// Copyright (c) 1995, Microsoft Corporation, all rights reserved
// edit.c
// Remote Access Common Dialog APIs
// List editor, string editor dialog routines
// 08/28/95 Steve Cobb
#include "rasdlgp.h"
// Local datatypes (alphabetically)
// List editor dialog argument block.
typedef struct _LEARGS { // Caller's arguments to the stub API.
DTLLIST* pList; BOOL* pfCheck; DWORD dwMaxItemLen; TCHAR* pszTitle; TCHAR* pszItemLabel; TCHAR* pszListLabel; TCHAR* pszCheckLabel; TCHAR* pszDefaultItem; INT iSelInitial; DWORD* pdwHelp; DWORD dwfFlags; PDESTROYNODE pDestroyId; } LEARGS;
// List editor dialog context block.
typedef struct _LEINFO { // Caller's arguments to the dialog.
LEARGS* pArgs;
// Handle of this dialog and some of it's controls.
HWND hwndDlg; HWND hwndStItem; HWND hwndStList; HWND hwndPbAdd; HWND hwndPbReplace; HWND hwndPbUp; HWND hwndPbDown; HWND hwndPbDelete; HWND hwndPbOk; HWND hwndEb; HWND hwndLb; HWND hwndCb;
// Convenient alternatives to (pInfo->pArgs->dwFlags & LEDFLAG_Sorted) and
// (pInfo->pArgs->dwFlags & LEDFLAG_NoDeleteLastItem).
BOOL fSorted; BOOL fNoDeleteLast;
// Button bitmaps.
// List of empty nodes whose node-IDs should be 'pDestroyId'ed if user
// presses OK.
DTLLIST* pListDeletes; } LEINFO;
// String Editor dialog arument block.
typedef struct _ZEARGS { /* Caller's aruments to the stub API.
*/ TCHAR* pszIn; DWORD dwSidTitle; DWORD dwSidLabel; DWORD cbMax; DWORD dwHelpId; TCHAR** ppszOut; } ZEARGS;
// String Editor dialog context block.
typedef struct _ZEINFO { // Caller's arguments to the stub API.
ZEARGS* pArgs;
// Dialog and control handles.
HWND hwndDlg; HWND hwndEb; } ZEINFO;
// Local prototypes (alphabetically)
INT_PTR CALLBACK LeDlgProc( IN HWND hwnd, IN UINT unMsg, IN WPARAM wparam, IN LPARAM lparam );
VOID LeAdd( IN LEINFO* pInfo );
BOOL LeCommand( IN LEINFO* pInfo, IN WORD wNotification, IN WORD wId, IN HWND hwndCtrl );
VOID LeDelete( IN LEINFO* pInfo );
VOID LeDown( IN LEINFO* pInfo );
VOID LeEnableUpAndDownButtons( IN LEINFO* pInfo );
VOID LeExitNoMemory( IN LEINFO* pInfo );
BOOL LeInit( IN HWND hwndDlg, IN LEARGS* pArgs );
VOID LeItemTextFromListSelection( IN LEINFO* pInfo );
VOID LeReplace( IN LEINFO* pInfo );
BOOL LeSaveSettings( IN LEINFO* pInfo );
VOID LeTerm( IN HWND hwndDlg );
VOID LeUp( IN LEINFO* pInfo );
INT_PTR CALLBACK ZeDlgProc( IN HWND hwnd, IN UINT unMsg, IN WPARAM wparam, IN LPARAM lparam );
BOOL ZeCommand( IN ZEINFO* pInfo, IN WORD wNotification, IN WORD wId, IN HWND hwndCtrl );
BOOL ZeInit( IN HWND hwndDlg, IN ZEARGS* pArgs );
VOID ZeTerm( IN HWND hwndDlg );
// List Editor dialog entry point
BOOL ListEditorDlg( IN HWND hwndOwner, IN OUT DTLLIST* pList, IN OUT BOOL* pfCheck, IN DWORD dwMaxItemLen, IN TCHAR* pszTitle, IN TCHAR* pszItemLabel, IN TCHAR* pszListLabel, IN TCHAR* pszCheckLabel, IN TCHAR* pszDefaultItem, IN INT iSelInitial, IN DWORD* pdwHelp, IN DWORD dwfFlags, IN PDESTROYNODE pDestroyId )
// Pops-up the List Editor dialog.
