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;/*++ BUILD Version: 0001 // Increment this if a change has global effects
; ;Copyright (c) 1992 Microsoft Corporation ; ;Module Name: ; ; atkmsg.h ; ;Abstract: ; ; Definitions for AppleTalk events. ; ;Author: ; ; Nikhil Kamkolkar (nikhilk@microsoft.com) ; Jameel Hyder (jameelh@microsoft.com) ; ;Revision History: ; ;Notes: ; ; This file is generated by the MC tool from the atkmsg.mc file. ; ;--*/ ; ;#ifndef _ATKMSG_ ;#define _ATKMSG_ ;
SeverityNames=(Success=0x0:STATUS_SEVERITY_SUCCESS Informational=0x1:STATUS_SEVERITY_INFORMATIONAL Warning=0x2:STATUS_SEVERITY_WARNING Error=0x3:STATUS_SEVERITY_ERROR ) ; ;/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
;// AppleTalk Events - Start with the DDP upwards and then the glue code
;// events
; ;// Don't use %1 for insertion strings -- the I/O system provides the
;// first string (device name).
; ;//
MessageId=+1 Severity=Error SymbolicName=EVENT_ATALK_ROUTING_BIND_FAIL Language=English Not used Unable to bind to a adapter when in routing configuration. .
MessageId=+1 Severity=Error SymbolicName=EVENT_ARAP_BIND_FAIL Language=English Not used Unable to bind the ARAP adapter .
MessageId=+1 Severity=Error SymbolicName=EVENT_ARAP_NO_RESRC Language=English Not used Unable to retrieve ARAP adapter info .
MessageId=+1 Severity=Warning SymbolicName=EVENT_ATALK_INIT_NAMEREGISTERFAILED Language=English Unable to register name for node on adapter "%2". Either the name is already in use on the network or is longer than 32 characters long. Change the name of the adapter to a valid one. Unbind and rebind Appletalk protocol on the adapter. .
MessageId=+1 Severity=Informational SymbolicName=EVENT_ATALK_INIT_NAMEREGISTERED Language=English A name was successfully registered for this node via AppleTalk protocol on adapter "%2". .
MessageId=+1 Severity=Error SymbolicName=EVENT_ATALK_INVALID_PORTNAME Language=English The adapter name specified was greater than the maximum length of 32 characters allowed for adapter "%2". The adapter has been initialized with a default port name. If you change the adapter name, unbind and rebind Appletalk protocol on the adapter. .
MessageId=+1 Severity=Error SymbolicName=EVENT_ATALK_INVALID_NETRANGE Language=English Invalid network range specified for adapter "%2". Appletalk was not initialized on the adapter. Verify the values for the Network Range limits for the adapter for AppleTalk Routing are valid using the Routing and Remote Access UI. If values are modified, rebind Appletalk protocol on the adapter. .
MessageId=+1 Severity=Error SymbolicName=EVENT_ATALK_INITIAL_RANGEOVERLAP Language=English The network ranges specified for one or more adapters overlap with those of the adapter "%2". Appletalk was not initialized on the adapter. Verify the values for the Network Range limits for the adapters for AppleTalk Routing are valid using the Routing and Remote Access UI. If values are modified, rebind Appletalk protocol on the adapter. .
MessageId=+1 Severity=Warning SymbolicName=EVENT_ATALK_PRAM_OUTOFSYNC Language=English PRAM values for the network range were not within the network range specified and are being ignored for adapter "%2". .
MessageId=+1 Severity=Error SymbolicName=EVENT_ATALK_INVALID_DEFZONE Language=English Default zone specified was invalid for adapter "%2". Verify the value for the Default Zone for the adapter for AppleTalk Routing is valid using the Routing and Remote Access UI. .
MessageId=+1 Severity=Error SymbolicName=EVENT_ATALK_NO_DEFZONE Language=English No default zone was specified for adapter "%2". Verify the value for the Default Zone for the adapter for AppleTalk Routing is valid using the Routing and Remote Access UI. .
MessageId=+1 Severity=Error SymbolicName=EVENT_ATALK_INVALID_DESIREDZONE Language=English Desired zone invalid or not specified. The value was ignored and processing was continued. .
MessageId=+1 Severity=Error SymbolicName=EVENT_ATALK_INVALID_ZONEINLIST Language=English An invalid zone name specified in the zone list for adapter "%2". The error was ignored and processing was continued. .
MessageId=+1 Severity=Error SymbolicName=EVENT_ATALK_ZONE_NOTINLIST Language=English The default/desired zone name specified is not in the zone list for adapter "%2". Appletalk was not initialized on the adapter. .
