/* Copyright (c) 1993, Microsoft Corporation, all rights reserved
** ** ntauth.c ** Remote Access PPP Challenge Handshake Authentication Protocol ** NT Authentication routines ** ** These routines are specific to the NT platform. ** ** 11/05/93 Steve Cobb (from MikeSa's AMB authentication code) */
#include <nt.h>
#include <ntrtl.h>
#include <nturtl.h>
#include <ntlsa.h>
#include <ntmsv1_0.h>
#include <crypt.h>
#include <windows.h>
#include <lmcons.h>
#include <lmapibuf.h>
#include <lmaccess.h>
#include <raserror.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <rasman.h>
#include <rasppp.h>
#include <pppcp.h>
#include <rtutils.h>
#include <rasauth.h>
#define INCL_CLSA
#define INCL_MISC
#include <ppputil.h>
#include "sha.h"
#include "raschap.h"
// Call: MakeChangePasswordV1RequestAttributes
// Returns: NO_ERROR - Success
// Non-zero returns - Failure
// Description:
DWORD MakeChangePasswordV1RequestAttributes( IN CHAPWB* pwb, IN BYTE bId, IN PCHAR pchIdentity, IN PBYTE Challenge, IN PENCRYPTED_LM_OWF_PASSWORD pEncryptedLmOwfOldPassword, IN PENCRYPTED_LM_OWF_PASSWORD pEncryptedLmOwfNewPassword, IN PENCRYPTED_NT_OWF_PASSWORD pEncryptedNtOwfOldPassword, IN PENCRYPTED_NT_OWF_PASSWORD pEncryptedNtOwfNewPassword, IN WORD LenPassword, IN WORD wFlags, IN DWORD cbChallenge, IN BYTE * pbChallenge ) { DWORD dwRetCode; BYTE MsChapChangePw1[72+6]; BYTE MsChapChallenge[MAXCHALLENGELEN+6];
if ( pwb->pUserAttributes != NULL ) { RasAuthAttributeDestroy( pwb->pUserAttributes );
pwb->pUserAttributes = NULL; }
// Allocate the appropriate amount
if ( ( pwb->pUserAttributes = RasAuthAttributeCreate( 3 ) ) == NULL ) { return( GetLastError() ); }
dwRetCode = RasAuthAttributeInsert( 0, pwb->pUserAttributes, raatUserName, FALSE, strlen( pchIdentity ), pchIdentity );
if ( dwRetCode != NO_ERROR ) { RasAuthAttributeDestroy( pwb->pUserAttributes );
pwb->pUserAttributes = NULL;
return( dwRetCode ); }
// Build vendor specific attribute for MS-CHAP challenge
HostToWireFormat32( 311, MsChapChallenge ); // Vendor Id
MsChapChallenge[4] = 11; // Vendor Type
MsChapChallenge[5] = 2+(BYTE)cbChallenge; // Vendor Length
CopyMemory( MsChapChallenge+6, pbChallenge, cbChallenge );
dwRetCode = RasAuthAttributeInsert( 1, pwb->pUserAttributes, raatVendorSpecific, FALSE, cbChallenge+6, MsChapChallenge);
if ( dwRetCode != NO_ERROR ) { RasAuthAttributeDestroy( pwb->pUserAttributes );
pwb->pUserAttributes = NULL;
return( dwRetCode ); }
// Insert change password attribute
HostToWireFormat32( 311, MsChapChangePw1 ); // Vendor Id
MsChapChangePw1[4] = 3; // Vendor Type
MsChapChangePw1[5] = 72; // Vendor Length
MsChapChangePw1[6] = 5; // Code
MsChapChangePw1[7] = bId; // Identifier
CopyMemory( MsChapChangePw1+8, pEncryptedLmOwfOldPassword, 16 );
CopyMemory( MsChapChangePw1+8+16, pEncryptedLmOwfNewPassword, 16 );
CopyMemory( MsChapChangePw1+8+16+16, pEncryptedNtOwfOldPassword, 16 );