// 'HwndOwner' is the owner of the dialog. 'PList' is, on entry, the Psz
// list to display initially, and on successful exit, the result list.
// 'PfCheck' is the state of the check box or NULL for the non-checkbox
// style. 'DwMaxItemLen' is the maximum length of an individual list
// item. 'PszTitle' is the dialog title. 'PszItemLabel' is the label
// (and hotkey) associated with the item box. 'PszListLabel' is the label
// (and hotkey) associated with the list. 'PszCheckLabel' is the label
// (and hotkey) associated with the checkbox. 'PszDefaultItem' is the
// default contents of the edit box or for the selected list text.
// 'ISelInitial' is the item the list to initally select. 'PdwHelp' is
// the array of CID_LE_* help contexts to use. 'DwfFlags' indicates
// LEDFLAG_* behavior options. 'PDestroyId' is the routine to use to
// destroy node IDs when they are deleted or NULL if none.
// Returns true if user pressed OK and succeeded, false if he pressed
// Cancel or encountered an error.
{ INT_PTR nStatus; LEARGS args;
TRACE( "ListEditorDlg" );
args.pList = pList; args.pfCheck = pfCheck; args.dwMaxItemLen = dwMaxItemLen; args.pszTitle = pszTitle; args.pszItemLabel = pszItemLabel; args.pszListLabel = pszListLabel; args.pszCheckLabel = pszCheckLabel; args.pszDefaultItem = pszDefaultItem; args.iSelInitial = iSelInitial; args.pdwHelp = pdwHelp; args.dwfFlags = dwfFlags; args.pDestroyId = pDestroyId;
nStatus = DialogBoxParam( g_hinstDll, (pfCheck) ? MAKEINTRESOURCE( DID_LE_ListEditor2 ) : ((dwfFlags & LEDFLAG_Sorted) ? MAKEINTRESOURCE( DID_LE_ListEditor3 ) : MAKEINTRESOURCE( DID_LE_ListEditor )), hwndOwner, LeDlgProc, (LPARAM )&args );
if (nStatus == -1) { ErrorDlg( hwndOwner, SID_OP_LoadDlg, ERROR_UNKNOWN, NULL ); nStatus = FALSE; }
return (nStatus) ? TRUE : FALSE; }
// List Editor dialog routines
// Listed alphabetically following dialog proc
INT_PTR CALLBACK LeDlgProc( IN HWND hwnd, IN UINT unMsg, IN WPARAM wparam, IN LPARAM lparam )
// DialogProc callback for the List Editor dialog. Parameters and return
// value are as described for standard windows 'DialogProc's.
{ #if 0
TRACE4( "LeDlgProc(h=$%x,m=$%x,w=$%x,l=$%x)", (DWORD )hwnd, (DWORD )unMsg, (DWORD )wparam, (DWORD )lparam ); #endif
switch (unMsg) { case WM_INITDIALOG: { return LeInit( hwnd, (LEARGS* )lparam ); }
case WM_HELP: case WM_CONTEXTMENU: { LEINFO* pInfo = (LEINFO* )GetWindowLongPtr( hwnd, DWLP_USER ); ASSERT( pInfo );
ContextHelp( pInfo->pArgs->pdwHelp, hwnd, unMsg, wparam, lparam ); break; }
case WM_COMMAND: { LEINFO* pInfo = (LEINFO* )GetWindowLongPtr( hwnd, DWLP_USER ); ASSERT( pInfo );
return LeCommand( pInfo, HIWORD( wparam ), LOWORD( wparam ), (HWND )lparam ); }
case WM_DESTROY: { LeTerm( hwnd ); break; } }
return FALSE; }
VOID LeAdd( IN LEINFO* pInfo )
// Add button click handler. 'PInfo' is the dialog context.
