFIG, "Update Mode", szStr, ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER ); return ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; }
if (pic->IC_AcceptMode != IPRIP_ACCEPT_DISABLED && pic->IC_AcceptMode != IPRIP_ACCEPT_RIP1 && pic->IC_AcceptMode != IPRIP_ACCEPT_RIP1_COMPAT && pic->IC_AcceptMode != IPRIP_ACCEPT_RIP2) {
TRACE1( IF, "Invalid accept mode %d specified", pic->IC_AcceptMode ); _ltoa(pic->IC_AcceptMode, szStr, 10); LOGERR2( INVALID_IF_CONFIG, "Accept Mode", szStr, ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER ); return ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; }
if (pic->IC_AnnounceMode != IPRIP_ANNOUNCE_DISABLED && pic->IC_AnnounceMode != IPRIP_ANNOUNCE_RIP1 && pic->IC_AnnounceMode != IPRIP_ANNOUNCE_RIP1_COMPAT && pic->IC_AnnounceMode != IPRIP_ANNOUNCE_RIP2) {
TRACE1( IF, "Invalid announce mode %d specified", pic->IC_AnnounceMode ); _ltoa(pic->IC_AnnounceMode, szStr, 10); LOGERR2( INVALID_IF_CONFIG, "Announce Mode", szStr, ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER ); return ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; }
if (pic->IC_AuthenticationType != IPRIP_AUTHTYPE_NONE && pic->IC_AuthenticationType != IPRIP_AUTHTYPE_SIMPLE_PASSWORD) {
TRACE1( IF, "Invalid authentication type %d specified", pic->IC_AuthenticationType ); _ltoa(pic->IC_AuthenticationType, szStr, 10); LOGERR2( INVALID_IF_CONFIG, "Authentication Type", szStr, ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER ); return ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; }
if (pic->IC_UnicastPeerMode != IPRIP_PEER_DISABLED && pic->IC_UnicastPeerMode != IPRIP_PEER_ALSO && pic->IC_UnicastPeerMode != IPRIP_PEER_ONLY) {
TRACE1( IF, "Invalid unicast peer mode %d specified", pic->IC_UnicastPeerMode ); _ltoa(pic->IC_UnicastPeerMode, szStr, 10); LOGERR2( INVALID_IF_CONFIG, "unicast peer mode", szStr, ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER ); return ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; }
if (pic->IC_AcceptFilterMode != IPRIP_FILTER_DISABLED && pic->IC_AcceptFilterMode != IPRIP_FILTER_INCLUDE && pic->IC_AcceptFilterMode != IPRIP_FILTER_EXCLUDE) {
TRACE1( IF, "Invalid accept filter mode %d specified", pic->IC_AcceptFilterMode ); _ltoa(pic->IC_AcceptFilterMode, szStr, 10); LOGERR2( INVALID_IF_CONFIG, "Accept filter mode", szStr, ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER ); return ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; }
if (pic->IC_AnnounceFilterMode != IPRIP_FILTER_DISABLED && pic->IC_AnnounceFilterMode != IPRIP_FILTER_INCLUDE && pic->IC_AnnounceFilterMode != IPRIP_FILTER_EXCLUDE) {
TRACE1( IF, "Invalid announce filter mode %d specified", pic->IC_AnnounceFilterMode ); _ltoa(pic->IC_AnnounceFilterMode, szStr, 10); LOGERR2( INVALID_IF_CONFIG, "Announce filter mode", szStr, ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER ); return ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; }
return NO_ERROR; }
// Function: BindIfEntry
// Updates the binding information for the specified interface.
// Assumes interface table is locked for writing
pib = NULL;
do {
// retrieve the interface entry
pite = GetIfByIndex(pTable, dwIndex);
if (pite == NULL) { dwErr = ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; break; }
// If the interface is already bound, check to see if he is giving
// us a different binding. If he is, then it is an error. Otherwise
// we shall be obliging and not complain too much
if (IF_IS_BOUND(pite)) { TRACE1(IF, "interface %d is already bound", dwIndex); pib = pite->ITE_Binding;
if(pib->IB_AddrCount != pBinding->AddressCount) { TRACE1(IF, "interface %d is bound and has different binding",dwIndex);
break; }
for(i = 0; i < pBinding->AddressCount; i++) { bFound = FALSE; for(j = 0; j < pib->IB_AddrCount; j++) { if((paddr[j].IA_Address == pBinding->Address[i].Address) && (paddr[j].IA_Netmask == pBinding->Address[i].Mask)) { bFound = TRUE; break; } }
if(!bFound) { TRACE1(IF,"interface %d is bound and has different binding",dwIndex);
// At this time we have dwErr as either NO_ERROR or
// ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER. Either case we can break here
// since we are done
break; }
// make sure there is at least one address
if (pBinding->AddressCount == 0) { break; }
dwSize = sizeof(IPRIP_IF_BINDING) + pBinding->AddressCount * sizeof(IPRIP_IP_ADDRESS);
// allocate memory to store the binding
// in our format
pib = RIP_ALLOC(dwSize);
if (pib == NULL) {
dwErr = GetLastError(); TRACE3( IF, "error %d allocating %d bytes for binding on interface %d", dwErr, dwSize, dwIndex ); LOGERR0(HEAP_ALLOC_FAILED, dwErr);
break; }
// convert the binding into our format
pib->IB_AddrCount = pBinding->AddressCount; paddr = IPRIP_IF_ADDRESS_TABLE(pib); for (i = 0; i < pib->IB_AddrCount; i++, paddr++) { paddr->IA_Address = pBinding->Address[i].Address; paddr->IA_Netmask = pBinding->Address[i].Mask; }
// save the binding in the interface entry
pite->ITE_Binding = pib;
#if 0
// for demand dial interfaces add neighbor
if ( pite-> ITE_Type == DEMAND_DIAL ) {
dwErr = AddNeighborToIfConfig( pBinding-> RemoteAddress, pite );
if ( dwErr != NO_ERROR ) { break ; } } #endif
// create sockets for interface's addresses
dwErr = CreateIfSocket(pite);
if (dwErr != NO_ERROR) {
TRACE2( IF, "error %d creating sockets for interface %d", dwErr, dwIndex );
break; }
// mark the interface as being bound
pite->ITE_Flags |= ITEFLAG_BOUND;
// we save the binding information in a private table
// so it can be quickly accessed and searched when we are
// trying to guess subnet masks given IP addresses;
// if interface is also enabled, it is now active
// so queue activation work-item
if (IF_IS_ENABLED(pite)) {
// place interface on the list of active interfaces
dwErr = InsertIfByAddress(pTable, pite);
if (dwErr != NO_ERROR) {
TRACE2( IF, "error %d inserting interface %d in active list", dwErr, dwIndex );
pite->ITE_Flags &= ~ITEFLAG_BOUND;
break; }
// queue the work-item to send initial request
dwErr = QueueRipWorker( WorkerFunctionActivateInterface, (PVOID)UlongToPtr(dwIndex) ); if (dwErr != NO_ERROR) {
TRACE2( IF, "error %d queuing work-item for interface %d", dwErr, dwIndex ); LOGERR0(QUEUE_WORKER_FAILED, dwErr);
pite->ITE_Flags &= ~ITEFLAG_BOUND;
break; } }
} while(FALSE);
if (dwErr != NO_ERROR) {
if (pib) { RIP_FREE(pib); }
if (pite) { pite->ITE_Binding = NULL; } }
return dwErr; }
// Function: UnBindIfEntry
// removes the binding for the specified interface.
// assumes the interface table is locked for writing.
