Copyright (c) 1998 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
Utility functions
Revision History:
Anand Mahalingam 7/10/98 Created
#include "precomp.h"
#pragma hdrstop
DWORD GetDisplayStringT ( IN HANDLE hModule, IN DWORD dwValue, IN PVALUE_TOKEN ptvTable, IN DWORD dwNumArgs, OUT PWCHAR *ppwszString ) { DWORD i, dwErr = NO_ERROR ;
for (i=0; i<dwNumArgs; i++) { if ( dwValue == ptvTable[i].dwValue ) { *ppwszString = HeapAlloc( GetProcessHeap(), 0, (wcslen(ptvTable[i].pwszToken)+1) * sizeof(WCHAR) ); wcscpy(*ppwszString, ptvTable[i].pwszToken); break; } }
if (i == dwNumArgs) *ppwszString = MakeString( hModule, STRING_UNKNOWN ) ;
if (!ppwszString) { dwErr = ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY ; DisplayError( hModule, dwErr ) ; } return dwErr ; }
DWORD GetDisplayString ( IN HANDLE hModule, IN DWORD dwValue, IN PVALUE_STRING ptvTable, IN DWORD dwNumArgs, OUT PWCHAR *ppwszString ) { DWORD i, dwErr = NO_ERROR ;
for (i=0; i<dwNumArgs; i++) { if ( dwValue == ptvTable[i].dwValue ) { *ppwszString = MakeString( hModule, ptvTable[i].dwStringId ) ; break; } }
if (i == dwNumArgs) *ppwszString = MakeString( hModule, STRING_UNKNOWN ) ;
if (!ppwszString) { dwErr = ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY ; DisplayError( hModule, dwErr ) ; } return dwErr ; }
DWORD GetAltDisplayString( HANDLE hModule, HANDLE hFile, DWORD dwValue, PVALUE_TOKEN vtTable, PVALUE_STRING vsTable, DWORD dwNumArgs, PTCHAR *pptszString) { if (hFile) { return GetDisplayStringT(hModule, dwValue, vtTable, dwNumArgs, pptszString) ; } else { return GetDisplayString(hModule, dwValue, vsTable, dwNumArgs, pptszString) ; } } #if 0
DWORD DispTokenErrMsg( IN HANDLE hModule, IN DWORD dwMsgId, IN DWORD dwTagId, IN LPCWSTR pwszValue ) /*++
Routine Description:
Displays error message with token arguments.
dwMsgId - Message to be printed dwTagId - The tag string id pwszValue - the value specified for the tag in the command
Return Value:
{ PWCHAR pwszTag;
pwszTag = MakeString(hModule, dwTagId);
DisplayMessage(hModule, dwMsgId, pwszValue, pwszTag);
return NO_ERROR; } #endif
DWORD GetMibTagToken( IN LPCWSTR *ppwcArguments, IN DWORD dwArgCount, IN DWORD dwNumIndices, OUT PDWORD pdwRR, OUT PBOOL pbIndex, OUT PDWORD pdwIndex ) /*++
Routine Description:
Looks for indices and refresh rate arguments in the command. If index tag is present, it would be of the form index= index1 index2 .... The index= is removed by this function. So is rr= if it is there in the command. If pdwRR is 0 then, no refresh sought. Arguments:
pptcArguments - The argument array. Each argument has tag=value form dwCurrentIndex - pptcArguments[dwCurrentIndex] is first arg. dwArgCount - pptcArguments[dwArgCount - 1] is last arg. pttTagToken - Array of tag token ids that are allowed in the args dwNumTags - Size of pttTagToken pdwOut - Array identifying the type of each argument.
