Copyright(c) 1995 Microsoft Corporation
MODULE NAME netmap.c
ABSTRACT Network map routines
AUTHOR Anthony Discolo (adiscolo) 21-May-1996
#define UNICODE
#define _UNICODE
#include <nt.h>
#include <ntrtl.h>
#include <nturtl.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <windows.h>
#include <tdi.h>
#include <nb30.h>
#include <nbtioctl.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <npapi.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <winsock.h>
#include <acd.h>
#include <ras.h>
#include <raserror.h>
#include <rasman.h>
#include <debug.h>
#include <ipexport.h>
#include <icmpapi.h>
#include "reg.h"
#include "misc.h"
#include "table.h"
#include "access.h"
#include "rasprocs.h"
#include "imperson.h"
extern DWORD g_dwCritSecFlags;
// We keep a map of network name to
// address that groups related addresses
// by network name. We use the network
// name as a remote network identifier to
// allow us to quickly determine whether
// any address belongs to a network that
// is connected or not.
typedef struct _NETWORK_MAP_ENTRY { BOOLEAN bUp; // network is connected
DWORD dwConnectionTag; // unique index for connections
PHASH_TABLE pTable; // table of addresses
LIST_ENTRY listEntry; // addresses sorted by tag
// The network map.
typedef struct _NETWORK_MAP { CRITICAL_SECTION csLock; LPTSTR pszDnsAddresses; // DNS server list
DWORD dwcConnections; // number of RAS connections
DWORD dwcUpNetworks; // number of up networks
DWORD dwConnectionTag; // unique index for connections for NULL network
PHASH_TABLE pTable; // network table
// This structure is passed to an address
// enumerator procedure to keep track of
// any hosts that are accessible.
typedef struct _NETWORK_MAP_ACCESS { LPTSTR pszNbDevice; // Netbios device for find name requests
BOOLEAN bUp; // network is up
DWORD dwFailures; // number of host access failures
// This structure is used to store the
// network addresses sorted by tag.
typedef struct _TAGGED_ADDRESS { DWORD dwTag; // the tag
LPTSTR pszAddress; // the address
LIST_ENTRY listEntry; // sorted address list
// Netbios device information passed
// to AcsCheckNetworkThread
typedef struct _CHECK_NETWORK_INFO { LPTSTR *pszNbDevices; // array of Netbios device strings
DWORD dwcNbDevices; // array size
BOOLEAN fDns; // DNS server is up
// Global variables
LPTSTR GetPrimaryNetbiosDevice(VOID) { typedef struct _LANA_MAP { BOOLEAN fEnum; UCHAR bLana; } LANA_MAP, *PLANA_MAP; BOOLEAN fNetworkPresent = FALSE; HKEY hKey; PLANA_MAP pLanaMap = NULL, pLana; DWORD dwError, dwcbLanaMap; PWCHAR pwszLanas = NULL, pwszBuf; DWORD dwcBindings, dwcMaxLanas, i, dwcbLanas; LONG iLana; DWORD dwZero = 0; PWCHAR *paszLanas = NULL; SOCKET s; NTSTATUS status; UNICODE_STRING deviceName; OBJECT_ATTRIBUTES attributes; IO_STATUS_BLOCK iosb; HANDLE handle; PWCHAR pwszDevice = NULL;
dwError = RegOpenKeyEx( HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, L"System\\CurrentControlSet\\Services\\Netbios\\Linkage", 0, KEY_READ, &hKey); if (dwError != ERROR_SUCCESS) { RASAUTO_TRACE1( "GetPrimaryNetbiosDevice: RegKeyOpenEx failed (dwError=%d)", GetLastError()); return FALSE; } //
// Read in the LanaMap.
if (!RegGetValue(hKey, L"LanaMap", &pLanaMap, &dwcbLanaMap, NULL)) { RASAUTO_TRACE("GetPrimaryNetbiosDevice: RegGetValue(LanaMap) failed"); goto done; } dwcBindings = dwcbLanaMap / sizeof (LANA_MAP); //
// Read in the bindings.
if (!RegGetValue(hKey, L"bind", &pwszLanas, &dwcbLanas, NULL)) { RASAUTO_TRACE("GetPrimaryNetbiosDevice: RegGetValue(bind) failed"); goto done; } //
// Allocate a buffer for the binding array.
