/********************************************************************/ /** Copyright(c) 1989 Microsoft Corporation. **/ /********************************************************************/
// Filename: etcmap.c
// Description: This module contains support routines for the extension/
// type/creator mappings category API's for the AFP server
// service. These routines are called directly by the RPC
// runtime.
// History:
// June 11,1992. NarenG Created original version.
#include "afpsvcp.h"
// Call: AfpAdminrETCMapGetInfo
// Returns: NO_ERROR
// Description: Will alllocate enough memory to contain all mappings, copy
// the information and return.
DWORD AfpAdminrETCMapGetInfo( IN AFP_SERVER_HANDLE hServer, OUT PAFP_ETCMAP_INFO *ppAfpETCMapInfo ) { DWORD dwRetCode=0; DWORD dwAccessStatus=0;
// Check if caller has access
if ( dwRetCode = AfpSecObjAccessCheck( AFPSVC_ALL_ACCESS, &dwAccessStatus)) { AFP_PRINT(( "SFMSVC: AfpAdminrETCMapGetInfo, AfpSecObjAccessCheck failed %ld\n",dwRetCode)); AfpLogEvent( AFPLOG_CANT_CHECK_ACCESS, 0, NULL, dwRetCode, EVENTLOG_ERROR_TYPE ); return( ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED ); }
if ( dwAccessStatus ) { AFP_PRINT(( "SFMSVC: AfpAdminrETCMapGetInfo, AfpSecObjAccessCheck returned %ld\n",dwAccessStatus)); return( ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED ); }
// MUTEX start
WaitForSingleObject( AfpGlobals.hmutexETCMap, INFINITE );
// This loop is used to allow break's instead of goto's to be used
// on an error condition.
do {
dwRetCode = NO_ERROR;
// Allocate memory and copy ETC mappings information
*ppAfpETCMapInfo = MIDL_user_allocate( sizeof(AFP_ETCMAP_INFO) );
if ( *ppAfpETCMapInfo == NULL ) { dwRetCode = ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; break; }
(*ppAfpETCMapInfo)->afpetc_num_type_creators = AfpGlobals.AfpETCMapInfo.afpetc_num_type_creators;
(*ppAfpETCMapInfo)->afpetc_type_creator = MIDL_user_allocate( sizeof(AFP_TYPE_CREATOR) *AfpGlobals.AfpETCMapInfo.afpetc_num_type_creators);
if ( (*ppAfpETCMapInfo)->afpetc_type_creator == NULL ) { dwRetCode = ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; break; }
(*ppAfpETCMapInfo)->afpetc_num_extensions = AfpGlobals.AfpETCMapInfo.afpetc_num_extensions;
(*ppAfpETCMapInfo)->afpetc_extension = MIDL_user_allocate( sizeof(AFP_EXTENSION) *AfpGlobals.AfpETCMapInfo.afpetc_num_extensions);
if ( (*ppAfpETCMapInfo)->afpetc_extension == NULL ) { dwRetCode = ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; break; }
CopyMemory( (LPBYTE)(*ppAfpETCMapInfo)->afpetc_type_creator, (LPBYTE)(AfpGlobals.AfpETCMapInfo.afpetc_type_creator), sizeof(AFP_TYPE_CREATOR) * AfpGlobals.AfpETCMapInfo.afpetc_num_type_creators);
CopyMemory( (LPBYTE)(*ppAfpETCMapInfo)->afpetc_extension, (LPBYTE)(AfpGlobals.AfpETCMapInfo.afpetc_extension), sizeof(AFP_EXTENSION) * AfpGlobals.AfpETCMapInfo.afpetc_num_extensions);
} while( FALSE );
// MUTEX end
ReleaseMutex( AfpGlobals.hmutexETCMap );
if ( dwRetCode ) {
if ( *ppAfpETCMapInfo != NULL ) {
if ( (*ppAfpETCMapInfo)->afpetc_type_creator != NULL ) MIDL_user_free( (*ppAfpETCMapInfo)->afpetc_type_creator );
MIDL_user_free( *ppAfpETCMapInfo ); } }
return( dwRetCode ); }
// Call: AfpAdminrETCMapAdd
// Returns: NO_ERROR
// AFPERR_DuplicateTypeCreator;
// non-zero returns from the registry API's
// Description: This routine will add a type/creator/comment tupple to the
// registry and the cache.