CopyMemory( MsChapChangePw1+8+16+16+16, pEncryptedNtOwfNewPassword, 16 );
HostToWireFormat16( LenPassword, MsChapChangePw1+8+16+16+16+16 );
HostToWireFormat16( wFlags, MsChapChangePw1+8+16+16+16+16+2 );
// Build vendor specific attribute for MS-CHAP change password 1
dwRetCode = RasAuthAttributeInsert( 2, pwb->pUserAttributes, raatVendorSpecific, FALSE, 72+4, MsChapChangePw1);
if ( dwRetCode != NO_ERROR ) { RasAuthAttributeDestroy( pwb->pUserAttributes );
pwb->pUserAttributes = NULL;
return( dwRetCode ); }
return( dwRetCode ); }
// Call: MakeChangePasswordV2RequestAttributes
// Returns: NO_ERROR - Success
// Non-zero returns - Failure
// Description:
DWORD MakeChangePasswordV2RequestAttributes( IN CHAPWB* pwb, IN BYTE bId, IN CHAR* pchIdentity, IN SAMPR_ENCRYPTED_USER_PASSWORD* pNewEncryptedWithOldNtOwf, IN ENCRYPTED_NT_OWF_PASSWORD* pOldNtOwfEncryptedWithNewNtOwf, IN SAMPR_ENCRYPTED_USER_PASSWORD* pNewEncryptedWithOldLmOwf, IN ENCRYPTED_NT_OWF_PASSWORD* pOldLmOwfEncryptedWithNewNtOwf, IN DWORD cbChallenge, IN BYTE * pbChallenge, IN BYTE * pbResponse, IN WORD wFlags ) { DWORD dwRetCode; BYTE MsChapChallenge[MAXCHALLENGELEN+6]; BYTE MsChapChangePw2[86+4]; BYTE NtPassword1[250+4]; BYTE NtPassword2[250+4]; BYTE NtPassword3[34+4]; BYTE LmPassword1[250+4]; BYTE LmPassword2[250+4]; BYTE LmPassword3[34+4];
if ( pwb->pUserAttributes != NULL ) { RasAuthAttributeDestroy( pwb->pUserAttributes );
pwb->pUserAttributes = NULL; }
// Allocate the appropriate amount
pwb->pUserAttributes = RasAuthAttributeCreate( 9 );
if ( pwb->pUserAttributes == NULL ) { return( GetLastError() ); }
dwRetCode = RasAuthAttributeInsert( 0, pwb->pUserAttributes, raatUserName, FALSE, strlen( pchIdentity ), pchIdentity );
if ( dwRetCode != NO_ERROR ) { RasAuthAttributeDestroy( pwb->pUserAttributes );
pwb->pUserAttributes = NULL;
return( dwRetCode ); }
// Build vendor specific attribute for MS-CHAP challenge
HostToWireFormat32( 311, MsChapChallenge ); // Vendor Id
MsChapChallenge[4] = 11; // Vendor Type
MsChapChallenge[5] = 2+(BYTE)cbChallenge; // Vendor Length
CopyMemory( MsChapChallenge+6, pbChallenge, cbChallenge );
dwRetCode = RasAuthAttributeInsert( 1, pwb->pUserAttributes, raatVendorSpecific, FALSE, cbChallenge+6, MsChapChallenge);
if ( dwRetCode != NO_ERROR ) { RasAuthAttributeDestroy( pwb->pUserAttributes );
pwb->pUserAttributes = NULL;
return( dwRetCode ); }
// Insert change password attribute
HostToWireFormat32( 311, MsChapChangePw2 ); // Vendor Id
MsChapChangePw2[4] = 4; // Vendor Type
MsChapChangePw2[5] = 86; // Vendor Length
MsChapChangePw2[6] = 6; // Code
MsChapChangePw2[7] = bId; // Identifier
CopyMemory( MsChapChangePw2+8, pOldNtOwfEncryptedWithNewNtOwf, 16 );
CopyMemory( MsChapChangePw2+8+16, pOldLmOwfEncryptedWithNewNtOwf, 16 );
CopyMemory( MsChapChangePw2+8+16+16, pbResponse, 24+24 );
HostToWireFormat16( (WORD)wFlags, MsChapChangePw2+8+16+16+24+24 );
// Build vendor specific attribute for MS-CHAP change password 2