paszLanas = LocalAlloc(LPTR, dwcBindings * sizeof (PWCHAR)); if (paszLanas == NULL) { RASAUTO_TRACE("GetPrimaryNetbiosDevice: LocalAlloc failed"); goto done; } //
// Parse the bindings into an array of strings.
for (dwcMaxLanas = 0, pwszBuf = pwszLanas; (*pwszBuf) && (dwcMaxLanas < dwcBindings); pwszBuf++) { paszLanas[dwcMaxLanas++] = pwszBuf; while(*++pwszBuf); }
for (iLana = 0, pLana = pLanaMap; dwcBindings--; iLana++, pLana++) { int iLanaMap = (int)pLana->bLana;
if (pLana->fEnum && (DWORD)iLana < dwcMaxLanas) { int iError; WCHAR *pwsz, szDevice[MAX_DEVICE_NAME + 1];
if (wcsstr(paszLanas[iLana], L"NwlnkNb") != NULL || wcsstr(paszLanas[iLana], L"_NdisWan") != NULL) { RASAUTO_TRACE1( "GetPrimaryNetbiosDevice: ignoring %S", RASAUTO_TRACESTRW(paszLanas[iLana])); continue; }
RtlInitUnicodeString(&deviceName, paszLanas[iLana]); InitializeObjectAttributes( &attributes, &deviceName, OBJ_CASE_INSENSITIVE, NULL, NULL); //
// Open the lana device.
status = NtOpenFile(&handle, READ_CONTROL, &attributes, &iosb, 0, 0); NtClose(handle); if (!NT_SUCCESS(status)) { RASAUTO_TRACE2( "GetPrimaryNetbiosDevice: NtOpenFile(%S) failed (status=0x%x)", RASAUTO_TRACESTRW(paszLanas[iLana]), status); continue; } RASAUTO_TRACE1("GetPrimaryNetbiosDevice: opened %S", paszLanas[iLana]); //
// If we succeed in opening the lana
// device, we need to make sure the
// underlying netcard device is loaded
// as well, since transports create
// device object for non-existent devices.
pwsz = wcsrchr(paszLanas[iLana], '_'); if (pwsz == NULL) { RASAUTO_TRACE1( "GetPrimaryNetbiosDevice: couldn't parse %S", paszLanas[iLana]); continue; } wsprintf(szDevice, L"\\Device\\%s", pwsz + 1); //
// Open the underlying netcard device.
RtlInitUnicodeString(&deviceName, szDevice); InitializeObjectAttributes( &attributes, &deviceName, OBJ_CASE_INSENSITIVE, NULL, NULL); status = NtOpenFile(&handle, READ_CONTROL, &attributes, &iosb, 0, 0); NtClose(handle); if (!NT_SUCCESS(status)) { RASAUTO_TRACE2( "GetPrimaryNetbiosDevice: NtOpenFile(%S) failed (status=0x%x)", RASAUTO_TRACESTRW(szDevice), status); continue; } //
// We've succeeded. The netcard device must
// be really loaded.
RASAUTO_TRACE3( "GetPrimaryNetbiosDevice: network (%S, %S, %d) is up", RASAUTO_TRACESTRW(paszLanas[iLana]), szDevice, iLana); pwszDevice = CopyString(paszLanas[iLana]); break; } } //
// Free resources.
done: if (paszLanas != NULL) LocalFree(paszLanas); if (pwszLanas != NULL) LocalFree(pwszLanas); if (pLanaMap != NULL) LocalFree(pLanaMap); RegCloseKey(hKey);
return pwszDevice; } // GetPrimaryNetbiosDevice
LPTSTR DnsAddresses()
DESCRIPTION Return the list of DNS servers for this host.
RETURN VALUE NULL if no DNS servers are configured; a list of IP addresses separated by a space otherwise.