DWORD AfpAdminrETCMapAdd( IN AFP_SERVER_HANDLE hServer, IN PAFP_TYPE_CREATOR pAfpTypeCreator ) { DWORD dwRetCode=0; DWORD dwAccessStatus=0; PAFP_TYPE_CREATOR pTypeCreator; PAFP_TYPE_CREATOR pTmpTypeCreator=NULL; DWORD dwNumTypeCreators;
// Check if caller has access
if ( dwRetCode = AfpSecObjAccessCheck( AFPSVC_ALL_ACCESS, &dwAccessStatus)) { AFP_PRINT(( "SFMSVC: AfpAdminrETCMapAdd, AfpSecObjAccessCheck failed %ld\n",dwRetCode)); AfpLogEvent( AFPLOG_CANT_CHECK_ACCESS, 0, NULL, dwRetCode, EVENTLOG_ERROR_TYPE ); return( ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED ); }
if ( dwAccessStatus ) { AFP_PRINT(( "SFMSVC: AfpAdminrETCMapAdd, AfpSecObjAccessCheck returned %ld\n",dwAccessStatus)); return( ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED ); }
// MUTEX start
WaitForSingleObject( AfpGlobals.hmutexETCMap, INFINITE );
// This loop is used to allow break's instead of goto's to be used
// on an error condition.
do {
dwRetCode = NO_ERROR;
// First check to see if the type already exists.
pTypeCreator = AfpBinarySearch( pAfpTypeCreator, AfpGlobals.AfpETCMapInfo.afpetc_type_creator, AfpGlobals.AfpETCMapInfo.afpetc_num_type_creators, sizeof(AFP_TYPE_CREATOR), AfpBCompareTypeCreator );
// It exists so return error
if ( pTypeCreator != NULL ) { dwRetCode = (DWORD)AFPERR_DuplicateTypeCreator; break; }
// Set the ID for this type/creator
pAfpTypeCreator->afptc_id = ++AfpGlobals.dwCurrentTCId;
// It does not exist so add it to the registry and the cache.
if ( dwRetCode = AfpRegTypeCreatorAdd( pAfpTypeCreator ) ) break;
// Grow the cache size by one entry.
pTypeCreator = AfpGlobals.AfpETCMapInfo.afpetc_type_creator; dwNumTypeCreators = AfpGlobals.AfpETCMapInfo.afpetc_num_type_creators;
pTmpTypeCreator = (PAFP_TYPE_CREATOR)LocalReAlloc( pTypeCreator, (dwNumTypeCreators+1)*sizeof(AFP_TYPE_CREATOR), LMEM_MOVEABLE );
if ( pTmpTypeCreator == NULL ) { dwRetCode = ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; break; } pTypeCreator = pTmpTypeCreator;
pTypeCreator[dwNumTypeCreators++] = *pAfpTypeCreator;
AfpGlobals.AfpETCMapInfo.afpetc_num_type_creators = dwNumTypeCreators; AfpGlobals.AfpETCMapInfo.afpetc_type_creator = pTypeCreator;
// Sort the table
qsort( pTypeCreator, dwNumTypeCreators, sizeof(AFP_TYPE_CREATOR), AfpBCompareTypeCreator );
} while( FALSE );
// MUTEX end
ReleaseMutex( AfpGlobals.hmutexETCMap );
return( dwRetCode ); }
// Call: AfpAdminrETCMapDelete
// Returns: NO_ERROR
// AFPERR_TypeCreatorNotExistant
// non-zero returns from registry api's.
