/* Copyright (c) 1995, Microsoft Corporation, all rights reserved
** ** pref.c ** Remote Access Common Dialog APIs ** User Preferences property sheet ** ** 08/22/95 Steve Cobb */
#include "rasdlgp.h"
#include "pref.h"
/* Page definitions.
*/ #define UP_AdPage 0
#define UP_CbPage 1
#define UP_DgPage 2
//#define UP_GpPage 2
//#define UP_PlPage 3
// For whistler 460931 gangz
#define UP_PageCount 3 //2
** Help maps **---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
static DWORD g_adwAdHelp[] = { CID_AD_ST_Enable, HID_AD_LV_Enable, CID_AD_LV_Enable, HID_AD_LV_Enable, CID_AD_CB_AskBeforeAutodial, HID_AD_CB_AskBeforeAutodial, CID_AD_CB_AskBeforeAutodial, HID_AD_CB_AskBeforeAutodial, CID_AD_CB_DisableThisSession, HID_AD_CB_DisableThisSession, 0, 0 };
static DWORD g_adwCbHelp[] = { CID_CB_RB_No, HID_CB_RB_No, CID_CB_RB_Maybe, HID_CB_RB_Maybe, CID_CB_RB_Yes, HID_CB_RB_Yes, CID_CB_LV_Numbers, HID_CB_LV_Numbers, CID_CB_PB_Edit, HID_CB_PB_Edit, CID_CB_PB_Delete, HID_CB_PB_Delete, 0, 0 };
static DWORD g_adwCoHelp[] = { CID_CO_GB_LogonPrivileges, HID_CO_GB_LogonPrivileges, CID_CO_ST_AllowConnectionModification, HID_CO_CB_AllowConnectionModification, CID_CO_CB_AllowConnectionModification, HID_CO_CB_AllowConnectionModification, 0, 0 };
static DWORD g_adwPlHelp[] = { CID_PL_ST_Open, HID_PL_ST_Open, CID_PL_RB_SystemList, HID_PL_RB_SystemList, CID_PL_RB_PersonalList, HID_PL_RB_PersonalList, CID_PL_RB_AlternateList, HID_PL_RB_AlternateList, CID_PL_CL_Lists, HID_PL_CL_Lists, CID_PL_PB_Browse, HID_PL_PB_Browse, 0, 0 };
** Local prototypes (alphabetically) **---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
VOID AdApply( IN UPINFO* pInfo );
INT_PTR CALLBACK AdDlgProc( IN HWND hwnd, IN UINT unMsg, IN WPARAM wparam, IN LPARAM lparam );
BOOL AdFillLvEnable( IN UPINFO* pInfo );
BOOL AdInit( IN HWND hwndPage, IN OUT UPARGS* pArgs );
LVXDRAWINFO* AdLvEnableCallback( IN HWND hwndLv, IN DWORD dwItem );
VOID CbApply( IN UPINFO* pInfo );
void DgApply( IN UPINFO* pInfo );
BOOL CbCommand( IN UPINFO* pInfo, IN WORD wNotification, IN WORD wId, IN HWND hwndCtrl );
INT_PTR CALLBACK CbDlgProc( IN HWND hwnd, IN UINT unMsg, IN WPARAM wparam, IN LPARAM lparam );
BOOL CbInit( IN HWND hwndPage );
VOID CbUpdateLvAndPbState( IN UPINFO* pInfo );
BOOL CoApply( IN UPINFO* pInfo );
INT_PTR CALLBACK CoDlgProc( IN HWND hwnd, IN UINT unMsg, IN WPARAM wparam, IN LPARAM lparam );
BOOL CoInit( IN HWND hwndPage, IN OUT UPARGS* pArgs );
VOID GpApply( IN UPINFO* pInfo );
BOOL GpCommand( IN UPINFO* pInfo, IN WORD wNotification, IN WORD wId, IN HWND hwndCtrl );
INT_PTR CALLBACK GpDlgProc( IN HWND hwnd, IN UINT unMsg, IN WPARAM wparam, IN LPARAM lparam );
BOOL GpInit( IN HWND hwndPage );
VOID GpUpdateCbStates( IN UPINFO* pInfo );
BOOL PlApply( IN UPINFO* pInfo );
VOID PlBrowse( IN UPINFO* pInfo );
BOOL PlCommand( IN UPINFO* pInfo, IN WORD wNotification, IN WORD wId, IN HWND hwndCtrl );
INT_PTR CALLBACK PlDlgProc( IN HWND hwnd, IN UINT unMsg, IN WPARAM wparam, IN LPARAM lparam );
BOOL PlInit( IN HWND hwndPage );
BOOL UpApply( IN HWND hwndPage );
VOID UpCancel( IN HWND hwndPage );
VOID UpExit( IN UPINFO* pInfo );
UPINFO* UpInit( IN HWND hwndFirstPage, IN UPARGS* pArgs );
VOID UpTerm( IN HWND hwndPage );
// Allows the editing of ras user preferences
DWORD APIENTRY RasUserPrefsDlgInternal ( HWND hwndParent, DWORD dwFlags);
// For whistler 460931
BOOL CALLBACK PrefDisableAllChildWindows( IN HWND hwnd, // handle to child window
IN LPARAM lParam ) { BOOL fEnable = (BOOL)lParam;
EnableWindow( hwnd, fEnable);
return TRUE; }
** User Preferences property sheet entry point **---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
BOOL UserPreferencesDlg( IN HLINEAPP hlineapp, IN HWND hwndOwner, IN DWORD dwFlags, OUT PBUSER* pUser, OUT PBFILE** ppFile )
/* Pops up the User Preferences property sheet, reading and storing the
** result in the USER registry. 'HwndOwner' is the handle of the owning ** window. 'Hlineapp' is an open TAPI session handle or NULL if none. ** 'Puser' is caller's buffer to receive the ** result. 'PpFile' is address of caller's file block which is filled in, ** if user chooses to open a new phonebook file, with the information ** about the newly open file. It is caller's responsibility to ** ClosePhonebookFile and Free the returned block. ** ** Returns true if user pressed OK and settings were saved successfully, ** or false if user pressed Cancel or an error occurred. The routine ** handles the display of an appropriate error popup. */ { PROPSHEETHEADER header; PROPSHEETPAGE* apage; PROPSHEETPAGE* ppage; TCHAR* pszTitle; UPARGS args; BOOL bIsAdmin; DWORD dwPageCount, i; INT nStartPage, nEndPage, nTotalPage; // For whistler 460931
// If the user doesn't have administrative priveleges, then
// we don't allow the Connections tab to show.