DWORD UnBindIfEntry( PIF_TABLE pTable, DWORD dwIndex ) {
do {
// retrieve the interface specified
pite = GetIfByIndex(pTable, dwIndex);
if (pite == NULL) { dwErr = ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; break; }
// quit if the interface is already unbound
if (IF_IS_UNBOUND(pite)) {
dwErr = ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; TRACE1( IF, "interface %d is already unbound", dwIndex );
break; }
// clear the "bound" flag
pite->ITE_Flags &= ~ITEFLAG_BOUND;
// if the interface isn't enabled, close the socket for the interface;
// if the interface is enabled, that means it was active
// and we must queue the deactivation work-item
if (!IF_IS_ENABLED(pite)) {
ACQUIRE_BINDING_LOCK_EXCLUSIVE(); dwErr = DeleteBindingEntry(ig.IG_BindingTable, pite->ITE_Binding); RELEASE_BINDING_LOCK_EXCLUSIVE();
RIP_FREE(pite->ITE_Binding); pite->ITE_Binding = NULL; } else {
// the interface was active, so deactivate it
// remove from active list
WorkerFunctionDeactivateInterface( (PVOID)UlongToPtr(dwIndex));
// close the socket ourselves if required
if ( pite-> ITE_Binding ) { DeleteIfSocket(pite);
dwErr = DeleteBindingEntry( ig.IG_BindingTable, pite->ITE_Binding ); RELEASE_BINDING_LOCK_EXCLUSIVE();
RIP_FREE(pite->ITE_Binding); pite->ITE_Binding = NULL; }
else {
dwErr = NO_ERROR; } } } while(FALSE);
return dwErr; }
// Function: EnableIfEntry
// configures an interface for RIP activity, including setting up
// a socket and linking the interface into the list ordered by address.
// this assumes the table is locked for writing
DWORD EnableIfEntry( PIF_TABLE pTable, DWORD dwIndex ) {
DWORD dwErr; PLIST_ENTRY ple, phead; PIF_TABLE_ENTRY pite;
do {
// retrieve the interface
pite = GetIfByIndex(pTable, dwIndex); if (pite == NULL) {
TRACE1(IF, "could not find interface %d",dwIndex); dwErr = ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER;
break; }
// quit if the interface is already enabled
if (IF_IS_ENABLED(pite)) {
TRACE1(IF, "interface %d is already enabled", dwIndex); dwErr = NO_ERROR;
break; } pite->ITE_Flags |= ITEFLAG_ENABLED;
// if interface is already bound, it is now active,
// so queue the interface activation work-item
if (IF_IS_BOUND(pite)) {
// place interface on the list of active interfaces
dwErr = InsertIfByAddress(pTable, pite);
if (dwErr != NO_ERROR) {
TRACE2( IF, "error %d inserting interface %d in active list", dwErr, dwIndex ); pite->ITE_Flags &= ~ITEFLAG_ENABLED;
break; }
// queue the work-item to send initial request
dwErr = QueueRipWorker( WorkerFunctionActivateInterface, (PVOID)UlongToPtr(dwIndex) ); if (dwErr != NO_ERROR) {
TRACE2( IF, "error %d queuing work-item for interface %d", dwErr, dwIndex ); LOGERR0(QUEUE_WORKER_FAILED, dwErr);
RemoveEntryList(&pite->ITE_LinkByAddress); pite->ITE_Flags &= ~ITEFLAG_ENABLED;
break; }
dwErr = NO_ERROR; } while(FALSE); return dwErr; }
// Function: ConfigureIfEntry
// modifies the configuration for an already-existing interface
// this assumes the table is locked for writing
DWORD ConfigureIfEntry( PIF_TABLE pTable, DWORD dwIndex, PIPRIP_IF_CONFIG pConfig ) {
DWORD dwErr, dwSize; PIF_TABLE_ENTRY pite; PIPRIP_IF_CONFIG picsrc, picdst;
dwErr = NO_ERROR;
do {
// retrieve the interface to be configured
pite = GetIfByIndex(pTable, dwIndex); if (pite == NULL) { TRACE1(IF, "could not find interface %d", dwIndex); dwErr = ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; break; }
// get the size of the new configuration
picsrc = (PIPRIP_IF_CONFIG)pConfig; dwSize = IPRIP_IF_CONFIG_SIZE(picsrc);
// validate the new configuration
dwErr = ValidateIfConfig(picsrc);
if (dwErr != NO_ERROR) {
TRACE1(IF, "invalid config specified for interface %d", dwIndex);
break; }
// allocate space to hold the new configuration
picdst = RIP_ALLOC(dwSize); if (picdst == NULL) {
dwErr = GetLastError(); TRACE3( IF, "error %d allocating %d bytes for interface %d config", dwErr, dwSize, dwIndex ); LOGERR0(HEAP_ALLOC_FAILED, dwErr);
break; }
// copy the new configuration, and free the old one
CopyMemory(picdst, picsrc, dwSize);
if (pite->ITE_Config != NULL) { RIP_FREE(pite->ITE_Config); } pite->ITE_Config = picdst;
// if the interface is bound, re-initialize the interface
if (IF_IS_BOUND(pite)) {
// close the sockets and set them up again
dwErr = DeleteIfSocket(pite);
dwErr = CreateIfSocket(pite);
if (dwErr != NO_ERROR) {
TRACE2( IF, "error %d creating sockets for interface %d", dwErr, dwIndex );
break; }
// re-activate the interface if it is active
if (IF_IS_ENABLED(pite)) {
// queue the work-item to activate the interface
dwErr = QueueRipWorker( WorkerFunctionActivateInterface, (PVOID)UlongToPtr(dwIndex) );
if (dwErr != NO_ERROR) {
TRACE2( IF, "error %d queueing work-item for interface %d", dwErr, dwIndex ); LOGERR0(QUEUE_WORKER_FAILED, dwErr);
break; } } } dwErr = NO_ERROR;
} while(FALSE);
return dwErr; }
// Function: DisableIfEntry
// stops RIP activity on an interface, removing the interface
// from the list of interfaces ordered by address.
// this assumes the table is locked for writing
DWORD DisableIfEntry( PIF_TABLE pTable, DWORD dwIndex ) {
do {
// retrieve the interface to be disabled
pite = GetIfByIndex(pTable, dwIndex); if (pite == NULL) { TRACE1(IF, "could not find interface %d", dwIndex); dwErr = ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; break; }
// quit if already disabled
if (IF_IS_DISABLED(pite)) { TRACE1(IF, "interface %d is already disabled", dwIndex); dwErr = ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; break; }
// clear the enabled flag
pite->ITE_Flags &= ~ITEFLAG_ENABLED;
// if this interface was not bound, clearing the flag is enough;
// if the interface was bound (and therefore active),
// deactivate it here
if (IF_IS_BOUND(pite)) {
// remove from active list
// execute the work-item to send final updates
WorkerFunctionDeactivateInterface( (PVOID) UlongToPtr(dwIndex) ); } dwErr = NO_ERROR;
} while(FALSE);
return dwErr; }
// Function: CreateIfSocket
// creates sockets for an interface, setting it up according to
// the configuration including in the interface control block.
