Copyright (c) 1998 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
This module implements routines associated with mrinfo and mtrace functionality.
dthaler@microsoft.com 2-9-98
Revision History:
#include "allinc.h"
#include <iptypes.h>
#include <dsrole.h>
#pragma hdrstop
// Undefine this if we can't bind/set oif by IfIndex.
// This can be turned on if Bug #208359 gets fixed.
// Miscellaneous IGMP socket used for mrinfo, mtrace, etc.
// Miscellaneous UDP socket used for RAS advertisements, etc.
// Note that no event is currently associated with this socket,
// since it's currently only used for sending.
// Set this to >0 to generate extra logging information
DWORD g_mcastDebugLevel = 0;
// This is an array mapping an error code in priority order
// (MFE_...) to the actual value which goes in a packet.
// MFE_NO_ERROR 0x00
// MFE_WRONG_IF 0x01
// MFE_IIF 0x09
// MFE_NO_ROUTE 0x05 - set by rtrmgr
// MFE_NOT_LAST_HOP 0x06 - set by rtrmgr
// MFE_NO_SPACE 0x81
static int mtraceErrCode[MFE_NO_SPACE+1] = { 0x00, 0x08, 0x07, 0x01, 0x02, 0x03, 0x04, 0x0A, 0x09, 0x05, 0x06, 0x82, 0x83, 0x81 };
DWORD MulticastOwner( PICB picb, PPROTO_CB *pcbOwner, PPROTO_CB *pcbQuerier )
Routine Description:
Looks up which protocol instance "owns" a given interface, and which is the IGMP querying instance.
Assumes caller holds read lock on ICB list
Return Value:
{ PLIST_ENTRY pleNode; PPROTO_CB pOwner = NULL, pQuerier = NULL;
if (g_mcastDebugLevel > 0) { Trace1(MCAST, "MulticastOwner: Looking for owner of %x", picb); if ( picb->leProtocolList.Flink == &(picb->leProtocolList)) { Trace0(MCAST, "MulticastOwner: Protocol list is empty."); } }
for (pleNode = picb->leProtocolList.Flink; pleNode isnot &(picb->leProtocolList); pleNode = pleNode->Flink) { PIF_PROTO pProto; pProto = CONTAINING_RECORD(pleNode, IF_PROTO, leIfProtoLink); if (!(pProto->pActiveProto->fSupportedFunctionality & RF_MULTICAST) //|| pProto->bPromiscuous
|| !(pProto->pActiveProto->pfnGetNeighbors)) { continue; }
if (!pOwner || pOwner->dwProtocolId==MS_IP_IGMP) { pOwner = pProto->pActiveProto; }
if (pProto->pActiveProto->dwProtocolId==MS_IP_IGMP) { pQuerier = pProto->pActiveProto; } } if (pcbOwner) { (*pcbOwner) = pOwner; } if (pcbQuerier) { (*pcbQuerier) = pQuerier; } return NO_ERROR; }
IPV4_ADDRESS defaultSourceAddress( PICB picb )
Routine Description:
Look up the default source address for an interface For now, we need to special case IP-in-IP since at least the local address is available SOMEWHERE, unlike other unnumbered interfaces!
Return Value:
{ if (picb->dwNumAddresses > 0) { //
// report 1st binding
return picb->pibBindings[0].dwAddress; } else { #ifdef KSL_IPINIP
if ((picb->ritType is ROUTER_IF_TYPE_TUNNEL1) && (picb->pIpIpInfo->dwLocalAddress != 0)) { return picb->pIpIpInfo->dwLocalAddress; } else { // XXX fill in until this is fixed
return 0; } #endif //KSL_IPINIP
// XXX fill in until this is fixed
return 0; } }
BOOL McIsMyAddress( IPV4_ADDRESS dwAddr ) { // XXX test whether dwAddr is bound to any interface.
// If we return FALSE, then an mtrace with this destination address
// will be reinjected to be forwarded.
return FALSE; }
DWORD McSetRouterAlert( SOCKET s, BOOL bEnabled ) { DWORD dwErr = NO_ERROR; int StartSnooping = bEnabled; int cbReturnedBytes; if ( WSAIoctl( s, SIO_ABSORB_RTRALERT, (char *)&StartSnooping, sizeof(StartSnooping), NULL, 0, &cbReturnedBytes, NULL, NULL) ) { dwErr = WSAGetLastError(); }
return dwErr; }
DWORD StartMcMisc( VOID ) { DWORD dwErr = NO_ERROR, dwRetval; SOCKADDR_IN saLocalIf;
Trace1(MCAST, "StartMcMisc() initiated with filever=%d", VER_PRODUCTBUILD);
do { //
// create input socket
McMiscSocket = WSASocket(AF_INET, SOCK_RAW, IPPROTO_IGMP, NULL, 0, 0);
if (McMiscSocket == INVALID_SOCKET) { dwErr = WSAGetLastError(); Trace1(MCAST, "error %d creating mrinfo/mtrace socket", dwErr); // LogErr1(CREATE_SOCKET_FAILED_2, lpszAddr, dwErr);
break; }
// bind socket to any interface and port 0 (0 => doesnt matter)
saLocalIf.sin_family = PF_INET; saLocalIf.sin_addr.s_addr = INADDR_ANY; saLocalIf.sin_port = 0;
// bind the input socket
dwErr = bind(McMiscSocket, (SOCKADDR FAR *)&saLocalIf, sizeof(SOCKADDR)); if (dwErr == SOCKET_ERROR) { dwErr = WSAGetLastError(); Trace1(MCAST, "error %d binding on mrinfo/mtrace socket", dwErr); // LogErr1(BIND_FAILED, lpszAddr, dwErr);
break; }
Trace0(MCAST, "StartMcMisc: bind succeeded");
// to respond to mrinfo, and unicast mtraces, we don't need the
// following.
// To respond to mtrace queries which are multicast
// (to the group being traced, to ALL-<proto>-ROUTERS, or
// to ALL-ROUTERS), we do need this.
#if 0
{ //
// put the socket in promiscuous igmp mode.
// (no need to specify which protocol we want, as it's taken
// from the protocol we used in the WSASocket() call above)
{ DWORD dwEnable = 1; DWORD dwNum; dwRetval = WSAIoctl(McMiscSocket, SIO_RCVALL_HOST, (char *)&dwEnable, sizeof(dwEnable), NULL, 0, &dwNum, NULL, NULL); if (dwRetval !=0) { // LPSTR lpszAddr = "ANY";
dwRetval = WSAGetLastError(); Trace1(MCAST, "error %d setting mrinfo/mtrace socket as host-promiscuous IGMP", dwRetval); // LogErr1(SET_MCAST_IF_FAILED, lpszAddr, dwRetval);
// Don't set dwErr in this case, since we can still
// respond to unicast queries.