MessageId=+1 Severity=Error SymbolicName=EVENT_ATALK_NO_DEFAULTPORT Language=English No adapter is configured to be the default adapter. Appletalk was not initialized on any adapter. Services over AppleTalk e.g. Print Server, File Server etc. will not be functional unless a default adapter is specified. .
MessageId=+1 Severity=Error SymbolicName=EVENT_ATALK_INVALID_DEFAULTPORT Language=English Not used An invalid adapter is configured to be the default adapter "%2". Localtalk adapters cannot be a default adapter in a routing configuration. Appletalk could not be started on the adapter. .
MessageId=+1 Severity=Error SymbolicName=EVENT_ATALK_INIT_COULDNOTGETNODE Language=English Unable to acquire a node on adapter "%2". Appletalk could not be started on the adapter. .
MessageId=+1 Severity=Error SymbolicName=EVENT_ATALK_SEEDROUTER_NONETRANGE Language=English A seeding adapter had no network range specified for adapter "%2". Appletalk could not be started on the adapter. .
MessageId=+1 Severity=Error SymbolicName=EVENT_ATALK_SEEDROUTER_NOZONELIST Language=English A seeding adapter had no zone list specified on adapter "%2". Appletalk could not be started on the adapter. .
MessageId=+1 Severity=Error SymbolicName=EVENT_ATALK_SEEDROUTER_TOOMANYZONES Language=English Not used A seeding adapter had too many zones specified on adapter "%2". The limit on zones is 255. .
MessageId=+1 Severity=Error SymbolicName=EVENT_ATALK_NONEXTENDED_ZONEINFOINVALID Language=English Not used Either the default zone was null or the zone list was empty on a LocalTalk adapter "%2". .
MessageId=+1 Severity=Error SymbolicName=EVENT_ATALK_EXTRAZONESINLIST Language=English Not used There was more than one zone specified in the zone list for a LocalTalk adapter "%2". .
MessageId=+1 Severity=Error SymbolicName=EVENT_ATALK_OPENATALKKEY Language=English Not used Unable to open the AppleTalk key in the registry. .
MessageId=+1 Severity=Error SymbolicName=EVENT_ATALK_INVALID_BINDINGS Language=English Not used Started with no bindings. The protocol must be bound to at least one adapter. .
; ;//
;// ROUTER Error Codes
MessageId=+1 Severity=Error SymbolicName=EVENT_ATALK_ROUTER_COULDNOTGETNODE Language=English Not used Unable to start the router on adapter "%2" because a node could not be acquired. .
MessageId=+1 Severity=Error SymbolicName=EVENT_ATALK_ROUTER_ZIPRTMPERROR Language=English Not used Unable to start ZIP/RTMP processes on adapter "%2". .
MessageId=+1 Severity=Error SymbolicName=EVENT_ATALK_ROUTER_RELEASENODE Language=English Not used Unable to release a node acquired on adapter "%2". .
; ;//
;// AARP Error Codes
MessageId=+1 Severity=Error SymbolicName=EVENT_ATALK_INVALIDAARPPACKET Language=English An invalid AARP packet was received on adapter "%2". .
MessageId=+1 Severity=Error SymbolicName=EVENT_ATALK_AARP_SEND_FAIL Language=English An AARP packet could not be sent on adapter "%2". .
MessageId=+1 Severity=Error SymbolicName=EVENT_ATALK_OPENZIPSOCKET Language=English The Zone Information Socket could not be opened on a new node being acquired, and the acquired node is being released on adapter "%2". .
MessageId=+1 Severity=Warning SymbolicName=EVENT_ATALK_STARTUPRANGENODE Language=English Releasing a node acquired on the adapter "%2" because the connected network is not seeded by any router on the net .
MessageId=+1 Severity=Warning SymbolicName=EVENT_ATALK_INITIALRANGENODE Language=English The node ID obtained during Appletalk initialization on adapter "%2" was assigned to another device. Current node ID was released and a new node ID was acquired from the seed router in the seeded range. .
MessageId=+1 Severity=Error SymbolicName=EVENT_ATALK_AMT_INVALIDSOURCE Language=English The Address Mapping Table for adapter "%2" was not updated because the incoming packet contained an invalid source address .
; ;//
;// ZIP Error Codes
MessageId=+1 Severity=Warning SymbolicName=EVENT_ATALK_ZIPSENDPACKET Language=English Not used Unable to send a ZIP packet on adapter "%2". .
MessageId=+1 Severity=Warning SymbolicName=EVENT_ATALK_ZIPSOCKETCLOSE Language=English Not used Unable to close a socket opened for a ZIP request on adapter "%2". .