// this assumes the table containing the interface is locked for writing
DWORD CreateIfSocket( PIF_TABLE_ENTRY pite ) {
SOCKADDR_IN sinsock; PIPRIP_IF_CONFIG pic; PIPRIP_IF_BINDING pib; PIPRIP_IP_ADDRESS paddr; DWORD i, dwErr, dwOption, dwIndex; LPSTR lpszAddr;
pic = pite->ITE_Config; pib = pite->ITE_Binding; dwIndex = pite->ITE_Index;
// allocate an array of sockets
pite->ITE_Sockets = RIP_ALLOC(pib->IB_AddrCount * sizeof(SOCKET)); if (pite->ITE_Sockets == NULL) {
dwErr = GetLastError(); TRACE3( IF, "error %d allocating %d bytes for interface %d sockets", dwErr, pib->IB_AddrCount * sizeof(SOCKET), dwIndex ); LOGERR0(HEAP_ALLOC_FAILED, dwErr);
return dwErr; }
// initialize the array of sockets
for (i = 0; i < pib->IB_AddrCount; i++) { pite->ITE_Sockets[i] = INVALID_SOCKET; }
// create sockets for each address in the binding
paddr = IPRIP_IF_ADDRESS_TABLE(pib); for (i = 0; i < pib->IB_AddrCount; i++, paddr++) {
// create the socket
pite->ITE_Sockets[i] = WSASocket( AF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, 0, NULL, 0, 0 );
if (pite->ITE_Sockets[i] == INVALID_SOCKET) {
dwErr = WSAGetLastError(); lpszAddr = INET_NTOA(paddr->IA_Address);
if (lpszAddr != NULL) { TRACE3( IF, "error %d creating socket for interface %d (%s)", dwErr, dwIndex, lpszAddr ); LOGERR1(CREATE_SOCKET_FAILED_2, lpszAddr, dwErr); } break; }
// try to increase the recv buffer size
dwErr = setsockopt( pite->ITE_Sockets[i], SOL_SOCKET, SO_RCVBUF, (PBYTE)&dwOption, sizeof(dwOption) );
if (dwErr == SOCKET_ERROR) {
dwErr = WSAGetLastError();
lpszAddr = INET_NTOA(paddr->IA_Address); if (lpszAddr != NULL) { TRACE3( IF, "error %d setting SO_RCVBUF for interface %d (%s)", dwErr, dwIndex, INET_NTOA(paddr->IA_Address) ); } }
// try to allow re-use of this address
dwOption = 1;
dwErr = setsockopt( pite->ITE_Sockets[i], SOL_SOCKET, SO_REUSEADDR, (PBYTE)&dwOption, sizeof(dwOption) );
if (dwErr == SOCKET_ERROR) {
dwErr = WSAGetLastError();
lpszAddr = INET_NTOA(paddr->IA_Address); if (lpszAddr != NULL) { TRACE3( IF, "error %d setting re-use flag for interface %d (%s)", dwErr, dwIndex, INET_NTOA(paddr->IA_Address) ); } }
// enable broadcasting if not exclusively RIP2 mode,
// or if there are any unicast peers configured
if (pic->IC_AcceptMode == IPRIP_ACCEPT_RIP1 || pic->IC_AcceptMode == IPRIP_ACCEPT_RIP1_COMPAT || pic->IC_AnnounceMode == IPRIP_ANNOUNCE_RIP1 || pic->IC_AnnounceMode == IPRIP_ANNOUNCE_RIP1_COMPAT || (pic->IC_UnicastPeerMode != IPRIP_PEER_DISABLED && pic->IC_UnicastPeerCount != 0)) {
// make sure broadcasting is enabled for this socket
dwOption = 1;
dwErr = setsockopt( pite->ITE_Sockets[i], SOL_SOCKET, SO_BROADCAST, (PBYTE)&dwOption, sizeof(dwOption) );
if (dwErr == SOCKET_ERROR) {
dwErr = WSAGetLastError();
lpszAddr = INET_NTOA(paddr->IA_Address); if (lpszAddr != NULL) { TRACE3( IF, "error %d enabling broadcast on interface %d (%s)", dwErr, dwIndex, lpszAddr ); LOGERR1(ENABLE_BROADCAST_FAILED, lpszAddr, dwErr); } break; } }
// bind the socket to the RIP port
sinsock.sin_family = AF_INET; sinsock.sin_port = htons(IPRIP_PORT); sinsock.sin_addr.s_addr = paddr->IA_Address; dwErr = bind( pite->ITE_Sockets[i], (LPSOCKADDR)&sinsock, sizeof(SOCKADDR_IN) );
if (dwErr == SOCKET_ERROR) {
dwErr = WSAGetLastError(); lpszAddr = INET_NTOA(paddr->IA_Address); if (lpszAddr != NULL) { TRACE3( IF, "error %d binding on socket for interface %d (%s)", dwErr, dwIndex, lpszAddr ); LOGERR1(BIND_FAILED, lpszAddr, dwErr); } break; }
// enable multicasting if not exclusively RIP1/RIP1-compatible mode
if (pic->IC_AcceptMode == IPRIP_ACCEPT_RIP2 || pic->IC_AcceptMode == IPRIP_ACCEPT_RIP1_COMPAT || pic->IC_AnnounceMode == IPRIP_ANNOUNCE_RIP2) {
struct ip_mreq imOption;
// set the interface from which multicasts must be sent
sinsock.sin_addr.s_addr = paddr->IA_Address;
dwErr = setsockopt( pite->ITE_Sockets[i], IPPROTO_IP, IP_MULTICAST_IF, (PBYTE)&sinsock.sin_addr, sizeof(IN_ADDR) );
if (dwErr == SOCKET_ERROR) {
dwErr = WSAGetLastError();
lpszAddr = INET_NTOA(paddr->IA_Address); if (lpszAddr != NULL) { TRACE3( IF, "error %d setting interface %d (%s) as multicast", dwErr, dwIndex, lpszAddr ); LOGERR1(SET_MCAST_IF_FAILED, lpszAddr, dwErr); } break; }
// join the IPRIP multicast group
imOption.imr_multiaddr.s_addr = IPRIP_MULTIADDR; imOption.imr_interface.s_addr = paddr->IA_Address;
dwErr = setsockopt( pite->ITE_Sockets[i], IPPROTO_IP, IP_ADD_MEMBERSHIP, (PBYTE)&imOption, sizeof(imOption) );
if (dwErr == SOCKET_ERROR) {
dwErr = WSAGetLastError(); lpszAddr = INET_NTOA(paddr->IA_Address); if (lpszAddr != NULL) { TRACE3( IF, "error %d enabling multicast on interface %d (%s)", dwErr, dwIndex, lpszAddr ); LOGERR1(JOIN_GROUP_FAILED, lpszAddr, dwErr); } break; } }
dwErr = NO_ERROR; }
if (i < pib->IB_AddrCount) {
// something failed if we are here
DeleteIfSocket(pite); }
return dwErr; }
// Function: DeleteIfSocket
// closes the sockets used by an interface, if any.
// assumes that the interface is active, and that the interface table
// is locked for writing
DWORD DeleteIfSocket( PIF_TABLE_ENTRY pite ) {
for (i = 0; i < pite->ITE_Binding->IB_AddrCount; i++) {
if (pite->ITE_Sockets[i] != INVALID_SOCKET) { if (closesocket(pite->ITE_Sockets[i]) == SOCKET_ERROR) { TRACE1(IF, "error %d closing socket", WSAGetLastError()); } pite->ITE_Sockets[i] = INVALID_SOCKET; } }
RIP_FREE(pite->ITE_Sockets); pite->ITE_Sockets = NULL;
return NO_ERROR; }
// Function: GetIfByIndex
// returns the interface with the given index.
// assumes the table is locked for reading or writing
PIF_TABLE_ENTRY GetIfByIndex( PIF_TABLE pTable, DWORD dwIndex ) {
phead = pTable->IT_HashTableByIndex + IF_HASHVALUE(dwIndex);
for (ple = phead->Flink; ple != phead; ple = ple->Flink) {
if (pite->ITE_Index == dwIndex) { break; } }
if (ple == phead) { return NULL; } else { return pite; } }
// Function: GetIfByAddress
// returns the interface bound to the given address.
// assumes the table is locked for reading or writing
PIF_TABLE_ENTRY GetIfByAddress( PIF_TABLE pTable, DWORD dwAddress, DWORD dwGetMode, PDWORD pdwErr ) {
if (pdwErr != NULL) { *pdwErr = NO_ERROR; }
phead = &pTable->IT_ListByAddress; pite = NULL;
// return record at head of list if mode is GetFirst
if (dwGetMode == GETMODE_FIRST) { if (phead->Flink == phead) { if (pdwErr != NULL) { *pdwErr = ERROR_NO_MORE_ITEMS; } return NULL; } else { pfl = phead->Flink; return CONTAINING_RECORD(pfl, IF_TABLE_ENTRY, ITE_LinkByAddress); } }
// search for the entry
for (pfl = phead->Flink; pfl != phead; pfl = pfl->Flink) {
piterec = CONTAINING_RECORD(pfl, IF_TABLE_ENTRY, ITE_LinkByAddress);
pib = piterec->ITE_Binding;
for (i = 0; i < pib->IB_AddrCount; i++, paddr++) { if (dwAddress == paddr->IA_Address) { pite = piterec; break; } }
if (pite) { break; } }
// return record after the one found if mode is GetNext
if (dwGetMode == GETMODE_NEXT && pite != NULL) { pfl = &pite->ITE_LinkByAddress;
// if entry found is last one, return NULL,
// otherwise, return the following entry
if (pfl->Flink == phead) { if (pdwErr != NULL) { *pdwErr = ERROR_NO_MORE_ITEMS; } pite = NULL; } else { pfl = pfl->Flink; pite = CONTAINING_RECORD(pfl, IF_TABLE_ENTRY, ITE_LinkByAddress); } }
// if the interface wasn't found, this will still be NULL
return pite; }
// Function: GetIfByListIndex
// This function is similar to GetIfByAddress in that it supports
// three modes of retrieval, but it is different in that it looks
// in the list of interfaces sorted by index.