break; } else { Trace0(MCAST, "host-promiscuous IGMP enabled on mrinfo/mtrace socket"); } } } #endif
// Tell the kernel to hand us IGMP packets with the RouterAlert
// option, even if they're not destined to us
McSetRouterAlert( McMiscSocket, TRUE );
// Associate an event with the socket
if (WSAEventSelect(McMiscSocket, g_hMcMiscSocketEvent, FD_READ | FD_ADDRESS_LIST_CHANGE) == SOCKET_ERROR) { Trace1(MCAST, "StartMcMisc: WSAEventSelect() failed. Error %d", WSAGetLastError()); closesocket(McMiscSocket); McMiscSocket = INVALID_SOCKET; continue; } } while(0);
if (dwErr!=NO_ERROR) { StopMcMisc(); }
return dwErr; }
VOID StopMcMisc( VOID ) { Trace0(MCAST, "StopMcMisc() initiated");
// close input socket
if (McMiscSocket!=INVALID_SOCKET) { if (closesocket(McMiscSocket) == SOCKET_ERROR) { Trace1(MCAST, "error %d closing socket", WSAGetLastError()); }
McMiscSocket = INVALID_SOCKET; }
Trace0(MCAST, "StopMcMisc() complete"); return; }
VOID HandleMcMiscMessages( VOID )
Routine Description:
Accepts mrinfo and mtrace messages and hands them off to the appropriate routine. Also called to handle address change notification
Acquires the ICB lock as reader if processing Mc messages
Return Value:
{ DWORD dwErr, dwNumBytes, dwFlags, dwAddrLen, dwSizeOfHeader; DWORD dwDataLen; SOCKADDR_IN sinFrom; PIGMP_HEADER pIgmpMsg; PIP_HEADER pIpHeader; BOOL bSetIoctl, bUnlock;
bSetIoctl = FALSE; bUnlock = FALSE;
do { //
// Figure out if its an address change or read
dwErr = WSAEnumNetworkEvents(McMiscSocket, g_hMcMiscSocketEvent, &NetworkEvents);
if(dwErr isnot NO_ERROR) { bSetIoctl = TRUE;
Trace1(ERR, "HandleMcMiscMessages: Error %d from WSAEnumNetworkEvents", WSAGetLastError());
break; }
if(NetworkEvents.lNetworkEvents & FD_ADDRESS_LIST_CHANGE) { bSetIoctl = TRUE;
dwErr = NetworkEvents.iErrorCode[FD_ADDRESS_LIST_CHANGE_BIT];
Trace0(GLOBAL, "HandleMcMiscMessages: Received Address change notification");
if(dwErr isnot NO_ERROR) { Trace1(ERR, "HandleMcMiscMessages: ErrorCode %d", dwErr);
break; }
// All's good, handle the binding change
break; }
bUnlock = TRUE;
// read the incoming packet
dwAddrLen = sizeof(sinFrom); dwFlags = 0;
dwErr = WSARecvFrom(McMiscSocket, &g_wsaMcRcvBuf, 1, &dwNumBytes, &dwFlags, (SOCKADDR FAR *)&sinFrom, &dwAddrLen, NULL, NULL);
// check if any error in reading packet
if ((dwErr!=0) || (dwNumBytes==0)) { // LPSTR lpszAddr = "ANY";
dwErr = WSAGetLastError();
Trace1(MCAST, "HandleMcMiscMessages: Error %d receiving IGMP packet", dwErr);
// LogErr1(RECVFROM_FAILED, lpszAddr, dwErr);
break; } pIpHeader = (PIP_HEADER)g_wsaMcRcvBuf.buf; dwSizeOfHeader = ((pIpHeader->byVerLen)&0x0f)<<2; pIgmpMsg = (PIGMP_HEADER)(((PBYTE)pIpHeader) + dwSizeOfHeader); dwDataLen = ntohs(pIpHeader->wLength) - dwSizeOfHeader; if (g_mcastDebugLevel > 0) { Trace4(MCAST, "HandleMcMiscMessages: Type is %d (0x%x), code %d (0x%x).", (DWORD)pIgmpMsg->byType, (DWORD)pIgmpMsg->byType, (DWORD)pIgmpMsg->byCode, (DWORD)pIgmpMsg->byCode); Trace2(MCAST, "HandleMcMiscMessages: IP Length is %d. Header Length %d", ntohs(pIpHeader->wLength), dwSizeOfHeader); Trace2(MCAST, "HandleMcMiscMessages: Src: %d.%d.%d.%d dest: %d.%d.%d.%d", PRINT_IPADDR(pIpHeader->dwSrc), PRINT_IPADDR(pIpHeader->dwDest));
TraceDump(TRACEID,(PBYTE)pIpHeader,dwNumBytes,2,FALSE,NULL); }
// Verify minimum length
if (dwNumBytes < MIN_IGMP_PACKET_SIZE) { Trace2(MCAST, "%d-byte packet from %d.%d.%d.%d is too small", dwNumBytes, PRINT_IPADDR(pIpHeader->dwSrc));
break; }
// Check for mal-formed packets that might report bad lengths
if (dwDataLen > (dwNumBytes - dwSizeOfHeader)) { Trace3(MCAST, "%d-byte packet from %d.%d.%d.%d is smaller than " "indicated length %d", dwNumBytes, PRINT_IPADDR(pIpHeader->dwSrc), dwDataLen);
break; }
// Verify IGMP checksum
if (Compute16BitXSum((PVOID)pIgmpMsg, dwDataLen) != 0) { Trace4( MCAST, "Wrong IGMP checksum %d-byte packet received from %d.%d.%d.%d, type %d.%d", dwDataLen, PRINT_IPADDR(pIpHeader->dwSrc), pIgmpMsg->byType, pIgmpMsg->byCode ); break; } if (pIgmpMsg->byType is IGMP_DVMRP && pIgmpMsg->byCode is DVMRP_ASK_NEIGHBORS2) { SOCKADDR_IN sinDestAddr; sinDestAddr.sin_family = PF_INET; sinDestAddr.sin_addr.s_addr = pIpHeader->dwSrc; sinDestAddr.sin_port = 0; HandleMrinfoRequest((IPV4_ADDRESS)pIpHeader->dwDest, &sinDestAddr ); } else { if (pIgmpMsg->byType is IGMP_MTRACE_REQUEST) { HandleMtraceRequest(&g_wsaMcRcvBuf); } } } while (FALSE);
if(bSetIoctl) { dwErr = WSAIoctl(McMiscSocket, SIO_ADDRESS_LIST_CHANGE, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, &dwNumBytes, NULL, NULL);
if(dwErr is SOCKET_ERROR) { dwErr = WSAGetLastError();
if((dwErr isnot WSAEWOULDBLOCK) and (dwErr isnot WSA_IO_PENDING) and (dwErr isnot NO_ERROR)) { Trace1(ERR, "HandleMcMiscMessages: Error %d from SIO_ADDRESS_LIST_CHANGE", dwErr); } } }
if(bUnlock) { EXIT_LOCK(ICB_LIST); } }
DWORD FindBindingWithLocalAddress( OUT PICB *ppicb, OUT PIPV4_ADDRESS pdwIfAddress, IN IPV4_ADDRESS dwAddress ) { BOOL bFound = FALSE; PLIST_ENTRY pleNode; IPV4_ADDRESS ipFoundMask; //
// Lock the ICBList for reading
for (pleNode = ICBList.Flink; pleNode isnot &ICBList && !bFound; pleNode = pleNode->Flink) { DWORD dwIndex; PICB picb; picb = CONTAINING_RECORD(pleNode, ICB, leIfLink);
for (dwIndex=0; dwIndex<picb->dwNumAddresses && !bFound; dwIndex++) { PICB_BINDING pb = &picb->pibBindings[dwIndex]; if (dwAddress == pb->dwAddress) { *pdwIfAddress = pb->dwAddress;
*ppicb = picb; bFound = TRUE; } } }
EXIT_LOCK(ICB_LIST); if (bFound) { return NO_ERROR; } *ppicb = NULL; return ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; }
BOOL IsConnectedTo( IN PICB picb, IN IPV4_ADDRESS ipAddress, OUT PIPV4_ADDRESS pipLocalAddress OPTIONAL, OUT PIPV4_ADDRESS pipMask OPTIONAL ) { DWORD dwIndex; BOOL bFound = FALSE; IPV4_ADDRESS ipFoundMask = 0;
if (picb->dwRemoteAddress is ipAddress) { if (pipLocalAddress) { *pipLocalAddress = defaultSourceAddress(picb); } if (pipMask) { *pipMask = ALL_ONES_MASK; } return TRUE; }
// Find interface with longest match