{ HKEY hkey; BOOLEAN fFound = FALSE; LPTSTR pszIpAddresses = NULL; LPTSTR pszIpAddress, pszIpAddressEnd; DWORD dwcbIpAddresses = 0;
// Look in various places in the registry
// for one or more DNS addresses.
if (RegOpenKeyEx( HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, L"SYSTEM\\CurrentControlSet\\Services\\Tcpip\\Parameters\\Transient", 0, KEY_QUERY_VALUE, &hkey) == ERROR_SUCCESS) { fFound = RegGetValue( hkey, L"NameServer", &pszIpAddresses, &dwcbIpAddresses, NULL); RegCloseKey(hkey); } if (fFound && dwcbIpAddresses > sizeof (TCHAR)) goto found; if (pszIpAddresses != NULL) { LocalFree(pszIpAddresses); pszIpAddresses = NULL; } if (RegOpenKeyEx( HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, L"SYSTEM\\CurrentControlSet\\Services\\Tcpip\\Parameters", 0, KEY_QUERY_VALUE, &hkey) == ERROR_SUCCESS) { fFound = RegGetValue( hkey, L"NameServer", &pszIpAddresses, &dwcbIpAddresses, NULL); if (fFound && dwcbIpAddresses > sizeof (TCHAR)) { RegCloseKey(hkey); goto found; } if (pszIpAddresses != NULL) { LocalFree(pszIpAddresses); pszIpAddresses = NULL; } fFound = RegGetValue( hkey, L"DhcpNameServer", &pszIpAddresses, &dwcbIpAddresses, NULL); RegCloseKey(hkey); if (fFound && dwcbIpAddresses > sizeof (TCHAR)) goto found; if (pszIpAddresses != NULL) { LocalFree(pszIpAddresses); pszIpAddresses = NULL; } }
found: RASAUTO_TRACE1("DnsAddresses: pszIpAddresses=%S", RASAUTO_TRACESTRW(pszIpAddresses)); return pszIpAddresses; } // DnsAddresses
BOOLEAN PingAddressList( IN LPTSTR pszAddresses ) { TCHAR szAddress[17]; TCHAR *pSrc, *pDst;
// If the address list is NULL, we're done.
if (pszAddresses == NULL) return FALSE; //
// Loop through the addresses and try to
// ping each until one succeeds.
for (;;) { //
// Copy the next address into szAddress.
for (pSrc = pszAddresses, pDst = szAddress; *pSrc != TEXT(' ') && *pSrc != TEXT(',') && *pSrc != TEXT('\0'); *pSrc++, *pDst++) { *pDst = *pSrc; } *pDst = TEXT('\0'); //
// Ping it. If it succeeds, then
// we're done.
if (PingIpAddress(szAddress)) return TRUE; //
// Skip to the next address.
if (*pSrc == TEXT('\0')) break; pSrc++; if (*pSrc == TEXT('\0')) break; pszAddresses = pSrc; }
return FALSE; } // PingAddressList
BOOLEAN InitializeNetworkMap(VOID) { DWORD dwError = NO_ERROR; RasInitializeCriticalSection(&NetworkMapG.csLock, &dwError);
if(dwError != ERROR_SUCCESS) { return FALSE; }
g_dwCritSecFlags |= RASAUTO_CRITSEC_NETMAP; NetworkMapG.pszDnsAddresses = NULL; NetworkMapG.dwcConnections = 0; NetworkMapG.dwcUpNetworks = 0; NetworkMapG.dwConnectionTag = 0; NetworkMapG.pTable = NewTable(); if (NetworkMapG.pTable == NULL) { RASAUTO_TRACE("InitializeNetworkMap: NewTable failed"); return FALSE; } return TRUE; } // InitializeNetworkMap
VOID LockNetworkMap(VOID) { EnterCriticalSection(&NetworkMapG.csLock); } // LockNetworkMap
VOID UnlockNetworkMap(VOID) { LeaveCriticalSection(&NetworkMapG.csLock); } // UnlockNetworkMap
PNETWORK_MAP_ENTRY NewNetworkMapEntry( IN LPTSTR pszNetwork ) { PNETWORK_MAP_ENTRY pNetworkMapEntry; DWORD i;
pNetworkMapEntry = LocalAlloc(LPTR, sizeof (NETWORK_MAP_ENTRY)); if (pNetworkMapEntry == NULL) { RASAUTO_TRACE("NewNetworkMapEntry: LocalAlloc failed"); return NULL; } pNetworkMapEntry->bUp = FALSE; pNetworkMapEntry->dwConnectionTag = 0; pNetworkMapEntry->pTable = NewTable(); if (pNetworkMapEntry->pTable == NULL) { RASAUTO_TRACE("NewNetworkMapEntry: NewTable failed"); LocalFree(pNetworkMapEntry); return NULL; } InitializeListHead(&pNetworkMapEntry->listEntry); if (!PutTableEntry(NetworkMapG.pTable, pszNetwork, pNetworkMapEntry)) { RASAUTO_TRACE("NewNetworkMapEntry: PutTableEntry failed"); LocalFree(pNetworkMapEntry); return NULL; }
return pNetworkMapEntry; } // NewNetworkMapEntry
VOID FreeNetworkMapEntry( IN PNETWORK_MAP_ENTRY pNetworkMapEntry ) { PLIST_ENTRY pEntry; PTAGGED_ADDRESS pTaggedAddress;
// Since the PTAGGED_ADDRESS structures are
// in a hash table and a list, we need to
// free the structures in a special way. The
// table package automatically frees the
// structures when a PutTableEntry(pTable, address, NULL)
// is called.