dwRetCode = RasAuthAttributeInsert( 2, pwb->pUserAttributes, raatVendorSpecific, FALSE, 86+4, MsChapChangePw2);
if ( dwRetCode != NO_ERROR ) { RasAuthAttributeDestroy( pwb->pUserAttributes );
pwb->pUserAttributes = NULL;
return( dwRetCode ); }
// Insert the new password attributes
HostToWireFormat32( 311, NtPassword1 ); // Vendor Id
NtPassword1[4] = 6; // Vendor Type
NtPassword1[5] = 249; // Vendor Length
NtPassword1[6] = 6; // Code
NtPassword1[7] = bId; // Identifier
HostToWireFormat16( (WORD)1, NtPassword1+8 ); // Sequence number
CopyMemory( NtPassword1+10, (PBYTE)pNewEncryptedWithOldNtOwf, 243 );
dwRetCode = RasAuthAttributeInsert( 3, pwb->pUserAttributes, raatVendorSpecific, FALSE, 249+4, NtPassword1);
if ( dwRetCode != NO_ERROR ) { RasAuthAttributeDestroy( pwb->pUserAttributes );
pwb->pUserAttributes = NULL;
return( dwRetCode ); }
HostToWireFormat32( 311, NtPassword2 ); // Vendor Id
NtPassword2[4] = 6; // Vendor Type
NtPassword2[5] = 249; // Vendor Length
NtPassword2[6] = 6; // Code
NtPassword2[7] = bId; // Identifier
HostToWireFormat16( (WORD)2, NtPassword2+8 ); // Sequence number
CopyMemory( NtPassword2+10, ((PBYTE)pNewEncryptedWithOldNtOwf)+243, 243 );
dwRetCode = RasAuthAttributeInsert( 4, pwb->pUserAttributes, raatVendorSpecific, FALSE, 249+4, NtPassword2 );
if ( dwRetCode != NO_ERROR ) { RasAuthAttributeDestroy( pwb->pUserAttributes );
pwb->pUserAttributes = NULL;
return( dwRetCode ); }
HostToWireFormat32( 311, NtPassword3 ); // Vendor Id
NtPassword3[4] = 6; // Vendor Type
NtPassword3[5] = 36; // Vendor Length
NtPassword3[6] = 6; // Code
NtPassword3[7] = bId; // Identifier
HostToWireFormat16( (WORD)3, NtPassword3+8 ); // Sequence number
CopyMemory( NtPassword3+10, ((PBYTE)pNewEncryptedWithOldNtOwf)+486, 30 );
dwRetCode = RasAuthAttributeInsert( 5, pwb->pUserAttributes, raatVendorSpecific, FALSE, 36+4, NtPassword3 );
if ( dwRetCode != NO_ERROR ) { RasAuthAttributeDestroy( pwb->pUserAttributes );
pwb->pUserAttributes = NULL;
return( dwRetCode ); }
HostToWireFormat32( 311, LmPassword1 ); // Vendor Id
LmPassword1[4] = 5; // Vendor Type
LmPassword1[5] = 249; // Vendor Length
LmPassword1[6] = 6; // Code
LmPassword1[7] = bId; // Identifier
HostToWireFormat16( (WORD)1, LmPassword1+8 ); // Sequence number
CopyMemory( LmPassword1+10, pNewEncryptedWithOldLmOwf, 243 );
dwRetCode = RasAuthAttributeInsert( 6, pwb->pUserAttributes, raatVendorSpecific, FALSE, 249+4, LmPassword1);
if ( dwRetCode != NO_ERROR ) { RasAuthAttributeDestroy( pwb->pUserAttributes );
pwb->pUserAttributes = NULL;
return( dwRetCode ); }
HostToWireFormat32( 311, LmPassword2 ); // Vendor Id
LmPassword2[4] = 5; // Vendor Type
LmPassword2[5] = 249; // Vendor Length
LmPassword2[6] = 6; // Code
LmPassword2[7] = bId; // Identifier
HostToWireFormat16( (WORD)2, LmPassword2+8 ); // Sequence number
CopyMemory( LmPassword2+10, ((PBYTE)pNewEncryptedWithOldLmOwf)+243, 243 );