{ TCHAR* psz;
psz = GetText( pInfo->hwndEb ); if (!psz) { LeExitNoMemory( pInfo ); return; }
if (pInfo->pArgs->dwfFlags & LEDFLAG_Unique) { if (ListBox_IndexFromString( pInfo->hwndLb, psz ) >= 0) { MSGARGS msgargs;
ZeroMemory( &msgargs, sizeof(msgargs) ); msgargs.apszArgs[ 0 ] = psz; MsgDlg( pInfo->hwndDlg, SID_NotUnique, &msgargs ); Edit_SetSel( pInfo->hwndEb, 0, -1 ); SetFocus( pInfo->hwndEb ); Free( psz ); return; } }
ListBox_SetCurSel( pInfo->hwndLb, ListBox_AddItem( pInfo->hwndLb, psz, 0 ) ); Free( psz ); LeEnableUpAndDownButtons( pInfo ); EnableWindow( pInfo->hwndPbReplace, FALSE );
if (!pInfo->fNoDeleteLast || ListBox_GetCount( pInfo->hwndLb ) > 1) { EnableWindow( pInfo->hwndPbDelete, TRUE ); }
SetWindowText( pInfo->hwndEb, TEXT("") ); SetFocus( pInfo->hwndEb ); }
BOOL LeCommand( IN LEINFO* pInfo, IN WORD wNotification, IN WORD wId, IN HWND hwndCtrl )
// Called on WM_COMMAND. 'PInfo' is the dialog context. 'WNotification'
// is the notification code of the command. 'wId' is the control/menu
// identifier of the command. 'HwndCtrl' is the control window handle of
// the command.
// Returns true if processed message, false otherwise.
{ TRACE3( "LeCommand(n=%d,i=%d,c=$%x)", (DWORD )wNotification, (DWORD )wId, (ULONG_PTR )hwndCtrl );
switch (wId) { case CID_LE_PB_Add: { LeAdd( pInfo ); return TRUE; }
case CID_LE_PB_Replace: { LeReplace( pInfo ); return TRUE; }
case CID_LE_PB_Up: { LeUp( pInfo ); return TRUE; }
case CID_LE_PB_Down: { LeDown( pInfo ); return TRUE; }
case CID_LE_PB_Delete: { LeDelete( pInfo ); return TRUE; }
case CID_LE_EB_Item: { if (wNotification == EN_SETFOCUS || wNotification == EN_UPDATE) { TCHAR* psz = GetText( pInfo->hwndEb );
if (psz && lstrlen( psz ) > 0 && !IsAllWhite( psz )) { EnableWindow( pInfo->hwndPbAdd, TRUE ); EnableWindow( pInfo->hwndPbReplace, TRUE ); Button_MakeDefault( pInfo->hwndDlg, pInfo->hwndPbAdd ); } else { EnableWindow( pInfo->hwndPbAdd, FALSE ); EnableWindow( pInfo->hwndPbReplace, FALSE ); Button_MakeDefault( pInfo->hwndDlg, pInfo->hwndPbOk ); }
Free0( psz ); } return TRUE; }
case CID_LE_LB_List: { if (wNotification == LBN_SELCHANGE) { LeEnableUpAndDownButtons( pInfo ); if (ListBox_GetCurSel( pInfo->hwndLb ) >= 0) { LeItemTextFromListSelection( pInfo ); } } return TRUE; }
case CID_LE_CB_Promote: { if (wNotification == BN_SETFOCUS) { Button_MakeDefault( pInfo->hwndDlg, pInfo->hwndPbOk ); } return TRUE; }
case IDOK: { EndDialog( pInfo->hwndDlg, LeSaveSettings( pInfo ) ); return TRUE; }
case IDCANCEL: { DTLLIST* pList; DTLNODE* pNode;
TRACE( "Cancel pressed" ); EndDialog( pInfo->hwndDlg, FALSE ); return TRUE; } }
return FALSE; }
VOID LeDelete( IN LEINFO* pInfo )
// Delete button click handler. 'PInfo' is the dialog context.
{ INT i; INT c;
i = ListBox_GetCurSel( pInfo->hwndLb ); if (pInfo->pArgs->pDestroyId) { LONG_PTR lId = ListBox_GetItemData( pInfo->hwndLb, i ); if (lId != 0) { DTLNODE* pNode;
pNode = DtlCreateNode( NULL, lId ); if (!pNode) { ErrorDlg( pInfo->hwndDlg, SID_OP_DisplayData, ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY, NULL ); EndDialog( pInfo->hwndDlg, FALSE ); return; }
DtlAddNodeFirst( pInfo->pListDeletes, pNode ); } } ListBox_DeleteString( pInfo->hwndLb, i ); c = ListBox_GetCount( pInfo->hwndLb );
if (c == 0) { EnableWindow( pInfo->hwndPbReplace, FALSE ); EnableWindow( pInfo->hwndPbDelete, FALSE ); SetFocus( pInfo->hwndEb ); Edit_SetSel( pInfo->hwndEb, 0, -1 ); } else { if (c == 1 && pInfo->fNoDeleteLast) { EnableWindow( pInfo->hwndPbDelete, FALSE ); }
if (i >= c) { i = c - 1; }
ListBox_SetCurSel( pInfo->hwndLb, i ); }
LeEnableUpAndDownButtons( pInfo );
if (IsWindowEnabled( GetFocus() )) { SetFocus( pInfo->hwndEb ); Edit_SetSel( pInfo->hwndEb, 0, -1 ); } }
VOID LeDown( IN LEINFO* pInfo )
// Down button click handler. 'PInfo' is the dialog context.