ZeroMemory(&args, sizeof(args)); args.fIsUserAdmin = FIsUserAdminOrPowerUser(); dwPageCount = UP_PageCount;
// Initialize the array of pages
apage = Malloc (dwPageCount * sizeof (PROPSHEETPAGE)); if (!apage) return FALSE;
/* Initialize OUT parameter and property sheet argument block.
*/ ZeroMemory( pUser, sizeof(*pUser) ); args.pUser = pUser; args.ppFile = ppFile; args.hlineapp = hlineapp; args.fResult = FALSE; args.dwFlags = dwFlags;
if (ppFile) *ppFile = NULL;
ZeroMemory( apage, dwPageCount * sizeof (PROPSHEETPAGE) ); i = 0;
// Add the autodial page
ppage = &apage[ i ]; ppage->dwSize = sizeof(PROPSHEETPAGE); ppage->hInstance = g_hinstDll; ppage->pszTemplate = MAKEINTRESOURCE( PID_AD_AutoDial ); ppage->pfnDlgProc = AdDlgProc; ppage->lParam = (LPARAM )&args; i++;
ppage = &apage[ i ]; ppage->dwSize = sizeof(PROPSHEETPAGE); ppage->hInstance = g_hinstDll; ppage->pszTemplate = MAKEINTRESOURCE( PID_CB_CallbackSettings ); ppage->pfnDlgProc = CbDlgProc; i++;
// For whistler 460931 gangz
// Diagnostic page.
ppage = &apage[ UP_DgPage ]; ppage->dwSize = sizeof(PROPSHEETPAGE); ppage->hInstance = g_hinstDll; ppage->pszTemplate = MAKEINTRESOURCE( PID_DG_Diagnostics); ppage->pfnDlgProc = DgDlgProc;
if ( dwFlags & UP_F_ShowOnlyDiagnostic) { ppage->lParam = (LPARAM)&args; } else { ppage->lParam = (LPARAM) NULL; }
// For whistler 460931
// Set showing pages
if( dwFlags & UP_F_ShowOnlyDiagnostic ) { nStartPage = 0; nEndPage = dwPageCount - 1; // nStartPage = UP_DgPage;
// nEndPage = UP_DgPage;
} else { nStartPage = 0; nEndPage = dwPageCount - 1; } nTotalPage = nEndPage - nStartPage + 1;
pszTitle = PszFromId(g_hinstDll, SID_UpTitle);
ZeroMemory( &header, sizeof(header) );
header.dwSize = sizeof(PROPSHEETHEADER); header.dwFlags = PSH_PROPSHEETPAGE + PSH_NOAPPLYNOW; header.hwndParent = hwndOwner; header.hInstance = g_hinstDll; header.pszCaption = (pszTitle) ? pszTitle : TEXT(""); header.nPages = nTotalPage; header.ppsp = &apage[nStartPage];
if (PropertySheet( &header ) == -1) { TRACE("PropertySheet failed"); ErrorDlg( hwndOwner, SID_OP_LoadDlg, ERROR_UNKNOWN, NULL ); }
Free0( pszTitle );
return args.fResult; }
// Allows the editing of ras user preferences
DWORD APIENTRY RasUserPrefDiagOnly ( HWND hwndParent, BOOL * pbCommit) { PBFILE * pPbFile = NULL; PBUSER pbuser; DWORD dwErr;
if( NULL == pbCommit ) { return ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; } // Load ras if neccessary
dwErr = LoadRas( g_hinstDll, hwndParent ); if (dwErr != 0) { ErrorDlg( hwndParent, SID_OP_LoadRas, dwErr, NULL ); return dwErr; }
// Launch the user preferences dialog
*pbCommit = UserPreferencesDlg( 0, hwndParent, UP_F_ShowOnlyDiagnostic, &pbuser, &pPbFile );
return NO_ERROR; }
// Allows the editing of ras user preferences
DWORD APIENTRY RasUserPrefsDlgInternal ( HWND hwndParent, DWORD dwFlags) { BOOL bCommit = FALSE; PBFILE * pPbFile = NULL; PBUSER pbuser; DWORD dwErr;
// Load ras if neccessary
dwErr = LoadRas( g_hinstDll, hwndParent ); if (dwErr != 0) { ErrorDlg( hwndParent, SID_OP_LoadRas, dwErr, NULL ); return dwErr; }
// Launch the user preferences dialog
bCommit = UserPreferencesDlg( 0, hwndParent, dwFlags, &pbuser, &pPbFile );
// Commit any neccessary changes
if (bCommit) {
return NO_ERROR; }
DWORD APIENTRY RasUserPrefsDlgAutodial ( HWND hwndParent) { return RasUserPrefsDlgInternal(hwndParent, UP_F_AutodialMode); }
DWORD APIENTRY RasUserPrefsDlg ( HWND hwndParent) { return RasUserPrefsDlgInternal(hwndParent, 0); }
DWORD APIENTRY RasUserEnableManualDial ( IN HWND hwndParent, IN BOOL bLogon, IN BOOL bEnable )
/* Called when the "operator dial" menu item is checked.
*/ { return SetUserManualDialEnabling ( bEnable, (bLogon) ? UPM_Logon : UPM_Normal); }
DWORD APIENTRY RasUserGetManualDial ( IN HWND hwndParent, // parent for error dialogs
IN BOOL bLogon, // whether a user is logged in
IN PBOOL pbEnabled ) // whether to enable or not
/* Called when the "operator dial" menu item is checked.
*/ { return GetUserManualDialEnabling ( pbEnabled, (bLogon) ? UPM_Logon : UPM_Normal ); }
** User Preferences property sheet ** Listed alphabetically **---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
BOOL UpApply( IN HWND hwndPage )
/* Saves the contents of the property sheet. 'hwndPage' is the property
** sheet page. Pops up any errors that occur. ** ** Returns false if invalid, true otherwise. */ { DWORD dwErr; UPINFO* pInfo;
pInfo = UpContext( hwndPage ); if (!pInfo) return TRUE;
if ( pInfo->hwndAd ) AdApply( pInfo );
if (pInfo->hwndCb) CbApply( pInfo );
if(pInfo->hwndDg ) { DgApply( pInfo ); } #if 0
if (pInfo->hwndGp) GpApply( pInfo ); #endif
if (pInfo->hwndCo) CoApply ( pInfo );
#if 0
if (pInfo->hwndPl) { if (!PlApply( pInfo )) return FALSE; } #endif
pInfo->user.fDirty = TRUE;
// Save off the user preferences
dwErr = g_pSetUserPreferences( NULL, &pInfo->user, UPM_Normal );
if (dwErr != 0) { if (*pInfo->pArgs->ppFile) { ClosePhonebookFile( *pInfo->pArgs->ppFile ); *pInfo->pArgs->ppFile = NULL; }
ErrorDlg( pInfo->hwndDlg, SID_OP_WritePrefs, dwErr, NULL ); UpExit( pInfo ); return TRUE; }
// Save off the logon preferences if we loaded them.
dwErr = g_pSetUserPreferences( NULL, &pInfo->userLogon, UPM_Logon ); if (dwErr != 0) { ErrorDlg( pInfo->hwndDlg, SID_OP_WritePrefs, dwErr, NULL ); UpExit( pInfo ); return TRUE; }
CopyMemory( pInfo->pArgs->pUser, &pInfo->user, sizeof(PBUSER) );
pInfo->pArgs->fResult = TRUE; return TRUE; }
VOID UpCancel( IN HWND hwndPage )
/* Cancel was pressed. 'HwndPage' is the handle of a property page.