for (pEntry = pNetworkMapEntry->listEntry.Flink; pEntry != &pNetworkMapEntry->listEntry; pEntry = pEntry->Flink) { pTaggedAddress = CONTAINING_RECORD(pEntry, TAGGED_ADDRESS, listEntry);
LocalFree(pTaggedAddress->pszAddress); }
while (!IsListEmpty(&pNetworkMapEntry->listEntry)) {
LPTSTR pszAddress; pEntry = RemoveHeadList(&pNetworkMapEntry->listEntry); pTaggedAddress = CONTAINING_RECORD(pEntry, TAGGED_ADDRESS, listEntry);
pszAddress = pTaggedAddress->pszAddress;
// The following call frees the
// pTaggedAddress structure, as
// well as frees the table entry.
PutTableEntry(pNetworkMapEntry->pTable, pszAddress, NULL);
LocalFree(pszAddress); } ClearTable(pNetworkMapEntry->pTable); } // FreeNetworkMapEntry
ACD_ADDR_TYPE AddressToType( IN LPTSTR pszAddress ) { LONG inaddr; CHAR szAddress[17];
UnicodeStringToAnsiString(pszAddress, szAddress, sizeof (szAddress)); inaddr = inet_addr(szAddress); if (inaddr != INADDR_NONE) return ACD_ADDR_IP; if (wcschr(pszAddress, ':') != NULL) return ACD_ADDR_IPX; if (wcschr(pszAddress, '.') != NULL) return ACD_ADDR_INET; return ACD_ADDR_NB; } // AddressToType
PNETWORK_MAP_ENTRY GetNetworkMapEntry( IN LPTSTR pszNetwork ) { PNETWORK_MAP_ENTRY pNetworkMapEntry;
if (GetTableEntry( NetworkMapG.pTable, pszNetwork, &pNetworkMapEntry)) { return pNetworkMapEntry; }
return NULL; } // GetNetworkMapEntry
BOOLEAN AddNetworkAddress( IN LPTSTR pszNetwork, IN LPTSTR pszAddress, IN DWORD dwTag ) { PNETWORK_MAP_ENTRY pNetworkMapEntry; PTAGGED_ADDRESS pNewTaggedAddress, pTaggedAddress; PLIST_ENTRY pPrevEntry, pEntry; BOOLEAN bInserted = FALSE; BOOLEAN bCreateNew = TRUE;
RASAUTO_TRACE3( "AddNetworkAddress(%S,%S,%d)", RASAUTO_TRACESTRW(pszNetwork), pszAddress, dwTag); //
// Create the network map entry if necessary.
LockNetworkMap(); pNetworkMapEntry = GetNetworkMapEntry(pszNetwork); if (pNetworkMapEntry == NULL) { pNetworkMapEntry = NewNetworkMapEntry(pszNetwork); if (pNetworkMapEntry == NULL) { UnlockNetworkMap(); return FALSE; } } else { //
// Check to see if the address already exists.
if (GetTableEntry( pNetworkMapEntry->pTable, pszAddress, &pNewTaggedAddress)) { RASAUTO_TRACE2( "AddNetworkAddress: %S exists with dwTag=%d", pszAddress, pNewTaggedAddress->dwTag); //
// If the address exists with a lower tag, then
// we don't need to do anything.
if (pNewTaggedAddress->dwTag <= dwTag) { UnlockNetworkMap(); return TRUE; } //
// If the address exists with a higher tag, then
// we need to remove the existing entry from
// the list.