{ TCHAR* psz; INT i; LONG_PTR lId;
ASSERT( !pInfo->fSorted );
i = ListBox_GetCurSel( pInfo->hwndLb ); psz = ListBox_GetPsz( pInfo->hwndLb, i ); if (!psz) { LeExitNoMemory( pInfo ); return; }
lId = ListBox_GetItemData( pInfo->hwndLb, i ); ListBox_InsertString( pInfo->hwndLb, i + 2, psz ); ListBox_SetItemData( pInfo->hwndLb, i + 2, lId ); Free( psz ); ListBox_DeleteString( pInfo->hwndLb, i ); ListBox_SetCurSel( pInfo->hwndLb, i + 1 );
if (i == ListBox_GetCount( pInfo->hwndLb )) { Button_MakeDefault( pInfo->hwndDlg, pInfo->hwndPbUp ); SetFocus( pInfo->hwndPbUp ); }
LeEnableUpAndDownButtons( pInfo ); }
VOID LeEnableUpAndDownButtons( IN LEINFO* pInfo )
// Determine if the Up and Down operations make sense and enable/disable
// the buttons as appropriate. 'PInfo' is the dialog context.
{ INT i; INT c;
if (pInfo->fSorted) { return; }
i = ListBox_GetCurSel( pInfo->hwndLb ); c = ListBox_GetCount( pInfo->hwndLb );
EnableWindow( pInfo->hwndPbDown, (i < c - 1 ) ); EnableWindow( pInfo->hwndPbUp, (i > 0) ); }
VOID LeExitNoMemory( IN LEINFO* pInfo )
// End the dialog reporting a memory. 'PInfo' is the dialog context.
{ ErrorDlg( pInfo->hwndDlg, SID_OP_DisplayData, ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY, NULL ); EndDialog( pInfo->hwndDlg, FALSE ); }
BOOL LeInit( IN HWND hwndDlg, IN LEARGS* pArgs )
// Called on WM_INITDIALOG. 'HwndDlg' is the handle of the phonebook
// dialog window. 'PArgs' is caller's arguments as passed to the stub
// API.
// Return false if focus was set, true otherwise, i.e. as defined for
{ DWORD dwErr; LEINFO* pInfo; DTLNODE* pNode; INT c;
TRACE( "LeInit" );
// Allocate the dialog context block. Initialize minimally for proper
// cleanup, then attach to the dialog window.
{ pInfo = Malloc( sizeof(*pInfo) ); if (!pInfo) { ErrorDlg( hwndDlg, SID_OP_LoadDlg, ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY, NULL ); EndDialog( hwndDlg, FALSE ); return TRUE; }
ZeroMemory( pInfo, sizeof(*pInfo) ); pInfo->pArgs = pArgs; pInfo->hwndDlg = hwndDlg;
SetWindowLongPtr( hwndDlg, DWLP_USER, (ULONG_PTR )pInfo ); TRACE( "Context set" ); }
// Set up convenient shortcuts.
if (pArgs->dwfFlags & LEDFLAG_Sorted) { pInfo->fSorted = TRUE; }
if (pArgs->dwfFlags & LEDFLAG_NoDeleteLastItem) { pInfo->fNoDeleteLast = TRUE; }
pInfo->hwndStItem = GetDlgItem( hwndDlg, CID_LE_ST_Item ); ASSERT( pInfo->hwndStItem ); pInfo->hwndStList = GetDlgItem( hwndDlg, CID_LE_ST_List ); ASSERT( pInfo->hwndStList ); pInfo->hwndPbAdd = GetDlgItem( hwndDlg, CID_LE_PB_Add ); ASSERT( pInfo->hwndPbAdd ); pInfo->hwndPbReplace = GetDlgItem( hwndDlg, CID_LE_PB_Replace ); ASSERT( pInfo->hwndPbReplace ); pInfo->hwndPbDelete = GetDlgItem( hwndDlg, CID_LE_PB_Delete ); ASSERT( pInfo->hwndPbDelete ); pInfo->hwndPbOk = GetDlgItem( hwndDlg, IDOK ); ASSERT( pInfo->hwndPbOk ); pInfo->hwndEb = GetDlgItem( hwndDlg, CID_LE_EB_Item ); ASSERT( pInfo->hwndEb ); pInfo->hwndLb = GetDlgItem( hwndDlg, CID_LE_LB_List ); ASSERT( pInfo->hwndLb );
if (pArgs->pDestroyId) { // Create the empty list of deletions.