; ;//
;// NODE Error Codes
MessageId=+1 Severity=Error SymbolicName=EVENT_ATALK_NODE_OPENSOCKETS Language=English Unable to open RTMP/NBP/EP sockets on a node created on adapter "%2". Appletalk could not be started on the adapter. .
MessageId=+1 Severity=Error SymbolicName=EVENT_ATALK_NODE_CLOSESOCKETS Language=English Not used Unable to close sockets on a node on adapter "%2" and so the node may not be released properly .
MessageId=+1 Severity=Error SymbolicName=EVENT_ATALK_CANT_CREATE_DEVICE Language=English Unable to create the device "%2". AppleTalk protocol could not be started. The error is in the data. .
; ;//
;// NDIS Level Error Codes
MessageId=+1 Severity=Error SymbolicName=EVENT_ATALK_REGISTERPROTOCOL Language=English Unable to register with the NDIS wrapper. Appletalk could not be started on the adapter. .
MessageId=+1 Severity=Error SymbolicName=EVENT_ATALK_DEREGISTERPROTOCOL Language=English Unable to deregister with the NDIS wrapper. Appletalk protocol may be in an unstable state on the adapter. .
MessageId=+1 Severity=Error SymbolicName=EVENT_ATALK_OPENADAPTER Language=English Unable to open the adapter (bind to the mac) "%2". Appletalk could not be started on the adapter. .
MessageId=+1 Severity=Warning SymbolicName=EVENT_ATALK_CLOSEADAPTER Language=English Unable to close the adapter "%2". Appletalk protocol may be in an unstable state on the adapter. .
MessageId=+1 Severity=Error SymbolicName=EVENT_ATALK_NOTBOUNDTOMAC Language=English AppleTalk is not bound to the adapter "%2". Request for the adapter was ignored. .
MessageId=+1 Severity=Warning SymbolicName=EVENT_ATALK_STATIONADDRESS Language=English Unable to get the station address for adapter "%2". The error was ignored and processing was continued. .
MessageId=+1 Severity=Warning SymbolicName=EVENT_ATALK_LOOKAHEADSIZE Language=English Unable to set the lookahead size for adapter "%2". Appletalk could not be started on the adapter. .
MessageId=+1 Severity=Warning SymbolicName=EVENT_ATALK_PACKETFILTER Language=English Unable to set the packet filter for adapter "%2". Appletalk could not be started on the adapter. .
MessageId=+1 Severity=Error SymbolicName=EVENT_ATALK_NDISREQUEST Language=English Unable to allocate resources from the NDIS wrapper. System may be low on resources. .
MessageId=+1 Severity=Error SymbolicName=EVENT_ATALK_NDISRESOURCES Language=English Unable to allocate resources from the NDIS wrapper. Appletalk could not be started on the adapter. System may be low on resources. .
MessageId=+1 Severity=Warning SymbolicName=EVENT_ATALK_AARPPACKET Language=English Not used An AARP packet was not completely available in the lookahead data from NDIS on adapter "%2". .
MessageId=+1 Severity=Warning SymbolicName=EVENT_ATALK_PACKETINVALID Language=English Packet received on adapter "%2" contained errors and is not being accepted. .
;// GENERAL Error Codes
MessageId=+1 Severity=Error SymbolicName=EVENT_ATALK_RESOURCES Language=English Unable to allocate resources. .
MessageId=+1 Severity=Error SymbolicName=EVENT_ATALK_MEMORYRESOURCES Language=English Appletalk protocol stack was unable to allocate memory. System may be low on memory. .
MessageId=+1 Severity=Error SymbolicName=EVENT_ATALK_INTERNALERROR Language=English Not used A fatal internal error was detected in the AppleTalk stack. .
MessageId=+1 Severity=Warning SymbolicName=EVENT_ATALK_RECEPTION Language=English Unable to start packet reception on the adapter "%2". Appletalk could not be started on the adapter. .
MessageId=+1 Severity=Warning SymbolicName=EVENT_ATALK_PACKETINVALID_NOPORT Language=English Not used Packet received contained errors and is not being accepted. .
MessageId=+1 Severity=Warning SymbolicName=EVENT_ATALK_NETNUMBERCONFLICT Language=English Network Number conflicts with an existing router. The error was ignored and processing was continued. .
MessageId=+1 Severity=Error SymbolicName=EVENT_ATALK_UPONMP Language=English Not used A uniprocessor driver was loaded a multiprocessor system. The driver could not load. .
; ;#endif // _ATKMSG