*/ { TRACE("UpCancel"); }
UPINFO* UpContext( IN HWND hwndPage )
/* Retrieve the property sheet context from a property page handle.
*/ { return (UPINFO* )GetProp( GetParent( hwndPage ), g_contextId ); }
VOID UpExit( IN UPINFO* pInfo )
/* Forces an exit from the dialog. 'PInfo' is the property sheet context.
** ** Note: This cannot be called during initialization of the first page. ** See UpExitInit. */ { TRACE("UpExit");
PropSheet_PressButton( pInfo->hwndDlg, PSBTN_CANCEL ); }
VOID UpExitInit( IN HWND hwndDlg )
/* Utility to report errors within UpInit and other first page
** initialization. 'HwndDlg' is the dialog window. */ { SetOffDesktop( hwndDlg, SOD_MoveOff, NULL ); SetOffDesktop( hwndDlg, SOD_Free, NULL ); PostMessage( hwndDlg, WM_COMMAND, MAKEWPARAM( IDCANCEL , BN_CLICKED ), (LPARAM )GetDlgItem( hwndDlg, IDCANCEL ) ); }
UPINFO* UpInit( IN HWND hwndFirstPage, IN UPARGS* pArgs )
/* Property sheet level initialization. 'HwndPage' is the handle of the
** first page. 'PArgs' is the API argument block. ** ** Returns address of the context block if successful, NULL otherwise. If ** NULL is returned, an appropriate message has been displayed, and the ** property sheet has been cancelled. */ { UPINFO* pInfo; DWORD dwErr; HWND hwndDlg;
hwndDlg = GetParent( hwndFirstPage ); ASSERT(hwndDlg);
/* Allocate the context information block.
*/ pInfo = Malloc( sizeof(*pInfo) ); if (!pInfo) { ErrorDlg( hwndDlg, SID_OP_LoadDlg, ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY, NULL ); UpExitInit( hwndDlg ); return NULL; }
/* Initialize the context block.
*/ ZeroMemory( pInfo, sizeof(*pInfo) ); pInfo->hwndDlg = hwndDlg; pInfo->pArgs = pArgs; pInfo->hwndFirstPage = hwndFirstPage;
/* Read in the user preferences
*/ dwErr = g_pGetUserPreferences( NULL, &pInfo->user, UPM_Normal); if (dwErr != 0) { Free( pInfo ); ErrorDlg( hwndDlg, SID_OP_LoadPrefs, dwErr, NULL ); UpExitInit( hwndDlg ); return NULL; }
/* If the fNoUser option was not selected, then load in the
logon preferences separately, since we allow them to be modificed in this UI */ dwErr = g_pGetUserPreferences( NULL, &pInfo->userLogon, UPM_Logon); if (dwErr != 0) { Free( pInfo ); ErrorDlg( hwndDlg, SID_OP_LoadPrefs, dwErr, NULL ); UpExitInit( hwndDlg ); return NULL; }
/* Associate the context with the property sheet window.
*/ if (!SetProp( hwndDlg, g_contextId, pInfo )) { Free( pInfo ); ErrorDlg( hwndDlg, SID_OP_LoadDlg, ERROR_UNKNOWN, NULL ); UpExitInit( hwndDlg ); return NULL; }
/* Use caller's TAPI session handle, if any.
*/ if (pArgs->hlineapp) pInfo->pHlineapp = &pArgs->hlineapp; else pInfo->pHlineapp = &pInfo->hlineapp;
TRACE("Context set");
/* Set even fixed tab widths, per spec.
*/ // SetEvenTabWidths( hwndDlg, UP_PageCount );
/* Position property sheet at standard offset from parent.
{ RECT rect;
GetWindowRect( GetParent( hwndDlg ), &rect ); SetWindowPos( hwndDlg, NULL, rect.left + DXSHEET, rect.top + DYSHEET, 0, 0, SWP_NOZORDER + SWP_NOSIZE ); UnclipWindow( hwndDlg ); } */
CenterWindow ( hwndDlg, GetParent ( hwndDlg ) );
// pmay: 292069
// If the autodialer dialog has called into us, set focus to the
// autodial tab.
// For whistler 460931
if (pArgs->dwFlags & UP_F_ShowOnlyDiagnostic) { PostMessage( hwndDlg, PSM_SETCURSELID, 0, (LPARAM)(INT)PID_DG_Diagnostics); } else if (pArgs->dwFlags & UP_F_AutodialMode) { PostMessage( hwndDlg, PSM_SETCURSELID, 0, (LPARAM)(INT)PID_AD_AutoDial); } return pInfo; }
VOID UpTerm( IN HWND hwndPage )
/* Property sheet level termination. Releases the context block.
** 'HwndPage' is the handle of a property page. */ { UPINFO* pInfo;
pInfo = UpContext( hwndPage );
// Only terminate for once by making sure that we
// only terminate if this is the first page.