RemoveEntryList(&pNewTaggedAddress->listEntry); bCreateNew = FALSE; } } if (bCreateNew) { //
// Create the new tagged address structure.
pNewTaggedAddress = LocalAlloc(LPTR, sizeof (TAGGED_ADDRESS)); if (pNewTaggedAddress == NULL) { RASAUTO_TRACE("AddNetworkMap: LocalAlloc failed"); UnlockNetworkMap(); return FALSE; } pNewTaggedAddress->pszAddress = CopyString(pszAddress); if (pNewTaggedAddress->pszAddress == NULL) { RASAUTO_TRACE("AddNetworkMap: LocalAlloc failed"); UnlockNetworkMap(); LocalFree(pNewTaggedAddress); LocalFree(pNetworkMapEntry); return FALSE; } if (!PutTableEntry( pNetworkMapEntry->pTable, pszAddress, pNewTaggedAddress)) { RASAUTO_TRACE("AddNetworkMap: PutTableEntry failed"); UnlockNetworkMap(); LocalFree(pNewTaggedAddress->pszAddress); LocalFree(pNewTaggedAddress); return FALSE; } } pNewTaggedAddress->dwTag = dwTag; //
// Insert the new address into the list sorted by tag.
pPrevEntry = &pNetworkMapEntry->listEntry; for (pEntry = pNetworkMapEntry->listEntry.Flink; pEntry != &pNetworkMapEntry->listEntry; pEntry = pEntry->Flink) { pTaggedAddress = CONTAINING_RECORD(pEntry, TAGGED_ADDRESS, listEntry);
if (pTaggedAddress->dwTag >= pNewTaggedAddress->dwTag) { InsertHeadList(pPrevEntry, &pNewTaggedAddress->listEntry); bInserted = TRUE; break; } pPrevEntry = pEntry; } if (!bInserted) { InsertTailList( &pNetworkMapEntry->listEntry, &pNewTaggedAddress->listEntry); } UnlockNetworkMap();
return TRUE; } // AddNetworkAddress
BOOLEAN ClearNetworkMapEntry( IN PVOID pArg, IN LPTSTR pszNetwork, IN PVOID pData ) { PNETWORK_MAP_ENTRY pNetworkMapEntry = (PNETWORK_MAP_ENTRY)pData;
return TRUE; } // ClearNetworkMapEntry
VOID ClearNetworkMap(VOID) { LockNetworkMap(); NetworkMapG.dwcConnections = 0; NetworkMapG.dwcUpNetworks = 0; NetworkMapG.dwConnectionTag = 0; EnumTable(NetworkMapG.pTable, ClearNetworkMapEntry, NULL); ClearTable(NetworkMapG.pTable); UnlockNetworkMap(); } // ClearNetworkMap
BOOLEAN IsAddressAccessible( IN LPTSTR *pszNbDevices, IN DWORD dwcNbDevices, IN BOOLEAN fDnsAvailable, IN LPTSTR pszAddress ) { ACD_ADDR_TYPE fType; BOOLEAN bSuccess = FALSE;
// Get the type of the address.
fType = AddressToType(pszAddress); RASAUTO_TRACE2( "IsAddressAccessible: fType=%d, pszAddress=%S", fType, pszAddress); //
// Call the address-specific accessibility routine.
