Copyright (c) 1995 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
This module contains the adapter management functions
Stefan Solomon 03/07/1995
Revision History:
#include "precomp.h"
#pragma hdrstop
// Adapter Manager Globals
HANDLE AdapterConfigPortHandle; HANDLE AdapterNotificationThreadHandle;
// Counter of created adapters
ULONG AdaptersCount = 0;
PICB GetInterfaceByAdptNameAndPktType(LPWSTR AdapterName, DWORD dwType);
DWORD PnpAdapterConfigHandler(ADAPTER_INFO * pAdapterInfo, ULONG AdapterIndex, ULONG AdapterConfigurationStatus);
DWORD ReConfigureAdapter(IN DWORD dwAdapterIndex, IN PWSTR pszAdapterName, IN PADAPTER_INFO pAdapter); VOID CreateAdapter(ULONG AdapterIndex, PWSTR AdapterNamep, PADAPTER_INFO adptip);
VOID DeleteAdapter(ULONG AdapterIndex);
VOID AdapterUp(ULONG AdapterIndex);
VOID AdapterDown(ULONG AdapterIndex);
Function: StartAdapterManager
Descr: opens the IPX stack notification port
DWORD StartAdapterManager(VOID) { ADAPTERS_GLOBAL_PARAMETERS AdptGlobalParameters; DWORD threadid;
Trace(ADAPTER_TRACE, "StartAdapterManager: Entered\n");
// create adapter config port
if((AdapterConfigPortHandle = IpxCreateAdapterConfigurationPort( g_hEvents[ADAPTER_NOTIFICATION_EVENT], &AdptGlobalParameters)) == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) {
// can't create config port
return (1); }
return (0); }
Function: StopAdapterManager
Descr: Closes the IPX notification port
VOID StopAdapterManager(VOID) { DWORD rc; ULONG AdapterIndex;
Trace(ADAPTER_TRACE, "StopAdapterManager: Entered\n");
// Close the IPX stack notification port
IpxDeleteAdapterConfigurationPort(AdapterConfigPortHandle); } // Debugging functions
char * DbgTypeToString(DWORD dwType) { switch (dwType) { case MISN_FRAME_TYPE_ETHERNET_II: return "EthII"; case MISN_FRAME_TYPE_802_3: return "802.3"; case MISN_FRAME_TYPE_802_2: return "802.2"; case MISN_FRAME_TYPE_SNAP: return "SNAP"; case MISN_FRAME_TYPE_ARCNET: return "Arcnet"; case ISN_FRAME_TYPE_AUTO: return "Autodetect"; }
return "Unknown"; }
// Helper debug function traces out information about a given interface
VOID DbgTraceAdapterInfo(IN PADAPTER_INFO pAdapter, DWORD dwIndex, LPSTR pszTitle) { Trace(ADAPTER_TRACE, "%s: Ind=%d IfInd=%d Net=%x Lcl=%x Rmt=%x Spd=%d Type=%d", pszTitle, dwIndex, pAdapter->InterfaceIndex, *((LONG*)(pAdapter->Network)), *((LONG*)(pAdapter->LocalNode)), *((LONG*)(pAdapter->RemoteNode)), pAdapter->LinkSpeed, pAdapter->NdisMedium); }
// Outputs the current status of an adapter to the trace window
VOID DbgTraceAdapter(PACB acbp) { Trace(ADAPTER_TRACE, "[%d] Interface: %d, Network: %x, Type: %s", acbp->AdapterIndex, (acbp->icbp) ? acbp->icbp->InterfaceIndex : -1, *((LONG*)(acbp->AdapterInfo.Network)), DbgTypeToString(acbp->AdapterInfo.PacketType)); }
// Outputs the current list of adapters to the trace window
VOID DbgTraceAdapterList() { PLIST_ENTRY lep; DWORD i; PACB acbp;
Trace(ADAPTER_TRACE, "List of current adapters:"); Trace(ADAPTER_TRACE, "========================="); // Loop through the adapter hash table, printing as we go
for (i = 0; i < ADAPTER_HASH_TABLE_SIZE; i++) { lep = IndexAdptHt[i].Flink; while(lep != &IndexAdptHt[i]) { acbp = CONTAINING_RECORD(lep, ACB, IndexHtLinkage); DbgTraceAdapter(acbp); lep = acbp->IndexHtLinkage.Flink; } } Trace(ADAPTER_TRACE, "\n");
Function: AdapterNotification
Descr: Processes adapter notification events
VOID AdapterNotification(VOID) { ADAPTER_INFO AdapterInfo; ULONG AdapterIndex; ULONG AdapterConfigurationStatus; DWORD rc;
Trace(ADAPTER_TRACE, "AdapterNotification: Entered");
// Adaptif manages the adapter information. Get the next piece of
// information that adptif has queued for us.