if ( (pInfo) && (pInfo->hwndFirstPage == hwndPage) ) { // For whistler 460931
// Clean up the diagnostic library
UnLoadDiagnosticDll( &pInfo->diagInfo); // Cleanup the list view
if ( pInfo->hwndLvNumbers ) { CbutilLvNumbersCleanup( pInfo->hwndLvNumbers ); }
if (pInfo->fChecksInstalled) { ListView_UninstallChecks( pInfo->hwndLvEnable ); }
if (pInfo->pHlineapp && *pInfo->pHlineapp != pInfo->pArgs->hlineapp) { TapiShutdown( *pInfo->pHlineapp ); }
Free( pInfo ); TRACE("Context freed"); }
RemoveProp( GetParent( hwndPage ), g_contextId ); }
** Auto Dial property page ** Listed alphabetically following dialog proc **---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
INT_PTR CALLBACK AdDlgProc( IN HWND hwnd, IN UINT unMsg, IN WPARAM wparam, IN LPARAM lparam )
/* DialogProc callback for the Auto Dial page of the User Preferences
** property sheet. Parameters and return value are as described for ** standard windows 'DialogProc's. */ { #if 0
TRACE4("AdDlgProc(h=$%x,m=$%x,w=$%x,l=$%x)", (DWORD)hwnd,(DWORD)unMsg,(DWORD)wparam,(DWORD)lparam); #endif
if (ListView_OwnerHandler( hwnd, unMsg, wparam, lparam, AdLvEnableCallback )) { return TRUE; }
switch (unMsg) { case WM_INITDIALOG: return AdInit( hwnd, (UPARGS* )(((PROPSHEETPAGE* )lparam)->lParam) );
case WM_HELP: case WM_CONTEXTMENU: ContextHelp( g_adwAdHelp, hwnd, unMsg, wparam, lparam ); break;
case WM_NOTIFY: { switch (((NMHDR* )lparam)->code) { case PSN_APPLY: { BOOL fValid; UPINFO* pInfo = UpContext ( hwnd );
// We have to apply if we are the first page...
if (pInfo->hwndFirstPage == hwnd) { /* Call UpApply only on first page.
*/ fValid = UpApply( hwnd ); SetWindowLong( hwnd, DWLP_MSGRESULT, (fValid) ? PSNRET_NOERROR : PSNRET_INVALID_NOCHANGEPAGE ); return TRUE; } }
case PSN_RESET: { /* Call UpCancel only on first page.
*/ TRACE("AdRESET"); UpCancel( hwnd ); SetWindowLong( hwnd, DWLP_MSGRESULT, FALSE ); break; } } } break;
case WM_DESTROY: { /* UpTerm will handle making sure it only does its
** thing once */ UpTerm( hwnd ); break; }
return FALSE; }
VOID AdApply( IN UPINFO* pInfo )
/* Saves the contents of the property page. 'PInfo' is the property sheet
** context. */ { DWORD dwErr, dwFlag; UINT unValue; LV_ITEM item; INT i, iCount; BOOL f;
ZeroMemory( &item, sizeof(item) ); item.mask = LVIF_PARAM + LVIF_STATE;
iCount = ListView_GetItemCount( pInfo->hwndLvEnable ); for (i = 0; i < iCount; ++i) { BOOL fCheck;
item.iItem = i; if (!ListView_GetItem( pInfo->hwndLvEnable, &item )) break;
fCheck = ListView_GetCheck( pInfo->hwndLvEnable, i ); ASSERT(g_pRasSetAutodialEnable); dwErr = g_pRasSetAutodialEnable( (DWORD )item.lParam, fCheck ); if (dwErr != 0) ErrorDlg( pInfo->hwndDlg, SID_OP_SetADialInfo, dwErr, NULL ); }
/* Set the autodial prompt information.
* Flip it because the API wants true to mean "disable". */ dwFlag = (DWORD )!IsDlgButtonChecked( pInfo->hwndAd, CID_AD_CB_AskBeforeAutodial );
TRACE1("RasSetAutodialParam(%d)",dwFlag); dwErr = g_pRasSetAutodialParam( RASADP_DisableConnectionQuery, &dwFlag, sizeof(dwFlag) ); TRACE1("RasSetAutodialParam=%d",dwErr);
// pmay: 209762
// Save the "disable current session" checkbox
dwFlag = (DWORD ) IsDlgButtonChecked(pInfo->hwndAd, CID_AD_CB_DisableThisSession );
dwErr = g_pRasSetAutodialParam( RASADP_LoginSessionDisable, &dwFlag, sizeof(dwFlag) ); }
BOOL AdFillLvEnable( IN UPINFO* pInfo )
/* Initialize the listview of checkboxes. 'PInfo' is the property sheet
** context. ** ** Note: This routine must only be called once. ** ** Returns true if focus is set, false otherwise. */ { DWORD dwErr; LOCATION* pLocations; DWORD cLocations; DWORD dwCurLocation; BOOL fFocusSet;
fFocusSet = FALSE; ListView_DeleteAllItems( pInfo->hwndLvEnable );
/* Install "listview of check boxes" handling.
*/ pInfo->fChecksInstalled = ListView_InstallChecks( pInfo->hwndLvEnable, g_hinstDll ); if (!pInfo->fChecksInstalled) return FALSE;
/* Insert an item for each location.
*/ pLocations = NULL; cLocations = 0; dwCurLocation = 0xFFFFFFFF; dwErr = GetLocationInfo( g_hinstDll, pInfo->pHlineapp, &pLocations, &cLocations, &dwCurLocation ); if (dwErr != 0) ErrorDlg( pInfo->hwndDlg, SID_OP_LoadTapiInfo, dwErr, NULL ); else { LV_ITEM item; LOCATION* pLocation; TCHAR* pszCurLoc; DWORD i;
pszCurLoc = PszFromId( g_hinstDll, SID_IsCurLoc );
ZeroMemory( &item, sizeof(item) ); item.mask = LVIF_TEXT + LVIF_PARAM;
for (i = 0, pLocation = pLocations; i < cLocations; ++i, ++pLocation) { TCHAR* psz; TCHAR* pszText; DWORD cb;
pszText = NULL; psz = StrDup( pLocation->pszName ); if (psz) { if (dwCurLocation == pLocation->dwId && pszCurLoc) { /* This is the current globally selected location. Append
** the " (the current location)" text. */ cb = lstrlen( psz ) + lstrlen(pszCurLoc) + 1; pszText = Malloc( cb * sizeof(TCHAR) ); if (pszText) { // Whistler bug 224074 use only lstrcpyn's to prevent
// maliciousness
lstrcpyn( pszText, psz, cb ); lstrcat( pszText, pszCurLoc ); } Free( psz ); } else pszText = psz; }
if (pszText) { BOOL fCheck;
/* Get the initial check value for this location.
*/ ASSERT(g_pRasGetAutodialEnable); dwErr = g_pRasGetAutodialEnable( pLocation->dwId, &fCheck ); if (dwErr != 0) { ErrorDlg( pInfo->hwndDlg, SID_OP_GetADialInfo, dwErr, NULL ); fCheck = FALSE; }
item.iItem = i; item.lParam = pLocation->dwId; item.pszText = pszText; ListView_InsertItem( pInfo->hwndLvEnable, &item ); ListView_SetCheck( pInfo->hwndLvEnable, i, fCheck );
if (dwCurLocation == pLocation->dwId) { /* Initial selection is the current location.