// non-zero returns from the FSD.
// Description: This routine will delete a type/creator tupple from the
// registry and the cache. If there are any extensions that map
// to this tupple, they are deleted.
// Shrinking by reallocating is not done. This will be done the
// next time an extension is added or if the server is restarted.
DWORD AfpAdminrETCMapDelete( IN AFP_SERVER_HANDLE hServer, IN PAFP_TYPE_CREATOR pAfpTypeCreator ) { AFP_REQUEST_PACKET AfpSrp; DWORD dwRetCode=0; DWORD dwAccessStatus=0; PAFP_TYPE_CREATOR pTypeCreator; AFP_EXTENSION AfpExtensionKey; PAFP_EXTENSION pExtension; PAFP_EXTENSION pExtensionWalker; DWORD cbSize; DWORD dwIndex; ETCMAPINFO2 ETCMapFSDBuf; DWORD dwCount;
// Check if caller has access
if ( dwRetCode = AfpSecObjAccessCheck( AFPSVC_ALL_ACCESS, &dwAccessStatus)) { AFP_PRINT(( "SFMSVC: AfpAdminrETCMapDelete, AfpSecObjAccessCheck failed %ld\n",dwRetCode)); AfpLogEvent( AFPLOG_CANT_CHECK_ACCESS, 0, NULL, dwRetCode, EVENTLOG_ERROR_TYPE ); return( ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED ); }
if ( dwAccessStatus ) { AFP_PRINT(( "SFMSVC: AfpAdminrETCMapDelete, AfpSecObjAccessCheck returned %ld\n",dwAccessStatus)); return( ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED ); }
// MUTEX start
WaitForSingleObject( AfpGlobals.hmutexETCMap, INFINITE );
// This loop is used to allow break's instead of goto's to be used
// on an error condition.
do {
dwRetCode = NO_ERROR;
// First check to see if the type/creator exists.
pTypeCreator = AfpBinarySearch( pAfpTypeCreator, AfpGlobals.AfpETCMapInfo.afpetc_type_creator, AfpGlobals.AfpETCMapInfo.afpetc_num_type_creators, sizeof(AFP_TYPE_CREATOR), AfpBCompareTypeCreator );
// It does not exist so return error
if ( pTypeCreator == NULL ) { dwRetCode = (DWORD)AFPERR_TypeCreatorNotExistant; break; }
// If this is the default type/creator
if ( pTypeCreator->afptc_id == AFP_DEF_TCID ) { dwRetCode = (DWORD)AFPERR_CannotDeleteDefaultTC; break; }
// Store the id of this type/creator. All extensions with this
// id will have to be deleted.