dwRetCode = RasAuthAttributeInsert( 7, pwb->pUserAttributes, raatVendorSpecific, FALSE, 249+4, LmPassword2 );
if ( dwRetCode != NO_ERROR ) { RasAuthAttributeDestroy( pwb->pUserAttributes );
pwb->pUserAttributes = NULL;
return( dwRetCode ); }
HostToWireFormat32( 311, LmPassword3 ); // Vendor Id
LmPassword3[4] = 5; // Vendor Type
LmPassword3[5] = 36; // Vendor Length
LmPassword3[6] = 6; // Code
LmPassword3[7] = bId; // Identifier
HostToWireFormat16( (WORD)3, LmPassword3+8 ); // Sequence number
CopyMemory( LmPassword3+10, ((PBYTE)pNewEncryptedWithOldLmOwf)+486, 30 );
dwRetCode = RasAuthAttributeInsert( 8, pwb->pUserAttributes, raatVendorSpecific, FALSE, 36+4, LmPassword3 );
if ( dwRetCode != NO_ERROR ) { RasAuthAttributeDestroy( pwb->pUserAttributes );
pwb->pUserAttributes = NULL;
return( dwRetCode ); }
return( dwRetCode ); }
// Call: MakeChangePasswordV3RequestAttributes
// Returns: NO_ERROR - Success
// Non-zero returns - Failure
// Description:
DWORD MakeChangePasswordV3RequestAttributes( IN CHAPWB* pwb, IN BYTE bId, IN CHAR* pchIdentity, IN CHANGEPW3* pchangepw3, IN DWORD cbChallenge, IN BYTE * pbChallenge ) { DWORD dwRetCode; BYTE MsChapChallenge[MAXCHALLENGELEN+6]; BYTE MsChapChangePw3[70+4]; BYTE NtPassword1[250+4]; BYTE NtPassword2[250+4]; BYTE NtPassword3[34+4];
if ( pwb->pUserAttributes != NULL ) { RasAuthAttributeDestroy( pwb->pUserAttributes );
pwb->pUserAttributes = NULL; }
// Allocate the appropriate amount
pwb->pUserAttributes = RasAuthAttributeCreate( 6 );
if ( pwb->pUserAttributes == NULL ) { return( GetLastError() ); }
dwRetCode = RasAuthAttributeInsert( 0, pwb->pUserAttributes, raatUserName, FALSE, strlen( pchIdentity ), pchIdentity );
if ( dwRetCode != NO_ERROR ) { RasAuthAttributeDestroy( pwb->pUserAttributes );
pwb->pUserAttributes = NULL;
return( dwRetCode ); }
// Build vendor specific attribute for MS-CHAP challenge
HostToWireFormat32( 311, MsChapChallenge ); // Vendor Id
MsChapChallenge[4] = 11; // Vendor Type
MsChapChallenge[5] = 2+(BYTE)cbChallenge; // Vendor Length
CopyMemory( MsChapChallenge+6, pbChallenge, cbChallenge );
dwRetCode = RasAuthAttributeInsert( 1, pwb->pUserAttributes, raatVendorSpecific, FALSE, cbChallenge+6, MsChapChallenge);
if ( dwRetCode != NO_ERROR ) { RasAuthAttributeDestroy( pwb->pUserAttributes );
pwb->pUserAttributes = NULL;
return( dwRetCode ); }
// Insert change password attribute
HostToWireFormat32( 311, MsChapChangePw3 ); // Vendor Id
MsChapChangePw3[4] = 27; // Vendor Type
MsChapChangePw3[5] = 70; // Vendor Length
MsChapChangePw3[6] = 7; // Code
MsChapChangePw3[7] = bId; // Identifier
CopyMemory( MsChapChangePw3+8, pchangepw3->abEncryptedHash, 16 ); CopyMemory( MsChapChangePw3+8+16, pchangepw3->abPeerChallenge, 24 ); CopyMemory( MsChapChangePw3+8+16+24, pchangepw3->abNTResponse, 24 );
HostToWireFormat16( (WORD)0, MsChapChangePw3+8+16+24+24 );
// Build vendor specific attribute for MS-CHAP2-PW