while((rc = IpxGetQueuedAdapterConfigurationStatus( AdapterConfigPortHandle, &AdapterIndex, &AdapterConfigurationStatus, &AdapterInfo)) == NO_ERROR) { switch(AdapterConfigurationStatus) { // An adapter is being created. This is happening either
// because we are receiving the list of current adapters
// at initialization time or as a result of a PnP event.
// Either way, the smarts to deal with the situation are built
// into our PnP handler.
// This message is also sent when an existing adapter is
// being configured.
case ADAPTER_CREATED: PnpAdapterConfigHandler(&AdapterInfo, AdapterIndex, AdapterConfigurationStatus); break; // Handle an adapter being deleted -- this can happen as a result of
// pcmcia removing the adapter or as a result of a binding change
// or a wan link removal.
case ADAPTER_DELETED: DeleteAdapter(AdapterIndex); break; // A wan line came up.
case ADAPTER_UP: AdapterUp(AdapterIndex); break; // A wan line went down
case ADAPTER_DOWN: AdapterDown(AdapterIndex); break;
// Some internal error has occured.
default: SS_ASSERT(FALSE); break; } } DbgTraceAdapterList(); }
// Handles adapter creation and configuration notifications.
DWORD PnpAdapterConfigHandler(ADAPTER_INFO * pAdapterInfo, ULONG AdapterIndex, ULONG AdapterConfigurationStatus) { ULONG AdapterNameSize; LPWSTR AdapterNameBuffer; DWORD dwErr;
Trace(ADAPTER_TRACE, "PnpAdapterConfigHandler: Entered for adpt #%d", AdapterIndex);
// If this is the internal adapter, we don't need an adapter name
if (AdapterIndex == 0) AdapterNameBuffer = L"";
// Otherwise, get the adapter name from the stack
else { AdapterNameSize = wcslen(pAdapterInfo->pszAdpName) * sizeof (WCHAR) + sizeof(WCHAR);
//Allocate the memory to hold the name of the adapter
if((AdapterNameBuffer = GlobalAlloc(GPTR, AdapterNameSize)) == NULL) return ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY;
wcscpy(AdapterNameBuffer, pAdapterInfo->pszAdpName); }
// Either create or configure the adapter depending on whether
// it has already exists in the adapter database.
ACQUIRE_DATABASE_LOCK; if(GetAdapterByIndex(AdapterIndex)) ReConfigureAdapter(AdapterIndex, AdapterNameBuffer, pAdapterInfo); else CreateAdapter(AdapterIndex, AdapterNameBuffer, pAdapterInfo); RELEASE_DATABASE_LOCK;
// Cleanup
if (AdapterIndex != 0) GlobalFree(AdapterNameBuffer);
return NO_ERROR; }
// Attempt to bind an unbound adapter
DWORD AttemptAdapterBinding (PACB acbp) { PICB icbp;
// Make sure we aren't already bound
if (acbp->icbp) return NO_ERROR; if(acbp->AdapterInfo.NdisMedium != NdisMediumWan) { // this is a DEDICATED (e.g LAN) adapter. If an interface already exists for it,
// bind it to its interface and notify the other modules
if(acbp->AdapterIndex != 0) { icbp = GetInterfaceByAdptNameAndPktType(acbp->AdapterNamep, acbp->AdapterInfo.PacketType); if (icbp) BindInterfaceToAdapter(icbp, acbp); } else { // This is the internal adapter
InternalAdapterp = acbp;
// If the internal network number was set to zero (nullnet), then
// we have a configuration problem -- don't barf on this, just log
// the fact.
if(!memcmp(acbp->AdapterInfo.Network, nullnet, 4)) { IF_LOG (EVENTLOG_ERROR_TYPE) { RouterLogErrorDataA (RMEventLogHdl, ROUTERLOG_IPX_NO_VIRTUAL_NET_NUMBER, 0, NULL, 0, NULL); } Trace(ADAPTER_TRACE, "CreateAdapter: Internal net number is not configured !"); // [pmay] now when we get a bad internal net number, we re-configure.