for (dwIndex=0; dwIndex<picb->dwNumAddresses && !bFound; dwIndex++) { PICB_BINDING pb = &picb->pibBindings[dwIndex];
if (((ipAddress & pb->dwMask) is (pb->dwAddress & pb->dwMask)) && (!bFound || (pb->dwMask > ipFoundMask))) { if (pipLocalAddress) { *pipLocalAddress = pb->dwAddress; }
bFound = TRUE;
ipFoundMask = pb->dwMask; } }
if (pipMask) { *pipMask = ipFoundMask; }
return bFound; }
DWORD FindBindingWithRemoteAddress( OUT PICB *ppicb, OUT PIPV4_ADDRESS pdwIfAddress, IN IPV4_ADDRESS dwAddress ) { BOOL bFound = FALSE; PLIST_ENTRY pleNode; IPV4_ADDRESS ipFoundMask, ipMask, ipLocalAddress; //
// Lock the ICBList for reading
for (pleNode = ICBList.Flink; pleNode isnot &ICBList; pleNode = pleNode->Flink) { DWORD dwIndex; PICB picb; picb = CONTAINING_RECORD(pleNode, ICB, leIfLink);
if (IsConnectedTo(picb, dwAddress, &ipLocalAddress, &ipMask) && (!bFound || (ipMask > ipFoundMask))) { *pdwIfAddress = ipLocalAddress; *ppicb = picb; bFound = TRUE; ipFoundMask = ipMask; } }
EXIT_LOCK(ICB_LIST); if (bFound) { return NO_ERROR; } *ppicb = NULL; return ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; }
DWORD FindBindingForPacket( IN PIP_HEADER pIpHeader, OUT PICB *ppicb, OUT IPV4_ADDRESS *pdwIfAddr ) { DWORD dwResult; dwResult = FindBindingWithRemoteAddress(ppicb, pdwIfAddr, pIpHeader->dwSrc); if (dwResult == NO_ERROR) { return dwResult; } dwResult = FindBindingWithRemoteAddress(ppicb, pdwIfAddr, pIpHeader->dwDest); return dwResult; }
VOID HandleMrinfoRequest( IPV4_ADDRESS dwLocalAddr, SOCKADDR_IN *sinDestAddr )
Routine Description:
Accepts an mrinfo request and sends a reply.
Return Value:
{ DWORD dwNumBytesSent, dwResult, dwSize = sizeof(MRINFO_HEADER); WSABUF wsMrinfoBuffer; MRINFO_HEADER *mriHeader; DWORD dwBufSize; IPV4_ADDRESS dwIfAddr; PLIST_ENTRY pleNode, pleNode2; PICB picb; PBYTE pb; BYTE byIfFlags; BOOL bForMe;
// If the query was not destined to me, drop it.
dwResult = FindBindingWithLocalAddress(&picb, &dwIfAddr, dwLocalAddr);
if (dwResult != NO_ERROR) { return; }
// Lock the ICBList for reading
// Calculate required size of response packet
for (pleNode = ICBList.Flink; pleNode isnot &ICBList; pleNode = pleNode->Flink) { PPROTO_CB pOwner, pQuerier;
picb = CONTAINING_RECORD(pleNode, ICB, leIfLink); dwResult = MulticastOwner(picb, &pOwner, &pQuerier);
// If we didn't find an owner, then we can skip this
// interface, since we're not doing multicast routing on it.
if (!pOwner) { continue; } if (picb->dwNumAddresses > 0) { //
// add iface size per address
dwSize += 8+4*picb->dwNumAddresses; } else { //
// add single address size for unnumbered iface
dwSize += 12; } //
// Call the owner's GetNeighbors() entrypoint
// with a NULL buffer. This will cause it to tell us the size of
// its neighbor set
dwBufSize = 0; byIfFlags = 0;
// mrouted doesn't report multiple subnets,
// so neither do we. Just group all neighbors
// together on an interface.
dwResult = (pOwner->pfnGetNeighbors)(picb->dwIfIndex, NULL, &dwBufSize, &byIfFlags);
if ((dwResult isnot NO_ERROR) and (dwResult isnot ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER)) { //
// The only errors which will tell us the size needed are
// means we didn't get the right size
Trace2(MCAST, "HandleMrinfoRequest: Error %d in GetNeighbours for %S", dwResult, pOwner->pwszDisplayName); continue; } dwSize += dwBufSize; }
// We can now malloc a buffer and fill in the info
wsMrinfoBuffer.len = dwSize; wsMrinfoBuffer.buf = HeapAlloc(IPRouterHeap, 0, dwSize);
if(wsMrinfoBuffer.buf is NULL) { EXIT_LOCK(ICB_LIST);
return; } mriHeader = (PMRINFO_HEADER)wsMrinfoBuffer.buf; mriHeader->byType = IGMP_DVMRP; mriHeader->byCode = DVMRP_NEIGHBORS2; mriHeader->wChecksum = 0; mriHeader->byReserved = 0;
// MRINFO_CAP_MTRACE - set if mtrace handler is available
// MRINFO_CAP_SNMP - set if public IP Multicast MIB is available
// MRINFO_CAP_GENID - set if DVMRP 3.255 is available
// MRINFO_CAP_PRUNE - set if DVMRP 3.255 is available
mriHeader->byCapabilities = MRINFO_CAP_MTRACE | MRINFO_CAP_SNMP; mriHeader->byMinor = VER_PRODUCTBUILD % 100; mriHeader->byMajor = VER_PRODUCTBUILD / 100;
// Need to get a list of interfaces, and a list of neighbors
// (and their info) per interface, updating dwSize as we go.
pb = ((PBYTE) wsMrinfoBuffer.buf) + sizeof(MRINFO_HEADER); for (pleNode = ICBList.Flink; pleNode isnot &ICBList; pleNode = pleNode->Flink) { PBYTE pbNbrCount, pfIfFlags; PPROTO_CB pOwner, pQuerier;
picb = CONTAINING_RECORD(pleNode, ICB, leIfLink); dwResult = MulticastOwner(picb, &pOwner, &pQuerier);
// If we didn't find an owner, then we can skip this
// interface, since we're not doing multicast routing on it.
if (!pOwner) { continue; }
// Fill in interface info
*(PIPV4_ADDRESS)pb = defaultSourceAddress(picb);
pb += 4; *pb++ = 1; // currently metric must be 1
*pb++ = (BYTE)picb->dwMcastTtl; // threshold
*pb = 0; #ifdef KSL_IPINIP
// Right now, we only report IP-in-IP tunnels with the tunnel flag
// In the future, a tunnel should have its own MIB-II ifType
// value, which should be stored in the ICB structure so we can
// get at it.
if (picb->ritType is ROUTER_IF_TYPE_TUNNEL1) { //
// neighbor reached via tunnel
if (picb->dwOperationalState < IF_OPER_STATUS_CONNECTED) { //
// operational status down
*pb |= MRINFO_DOWN_FLAG; } if (picb->dwAdminState is IF_ADMIN_STATUS_DOWN) { //
// administrative status down
pfIfFlags = pb++; // save pointer for later updating
pbNbrCount = pb++; // save pointer to neighbor count location
*pbNbrCount = 0;
// Call the routing protocol's GetNeighbors() entrypoint
// with a pointer into the middle of the current packet buffer.
dwBufSize = dwSize - (DWORD)(pb-(PBYTE)wsMrinfoBuffer.buf); byIfFlags = 0; dwResult = (pOwner->pfnGetNeighbors)(picb->dwIfIndex, (PDWORD)pb, &dwBufSize, &byIfFlags); if (dwBufSize>0) { pb += dwBufSize; (*pbNbrCount)+= (BYTE)(dwBufSize / sizeof(DWORD)); } else { //
// If the protocol has no neighbors, we fill in
// because the mrinfo client most people use
// won't display the flags, metric, and threshold
// unless the neighbors count is non-zero.