dwRetCode = RasAuthAttributeInsert( 2, pwb->pUserAttributes, raatVendorSpecific, FALSE, 70+4, MsChapChangePw3);
if ( dwRetCode != NO_ERROR ) { RasAuthAttributeDestroy( pwb->pUserAttributes );
pwb->pUserAttributes = NULL;
return( dwRetCode ); }
// Insert the new password attributes
HostToWireFormat32( 311, NtPassword1 ); // Vendor Id
NtPassword1[4] = 6; // Vendor Type
NtPassword1[5] = 249; // Vendor Length
NtPassword1[6] = 6; // Code
NtPassword1[7] = bId; // Identifier
HostToWireFormat16( (WORD)1, NtPassword1+8 ); // Sequence number
CopyMemory( NtPassword1+10, pchangepw3->abEncryptedPassword, 243 );
dwRetCode = RasAuthAttributeInsert( 3, pwb->pUserAttributes, raatVendorSpecific, FALSE, 249+4, NtPassword1);
if ( dwRetCode != NO_ERROR ) { RasAuthAttributeDestroy( pwb->pUserAttributes );
pwb->pUserAttributes = NULL;
return( dwRetCode ); }
HostToWireFormat32( 311, NtPassword2 ); // Vendor Id
NtPassword2[4] = 6; // Vendor Type
NtPassword2[5] = 249; // Vendor Length
NtPassword2[6] = 6; // Code
NtPassword2[7] = bId; // Identifier
HostToWireFormat16( (WORD)2, NtPassword2+8 ); // Sequence number
CopyMemory( NtPassword2+10, pchangepw3->abEncryptedPassword+243, 243 );
dwRetCode = RasAuthAttributeInsert( 4, pwb->pUserAttributes, raatVendorSpecific, FALSE, 249+4, NtPassword2 );
if ( dwRetCode != NO_ERROR ) { RasAuthAttributeDestroy( pwb->pUserAttributes );
pwb->pUserAttributes = NULL;
return( dwRetCode ); }
HostToWireFormat32( 311, NtPassword3 ); // Vendor Id
NtPassword3[4] = 6; // Vendor Type
NtPassword3[5] = 36; // Vendor Length
NtPassword3[6] = 6; // Code
NtPassword3[7] = bId; // Identifier
HostToWireFormat16( (WORD)3, NtPassword3+8 ); // Sequence number
CopyMemory( NtPassword3+10, pchangepw3->abEncryptedPassword+486, 30 );
dwRetCode = RasAuthAttributeInsert( 5, pwb->pUserAttributes, raatVendorSpecific, FALSE, 36+4, NtPassword3 );
if ( dwRetCode != NO_ERROR ) { RasAuthAttributeDestroy( pwb->pUserAttributes );
pwb->pUserAttributes = NULL;
return( dwRetCode ); }
return( dwRetCode ); }
// Call: MakeAuthenticationRequestAttributes
// Returns: NO_ERROR - Success
// Non-zero returns - Failure
// Description:
DWORD MakeAuthenticationRequestAttributes( IN CHAPWB * pwb, IN BOOL fMSChap, IN BYTE bAlgorithm, IN CHAR* szUserName, IN BYTE* pbChallenge, IN DWORD cbChallenge, IN BYTE* pbResponse, IN DWORD cbResponse, IN BYTE bId ) { DWORD dwRetCode; BYTE abResponse[MD5RESPONSELEN+1];
if ( pwb->pUserAttributes != NULL ) { RasAuthAttributeDestroy( pwb->pUserAttributes );
pwb->pUserAttributes = NULL; }
// Allocate the appropriate amount
if ( ( pwb->pUserAttributes = RasAuthAttributeCreate( 3 ) ) == NULL ) { return( GetLastError() ); }
dwRetCode = RasAuthAttributeInsert( 0, pwb->pUserAttributes, raatUserName, FALSE, strlen( szUserName ), szUserName );
if ( dwRetCode != NO_ERROR ) { RasAuthAttributeDestroy( pwb->pUserAttributes );
pwb->pUserAttributes = NULL;
return( dwRetCode ); }
if ( fMSChap ) { BYTE MsChapChallenge[MAXCHALLENGELEN+6];