PnpAutoSelectInternalNetNumber(ADAPTER_TRACE); }
// if the internal interface already exists, bind to it
if(icbp = InternalInterfacep) { BindInterfaceToAdapter(icbp, acbp); } } } else { // this is a connected WAN adapter
SS_ASSERT(acbp->icbp == NULL);
// bind to corresponding interface
if(icbp = GetInterfaceByIndex(acbp->AdapterInfo.InterfaceIndex)) { // bind all interfaces to this adapter
BindInterfaceToAdapter(icbp, acbp); } }
return NO_ERROR; }
// Resets the configuration of the given adapter. This function assumes that
// the database is locked and that the given adapter index references an
// adapter in the database. Furthermore this function assumes that it does
// not need to release its lock on the database.
DWORD ReConfigureAdapter(IN DWORD dwAdapterIndex, IN PWSTR pszAdapterName, IN PADAPTER_INFO pAdapter) { PACB acbp; PICB icbp;
Trace( ADAPTER_TRACE, "ReConfigureAdapter: Entered for %d: %S: %x, %d", dwAdapterIndex, pszAdapterName, *((DWORD*)(pAdapter->Network)), pAdapter->InterfaceIndex );
// If the adapter being configured is the internal adapter and if it is to be
// re-configured to a zero net number, that is to be a signal to automatically
// assign a new network number.
if ((dwAdapterIndex == 0) && (*((DWORD*)pAdapter->Network) == 0)) { DWORD dwErr; Trace(ADAPTER_TRACE, "ReConfigureAdapter: Internal Net = 0, selecting new number"); if ((dwErr = PnpAutoSelectInternalNetNumber(ADAPTER_TRACE)) != NO_ERROR) Trace(ADAPTER_TRACE, "ReConfigureAdapter: Auto-select of new net number FAILED!"); return dwErr; }
// Get a reference to the adapter and the interface
if (dwAdapterIndex == 0) acbp = InternalAdapterp; else acbp = GetAdapterByIndex(dwAdapterIndex); if (!acbp) { Trace(ADAPTER_TRACE, "ReConfigureAdapter: Invalid adapter %d!", dwAdapterIndex); return ERROR_CAN_NOT_COMPLETE; } icbp = acbp->icbp;
// If this adapter isn't bound yet, update it and then
// try to bind it.
if (!icbp) { acbp->AdapterInfo = *pAdapter; AttemptAdapterBinding (acbp); }
// Otherwise, unbind and then re-bind the adapter
else { // Unbind the interface from the adapter
// Update the information
acbp->AdapterInfo = *pAdapter;
// Rebind the interface to the adapter
AttemptAdapterBinding(acbp); }
return NO_ERROR; }
Function: CreateAdapter
Descr: creates the adapter control block
Modification: [pmay] Assume the database lock is aquired before this function enters and that the given adapter index has not already been added to the adapter database. --*/ VOID CreateAdapter(ULONG AdapterIndex, PWSTR AdapterNamep, PADAPTER_INFO adptip) { PACB acbp; PICB icbp; ULONG namelen; PUCHAR ln = adptip->LocalNode;
Trace( ADAPTER_TRACE, "CreateAdapter: Entered for %d (%x%x%x%x%x%x)(%S), %d", AdapterIndex, ln[0], ln[1], ln[2], ln[3], ln[4], ln[5], AdapterNamep, adptip->InterfaceIndex); // adapter name len including the unicode null
namelen = (wcslen(AdapterNamep) + 1) * sizeof(WCHAR);
// new adapter, try to get an ACB
if((acbp = GlobalAlloc(GPTR, sizeof(ACB) + namelen)) == NULL) { Trace(ADAPTER_TRACE, "CreateAdapter: RETURNING BECAUSE INSUFFICIENT MEMORY TO ALLOCATE ADAPTER"); // [pmay] PnP handler takes care of aquiring and releasing the database lock.
