File hnportmapping.h
Definition of the set port mapping functions for intergrating incoming connection with personal firewall, for whistler bug#123769
Gang Zhao 11/6/2000 */
#ifndef __rassrvui_hnportmapping_h
#define __rassrvui_hnportmapping_h
#include <windows.h>
#include <hnetcfg.h>
typedef struct { //An Array to store Connections of INetConnection * type
INetConnection ** ConnArray;
//Number of Connections found
DWORD ConnCount;
//An Array to store connection properties
//Connection Manager used to generate another member EnumCon
INetConnectionManager* ConnMan;
//Connection Enumerator
IEnumNetConnection* EnumCon;
//Connection on which to Set Up PortMapping right now
// pNetConnection and pGuid can both represent connections
//but only one of them is used and valid for portmapping at each time
INetConnection * pNetConnection;
//The Guid of the current connection on which to Set Up PortMapping right now
GUID * pGuid;
//Converted from pNetConnection, the PortMapping needs
//the connection to be of type (IHNetConnection *)
//In all, Enumerate Connection will return connections of
// INetConnection * type, PortMapping operations require
//IHNetConnection * type
IHNetConnection * pHNetConn;
//High level COM interface to generate pSettings
IHNetCfgMgr * pHNetCfgMgr;
//Used to generate pEnumPMP(PortMapping protocol enumerator)
IHNetProtocolSettings * pSettings; //PortMapping protocol enumerator, to enumerate existing
//PortMapping protocols like (PPTP, L2TP, IKE (if exist)), FTP, ....
IEnumHNetPortMappingProtocols* pEnumPMP;
//PortMapping Protocol for PPTP
IHNetPortMappingProtocol * pProtocolPPTP;
//PortMapping Protocol for L2TP
IHNetPortMappingProtocol * pProtocolL2TP; //PortMapping Protocol for IKE
IHNetPortMappingProtocol * pProtocolIKE;
//PortMapping Protocol for IKE
IHNetPortMappingProtocol * pProtocolNAT_T; // IKE Negotiation
//Title for PPTP, read from resource file
WCHAR * pwszTitlePPTP;
//Title for L2TP, read from resource file
WCHAR * pwszTitleL2TP;
//Title for IKE, read from resource file
WCHAR * pwszTitleIKE;
//Title for Nat-Traveral, read from resource file
WCHAR * pwszTitleNAT_T;
//Title for PortMapping address, read from resource file
//currently, it is always loopback address
TCHAR * pszLoopbackAddr;
//Indicating if COM is already initialized
BOOL fComInitialized;
//Indicating if we need to do the COM un-initialization
BOOL fCleanupOle;
} HNPMParams, * LPHNPMParams;
//Define callback function type for Pick Protocol
//When Using CoSetProxyBlanket, we should set both the interface
//and the IUnknown interface queried from it
HRESULT HnPMSetProxyBlanket ( IUnknown* pUnk);
//Do the CoInitialize() COM if necessary
//Set up cleanup flag and initialized flag
DWORD HnPMCleanUp( IN OUT LPHNPMParams pInfo);
DWORD HnPMParamsInitParameterCheck( IN LPHNPMParams pInfo);
HnPMParamsInit( IN OUT LPHNPMParams pInfo);
DWORD HnPMParamsCleanUp( IN OUT LPHNPMParams pInfo);
DWORD HnPMCfgMgrInit( IN OUT LPHNPMParams pInfo);
DWORD HnPMCfgMgrCleanUp( IN OUT LPHNPMParams pInfo);
DWORD HnPMConnectionEnumInit( IN LPHNPMParams pInfo);