switch (fType) { case ACD_ADDR_IP: bSuccess = PingIpAddress(pszAddress); break; case ACD_ADDR_IPX: RASAUTO_TRACE("IsAddressAccessible: IPX address!"); break; case ACD_ADDR_NB: bSuccess = NetbiosFindName(pszNbDevices, dwcNbDevices, pszAddress); break; case ACD_ADDR_INET: if (fDnsAvailable) { struct hostent *hp; struct in_addr in; PCHAR pch; TCHAR szIpAddress[17]; LPTSTR psz;
psz = LocalAlloc(LPTR, (lstrlen(pszAddress) + 1) * sizeof(TCHAR)); if(NULL == psz) { break; } lstrcpy(psz, pszAddress); UnlockNetworkMap(); hp = InetAddressToHostent(psz); LocalFree(psz); LockNetworkMap();
if (hp != NULL) { in.s_addr = *(PULONG)hp->h_addr; pch = inet_ntoa(in); if (pch != NULL) { AnsiStringToUnicodeString( pch, szIpAddress, sizeof (szIpAddress) / sizeof(TCHAR)); bSuccess = PingIpAddress(szIpAddress); } } } break; default: RASAUTO_TRACE1("IsAddressAccessible: invalid type: %d", fType); break; }
return bSuccess; } // IsAddressAccessible
BOOLEAN CheckNetwork( IN PVOID pArg, IN LPTSTR pszNetwork, IN PVOID pData ) { PCHECK_NETWORK_INFO pCheckNetworkInfo = (PCHECK_NETWORK_INFO)pArg; PNETWORK_MAP_ENTRY pNetworkMapEntry = (PNETWORK_MAP_ENTRY)pData; PLIST_ENTRY pEntry; DWORD dwFailures = 0; PTAGGED_ADDRESS pTaggedAddress;
LockNetworkMap(); //
// Check the accessiblilty of up
// to three addresses to
// determine if the network is up.
if (!pNetworkMapEntry->bUp) { for (pEntry = pNetworkMapEntry->listEntry.Flink; pEntry != &pNetworkMapEntry->listEntry; pEntry = pEntry->Flink) { pTaggedAddress = CONTAINING_RECORD(pEntry, TAGGED_ADDRESS, listEntry);
if (IsAddressAccessible( pCheckNetworkInfo->pszNbDevices, pCheckNetworkInfo->dwcNbDevices, pCheckNetworkInfo->fDns, pTaggedAddress->pszAddress)) { pNetworkMapEntry->bUp = TRUE; NetworkMapG.dwcUpNetworks++; break; }
// Sanity check to see if the pEntry is
// still valid - since IsAddressAccessible
// releases the network map lock.
{ PLIST_ENTRY pEntryT; for (pEntryT = pNetworkMapEntry->listEntry.Flink; pEntryT != &pNetworkMapEntry->listEntry; pEntryT = pEntryT->Flink) { if(pEntryT == pEntry) { RASAUTO_TRACE("CheckNetworkMap: Entry valid"); break; } }
if(pEntryT != pEntry) { RASAUTO_TRACE1("CheckNetworkMap: Entry %p is invalid!", pEntry); break; } } if (dwFailures++ > 2) break; } } RASAUTO_TRACE3( "CheckNetwork: %S is %s (NetworkMapG.dwcUpNetworks=%d", pszNetwork, pNetworkMapEntry->bUp ? "up" : "down", NetworkMapG.dwcUpNetworks);
UnlockNetworkMap(); return TRUE; } // CheckNetwork
BOOLEAN MarkNetworkDown( IN PVOID pArg, IN LPTSTR pszNetwork, IN PVOID pData ) { PNETWORK_MAP_ENTRY pNetworkMapEntry = (PNETWORK_MAP_ENTRY)pData;
pNetworkMapEntry->bUp = FALSE; pNetworkMapEntry->dwConnectionTag = 0;
return TRUE; } // MarkNetworkDown
DWORD AcsCheckNetworkThread( LPVOID lpArg ) { PCHECK_NETWORK_INFO pCheckNetworkInfo = (PCHECK_NETWORK_INFO)lpArg;
RASAUTO_TRACE("AcsCheckNetworkThread"); EnumTable(NetworkMapG.pTable, CheckNetwork, pCheckNetworkInfo);
return 0; } // AcsCheckNetworkThread
BOOLEAN UpdateNetworkMap( IN BOOLEAN bForce ) { LPTSTR *pszNbDevices = NULL; DWORD i, dwcConnections, dwcNbDevices = 0; LPTSTR pszNetwork, *lpActiveEntries = NULL; LPTSTR pszDnsAddresses; HRASCONN *lphRasconns = NULL; PNETWORK_MAP_ENTRY pNetworkMapEntry; CHECK_NETWORK_INFO checkNetworkInfo; HANDLE hThread; DWORD dwThreadId; BOOL fLockAcquired = FALSE;
fLockAcquired = TRUE; //
// If the previous number of RAS connections
// equals the current number of RAS connections,
// then don't waste our time.