pInfo->pListDeletes = DtlCreateList( 0L ); if (!pInfo->pListDeletes) { ErrorDlg( hwndDlg, SID_OP_LoadDlg, ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY, NULL ); EndDialog( hwndDlg, FALSE ); return TRUE; } }
if (!pInfo->fSorted) { pInfo->hwndPbUp = GetDlgItem( hwndDlg, CID_LE_PB_Up ); ASSERT( pInfo->hwndPbUp ); pInfo->hwndPbDown = GetDlgItem( hwndDlg, CID_LE_PB_Down ); ASSERT( pInfo->hwndPbDown );
// Draw the graphical up and down arrow indicators.
pInfo->hbmUp = Button_CreateBitmap( pInfo->hwndPbUp, BMS_UpArrowOnRight ); if (pInfo->hbmUp) { SendMessage( pInfo->hwndPbUp, BM_SETIMAGE, 0, (LPARAM )pInfo->hbmUp ); }
pInfo->hbmDown = Button_CreateBitmap( pInfo->hwndPbDown, BMS_DownArrowOnRight ); if (pInfo->hbmDown) { SendMessage( pInfo->hwndPbDown, BM_SETIMAGE, 0, (LPARAM )pInfo->hbmDown ); } }
if (pArgs->pfCheck) { pInfo->hwndCb = GetDlgItem( hwndDlg, CID_LE_CB_Promote ); ASSERT( pInfo->hwndCb ); SetWindowText( pInfo->hwndCb, pArgs->pszCheckLabel ); Button_SetCheck( pInfo->hwndCb, *pArgs->pfCheck ); }
Edit_LimitText( pInfo->hwndEb, pArgs->dwMaxItemLen );
// Set caller-defined dialog title and labels.
SetWindowText( pInfo->hwndDlg, pArgs->pszTitle ); SetWindowText( pInfo->hwndStItem, pArgs->pszItemLabel ); SetWindowText( pInfo->hwndStList, pArgs->pszListLabel );
// Fill the listbox.
for (pNode = DtlGetFirstNode( pArgs->pList ); pNode; pNode = DtlGetNextNode( pNode )) { TCHAR* psz = (TCHAR* )DtlGetData( pNode ); ASSERT( psz );
ListBox_AddItem( pInfo->hwndLb, psz, (VOID* ) DtlGetNodeId( pNode ) ); }
c = ListBox_GetCount( pInfo->hwndLb ); if (c > 0) { // Select item selected by caller.
ListBox_SetCurSelNotify( pInfo->hwndLb, pArgs->iSelInitial ); LeEnableUpAndDownButtons( pInfo );
if (c == 1 && pInfo->fNoDeleteLast) { EnableWindow( pInfo->hwndPbDelete, FALSE ); } } else { // Empty list.
if (!pInfo->fSorted) { EnableWindow( pInfo->hwndPbUp, FALSE ); EnableWindow( pInfo->hwndPbDown, FALSE ); } EnableWindow( pInfo->hwndPbDelete, FALSE ); }
// Set default edit box contents, if any.
if (pArgs->pszDefaultItem) { SetWindowText( pInfo->hwndEb, pArgs->pszDefaultItem ); Edit_SetSel( pInfo->hwndEb, 0, -1 ); } else { EnableWindow( pInfo->hwndPbAdd, FALSE ); EnableWindow( pInfo->hwndPbReplace, FALSE ); }
// Center dialog on the owner window.
CenterWindow( hwndDlg, GetParent( hwndDlg ) );
// Add context help button to title bar. Dlgedit.exe doesn't currently
// support this at resource edit time. When that's fixed set
// DS_CONTEXTHELP there and remove this call.