PIF_TABLE_ENTRY GetIfByListIndex( PIF_TABLE pTable, DWORD dwIndex, DWORD dwGetMode, PDWORD pdwErr ) {
if (pdwErr != NULL) { *pdwErr = NO_ERROR; }
phead = &pTable->IT_ListByIndex; pite = NULL;
// return record at head of list if mode is GETMODE_FIRST;
// if list is empty, return NULL.
if (dwGetMode == GETMODE_FIRST) { if (phead->Flink == phead) { if (pdwErr != NULL) { *pdwErr = ERROR_NO_MORE_ITEMS; } return NULL; } else { ple = phead->Flink; return CONTAINING_RECORD(ple, IF_TABLE_ENTRY, ITE_LinkByIndex); } }
// get the entry requested
pite = GetIfByIndex(pTable, dwIndex);
// if mode is GETMODE_NEXT, return the item after the one retrieved
if (dwGetMode == GETMODE_NEXT && pite != NULL) {
ple = &pite->ITE_LinkByIndex;
// if entry found is last one, return NULL,
// otherwise return the following entry
if (ple->Flink == phead) { if (pdwErr != NULL) { *pdwErr = ERROR_NO_MORE_ITEMS; } pite = NULL; } else { ple = ple->Flink; pite = CONTAINING_RECORD(ple, IF_TABLE_ENTRY, ITE_LinkByIndex); } }
return pite; }
// Function: InsertIfByAddress
// inserts the given interface into the list of interfaces sorted by address.
// assumes the table is locked for writing
INT cmp; PIF_TABLE_ENTRY pite; PIPRIP_IP_ADDRESS paddr; DWORD dwAddress, dwITEAddress; PLIST_ENTRY phead, pfl;
phead = &pTable->IT_ListByAddress;
paddr = IPRIP_IF_ADDRESS_TABLE(pITE->ITE_Binding); dwAddress = paddr->IA_Address;
// search for the insertion point
for (pfl = phead->Flink; pfl != phead; pfl = pfl->Flink) {
paddr = IPRIP_IF_ADDRESS_TABLE(pite->ITE_Binding);
dwITEAddress = paddr->IA_Address;
if (INET_CMP(dwAddress, dwITEAddress, cmp) < 0) { break; } else if (cmp == 0) { return ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS; } }
InsertTailList(pfl, &pITE->ITE_LinkByAddress);
return NO_ERROR; }
// Function: AddNeighborToIfConfig
// Adds a unicast neighbor to an interface config block.
DWORD AddNeighborToIfConfig( DWORD dwRemoteAddress, PIF_TABLE_ENTRY pite ) {
BOOL bFound = FALSE; DWORD dwErr = (DWORD) -1, dwSize = 0, dwCnt = 0; PDWORD pdwAddr = NULL; PIPRIP_IF_CONFIG pic = NULL, picNew = NULL;
do { pic = pite-> ITE_Config;
// verify neighbor is not aready present
for ( dwCnt = 0; dwCnt < pic-> IC_UnicastPeerCount; dwCnt++ ) { if ( dwRemoteAddress == pdwAddr[ dwCnt ] ) { bFound = TRUE; break; } }
// entry exits, enable unicast peer mode and quit
if ( bFound ) { LPSTR lpszAddr = INET_NTOA( dwRemoteAddress );
pic-> IC_UnicastPeerMode = IPRIP_PEER_ALSO;
dwErr = NO_ERROR; if (lpszAddr != NULL) { TRACE2( IF, "Unicast neighbor %s already present in configuration on interface %d", lpszAddr, pite-> ITE_Index ); } break; }
// allocate new config block
dwSize = IPRIP_IF_CONFIG_SIZE( pic ) + sizeof( DWORD ); picNew = RIP_ALLOC( dwSize );
if ( picNew == NULL ) { dwErr = GetLastError(); TRACE3( IF, "error %d allocating %d bytes for configuration on interface %d", dwErr, dwSize, pite-> ITE_Index ); LOGERR0(HEAP_ALLOC_FAILED, dwErr);
break; }
// copy base structure
CopyMemory( picNew, pic, sizeof( IPRIP_IF_CONFIG ) );
// copy uicast peer table
CopyMemory( IPRIP_IF_UNICAST_PEER_TABLE( picNew ), IPRIP_IF_UNICAST_PEER_TABLE( pic ), pic-> IC_UnicastPeerCount * sizeof( DWORD ) );
// add new neighbor and set unicast neighbor mode
pdwAddr[ picNew-> IC_UnicastPeerCount++ ] = dwRemoteAddress;
picNew-> IC_UnicastPeerMode = IPRIP_PEER_ALSO;
// Copy accept and annouce filters
CopyMemory( IPRIP_IF_ACCEPT_FILTER_TABLE( picNew ), IPRIP_IF_ACCEPT_FILTER_TABLE( pic ), pic-> IC_AcceptFilterCount * sizeof( IPRIP_IP_ADDRESS ) );
CopyMemory( IPRIP_IF_ANNOUNCE_FILTER_TABLE( picNew ), IPRIP_IF_ANNOUNCE_FILTER_TABLE( pic ), pic-> IC_AnnounceFilterCount * sizeof( IPRIP_IP_ADDRESS ) );
// save the new config
pite-> ITE_Config = picNew; RIP_FREE( pic );
dwErr = NO_ERROR;
} while ( FALSE );
return dwErr; }
// Function: CreatePeerTable
// initializes the given peer table
DWORD CreatePeerTable( PPEER_TABLE pTable ) {
DWORD dwErr; PLIST_ENTRY ple, plstart, plend;
// initialize the hash table of peers
plstart = pTable->PT_HashTableByAddress; plend = plstart + PEER_HASHTABLE_SIZE;
for (ple = plstart; ple < plend; ple++) { InitializeListHead(ple); }
// initialize the list of peers ordered by address
// initialize the multiple-read/single-write synchronization object
dwErr = CreateReadWriteLock(&pTable->PT_RWL); if (dwErr == NO_ERROR) { pTable->PT_Created = 0x12345678; }
return dwErr; }
// Function: DeletePeerTable
// frees the resources used by the given peer table
// assumes the table is locked for writing
DWORD DeletePeerTable( PPEER_TABLE pTable ) {
// empty the hash table of peer stats structures
phead = &pTable->PT_ListByAddress; while (!IsListEmpty(phead)) { ple = RemoveHeadList(phead); ppte = CONTAINING_RECORD(ple, PEER_TABLE_ENTRY, PTE_LinkByAddress); RIP_FREE(ppte); }
// delete the table's synchronization object
pTable->PT_Created = 0; return NO_ERROR; }
// Function: CreatePeerEntry
// creates an entry in the given table for a peer with the given address
// assumes the table is locked for writing
DWORD CreatePeerEntry( PPEER_TABLE pTable, DWORD dwAddress, PPEER_TABLE_ENTRY *ppEntry ) {
if (ppEntry != NULL) { *ppEntry = NULL; }
// make sure the entry does not already exist
ppte = GetPeerByAddress(pTable, dwAddress, GETMODE_EXACT, NULL); if (ppte != NULL) { if (ppEntry != NULL) { *ppEntry = ppte; } return NO_ERROR; }
// allocate memory for the new peer entry
if (ppte == NULL) {
LPSTR lpszAddr = INET_NTOA(dwAddress);
dwErr = GetLastError();
if (lpszAddr != NULL) { TRACE3( IF, "error %d allocating %d bytes for peer %s entry", dwErr, sizeof(PEER_TABLE_ENTRY), lpszAddr ); LOGERR0(HEAP_ALLOC_FAILED, dwErr); } return dwErr; }
// initialize the fields