// is legal according to the spec.
*(PDWORD)pb = 0; pb += sizeof(DWORD); (*pbNbrCount)++; }
// set pim/querier/whatever bits
*pfIfFlags |= byIfFlags;
// Get querier flag
if (pQuerier isnot NULL && pQuerier isnot pOwner) { byIfFlags = 0; dwBufSize = 0; dwResult = (pQuerier->pfnGetNeighbors)(picb->dwIfIndex, NULL, &dwBufSize, &byIfFlags); *pfIfFlags |= byIfFlags; } } } while (FALSE); EXIT_LOCK(ICB_LIST);
// Fill in Checksum
mriHeader->wChecksum = Compute16BitXSum(wsMrinfoBuffer.buf, dwSize);
if (g_mcastDebugLevel > 0) { Trace2(MCAST, "HandleMrinfoRequest: sending reply to %d.%d.%d.%d. Len %d", PRINT_IPADDR(sinDestAddr->sin_addr.s_addr), wsMrinfoBuffer.len); }
// Send it off
if(WSASendTo(McMiscSocket, &wsMrinfoBuffer, 1, &dwNumBytesSent, 0, (const struct sockaddr *)sinDestAddr, sizeof(SOCKADDR_IN), NULL, NULL) == SOCKET_ERROR) { dwResult = WSAGetLastError(); Trace2(MCAST, "HandleMrinfoRequest: Err %d sending reply to %d.%d.%d.%d", dwResult, PRINT_IPADDR(sinDestAddr->sin_addr.s_addr)); }
// Free the buffer
HeapFree(IPRouterHeap, 0, wsMrinfoBuffer.buf); }
// This function is derived from NTTimeToNTPTime() in
// src\sockets\tcpcmd\iphlpapi\mscapis.cxx
DWORD GetCurrentNTP32Time( VOID )
Routine Description:
Get current 32-bit NTP timestamp. The 32-bit form of an NTP timestamp consists of the middle 32 bits of the full 64-bit form; that is, the low 16 bits of the integer part and the high 16 bits of the fractional part.
Return Value:
{ static LARGE_INTEGER li1900 = {0xfde04000, 0x14f373b}; LARGE_INTEGER liTime; DWORD dwMs; ULONG hi, lo;
// Seconds is simply the time difference
hi = htonl((ULONG)((liTime.QuadPart - li1900.QuadPart) / 10000000));
// Ms is the residue from the seconds calculation.
dwMs = (DWORD)(((liTime.QuadPart - li1900.QuadPart) % 10000000) / 10000);
// time base in the beginning of the year 1900
lo = htonl((unsigned long)(.5+0xFFFFFFFF*(double)(dwMs/1000.0)));
return (hi << 16) | (lo >> 16); }
IPV4_ADDRESS IfIndexToIpAddress( DWORD dwIfIndex ) { // Locate picb
PICB picb = InterfaceLookupByIfIndex(dwIfIndex);
return (picb)? defaultSourceAddress(picb) : 0; }
DWORD McSetMulticastIfByIndex( SOCKET s, DWORD dwSockType, DWORD dwIfIndex ) { DWORD dwNum, dwErr; IPV4_ADDRESS ipAddr;
if ((dwSockType is SOCK_RAW) #ifdef UDP_UNNUMBERED_SUPPORT
|| (dwSockType is SOCK_DGRAM) #endif
) { dwErr = WSAIoctl( s, SIO_INDEX_MCASTIF, (char*)&dwIfIndex, sizeof(dwIfIndex), NULL, 0, &dwNum, NULL, NULL ); return dwErr; } #endif
// If we can't set oif to an ifIndex yet, then we
// attempt to map it to some IP address
ipAddr = IfIndexToIpAddress(dwIfIndex);
if (!ipAddr) return ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER;
return McSetMulticastIf( s, ipAddr ); }
DWORD McSetMulticastIf( SOCKET s, IPV4_ADDRESS ipAddr ) { SOCKADDR_IN saSrcAddr;
saSrcAddr.sin_family = AF_INET; saSrcAddr.sin_port = 0; saSrcAddr.sin_addr.s_addr = ipAddr; return setsockopt( s, IPPROTO_IP, IP_MULTICAST_IF, (char *)&saSrcAddr.sin_addr, sizeof(IN_ADDR) ); }
DWORD McSetMulticastTtl( SOCKET s, DWORD dwTtl ) { return setsockopt( s, IPPROTO_IP, IP_MULTICAST_TTL, (char *)&dwTtl, sizeof(dwTtl) ); }
DWORD McJoinGroupByIndex( IN SOCKET s, IN DWORD dwSockType, IN IPV4_ADDRESS ipGroup, IN DWORD dwIfIndex ) { struct ip_mreq imOption; IPV4_ADDRESS ipInterface;
if ((dwSockType is SOCK_RAW) #ifdef UDP_UNNUMBERED_SUPPORT
|| (dwSockType is SOCK_DGRAM) #endif
) { DWORD dwNum, dwErr;
imOption.imr_multiaddr.s_addr = ipGroup; imOption.imr_interface.s_addr = dwIfIndex; dwErr = WSAIoctl( s, SIO_INDEX_ADD_MCAST, (char*)&imOption, sizeof(imOption), NULL, 0, &dwNum, NULL, NULL ); return dwErr; } #endif
ipInterface = IfIndexToIpAddress(ntohl(dwIfIndex));
if (!ipInterface) { Trace1(MCAST, "McJoinGroup: bad IfIndex 0x%x", ntohl(ipInterface));
return McJoinGroup( s, ipGroup, ipInterface ); }
DWORD McJoinGroup( IN SOCKET s, IN IPV4_ADDRESS ipGroup, IN IPV4_ADDRESS ipInterface ) /*++
Description: Joins a group on a given interface. Called by: Locks: None --*/ { struct ip_mreq imOption;
imOption.imr_multiaddr.s_addr = ipGroup; imOption.imr_interface.s_addr = ipInterface;
return setsockopt( s, IPPROTO_IP, IP_ADD_MEMBERSHIP, (PBYTE)&imOption, sizeof(imOption)); }
DWORD McSendPacketTo( SOCKET s, WSABUF *pWsabuf, IPV4_ADDRESS dest ) { DWORD dwSent, dwRet; int iSetIp = 1; SOCKADDR_IN to;
// Set header include
setsockopt( s, IPPROTO_IP, IP_HDRINCL, (char *) &iSetIp, sizeof(int) );
// Send the packet
to.sin_family = AF_INET; to.sin_port = 0; to.sin_addr.s_addr = dest;
dwRet = WSASendTo( s, pWsabuf, 1, &dwSent, 0, (const struct sockaddr FAR *)&to, sizeof(to), NULL, NULL );
// Clear header include
iSetIp = 0; setsockopt( s, IPPROTO_IP, IP_HDRINCL, (char *) &iSetIp, sizeof(int) );
return dwRet; }
DWORD ForwardMtraceRequest( IPV4_ADDRESS dwForwardDest, IPV4_ADDRESS dwForwardSrc, PMTRACE_HEADER pMtraceMsg, DWORD dwMessageLength )
Routine Description:
Pass an mtrace request to the next router upstream
Return Value:
{ SOCKADDR_IN saDestAddr; INT iLength; DWORD dwErr = NO_ERROR;
// Recalculate Checksum
pMtraceMsg->wChecksum = 0; pMtraceMsg->wChecksum = Compute16BitXSum((PVOID)pMtraceMsg, dwMessageLength);
if (dwForwardSrc && IN_MULTICAST(ntohl(dwForwardDest))) { dwErr = McSetMulticastIf( McMiscSocket, dwForwardSrc );
// Send it off
saDestAddr.sin_family = AF_INET; saDestAddr.sin_port = 0; saDestAddr.sin_addr.s_addr = dwForwardDest; iLength = sendto(McMiscSocket, (PBYTE)pMtraceMsg, dwMessageLength, 0, (PSOCKADDR) &saDestAddr, sizeof(SOCKADDR_IN));
return dwErr; }
VOID SendMtraceResponse( IPV4_ADDRESS dwForwardDest, IPV4_ADDRESS dwForwardSrc, PMTRACE_HEADER pMtraceMsg, DWORD dwMessageLength )
Routine Description:
Send a reply to the response address
Return Value:
{ SOCKADDR_IN saDestAddr; INT iLength;
// Source Address can be any of our addresses, but should
// be one which is in the multicast routing table if that
// can be determined.