*/ ListView_SetItemState( pInfo->hwndLvEnable, i, LVIS_SELECTED + LVIS_FOCUSED, LVIS_SELECTED + LVIS_FOCUSED ); fFocusSet = TRUE; }
Free( pszText ); } }
Free0( pszCurLoc ); FreeLocationInfo( pLocations, cLocations );
/* Add a single column exactly wide enough to fully display the widest
** member of the list. */ { LV_COLUMN col;
ZeroMemory( &col, sizeof(col) ); col.mask = LVCF_FMT; col.fmt = LVCFMT_LEFT; ListView_InsertColumn( pInfo->hwndLvEnable, 0, &col ); ListView_SetColumnWidth( pInfo->hwndLvEnable, 0, LVSCW_AUTOSIZE_USEHEADER ); } }
return fFocusSet; }
BOOL AdInit( IN HWND hwndPage, IN OUT UPARGS* pArgs )
/* Called on WM_INITDIALOG. 'hwndPage' is the handle of the property
** page. 'PArgs' is the arguments from the PropertySheet caller. ** ** Return false if focus was set, true otherwise. */ { UPINFO* pInfo; BOOL fFocusSet; HWND hwndUdAttempts; HWND hwndUdSeconds; HWND hwndUdIdle; DWORD dwErr = NO_ERROR; DWORD dwFlag; DWORD cb;
/* We're first page, if the user isn't
* an admin. */ pInfo = UpInit( hwndPage, pArgs ); if (!pInfo) return TRUE;
// For whistler bug 460931 gangz
if ( pArgs->dwFlags & UP_F_ShowOnlyDiagnostic) { pInfo->fShowOnlyDiagnostic = TRUE; EnumChildWindows( hwndPage, PrefDisableAllChildWindows, (LPARAM)FALSE); } else { pInfo->fShowOnlyDiagnostic = FALSE; }
// Make sure that a default location is created if there isn't one. bug
// 168631
dwErr = TapiNoLocationDlg( g_hinstDll, &(pInfo->pArgs->hlineapp), hwndPage ); if (dwErr != 0) { // Error here is treated as a "cancel" per bug 288385.
return TRUE; }
/* Initialize page-specific context information.
*/ pInfo->hwndAd = hwndPage; pInfo->hwndLvEnable = GetDlgItem( hwndPage, CID_AD_LV_Enable ); ASSERT(pInfo->hwndLvEnable);
/* Initialize the listview.
*/ fFocusSet = AdFillLvEnable( pInfo );
/* Initialize autodial parameters.
*/ dwFlag = FALSE; cb = sizeof(dwFlag); TRACE("RasGetAutodialParam(DCQ)"); dwErr = g_pRasGetAutodialParam( RASADP_DisableConnectionQuery, &dwFlag, &cb ); TRACE1("RasGetAutodialParam=%d",dwErr);
/* Flip it because the API wants true to mean "disable".
*/ CheckDlgButton( hwndPage, CID_AD_CB_AskBeforeAutodial, (BOOL )!dwFlag );
// pmay: 209762
// Initialize the "disable current session" checkbox
dwFlag = FALSE; cb = sizeof(dwFlag); dwErr = g_pRasGetAutodialParam( RASADP_LoginSessionDisable, &dwFlag, &cb ); CheckDlgButton( hwndPage, CID_AD_CB_DisableThisSession, (BOOL )dwFlag );
return !fFocusSet; }
LVXDRAWINFO* AdLvEnableCallback( IN HWND hwndLv, IN DWORD dwItem )
/* Enhanced list view callback to report drawing information. 'HwndLv' is
** the handle of the list view control. 'DwItem' is the index of the item ** being drawn. ** ** Returns the address of the draw information. */ { /* The enhanced list view is used only to get the "wide selection bar"
** feature so our option list is not very interesting. ** ** Fields are 'nCols', 'dxIndent', 'dwFlags', 'adwFlags[]'. */ static LVXDRAWINFO info = { 1, 0, 0, { 0 } };
return &info; }
** Callback property page ** Listed alphabetically following dialog proc **---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
INT_PTR CALLBACK CbDlgProc( IN HWND hwnd, IN UINT unMsg, IN WPARAM wparam, IN LPARAM lparam )
/* DialogProc callback for the Callback page of the User Preferences
** property sheet. Parameters and return value are as described for ** standard windows 'DialogProc's. */ { #if 0
TRACE4("CbDlgProc(h=$%x,m=$%x,w=$%x,l=$%x)", (DWORD)hwnd,(DWORD)unMsg,(DWORD)wparam,(DWORD)lparam); #endif
if (ListView_OwnerHandler( hwnd, unMsg, wparam, lparam, CbutilLvNumbersCallback )) { return TRUE; }
switch (unMsg) { case WM_INITDIALOG: return CbInit( hwnd );
case WM_HELP: case WM_CONTEXTMENU: ContextHelp( g_adwCbHelp, hwnd, unMsg, wparam, lparam ); break;
case WM_NOTIFY: { switch (((NMHDR* )lparam)->code) { case NM_DBLCLK: { UPINFO* pInfo = UpContext( hwnd ); ASSERT(pInfo); SendMessage( pInfo->hwndPbEdit, BM_CLICK, 0, 0 ); return TRUE; }
case LVN_ITEMCHANGED: { UPINFO* pInfo = UpContext( hwnd ); ASSERT(pInfo); CbUpdateLvAndPbState( pInfo ); return TRUE; } } break; }
case WM_COMMAND: { UPINFO* pInfo = UpContext( hwnd ); ASSERT(pInfo);
return CbCommand( pInfo, HIWORD( wparam ), LOWORD( wparam ),(HWND )lparam ); } }
return FALSE; }
VOID CbApply( IN UPINFO* pInfo )
/* Saves the contents of the property page. 'PInfo' is the property sheet
** context. */ { TRACE("CbApply");
if (IsDlgButtonChecked( pInfo->hwndCb, CID_CB_RB_No )) pInfo->user.dwCallbackMode = CBM_No; else if (IsDlgButtonChecked( pInfo->hwndCb, CID_CB_RB_Maybe )) pInfo->user.dwCallbackMode = CBM_Maybe; else pInfo->user.dwCallbackMode = CBM_Yes;
CbutilSaveLv( pInfo->hwndLvNumbers, pInfo->user.pdtllistCallback ); }
BOOL CbCommand( IN UPINFO* pInfo, IN WORD wNotification, IN WORD wId, IN HWND hwndCtrl )
/* Called on WM_COMMAND. 'PInfo' is the dialog context. 'WNotification'
** is the notification code of the command. 'wId' is the control/menu ** identifier of the command. 'HwndCtrl' is the control window handle of ** the command. ** ** Returns true if processed message, false otherwise. */ { TRACE3("CbCommand(n=%d,i=%d,c=$%x)", (DWORD)wNotification,(DWORD)wId,(ULONG_PTR )hwndCtrl);
switch (wId) { case CID_CB_RB_No: case CID_CB_RB_Maybe: case CID_CB_RB_Yes: { if (wNotification == BN_CLICKED) { CbUpdateLvAndPbState( pInfo );
if (wId == CID_CB_RB_Yes && ListView_GetSelectedCount( pInfo->hwndLvNumbers ) == 0) { /* Nothing's selected, so select the first item, if any.