HostToWireFormat32( 311, MsChapChallenge ); // Vendor Id
MsChapChallenge[4] = 11; // Vendor Type
MsChapChallenge[5] = 2+(BYTE)cbChallenge; // Vendor Length
CopyMemory( MsChapChallenge+6, pbChallenge, cbChallenge );
// Build vendor specific attribute for MS-CHAP challenge
dwRetCode = RasAuthAttributeInsert( 1, pwb->pUserAttributes, raatVendorSpecific, FALSE, cbChallenge+6, MsChapChallenge ); } else { dwRetCode = RasAuthAttributeInsert( 1, pwb->pUserAttributes, raatMD5CHAPChallenge, FALSE, cbChallenge, pbChallenge ); }
if ( dwRetCode != NO_ERROR ) { RasAuthAttributeDestroy( pwb->pUserAttributes );
pwb->pUserAttributes = NULL;
return( dwRetCode ); }
if ( fMSChap && ( bAlgorithm == PPP_CHAP_DIGEST_MSEXT ) ) { BYTE MsChapResponse[56];
HostToWireFormat32( 311, MsChapResponse ); // Vendor Id
MsChapResponse[4] = 1; // Vendor Type
MsChapResponse[5] = (BYTE)52; // Vendor Length
MsChapResponse[6] = bId; // Ident
MsChapResponse[7] = pbResponse[cbResponse-1]; // Flags
CopyMemory( MsChapResponse+8, pbResponse, cbResponse-1 );
dwRetCode = RasAuthAttributeInsert( 2, pwb->pUserAttributes, raatVendorSpecific, FALSE, 56, MsChapResponse); } else if ( fMSChap && ( bAlgorithm == PPP_CHAP_DIGEST_MSEXT_NEW ) ) { BYTE MsChap2Response[56];
HostToWireFormat32( 311, MsChap2Response ); // Vendor Id
MsChap2Response[4] = 25; // Vendor Type
MsChap2Response[5] = (BYTE)52; // Vendor Length
MsChap2Response[6] = bId; // Ident
MsChap2Response[7] = 0; // Flags
CopyMemory( MsChap2Response+8, pbResponse, cbResponse-1 );
dwRetCode = RasAuthAttributeInsert( 2, pwb->pUserAttributes, raatVendorSpecific, FALSE, 56, MsChap2Response); } else { abResponse[0] = bId;
CopyMemory( abResponse+1, pbResponse, cbResponse );
dwRetCode = RasAuthAttributeInsert( 2, pwb->pUserAttributes, raatMD5CHAPPassword, FALSE, cbResponse+1, abResponse ); }
if ( dwRetCode != NO_ERROR ) { RasAuthAttributeDestroy( pwb->pUserAttributes );
pwb->pUserAttributes = NULL;
return( dwRetCode ); }
return( dwRetCode ); }
// Call: GetErrorCodeFromAttributes
// Returns: NO_ERROR - Success
// Non-zero returns - Failure
// Description: Will extract the error code returned from the authentication
// provider and insert it into the reponse sent to the client
DWORD GetErrorCodeFromAttributes( IN CHAPWB* pwb ) { RAS_AUTH_ATTRIBUTE * pAttribute; RAS_AUTH_ATTRIBUTE * pAttributes = pwb->pAttributesFromAuthenticator; DWORD dwRetCode = NO_ERROR;
// Search for MS-CHAP Error attributes
pAttribute = RasAuthAttributeGetVendorSpecific( 311, 2, pAttributes );
if ( pAttribute != NULL ) { CHAR chErrorBuffer[150]; CHAR* pszValue; DWORD cbError = (DWORD)*(((PBYTE)(pAttribute->Value))+5);
// Leave one byte for NULL terminator
if ( cbError > sizeof( chErrorBuffer ) - 1 ) { cbError = sizeof( chErrorBuffer ) - 1; }
ZeroMemory( chErrorBuffer, sizeof( chErrorBuffer ) );
// We do -2 below to account for the size of the vendor
// attribute itself and the id.