// XXX
// If the response address is multicast, use the TTL supplied in the header
if (IN_MULTICAST(ntohl(dwForwardDest))) { DWORD dwTtl, dwErr; //
// Copy Response TTL from traceroute header into IP header
dwErr = McSetMulticastTtl( McMiscSocket, (DWORD)pMtraceMsg->byRespTtl ); }
// Change message type to response
pMtraceMsg->byType = IGMP_MTRACE_RESPONSE;
ForwardMtraceRequest(dwForwardDest, dwForwardSrc, pMtraceMsg, dwMessageLength); }
BYTE MaskToMaskLen( IPV4_ADDRESS dwMask ) { register int i;
dwMask = ntohl(dwMask); for (i=0; i<32 && !(dwMask & (1<<i)); i++); return 32-i; }
// Test whether an interface is a p2p interface.
DWORD IsPointToPoint( PICB picb ) { #ifdef KSL_IPINIP
// all tunnels are p2p
if (picb->ritType == ROUTER_IF_TYPE_TUNNEL1) return 1; #endif //KSL_IPINIP
// all unnumbered interfaces are p2p
if (! picb->dwNumAddresses) return 1;
// a numbered interface with a /32 mask is p2p
if (picb->pibBindings[0].dwMask == 0xFFFFFFFF) return 1;
// everything else isn't
return 0; }
// Look up route to S or G ***in the M-RIB***
// XXX We actually need to query the MGM to get the right route
// from the routing protocol. Since the MGM doesn't let us do
// this yet, we'll make a good guess for now. This will work for
// BGMP but not for PIM-SM (*,G) or CBT.
BOOL McLookupRoute( IN IPV4_ADDRESS ipAddress, IN BOOL bSkipFirst, OUT PBYTE pbySrcMaskLength, OUT PIPV4_ADDRESS pipNextHopAddress, OUT PDWORD pdwNextHopIfIndex, OUT PDWORD pdwNextHopProtocol ) #ifdef HAVE_RTMV2
pri = HeapAlloc( IPRouterHeap, 0, RTM_SIZE_OF_ROUTE_INFO(g_rtmProfile.MaxNextHopsInRoute) );
if (pri == NULL) { return FALSE; } RTM_IPV4_MAKE_NET_ADDRESS(&naAddress, ipAddress, 32);
dwErr = RtmGetMostSpecificDestination( g_hLocalRoute, &naAddress, RTM_BEST_PROTOCOL, RTM_VIEW_MASK_MCAST, &rdi );
if (bSkipFirst) { dwErr = RtmGetLessSpecificDestination( g_hLocalRoute, rdi.DestHandle, RTM_BEST_PROTOCOL, RTM_VIEW_MASK_MCAST, &rdi2 );
RtmReleaseDestInfo( g_hLocalRoute, &rdi);
memcpy(&rdi, &rdi2, sizeof(rdi)); }
if (dwErr is NO_ERROR) { ASSERT( rdi.ViewInfo[0].ViewId is RTM_VIEW_ID_MCAST);
dwErr = RtmGetRouteInfo( g_hLocalRoute, rdi.ViewInfo[0].Route, pri, NULL );
if (dwErr is NO_ERROR) { ULONG ulNHopIdx; ULONG ulDummyLen;
bRouteFound = TRUE;
RtmGetEntityInfo( g_hLocalRoute, pri->RouteOwner, &rei );
// XXX Use 1st next hop for now. Should query MGM.
ulNHopIdx = 0; if (RtmGetNextHopInfo( g_hLocalRoute, pri->NextHopsList.NextHops[ulNHopIdx], &nhi ) is NO_ERROR ) { RTM_IPV4_GET_ADDR_AND_LEN( *pipNextHopAddress, ulDummyLen, &nhi.NextHopAddress ); *pbySrcMaskLength = (BYTE)rdi.DestAddress.NumBits; *pdwNextHopIfIndex = nhi.InterfaceIndex; *pdwNextHopProtocol= PROTO_FROM_PROTO_ID( rei.EntityId.EntityProtocolId );
RtmReleaseNextHopInfo( g_hLocalRoute, &nhi ); }
RtmReleaseRouteInfo( g_hLocalRoute, pri ); } if (g_mcastDebugLevel > 0) { Trace6(MCAST, "%d.%d.%d.%d matched %d.%d.%d.%d/%x", PRINT_IPADDR(ipAddress), rdi.DestAddress.AddrBits[0], rdi.DestAddress.AddrBits[1], rdi.DestAddress.AddrBits[2], rdi.DestAddress.AddrBits[3], rdi.DestAddress.NumBits);
// XXX Get and show next hop
RtmReleaseDestInfo( g_hLocalRoute, &rdi); }
HeapFree(IPRouterHeap, 0, pri); return bRouteFound; } #else
{ // RTMV1 has no multicast RIB, and the unicast RIB may be wrong.
return FALSE; } #endif
VOID HandleMtraceRequest( WSABUF *pWsabuf ) /*++
Locks: Assumes caller holds read lock on ICB list --*/ { DWORD dwSizeOfHeader, dwBlocks, dwOutBufferSize, dwSize; DWORD dwProtocolGroup, dwResult, dwErr; IPV4_ADDRESS dwForwardDest = 0; BYTE byStatusCode = MFE_NO_ERROR; BYTE byProtoStatusCode = MFE_NO_ERROR; BYTE byProtocol; PICB picbIif, picbOif; IPV4_ADDRESS dwIifAddr, dwOifAddr; WSABUF wsMtraceBuffer; BOOL bRouteFound;
MIB_IPMCAST_MFE mimInMfe; PPROTO_CB pOifOwner, pIifOwner;
PIP_HEADER pIpHeader = (PIP_HEADER)pWsabuf->buf;
// Route fields independent of which version of RTM we're using
BYTE bySrcMaskLength = 0; IPV4_ADDRESS ipNextHopAddress = 0; DWORD dwNextHopIfIndex = 0; DWORD dwNextHopProtocol= 0;
dwSizeOfHeader = ((pIpHeader->byVerLen)&0x0f)<<2; pMtraceMsg = (PMTRACE_HEADER)(((PBYTE)pIpHeader) + dwSizeOfHeader); dwBlocks = (ntohs(pIpHeader->wLength) - dwSizeOfHeader - sizeof(MTRACE_HEADER)) / sizeof(MTRACE_RESPONSE_BLOCK);
// If Query (no response blocks) received via routeralert and we're
// not lasthop router, then silently drop it.