ppte->PTE_Address = dwAddress; ZeroMemory(&ppte->PTE_Stats, sizeof(IPRIP_PEER_STATS));
// insert the peer stats entry in the hash table
phead = pTable->PT_HashTableByAddress + PEER_HASHVALUE(dwAddress); InsertHeadList(phead, &ppte->PTE_HTLinkByAddress);
// insert the entry in the list sorted by address
dwErr = InsertPeerByAddress(pTable, ppte);
if (ppEntry != NULL) { *ppEntry = ppte; }
return NO_ERROR; }
// Function: DeletePeerEntry
// deletes the entry for the peer with the given address
// assumes the table is locked for writing
DWORD DeletePeerEntry( PPEER_TABLE pTable, DWORD dwAddress ) {
// quit if the entry cannot be found
ppte = GetPeerByAddress(pTable, dwAddress, GETMODE_EXACT, NULL); if (ppte == NULL) { return ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; }
// remove the entry from the hash-table
// and from the list sorted by address
RemoveEntryList(&ppte->PTE_LinkByAddress); RemoveEntryList(&ppte->PTE_HTLinkByAddress);
return NO_ERROR; }
// Function: GetPeerByAddress
// returns the entry for the peer with the given address
// assumes the table is locked for reading or writing
PPEER_TABLE_ENTRY GetPeerByAddress( PPEER_TABLE pTable, DWORD dwAddress, DWORD dwGetMode, PDWORD pdwErr ) {
PLIST_ENTRY phead, pfl; PPEER_TABLE_ENTRY ppte, ppterec;
if (pdwErr != NULL) { *pdwErr = NO_ERROR; }
// return head of list if in GetFirst mode
if (dwGetMode == GETMODE_FIRST) { phead = &pTable->PT_ListByAddress; if (phead->Flink == phead) { if (pdwErr != NULL) { *pdwErr = ERROR_NO_MORE_ITEMS; } return NULL; } else { pfl = phead->Flink; return CONTAINING_RECORD(pfl, PEER_TABLE_ENTRY, PTE_LinkByAddress); } }
phead = pTable->PT_HashTableByAddress + PEER_HASHVALUE(dwAddress); ppte = NULL;
// search for the entry
for (pfl = phead->Flink; pfl != phead; pfl = pfl->Flink) { ppterec = CONTAINING_RECORD(pfl, PEER_TABLE_ENTRY, PTE_HTLinkByAddress); if (ppterec->PTE_Address == dwAddress) { ppte = ppterec; break; } }
// return entry after the one found if in GetNext mode
if (dwGetMode == GETMODE_NEXT && ppte != NULL) { phead = &pTable->PT_ListByAddress; pfl = &ppte->PTE_LinkByAddress;
// return NULL if entry is last one
if (pfl->Flink == phead) { if (pdwErr != NULL) { *pdwErr = ERROR_NO_MORE_ITEMS; } return NULL; } else { pfl = pfl->Flink; return CONTAINING_RECORD(pfl, PEER_TABLE_ENTRY, PTE_LinkByAddress); } }
// if the peer wasn't found, this will still be NULL
return ppte; }
// Function: InsertPeerByAddress
// inserts the given entry into the list of peers sorted by address
// assumes the table is locked for writing
INT cmp; PPEER_TABLE_ENTRY ppte; DWORD dwAddress, dwPTEAddress; PLIST_ENTRY phead, pfl;
dwAddress = pPTE->PTE_Address;
phead = &pTable->PT_ListByAddress;
// search for the peer entry
for (pfl = phead->Flink; pfl != phead; pfl = pfl->Flink) {
dwPTEAddress = ppte->PTE_Address;
if (INET_CMP(dwAddress, dwPTEAddress, cmp) < 0) { break; } else if (cmp == 0) { return ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS; } }
InsertTailList(pfl, &pPTE->PTE_LinkByAddress);
return NO_ERROR; }
// Function: CreateRouteTable
// Initializes a route table. Note that no synchronization is provided.
DWORD CreateRouteTable( PROUTE_TABLE pTable ) {
PLIST_ENTRY plstart, plend, ple;
// initialize the hash table buckets
plstart = pTable->RT_HashTableByNetwork; plend = plstart + ROUTE_HASHTABLE_SIZE;
for (ple = plstart; ple < plend; ple++) { InitializeListHead(ple); }
pTable->RT_Created = 0x12345678;
return NO_ERROR; }
// Function: DeleteRouteTable
// Removes all entries from a route table and frees resources used.
DWORD DeleteRouteTable( PROUTE_TABLE pTable ) {
PROUTE_TABLE_ENTRY prte; PLIST_ENTRY ple, plend, phead;
// empty the hash-table buckets
plend = pTable->RT_HashTableByNetwork + ROUTE_HASHTABLE_SIZE;
for (ple = plend - ROUTE_HASHTABLE_SIZE; ple < plend; ple++) {
while (!IsListEmpty(ple)) {
phead = RemoveHeadList(ple); prte = CONTAINING_RECORD(phead, ROUTE_TABLE_ENTRY, RTE_Link);
RIP_FREE(prte); } }
pTable->RT_Created = 0;
return NO_ERROR; }
// Function: WriteSummaryRoutes
// Writes to RTM all entries which are marked as summary routes.
DWORD WriteSummaryRoutes( PROUTE_TABLE pTable, HANDLE hRtmHandle ) {
DWORD dwFlags, dwErr; PRIP_IP_ROUTE prir; PROUTE_TABLE_ENTRY prte; PLIST_ENTRY ple, phead, plstart, plend;
CHAR szNetwork[20], szNetmask[20]; //
// allocate route info structure
prri = RIP_ALLOC( RTM_SIZE_OF_ROUTE_INFO( ig.IG_RtmProfile.MaxNextHopsInRoute ) );
if (prri == NULL) { dwErr = GetLastError(); TRACE2( ANY, "error %d allocated %d bytes in WriteSummaryRoutes", dwErr, RTM_SIZE_OF_ROUTE_INFO(ig.IG_RtmProfile.MaxNextHopsInRoute) ); LOGERR0(HEAP_ALLOC_FAILED, dwErr);
return dwErr; }
// go through each bucket writing routes
plstart = pTable->RT_HashTableByNetwork; plend = plstart + ROUTE_HASHTABLE_SIZE;
for (phead = plstart; phead < plend; phead++) { for (ple = phead->Flink; ple != phead; ple = ple->Flink) {
prte = CONTAINING_RECORD(ple, ROUTE_TABLE_ENTRY, RTE_Link); prir = &prte->RTE_Route;
bRelDest = bRelRoute = FALSE;
do { //
// if a valid route exists do not overwrite it with
// a summary route
RTM_IPV4_SET_ADDR_AND_MASK( &rna, prir-> RR_Network.N_NetNumber, prir-> RR_Network.N_NetMask ); dwErr = RtmGetExactMatchDestination( hRtmHandle, &rna, RTM_BEST_PROTOCOL, RTM_VIEW_MASK_UCAST, &rdi );
if (dwErr == NO_ERROR) { bRelDest = TRUE; //
// Get info for the best route to this destination
dwErr = RtmGetRouteInfo( hRtmHandle, rdi.ViewInfo[0].Route, prri, NULL );
if (dwErr != NO_ERROR) { TRACE1( ANY, "error %d getting route info in" "WriteSummaryRoutes", dwErr );
break; }
bRelRoute = TRUE;
// Check if this route is active. If it is skip
// adding an inactive summary route