AfpExtensionKey.afpe_tcid = pTypeCreator->afptc_id;
// Walk the list of extensions and delete all entries with
// the corresponding type/creator ID
pExtension = AfpBinarySearch( &AfpExtensionKey, AfpGlobals.AfpETCMapInfo.afpetc_extension, AfpGlobals.AfpETCMapInfo.afpetc_num_extensions, sizeof(AFP_EXTENSION), AfpBCompareExtension );
if ( pExtension != NULL ) { for ( dwIndex = (DWORD)(((ULONG_PTR)pExtension - (ULONG_PTR)(AfpGlobals.AfpETCMapInfo.afpetc_extension)) / sizeof(AFP_EXTENSION)), pExtensionWalker = pExtension, dwCount = 0; ( dwIndex < AfpGlobals.AfpETCMapInfo.afpetc_num_extensions ) && ( pExtensionWalker->afpe_tcid == AfpExtensionKey.afpe_tcid );
dwIndex++, dwCount++, pExtensionWalker++ ) { // IOCTL the FSD to delete this tupple
AfpBufCopyFSDETCMapInfo( pAfpTypeCreator, pExtensionWalker, &ETCMapFSDBuf );
AfpSrp.dwRequestCode = OP_SERVER_DELETE_ETC; AfpSrp.dwApiType = AFP_API_TYPE_DELETE; AfpSrp.Type.Delete.pInputBuf = &ETCMapFSDBuf; AfpSrp.Type.Delete.cbInputBufSize = sizeof(ETCMAPINFO2);
if ( dwRetCode = AfpServerIOCtrl( &AfpSrp ) ) { break; }
// Delete this extension from the registry
if ( dwRetCode = AfpRegExtensionDelete( pExtensionWalker )) { break; } }
if ( dwRetCode ) break;
// Remove the extensions from the cache
AfpGlobals.AfpETCMapInfo.afpetc_num_extensions -= dwCount;
// Remove these extensions from the cache too
cbSize = AfpGlobals.AfpETCMapInfo.afpetc_num_extensions * sizeof(AFP_EXTENSION);
cbSize -= (DWORD)((ULONG_PTR)pExtension - (ULONG_PTR)(AfpGlobals.AfpETCMapInfo.afpetc_extension));
CopyMemory( (LPBYTE)pExtension, (LPBYTE)pExtensionWalker, cbSize );
// Delete the type/creator from the registry
if ( dwRetCode = AfpRegTypeCreatorDelete( pTypeCreator ) ) break;
// Delete the type/creator from the cache
cbSize = AfpGlobals.AfpETCMapInfo.afpetc_num_type_creators * sizeof(AFP_TYPE_CREATOR);
cbSize -= (DWORD)((ULONG_PTR)pTypeCreator - (ULONG_PTR)AfpGlobals.AfpETCMapInfo.afpetc_type_creator);
CopyMemory( (LPBYTE)pTypeCreator, (LPBYTE)((ULONG_PTR)pTypeCreator+sizeof(AFP_TYPE_CREATOR)), cbSize );
} while( FALSE );
// MUTEX end
ReleaseMutex( AfpGlobals.hmutexETCMap );
return( dwRetCode ); }
// Call: AfpAdminrETCMapSetInfo
// Returns: NO_ERROR
// AFPERR_TypeCreatorNotExistant
// AFPERR_CannotEditDefaultTC;
// non-zero returns from registry api's.
// Description: This routine will simply change the comment for a type/creator
// tupple.
DWORD AfpAdminrETCMapSetInfo( IN AFP_SERVER_HANDLE hServer, IN PAFP_TYPE_CREATOR pAfpTypeCreator ) { DWORD dwRetCode=0; DWORD dwAccessStatus=0; PAFP_TYPE_CREATOR pTypeCreator;
// Check if caller has access
if ( dwRetCode = AfpSecObjAccessCheck( AFPSVC_ALL_ACCESS, &dwAccessStatus)) { AFP_PRINT(( "SFMSVC: AfpAdminrETCMapSetInfo, AfpSecObjAccessCheck failed %ld\n",dwRetCode)); AfpLogEvent( AFPLOG_CANT_CHECK_ACCESS, 0, NULL, dwRetCode, EVENTLOG_ERROR_TYPE ); return( ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED ); }
if ( dwAccessStatus ) { AFP_PRINT(( "SFMSVC: AfpAdminrETCMapSetInfo, AfpSecObjAccessCheck returned %ld\n",dwAccessStatus)); return( ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED ); }
// MUTEX start
WaitForSingleObject( AfpGlobals.hmutexETCMap, INFINITE );
// This loop is used to allow break's instead of goto's to be used
// on an error condition.
do { dwRetCode = NO_ERROR;
// First check to see if the type/creator exists.