*/ ListView_SetItemState( pInfo->hwndLvNumbers, 0, LVIS_SELECTED, LVIS_SELECTED ); } } break; }
case CID_CB_PB_Edit: { if (wNotification == BN_CLICKED) CbutilEdit( pInfo->hwndCb, pInfo->hwndLvNumbers ); break; }
case CID_CB_PB_Delete: { if (wNotification == BN_CLICKED) CbutilDelete( pInfo->hwndCb, pInfo->hwndLvNumbers ); break; } }
return FALSE; }
BOOL CbInit( IN HWND hwndPage )
/* Called on WM_INITDIALOG. 'hwndPage' is the handle of the property
** page. ** ** Return false if focus was set, true otherwise. */ { UPINFO* pInfo;
pInfo = UpContext( hwndPage ); if (!pInfo) return TRUE;
// For whistler 460931
if( TRUE == pInfo->fShowOnlyDiagnostic ) { EnumChildWindows( hwndPage, PrefDisableAllChildWindows, (LPARAM)FALSE); }
/* Initialize page-specific context information.
*/ pInfo->hwndCb = hwndPage; pInfo->hwndRbNo = GetDlgItem( hwndPage, CID_CB_RB_No ); ASSERT(pInfo->hwndRbNo); pInfo->hwndRbMaybe = GetDlgItem( hwndPage, CID_CB_RB_Maybe ); ASSERT(pInfo->hwndRbMaybe); pInfo->hwndRbYes = GetDlgItem( hwndPage, CID_CB_RB_Yes ); ASSERT(pInfo->hwndRbYes); pInfo->hwndLvNumbers = GetDlgItem( hwndPage, CID_CB_LV_Numbers ); ASSERT(pInfo->hwndLvNumbers); pInfo->hwndPbEdit = GetDlgItem( hwndPage, CID_CB_PB_Edit ); ASSERT(pInfo->hwndPbEdit); pInfo->hwndPbDelete = GetDlgItem( hwndPage, CID_CB_PB_Delete ); ASSERT(pInfo->hwndPbDelete);
/* Initialize the listview.
*/ CbutilFillLvNumbers( pInfo->hwndCb, pInfo->hwndLvNumbers, pInfo->user.pdtllistCallback, FALSE );
/* Set the radio button selection, which triggers appropriate
** enabling/disabling. */ { HWND hwndRb;
if (pInfo->user.dwCallbackMode == CBM_No) hwndRb = pInfo->hwndRbNo; else if (pInfo->user.dwCallbackMode == CBM_Maybe) hwndRb = pInfo->hwndRbMaybe; else { ASSERT(pInfo->user.dwCallbackMode==CBM_Yes); hwndRb = pInfo->hwndRbYes; }
SendMessage( hwndRb, BM_CLICK, 0, 0 ); }
// pmay: If there are no devices available for callback,
// add some explanatory text and disable appropriate
// controls. Bug 168830
if (ListView_GetItemCount(pInfo->hwndLvNumbers) == 0) { // Uncheck if needed
if (Button_GetCheck(pInfo->hwndRbYes)) { Button_SetCheck(pInfo->hwndRbMaybe, TRUE); }
// Disable the windows.
EnableWindow(pInfo->hwndRbYes, FALSE); EnableWindow(pInfo->hwndLvNumbers, FALSE); } return TRUE; }
VOID CbUpdateLvAndPbState( IN UPINFO* pInfo )
/* Enables/disables the list view and associated buttons. ListView is
** gray unless auto-callback is selected. Buttons gray unless ** auto-callback selected and there is an item selected. */ { BOOL fEnableList; BOOL fEnableEditButton, fEnableDeleteButton; INT iSel; HWND hwndLv;
// By default, we don't enable any buttons
fEnableDeleteButton = FALSE; fEnableEditButton = FALSE; // Only enable the list view if Yes is selected
fEnableList = Button_GetCheck( pInfo->hwndRbYes ); if (fEnableList) { hwndLv = pInfo->hwndLvNumbers;
if ( ListView_GetSelectedCount( hwndLv ) ) { // The edit button should only be enabled if the
// listview is enabled and if one or more
// items is selected.
fEnableEditButton = TRUE;
// pmay: 213060
// The delete button is only enabled if all of the selected
// devices are not configured on the system. (since only
// non-installed devices can be removed from the list).
fEnableDeleteButton = TRUE; for (iSel = ListView_GetNextItem( hwndLv, -1, LVNI_SELECTED ); iSel >= 0; iSel = ListView_GetNextItem( hwndLv, iSel, LVNI_SELECTED ) ) { LV_ITEM item; ZeroMemory(&item, sizeof(item));
item.iItem = iSel; item.mask = LVIF_PARAM; if ( ListView_GetItem(hwndLv, &item) ) { if (((CBCONTEXT*)item.lParam)->fConfigured) { fEnableDeleteButton = FALSE; } } } } }
EnableWindow( pInfo->hwndLvNumbers, fEnableList ); EnableWindow( pInfo->hwndPbEdit, fEnableEditButton ); EnableWindow( pInfo->hwndPbDelete, fEnableDeleteButton ); }
** Utilities shared with router version of the listview **----------------------------------------------------- */
VOID CbutilDelete( IN HWND hwndDlg, IN HWND hwndLvNumbers )
/* Called when the Delete button is pressed. 'PInfo' is the dialog
** context. */ { MSGARGS msgargs; INT nResponse;
ZeroMemory( &msgargs, sizeof(msgargs) ); msgargs.dwFlags = MB_YESNO + MB_ICONEXCLAMATION; nResponse = MsgDlg( hwndDlg, SID_ConfirmDelDevice, &msgargs ); if (nResponse == IDYES) { INT iSel;
/* User has confirmed deletion of selected devices, so do it.
*/ while ((iSel = ListView_GetNextItem( hwndLvNumbers, -1, LVNI_SELECTED )) >= 0) { ListView_DeleteItem( hwndLvNumbers, iSel ); } } }
VOID CbutilEdit( IN HWND hwndDlg, IN HWND hwndLvNumbers )
/* Called when the Edit button is pressed. 'HwndDlg' is the page/dialog
** window. 'HwndLvNumbers' is the callback number listview window. */ { INT iSel; TCHAR szBuf[ RAS_MaxCallbackNumber + 1 ]; TCHAR* pszNumber;
/* Load 'szBuf' with the current phone number of the first selected item.