dwcConnections = ActiveConnections(TRUE, &lpActiveEntries, &lphRasconns); if (!bForce && dwcConnections == NetworkMapG.dwcConnections) { RASAUTO_TRACE1("UpdateNetworkMap: no change (%d connections)", dwcConnections); goto done; } //
// Allocate the Netbios device array up front.
pszNbDevices = (LPTSTR *)LocalAlloc( LPTR, (dwcConnections + 1) * sizeof (LPTSTR)); if (pszNbDevices == NULL) { RASAUTO_TRACE("UpdateNetworkMap: LocalAlloc failed"); goto done; } pszNbDevices[0] = GetPrimaryNetbiosDevice(); if (pszNbDevices[0] != NULL) dwcNbDevices++; //
// Wait up to 3 seconds for the new
// DNS servers to get set. Otherwise,
// we may get inaccurate results from
// subsequent Winsock getxbyy calls.
if (dwcConnections != NetworkMapG.dwcConnections) { for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) { BOOLEAN bChanged;
pszDnsAddresses = DnsAddresses(); RASAUTO_TRACE2( "UpdateNetworkMap: old DNS=%S, new DNS=%S", RASAUTO_TRACESTRW(NetworkMapG.pszDnsAddresses), RASAUTO_TRACESTRW(pszDnsAddresses)); bChanged = (pszDnsAddresses != NULL && NetworkMapG.pszDnsAddresses != NULL) ? wcscmp(pszDnsAddresses, NetworkMapG.pszDnsAddresses) : (pszDnsAddresses != NULL || NetworkMapG.pszDnsAddresses != NULL); if (bChanged) { if (NetworkMapG.pszDnsAddresses != NULL) LocalFree(NetworkMapG.pszDnsAddresses); NetworkMapG.pszDnsAddresses = pszDnsAddresses; break; } LocalFree(pszDnsAddresses); Sleep(1000); } } else if (bForce && NetworkMapG.pszDnsAddresses == NULL) NetworkMapG.pszDnsAddresses = DnsAddresses(); //
NetworkMapG.dwcConnections = dwcConnections; NetworkMapG.dwConnectionTag = 0; //
// Mark all networks as down initially.
NetworkMapG.dwcUpNetworks = dwcNbDevices; EnumTable(NetworkMapG.pTable, MarkNetworkDown, NULL); //
// Enumerate the connected phonebook entries
// and automatically mark those networks as
// connected.
for (i = 0; i < dwcConnections; i++) { pszNetwork = EntryToNetwork(lpActiveEntries[i]); RASAUTO_TRACE2( "UpdateNetworkMap: entry %S, network %S is connected", lpActiveEntries[i], RASAUTO_TRACESTRW(pszNetwork)); //
// Increment the number of up networks.
NetworkMapG.dwcUpNetworks++; if (pszNetwork != NULL) { pNetworkMapEntry = GetNetworkMapEntry(pszNetwork); if (pNetworkMapEntry != NULL) { pNetworkMapEntry->bUp = TRUE; RASAUTO_TRACE2( "UpdateNetworkMap: network %S is up (dwcUpNetworks=%d)", pszNetwork, NetworkMapG.dwcUpNetworks); } LocalFree(pszNetwork); } else { //
// Add a Netbios device associated with
// this phonebook entry to the list
// of Netbios devices representing unknown
// networks so we can do FIND NAME
// requests on them below.
pszNbDevices[dwcNbDevices] = GetNetbiosDevice(lphRasconns[i]); if (pszNbDevices[dwcNbDevices] != NULL) dwcNbDevices++; } }
UnlockNetworkMap(); fLockAcquired = FALSE; //
// Now go through all the networks that are
// not associated with a connected phonebook
// entry and see if they are connected (via
// a netcard). We need to do this in a new
// thread because only new Winsock threads
// will get the new DNS server addresses.
checkNetworkInfo.pszNbDevices = pszNbDevices; checkNetworkInfo.dwcNbDevices = dwcNbDevices; checkNetworkInfo.fDns = PingAddressList(NetworkMapG.pszDnsAddresses); RASAUTO_TRACE1( "UpdateNetworkMap: DNS is %s", checkNetworkInfo.fDns ? "up" : "down"); hThread = CreateThread( NULL, 10000L, (LPTHREAD_START_ROUTINE)AcsCheckNetworkThread, &checkNetworkInfo, 0, &dwThreadId); if (hThread == NULL) { RASAUTO_TRACE1( "UpdateNetworkMap: CreateThread failed (error=0x%x)", GetLastError()); goto done; } //
// Wait for the thread to terminate.