SS_ASSERT(FALSE); return; }
// make the ACB
acbp->AdapterIndex = AdapterIndex; AddToAdapterHt(acbp); memcpy(acbp->Signature, AdapterSignature, 4);
// We haven't bound to any interface at this point
acbp->icbp = NULL;
// Store the adapter information pertinent to this adapter
acbp->AdapterInfo = *adptip;
// Copy of the adapter name
acbp->AdapterNamep = (LPWSTR)((PUCHAR)acbp + sizeof(ACB)); wcscpy(acbp->AdapterNamep, AdapterNamep); acbp->AdapterNameLen = namelen - 1; // without the unicode null
// Attempt to bind the adapter
AttemptAdapterBinding (acbp);
if(acbp->AdapterInfo.NdisMedium != NdisMediumWan) { if(acbp->AdapterIndex == 0) { Trace(ADAPTER_TRACE, "CreateAdapter: Created INTERNAL adapter index 0"); } else { Trace(ADAPTER_TRACE, "CreateAdapter: Created LAN adapter # %d name %S", acbp->AdapterIndex, acbp->AdapterNamep); } } else { Trace(ADAPTER_TRACE, "CreateAdapter: created WAN adapter # %d", acbp->AdapterIndex); }
// [pmay] PnP handler takes care of aquiring and releasing the database lock.
Function: DeleteAdapter Descr:
VOID DeleteAdapter(ULONG AdapterIndex) { PACB acbp, acbp2; PICB icbp; WCHAR pszAdapterName[MAX_ADAPTER_NAME_LEN];
Trace(ADAPTER_TRACE, "DeleteAdapter: Entered for adapter # %d", AdapterIndex);
// Get the adapter
if((acbp = GetAdapterByIndex(AdapterIndex)) == NULL) { RELEASE_DATABASE_LOCK; Trace(ADAPTER_TRACE, "DeleteAdapter: Ignored. There is no adapter # %d to be deleted !\n", AdapterIndex); return; }
// 1. if the adapter is bound to an interface -> unbind it. Also, save the adapter name.
if((icbp = acbp->icbp) != NULL) { wcscpy(pszAdapterName, acbp->AdapterNamep); UnbindInterfaceFromAdapter(acbp->icbp); }
// Remove the adapter from the database
RemoveFromAdapterHt(acbp); AdaptersCount--;
// [pmay]
// Since pnp can cause adapters to be added and removed from the database
// in unpredictable orders, see if there is already another adapter in the
// database with which the bound interface can immediately re-bind.
if (icbp) { if((acbp2 = GetAdapterByNameAndPktType (pszAdapterName, icbp->PacketType)) != NULL) BindInterfaceToAdapter(icbp, acbp2); }
Trace(ADAPTER_TRACE, "DeleteAdapter: deleted adapter # %d", acbp->AdapterIndex); GlobalFree(acbp);
return; }
Function: AdapterDown
Descr: Called if the LAN adapter isn't functional. It calls back into the SNMP Agent with a trap - AdapterDown
VOID AdapterDown(ULONG AdapterIndex) { // Call AdapterDownTrap
Function: AdapterUp
Descr: Called if the LAN adapter isn't functional. It calls back into the SNMP Agent with a trap - AdapterUP
VOID AdapterUp(ULONG AdapterIndex) { // Call AdapterUpTrap
VOID DestroyAllAdapters(VOID) { PLIST_ENTRY IfHtBucketp, lep; PACB acbp; ULONG AdapterIndex; int i;
for(i=0, IfHtBucketp = IndexAdptHt; i<ADAPTER_HASH_TABLE_SIZE; i++, IfHtBucketp++) { if (!IsListEmpty(IfHtBucketp)) { acbp = CONTAINING_RECORD(IfHtBucketp->Flink, ACB, IndexHtLinkage); RemoveFromAdapterHt(acbp); AdaptersCount--; Trace(ADAPTER_TRACE, "DestroyAllAdapters: destroyed adapter # %d\n", acbp->AdapterIndex); GlobalFree(acbp); } } }