Return Value:
if (dwArgCount is 0) { *pdwRR = 0; *pbIndex = FALSE; return NO_ERROR; }
if (dwArgCount < dwNumIndices) { //
// No index
*pbIndex = FALSE;
if (dwArgCount > 1) { *pdwRR = 0; return ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; } //
// No Index specified. Make sure refresh rate is specified
// with tag.
if (_wcsnicmp(ppwcArguments[0],L"RR=",3) == 0) { //
// remove tag and get the refresh rate
wcscpy(ppwcArguments[0], &ppwcArguments[0][3]);
*pdwRR = wcstoul(ppwcArguments[0], NULL, 10); } else { return ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; } } else { //
// Check for index tag
if (_wcsnicmp(ppwcArguments[0],L"INDEX=",6) == 0) { *pbIndex = TRUE; *pdwIndex = 0;
// remove tag and see if refresh rate is specified
wcscpy(ppwcArguments[0], &ppwcArguments[0][6]);
if (dwArgCount > dwNumIndices) { //
// Make sure that argument has RR tag
if (_wcsnicmp(ppwcArguments[dwNumIndices],L"RR=",3) == 0) { //
// remove tag and get the refresh rate
wcscpy(ppwcArguments[dwNumIndices], &ppwcArguments[dwNumIndices][3]);
*pdwRR = wcstoul(ppwcArguments[dwNumIndices], NULL , 10); } else { return ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; } } else { //
// No refresh rate specified
*pdwRR = 0; return NO_ERROR; } } else { //
// Not index tag, See if it has an RR tag
if (_wcsnicmp(ppwcArguments[0],L"RR=",3) == 0) { //
// remove tag and get the refresh rate
wcscpy(ppwcArguments[0], &ppwcArguments[0][3]);
*pdwRR = wcstoul(ppwcArguments[0], NULL , 10);
// See if the index follows
if (dwArgCount > dwNumIndices) { if (dwArgCount > 1) { if (_wcsnicmp(ppwcArguments[1],L"INDEX=",6) == 0) { wcscpy(ppwcArguments[1], &ppwcArguments[1][6]); *pbIndex = TRUE; *pdwIndex = 1; return NO_ERROR; } else { *pdwRR = 0; return ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; } } else { return NO_ERROR; } } } //
// No RR Tag either
else if (dwArgCount > dwNumIndices) { //
// Assume ppwcArguments[dwNumIndices] is the refresh rate
*pdwRR = wcstoul(ppwcArguments[dwNumIndices], NULL , 10);
if (dwNumIndices != 0) { *pbIndex = TRUE; *pdwIndex = 0; } } else { //
// only index present with no tag
*pbIndex = TRUE; *pdwIndex = 0; } } }
return NO_ERROR; }
DWORD GetIpAddress( PTCHAR pptcArg ) /*++
Routine Description:
Gets the ip address from the string. Arguments:
pwszIpAddr - Ip address string Return Value: ip address --*/ { CHAR pszIpAddr[ADDR_LENGTH+1];
WideCharToMultiByte(GetConsoleOutputCP(), 0, pptcArg, -1, pszIpAddr, ADDR_LENGTH, NULL, NULL);
pszIpAddr[ADDR_LENGTH] = '\0'; return (DWORD) inet_addr(pszIpAddr); }
BOOL WINAPI HandlerRoutine( DWORD dwCtrlType // control signal type
SetEvent(hMib); }
return TRUE; }
DWORD GetInfoBlockFromInterfaceInfoEx( IN LPCWSTR pwszIfName, IN DWORD dwType, OUT BYTE **ppbInfoBlk, OPTIONAL OUT PDWORD pdwSize, OPTIONAL OUT PDWORD pdwCount, OPTIONAL OUT PDWORD pdwIfType OPTIONAL ) /*++
Routine Description: calls GetInfoBlockFromInterfaceInfo and dumps error message if there is an error.
--*/ { DWORD dwErr; //
// get current interface config
dwErr = IpmontrGetInfoBlockFromInterfaceInfo(pwszIfName, dwType, ppbInfoBlk, pdwSize, pdwCount, pdwIfType); switch(dwErr) { case NO_ERROR: break;
case ERROR_NOT_FOUND: DisplayMessage(g_hModule,EMSG_PROTO_NO_IF_INFO); break;
case ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER: DisplayMessage(g_hModule,EMSG_CORRUPT_INFO); break; case ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY: DisplayMessage(g_hModule,EMSG_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY); break;
default: DisplayError(g_hModule, dwErr); break; }
return dwErr; }