pTypeCreator = AfpBinarySearch( pAfpTypeCreator, AfpGlobals.AfpETCMapInfo.afpetc_type_creator, AfpGlobals.AfpETCMapInfo.afpetc_num_type_creators, sizeof(AFP_TYPE_CREATOR), AfpBCompareTypeCreator );
// It does not exist so return error
if ( pTypeCreator == NULL ) { dwRetCode = (DWORD)AFPERR_TypeCreatorNotExistant; break; }
// If this is the default type/creator
if ( pTypeCreator->afptc_id == AFP_DEF_TCID ) { dwRetCode = (DWORD)AFPERR_CannotEditDefaultTC; break; }
// Copy the id.
pAfpTypeCreator->afptc_id = pTypeCreator->afptc_id; // Set the comment in the registry
if ( dwRetCode = AfpRegTypeCreatorSetInfo( pAfpTypeCreator ) ) { break; }
// Set the comment in the cache.
STRCPY( pTypeCreator->afptc_comment, pAfpTypeCreator->afptc_comment );
} while( FALSE );
// MUTEX end
ReleaseMutex( AfpGlobals.hmutexETCMap );
return( dwRetCode ); }
// Call: AfpAdminrETCMapAssociate
// Returns: NO_ERROR
// AFPERR_TypeCreatorNotExistant
// non-zero returns from registry api's.
// non-zero returns from the FSD
// Description: This routine will associate the given extension with the
// specified type/creator if it exists. If the extension is
// being mapped to the default type/creator, it will be
// deleted.
// Check if caller has access
if ( dwRetCode = AfpSecObjAccessCheck( AFPSVC_ALL_ACCESS, &dwAccessStatus)) { AFP_PRINT(( "SFMSVC: AfpAdminrETCMapAssociate, AfpSecObjAccessCheck failed %ld\n",dwRetCode)); AfpLogEvent( AFPLOG_CANT_CHECK_ACCESS, 0, NULL, dwRetCode, EVENTLOG_ERROR_TYPE ); return( ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED ); }
if ( dwAccessStatus ) { AFP_PRINT(( "SFMSVC: AfpAdminrETCMapAssociate, AfpSecObjAccessCheck returned %ld\n",dwAccessStatus)); return( ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED ); }
// MUTEX start
WaitForSingleObject( AfpGlobals.hmutexETCMap, INFINITE );
// This loop is used to allow break's instead of goto's to be used
// on an error condition.
do { dwRetCode = NO_ERROR;
// First check to see if the type/creator pair that the
// new extension is to be associated with, exists.
pTypeCreator = AfpBinarySearch( pAfpTypeCreator, AfpGlobals.AfpETCMapInfo.afpetc_type_creator, AfpGlobals.AfpETCMapInfo.afpetc_num_type_creators, sizeof(AFP_TYPE_CREATOR), AfpBCompareTypeCreator );
// It does not exist so return error
if ( pTypeCreator == NULL ) { dwRetCode = (DWORD)AFPERR_TypeCreatorNotExistant; break; }
// Now check to see if the extension is already associated with
// a type/creator pair.
dwNumExtensions = AfpGlobals.AfpETCMapInfo.afpetc_num_extensions; pExtension = _lfind( pAfpExtension, AfpGlobals.AfpETCMapInfo.afpetc_extension, (unsigned int *)&dwNumExtensions, sizeof(AFP_EXTENSION), AfpLCompareExtension );
// Not currently associated so we need to add an entry
if ( pExtension == NULL ) { // If this extension is being associated with the default
// then simply return.
if ( pTypeCreator->afptc_id == AFP_DEF_TCID ) { dwRetCode = NO_ERROR; break; }
// Add mapping to FSD
AfpBufCopyFSDETCMapInfo( pAfpTypeCreator, pAfpExtension, &(SrvETCPkt.retc_EtcMaps[0]) );
SrvETCPkt.retc_NumEtcMaps = 1; AfpSrp.dwRequestCode = OP_SERVER_ADD_ETC; AfpSrp.dwApiType = AFP_API_TYPE_ADD; AfpSrp.Type.Add.pInputBuf = &SrvETCPkt; AfpSrp.Type.Add.cbInputBufSize = sizeof(SRVETCPKT);
if ( dwRetCode = AfpServerIOCtrl( &AfpSrp ) ) break;
// Add extension to registry.