AddContextHelpButton( hwndDlg );
return TRUE; }
VOID LeItemTextFromListSelection( IN LEINFO* pInfo )
// Copies the currently selected item in the list to the edit box.
// 'PInfo' is the dialog context.
{ TCHAR* psz; INT iSel;
iSel = ListBox_GetCurSel( pInfo->hwndLb ); if (iSel >= 0) { psz = ListBox_GetPsz( pInfo->hwndLb, iSel ); if (psz) { SetWindowText( pInfo->hwndEb, psz ); Free( psz ); return; } }
SetWindowText( pInfo->hwndEb, TEXT("") ); }
VOID LeReplace( IN LEINFO* pInfo )
// Replace button click handler. 'PInfo' is the dialog context.
{ TCHAR* psz; INT i; LONG_PTR lId;
psz = GetText( pInfo->hwndEb ); if (!psz) { LeExitNoMemory( pInfo ); return; }
if (pInfo->pArgs->dwfFlags & LEDFLAG_Unique) { if (ListBox_IndexFromString( pInfo->hwndLb, psz ) >= 0) { MSGARGS msgargs;
ZeroMemory( &msgargs, sizeof(msgargs) ); msgargs.apszArgs[ 0 ] = psz; MsgDlg( pInfo->hwndDlg, SID_NotUnique, &msgargs ); Edit_SetSel( pInfo->hwndEb, 0, -1 ); SetFocus( pInfo->hwndEb ); Free( psz ); return; } }
i = ListBox_GetCurSel( pInfo->hwndLb ); lId = ListBox_GetItemData( pInfo->hwndLb, i ); ListBox_DeleteString( pInfo->hwndLb, i );
if (pInfo->fSorted) { i = ListBox_AddItem( pInfo->hwndLb, psz, (VOID* )lId ); } else { ListBox_InsertString( pInfo->hwndLb, i, psz ); ListBox_SetItemData( pInfo->hwndLb, i, lId ); }
Free( psz ); ListBox_SetCurSel( pInfo->hwndLb, i ); SetFocus( pInfo->hwndEb ); SetWindowText( pInfo->hwndEb, TEXT("") ); }
BOOL LeSaveSettings( IN LEINFO* pInfo )
// Saves dialog settings in the stub API caller's list. 'PInfo' is the
// dialog context.
// Returns true if successful, false if does not validate.
{ DWORD dwErr; DTLNODE* pNode; DTLLIST* pList; DTLLIST* pListNew; TCHAR* psz; LONG_PTR lId; INT c; INT i;
// Make new list from list box contents.
do { pListNew = DtlCreateList( 0L ); if (!pListNew) { dwErr = ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; break; }
dwErr = 0; c = ListBox_GetCount( pInfo->hwndLb );
for (i = 0; i < c; ++i) { psz = ListBox_GetPsz( pInfo->hwndLb, i ); if (!psz) { dwErr = ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; break; }
lId = ListBox_GetItemData( pInfo->hwndLb, i ); ASSERT( lId>=0 );
pNode = DtlCreateNode( psz, lId ); if (!pNode) { Free( psz ); dwErr = ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; break; }
DtlAddNodeLast( pListNew, pNode ); } } while (FALSE);
if (dwErr != 0) { ErrorDlg( pInfo->hwndDlg, SID_OP_DisplayData, dwErr, NULL ); DtlDestroyList( pListNew, DestroyPszNode ); return FALSE; }
// Free all data in the old list.
while (pNode = DtlGetFirstNode( pInfo->pArgs->pList )) { Free( (TCHAR* )DtlGetData( pNode ) ); DtlDeleteNode( pInfo->pArgs->pList, pNode ); }
// Free the node-IDs in the list of deletions.
if (pInfo->pListDeletes) { while (pNode = DtlGetFirstNode( pInfo->pListDeletes )) { pInfo->pArgs->pDestroyId( (DTLNODE* )DtlGetNodeId( pNode ) ); DtlDeleteNode( pInfo->pListDeletes, pNode ); } }
// Move the new list onto caller's list.
while (pNode = DtlGetFirstNode( pListNew )) { DtlRemoveNode( pListNew, pNode ); DtlAddNodeLast( pInfo->pArgs->pList, pNode ); } DtlDestroyList( pListNew, DestroyPszNode );
// Tell caller what the checkbox setting is.
if (pInfo->pArgs->pfCheck) { *pInfo->pArgs->pfCheck = Button_GetCheck( pInfo->hwndCb ); }
return TRUE; }
VOID LeTerm( IN HWND hwndDlg )
// Called on WM_DESTROY. 'HwndDlg' is that handle of the dialog window.