DWORD HnPMConnectionEnumCleanUp( IN LPHNPMParams pInfo);
//Return all the connections like DUN, VPN, LAN and Incoming Connection
//and the properties of them
DWORD HnPMConnectionEnum( IN LPHNPMParams pInfo);
DWORD HnPMPickProtcolParameterCheck( IN LPHNPMParams pInfo);
//Pick PortMapping protocols: PPTP, L2TP, IKE
DWORD HnPMPickProtocol( IN OUT LPHNPMParams pInfo, IN IHNetPortMappingProtocol * pProtocolTemp, IN WCHAR * pszwName, IN UCHAR uchIPProtocol, IN USHORT usPort );
DWORD HnPMPProtoclEnumParameterCheck( IN LPHNPMParams pInfo);
//Enumerate all existing Port Mapping protocols
DWORD HnPMProtocolEnum( IN OUT LPHNPMParams pInfo, IN PFNHNPMPICKPROTOCOL pfnPickProtocolCallBack );
DWORD HnPMCreatePorotocolParameterCheck( IN LPHNPMParams pInfo);
//Create PortMapping Protocols for PPTP, L2TP, IKE
// if they are not found by HnPMPProtocolEnum()
DWORD HnPMCreateProtocol( IN OUT LPHNPMParams pInfo);
//Set up a single PortMapping protocol on
//a single connection
DWORD HnPMSetSinglePMForSingleConnection( IN IHNetConnection * pHNetConn, IN IHNetPortMappingProtocol * pProtocol, IN TCHAR * pszLoopbackAddr, IN BOOL fEnabled);
//Clean up the ConnArray and ConnPropTable items
//in the HNPMParams struct
DWORD HnPMParamsConnectionCleanUp( IN OUT LPHNPMParams pInfo);
//Set up the PortMapping of PPTP, L2TP for a single
DWORD HnPMConfigureAllPMForSingleConnection( IN OUT LPHNPMParams pInfo, BOOL fEnabled);
DWORD HnPMConfigureAllPMForSingleConnectionParameterCheck( IN OUT LPHNPMParams pInfo);
DWORD HnPMConfigureSingleConnectionInitParameterCheck( IN LPHNPMParams pInfo );
DWORD HnPMConfigureSingleConnectionInit( IN OUT LPHNPMParams pInfo);
DWORD HnPMConfigureSingleConnectionCleanUp( IN OUT LPHNPMParams pInfo);
//Set the PortMapping on a single connection
//According to pInfo->pNetConnection
DWORD HnPMConfigureSingleConnection( IN OUT LPHNPMParams pInfo, BOOL fEnabled);
//Delete the PortMapping protocols:PPTP, L2TP, IKE
DWORD HnPMDeletePortMapping();
DWORD HnPMDeletePortMappingInit( IN OUT LPHNPMParams pInfo);
DWORD HnPMDeletePortMappingCleanUp( IN OUT LPHNPMParams pInfo);
DWORD HnPMConfigureAllConnectionsInit( IN OUT LPHNPMParams pInfo);
DWORD HnPMConfigureAllConnectionsCleanUp( IN OUT LPHNPMParams pInfo);
//Set up the PortMapping of PPTP, L2TP for a
//group of Connections
DWORD HnPMConfigureAllConnections( IN BOOL fEnabled );
//Configure Port Mapping on a single connection
DWORD HnPMConfigureSingleConnectionGUID( IN GUID * pGuid, IN BOOL fEnabled);
DWORD HnPMConfigureSingleConnectionGUIDInit( IN OUT LPHNPMParams pInfo, GUID * pGuid);
DWORD HnPMConfigureSingleConnectionGUIDCleanUp( IN OUT LPHNPMParams pInfo);
//Set up the port mapping for only one
//connection according to its GUID only when
//Incoming Connection exists and
//the VPN is enabled
DWORD HnPMConfigureSingleConnectionGUIDIfVpnEnabled( GUID* pGuid, BOOL fDual, HANDLE hDatabase);
//Set up the port mapping on all connections
//only when Incoming Connection exists and
//the VPN is enabled
DWORD HnPMConfigureIfVpnEnabled( BOOL fDual, HANDLE hDatabase);