pAfpExtension->afpe_tcid = pTypeCreator->afptc_id;
if ( dwRetCode = AfpRegExtensionSetInfo( pAfpExtension ) ) { break; } // Add extension to cache.
pExtension = AfpGlobals.AfpETCMapInfo.afpetc_extension; dwNumExtensions = AfpGlobals.AfpETCMapInfo.afpetc_num_extensions;
pTmpExtension = (PAFP_EXTENSION)LocalReAlloc( pExtension, (dwNumExtensions+1)*sizeof(AFP_EXTENSION), LMEM_MOVEABLE );
if ( pTmpExtension == NULL ) { dwRetCode = ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; break; }
pExtension = pTmpExtension;
pExtension[dwNumExtensions++] = *pAfpExtension;
AfpGlobals.AfpETCMapInfo.afpetc_num_extensions = dwNumExtensions; AfpGlobals.AfpETCMapInfo.afpetc_extension = pExtension;
// Extension is already mapped.
else {
// If this extension is being associated with the default
// then delete this extension from the registry and cache and
// delete the mapping from the FSD
if ( pTypeCreator->afptc_id == AFP_DEF_TCID ) { // IOCTL the FSD to delete this tupple
AfpBufCopyFSDETCMapInfo( pAfpTypeCreator, pAfpExtension, (PETCMAPINFO2)bETCMapFSDBuf );
AfpSrp.dwRequestCode = OP_SERVER_DELETE_ETC; AfpSrp.dwApiType = AFP_API_TYPE_DELETE; AfpSrp.Type.Delete.pInputBuf = bETCMapFSDBuf; AfpSrp.Type.Delete.cbInputBufSize = sizeof(ETCMAPINFO2);
if ( dwRetCode = AfpServerIOCtrl( &AfpSrp ) ) break;
// Delete this extension from the registry
if ( dwRetCode = AfpRegExtensionDelete( pAfpExtension ) ) { break; }
// Remove this extensions from the cache too
cbSize = AfpGlobals.AfpETCMapInfo.afpetc_num_extensions * sizeof(AFP_EXTENSION);
cbSize -= (DWORD)((ULONG_PTR)pExtension - (ULONG_PTR)(AfpGlobals.AfpETCMapInfo.afpetc_extension));
CopyMemory( (LPBYTE)pExtension, (LPBYTE)((ULONG_PTR)pExtension+sizeof(AFP_EXTENSION)), cbSize );
} else {
// Otherwise simply change the mapping in the FSD
pExtension->afpe_tcid = pTypeCreator->afptc_id;
AfpBufCopyFSDETCMapInfo(pTypeCreator, pExtension, (PETCMAPINFO2)(bETCMapFSDBuf+sizeof(SETINFOREQPKT)));
AfpSrp.dwRequestCode = OP_SERVER_SET_ETC; AfpSrp.dwApiType = AFP_API_TYPE_SETINFO; AfpSrp.Type.SetInfo.pInputBuf = bETCMapFSDBuf; AfpSrp.Type.SetInfo.cbInputBufSize = sizeof(bETCMapFSDBuf);
if ( dwRetCode = AfpServerIOCtrl( &AfpSrp ) ) break;
// Change the registry
if ( dwRetCode = AfpRegExtensionSetInfo( pExtension ) ) { break; } }
// Sort the table
qsort( AfpGlobals.AfpETCMapInfo.afpetc_extension, AfpGlobals.AfpETCMapInfo.afpetc_num_extensions, sizeof(AFP_EXTENSION), AfpBCompareExtension );
} while( FALSE );
// MUTEX end
ReleaseMutex( AfpGlobals.hmutexETCMap );
return( dwRetCode ); }