CopyMemory( chErrorBuffer, (CHAR *)((PBYTE)(pAttribute->Value) + 7), cbError - 2 );
pszValue = strstr( chErrorBuffer, "E=" );
if ( pszValue ) { pwb->result.dwError = (DWORD )atol( pszValue + 2 ); }
pszValue = strstr( chErrorBuffer, "R=1" );
if ( pszValue ) { pwb->dwTriesLeft = 1; } } else { //
// If we did not get an error code attribute back then assume an
// access denied
TRACE("No error code attribute returned, assuming access denied");
return( dwRetCode ); }
// Call: GetEncryptedPasswordsForChangePassword2
// Returns: NO_ERROR - Success
// Non-zero returns - Failure
// Description:
DWORD GetEncryptedPasswordsForChangePassword2( IN CHAR* pszOldPassword, IN CHAR* pszNewPassword, OUT SAMPR_ENCRYPTED_USER_PASSWORD* pNewEncryptedWithOldNtOwf, OUT ENCRYPTED_NT_OWF_PASSWORD* pOldNtOwfEncryptedWithNewNtOwf, OUT SAMPR_ENCRYPTED_USER_PASSWORD* pNewEncryptedWithOldLmOwf, OUT ENCRYPTED_NT_OWF_PASSWORD* pOldLmOwfEncryptedWithNewNtOwf, OUT BOOLEAN* pfLmPresent ) { DWORD dwErr; BOOL fLmPresent; UNICODE_STRING uniOldPassword; UNICODE_STRING uniNewPassword;
uniOldPassword.Buffer = NULL; uniNewPassword.Buffer = NULL;
if (!RtlCreateUnicodeStringFromAsciiz( &uniOldPassword, pszOldPassword ) || !RtlCreateUnicodeStringFromAsciiz( &uniNewPassword, pszNewPassword )) { dwErr = ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; } else { dwErr = SamiEncryptPasswords( &uniOldPassword, &uniNewPassword, pNewEncryptedWithOldNtOwf, pOldNtOwfEncryptedWithNewNtOwf, pfLmPresent, pNewEncryptedWithOldLmOwf, pOldLmOwfEncryptedWithNewNtOwf ); }
/* Erase password buffers.
*/ if (uniOldPassword.Buffer) { ZeroMemory( uniOldPassword.Buffer, lstrlenW( uniOldPassword.Buffer ) * sizeof( WCHAR ) ); }
if (uniNewPassword.Buffer) { ZeroMemory( uniNewPassword.Buffer, lstrlenW( uniNewPassword.Buffer ) * sizeof( WCHAR ) ); }
RtlFreeUnicodeString( &uniOldPassword ); RtlFreeUnicodeString( &uniNewPassword );
TRACE1("GetEncryptedPasswordsForChangePassword2 done(%d)",dwErr); return dwErr; }