if (!dwBlocks) { BOOL isLastHop;
// Check whether we're the last-hop router by seeing if we
// have a multicast-capable interface on the same subnet as
// the destination address, and we are the router that would
// forward traffic from the given source onto the oif.
dwResult = FindBindingWithRemoteAddress(&picbOif, &dwOifAddr, pMtraceMsg->dwDestAddress); isLastHop = (dwResult == NO_ERROR);
if (!isLastHop) { // If multicast, or if unicast but not to us, reinject
if (IN_MULTICAST(ntohl(pIpHeader->dwDest)) || !McIsMyAddress(pMtraceMsg->dwDestAddress)) { Trace1(MCAST, "Mtrace: reinjecting packet to %d.%d.%d.%d", PRINT_IPADDR(pIpHeader->dwDest));
McSendPacketTo( McMiscSocket, pWsabuf, pMtraceMsg->dwDestAddress);
return; }
// Ok, this was received via unicast to us, and we want to
// trace starting from this router, but we don't
// know what oif would be used, so we need to put
// 0 in the message.
picbOif = NULL; dwOifAddr = 0;
// note error code of 0x06
byStatusCode = MFE_NOT_LAST_HOP; } } else { //
// If Request (response blocks exist) received via non-link-local
// multicast, drop it.
if (IN_MULTICAST(ntohl(pIpHeader->dwDest)) && ((pIpHeader->dwDest & LOCAL_NET_MULTICAST_MASK) != LOCAL_NET_MULTICAST)) { return; } //
// Match interface on which request arrived
dwResult = FindBindingForPacket(pIpHeader, &picbOif, &dwOifAddr); if(dwResult != NO_ERROR) { //
// Drop it if we couldn't find the interface.
// Since it was received via link-local multicast,
// this should never happen.
if (g_mcastDebugLevel > 0) { Trace0(MCAST, "Mtrace: no matching interface"); } return; } }
// 1) Insert a new response block into the packet and fill in the
// Query Arrival Time, Outgoing Interface Address, Output
// Packet Count, and FwdTTL.
// if (XXX can insert)
{ dwSize = sizeof(MTRACE_HEADER) + dwBlocks*sizeof(MTRACE_RESPONSE_BLOCK); wsMtraceBuffer.len = dwSize + sizeof(MTRACE_RESPONSE_BLOCK); wsMtraceBuffer.buf = HeapAlloc(IPRouterHeap, 0, wsMtraceBuffer.len);
if (wsMtraceBuffer.buf == NULL) { Trace0( MCAST, "Couldn't allocate memory for mtrace response" ); return; }
CopyMemory(wsMtraceBuffer.buf, pMtraceMsg, dwSize); pBlock = (PMTRACE_RESPONSE_BLOCK)(((PBYTE)wsMtraceBuffer.buf) + dwSize); dwBlocks++; ZeroMemory(pBlock, sizeof(MTRACE_RESPONSE_BLOCK));
pBlock->dwQueryArrivalTime = GetCurrentNTP32Time(); pBlock->dwOifAddr = dwOifAddr; if (picbOif) { IP_MCAST_COUNTER_INFO oifStats; GetInterfaceMcastCounters(picbOif, &oifStats); pBlock->dwOifPacketCount = htonl((ULONG)oifStats.OutMcastPkts);
if (g_mcastDebugLevel > 0) Trace1(MCAST, "dwOifPacketCount = %d", oifStats.OutMcastPkts);
pBlock->byOifThreshold = (BYTE)picbOif->dwMcastTtl; } else { pBlock->dwOifPacketCount = 0; pBlock->byOifThreshold = 0; } } // else {
// byStatusCode = MFE_NO_SPACE;
// }
// 2) Attempt to determine the forwarding information for the
// source and group specified, using the same mechanisms as
// would be used when a packet is received from the source
// destined for the group. (State need not be initiated.)
ZeroMemory( &mimInMfe, sizeof(mimInMfe) ); mimInMfe.dwGroup = pMtraceMsg->dwGroupAddress; mimInMfe.dwSource = pMtraceMsg->dwSourceAddress; mimInMfe.dwSrcMask = 0xFFFFFFFF; dwOutBufferSize = 0; dwResult = MgmGetMfeStats( &mimInMfe, &dwOutBufferSize, (PBYTE)NULL, MGM_MFE_STATS_0 );
if (dwResult isnot NO_ERROR) { mfeStats = NULL; } else { mfeStats = HeapAlloc(IPRouterHeap, 0, dwOutBufferSize); dwResult = MgmGetMfeStats( &mimInMfe, &dwOutBufferSize, (PBYTE)mfeStats, MGM_MFE_STATS_0 ); if (dwResult isnot NO_ERROR) { HeapFree(IPRouterHeap, 0, mfeStats);
mfeStats = NULL; } } if (mfeStats) { //
// MFE was found...
dwNextHopProtocol = mfeStats->dwRouteProtocol; dwNextHopIfIndex = mfeStats->dwInIfIndex; ipNextHopAddress = mfeStats->dwUpStrmNgbr; bySrcMaskLength = MaskToMaskLen(mfeStats->dwRouteMask);
bRouteFound = TRUE; } else { bRouteFound = FALSE;
if (pMtraceMsg->dwSourceAddress == 0xFFFFFFFF) { //
// G route
bRouteFound = McLookupRoute( pMtraceMsg->dwGroupAddress, FALSE, & bySrcMaskLength, & ipNextHopAddress, & dwNextHopIfIndex, & dwNextHopProtocol ); if (ipNextHopAddress is IP_LOOPBACK_ADDRESS) { // It's one of our addresses, so switch to the interface
// route instead of the loopback one.
bRouteFound = McLookupRoute( pMtraceMsg->dwGroupAddress, TRUE, & bySrcMaskLength, & ipNextHopAddress, & dwNextHopIfIndex, & dwNextHopProtocol ); }
bySrcMaskLength = 0; // force source mask length to 0
} else { //
// S route
bRouteFound = McLookupRoute( pMtraceMsg->dwSourceAddress, FALSE, & bySrcMaskLength, & ipNextHopAddress, & dwNextHopIfIndex, & dwNextHopProtocol );
if (ipNextHopAddress is IP_LOOPBACK_ADDRESS) { // It's one of our addresses, so switch to the interface
// route instead of the loopback one.