if (!(prri-> Flags & RTM_ROUTE_FLAGS_INACTIVE)) { lstrcpy(szNetwork, INET_NTOA(prir-> RR_Network.N_NetNumber)); lstrcpy(szNetmask, INET_NTOA(prir-> RR_Network.N_NetMask));
TRACE2( ROUTE, "Route %s %s not overwritten in summary route addition", szNetwork, szNetmask ); break; } }
// you reach here only if you don't have an active
// route to the summary route's destination
// if this is a summary entry (i.e. is a RIP route
// with the summary entry set)
if (prir->RR_RoutingProtocol == PROTO_IP_RIP && GETROUTEFLAG(prir) == ROUTEFLAG_SUMMARY) {
dwErr = AddRtmRoute( hRtmHandle, prir, NULL, prte->RTE_TTL, prte->RTE_HoldTTL, FALSE );
lpszAddr = INET_NTOA(prir-> RR_Network.N_NetNumber); if (lpszAddr != NULL) { lstrcpy(szNetwork, lpszAddr ); lpszAddr = INET_NTOA(prir-> RR_Network.N_NetMask); if (lpszAddr != NULL) { lstrcpy(szNetmask, INET_NTOA(prir-> RR_Network.N_NetMask)); #if ROUTE_DBG
TRACE2( ROUTE, "Adding summary route %s %s", szNetwork, szNetmask ); #endif
if (dwErr != NO_ERROR) { LPSTR lpszNexthop = INET_NTOA(prir->RR_NextHopAddress.N_NetNumber); if (lpszNexthop != NULL) { TRACE4( ROUTE, "error %d writing summary route to %s:%s via %s", dwErr, szNetwork, szNetmask, lpszNexthop ); LOGWARN2( ADD_ROUTE_FAILED_1, szNetwork, lpszNexthop, dwErr ); } } } } } } while (FALSE);
if (dwErr != NO_ERROR) {
// in case one of the INET_NTOA statements failed above, just
// trace the fact that there was an error
TRACE1( ROUTE, "error %d writing summary route", dwErr ); } //
// release handles as required
if (bRelRoute) { dwErr = RtmReleaseRouteInfo(hRtmHandle, prri);
if (dwErr != NO_ERROR) {
TRACE1( ANY, "error %d releasing route info in" " WriteSummaryRoutes", dwErr ); } }
if (bRelDest) {
dwErr = RtmReleaseDestInfo(hRtmHandle, &rdi); if (dwErr != NO_ERROR) {
TRACE1( ANY, "error %d releasing route info in" " WriteSummaryRoutes", dwErr ); } } } }
if (prri) { RIP_FREE(prri); } return NO_ERROR; }
// Function: CreateRouteEntry
// Makes an entry in the route table for the given route.
DWORD CreateRouteEntry( PROUTE_TABLE pTable, PRIP_IP_ROUTE pRoute, DWORD dwTTL, DWORD dwHoldTTL ) {
// see if the entry exists first
if ((prte = GetRouteByRoute(pTable, pRoute)) != NULL) {
// just update the metric if the new route has a lower one
return NO_ERROR; }
// allocate space for the new route
prte = RIP_ALLOC(sizeof(ROUTE_TABLE_ENTRY)); if (prte == NULL) {
dwErr = GetLastError(); TRACE2( ANY, "error %d allocating %d bytes for route table entry", dwErr, sizeof(ROUTE_TABLE_ENTRY) ); LOGERR0(HEAP_ALLOC_FAILED, dwErr);
return dwErr; }
// initialize the entry's fields and copy the actual route structure
prte->RTE_TTL = dwTTL; prte->RTE_HoldTTL = dwHoldTTL; CopyMemory(&prte->RTE_Route, pRoute, sizeof(RIP_IP_ROUTE));
// insert the route in the hash table
ple = pTable->RT_HashTableByNetwork + ROUTE_HASHVALUE(pRoute->RR_Network.N_NetNumber);
InsertHeadList(ple, &prte->RTE_Link);
{ LPSTR lpszAddr; char szNet[20], szMask[20];
lpszAddr = INET_NTOA(pRoute-> RR_Network.N_NetNumber); if (lpszAddr != NULL) { lstrcpy(szNet, lpszAddr);
lpszAddr = INET_NTOA(pRoute-> RR_Network.N_NetMask); if (lpszAddr != NULL) { lstrcpy(szMask, lpszAddr);
lpszAddr = INET_NTOA(pRoute-> RR_NextHopAddress.N_NetNumber); if (lpszAddr != NULL) { TRACE4( ROUTE, "Creating summary route : Route %s %s via %s" "on interface %d", szNet, szMask, lpszAddr, pRoute-> RR_InterfaceID ); } } } } #endif
return NO_ERROR; }
// Function: DeleteRouteEntry
// Remove the entry which matches the given route.
DWORD DeleteRouteEntry( PROUTE_TABLE pTable, PRIP_IP_ROUTE pRoute ) {
// find the route to be deleted
prte = GetRouteByRoute(pTable, pRoute); if (prte == NULL) { return ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; }
// remove it from the hash table and free the memory it used
return NO_ERROR; }
// Function: GetRouteByRoute
// Searches for the route entry which matches the given route, if any,
// and returns a pointer to it if it is found.
DWORD dwNetNumber; PLIST_ENTRY phead, pfl; PROUTE_TABLE_ENTRY prte, prterec;
// get the net number to be found and find the corresponding bucket
prte = NULL; dwNetNumber = pRoute->RR_Network.N_NetNumber;
phead = pTable->RT_HashTableByNetwork + ROUTE_HASHVALUE(dwNetNumber);
// search the bucket for the route
for (pfl = phead->Flink; pfl != phead; pfl = pfl->Flink) { prterec = CONTAINING_RECORD(pfl, ROUTE_TABLE_ENTRY, RTE_Link); if (prterec->RTE_Route.RR_Network.N_NetNumber == dwNetNumber) { prte = prterec; break; } }
// if the route wasn't found, this will still be NULL
return prte; }
// Function: CreateBindingTable
// Initializes a table of bindings.
DWORD CreateBindingTable( PBINDING_TABLE pTable ) {
DWORD dwErr; PLIST_ENTRY plend, ple;
// initialize the hash table of bindings
plend = pTable->BT_HashTableByNetwork + BINDING_HASHTABLE_SIZE; for (ple = plend - BINDING_HASHTABLE_SIZE; ple < plend; ple++) { InitializeListHead(ple); }
// initialize the table's synchronization object
dwErr = CreateReadWriteLock(&pTable->BT_RWL);
if (dwErr == NO_ERROR) { pTable->BT_Created = 0x12345678; }
return dwErr; }
// Function: DeleteBindingTable
// Cleans up resources used by a binding table.
DWORD DeleteBindingTable( PBINDING_TABLE pTable ) {
PBINDING_TABLE_ENTRY pbte; PLIST_ENTRY plend, ple, phead;
// destroy the synchronization object
// empty the hash-table buckets
plend = pTable->BT_HashTableByNetwork + BINDING_HASHTABLE_SIZE;
for (ple = plend - BINDING_HASHTABLE_SIZE; ple < plend; ple++) {
while (!IsListEmpty(ple)) {
phead = RemoveHeadList(ple); pbte = CONTAINING_RECORD(phead, BINDING_TABLE_ENTRY, BTE_Link);
RIP_FREE(pbte); } }
pTable->BT_Created = 0;
return NO_ERROR; }
// Function: CreateBindingEntry
// Adds a binding to the table.