RASAUTO_TRACE("UpdateNetworkMap: waiting for AcsCheckNetworkThread to terminate..."); WaitForSingleObject(hThread, INFINITE); RASAUTO_TRACE1( "UpdateNetworkMap: AcsCheckNetworkThread done (NetworkMapG.dwcUpNetworks=%d", NetworkMapG.dwcUpNetworks); CloseHandle(hThread);
if(fLockAcquired) UnlockNetworkMap();
if (lpActiveEntries != NULL) FreeStringArray(lpActiveEntries, dwcConnections); if (lphRasconns != NULL) LocalFree(lphRasconns); if (pszNbDevices != NULL) FreeStringArray(pszNbDevices, dwcNbDevices); return TRUE; } // UpdateNetworkMap
BOOLEAN GetNetworkConnected( IN LPTSTR pszNetwork, OUT PBOOLEAN pbConnected ) { PNETWORK_MAP_ENTRY pNetworkMapEntry;
pNetworkMapEntry = GetNetworkMapEntry(pszNetwork); if (pNetworkMapEntry == NULL) return FALSE; *pbConnected = pNetworkMapEntry->bUp; RASAUTO_TRACE2("GetNetworkConnected: %S is %d", pszNetwork, *pbConnected);
return TRUE; } // GetNetworkConnected
BOOLEAN SetNetworkConnected( IN LPTSTR pszNetwork, IN BOOLEAN bConnected ) { PNETWORK_MAP_ENTRY pNetworkMapEntry;
pNetworkMapEntry = GetNetworkMapEntry(pszNetwork); if (pNetworkMapEntry != NULL) pNetworkMapEntry->bUp = bConnected; if (bConnected) NetworkMapG.dwcUpNetworks++; else NetworkMapG.dwcUpNetworks--; RASAUTO_TRACE3( "SetNetworkConnected: %S is %d (dwcUpNetworks=%d)", RASAUTO_TRACESTRW(pszNetwork), bConnected, NetworkMapG.dwcUpNetworks);
return TRUE; } // SetNetworkConnected
DWORD GetNetworkConnectionTag( IN LPTSTR pszNetwork, IN BOOLEAN bIncrement ) { PNETWORK_MAP_ENTRY pNetworkMapEntry = NULL; DWORD dwTag;
if (pszNetwork != NULL) pNetworkMapEntry = GetNetworkMapEntry(pszNetwork); if (bIncrement) { dwTag = (pNetworkMapEntry == NULL) ? NetworkMapG.dwConnectionTag++ : pNetworkMapEntry->dwConnectionTag++; } else { dwTag = (pNetworkMapEntry == NULL) ? NetworkMapG.dwConnectionTag : pNetworkMapEntry->dwConnectionTag; } RASAUTO_TRACE2( "GetNetworkConnectionTag: network=%S, tag=%d", RASAUTO_TRACESTRW(pszNetwork), dwTag); return dwTag; } // GetNetworkConnectionTag
BOOLEAN IsNetworkConnected(VOID) { BOOLEAN bConnected;
LockNetworkMap(); bConnected = (NetworkMapG.dwcUpNetworks > 0); RASAUTO_TRACE1("IsNetworkConnected: dwcUpNetworks=%d", NetworkMapG.dwcUpNetworks); UnlockNetworkMap();
return bConnected; } // IsNetworkConnected
VOID UninitializeNetworkMap(VOID) { if(g_dwCritSecFlags & RASAUTO_CRITSEC_NETMAP) { DeleteCriticalSection(&NetworkMapG.csLock); g_dwCritSecFlags &= ~(RASAUTO_CRITSEC_NETMAP); } }