* Microsoft Windows NT * * Copyright(c) Microsoft Corp., 1992 * \******************************************************************/
Module Name:
This module contains code for all the RASADMIN APIs that require RAS information from the UAS.
// RasAdminUserEnum
RasAdminGetUserAccountServer RasAdminUserSetInfo RasAdminUserGetInfo RasAdminGetErrorString
Janakiram Cherala (RamC) July 6,1992
Revision History:
Feb 1,1996 RamC Changes to export these APIs to 3rd parties. These APIs are now part of RASSAPI.DLL. Added a couple new routines and renamed some. RasAdminUserEnum is not exported any more. June 8,1993 RamC Changes to RasAdminUserEnum to speed up user enumeration. May 13,1993 AndyHe Modified to coexist with other apps using user parms
Mar 16,1993 RamC Change to speed up User enumeration. Now, when RasAdminUserEnum is invoked, only the user name information is returned. RasAdminUserGetInfo should be invoked to get the Ras permissions and Callback information.
Aug 25,1992 RamC Code review changes:
o changed all lpbBuffers to actual structure pointers. o changed all LPTSTR to LPWSTR o Added a new function RasPrivilegeAndCallBackNumber July 6,1992 RamC Begun porting from RAS 1.0 (Original version written by Narendra Gidwani - nareng)
#include <nt.h>
#include <ntrtl.h>
#include <nturtl.h>
#include <windows.h>
#include "rassapi.h"
// Deprecated API in .Net #526819
DWORD APIENTRY RasAdminUserSetInfo( IN const WCHAR * lpszServer, IN const WCHAR * lpszUser, IN const PRAS_USER_0 pRasUser0 ) /*++
Routine Description:
This routine allows the admin to change the RAS permission for a user. If the user parms field of a user is being used by another application, it will be destroyed.
lpszServer name of the server which has the user database, eg., "\\\\UASSRVR" (the server must be one on which the UAS can be changed i.e., the name returned by RasAdminGetUserAccountServer).
lpszUser user account name to retrieve information for, e.g. "USER".
pRasUser0 pointer to a buffer in which user information is provided. The buffer should contain a filled RAS_USER_0 structure.
Return Value:
ERROR_SUCCESS on successful return.
One of the following non-zero error codes indicating failure:
return codes from NetUserGetInfo or NetUserSetInfo
ERROR_INVALID_DATA indicates that the data in pRasUser0 is bad. --*/ { DbgPrint("Unsupported Interface - RasAdminUserSetInfo");
// Deprecated API in .Net #526819
DWORD APIENTRY RasAdminUserGetInfo( IN const WCHAR * lpszServer, IN const WCHAR * lpszUser, OUT PRAS_USER_0 pRasUser0 ) /*++
Routine Description:
This routine retrieves RAS and other UAS information for a user in the domain the specified server belongs to. It loads the caller's pRasUser0 with a RAS_USER_0 structure.
lpszServer name of the server which has the user database, eg., "\\\\UASSRVR" (the server must be one on which the UAS can be changed i.e., the name returned by RasAdminGetUserAccountServer).
lpszUser user account name to retrieve information for, e.g. "USER".
pRasUser0 pointer to a buffer in which user information is returned. The returned info is a RAS_USER_0 structure.
Return Value:
ERROR_SUCCESS on successful return.
One of the following non-zero error codes indicating failure:
return codes from NetUserGetInfo or NetUserSetInfo
ERROR_INVALID_DATA indicates that user parms is invalid. --*/ { DbgPrint("Unsupported Interface - RasAdminUserGetInfo");
if (pRasUser0) { ZeroMemory(pRasUser0, sizeof(RAS_USER_0)); }
// Deprecated API in .Net #526819
DWORD APIENTRY RasAdminGetUserAccountServer( IN const WCHAR * lpszDomain, IN const WCHAR * lpszServer, OUT LPWSTR lpszUasServer ) /*++
Routine Description:
This routine finds the server with the master UAS (the PDC) from either a domain name or a server name. Either the domain or the server (but not both) may be NULL.
lpszDomain Domain name or NULL if none.
lpszServer name of the server which has the user database.
lpszUasServer Caller's buffer for the returned UAS server name. The buffer should be atleast UNCLEN + 1 characters long.
Return Value:
ERROR_SUCCESS on successful return. ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER if both lpszDomain and lpszServer are NULL.
one of the following non-zero error codes on failure:
return codes from NetGetDCName
--*/ { DbgPrint("Unsupported Interface - RasAdminGetUserAccountServer");
if (lpszUasServer) { lpszUasServer[0] = L'\0'; }
DWORD APIENTRY RasAdminSetUserParms( IN OUT WCHAR * lpszParms, IN DWORD cchNewParms, IN PRAS_USER_0 pRasUser0 ) { DbgPrint("Unsupported Interface - RasAdminSetUserParms");
if (lpszParms) { lpszParms[0] = L'\0'; }
DWORD APIENTRY RasAdminGetUserParms( IN WCHAR * lpszParms, IN OUT PRAS_USER_0 pRasUser0 ) { DbgPrint("Unsupported Interface - RasAdminGetUserParms");
if (pRasUser0) { ZeroMemory(pRasUser0, sizeof(RAS_USER_0)); }
DWORD APIENTRY RasAdminGetErrorString( IN UINT ResourceId, OUT WCHAR * lpszString, IN DWORD InBufSize ) { DbgPrint("Unsupported Interface - RasAdminGetErrorString");
if (lpszString) { lpszString[0] = L'\0'; }
BOOL RasAdminDLLInit( IN HINSTANCE DLLHandle, IN DWORD Reason, IN LPVOID ReservedAndUnused ) { DbgPrint("Unsupported Interface - RasAdminDLLInit");
return FALSE; }
USHORT RasAdminCompressPhoneNumber( IN LPWSTR UncompNumber, OUT LPWSTR CompNumber ) { DbgPrint("Unsupported Interface - RasAdminCompressPhoneNumber");