bRouteFound = McLookupRoute( pMtraceMsg->dwSourceAddress, TRUE, & bySrcMaskLength, & ipNextHopAddress, & dwNextHopIfIndex, & dwNextHopProtocol ); } } }
picbIif = (dwNextHopIfIndex)? InterfaceLookupByIfIndex(dwNextHopIfIndex) : 0; dwIifAddr = (picbIif)? defaultSourceAddress(picbIif) : 0;
// If the source is directly-connected, make sure the next hop
// address is equal to the source. Later on below, we'll set the
// forward destination to the response address
if (picbIif && (pMtraceMsg->dwSourceAddress isnot 0xFFFFFFFF) && IsConnectedTo(picbIif, pMtraceMsg->dwSourceAddress, NULL, NULL)) { ipNextHopAddress = pMtraceMsg->dwSourceAddress; }
// New Rule: if received via link-local multicast, then silently
// drop requests if we know we're not the forwarder
{ // If we don't have a route to another iface, we're not forwarder
if (!picbIif || picbIif==picbOif) { return; } }
// Special case: if we matched a host route pointing back to us,
// then we've actually reached the source.
if (dwIifAddr == IP_LOOPBACK_ADDRESS) { dwIifAddr = pMtraceMsg->dwSourceAddress; }
// Initialize all fields
// spec doesn't say what value to use as "other"
byProtocol = 0; dwProtocolGroup = ALL_ROUTERS_MULTICAST_GROUP;
// 3) If no forwarding information can be determined, set error
// to MFE_NO_ROUTE, zero remaining fields, and forward to
// requester.
if (!picbIif) { if (byStatusCode < MFE_NO_ROUTE) { byStatusCode = MFE_NO_ROUTE; } dwForwardDest = pMtraceMsg->dwResponseAddress; pIifOwner = NULL; } else { //
// Calculate Mtrace protocol ID and next hop group address
// (Yes, the protocol ID field in the spec really is one big
// hairy mess)
dwResult = MulticastOwner(picbIif, &pIifOwner, NULL); if(pIifOwner) { switch(PROTO_FROM_PROTO_ID(pIifOwner->dwProtocolId)) { //
// Fill this in for every new protocol added.
// We'll be nice and fill in code for protocols which aren't
// implemented yet.
case PROTO_IP_DVMRP: { if (rir.RR_RoutingProtocol is PROTO_IP_LOCAL) { //
// Static route
byProtocol = 7; } else { //
// Non-static route
byProtocol = 1; } dwProtocolGroup = ALL_DVMRP_ROUTERS_MULTICAST_GROUP; break; } #endif
case PROTO_IP_MOSPF: { byProtocol = 2; dwProtocolGroup = ALL_MOSPF_ROUTERS_MULTICAST_GROUP; break; } #endif
case PROTO_IP_PIM: { if (rir.RR_RoutingProtocol is PROTO_IP_LOCAL) { //
// Static route
byProtocol = 6; } else { if (0) { //
// XXX Non-static, M-RIB route!=U-RIB route
byProtocol = 5; } else { //
// Non-static, PIM over M-RIB==U-RIB
byProtocol = 3; } } dwProtocolGroup = ALL_PIM_ROUTERS_MULTICAST_GROUP; break; } #endif
case PROTO_IP_CBT: { byProtocol = 4; dwProtocolGroup = ALL_CBT_ROUTERS_MULTICAST_GROUP; break; } #endif
} }
// 4) Fill in more information
// Incoming Interface Address
pBlock->dwIifAddr = dwIifAddr; if (mfeStats) { //
// Figure out Previous-Hop Router Address
dwForwardDest = mfeStats->dwUpStrmNgbr; } else { if ( IsPointToPoint(picbIif) && picbIif->dwRemoteAddress ) { dwForwardDest = picbIif->dwRemoteAddress; } else if (bRouteFound && ipNextHopAddress) { dwForwardDest = ipNextHopAddress; } else { dwForwardDest = 0; } } pBlock->dwPrevHopAddr = dwForwardDest;
// Okay, if the previous hop address is the source,
// set the forward destination to the response address
if (dwForwardDest is pMtraceMsg->dwSourceAddress) { ipNextHopAddress = 0; dwForwardDest = pMtraceMsg->dwResponseAddress; } if (picbIif) { IP_MCAST_COUNTER_INFO iifStats; GetInterfaceMcastCounters(picbIif, &iifStats); pBlock->dwIifPacketCount = htonl((ULONG)iifStats.InMcastPkts); } else { pBlock->dwIifPacketCount = 0; }
// Total Number of Packets
pBlock->dwSGPacketCount = (mfeStats)? htonl(mfeStats->ulInPkts) : 0; pBlock->byIifProtocol = byProtocol; // Routing Protocol
// length of source mask for S route
if (bRouteFound) { pBlock->bySrcMaskLength = bySrcMaskLength; } else { pBlock->bySrcMaskLength = 0; }
#if 0
if (XXX starG or better forwarding state) { pBlock->bySrcMaskLength = 63; // Smask from forwarding info
// Set S bit (64) if packet counts aren't (S,G)-specific
if (XXX) { pBlock->bySrcMaskLength |= 64; } #endif
// 5) Check if traceroute is administratively prohibited, or if
// previous hop router doesn't understand traceroute. If so,
// forward to requester.
#if 0
if (XXX) { if (byStatusCode < MFE_PROHIBITED) { byStatusCode = MFE_PROHIBITED; } dwForwardDest = pMtraceMsg->dwResponseAddress; } #endif
// Check for MFE_OLD_ROUTER - set by routing protocol
// 6) If reception iface is non-multicast or iif, set appropriate error.
if (picbOif) { dwResult = MulticastOwner(picbOif, &pOifOwner, NULL); if (pOifOwner == NULL) { if (byStatusCode < MFE_NO_MULTICAST) { byStatusCode = MFE_NO_MULTICAST; } } else { if (picbOif == picbIif) { if (byStatusCode < MFE_IIF) { byStatusCode = MFE_IIF; } } } } else { pOifOwner = NULL; }
// Check for MFE_WRONG_IF - set by routing protocol
// 7) Check for admin scoping on either iif or oif.
if ((picbIif && RmHasBoundary(picbIif->dwIfIndex, pMtraceMsg->dwGroupAddress)) || (picbOif && RmHasBoundary(picbOif->dwIfIndex, pMtraceMsg->dwGroupAddress))) { if (byStatusCode < MFE_BOUNDARY_REACHED) { byStatusCode = MFE_BOUNDARY_REACHED; } }
// 8) Check for MFE_REACHED_CORE - set by routing protocol
// 9) Check for MFE_PRUNED_UPSTREAM - set by routing protocol
// Check for MFE_OIF_PRUNED - set by routing protocol
// Search for picbOif->(index) and picbOifAddr in oiflist
if (mfeStats && picbOif) { DWORD oifIndex; for (oifIndex=0; oifIndex < mfeStats->ulNumOutIf; oifIndex++) { if (picbOif->dwIfIndex==mfeStats->rgmiosOutStats[oifIndex].dwOutIfIndex && dwOifAddr == mfeStats->rgmiosOutStats[oifIndex].dwNextHopAddr) { break; } } if (oifIndex >= mfeStats->ulNumOutIf) { if (byStatusCode < MFE_NOT_FORWARDING) { byStatusCode = MFE_NOT_FORWARDING; } } } //
// status code to add is highest value of what iif owner, oif owner,
// and rtrmgr say.
if (pOifOwner && pOifOwner->pfnGetMfeStatus) { dwResult = (pOifOwner->pfnGetMfeStatus)(picbOif->dwIfIndex, pMtraceMsg->dwGroupAddress, pMtraceMsg->dwSourceAddress, &byProtoStatusCode); if (byStatusCode < byProtoStatusCode) { byStatusCode = byProtoStatusCode; } } if (pIifOwner && pIifOwner->pfnGetMfeStatus) { dwResult = (pIifOwner->pfnGetMfeStatus)(picbIif->dwIfIndex, pMtraceMsg->dwGroupAddress, pMtraceMsg->dwSourceAddress, &byProtoStatusCode); if (byStatusCode < byProtoStatusCode) { byStatusCode = byProtoStatusCode; } } pBlock->byStatusCode = (char)mtraceErrCode[byStatusCode];
Trace5( MCAST, "Mtrace: err %d blks %d maxhops %d iif %d prevhop %d.%d.%d.%d", pBlock->byStatusCode, dwBlocks, pMtraceMsg->byHops, ((picbIif)? picbIif->dwIfIndex : 0), PRINT_IPADDR(pBlock->dwPrevHopAddr));
// 10) Send packet on to previous hop or to requester.