{ LEINFO* pInfo = (LEINFO* )GetWindowLongPtr( hwndDlg, DWLP_USER );
TRACE( "LeTerm" );
if (pInfo) { if (pInfo->hbmUp) { DeleteObject( pInfo->hbmUp ); }
if (pInfo->hbmDown) { DeleteObject( pInfo->hbmDown ); }
DtlDestroyList( pInfo->pListDeletes, NULL ); Free( pInfo ); } }
// Up button click handler. 'PInfo' is the dialog context.
{ TCHAR* psz; INT i; LONG_PTR lId;
ASSERT( !pInfo->fSorted );
i = ListBox_GetCurSel( pInfo->hwndLb ); psz = ListBox_GetPsz( pInfo->hwndLb, i ); if (!psz) { LeExitNoMemory( pInfo ); return; }
ListBox_InsertString( pInfo->hwndLb, i - 1, psz ); Free( psz ); lId = ListBox_GetItemData( pInfo->hwndLb, i + 1 ); ListBox_DeleteString( pInfo->hwndLb, i + 1 ); ListBox_SetItemData( pInfo->hwndLb, i - 1, lId ); ListBox_SetCurSel( pInfo->hwndLb, i - 1 );
if (i == 1) { Button_MakeDefault( pInfo->hwndDlg, pInfo->hwndPbDown ); SetFocus( pInfo->hwndPbDown ); }
LeEnableUpAndDownButtons( pInfo ); }
// String Editor dialog entry point
BOOL StringEditorDlg( IN HWND hwndOwner, IN TCHAR* pszIn, IN DWORD dwSidTitle, IN DWORD dwSidLabel, IN DWORD cbMax, IN DWORD dwHelpId, IN OUT TCHAR** ppszOut )
// Pops-up the String Editor dialog. 'PszIn' is the initial setting of
// the edit box or NULL for blank. 'DwSidTitle' and 'dwSidLabel' are the
// string resource IDs of the dialog title and edit box label. 'CbMax' is
// the maximum length of the to allow or 0 for no limit. 'DwHelpId' is
// the HID_* constant to associate with the label and edit field or -1 if
// none.
// Returns true if user pressed OK and succeeded, false if he pressed
// Cancel or encountered an error. If true, '*ppszNumber' is a heap block
// with the edited result. It is caller's responsibility to Free the
// returned block.
{ INT_PTR nStatus; ZEARGS args;
TRACE( "StringEditorDlg" );
args.pszIn = pszIn; args.dwSidTitle = dwSidTitle; args.dwSidLabel = dwSidLabel; args.cbMax = cbMax; args.dwHelpId = dwHelpId; args.ppszOut = ppszOut;
nStatus = (BOOL )DialogBoxParam( g_hinstDll, MAKEINTRESOURCE( DID_ZE_StringEditor ), hwndOwner, ZeDlgProc, (LPARAM )&args );
if (nStatus == -1) { ErrorDlg( hwndOwner, SID_OP_LoadDlg, ERROR_UNKNOWN, NULL ); nStatus = FALSE; }
return (nStatus) ? TRUE : FALSE; }
// String Editor dialog routines
// Listed alphabetically following dialog proc
INT_PTR CALLBACK ZeDlgProc( IN HWND hwnd, IN UINT unMsg, IN WPARAM wparam, IN LPARAM lparam )
// DialogProc callback for the Edit Phone Number dialog. Parameters and
// return value are as described for standard windows 'DialogProc's.