// assumes the binding table is locked for writing
DWORD CreateBindingEntry( PBINDING_TABLE pTable, PIPRIP_IF_BINDING pib ) {
INT cmp; PLIST_ENTRY ple, phead; PIPRIP_IP_ADDRESS paddr; PBINDING_TABLE_ENTRY pbte; DWORD i, dwErr, dwAddress, dwNetmask, dwNetwork;
// go through the IP addresses in the interface binding,
// adding each to the binding table
for (i = 0; i < pib->IB_AddrCount; i++, paddr++) { dwAddress = paddr->IA_Address; dwNetmask = paddr->IA_Netmask;
// compute the network part of the binding
dwNetwork = (dwAddress & NETCLASS_MASK(dwAddress)); //
// get the hash bucket to which the binding belongs,
// and find the insertion point in the bucket
phead = pTable->BT_HashTableByNetwork + BINDING_HASHVALUE(dwNetwork); for (ple = phead->Flink; ple != phead; ple = ple->Flink) { pbte = CONTAINING_RECORD(ple, BINDING_TABLE_ENTRY, BTE_Link); INET_CMP(dwNetwork, pbte->BTE_Network, cmp); if (cmp < 0) { break; } else if (cmp > 0) { continue; } //
// the network parts are equal; further compare
// against the IP address fields
INET_CMP(dwAddress, pbte->BTE_Address, cmp); if (cmp < 0) { break; } else if (cmp > 0) { continue; } //
// the addresses are also equal; return an error
// we now have the insertion point, so create the new item
pbte = RIP_ALLOC(sizeof(BINDING_TABLE_ENTRY)); if (pbte == NULL) { dwErr = GetLastError(); TRACE2( IF, "error %d allocating %d bytes for binding entry", dwErr, sizeof(BINDING_TABLE_ENTRY) ); LOGERR0(HEAP_ALLOC_FAILED, dwErr); return dwErr; } pbte->BTE_Address = dwAddress; pbte->BTE_Network = dwNetwork; pbte->BTE_Netmask = dwNetmask; //
// insert the entry
InsertTailList(ple, &pbte->BTE_Link); }
return NO_ERROR; }
// Function: DeleteBindingEntry
// Removes a binding from the table.
// assumes the binding table is locked for writing
DWORD DeleteBindingEntry( PBINDING_TABLE pTable, PIPRIP_IF_BINDING pib ) {
PLIST_ENTRY ple, phead; PIPRIP_IP_ADDRESS paddr; PBINDING_TABLE_ENTRY pbte; DWORD i, dwNetwork, dwAddress, dwNetmask;
for (i = 0; i < pib->IB_AddrCount; i++, paddr++) {
dwAddress = paddr->IA_Address; dwNetmask = paddr->IA_Netmask;
// get the hash bucket to be searched
dwNetwork = (dwAddress & NETCLASS_MASK(dwAddress)); phead = pTable->BT_HashTableByNetwork + BINDING_HASHVALUE(dwNetwork); //
// search the bucket for the binding specified
for (ple = phead->Flink; ple != phead; ple = ple->Flink) { pbte = CONTAINING_RECORD(ple, BINDING_TABLE_ENTRY, BTE_Link); if (dwAddress != pbte->BTE_Address || dwNetmask != pbte->BTE_Netmask) { continue; } //
// the entry to be deleted has been found;
// remove it from the list and free its memory
RemoveEntryList(&pbte->BTE_Link); RIP_FREE(pbte);
break; } }
return NO_ERROR; }
// Function: GuessSubnetMask
// This function attempts to deduce the subnet mask of an IP address
// based on the configured addresses and masks on the local host.
// assumes the binding table is locked for reading or writing
DWORD GuessSubnetMask( DWORD dwAddress, PDWORD pdwNetclassMask ) {
INT cmp; PLIST_ENTRY ple, phead; PBINDING_TABLE_ENTRY pbte; DWORD dwNetwork, dwNetmask, dwGuessMask;
// the mask for a default route ( is zero
if (dwAddress == 0) { if (pdwNetclassMask != NULL) { *pdwNetclassMask = 0; } return 0; }
// the mask for the broadcast route is all-ones (
if (dwAddress == INADDR_BROADCAST) { if (pdwNetclassMask != NULL) { *pdwNetclassMask = INADDR_BROADCAST; } return INADDR_BROADCAST; }
// otherwise, we start with the network-class mask
dwGuessMask = dwNetmask = NETCLASS_MASK(dwAddress); if (pdwNetclassMask != NULL) { *pdwNetclassMask = dwNetmask; }
// if the route is a network route, we're done
if ((dwAddress & ~dwNetmask) == 0) { return dwNetmask; }
// otherwise, search through the bindings table
// to see if one is on the same network as this address
dwNetwork = (dwAddress & dwNetmask);
phead = ig.IG_BindingTable->BT_HashTableByNetwork + BINDING_HASHVALUE(dwNetwork);
for (ple = phead->Flink; ple != phead; ple = ple->Flink) {
INET_CMP(dwNetwork, pbte->BTE_Network, cmp);
if (cmp < 0) { break; } else if (cmp > 0) { continue; }
// this entry is on the same network as the address passed in
// so see if the entry's netmask matches the address;
// if it does, we're done; otherwise, save this mask
// as a guess, and keep looking.
// note that this exhaustive search is the only way we can
// reliably guess masks for supernets
if ((dwAddress & pbte->BTE_Netmask) == (pbte->BTE_Address & pbte->BTE_Netmask)) {
return pbte->BTE_Netmask; }
dwGuessMask = pbte->BTE_Netmask; }
// return whatever has been our best guess so far
return dwGuessMask; }
Routine Description :
This function adds a route to the RTMv2 database. In addition it creates the nexthop if one is not specified (via hNextHop), based on the next hop i/f and address specified in the RIP route.
Parameters :
hRtmHandle - Entity registration handle
prir - RIP route to be added
hNextHop - Handle to the next hop to be used for the route
dwTimeout - Route timeout interval
dwHoldTime - Route holddown interval (after delete)
bActive - TRUE if the route being added is an active route, FALSE otherwise (in RIP's case for summary routes)
Return Value :
NO_ERROR - Success
Rtm error code - Otherwise
Environment :
Invoked from ProcessRouteEntry and WriteSummaryRoutes --*/ { BOOL bRelDest = FALSE; DWORD dwErr, dwChangeFlags = 0; RTM_DEST_INFO rdi; RTM_NEXTHOP_INFO rni;
CHAR szNetwork[20], szNetmask[20], szNextHop[20], szNextHopmask[20]; do { //
// char strings used to print IP address/mask info
// Used in error cases only
lstrcpy(szNetwork, INET_NTOA(prir-> RR_Network.N_NetNumber)); lstrcpy(szNetmask, INET_NTOA(prir-> RR_Network.N_NetMask)); lstrcpy(szNextHop, INET_NTOA(prir-> RR_NextHopAddress.N_NetNumber)); lstrcpy(szNextHopmask, INET_NTOA(prir-> RR_NextHopAddress.N_NetMask));
// Zero out the next hop and route memory
ZeroMemory(&rni, sizeof(RTM_NEXTHOP_INFO)); ZeroMemory(&rri, sizeof(RTM_ROUTE_INFO)); if (hNextHop == NULL) { //
// Find next hop.
rni.InterfaceIndex = prir-> RR_InterfaceID; RTM_IPV4_SET_ADDR_AND_MASK( &rni.NextHopAddress, prir-> RR_NextHopAddress.N_NetNumber, IPV4_SOURCE_MASK );
// Save the nexthop mask in the entity specific info
*((PDWORD)&rni.EntitySpecificInfo) = prir-> RR_NextHopAddress.N_NetMask;
rni.NextHopOwner = hRtmHandle; dwErr = RtmFindNextHop(hRtmHandle, &rni, &hNextHop, NULL);
if (dwErr == ERROR_NOT_FOUND) { //
// Next hop not found. Create one
dwErr = RtmAddNextHop( hRtmHandle, &rni, &hNextHop, &dwChangeFlags );
if (dwErr != NO_ERROR) { TRACE3( ROUTE, "error %d creating next hop %s %s", dwErr, szNextHop, szNextHopmask );
break; } }
else if (dwErr != NO_ERROR) { TRACE3( ANY, "error %d finding next hop %s %s", dwErr, szNextHop, szNextHopmask );
break; } }
// Build route info structure
RTM_IPV4_SET_ADDR_AND_MASK( &rna, prir-> RR_Network.N_NetNumber, prir-> RR_Network.N_NetMask ); rri.PrefInfo.Metric = prir-> RR_FamilySpecificData.FSD_Metric1; rri.BelongsToViews = RTM_VIEW_MASK_UCAST | RTM_VIEW_MASK_MCAST;
// set entity specific info
// Set next hop info
rri.NextHopsList.NumNextHops = 1; rri.NextHopsList.NextHops[0] = hNextHop;
rri.Neighbour = hNextHop;
// Call into router manager to set preference info
ig.IG_SupportFunctions.ValidateRoute(PROTO_IP_RIP, &rri, &rna);
// if this is an inactive route,
// - set route flag to inactive.