// If prev hop is not known, but iif is known, use a multicast group.
if (dwBlocks == pMtraceMsg->byHops) { dwForwardDest = pMtraceMsg->dwResponseAddress; } else { if (!dwForwardDest) { if (picbIif) { pBlock->dwPrevHopAddr = dwForwardDest = dwProtocolGroup; } else { dwForwardDest = pMtraceMsg->dwResponseAddress; } } }
if (g_mcastDebugLevel > 0) { Trace1(MCAST, " QueryArrivalTime = %08x", pBlock->dwQueryArrivalTime); Trace2(MCAST, " IifAddr = %08x (%d.%d.%d.%d)", pBlock->dwIifAddr, PRINT_IPADDR(pBlock->dwIifAddr)); Trace2(MCAST, " OifAddr = %08x (%d.%d.%d.%d)", pBlock->dwOifAddr, PRINT_IPADDR(pBlock->dwOifAddr)); Trace2(MCAST, " PrevHopAddr = %08x (%d.%d.%d.%d)", pBlock->dwPrevHopAddr, PRINT_IPADDR(pBlock->dwPrevHopAddr)); Trace1(MCAST, " IifPacketCount = %08x", pBlock->dwIifPacketCount ); Trace1(MCAST, " OifPacketCount = %08x", pBlock->dwOifPacketCount ); Trace1(MCAST, " SGPacketCount = %08x", pBlock->dwSGPacketCount ); Trace1(MCAST, " IifProtocol = %02x", pBlock->byIifProtocol ); Trace1(MCAST, " OifThreshold = %02x", pBlock->byOifThreshold ); Trace1(MCAST, " SrcMaskLength = %02x", pBlock->bySrcMaskLength ); Trace1(MCAST, " StatusCode = %02x", pBlock->byStatusCode ); } if (dwForwardDest is pMtraceMsg->dwResponseAddress) { Trace2(MCAST, "Sending mtrace response to %d.%d.%d.%d from %d.%d.%d.%d", PRINT_IPADDR(dwForwardDest), PRINT_IPADDR(dwOifAddr));
SendMtraceResponse(dwForwardDest, dwOifAddr, (PMTRACE_HEADER)wsMtraceBuffer.buf, dwSize + sizeof(MTRACE_RESPONSE_BLOCK)); } else { Trace2(MCAST, "Forwarding mtrace request to %d.%d.%d.%d from %d.%d.%d.%d", PRINT_IPADDR(dwForwardDest), PRINT_IPADDR(dwIifAddr));
ForwardMtraceRequest(dwForwardDest, dwIifAddr, (PMTRACE_HEADER)wsMtraceBuffer.buf, dwSize + sizeof(MTRACE_RESPONSE_BLOCK)); }
// Free the buffers
if (mfeStats) { HeapFree(IPRouterHeap, 0, mfeStats); } HeapFree(IPRouterHeap, 0, wsMtraceBuffer.buf); }
// Functions to deal with RAS Server advertisements
static BOOL g_bRasAdvEnabled = FALSE;
DWORD SetRasAdvEnable( BOOL bEnabled ) { LARGE_INTEGER liExpiryTime; DWORD dwErr = NO_ERROR;
if (bEnabled == g_bRasAdvEnabled) return dwErr;
g_bRasAdvEnabled = bEnabled;
if (bEnabled) { //
// create input socket
g_UDPMiscSocket = WSASocket(AF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, 0, NULL, 0, 0);
// Start timer
liExpiryTime = RtlConvertUlongToLargeInteger(RASADV_STARTUP_DELAY); if (!SetWaitableTimer( g_hRasAdvTimer, &liExpiryTime, RASADV_PERIOD, NULL, NULL, FALSE)) { dwErr = GetLastError();
Trace1(ERR, "SetRasAdvEnable: Error %d setting waitable timer", dwErr); } } else { // Stop timer
dwErr = CancelWaitableTimer( g_hRasAdvTimer ); }
return dwErr; }
VOID HandleRasAdvTimer() { BYTE bHostName[MAX_HOSTNAME_LEN]; BYTE bMessage[MAX_HOSTNAME_LEN + (DNS_MAX_NAME_LENGTH + 2) + 128]; //
// bMessage is required to hold hostname, the DomanNameDns, and the extra
// 128 bytes are kept to store the other misc text that is copied to the
// message
if (!g_bRasAdvEnabled) return;
// Compose message
gethostname(bHostName, sizeof(bHostName)); sprintf(bMessage, "Hostname=%s\n", bHostName); p = bMessage + strlen(bMessage);
// Get the name of the domain this machine is a member of
dwErr = DsRoleGetPrimaryDomainInformation( NULL, DsRolePrimaryDomainInfoBasic, (LPBYTE *) &pGlobalDomainInfo );
if ((dwErr is NO_ERROR) and (pGlobalDomainInfo->DomainNameDns isnot NULL)) { int rc; char *pType; char buff[DNS_MAX_NAME_LENGTH+2];
rc = WideCharToMultiByte( CP_ACP, 0, pGlobalDomainInfo->DomainNameDns, wcslen(pGlobalDomainInfo->DomainNameDns)+1, buff, sizeof(buff), NULL, NULL );
if (pGlobalDomainInfo->MachineRole is DsRole_RoleStandaloneWorkstation or pGlobalDomainInfo->MachineRole is DsRole_RoleStandaloneServer) pType = "Workgroup"; else pType = "Domain"; if ( rc ) { sprintf(p, "%s=%s\n", pType, buff); } // Trace1(MCAST, "Sending !%s!", bMessage);
} sinAddr.sin_family = AF_INET; sinAddr.sin_port = htons(RASADV_PORT); sinAddr.sin_addr.s_addr = inet_addr(RASADV_GROUP);
dwErr = McSetMulticastTtl( g_UDPMiscSocket, RASADV_TTL );
// Find a dedicated interface (if any)
ENTER_READER(ICB_LIST); { for (pleNode = ICBList.Flink; pleNode isnot &ICBList; pleNode = pleNode->Flink) { DWORD dwIndex; picb = CONTAINING_RECORD(pleNode, ICB, leIfLink);
if (! picb->bBound) continue; if (picb->ritType == ROUTER_IF_TYPE_DEDICATED) { dwErr = McSetMulticastIfByIndex( g_UDPMiscSocket, SOCK_DGRAM, picb->dwIfIndex );
// Send a Ras Adv message
sendto(g_UDPMiscSocket, bMessage, strlen(bMessage)+1, 0, (struct sockaddr *)&sinAddr, sizeof(sinAddr));
// If multicast forwarding is enabled, then
// a single send will get forwarded out all
// interfaces, so we can stop after the first send
if (McMiscSocket != INVALID_SOCKET) break; } } } EXIT_LOCK(ICB_LIST); }