{ #if 0
TRACE4( "ZeDlgProc(h=$%x,m=$%x,w=$%x,l=$%x)", (DWORD )hwnd, (DWORD )unMsg, (DWORD )wparam, (DWORD )lparam ); #endif
switch (unMsg) { case WM_INITDIALOG: { return ZeInit( hwnd, (ZEARGS* )lparam ); }
pInfo = (ZEINFO* )GetWindowLongPtr( hwnd, DWLP_USER ); if (pInfo && pInfo->pArgs->dwHelpId != (DWORD )-1) { DWORD adwZeHelp[ (2 + 1) * 2 ];
ZeroMemory( adwZeHelp, sizeof(adwZeHelp) ); adwZeHelp[ 0 ] = CID_ZE_ST_String; adwZeHelp[ 2 ] = CID_ZE_EB_String; adwZeHelp[ 1 ] = adwZeHelp[ 3 ] = pInfo->pArgs->dwHelpId;
ContextHelp( adwZeHelp, hwnd, unMsg, wparam, lparam ); break; } }
case WM_COMMAND: { ZEINFO* pInfo = (ZEINFO* )GetWindowLongPtr( hwnd, DWLP_USER ); ASSERT( pInfo );
return ZeCommand( pInfo, HIWORD( wparam ), LOWORD( wparam ), (HWND )lparam ); }
case WM_DESTROY: { ZeTerm( hwnd ); break; } }
return FALSE; }
BOOL ZeCommand( IN ZEINFO* pInfo, IN WORD wNotification, IN WORD wId, IN HWND hwndCtrl )
// Called on WM_COMMAND. 'PInfo' is the dialog context. 'WNotification'
// is the notification code of the command. 'wId' is the control/menu
// identifier of the command. 'HwndCtrl' is the control window handle of
// the command.
// Returns true if processed message, false otherwise.
{ TRACE3( "ZeCommand(n=%d,i=%d,c=$%x)", (DWORD )wNotification, (DWORD )wId, (ULONG_PTR )hwndCtrl );
switch (wId) { case IDOK: { TRACE( "OK pressed" ); *pInfo->pArgs->ppszOut = GetText( pInfo->hwndEb ); EndDialog( pInfo->hwndDlg, (*pInfo->pArgs->ppszOut != NULL) ); return TRUE; }
case IDCANCEL: { TRACE( "Cancel pressed" ); EndDialog( pInfo->hwndDlg, FALSE ); return TRUE; } }
return FALSE; }
BOOL ZeInit( IN HWND hwndDlg, IN ZEARGS* pArgs )
// Called on WM_INITDIALOG. 'hwndDlg' is the handle of the owning window.
// 'PArgs' is caller's arguments as passed to the stub API.
// Return false if focus was set, true otherwise, i.e. as defined for
{ DWORD dwErr; TCHAR* psz; ZEINFO* pInfo;
TRACE( "ZeInit" );
// Allocate the dialog context block. Initialize minimally for proper
// cleanup, then attach to the dialog window.
{ pInfo = Malloc( sizeof(*pInfo) ); if (!pInfo) { ErrorDlg( hwndDlg, SID_OP_LoadDlg, ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY, NULL ); EndDialog( hwndDlg, FALSE ); return TRUE; }
ZeroMemory( pInfo, sizeof(*pInfo) ); pInfo->pArgs = pArgs; pInfo->hwndDlg = hwndDlg;
SetWindowLongPtr( hwndDlg, DWLP_USER, (ULONG_PTR )pInfo ); TRACE( "Context set" ); }
pInfo->hwndEb = GetDlgItem( hwndDlg, CID_ZE_EB_String ); ASSERT( pInfo->hwndEb );
if (pArgs->cbMax > 0) { Edit_LimitText( pInfo->hwndEb, pArgs->cbMax ); }
psz = PszFromId( g_hinstDll, pArgs->dwSidTitle ); if (psz) { SetWindowText( hwndDlg, psz ); Free( psz ); }
psz = PszFromId( g_hinstDll, pArgs->dwSidLabel ); if (psz) { HWND hwndSt = GetDlgItem( hwndDlg, CID_ZE_ST_String ); ASSERT( hwndSt ); SetWindowText( hwndSt, psz ); Free( psz ); }
if (pArgs->pszIn) { SetWindowText( pInfo->hwndEb, pArgs->pszIn ); Edit_SetSel( pInfo->hwndEb, 0, -1 ); }
// Center dialog on the owner window.
CenterWindow( hwndDlg, GetParent( hwndDlg ) );
// Add context help button to title bar. Dlgedit.exe doesn't currently
// support this at resource edit time. When that's fixed set
// DS_CONTEXTHELP there and remove this call.
AddContextHelpButton( hwndDlg );
return TRUE; }
VOID ZeTerm( IN HWND hwndDlg )
// Called on WM_DESTROY. 'HwndDlg' is that handle of the dialog window.
{ ZEINFO* pInfo = (ZEINFO* )GetWindowLongPtr( hwndDlg, DWLP_USER );
TRACE( "ZeTerm" );
if (pInfo) { Free( pInfo ); } }