*/ iSel = ListView_GetNextItem( hwndLvNumbers, -1, LVNI_SELECTED ); if (iSel < 0) return; szBuf[ 0 ] = TEXT('\0'); ListView_GetItemText( hwndLvNumbers, iSel, 1, szBuf, RAS_MaxCallbackNumber + 1 );
/* Popup dialog to edit the number.
*/ pszNumber = NULL; if (StringEditorDlg( hwndDlg, szBuf, SID_EcbnTitle, SID_EcbnLabel, RAS_MaxCallbackNumber, HID_ZE_ST_CallbackNumber, &pszNumber )) { /* OK pressed, so change the number on all selected items.
*/ ASSERT(pszNumber);
do { ListView_SetItemText( hwndLvNumbers, iSel, 1, pszNumber ); } while ((iSel = ListView_GetNextItem( hwndLvNumbers, iSel, LVNI_SELECTED )) >= 0); } }
VOID CbutilFillLvNumbers( IN HWND hwndDlg, IN HWND hwndLvNumbers, IN DTLLIST* pListCallback, IN BOOL fRouter )
/* Fill the listview with devices and phone numbers. 'HwndDlg' is the
** page/dialog window. 'HwndLvNumbers' is the callback listview. ** 'PListCallback' is the list of CALLBACKINFO. 'FRouter' is true if the ** router ports should be enumerated, or false for regular dial-out ports. ** ** Note: This routine should be called only once. */ { DWORD dwErr; DTLLIST* pListPorts; DTLNODE* pNodeCbi; DTLNODE* pNodePort; INT iItem; TCHAR* psz;
ListView_DeleteAllItems( hwndLvNumbers );
/* Add columns.
*/ { LV_COLUMN col; TCHAR* pszHeader0; TCHAR* pszHeader1;
pszHeader0 = PszFromId( g_hinstDll, SID_DeviceColHead ); pszHeader1 = PszFromId( g_hinstDll, SID_PhoneNumberColHead );
ZeroMemory( &col, sizeof(col) ); col.mask = LVCF_FMT + LVCF_TEXT; col.fmt = LVCFMT_LEFT; col.pszText = (pszHeader0) ? pszHeader0 : TEXT(""); ListView_InsertColumn( hwndLvNumbers, 0, &col );
ZeroMemory( &col, sizeof(col) ); col.mask = LVCF_FMT + LVCF_SUBITEM + LVCF_TEXT; col.fmt = LVCFMT_LEFT; col.pszText = (pszHeader1) ? pszHeader1 : TEXT(""); col.iSubItem = 1; ListView_InsertColumn( hwndLvNumbers, 1, &col );
Free0( pszHeader0 ); Free0( pszHeader1 ); }
/* Add the modem and adapter images.
*/ ListView_SetDeviceImageList( hwndLvNumbers, g_hinstDll );
/* Load listview with callback device/number pairs saved as user
** preferences. */ iItem = 0; ASSERT(pListCallback); for (pNodeCbi = DtlGetFirstNode( pListCallback ); pNodeCbi; pNodeCbi = DtlGetNextNode( pNodeCbi ), ++iItem) { CALLBACKINFO* pCbi; LV_ITEM item;
pCbi = (CALLBACKINFO* )DtlGetData( pNodeCbi ); ASSERT(pCbi); ASSERT(pCbi->pszPortName); ASSERT(pCbi->pszDeviceName); ASSERT(pCbi->pszNumber);
if (pCbi->dwDeviceType != RASET_Vpn) { psz = PszFromDeviceAndPort( pCbi->pszDeviceName, pCbi->pszPortName ); if (psz) { // pmay: 213060
// Allocate and initialize the context.
pCbCtx = (CBCONTEXT*) Malloc (sizeof(CBCONTEXT)); if (pCbCtx == NULL) { continue; } pCbCtx->pszPortName = pCbi->pszPortName; pCbCtx->pszDeviceName = pCbi->pszDeviceName; pCbCtx->dwDeviceType = pCbi->dwDeviceType; pCbCtx->fConfigured = FALSE; ZeroMemory( &item, sizeof(item) ); item.mask = LVIF_TEXT + LVIF_IMAGE + LVIF_PARAM; item.iItem = iItem; item.pszText = psz; item.iImage = ((PBDEVICETYPE )pCbi->dwDeviceType == PBDT_Modem) ? DI_Modem : DI_Adapter; item.lParam = (LPARAM )pCbCtx; ListView_InsertItem( hwndLvNumbers, &item ); ListView_SetItemText( hwndLvNumbers, iItem, 1, pCbi->pszNumber ); Free( psz ); } } }
/* Add any devices installed but not already in the list.
*/ dwErr = LoadPortsList2( NULL, &pListPorts, fRouter ); if (dwErr != 0) { ErrorDlg( hwndDlg, SID_OP_LoadPortInfo, dwErr, NULL ); } else { for (pNodePort = DtlGetFirstNode( pListPorts ); pNodePort; pNodePort = DtlGetNextNode( pNodePort )) { PBPORT* pPort = (PBPORT* )DtlGetData( pNodePort ); INT i = -1; BOOL bPortAlreadyInLv = FALSE; ASSERT(pPort);
// pmay: 213060
// Search for the configured item in the list view
while ((i = ListView_GetNextItem( hwndLvNumbers, i, LVNI_ALL )) >= 0) { LV_ITEM item; CBCONTEXT * pCbCtx; ZeroMemory( &item, sizeof(item) ); item.mask = LVIF_PARAM; item.iItem = i; if (!ListView_GetItem( hwndLvNumbers, &item )) { continue; }
// Get the context
pCbCtx = (CBCONTEXT*)item.lParam; if (! pCbCtx) { continue; }
// If the current item in the list view matches the
// current port, then we know that the current item
// is configured on the system.
if ((lstrcmpi( pPort->pszPort, pCbCtx->pszPortName ) == 0) && (lstrcmpi( pPort->pszDevice, pCbCtx->pszDeviceName ) == 0) ) { bPortAlreadyInLv = TRUE; pCbCtx->fConfigured = TRUE; break; } } if (! bPortAlreadyInLv) { LV_ITEM item; PBDEVICETYPE pbdt;
/* The device/port was not in the callback list. Append it
** to the listview with empty phone number. */ if ((pPort->dwType != RASET_Vpn) && (pPort->dwType != RASET_Direct) && (pPort->dwType != RASET_Broadband) ) { psz = PszFromDeviceAndPort( pPort->pszDevice, pPort->pszPort ); if (psz) { // pmay: 213060
// Allocate and initialize the context.