// - set the views for route to none
if ( !bActive ) {
rri.Flags1 = 0; rri.Flags = RTM_ROUTE_FLAGS_INACTIVE; rri.BelongsToViews = 0; } //
// Add route to dest, convert timeout to milliseconds
dwChangeFlags = RTM_ROUTE_CHANGE_FIRST; dwErr = RtmAddRouteToDest( hRtmHandle, NULL, &rna, &rri, dwTimeOut * 1000, NULL, 0, NULL, &dwChangeFlags );
if ( dwErr != NO_ERROR ) { TRACE4( ANY, "error %d adding route %s %s via %s", dwErr, szNetwork, szNetmask, szNextHop );
break; }
if ( bActive ) { //
// Hold destination if this is an active route
dwErr = RtmGetExactMatchDestination( hRtmHandle, &rna, RTM_BEST_PROTOCOL, RTM_VIEW_MASK_UCAST, &rdi );
if ( dwErr != NO_ERROR ) { TRACE3( ANY, "error %d getting just added destination %s:%s", dwErr, szNetwork, szNetmask );
break; }
bRelDest = TRUE; dwErr = RtmHoldDestination( hRtmHandle, rdi.DestHandle, RTM_VIEW_MASK_UCAST, dwHoldTime * 1000 );
if ( dwErr != NO_ERROR ) { TRACE3( ANY, "error %d failed to hold destination %s %s", dwErr, szNetwork, szNetmask );
break; } } } while(FALSE);
// release acquired handles
if ( bRelDest ) { dwErr = RtmReleaseDestInfo( hRtmHandle, &rdi );
if ( dwErr != NO_ERROR ) { TRACE3( ANY, "error %d failed to relase just added destination %s %s", dwErr, szNetwork, szNetmask ); } }
return dwErr; }
Routine Description:
Wrapper for filling out the OSPF_RTMv2_ROUTE by retrieving various RTM infos.
hRoute pInRouteInfo pInDestInfo pRoute
Return Value:
RTM error code
{ DWORD dwErr; RTM_ROUTE_INFO RouteInfo, *pRouteInfo; RTM_ENTITY_INFO EntityInfo, *pEntityInfo; RTM_DEST_INFO DestInfo, *pDestInfo; RTM_NEXTHOP_INFO NextHopInfo, *pNextHopInfo;
pRouteInfo = NULL; pEntityInfo = NULL; pDestInfo = NULL; pNextHopInfo = NULL;
do { ZeroMemory(pRoute, sizeof(RIP_IP_ROUTE)); //
// If the user hasnt already given us the route info, get it
if ( pInRouteInfo == NULL ) { dwErr = RtmGetRouteInfo( ig.IG_RtmHandle, hRoute, &RouteInfo, NULL );
if ( dwErr != NO_ERROR ) { TRACE1( ANY, "GetRouteInfo: Error %d from RtmGetRouteInfo\n", dwErr );
break; }
pRouteInfo = &RouteInfo; } else { pRouteInfo = pInRouteInfo; }
// If the user hasnt given us the dest info, get it
if ( pInDestInfo == NULL ) { dwErr = RtmGetDestInfo( ig.IG_RtmHandle, pRouteInfo->DestHandle, 0, RTM_VIEW_MASK_UCAST, &DestInfo );
if ( dwErr != NO_ERROR ) { TRACE1( ANY, "GetRouteInfo: Error %d from RtmGetDestInfo\n", dwErr );
break; }
pDestInfo = &DestInfo; } else { pDestInfo = pInDestInfo; }
// Get owner info if the protocol is not us
if ( pRouteInfo-> RouteOwner != ig.IG_RtmHandle ) { dwErr = RtmGetEntityInfo( ig.IG_RtmHandle, pRouteInfo->RouteOwner, &EntityInfo );
if ( dwErr != NO_ERROR ) { TRACE1( ANY, "GetRouteInfo: Error %d from RtmGetEntityInfo\n", dwErr );
break; }
pEntityInfo = &EntityInfo; } //
// Get the info about the first next hop
dwErr = RtmGetNextHopInfo( ig.IG_RtmHandle, pRouteInfo->NextHopsList.NextHops[0], &NextHopInfo ); if ( dwErr != NO_ERROR ) { TRACE1( ANY, "GetRouteInfo: Error %d from RtmGetEntityInfo\n", dwErr );
break; }
pNextHopInfo = &NextHopInfo;
// Now copy out all the info.
// First, the route info
pRoute-> RR_FamilySpecificData.FSD_Metric1 = pRoute-> RR_FamilySpecificData.FSD_Metric = pRouteInfo-> PrefInfo.Metric;
// copy out the protocol id from the entity info
if ( pEntityInfo != NULL ) { pRoute-> RR_RoutingProtocol = pEntityInfo->EntityId.EntityProtocolId; }
else { //
// this is a RIP route
pRoute-> RR_RoutingProtocol = PROTO_IP_RIP; SETROUTEFLAG(pRoute, GETRIPFLAG(pRouteInfo)); SETROUTETAG(pRoute, GETRIPTAG(pRouteInfo)); }
// Copy out the dest info
RTM_IPV4_GET_ADDR_AND_MASK( pRoute->RR_Network.N_NetNumber, pRoute->RR_Network.N_NetMask, &(pDestInfo->DestAddress) );
pRoute-> hDest = pDestInfo-> DestHandle;
// Copy out the next hop info
RTM_IPV4_GET_ADDR_AND_MASK( pRoute->RR_NextHopAddress.N_NetNumber, pRoute->RR_NextHopAddress.N_NetMask, &(pNextHopInfo->NextHopAddress) ); //
// retrive saved next hop mask
pRoute-> RR_NextHopAddress.N_NetMask = *((PDWORD)&pNextHopInfo-> EntitySpecificInfo);
pRoute-> RR_InterfaceID = pNextHopInfo->InterfaceIndex;
#if 0
{ char szNet[20], szMask[20], szNextHop[20], szNextHopMask[20];
lstrcpy(szNet, INET_NTOA(pRoute-> RR_Network.N_NetNumber)); lstrcpy(szMask, INET_NTOA(pRoute-> RR_Network.N_NetMask)); lstrcpy(szNextHop, INET_NTOA(pRoute-> RR_NextHopAddress.N_NetNumber)); lstrcpy(szNextHopMask, INET_NTOA(pRoute-> RR_NextHopAddress.N_NetMask));
TRACE5( ROUTE, "GetRouteInfo : Route %s %s via %s %s on interface %d", szNet, szMask, szNextHop, szNextHopMask, pRoute-> RR_InterfaceID );
TRACE3( ROUTE, "Has metric %d, flag %x, tag %d", GETROUTEMETRIC(pRoute), GETROUTEFLAG(pRoute), GETROUTETAG(pRoute) );
TRACE2( ROUTE, "Protocol %d, original flag %d", pRoute-> RR_RoutingProtocol, GETRIPFLAG(pRouteInfo) ); } #endif
} while( FALSE ); //
// Release the relevant infos
if ( pNextHopInfo != NULL ) { RtmReleaseNextHopInfo( ig.IG_RtmHandle, pNextHopInfo ); }
if ( pEntityInfo != NULL ) { RtmReleaseEntityInfo( ig.IG_RtmHandle, pEntityInfo ); }
// Release the route and dest infos only if we were not passed them
// in AND we successfully retrieved them
if ( ( pInDestInfo == NULL ) && ( pDestInfo != NULL ) ) { RtmReleaseDestInfo( ig.IG_RtmHandle, pDestInfo ); }
if( ( pInRouteInfo == NULL ) && ( pRouteInfo != NULL ) ) { RtmReleaseRouteInfo( ig.IG_RtmHandle, pRouteInfo ); } return NO_ERROR; }