pCbCtx = (CBCONTEXT*) Malloc (sizeof(CBCONTEXT)); if (pCbCtx == NULL) { continue; } pCbCtx->pszPortName = pPort->pszPort; pCbCtx->pszDeviceName = pPort->pszDevice; pCbCtx->dwDeviceType = (DWORD) pPort->pbdevicetype; pCbCtx->fConfigured = TRUE;
ZeroMemory( &item, sizeof(item) ); item.mask = LVIF_TEXT + LVIF_IMAGE + LVIF_PARAM; item.iItem = iItem; item.pszText = psz; item.iImage = (pPort->pbdevicetype == PBDT_Modem) ? DI_Modem : DI_Adapter; item.lParam = (LPARAM ) pCbCtx; ListView_InsertItem( hwndLvNumbers, &item ); ListView_SetItemText( hwndLvNumbers, iItem, 1, TEXT("")); ++iItem; Free( psz ); } } } }
DtlDestroyList( pListPorts, DestroyPortNode ); }
/* Auto-size columns to look good with the text they contain.
*/ ListView_SetColumnWidth( hwndLvNumbers, 0, LVSCW_AUTOSIZE_USEHEADER ); ListView_SetColumnWidth( hwndLvNumbers, 1, LVSCW_AUTOSIZE_USEHEADER ); }
VOID CbutilLvNumbersCleanup( IN HWND hwndLvNumbers )
/* Cleans up after CbutilFillLvNumbers.
*/ { INT i; i = -1; while ((i = ListView_GetNextItem( hwndLvNumbers, i, LVNI_ALL )) >= 0) { LV_ITEM item;
ZeroMemory( &item, sizeof(item) ); item.mask = LVIF_PARAM; item.iItem = i; if (!ListView_GetItem( hwndLvNumbers, &item )) continue;
// Free the context
Free0( (PVOID) item.lParam ); } }
LVXDRAWINFO* CbutilLvNumbersCallback( IN HWND hwndLv, IN DWORD dwItem )
/* Enhanced list view callback to report drawing information. 'HwndLv' is
** the handle of the list view control. 'DwItem' is the index of the item ** being drawn. ** ** Returns the address of the column information. */ { /* Use "wide selection bar" feature and the other recommended options.
** ** Fields are 'nCols', 'dxIndent', 'dwFlags', 'adwFlags[]'. */ static LVXDRAWINFO info = { 2, 0, LVXDI_Blend50Dis + LVXDI_DxFill, { 0, 0 } };
return &info; }
VOID CbutilSaveLv( IN HWND hwndLvNumbers, OUT DTLLIST* pListCallback )
/* Replace list 'pListCallback' contents with that of the listview
** 'hwndLvNumbers'. */ { DTLNODE* pNode; INT i;
/* Empty the list of callback info, then re-populate from the listview.
*/ while (pNode = DtlGetFirstNode( pListCallback )) { DtlRemoveNode( pListCallback, pNode ); DestroyCallbackNode( pNode ); }
i = -1; while ((i = ListView_GetNextItem( hwndLvNumbers, i, LVNI_ALL )) >= 0) { LV_ITEM item; TCHAR* pszDevice; TCHAR* pszPort;
TCHAR szDP[ RAS_MaxDeviceName + 2 + MAX_PORT_NAME + 1 + 1 ]; TCHAR szNumber[ RAS_MaxCallbackNumber + 1 ];
szDP[ 0 ] = TEXT('\0'); ZeroMemory( &item, sizeof(item) ); item.mask = LVIF_TEXT | LVIF_PARAM; item.iItem = i; item.pszText = szDP; item.cchTextMax = sizeof(szDP) / sizeof(TCHAR); if (!ListView_GetItem( hwndLvNumbers, &item )) continue;
szNumber[ 0 ] = TEXT('\0'); ListView_GetItemText( hwndLvNumbers, i, 1, szNumber, RAS_MaxCallbackNumber + 1 );
if (!DeviceAndPortFromPsz( szDP, &pszDevice, &pszPort )) continue;
pNode = CreateCallbackNode( pszPort, pszDevice, szNumber, ((CBCONTEXT*)item.lParam)->dwDeviceType ); if (pNode) DtlAddNodeLast( pListCallback, pNode );
Free( pszDevice ); Free( pszPort ); } }
** Connections Preferences property page ** Listed alphabetically following dialog proc **---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ INT_PTR CALLBACK CoDlgProc( IN HWND hwnd, IN UINT unMsg, IN WPARAM wparam, IN LPARAM lparam ) { switch (unMsg) { case WM_INITDIALOG: return CoInit( hwnd, (UPARGS* )(((PROPSHEETPAGE* )lparam)->lParam) );
case WM_HELP: case WM_CONTEXTMENU: ContextHelp( g_adwCoHelp, hwnd, unMsg, wparam, lparam ); break;
case WM_NOTIFY: { switch (((NMHDR* )lparam)->code) { case PSN_APPLY: { BOOL fValid; UPINFO *pUpInfo;
pUpInfo = UpContext(hwnd);
if(NULL != pUpInfo) { CoApply( pUpInfo ); }
/* Call UpApply only on first page.
*/ fValid = UpApply( hwnd ); SetWindowLong( hwnd, DWLP_MSGRESULT, (fValid) ? PSNRET_NOERROR : PSNRET_INVALID_NOCHANGEPAGE ); return TRUE; } } break; }
return FALSE; }
BOOL CoApply( IN UPINFO* pInfo )
// Return true to allow application of property sheet, false
// to refuse.
{ BOOL bAllow;
bAllow = IsDlgButtonChecked( pInfo->hwndCo, CID_CO_CB_AllowConnectionModification );
if ( (!!bAllow) != (!!pInfo->userLogon.fAllowLogonPhonebookEdits) ) { pInfo->userLogon.fAllowLogonPhonebookEdits = !!bAllow; pInfo->userLogon.fDirty = TRUE; }
return TRUE; }
BOOL CoInit( IN HWND hwndPage, IN OUT UPARGS* pArgs )
/* Called on WM_INITDIALOG. 'hwndPage' is the handle of the property
** page. 'PArgs' is the arguments from the PropertySheet caller. ** ** Return false if focus was set, true otherwise. */ { UPINFO * pInfo = NULL;
/* We're first page, so initialize the property sheet.
*/ pInfo = UpInit( hwndPage, pArgs ); if (!pInfo) return TRUE;
pInfo->hwndCo = hwndPage;
// Set the flag for allowing phonebook edits
Button_SetCheck ( GetDlgItem (pInfo->hwndCo, CID_CO_CB_AllowConnectionModification), pInfo->userLogon.fAllowLogonPhonebookEdits);
return TRUE; }